path: root/node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js
diff options
authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-09 17:58:07 +0100
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-09 17:58:07 +0100
commit22a25ded9f7d9c9a96cce8d1bc12475ca0434201 (patch)
tree0e33d0650fe58f41c00bbc4b8047956905766823 /node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js
parent8f54d903fb3470823a5e4d6ff4655de009836245 (diff)
Major update
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js b/node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f008b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/parse5/lib/common/foreign-content.js
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+'use strict';
+const Tokenizer = require('../tokenizer');
+const HTML = require('./html');
+const $ = HTML.TAG_NAMES;
+//MIME types
+const MIME_TYPES = {
+ TEXT_HTML: 'text/html',
+ APPLICATION_XML: 'application/xhtml+xml'
+const DEFINITION_URL_ATTR = 'definitionurl';
+ attributename: 'attributeName',
+ attributetype: 'attributeType',
+ basefrequency: 'baseFrequency',
+ baseprofile: 'baseProfile',
+ calcmode: 'calcMode',
+ clippathunits: 'clipPathUnits',
+ diffuseconstant: 'diffuseConstant',
+ edgemode: 'edgeMode',
+ filterunits: 'filterUnits',
+ glyphref: 'glyphRef',
+ gradienttransform: 'gradientTransform',
+ gradientunits: 'gradientUnits',
+ kernelmatrix: 'kernelMatrix',
+ kernelunitlength: 'kernelUnitLength',
+ keypoints: 'keyPoints',
+ keysplines: 'keySplines',
+ keytimes: 'keyTimes',
+ lengthadjust: 'lengthAdjust',
+ limitingconeangle: 'limitingConeAngle',
+ markerheight: 'markerHeight',
+ markerunits: 'markerUnits',
+ markerwidth: 'markerWidth',
+ maskcontentunits: 'maskContentUnits',
+ maskunits: 'maskUnits',
+ numoctaves: 'numOctaves',
+ pathlength: 'pathLength',
+ patterncontentunits: 'patternContentUnits',
+ patterntransform: 'patternTransform',
+ patternunits: 'patternUnits',
+ pointsatx: 'pointsAtX',
+ pointsaty: 'pointsAtY',
+ pointsatz: 'pointsAtZ',
+ preservealpha: 'preserveAlpha',
+ preserveaspectratio: 'preserveAspectRatio',
+ primitiveunits: 'primitiveUnits',
+ refx: 'refX',
+ refy: 'refY',
+ repeatcount: 'repeatCount',
+ repeatdur: 'repeatDur',
+ requiredextensions: 'requiredExtensions',
+ requiredfeatures: 'requiredFeatures',
+ specularconstant: 'specularConstant',
+ specularexponent: 'specularExponent',
+ spreadmethod: 'spreadMethod',
+ startoffset: 'startOffset',
+ stddeviation: 'stdDeviation',
+ stitchtiles: 'stitchTiles',
+ surfacescale: 'surfaceScale',
+ systemlanguage: 'systemLanguage',
+ tablevalues: 'tableValues',
+ targetx: 'targetX',
+ targety: 'targetY',
+ textlength: 'textLength',
+ viewbox: 'viewBox',
+ viewtarget: 'viewTarget',
+ xchannelselector: 'xChannelSelector',
+ ychannelselector: 'yChannelSelector',
+ zoomandpan: 'zoomAndPan'
+ 'xlink:actuate': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'actuate', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:arcrole': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'arcrole', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:href': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'href', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:role': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'role', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:show': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'show', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:title': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'title', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xlink:type': { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'type', namespace: NS.XLINK },
+ 'xml:base': { prefix: 'xml', name: 'base', namespace: NS.XML },
+ 'xml:lang': { prefix: 'xml', name: 'lang', namespace: NS.XML },
+ 'xml:space': { prefix: 'xml', name: 'space', namespace: NS.XML },
+ xmlns: { prefix: '', name: 'xmlns', namespace: NS.XMLNS },
+ 'xmlns:xlink': { prefix: 'xmlns', name: 'xlink', namespace: NS.XMLNS }
+//SVG tag names adjustment map
+ altglyph: 'altGlyph',
+ altglyphdef: 'altGlyphDef',
+ altglyphitem: 'altGlyphItem',
+ animatecolor: 'animateColor',
+ animatemotion: 'animateMotion',
+ animatetransform: 'animateTransform',
+ clippath: 'clipPath',
+ feblend: 'feBlend',
+ fecolormatrix: 'feColorMatrix',
+ fecomponenttransfer: 'feComponentTransfer',
+ fecomposite: 'feComposite',
+ feconvolvematrix: 'feConvolveMatrix',
+ fediffuselighting: 'feDiffuseLighting',
+ fedisplacementmap: 'feDisplacementMap',
+ fedistantlight: 'feDistantLight',
+ feflood: 'feFlood',
+ fefunca: 'feFuncA',
+ fefuncb: 'feFuncB',
+ fefuncg: 'feFuncG',
+ fefuncr: 'feFuncR',
+ fegaussianblur: 'feGaussianBlur',
+ feimage: 'feImage',
+ femerge: 'feMerge',
+ femergenode: 'feMergeNode',
+ femorphology: 'feMorphology',
+ feoffset: 'feOffset',
+ fepointlight: 'fePointLight',
+ fespecularlighting: 'feSpecularLighting',
+ fespotlight: 'feSpotLight',
+ fetile: 'feTile',
+ feturbulence: 'feTurbulence',
+ foreignobject: 'foreignObject',
+ glyphref: 'glyphRef',
+ lineargradient: 'linearGradient',
+ radialgradient: 'radialGradient',
+ textpath: 'textPath'
+//Tags that causes exit from foreign content
+ [$.B]: true,
+ [$.BIG]: true,
+ [$.BLOCKQUOTE]: true,
+ [$.BODY]: true,
+ [$.BR]: true,
+ [$.CENTER]: true,
+ [$.CODE]: true,
+ [$.DD]: true,
+ [$.DIV]: true,
+ [$.DL]: true,
+ [$.DT]: true,
+ [$.EM]: true,
+ [$.EMBED]: true,
+ [$.H1]: true,
+ [$.H2]: true,
+ [$.H3]: true,
+ [$.H4]: true,
+ [$.H5]: true,
+ [$.H6]: true,
+ [$.HEAD]: true,
+ [$.HR]: true,
+ [$.I]: true,
+ [$.IMG]: true,
+ [$.LI]: true,
+ [$.LISTING]: true,
+ [$.MENU]: true,
+ [$.META]: true,
+ [$.NOBR]: true,
+ [$.OL]: true,
+ [$.P]: true,
+ [$.PRE]: true,
+ [$.RUBY]: true,
+ [$.S]: true,
+ [$.SMALL]: true,
+ [$.SPAN]: true,
+ [$.STRONG]: true,
+ [$.STRIKE]: true,
+ [$.SUB]: true,
+ [$.SUP]: true,
+ [$.TABLE]: true,
+ [$.TT]: true,
+ [$.U]: true,
+ [$.UL]: true,
+ [$.VAR]: true
+//Check exit from foreign content
+exports.causesExit = function(startTagToken) {
+ const tn = startTagToken.tagName;
+ const isFontWithAttrs =
+ tn === $.FONT &&
+ (Tokenizer.getTokenAttr(startTagToken, ATTRS.COLOR) !== null ||
+ Tokenizer.getTokenAttr(startTagToken, ATTRS.SIZE) !== null ||
+ Tokenizer.getTokenAttr(startTagToken, ATTRS.FACE) !== null);
+ return isFontWithAttrs ? true : EXITS_FOREIGN_CONTENT[tn];
+//Token adjustments
+exports.adjustTokenMathMLAttrs = function(token) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < token.attrs.length; i++) {
+ if (token.attrs[i].name === DEFINITION_URL_ATTR) {
+ token.attrs[i].name = ADJUSTED_DEFINITION_URL_ATTR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+exports.adjustTokenSVGAttrs = function(token) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < token.attrs.length; i++) {
+ const adjustedAttrName = SVG_ATTRS_ADJUSTMENT_MAP[token.attrs[i].name];
+ if (adjustedAttrName) {
+ token.attrs[i].name = adjustedAttrName;
+ }
+ }
+exports.adjustTokenXMLAttrs = function(token) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < token.attrs.length; i++) {
+ const adjustedAttrEntry = XML_ATTRS_ADJUSTMENT_MAP[token.attrs[i].name];
+ if (adjustedAttrEntry) {
+ token.attrs[i].prefix = adjustedAttrEntry.prefix;
+ token.attrs[i].name = adjustedAttrEntry.name;
+ token.attrs[i].namespace = adjustedAttrEntry.namespace;
+ }
+ }
+exports.adjustTokenSVGTagName = function(token) {
+ const adjustedTagName = SVG_TAG_NAMES_ADJUSTMENT_MAP[token.tagName];
+ if (adjustedTagName) {
+ token.tagName = adjustedTagName;
+ }
+//Integration points
+function isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint(tn, ns) {
+ return ns === NS.MATHML && (tn === $.MI || tn === $.MO || tn === $.MN || tn === $.MS || tn === $.MTEXT);
+function isHtmlIntegrationPoint(tn, ns, attrs) {
+ if (ns === NS.MATHML && tn === $.ANNOTATION_XML) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
+ if (attrs[i].name === ATTRS.ENCODING) {
+ const value = attrs[i].value.toLowerCase();
+ return value === MIME_TYPES.TEXT_HTML || value === MIME_TYPES.APPLICATION_XML;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ns === NS.SVG && (tn === $.FOREIGN_OBJECT || tn === $.DESC || tn === $.TITLE);
+exports.isIntegrationPoint = function(tn, ns, attrs, foreignNS) {
+ if ((!foreignNS || foreignNS === NS.HTML) && isHtmlIntegrationPoint(tn, ns, attrs)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ((!foreignNS || foreignNS === NS.MATHML) && isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint(tn, ns)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;