path: root/node_modules/cheerio
diff options
authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-09 17:58:07 +0100
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-09 17:58:07 +0100
commit22a25ded9f7d9c9a96cce8d1bc12475ca0434201 (patch)
tree0e33d0650fe58f41c00bbc4b8047956905766823 /node_modules/cheerio
parent8f54d903fb3470823a5e4d6ff4655de009836245 (diff)
Major update
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/cheerio')
48 files changed, 5649 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/LICENSE b/node_modules/cheerio/LICENSE
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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Mueller
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/Readme.md b/node_modules/cheerio/Readme.md
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+<h1 align="center">cheerio</h1>
+<h5 align="center">Fast, flexible & lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.</h5>
+<div align="center">
+ <a href="https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio/actions?query=workflow%3ACI+branch%3Amain">
+ <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/cheeriojs/cheerio/CI/main" alt="Build Status">
+ </a>
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+ </a>
+ <a href="#backers">
+ <img src="https://img.shields.io/opencollective/backers/cheerio" alt="OpenCollective backers">
+ </a>
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+ <img src="https://img.shields.io/opencollective/sponsors/cheerio" alt="OpenCollective sponsors">
+ </a>
+[中文文档 (Chinese Readme)](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio/wiki/Chinese-README)
+const cheerio = require('cheerio');
+const $ = cheerio.load('<h2 class="title">Hello world</h2>');
+$('h2.title').text('Hello there!');
+//=> <html><head></head><body><h2 class="title welcome">Hello there!</h2></body></html>
+## Note
+We are currently working on the 1.0.0 release of cheerio on the `main` branch. The source code for the last published version, `0.22.0`, can be found [here](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio/tree/aa90399c9c02f12432bfff97b8f1c7d8ece7c307).
+## Installation
+`npm install cheerio`
+## Features
+**&#10084; Familiar syntax:**
+Cheerio implements a subset of core jQuery. Cheerio removes all the DOM inconsistencies and browser cruft from the jQuery library, revealing its truly gorgeous API.
+**&#991; Blazingly fast:**
+Cheerio works with a very simple, consistent DOM model. As a result parsing, manipulating, and rendering are incredibly efficient.
+**&#10049; Incredibly flexible:**
+Cheerio wraps around [parse5](https://github.com/inikulin/parse5) parser and can optionally use @FB55's forgiving [htmlparser2](https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2/). Cheerio can parse nearly any HTML or XML document.
+## Cheerio is not a web browser
+Cheerio parses markup and provides an API for traversing/manipulating the resulting data structure. It does not interpret the result as a web browser does. Specifically, it does _not_ produce a visual rendering, apply CSS, load external resources, or execute JavaScript. This makes Cheerio **much, much faster than other solutions**. If your use case requires any of this functionality, you should consider projects like [Puppeteer](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer) or [JSDom](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom).
+## API
+### Markup example we'll be using:
+<ul id="fruits">
+ <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+This is the HTML markup we will be using in all of the API examples.
+### Loading
+First you need to load in the HTML. This step in jQuery is implicit, since jQuery operates on the one, baked-in DOM. With Cheerio, we need to pass in the HTML document.
+This is the _preferred_ method:
+// ES6 or TypeScript:
+import * as cheerio from 'cheerio';
+// In other environments:
+const cheerio = require('cheerio');
+const $ = cheerio.load('<ul id="fruits">...</ul>');
+//=> <html><head></head><body><ul id="fruits">...</ul></body></html>
+Similar to web browser contexts, `load` will introduce `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` elements if they are not already present. You can set `load`'s third argument to `false` to disable this.
+const $ = cheerio.load('<ul id="fruits">...</ul>', null, false);
+//=> '<ul id="fruits">...</ul>'
+Optionally, you can also load in the HTML by passing the string as the context:
+$('ul', '<ul id="fruits">...</ul>');
+Or as the root:
+$('li', 'ul', '<ul id="fruits">...</ul>');
+If you need to modify parsing options for XML input, you may pass an extra
+object to `.load()`:
+const $ = cheerio.load('<ul id="fruits">...</ul>', {
+ xml: {
+ normalizeWhitespace: true,
+ },
+The options in the `xml` object are taken directly from [htmlparser2](https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2/wiki/Parser-options), therefore any options that can be used in `htmlparser2` are valid in cheerio as well. When `xml` is set, the default options are:
+ xmlMode: true,
+ decodeEntities: true, // Decode HTML entities.
+ withStartIndices: false, // Add a `startIndex` property to nodes.
+ withEndIndices: false, // Add an `endIndex` property to nodes.
+For a full list of options and their effects, see [domhandler](https://github.com/fb55/DomHandler) and
+[htmlparser2's options](https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2/wiki/Parser-options).
+Some users may wish to parse markup with the `htmlparser2` library, and
+traverse/manipulate the resulting structure with Cheerio. This may be the case
+for those upgrading from pre-1.0 releases of Cheerio (which relied on
+`htmlparser2`), for those dealing with invalid markup (because `htmlparser2` is
+more forgiving), or for those operating in performance-critical situations
+(because `htmlparser2` may be faster in some cases). Note that "more forgiving"
+means `htmlparser2` has error-correcting mechanisms that aren't always a match
+for the standards observed by web browsers. This behavior may be useful when
+parsing non-HTML content.
+To support these cases, `load` also accepts a `htmlparser2`-compatible data
+structure as its first argument. Users may install `htmlparser2`, use it to
+parse input, and pass the result to `load`:
+// Usage as of htmlparser2 version 6:
+const htmlparser2 = require('htmlparser2');
+const dom = htmlparser2.parseDocument(document, options);
+const $ = cheerio.load(dom);
+### Selectors
+Cheerio's selector implementation is nearly identical to jQuery's, so the API is very similar.
+#### \$( selector, [context], [root] )
+`selector` searches within the `context` scope which searches within the `root` scope. `selector` and `context` can be a string expression, DOM Element, array of DOM elements, or cheerio object. `root` is typically the HTML document string.
+This selector method is the starting point for traversing and manipulating the document. Like jQuery, it's the primary method for selecting elements in the document.
+$('.apple', '#fruits').text();
+//=> Apple
+$('ul .pear').attr('class');
+//=> pear
+//=> Orange
+##### XML Namespaces
+You can select with XML Namespaces but [due to the CSS specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#attribute-selectors), the colon (`:`) needs to be escaped for the selector to be valid.
+### Rendering
+When you're ready to render the document, you can call the `html` method on the "root" selection:
+//=> <html>
+// <head></head>
+// <body>
+// <ul id="fruits">
+// <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+// <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+// <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+// </ul>
+// </body>
+// </html>
+If you want to render the [`outerHTML`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/outerHTML) of a selection, you can use the `html` utility functon:
+//=> <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+By default, `html` will leave some tags open. Sometimes you may instead want to render a valid XML document. For example, you might parse the following XML snippet:
+const $ = cheerio.load(
+ '<media:thumbnail url="http://www.foo.com/keyframe.jpg" width="75" height="50" time="12:05:01.123"/>'
+... and later want to render to XML. To do this, you can use the 'xml' utility function:
+//=> <media:thumbnail url="http://www.foo.com/keyframe.jpg" width="75" height="50" time="12:05:01.123"/>
+You may also render the text content of a Cheerio object using the `text` static method:
+const $ = cheerio.load('This is <em>content</em>.');
+//=> This is content.
+### Plugins
+Once you have loaded a document, you may extend the prototype or the equivalent `fn` property with custom plugin methods:
+const $ = cheerio.load('<html><body>Hello, <b>world</b>!</body></html>');
+$.prototype.logHtml = function () {
+ console.log(this.html());
+$('body').logHtml(); // logs "Hello, <b>world</b>!" to the console
+If you're using TypeScript, you should also add a type definition for your new method:
+declare module 'cheerio' {
+ interface Cheerio<T> {
+ logHtml(this: Cheerio<T>): void;
+ }
+### The "DOM Node" object
+Cheerio collections are made up of objects that bear some resemblance to [browser-based DOM nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node). You can expect them to define the following properties:
+- `tagName`
+- `parentNode`
+- `previousSibling`
+- `nextSibling`
+- `nodeValue`
+- `firstChild`
+- `childNodes`
+- `lastChild`
+## Screencasts
+> This video tutorial is a follow-up to Nettut's "How to Scrape Web Pages with Node.js and jQuery", using cheerio instead of JSDOM + jQuery. This video shows how easy it is to use cheerio and how much faster cheerio is than JSDOM + jQuery.
+## Cheerio in the real world
+Are you using cheerio in production? Add it to the [wiki](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio/wiki/Cheerio-in-Production)!
+## Sponsors
+Does your company use Cheerio in production? Please consider [sponsoring this project](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio?sponsor=1)! Your help will allow maintainers to dedicate more time and resources to its development and support.
+<!-- BEGIN SPONSORS: sponsor -->
+<a href="https://substack.com/" target="_blank">![Substack](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/53023767?v=4&s=128)</a>
+<a href="https://www.airbnb.com/" target="_blank">![Airbnb](https://images.opencollective.com/airbnb/d327d66/logo.png)</a>
+<!-- END SPONSORS -->
+## Backers
+[Become a backer](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio?sponsor=1) to show your support for Cheerio and help us maintain and improve this open source project.
+<!-- BEGIN SPONSORS: backer -->
+<a href="https://medium.com/norch" target="_blank">![Espen Klem](https://images.opencollective.com/espenklem/6075b19/avatar.png)</a>
+<a href="https://nishant-singh.com" target="_blank">![Nishant Singh](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/10304344?u=9cd1389a1a8211b64979ca3693f96d90f5bf0be9&v=4&s=128)</a>
+<!-- END SPONSORS -->
+## Special Thanks
+This library stands on the shoulders of some incredible developers. A special thanks to:
+**&#8226; @FB55 for node-htmlparser2 & CSSSelect:**
+Felix has a knack for writing speedy parsing engines. He completely re-wrote both @tautologistic's `node-htmlparser` and @harry's `node-soupselect` from the ground up, making both of them much faster and more flexible. Cheerio would not be possible without his foundational work
+**&#8226; @jQuery team for jQuery:**
+The core API is the best of its class and despite dealing with all the browser inconsistencies the code base is extremely clean and easy to follow. Much of cheerio's implementation and documentation is from jQuery. Thanks guys.
+**&#8226; @visionmedia:**
+The style, the structure, the open-source"-ness" of this library comes from studying TJ's style and using many of his libraries. This dude consistently pumps out high-quality libraries and has always been more than willing to help or answer questions. You rock TJ.
+## License
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/attributes.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/attributes.d.ts
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index 0000000..208b0c7
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/attributes.d.ts
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+ * Methods for getting and modifying attributes.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/attributes
+ */
+import type { Node, Element } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from '../cheerio';
+ * Method for getting attributes. Gets the attribute value for only the first
+ * element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the attribute.
+ * @returns The attribute's value.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/attr/}
+ */
+export declare function attr<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string): string | undefined;
+ * Method for getting all attributes and their values of the first element in
+ * the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').attr();
+ * //=> { id: 'fruits' }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The attribute's values.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/attr/}
+ */
+export declare function attr<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Record<string, string>;
+ * Method for setting attributes. Sets the attribute value for only the first
+ * element in the matched set. If you set an attribute's value to `null`, you
+ * remove that attribute. You may also pass a `map` and `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').attr('id', 'favorite').html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple" id="favorite">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the attribute.
+ * @param value - The new value of the attribute.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/attr/}
+ */
+export declare function attr<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string, value?: string | null | ((this: Element, i: number, attrib: string) => string | null)): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Method for setting multiple attributes at once. Sets the attribute value for
+ * only the first element in the matched set. If you set an attribute's value to
+ * `null`, you remove that attribute.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').attr({ id: 'favorite' }).html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple" id="favorite">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param values - Map of attribute names and values.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/attr/}
+ */
+export declare function attr<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, values: Record<string, string | null>): Cheerio<T>;
+interface StyleProp {
+ length: number;
+ [key: string]: string | number;
+ [index: number]: string;
+ * Method for getting and setting properties. Gets the property value for only
+ * the first element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked');
+ * //=> false
+ *
+ * $('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true).val();
+ * //=> ok
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the property.
+ * @param value - If specified set the property to this.
+ * @returns If `value` is specified the instance itself, otherwise the prop's value.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prop/}
+ */
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: 'tagName' | 'nodeName'): T extends Element ? string : undefined;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: 'innerHTML' | 'outerHTML'): string | null;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: 'style'): StyleProp;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node, K extends keyof Element>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: K): Element[K];
+export declare function prop<T extends Node, K extends keyof Element>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: K, value: Element[K] | ((this: Element, i: number, prop: K) => Element[keyof Element])): Cheerio<T>;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: Record<string, string | Element[keyof Element] | boolean>): Cheerio<T>;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string, value: string | boolean | null | ((this: Element, i: number, prop: string) => string | boolean)): Cheerio<T>;
+export declare function prop<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string): string;
+ * Method for getting data attributes, for only the first element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<div data-apple-color="red"></div>').data('apple-color');
+ * //=> 'red'
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the data attribute.
+ * @returns The data attribute's value.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/data/}
+ */
+export declare function data<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string): unknown | undefined;
+ * Method for getting all of an element's data attributes, for only the first
+ * element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<div data-apple-color="red"></div>').data();
+ * //=> { appleColor: 'red' }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The data attribute's values.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/data/}
+ */
+export declare function data<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Record<string, unknown>;
+ * Method for setting data attributes, for only the first element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const apple = $('.apple').data('kind', 'mac');
+ *
+ * apple.data('kind');
+ * //=> 'mac'
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the data attribute.
+ * @param value - The new value.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/data/}
+ */
+export declare function data<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string, value: unknown): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Method for setting multiple data attributes at once, for only the first
+ * element in the matched set.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const apple = $('.apple').data({ kind: 'mac' });
+ *
+ * apple.data('kind');
+ * //=> 'mac'
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param values - Map of names to values.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/data/}
+ */
+export declare function data<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, values: Record<string, unknown>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Method for getting the value of input, select, and textarea. Note: Support
+ * for `map`, and `function` has not been added yet.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('input[type="text"]').val();
+ * //=> input_text
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The value.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/val/}
+ */
+export declare function val<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): string | undefined | string[];
+ * Method for setting the value of input, select, and textarea. Note: Support
+ * for `map`, and `function` has not been added yet.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('input[type="text"]').val('test').html();
+ * //=> <input type="text" value="test"/>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param value - The new value.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/val/}
+ */
+export declare function val<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, value: string | string[]): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Method for removing attributes by `name`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').removeAttr('class').html();
+ * //=> <li>Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').attr('id', 'favorite');
+ * $('.apple').removeAttr('id class').html();
+ * //=> <li>Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the attribute.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/removeAttr/}
+ */
+export declare function removeAttr<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Check to see if *any* of the matched elements have the given `className`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').hasClass('pear');
+ * //=> true
+ *
+ * $('apple').hasClass('fruit');
+ * //=> false
+ *
+ * $('li').hasClass('pear');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param className - Name of the class.
+ * @returns Indicates if an element has the given `className`.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/hasClass/}
+ */
+export declare function hasClass<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, className: string): boolean;
+ * Adds class(es) to all of the matched elements. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').addClass('fruit').html();
+ * //=> <li class="pear fruit">Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').addClass('fruit red').html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple fruit red">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param value - Name of new class.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/addClass/}
+ */
+export declare function addClass<T extends Node, R extends ArrayLike<T>>(this: R, value?: string | ((this: Element, i: number, className: string) => string | undefined)): R;
+ * Removes one or more space-separated classes from the selected elements. If no
+ * `className` is defined, all classes will be removed. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').removeClass('pear').html();
+ * //=> <li class="">Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').addClass('red').removeClass().html();
+ * //=> <li class="">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the class. If not specified, removes all elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/removeClass/}
+ */
+export declare function removeClass<T extends Node, R extends ArrayLike<T>>(this: R, name?: string | ((this: Element, i: number, className: string) => string | undefined)): R;
+ * Add or remove class(es) from the matched elements, depending on either the
+ * class's presence or the value of the switch argument. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple.green').toggleClass('fruit green red').html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple fruit red">Apple</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple.green').toggleClass('fruit green red', true).html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple green fruit red">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param value - Name of the class. Can also be a function.
+ * @param stateVal - If specified the state of the class.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/toggleClass/}
+ */
+export declare function toggleClass<T extends Node, R extends ArrayLike<T>>(this: R, value?: string | ((this: Element, i: number, className: string, stateVal?: boolean) => string), stateVal?: boolean): R;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=attributes.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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+"use strict";
+ * Methods for getting and modifying attributes.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/attributes
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.toggleClass = exports.removeClass = exports.addClass = exports.hasClass = exports.removeAttr = exports.val = exports.data = exports.prop = exports.attr = void 0;
+var static_1 = require("../static");
+var utils_1 = require("../utils");
+var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var rspace = /\s+/;
+var dataAttrPrefix = 'data-';
+ * Lookup table for coercing string data-* attributes to their corresponding
+ * JavaScript primitives
+ */
+var primitives = {
+ null: null,
+ true: true,
+ false: false,
+// Attributes that are booleans
+var rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i;
+// Matches strings that look like JSON objects or arrays
+var rbrace = /^{[^]*}$|^\[[^]*]$/;
+function getAttr(elem, name, xmlMode) {
+ var _a;
+ if (!elem || !utils_1.isTag(elem))
+ return undefined;
+ (_a = elem.attribs) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (elem.attribs = {});
+ // Return the entire attribs object if no attribute specified
+ if (!name) {
+ return elem.attribs;
+ }
+ if (hasOwn.call(elem.attribs, name)) {
+ // Get the (decoded) attribute
+ return !xmlMode && rboolean.test(name) ? name : elem.attribs[name];
+ }
+ // Mimic the DOM and return text content as value for `option's`
+ if (elem.name === 'option' && name === 'value') {
+ return static_1.text(elem.children);
+ }
+ // Mimic DOM with default value for radios/checkboxes
+ if (elem.name === 'input' &&
+ (elem.attribs.type === 'radio' || elem.attribs.type === 'checkbox') &&
+ name === 'value') {
+ return 'on';
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ * Sets the value of an attribute. The attribute will be deleted if the value is `null`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el - The element to set the attribute on.
+ * @param name - The attribute's name.
+ * @param value - The attribute's value.
+ */
+function setAttr(el, name, value) {
+ if (value === null) {
+ removeAttribute(el, name);
+ }
+ else {
+ el.attribs[name] = "" + value;
+ }
+function attr(name, value) {
+ // Set the value (with attr map support)
+ if (typeof name === 'object' || value !== undefined) {
+ if (typeof value === 'function') {
+ if (typeof name !== 'string') {
+ {
+ throw new Error('Bad combination of arguments.');
+ }
+ }
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el))
+ setAttr(el, name, value.call(el, i, el.attribs[name]));
+ });
+ }
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!utils_1.isTag(el))
+ return;
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ Object.keys(name).forEach(function (objName) {
+ var objValue = name[objName];
+ setAttr(el, objName, objValue);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ setAttr(el, name, value);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return arguments.length > 1
+ ? this
+ : getAttr(this[0], name, this.options.xmlMode);
+exports.attr = attr;
+ * Gets a node's prop.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @param el - Elenent to get the prop of.
+ * @param name - Name of the prop.
+ * @returns The prop's value.
+ */
+function getProp(el, name, xmlMode) {
+ if (!el || !utils_1.isTag(el))
+ return;
+ return name in el
+ ? // @ts-expect-error TS doesn't like us accessing the value directly here.
+ el[name]
+ : !xmlMode && rboolean.test(name)
+ ? getAttr(el, name, false) !== undefined
+ : getAttr(el, name, xmlMode);
+ * Sets the value of a prop.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el - The element to set the prop on.
+ * @param name - The prop's name.
+ * @param value - The prop's value.
+ */
+function setProp(el, name, value, xmlMode) {
+ if (name in el) {
+ // @ts-expect-error Overriding value
+ el[name] = value;
+ }
+ else {
+ setAttr(el, name, !xmlMode && rboolean.test(name) ? (value ? '' : null) : "" + value);
+ }
+function prop(name, value) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (typeof name === 'string' && value === undefined) {
+ switch (name) {
+ case 'style': {
+ var property_1 = this.css();
+ var keys = Object.keys(property_1);
+ keys.forEach(function (p, i) {
+ property_1[i] = p;
+ });
+ property_1.length = keys.length;
+ return property_1;
+ }
+ case 'tagName':
+ case 'nodeName': {
+ var el = this[0];
+ return utils_1.isTag(el) ? el.name.toUpperCase() : undefined;
+ }
+ case 'outerHTML':
+ return this.clone().wrap('<container />').parent().html();
+ case 'innerHTML':
+ return this.html();
+ default:
+ return getProp(this[0], name, this.options.xmlMode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof name === 'object' || value !== undefined) {
+ if (typeof value === 'function') {
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ throw new Error('Bad combination of arguments.');
+ }
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el))
+ setProp(el, name, value.call(el, i, getProp(el, name, _this.options.xmlMode)), _this.options.xmlMode);
+ });
+ }
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!utils_1.isTag(el))
+ return;
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ Object.keys(name).forEach(function (key) {
+ var val = name[key];
+ setProp(el, key, val, _this.options.xmlMode);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ setProp(el, name, value, _this.options.xmlMode);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return undefined;
+exports.prop = prop;
+ * Sets the value of a data attribute.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el - The element to set the data attribute on.
+ * @param name - The data attribute's name.
+ * @param value - The data attribute's value.
+ */
+function setData(el, name, value) {
+ var _a;
+ var elem = el;
+ (_a = elem.data) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (elem.data = {});
+ if (typeof name === 'object')
+ Object.assign(elem.data, name);
+ else if (typeof name === 'string' && value !== undefined) {
+ elem.data[name] = value;
+ }
+ * Read the specified attribute from the equivalent HTML5 `data-*` attribute,
+ * and (if present) cache the value in the node's internal data store. If no
+ * attribute name is specified, read *all* HTML5 `data-*` attributes in this manner.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @param el - Elenent to get the data attribute of.
+ * @param name - Name of the data attribute.
+ * @returns The data attribute's value, or a map with all of the data attribute.
+ */
+function readData(el, name) {
+ var domNames;
+ var jsNames;
+ var value;
+ if (name == null) {
+ domNames = Object.keys(el.attribs).filter(function (attrName) {
+ return attrName.startsWith(dataAttrPrefix);
+ });
+ jsNames = domNames.map(function (domName) {
+ return utils_1.camelCase(domName.slice(dataAttrPrefix.length));
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ domNames = [dataAttrPrefix + utils_1.cssCase(name)];
+ jsNames = [name];
+ }
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < domNames.length; ++idx) {
+ var domName = domNames[idx];
+ var jsName = jsNames[idx];
+ if (hasOwn.call(el.attribs, domName) &&
+ !hasOwn.call(el.data, jsName)) {
+ value = el.attribs[domName];
+ if (hasOwn.call(primitives, value)) {
+ value = primitives[value];
+ }
+ else if (value === String(Number(value))) {
+ value = Number(value);
+ }
+ else if (rbrace.test(value)) {
+ try {
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ /* Ignore */
+ }
+ }
+ el.data[jsName] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return name == null ? el.data : value;
+function data(name, value) {
+ var _a;
+ var elem = this[0];
+ if (!elem || !utils_1.isTag(elem))
+ return;
+ var dataEl = elem;
+ (_a = dataEl.data) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (dataEl.data = {});
+ // Return the entire data object if no data specified
+ if (!name) {
+ return readData(dataEl);
+ }
+ // Set the value (with attr map support)
+ if (typeof name === 'object' || value !== undefined) {
+ utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el))
+ if (typeof name === 'object')
+ setData(el, name);
+ else
+ setData(el, name, value);
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (hasOwn.call(dataEl.data, name)) {
+ return dataEl.data[name];
+ }
+ return readData(dataEl, name);
+exports.data = data;
+function val(value) {
+ var querying = arguments.length === 0;
+ var element = this[0];
+ if (!element || !utils_1.isTag(element))
+ return querying ? undefined : this;
+ switch (element.name) {
+ case 'textarea':
+ return this.text(value);
+ case 'select': {
+ var option = this.find('option:selected');
+ if (!querying) {
+ if (this.attr('multiple') == null && typeof value === 'object') {
+ return this;
+ }
+ this.find('option').removeAttr('selected');
+ var values = typeof value !== 'object' ? [value] : value;
+ for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+ this.find("option[value=\"" + values[i] + "\"]").attr('selected', '');
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.attr('multiple')
+ ? option.toArray().map(function (el) { return static_1.text(el.children); })
+ : option.attr('value');
+ }
+ case 'input':
+ case 'option':
+ return querying
+ ? this.attr('value')
+ : this.attr('value', value);
+ }
+ return undefined;
+exports.val = val;
+ * Remove an attribute.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param elem - Node to remove attribute from.
+ * @param name - Name of the attribute to remove.
+ */
+function removeAttribute(elem, name) {
+ if (!elem.attribs || !hasOwn.call(elem.attribs, name))
+ return;
+ delete elem.attribs[name];
+ * Splits a space-separated list of names to individual names.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @param names - Names to split.
+ * @returns - Split names.
+ */
+function splitNames(names) {
+ return names ? names.trim().split(rspace) : [];
+ * Method for removing attributes by `name`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').removeAttr('class').html();
+ * //=> <li>Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').attr('id', 'favorite');
+ * $('.apple').removeAttr('id class').html();
+ * //=> <li>Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the attribute.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/removeAttr/}
+ */
+function removeAttr(name) {
+ var attrNames = splitNames(name);
+ var _loop_1 = function (i) {
+ utils_1.domEach(this_1, function (elem) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(elem))
+ removeAttribute(elem, attrNames[i]);
+ });
+ };
+ var this_1 = this;
+ for (var i = 0; i < attrNames.length; i++) {
+ _loop_1(i);
+ }
+ return this;
+exports.removeAttr = removeAttr;
+ * Check to see if *any* of the matched elements have the given `className`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').hasClass('pear');
+ * //=> true
+ *
+ * $('apple').hasClass('fruit');
+ * //=> false
+ *
+ * $('li').hasClass('pear');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param className - Name of the class.
+ * @returns Indicates if an element has the given `className`.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/hasClass/}
+ */
+function hasClass(className) {
+ return this.toArray().some(function (elem) {
+ var clazz = utils_1.isTag(elem) && elem.attribs.class;
+ var idx = -1;
+ if (clazz && className.length) {
+ while ((idx = clazz.indexOf(className, idx + 1)) > -1) {
+ var end = idx + className.length;
+ if ((idx === 0 || rspace.test(clazz[idx - 1])) &&
+ (end === clazz.length || rspace.test(clazz[end]))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+exports.hasClass = hasClass;
+ * Adds class(es) to all of the matched elements. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').addClass('fruit').html();
+ * //=> <li class="pear fruit">Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').addClass('fruit red').html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple fruit red">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param value - Name of new class.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/addClass/}
+ */
+function addClass(value) {
+ // Support functions
+ if (typeof value === 'function') {
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el)) {
+ var className = el.attribs.class || '';
+ addClass.call([el], value.call(el, i, className));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Return if no value or not a string or function
+ if (!value || typeof value !== 'string')
+ return this;
+ var classNames = value.split(rspace);
+ var numElements = this.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
+ var el = this[i];
+ // If selected element isn't a tag, move on
+ if (!utils_1.isTag(el))
+ continue;
+ // If we don't already have classes — always set xmlMode to false here, as it doesn't matter for classes
+ var className = getAttr(el, 'class', false);
+ if (!className) {
+ setAttr(el, 'class', classNames.join(' ').trim());
+ }
+ else {
+ var setClass = " " + className + " ";
+ // Check if class already exists
+ for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) {
+ var appendClass = classNames[j] + " ";
+ if (!setClass.includes(" " + appendClass))
+ setClass += appendClass;
+ }
+ setAttr(el, 'class', setClass.trim());
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+exports.addClass = addClass;
+ * Removes one or more space-separated classes from the selected elements. If no
+ * `className` is defined, all classes will be removed. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').removeClass('pear').html();
+ * //=> <li class="">Pear</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple').addClass('red').removeClass().html();
+ * //=> <li class="">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name - Name of the class. If not specified, removes all elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/removeClass/}
+ */
+function removeClass(name) {
+ // Handle if value is a function
+ if (typeof name === 'function') {
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el))
+ removeClass.call([el], name.call(el, i, el.attribs.class || ''));
+ });
+ }
+ var classes = splitNames(name);
+ var numClasses = classes.length;
+ var removeAll = arguments.length === 0;
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!utils_1.isTag(el))
+ return;
+ if (removeAll) {
+ // Short circuit the remove all case as this is the nice one
+ el.attribs.class = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ var elClasses = splitNames(el.attribs.class);
+ var changed = false;
+ for (var j = 0; j < numClasses; j++) {
+ var index = elClasses.indexOf(classes[j]);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ elClasses.splice(index, 1);
+ changed = true;
+ /*
+ * We have to do another pass to ensure that there are not duplicate
+ * classes listed
+ */
+ j--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed) {
+ el.attribs.class = elClasses.join(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+exports.removeClass = removeClass;
+ * Add or remove class(es) from the matched elements, depending on either the
+ * class's presence or the value of the switch argument. Also accepts a `function`.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple.green').toggleClass('fruit green red').html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple fruit red">Apple</li>
+ *
+ * $('.apple.green').toggleClass('fruit green red', true).html();
+ * //=> <li class="apple green fruit red">Apple</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param value - Name of the class. Can also be a function.
+ * @param stateVal - If specified the state of the class.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/toggleClass/}
+ */
+function toggleClass(value, stateVal) {
+ // Support functions
+ if (typeof value === 'function') {
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el)) {
+ toggleClass.call([el], value.call(el, i, el.attribs.class || '', stateVal), stateVal);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Return if no value or not a string or function
+ if (!value || typeof value !== 'string')
+ return this;
+ var classNames = value.split(rspace);
+ var numClasses = classNames.length;
+ var state = typeof stateVal === 'boolean' ? (stateVal ? 1 : -1) : 0;
+ var numElements = this.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
+ var el = this[i];
+ // If selected element isn't a tag, move on
+ if (!utils_1.isTag(el))
+ continue;
+ var elementClasses = splitNames(el.attribs.class);
+ // Check if class already exists
+ for (var j = 0; j < numClasses; j++) {
+ // Check if the class name is currently defined
+ var index = elementClasses.indexOf(classNames[j]);
+ // Add if stateValue === true or we are toggling and there is no value
+ if (state >= 0 && index < 0) {
+ elementClasses.push(classNames[j]);
+ }
+ else if (state <= 0 && index >= 0) {
+ // Otherwise remove but only if the item exists
+ elementClasses.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ el.attribs.class = elementClasses.join(' ');
+ }
+ return this;
+exports.toggleClass = toggleClass;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f63d3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import type { Element, Node } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from '../cheerio';
+ * Get the value of a style property for the first element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param names - Optionally the names of the property of interest.
+ * @returns A map of all of the style properties.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/css/}
+ */
+export declare function css<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, names?: string[]): Record<string, string>;
+ * Get the value of a style property for the first element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param names - The name of the property.
+ * @returns The property value for the given name.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/css/}
+ */
+export declare function css<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, name: string): string | undefined;
+ * Set one CSS property for every matched element.
+ *
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param prop - The name of the property.
+ * @param val - The new value.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/css/}
+ */
+export declare function css<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, prop: string, val: string | ((this: Element, i: number, style: string) => string | undefined)): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Set multiple CSS properties for every matched element.
+ *
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param prop - The name of the property.
+ * @param val - The new value.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/css/}
+ */
+export declare function css<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, prop: Record<string, string>): Cheerio<T>;
+//# sourceMappingURL=css.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2e7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7ad09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/css.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.css = void 0;
+var utils_1 = require("../utils");
+function css(prop, val) {
+ if ((prop != null && val != null) ||
+ // When `prop` is a "plain" object
+ (typeof prop === 'object' && !Array.isArray(prop))) {
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (utils_1.isTag(el)) {
+ // `prop` can't be an array here anymore.
+ setCss(el, prop, val, i);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return getCss(this[0], prop);
+exports.css = css;
+ * Set styles of all elements.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el - Element to set style of.
+ * @param prop - Name of property.
+ * @param value - Value to set property to.
+ * @param idx - Optional index within the selection.
+ */
+function setCss(el, prop, value, idx) {
+ if (typeof prop === 'string') {
+ var styles = getCss(el);
+ var val = typeof value === 'function' ? value.call(el, idx, styles[prop]) : value;
+ if (val === '') {
+ delete styles[prop];
+ }
+ else if (val != null) {
+ styles[prop] = val;
+ }
+ el.attribs.style = stringify(styles);
+ }
+ else if (typeof prop === 'object') {
+ Object.keys(prop).forEach(function (k, i) {
+ setCss(el, k, prop[k], i);
+ });
+ }
+function getCss(el, prop) {
+ if (!el || !utils_1.isTag(el))
+ return;
+ var styles = parse(el.attribs.style);
+ if (typeof prop === 'string') {
+ return styles[prop];
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(prop)) {
+ var newStyles_1 = {};
+ prop.forEach(function (item) {
+ if (styles[item] != null) {
+ newStyles_1[item] = styles[item];
+ }
+ });
+ return newStyles_1;
+ }
+ return styles;
+ * Stringify `obj` to styles.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param obj - Object to stringify.
+ * @returns The serialized styles.
+ */
+function stringify(obj) {
+ return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function (str, prop) { return "" + str + (str ? ' ' : '') + prop + ": " + obj[prop] + ";"; }, '');
+ * Parse `styles`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category CSS
+ * @param styles - Styles to be parsed.
+ * @returns The parsed styles.
+ */
+function parse(styles) {
+ styles = (styles || '').trim();
+ if (!styles)
+ return {};
+ return styles.split(';').reduce(function (obj, str) {
+ var n = str.indexOf(':');
+ // Skip if there is no :, or if it is the first/last character
+ if (n < 1 || n === str.length - 1)
+ return obj;
+ obj[str.slice(0, n).trim()] = str.slice(n + 1).trim();
+ return obj;
+ }, {});
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f8739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import type { Node } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from '../cheerio';
+ * Encode a set of form elements as a string for submission.
+ *
+ * @category Forms
+ * @returns The serialized form.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/serialize/}
+ */
+export declare function serialize<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): string;
+interface SerializedField {
+ name: string;
+ value: string;
+ * Encode a set of form elements as an array of names and values.
+ *
+ * @category Forms
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<form><input name="foo" value="bar" /></form>').serializeArray();
+ * //=> [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' } ]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The serialized form.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/serializeArray/}
+ */
+export declare function serializeArray<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): SerializedField[];
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=forms.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee25744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e881c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/forms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.serializeArray = exports.serialize = void 0;
+var utils_1 = require("../utils");
+ * https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/2.1.3/src/manipulation/var/rcheckableType.js
+ * https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/2.1.3/src/serialize.js
+ */
+var submittableSelector = 'input,select,textarea,keygen';
+var r20 = /%20/g;
+var rCRLF = /\r?\n/g;
+ * Encode a set of form elements as a string for submission.
+ *
+ * @category Forms
+ * @returns The serialized form.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/serialize/}
+ */
+function serialize() {
+ // Convert form elements into name/value objects
+ var arr = this.serializeArray();
+ // Serialize each element into a key/value string
+ var retArr = arr.map(function (data) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(data.name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data.value);
+ });
+ // Return the resulting serialization
+ return retArr.join('&').replace(r20, '+');
+exports.serialize = serialize;
+ * Encode a set of form elements as an array of names and values.
+ *
+ * @category Forms
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<form><input name="foo" value="bar" /></form>').serializeArray();
+ * //=> [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' } ]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The serialized form.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/serializeArray/}
+ */
+function serializeArray() {
+ var _this = this;
+ // Resolve all form elements from either forms or collections of form elements
+ return this.map(function (_, elem) {
+ var $elem = _this._make(elem);
+ if (utils_1.isTag(elem) && elem.name === 'form') {
+ return $elem.find(submittableSelector).toArray();
+ }
+ return $elem.filter(submittableSelector).toArray();
+ })
+ .filter(
+ // Verify elements have a name (`attr.name`) and are not disabled (`:enabled`)
+ '[name!=""]:enabled' +
+ // And cannot be clicked (`[type=submit]`) or are used in `x-www-form-urlencoded` (`[type=file]`)
+ ':not(:submit, :button, :image, :reset, :file)' +
+ // And are either checked/don't have a checkable state
+ ':matches([checked], :not(:checkbox, :radio))'
+ // Convert each of the elements to its value(s)
+ )
+ .map(function (_, elem) {
+ var _a;
+ var $elem = _this._make(elem);
+ var name = $elem.attr('name'); // We have filtered for elements with a name before.
+ // If there is no value set (e.g. `undefined`, `null`), then default value to empty
+ var value = (_a = $elem.val()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
+ // If we have an array of values (e.g. `<select multiple>`), return an array of key/value pairs
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ return value.map(function (val) {
+ /*
+ * We trim replace any line endings (e.g. `\r` or `\r\n` with `\r\n`) to guarantee consistency across platforms
+ * These can occur inside of `<textarea>'s`
+ */
+ return ({ name: name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, '\r\n') });
+ });
+ }
+ // Otherwise (e.g. `<input type="text">`, return only one key/value pair
+ return { name: name, value: value.replace(rCRLF, '\r\n') };
+ })
+ .toArray();
+exports.serializeArray = serializeArray;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/manipulation.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/manipulation.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d2ec9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/manipulation.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+ * Methods for modifying the DOM structure.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/manipulation
+ */
+import { Node } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from '../cheerio';
+import type { BasicAcceptedElems, AcceptedElems } from '../types';
+ * Create an array of nodes, recursing into arrays and parsing strings if necessary.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @param elem - Elements to make an array of.
+ * @param clone - Optionally clone nodes.
+ * @returns The array of nodes.
+ */
+export declare function _makeDomArray<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, elem?: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>, clone?: boolean): Node[];
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the end of the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').appendTo('#fruits');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to append elements to.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/appendTo/}
+ */
+export declare function appendTo<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, target: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the beginning of the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').prependTo('#fruits');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to prepend elements to.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prependTo/}
+ */
+export declare function prependTo<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, target: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Inserts content as the *last* child of each of the selected elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').append('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/append/}
+ */
+export declare const append: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, ...elems: [(this: Node, i: number, html: string) => BasicAcceptedElems<Node>] | BasicAcceptedElems<Node>[]) => Cheerio<T>;
+ * Inserts content as the *first* child of each of the selected elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').prepend('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prepend/}
+ */
+export declare const prepend: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, ...elems: [(this: Node, i: number, html: string) => BasicAcceptedElems<Node>] | BasicAcceptedElems<Node>[]) => Cheerio<T>;
+ * The .wrap() function can take any string or object that could be passed to
+ * the $() factory function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be
+ * nested several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. A
+ * copy of this structure will be wrapped around each of the elements in the set
+ * of matched elements. This method returns the original set of elements for
+ * chaining purposes.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const redFruit = $('<div class="red-fruit"></div>');
+ * $('.apple').wrap(redFruit);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <div class="red-fruit">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ *
+ * const healthy = $('<div class="healthy"></div>');
+ * $('li').wrap(healthy);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around each element in the selection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrap/}
+ */
+export declare const wrap: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, wrapper: AcceptedElems<Node>) => Cheerio<T>;
+ * The .wrapInner() function can take any string or object that could be passed
+ * to the $() factory function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be
+ * nested several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. The
+ * structure will be wrapped around the content of each of the elements in the
+ * set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const redFruit = $('<div class="red-fruit"></div>');
+ * $('.apple').wrapInner(redFruit);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">
+ * // <div class="red-fruit">Apple</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ *
+ * const healthy = $('<div class="healthy"></div>');
+ * $('li').wrapInner(healthy);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Apple</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="orange">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Orange</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="pear">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Pear</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around the content of each element
+ * in the selection.
+ * @returns The instance itself, for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrapInner/}
+ */
+export declare const wrapInner: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, wrapper: AcceptedElems<Node>) => Cheerio<T>;
+ * The .unwrap() function, removes the parents of the set of matched elements
+ * from the DOM, leaving the matched elements in their place.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example <caption>without selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div id=test>\n <div><p>Hello</p></div>\n <div><p>World</p></div>\n</div>'
+ * );
+ * $('#test p').unwrap();
+ *
+ * //=> <div id=test>
+ * // <p>Hello</p>
+ * // <p>World</p>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>with selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div id=test>\n <p>Hello</p>\n <b><p>World</p></b>\n</div>'
+ * );
+ * $('#test p').unwrap('b');
+ *
+ * //=> <div id=test>
+ * // <p>Hello</p>
+ * // <p>World</p>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - A selector to check the parent element against. If an
+ * element's parent does not match the selector, the element won't be unwrapped.
+ * @returns The instance itself, for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/unwrap/}
+ */
+export declare function unwrap<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: string): Cheerio<T>;
+ * The .wrapAll() function can take any string or object that could be passed to
+ * the $() function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be nested
+ * several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. The
+ * structure will be wrapped around all of the elements in the set of matched
+ * elements, as a single group.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example <caption>With markup passed to `wrapAll`</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div class="container"><div class="inner">First</div><div class="inner">Second</div></div>'
+ * );
+ * $('.inner').wrapAll("<div class='new'></div>");
+ *
+ * //=> <div class="container">
+ * // <div class='new'>
+ * // <div class="inner">First</div>
+ * // <div class="inner">Second</div>
+ * // </div>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>With an existing cheerio instance</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<span>Span 1</span><strong>Strong</strong><span>Span 2</span>'
+ * );
+ * const wrap = $('<div><p><em><b></b></em></p></div>');
+ * $('span').wrapAll(wrap);
+ *
+ * //=> <div>
+ * // <p>
+ * // <em>
+ * // <b>
+ * // <span>Span 1</span>
+ * // <span>Span 2</span>
+ * // </b>
+ * // </em>
+ * // </p>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <strong>Strong</strong>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around all matched elements in the
+ * selection.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrapAll/}
+ */
+export declare function wrapAll<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, wrapper: AcceptedElems<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Insert content next to each element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').after('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - HTML string, DOM element, array of DOM elements or Cheerio
+ * to insert after each element in the set of matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/after/}
+ */
+export declare function after<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, ...elems: [(this: Node, i: number, html: string) => BasicAcceptedElems<Node>] | BasicAcceptedElems<Node>[]): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements after the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').insertAfter('.apple');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to insert elements after.
+ * @returns The set of newly inserted elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/insertAfter/}
+ */
+export declare function insertAfter<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, target: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Insert content previous to each element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').before('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - HTML string, DOM element, array of DOM elements or Cheerio
+ * to insert before each element in the set of matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/before/}
+ */
+export declare function before<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, ...elems: [(this: Node, i: number, html: string) => BasicAcceptedElems<Node>] | BasicAcceptedElems<Node>[]): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements before the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').insertBefore('.apple');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to insert elements before.
+ * @returns The set of newly inserted elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/insertBefore/}
+ */
+export declare function insertBefore<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, target: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Removes the set of matched elements from the DOM and all their children.
+ * `selector` filters the set of matched elements to be removed.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').remove();
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Optional selector for elements to remove.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/remove/}
+ */
+export declare function remove<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: string): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Replaces matched elements with `content`.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $('.pear').replaceWith(plum);
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - Replacement for matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/replaceWith/}
+ */
+export declare function replaceWith<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, content: AcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Empties an element, removing all its children.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').empty();
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits"></ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/empty/}
+ */
+export declare function empty<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Gets an HTML content string from the first selected element. If `htmlString`
+ * is specified, each selected element's content is replaced by the new content.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').html();
+ * //=> Orange
+ *
+ * $('#fruits').html('<li class="mango">Mango</li>').html();
+ * //=> <li class="mango">Mango</li>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param str - If specified used to replace selection's contents.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/html/}
+ */
+export declare function html<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): string | null;
+export declare function html<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, str: string | Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Turns the collection to a string. Alias for `.html()`.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+export declare function toString<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): string;
+ * Get the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched
+ * elements, including their descendants. If `textString` is specified, each
+ * selected element's content is replaced by the new text content.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').text();
+ * //=> Orange
+ *
+ * $('ul').text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ * // Orange
+ * // Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param str - If specified replacement for the selected element's contents.
+ * @returns The instance itself when setting text, otherwise the rendered document.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/text/}
+ */
+export declare function text<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): string;
+export declare function text<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, str: string | ((this: Node, i: number, text: string) => string)): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Clone the cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const moreFruit = $('#fruits').clone();
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The cloned object.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/clone/}
+ */
+export declare function clone<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+//# sourceMappingURL=manipulation.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..9d68655
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84808d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/manipulation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.clone = exports.text = exports.toString = exports.html = exports.empty = exports.replaceWith = exports.remove = exports.insertBefore = exports.before = exports.insertAfter = exports.after = exports.wrapAll = exports.unwrap = exports.wrapInner = exports.wrap = exports.prepend = exports.append = exports.prependTo = exports.appendTo = exports._makeDomArray = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var domhandler_1 = require("domhandler");
+ * Methods for modifying the DOM structure.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/manipulation
+ */
+var domhandler_2 = require("domhandler");
+var parse_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../parse"));
+var static_1 = require("../static");
+var utils_1 = require("../utils");
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+ * Create an array of nodes, recursing into arrays and parsing strings if necessary.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @param elem - Elements to make an array of.
+ * @param clone - Optionally clone nodes.
+ * @returns The array of nodes.
+ */
+function _makeDomArray(elem, clone) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (elem == null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (utils_1.isCheerio(elem)) {
+ return clone ? utils_1.cloneDom(elem.get()) : elem.get();
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(elem)) {
+ return elem.reduce(function (newElems, el) { return newElems.concat(_this._makeDomArray(el, clone)); }, []);
+ }
+ if (typeof elem === 'string') {
+ return parse_1.default(elem, this.options, false).children;
+ }
+ return clone ? utils_1.cloneDom([elem]) : [elem];
+exports._makeDomArray = _makeDomArray;
+function _insert(concatenator) {
+ return function () {
+ var _this = this;
+ var elems = [];
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ elems[_i] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ var lastIdx = this.length - 1;
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ if (!domhandler_1.hasChildren(el))
+ return;
+ var domSrc = typeof elems[0] === 'function'
+ ? elems[0].call(el, i, static_1.html(el.children))
+ : elems;
+ var dom = _this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx);
+ concatenator(dom, el.children, el);
+ });
+ };
+ * Modify an array in-place, removing some number of elements and adding new
+ * elements directly following them.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @param array - Target array to splice.
+ * @param spliceIdx - Index at which to begin changing the array.
+ * @param spliceCount - Number of elements to remove from the array.
+ * @param newElems - Elements to insert into the array.
+ * @param parent - The parent of the node.
+ * @returns The spliced array.
+ */
+function uniqueSplice(array, spliceIdx, spliceCount, newElems, parent) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ var spliceArgs = tslib_1.__spreadArray([
+ spliceIdx,
+ spliceCount
+ ], newElems);
+ var prev = array[spliceIdx - 1] || null;
+ var next = array[spliceIdx + spliceCount] || null;
+ /*
+ * Before splicing in new elements, ensure they do not already appear in the
+ * current array.
+ */
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < newElems.length; ++idx) {
+ var node = newElems[idx];
+ var oldParent = node.parent;
+ if (oldParent) {
+ var prevIdx = oldParent.children.indexOf(newElems[idx]);
+ if (prevIdx > -1) {
+ oldParent.children.splice(prevIdx, 1);
+ if (parent === oldParent && spliceIdx > prevIdx) {
+ spliceArgs[0]--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.parent = parent;
+ if (node.prev) {
+ node.prev.next = (_a = node.next) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
+ }
+ if (node.next) {
+ node.next.prev = (_b = node.prev) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
+ }
+ node.prev = newElems[idx - 1] || prev;
+ node.next = newElems[idx + 1] || next;
+ }
+ if (prev) {
+ prev.next = newElems[0];
+ }
+ if (next) {
+ next.prev = newElems[newElems.length - 1];
+ }
+ return array.splice.apply(array, spliceArgs);
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the end of the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').appendTo('#fruits');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to append elements to.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/appendTo/}
+ */
+function appendTo(target) {
+ var appendTarget = utils_1.isCheerio(target) ? target : this._make(target);
+ appendTarget.append(this);
+ return this;
+exports.appendTo = appendTo;
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the beginning of the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').prependTo('#fruits');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to prepend elements to.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prependTo/}
+ */
+function prependTo(target) {
+ var prependTarget = utils_1.isCheerio(target) ? target : this._make(target);
+ prependTarget.prepend(this);
+ return this;
+exports.prependTo = prependTo;
+ * Inserts content as the *last* child of each of the selected elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').append('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/append/}
+ */
+exports.append = _insert(function (dom, children, parent) {
+ uniqueSplice(children, children.length, 0, dom, parent);
+ * Inserts content as the *first* child of each of the selected elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').prepend('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prepend/}
+ */
+exports.prepend = _insert(function (dom, children, parent) {
+ uniqueSplice(children, 0, 0, dom, parent);
+function _wrap(insert) {
+ return function (wrapper) {
+ var lastIdx = this.length - 1;
+ var lastParent = this.parents().last();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
+ var el = this[i];
+ var wrap_1 = typeof wrapper === 'function'
+ ? wrapper.call(el, i, el)
+ : typeof wrapper === 'string' && !utils_1.isHtml(wrapper)
+ ? lastParent.find(wrapper).clone()
+ : wrapper;
+ var wrapperDom = this._makeDomArray(wrap_1, i < lastIdx)[0];
+ if (!wrapperDom || !htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(wrapperDom))
+ continue;
+ var elInsertLocation = wrapperDom;
+ /*
+ * Find the deepest child. Only consider the first tag child of each node
+ * (ignore text); stop if no children are found.
+ */
+ var j = 0;
+ while (j < elInsertLocation.children.length) {
+ var child = elInsertLocation.children[j];
+ if (utils_1.isTag(child)) {
+ elInsertLocation = child;
+ j = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ insert(el, elInsertLocation, [wrapperDom]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ * The .wrap() function can take any string or object that could be passed to
+ * the $() factory function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be
+ * nested several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. A
+ * copy of this structure will be wrapped around each of the elements in the set
+ * of matched elements. This method returns the original set of elements for
+ * chaining purposes.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const redFruit = $('<div class="red-fruit"></div>');
+ * $('.apple').wrap(redFruit);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <div class="red-fruit">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ *
+ * const healthy = $('<div class="healthy"></div>');
+ * $('li').wrap(healthy);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <div class="healthy">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </div>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around each element in the selection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrap/}
+ */
+exports.wrap = _wrap(function (el, elInsertLocation, wrapperDom) {
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!parent)
+ return;
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ parse_1.update([el], elInsertLocation);
+ /*
+ * The previous operation removed the current element from the `siblings`
+ * array, so the `dom` array can be inserted without removing any
+ * additional elements.
+ */
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, wrapperDom, parent);
+ * The .wrapInner() function can take any string or object that could be passed
+ * to the $() factory function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be
+ * nested several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. The
+ * structure will be wrapped around the content of each of the elements in the
+ * set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const redFruit = $('<div class="red-fruit"></div>');
+ * $('.apple').wrapInner(redFruit);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">
+ * // <div class="red-fruit">Apple</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ *
+ * const healthy = $('<div class="healthy"></div>');
+ * $('li').wrapInner(healthy);
+ *
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Apple</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="orange">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Orange</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // <li class="pear">
+ * // <div class="healthy">Pear</div>
+ * // </li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around the content of each element
+ * in the selection.
+ * @returns The instance itself, for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrapInner/}
+ */
+exports.wrapInner = _wrap(function (el, elInsertLocation, wrapperDom) {
+ if (!domhandler_1.hasChildren(el))
+ return;
+ parse_1.update(el.children, elInsertLocation);
+ parse_1.update(wrapperDom, el);
+ * The .unwrap() function, removes the parents of the set of matched elements
+ * from the DOM, leaving the matched elements in their place.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example <caption>without selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div id=test>\n <div><p>Hello</p></div>\n <div><p>World</p></div>\n</div>'
+ * );
+ * $('#test p').unwrap();
+ *
+ * //=> <div id=test>
+ * // <p>Hello</p>
+ * // <p>World</p>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>with selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div id=test>\n <p>Hello</p>\n <b><p>World</p></b>\n</div>'
+ * );
+ * $('#test p').unwrap('b');
+ *
+ * //=> <div id=test>
+ * // <p>Hello</p>
+ * // <p>World</p>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - A selector to check the parent element against. If an
+ * element's parent does not match the selector, the element won't be unwrapped.
+ * @returns The instance itself, for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/unwrap/}
+ */
+function unwrap(selector) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.parent(selector)
+ .not('body')
+ .each(function (_, el) {
+ _this._make(el).replaceWith(el.children);
+ });
+ return this;
+exports.unwrap = unwrap;
+ * The .wrapAll() function can take any string or object that could be passed to
+ * the $() function to specify a DOM structure. This structure may be nested
+ * several levels deep, but should contain only one inmost element. The
+ * structure will be wrapped around all of the elements in the set of matched
+ * elements, as a single group.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example <caption>With markup passed to `wrapAll`</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<div class="container"><div class="inner">First</div><div class="inner">Second</div></div>'
+ * );
+ * $('.inner').wrapAll("<div class='new'></div>");
+ *
+ * //=> <div class="container">
+ * // <div class='new'>
+ * // <div class="inner">First</div>
+ * // <div class="inner">Second</div>
+ * // </div>
+ * // </div>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>With an existing cheerio instance</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(
+ * '<span>Span 1</span><strong>Strong</strong><span>Span 2</span>'
+ * );
+ * const wrap = $('<div><p><em><b></b></em></p></div>');
+ * $('span').wrapAll(wrap);
+ *
+ * //=> <div>
+ * // <p>
+ * // <em>
+ * // <b>
+ * // <span>Span 1</span>
+ * // <span>Span 2</span>
+ * // </b>
+ * // </em>
+ * // </p>
+ * // </div>
+ * // <strong>Strong</strong>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param wrapper - The DOM structure to wrap around all matched elements in the
+ * selection.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/wrapAll/}
+ */
+function wrapAll(wrapper) {
+ var el = this[0];
+ if (el) {
+ var wrap_2 = this._make(typeof wrapper === 'function' ? wrapper.call(el, 0, el) : wrapper).insertBefore(el);
+ // If html is given as wrapper, wrap may contain text elements
+ var elInsertLocation = void 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < wrap_2.length; i++) {
+ if (wrap_2[i].type === 'tag')
+ elInsertLocation = wrap_2[i];
+ }
+ var j = 0;
+ /*
+ * Find the deepest child. Only consider the first tag child of each node
+ * (ignore text); stop if no children are found.
+ */
+ while (elInsertLocation && j < elInsertLocation.children.length) {
+ var child = elInsertLocation.children[j];
+ if (child.type === 'tag') {
+ elInsertLocation = child;
+ j = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (elInsertLocation)
+ this._make(elInsertLocation).append(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+exports.wrapAll = wrapAll;
+/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-param-names*/
+ * Insert content next to each element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').after('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - HTML string, DOM element, array of DOM elements or Cheerio
+ * to insert after each element in the set of matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/after/}
+ */
+function after() {
+ var _this = this;
+ var elems = [];
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ elems[_i] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ var lastIdx = this.length - 1;
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el) || !parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ // If not found, move on
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (index < 0)
+ return;
+ var domSrc = typeof elems[0] === 'function'
+ ? elems[0].call(el, i, static_1.html(el.children))
+ : elems;
+ var dom = _this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx);
+ // Add element after `this` element
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index + 1, 0, dom, parent);
+ });
+exports.after = after;
+/* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-param-names*/
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements after the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').insertAfter('.apple');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to insert elements after.
+ * @returns The set of newly inserted elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/insertAfter/}
+ */
+function insertAfter(target) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (typeof target === 'string') {
+ target = this._make(target);
+ }
+ this.remove();
+ var clones = [];
+ this._makeDomArray(target).forEach(function (el) {
+ var clonedSelf = _this.clone().toArray();
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ // If not found, move on
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (index < 0)
+ return;
+ // Add cloned `this` element(s) after target element
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index + 1, 0, clonedSelf, parent);
+ clones.push.apply(clones, clonedSelf);
+ });
+ return this._make(clones);
+exports.insertAfter = insertAfter;
+/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-param-names*/
+ * Insert content previous to each element in the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').before('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - HTML string, DOM element, array of DOM elements or Cheerio
+ * to insert before each element in the set of matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/before/}
+ */
+function before() {
+ var _this = this;
+ var elems = [];
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ elems[_i] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ var lastIdx = this.length - 1;
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el) || !parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ // If not found, move on
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (index < 0)
+ return;
+ var domSrc = typeof elems[0] === 'function'
+ ? elems[0].call(el, i, static_1.html(el.children))
+ : elems;
+ var dom = _this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx);
+ // Add element before `el` element
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, dom, parent);
+ });
+exports.before = before;
+/* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-param-names*/
+ * Insert every element in the set of matched elements before the target.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>').insertBefore('.apple');
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="pear">Pear</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param target - Element to insert elements before.
+ * @returns The set of newly inserted elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/insertBefore/}
+ */
+function insertBefore(target) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var targetArr = this._make(target);
+ this.remove();
+ var clones = [];
+ utils_1.domEach(targetArr, function (el) {
+ var clonedSelf = _this.clone().toArray();
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ // If not found, move on
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (index < 0)
+ return;
+ // Add cloned `this` element(s) after target element
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, clonedSelf, parent);
+ clones.push.apply(clones, clonedSelf);
+ });
+ return this._make(clones);
+exports.insertBefore = insertBefore;
+ * Removes the set of matched elements from the DOM and all their children.
+ * `selector` filters the set of matched elements to be removed.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').remove();
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Optional selector for elements to remove.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/remove/}
+ */
+function remove(selector) {
+ // Filter if we have selector
+ var elems = selector ? this.filter(selector) : this;
+ utils_1.domEach(elems, function (el) {
+ htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.removeElement(el);
+ el.prev = el.next = el.parent = null;
+ });
+ return this;
+exports.remove = remove;
+ * Replaces matched elements with `content`.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>');
+ * $('.pear').replaceWith(plum);
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">
+ * // <li class="apple">Apple</li>
+ * // <li class="orange">Orange</li>
+ * // <li class="plum">Plum</li>
+ * // </ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param content - Replacement for matched elements.
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/replaceWith/}
+ */
+function replaceWith(content) {
+ var _this = this;
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ var parent = el.parent;
+ if (!parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var siblings = parent.children;
+ var cont = typeof content === 'function' ? content.call(el, i, el) : content;
+ var dom = _this._makeDomArray(cont);
+ /*
+ * In the case that `dom` contains nodes that already exist in other
+ * structures, ensure those nodes are properly removed.
+ */
+ parse_1.update(dom, null);
+ var index = siblings.indexOf(el);
+ // Completely remove old element
+ uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 1, dom, parent);
+ if (!dom.includes(el)) {
+ el.parent = el.prev = el.next = null;
+ }
+ });
+exports.replaceWith = replaceWith;
+ * Empties an element, removing all its children.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').empty();
+ * $.html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits"></ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The instance itself.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/empty/}
+ */
+function empty() {
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el))
+ return;
+ el.children.forEach(function (child) {
+ child.next = child.prev = child.parent = null;
+ });
+ el.children.length = 0;
+ });
+exports.empty = empty;
+function html(str) {
+ if (str === undefined) {
+ var el = this[0];
+ if (!el || !htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el))
+ return null;
+ return static_1.html(el.children, this.options);
+ }
+ // Keep main options unchanged
+ var opts = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, this.options), { context: null });
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el))
+ return;
+ el.children.forEach(function (child) {
+ child.next = child.prev = child.parent = null;
+ });
+ opts.context = el;
+ var content = utils_1.isCheerio(str)
+ ? str.toArray()
+ : parse_1.default("" + str, opts, false).children;
+ parse_1.update(content, el);
+ });
+exports.html = html;
+ * Turns the collection to a string. Alias for `.html()`.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+function toString() {
+ return static_1.html(this, this.options);
+exports.toString = toString;
+function text(str) {
+ var _this = this;
+ // If `str` is undefined, act as a "getter"
+ if (str === undefined) {
+ return static_1.text(this);
+ }
+ if (typeof str === 'function') {
+ // Function support
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el, i) {
+ text.call(_this._make(el), str.call(el, i, static_1.text([el])));
+ });
+ }
+ // Append text node to each selected elements
+ return utils_1.domEach(this, function (el) {
+ if (!htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(el))
+ return;
+ el.children.forEach(function (child) {
+ child.next = child.prev = child.parent = null;
+ });
+ var textNode = new domhandler_2.Text(str);
+ parse_1.update(textNode, el);
+ });
+exports.text = text;
+ * Clone the cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Manipulation
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const moreFruit = $('#fruits').clone();
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The cloned object.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/clone/}
+ */
+function clone() {
+ return this._make(utils_1.cloneDom(this.get()));
+exports.clone = clone;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/traversing.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/traversing.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cee2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/traversing.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ * Methods for traversing the DOM structure.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/traversing
+ */
+import { Node, Element, Document } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from '../cheerio';
+import type { AcceptedFilters } from '../types';
+ * Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements,
+ * filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').find('li').length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * $('#fruits').find($('.apple')).length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The found elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/find/}
+ */
+export declare function find<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selectorOrHaystack?: string | Cheerio<Element> | Element): Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Get the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements,
+ * optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').parent().attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for parent.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parent/}
+ */
+export declare const parent: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Get a set of parents filtered by `selector` of each element in the current
+ * set of match elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').parents().length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * $('.orange').parents('#fruits').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for parents.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parents/}
+ */
+export declare const parents: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up
+ * to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').parentsUntil('#food').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - Optional filter for parents.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parentsUntil/}
+ */
+export declare const parentsUntil: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | null | undefined, filterSelector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector
+ * by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').closest();
+ * //=> []
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('.apple');
+ * // => []
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('li');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('#fruits');
+ * //=> [<ul id="fruits"> ... </ul>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for the element to find.
+ * @returns The closest nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/closest/}
+ */
+export declare function closest<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Node>): Cheerio<Node>;
+ * Gets the next sibling of the first selected element, optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').next().hasClass('orange');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for sibling.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/next/}
+ */
+export declare const next: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets all the following siblings of the first selected element, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').nextAll();
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="pear">Pear</li>]
+ * $('.apple').nextAll('.orange');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextAll/}
+ */
+export declare const nextAll: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets all the following siblings up to but not including the element matched
+ * by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').nextUntil('.pear');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextUntil/}
+ */
+export declare const nextUntil: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | null | undefined, filterSelector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets the previous sibling of the first selected element optionally filtered
+ * by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').prev().hasClass('apple');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prev/}
+ */
+export declare const prev: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets all the preceding siblings of the first selected element, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').prevAll();
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="apple">Apple</li>]
+ *
+ * $('.pear').prevAll('.orange');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevAll/}
+ */
+export declare const prevAll: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets all the preceding siblings up to but not including the element matched
+ * by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').prevUntil('.apple');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevUntil/}
+ */
+export declare const prevUntil: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | null | undefined, filterSelector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Get the siblings of each element (excluding the element) in the set of
+ * matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').siblings().length;
+ * //=> 2
+ *
+ * $('.pear').siblings('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The siblings.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/siblings/}
+ */
+export declare const siblings: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets the children of the first selected element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ *
+ * $('#fruits').children('.pear').text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for children.
+ * @returns The children.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/children/}
+ */
+export declare const children: <T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<Element> | undefined) => Cheerio<Element>;
+ * Gets the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including
+ * text and comment nodes.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').contents().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The children.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/contents/}
+ */
+export declare function contents<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<Node>;
+ * Iterates over a cheerio object, executing a function for each matched
+ * element. When the callback is fired, the function is fired in the context of
+ * the DOM element, so `this` refers to the current element, which is equivalent
+ * to the function parameter `element`. To break out of the `each` loop early,
+ * return with `false`.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const fruits = [];
+ *
+ * $('li').each(function (i, elem) {
+ * fruits[i] = $(this).text();
+ * });
+ *
+ * fruits.join(', ');
+ * //=> Apple, Orange, Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param fn - Function to execute.
+ * @returns The instance itself, useful for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/each/}
+ */
+export declare function each<T>(this: Cheerio<T>, fn: (this: T, i: number, el: T) => void | boolean): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Pass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a
+ * new Cheerio object containing the return values. The function can return an
+ * individual data item or an array of data items to be inserted into the
+ * resulting set. If an array is returned, the elements inside the array are
+ * inserted into the set. If the function returns null or undefined, no element
+ * will be inserted.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li')
+ * .map(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).text();
+ * })
+ * .toArray()
+ * .join(' ');
+ * //=> "apple orange pear"
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param fn - Function to execute.
+ * @returns The mapped elements, wrapped in a Cheerio collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/map/}
+ */
+export declare function map<T, M>(this: Cheerio<T>, fn: (this: T, i: number, el: T) => M[] | M | null | undefined): Cheerio<M>;
+ * Iterates over a cheerio object, reducing the set of selector elements to
+ * those that match the selector or pass the function's test.
+ *
+ * This is the definition for using type guards; have a look below for other
+ * ways to invoke this method. The function is executed in the context of the
+ * selected element, so `this` refers to the current element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Function</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li')
+ * .filter(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).attr('class') === 'orange';
+ * })
+ * .attr('class'); //=> orange
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param match - Value to look for, following the rules above.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/filter/}
+ */
+export declare function filter<T, S extends T>(this: Cheerio<T>, match: (this: T, index: number, value: T) => value is S): Cheerio<S>;
+ * Iterates over a cheerio object, reducing the set of selector elements to
+ * those that match the selector or pass the function's test.
+ *
+ * - When a Cheerio selection is specified, return only the elements contained in
+ * that selection.
+ * - When an element is specified, return only that element (if it is contained in
+ * the original selection).
+ * - If using the function method, the function is executed in the context of the
+ * selected element, so `this` refers to the current element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').filter('.orange').attr('class');
+ * //=> orange
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>Function</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li')
+ * .filter(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).attr('class') === 'orange';
+ * })
+ * .attr('class'); //=> orange
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param match - Value to look for, following the rules above. See
+ * {@link AcceptedFilters}.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/filter/}
+ */
+export declare function filter<T, S extends AcceptedFilters<T>>(this: Cheerio<T>, match: S): Cheerio<S extends string ? Element : T>;
+export declare function filterArray<T>(nodes: T[], match: AcceptedFilters<T>, xmlMode?: boolean, root?: Document): Element[] | T[];
+ * Checks the current list of elements and returns `true` if *any* of the
+ * elements match the selector. If using an element or Cheerio selection,
+ * returns `true` if *any* of the elements match. If using a predicate function,
+ * the function is executed in the context of the selected element, so `this`
+ * refers to the current element.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @param selector - Selector for the selection.
+ * @returns Whether or not the selector matches an element of the instance.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/is/}
+ */
+export declare function is<T>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: AcceptedFilters<T>): boolean;
+ * Remove elements from the set of matched elements. Given a Cheerio object that
+ * represents a set of DOM elements, the `.not()` method constructs a new
+ * Cheerio object from a subset of the matching elements. The supplied selector
+ * is tested against each element; the elements that don't match the selector
+ * will be included in the result.
+ *
+ * The `.not()` method can take a function as its argument in the same way that
+ * `.filter()` does. Elements for which the function returns `true` are excluded
+ * from the filtered set; all other elements are included.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').not('.apple').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>Function</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').not(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).attr('class') === 'orange';
+ * }).length; //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param match - Value to look for, following the rules above.
+ * @param container - Optional node to filter instead.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/not/}
+ */
+export declare function not<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, match: AcceptedFilters<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Filters the set of matched elements to only those which have the given DOM
+ * element as a descendant or which have a descendant that matches the given
+ * selector. Equivalent to `.filter(':has(selector)')`.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').has('.pear').attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>Element</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').has($('.pear')[0]).attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/has/}
+ */
+export declare function has(this: Cheerio<Node | Element>, selectorOrHaystack: string | Cheerio<Element> | Element): Cheerio<Node | Element>;
+ * Will select the first element of a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().first().text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The first element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/first/}
+ */
+export declare function first<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Will select the last element of a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().last().text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The last element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/last/}
+ */
+export declare function last<T>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index. Use
+ * `.eq(-i)` to count backwards from the last selected element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ *
+ * $('li').eq(-1).text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param i - Index of the element to select.
+ * @returns The element at the `i`th position.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/eq/}
+ */
+export declare function eq<T>(this: Cheerio<T>, i: number): Cheerio<T>;
+ * Retrieve one of the elements matched by the Cheerio object, at the `i`th position.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').get(0).tagName;
+ * //=> li
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param i - Element to retrieve.
+ * @returns The element at the `i`th position.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/get/}
+ */
+export declare function get<T>(this: Cheerio<T>, i: number): T;
+ * Retrieve all elements matched by the Cheerio object, as an array.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').get().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns All elements matched by the Cheerio object.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/get/}
+ */
+export declare function get<T>(this: Cheerio<T>): T[];
+ * Retrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set as an array.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').toArray();
+ * //=> [ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The contained items.
+ */
+export declare function toArray<T>(this: Cheerio<T>): T[];
+ * Search for a given element from among the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').index();
+ * //=> 2 $('.orange').index('li');
+ * //=> 1
+ * $('.apple').index($('#fruit, li'));
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrNeedle - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The index of the element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/index/}
+ */
+export declare function index<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selectorOrNeedle?: string | Cheerio<Node> | Node): number;
+ * Gets the elements matching the specified range (0-based position).
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').slice(1).eq(0).text();
+ * //=> 'Orange'
+ *
+ * $('li').slice(1, 2).length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param start - An position at which the elements begin to be selected. If
+ * negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set.
+ * @param end - An position at which the elements stop being selected. If
+ * negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set. If omitted, the
+ * range continues until the end of the set.
+ * @returns The elements matching the specified range.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/slice/}
+ */
+export declare function slice<T>(this: Cheerio<T>, start?: number, end?: number): Cheerio<T>;
+ * End the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and return the
+ * set of matched elements to its previous state.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).end().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The previous state of the set of matched elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/end/}
+ */
+export declare function end<T>(this: Cheerio<T>): Cheerio<Node>;
+ * Add elements to the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').add('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param other - Elements to add.
+ * @param context - Optionally the context of the new selection.
+ * @returns The combined set.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/add/}
+ */
+export declare function add<S extends Node, T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, other: string | Cheerio<S> | S | S[], context?: Cheerio<S> | string): Cheerio<S | T>;
+ * Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).addBack('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for the elements to add.
+ * @returns The combined set.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/addBack/}
+ */
+export declare function addBack<T extends Node>(this: Cheerio<T>, selector?: string): Cheerio<Node>;
+//# sourceMappingURL=traversing.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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+"use strict";
+ * Methods for traversing the DOM structure.
+ *
+ * @module cheerio/traversing
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.addBack = exports.add = exports.end = exports.slice = exports.index = exports.toArray = exports.get = exports.eq = exports.last = exports.first = exports.has = exports.not = exports.is = exports.filterArray = exports.filter = exports.map = exports.each = exports.contents = exports.children = exports.siblings = exports.prevUntil = exports.prevAll = exports.prev = exports.nextUntil = exports.nextAll = exports.next = exports.closest = exports.parentsUntil = exports.parents = exports.parent = exports.find = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var domhandler_1 = require("domhandler");
+var select = tslib_1.__importStar(require("cheerio-select"));
+var utils_1 = require("../utils");
+var static_1 = require("../static");
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+var uniqueSort = htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.uniqueSort;
+var reSiblingSelector = /^\s*[~+]/;
+ * Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements,
+ * filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').find('li').length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * $('#fruits').find($('.apple')).length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The found elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/find/}
+ */
+function find(selectorOrHaystack) {
+ var _a;
+ if (!selectorOrHaystack) {
+ return this._make([]);
+ }
+ var context = this.toArray();
+ if (typeof selectorOrHaystack !== 'string') {
+ var haystack = utils_1.isCheerio(selectorOrHaystack)
+ ? selectorOrHaystack.toArray()
+ : [selectorOrHaystack];
+ return this._make(haystack.filter(function (elem) { return context.some(function (node) { return static_1.contains(node, elem); }); }));
+ }
+ var elems = reSiblingSelector.test(selectorOrHaystack)
+ ? context
+ : this.children().toArray();
+ var options = {
+ context: context,
+ root: (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0],
+ xmlMode: this.options.xmlMode,
+ };
+ return this._make(select.select(selectorOrHaystack, elems, options));
+exports.find = find;
+ * Creates a matcher, using a particular mapping function. Matchers provide a
+ * function that finds elements using a generating function, supporting filtering.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param matchMap - Mapping function.
+ * @returns - Function for wrapping generating functions.
+ */
+function _getMatcher(matchMap) {
+ return function (fn) {
+ var postFns = [];
+ for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ postFns[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ return function (selector) {
+ var _a;
+ var matched = matchMap(fn, this);
+ if (selector) {
+ matched = filterArray(matched, selector, this.options.xmlMode, (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]);
+ }
+ return this._make(
+ // Post processing is only necessary if there is more than one element.
+ this.length > 1 && matched.length > 1
+ ? postFns.reduce(function (elems, fn) { return fn(elems); }, matched)
+ : matched);
+ };
+ };
+/** Matcher that adds multiple elements for each entry in the input. */
+var _matcher = _getMatcher(function (fn, elems) {
+ var _a;
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
+ var value = fn(elems[i]);
+ ret.push(value);
+ }
+ return (_a = new Array()).concat.apply(_a, ret);
+/** Matcher that adds at most one element for each entry in the input. */
+var _singleMatcher = _getMatcher(function (fn, elems) {
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
+ var value = fn(elems[i]);
+ if (value !== null) {
+ ret.push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Matcher that supports traversing until a condition is met.
+ *
+ * @returns A function usable for `*Until` methods.
+ */
+function _matchUntil(nextElem) {
+ var postFns = [];
+ for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
+ postFns[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
+ }
+ // We use a variable here that is used from within the matcher.
+ var matches = null;
+ var innerMatcher = _getMatcher(function (nextElem, elems) {
+ var matched = [];
+ utils_1.domEach(elems, function (elem) {
+ for (var next_1; (next_1 = nextElem(elem)); elem = next_1) {
+ // FIXME: `matched` might contain duplicates here and the index is too large.
+ if (matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches(next_1, matched.length))
+ break;
+ matched.push(next_1);
+ }
+ });
+ return matched;
+ }).apply(void 0, tslib_1.__spreadArray([nextElem], postFns));
+ return function (selector, filterSelector) {
+ var _this = this;
+ // Override `matches` variable with the new target.
+ matches =
+ typeof selector === 'string'
+ ? function (elem) { return select.is(elem, selector, _this.options); }
+ : selector
+ ? getFilterFn(selector)
+ : null;
+ var ret = innerMatcher.call(this, filterSelector);
+ // Set `matches` to `null`, so we don't waste memory.
+ matches = null;
+ return ret;
+ };
+function _removeDuplicates(elems) {
+ return Array.from(new Set(elems));
+ * Get the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements,
+ * optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').parent().attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for parent.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parent/}
+ */
+exports.parent = _singleMatcher(function (_a) {
+ var parent = _a.parent;
+ return (parent && !domhandler_1.isDocument(parent) ? parent : null);
+}, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Get a set of parents filtered by `selector` of each element in the current
+ * set of match elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').parents().length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * $('.orange').parents('#fruits').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for parents.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parents/}
+ */
+exports.parents = _matcher(function (elem) {
+ var matched = [];
+ while (elem.parent && !domhandler_1.isDocument(elem.parent)) {
+ matched.push(elem.parent);
+ elem = elem.parent;
+ }
+ return matched;
+}, uniqueSort, function (elems) { return elems.reverse(); });
+ * Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up
+ * to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').parentsUntil('#food').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - Optional filter for parents.
+ * @returns The parents.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parentsUntil/}
+ */
+exports.parentsUntil = _matchUntil(function (_a) {
+ var parent = _a.parent;
+ return (parent && !domhandler_1.isDocument(parent) ? parent : null);
+}, uniqueSort, function (elems) { return elems.reverse(); });
+ * For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector
+ * by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').closest();
+ * //=> []
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('.apple');
+ * // => []
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('li');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ *
+ * $('.orange').closest('#fruits');
+ * //=> [<ul id="fruits"> ... </ul>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for the element to find.
+ * @returns The closest nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/closest/}
+ */
+function closest(selector) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var set = [];
+ if (!selector) {
+ return this._make(set);
+ }
+ utils_1.domEach(this, function (elem) {
+ var _a;
+ while (elem && elem.type !== 'root') {
+ if (!selector ||
+ filterArray([elem], selector, _this.options.xmlMode, (_a = _this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0])
+ .length) {
+ // Do not add duplicate elements to the set
+ if (elem && !set.includes(elem)) {
+ set.push(elem);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem.parent;
+ }
+ });
+ return this._make(set);
+exports.closest = closest;
+ * Gets the next sibling of the first selected element, optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').next().hasClass('orange');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for sibling.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/next/}
+ */
+exports.next = _singleMatcher(function (elem) { return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.nextElementSibling(elem); });
+ * Gets all the following siblings of the first selected element, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').nextAll();
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="pear">Pear</li>]
+ * $('.apple').nextAll('.orange');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextAll/}
+ */
+exports.nextAll = _matcher(function (elem) {
+ var matched = [];
+ while (elem.next) {
+ elem = elem.next;
+ if (utils_1.isTag(elem))
+ matched.push(elem);
+ }
+ return matched;
+}, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Gets all the following siblings up to but not including the element matched
+ * by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').nextUntil('.pear');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The next nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextUntil/}
+ */
+exports.nextUntil = _matchUntil(function (el) { return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.nextElementSibling(el); }, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Gets the previous sibling of the first selected element optionally filtered
+ * by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.orange').prev().hasClass('apple');
+ * //=> true
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prev/}
+ */
+exports.prev = _singleMatcher(function (elem) { return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.prevElementSibling(elem); });
+ * Gets all the preceding siblings of the first selected element, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').prevAll();
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="apple">Apple</li>]
+ *
+ * $('.pear').prevAll('.orange');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevAll/}
+ */
+exports.prevAll = _matcher(function (elem) {
+ var matched = [];
+ while (elem.prev) {
+ elem = elem.prev;
+ if (utils_1.isTag(elem))
+ matched.push(elem);
+ }
+ return matched;
+}, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Gets all the preceding siblings up to but not including the element matched
+ * by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').prevUntil('.apple');
+ * //=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
+ * @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The previous nodes.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevUntil/}
+ */
+exports.prevUntil = _matchUntil(function (el) { return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.prevElementSibling(el); }, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Get the siblings of each element (excluding the element) in the set of
+ * matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').siblings().length;
+ * //=> 2
+ *
+ * $('.pear').siblings('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
+ * @returns The siblings.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/siblings/}
+ */
+exports.siblings = _matcher(function (elem) {
+ return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.getSiblings(elem).filter(function (el) { return utils_1.isTag(el) && el !== elem; });
+}, uniqueSort);
+ * Gets the children of the first selected element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ *
+ * $('#fruits').children('.pear').text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - If specified filter for children.
+ * @returns The children.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/children/}
+ */
+exports.children = _matcher(function (elem) { return htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.getChildren(elem).filter(utils_1.isTag); }, _removeDuplicates);
+ * Gets the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including
+ * text and comment nodes.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').contents().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The children.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/contents/}
+ */
+function contents() {
+ var elems = this.toArray().reduce(function (newElems, elem) {
+ return domhandler_1.hasChildren(elem) ? newElems.concat(elem.children) : newElems;
+ }, []);
+ return this._make(elems);
+exports.contents = contents;
+ * Iterates over a cheerio object, executing a function for each matched
+ * element. When the callback is fired, the function is fired in the context of
+ * the DOM element, so `this` refers to the current element, which is equivalent
+ * to the function parameter `element`. To break out of the `each` loop early,
+ * return with `false`.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const fruits = [];
+ *
+ * $('li').each(function (i, elem) {
+ * fruits[i] = $(this).text();
+ * });
+ *
+ * fruits.join(', ');
+ * //=> Apple, Orange, Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param fn - Function to execute.
+ * @returns The instance itself, useful for chaining.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/each/}
+ */
+function each(fn) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var len = this.length;
+ while (i < len && fn.call(this[i], i, this[i]) !== false)
+ ++i;
+ return this;
+exports.each = each;
+ * Pass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a
+ * new Cheerio object containing the return values. The function can return an
+ * individual data item or an array of data items to be inserted into the
+ * resulting set. If an array is returned, the elements inside the array are
+ * inserted into the set. If the function returns null or undefined, no element
+ * will be inserted.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li')
+ * .map(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).text();
+ * })
+ * .toArray()
+ * .join(' ');
+ * //=> "apple orange pear"
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param fn - Function to execute.
+ * @returns The mapped elements, wrapped in a Cheerio collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/map/}
+ */
+function map(fn) {
+ var elems = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
+ var el = this[i];
+ var val = fn.call(el, i, el);
+ if (val != null) {
+ elems = elems.concat(val);
+ }
+ }
+ return this._make(elems);
+exports.map = map;
+ * Creates a function to test if a filter is matched.
+ *
+ * @param match - A filter.
+ * @returns A function that determines if a filter has been matched.
+ */
+function getFilterFn(match) {
+ if (typeof match === 'function') {
+ return function (el, i) { return match.call(el, i, el); };
+ }
+ if (utils_1.isCheerio(match)) {
+ return function (el) { return Array.prototype.includes.call(match, el); };
+ }
+ return function (el) {
+ return match === el;
+ };
+function filter(match) {
+ var _a;
+ return this._make(filterArray(this.toArray(), match, this.options.xmlMode, (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]));
+exports.filter = filter;
+function filterArray(nodes, match, xmlMode, root) {
+ return typeof match === 'string'
+ ? select.filter(match, nodes, { xmlMode: xmlMode, root: root })
+ : nodes.filter(getFilterFn(match));
+exports.filterArray = filterArray;
+ * Checks the current list of elements and returns `true` if *any* of the
+ * elements match the selector. If using an element or Cheerio selection,
+ * returns `true` if *any* of the elements match. If using a predicate function,
+ * the function is executed in the context of the selected element, so `this`
+ * refers to the current element.
+ *
+ * @category Attributes
+ * @param selector - Selector for the selection.
+ * @returns Whether or not the selector matches an element of the instance.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/is/}
+ */
+function is(selector) {
+ var nodes = this.toArray();
+ return typeof selector === 'string'
+ ? select.some(nodes.filter(utils_1.isTag), selector, this.options)
+ : selector
+ ? nodes.some(getFilterFn(selector))
+ : false;
+exports.is = is;
+ * Remove elements from the set of matched elements. Given a Cheerio object that
+ * represents a set of DOM elements, the `.not()` method constructs a new
+ * Cheerio object from a subset of the matching elements. The supplied selector
+ * is tested against each element; the elements that don't match the selector
+ * will be included in the result.
+ *
+ * The `.not()` method can take a function as its argument in the same way that
+ * `.filter()` does. Elements for which the function returns `true` are excluded
+ * from the filtered set; all other elements are included.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').not('.apple').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>Function</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').not(function (i, el) {
+ * // this === el
+ * return $(this).attr('class') === 'orange';
+ * }).length; //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param match - Value to look for, following the rules above.
+ * @param container - Optional node to filter instead.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/not/}
+ */
+function not(match) {
+ var nodes = this.toArray();
+ if (typeof match === 'string') {
+ var matches_1 = new Set(select.filter(match, nodes, this.options));
+ nodes = nodes.filter(function (el) { return !matches_1.has(el); });
+ }
+ else {
+ var filterFn_1 = getFilterFn(match);
+ nodes = nodes.filter(function (el, i) { return !filterFn_1(el, i); });
+ }
+ return this._make(nodes);
+exports.not = not;
+ * Filters the set of matched elements to only those which have the given DOM
+ * element as a descendant or which have a descendant that matches the given
+ * selector. Equivalent to `.filter(':has(selector)')`.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example <caption>Selector</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').has('.pear').attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @example <caption>Element</caption>
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('ul').has($('.pear')[0]).attr('id');
+ * //=> fruits
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The filtered collection.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/has/}
+ */
+function has(selectorOrHaystack) {
+ var _this = this;
+ return this.filter(typeof selectorOrHaystack === 'string'
+ ? // Using the `:has` selector here short-circuits searches.
+ ":has(" + selectorOrHaystack + ")"
+ : function (_, el) { return _this._make(el).find(selectorOrHaystack).length > 0; });
+exports.has = has;
+ * Will select the first element of a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().first().text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The first element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/first/}
+ */
+function first() {
+ return this.length > 1 ? this._make(this[0]) : this;
+exports.first = first;
+ * Will select the last element of a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('#fruits').children().last().text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The last element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/last/}
+ */
+function last() {
+ return this.length > 0 ? this._make(this[this.length - 1]) : this;
+exports.last = last;
+ * Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index. Use
+ * `.eq(-i)` to count backwards from the last selected element.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ *
+ * $('li').eq(-1).text();
+ * //=> Pear
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param i - Index of the element to select.
+ * @returns The element at the `i`th position.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/eq/}
+ */
+function eq(i) {
+ var _a;
+ i = +i;
+ // Use the first identity optimization if possible
+ if (i === 0 && this.length <= 1)
+ return this;
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = this.length + i;
+ return this._make((_a = this[i]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []);
+exports.eq = eq;
+function get(i) {
+ if (i == null) {
+ return this.toArray();
+ }
+ return this[i < 0 ? this.length + i : i];
+exports.get = get;
+ * Retrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set as an array.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').toArray();
+ * //=> [ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The contained items.
+ */
+function toArray() {
+ return Array.prototype.slice.call(this);
+exports.toArray = toArray;
+ * Search for a given element from among the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.pear').index();
+ * //=> 2 $('.orange').index('li');
+ * //=> 1
+ * $('.apple').index($('#fruit, li'));
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selectorOrNeedle - Element to look for.
+ * @returns The index of the element.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/index/}
+ */
+function index(selectorOrNeedle) {
+ var $haystack;
+ var needle;
+ if (selectorOrNeedle == null) {
+ $haystack = this.parent().children();
+ needle = this[0];
+ }
+ else if (typeof selectorOrNeedle === 'string') {
+ $haystack = this._make(selectorOrNeedle);
+ needle = this[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $haystack = this;
+ needle = utils_1.isCheerio(selectorOrNeedle)
+ ? selectorOrNeedle[0]
+ : selectorOrNeedle;
+ }
+ return Array.prototype.indexOf.call($haystack, needle);
+exports.index = index;
+ * Gets the elements matching the specified range (0-based position).
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').slice(1).eq(0).text();
+ * //=> 'Orange'
+ *
+ * $('li').slice(1, 2).length;
+ * //=> 1
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param start - An position at which the elements begin to be selected. If
+ * negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set.
+ * @param end - An position at which the elements stop being selected. If
+ * negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set. If omitted, the
+ * range continues until the end of the set.
+ * @returns The elements matching the specified range.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/slice/}
+ */
+function slice(start, end) {
+ return this._make(Array.prototype.slice.call(this, start, end));
+exports.slice = slice;
+ * End the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and return the
+ * set of matched elements to its previous state.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).end().length;
+ * //=> 3
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns The previous state of the set of matched elements.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/end/}
+ */
+function end() {
+ var _a;
+ return (_a = this.prevObject) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this._make([]);
+exports.end = end;
+ * Add elements to the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple').add('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param other - Elements to add.
+ * @param context - Optionally the context of the new selection.
+ * @returns The combined set.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/add/}
+ */
+function add(other, context) {
+ var selection = this._make(other, context);
+ var contents = uniqueSort(tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], this.get()), selection.get()));
+ return this._make(contents);
+exports.add = add;
+ * Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set, optionally
+ * filtered by a selector.
+ *
+ * @category Traversing
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('li').eq(0).addBack('.orange').length;
+ * //=> 2
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Selector for the elements to add.
+ * @returns The combined set.
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/addBack/}
+ */
+function addBack(selector) {
+ return this.prevObject
+ ? this.add(selector ? this.prevObject.filter(selector) : this.prevObject)
+ : this;
+exports.addBack = addBack;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/cheerio.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/cheerio.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0564193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/cheerio.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import { InternalOptions } from './options';
+import type { Node, Document } from 'domhandler';
+import { BasicAcceptedElems } from './types';
+import * as Attributes from './api/attributes';
+import * as Traversing from './api/traversing';
+import * as Manipulation from './api/manipulation';
+import * as Css from './api/css';
+import * as Forms from './api/forms';
+declare type AttributesType = typeof Attributes;
+declare type TraversingType = typeof Traversing;
+declare type ManipulationType = typeof Manipulation;
+declare type CssType = typeof Css;
+declare type FormsType = typeof Forms;
+export declare class Cheerio<T> implements ArrayLike<T> {
+ length: number;
+ [index: number]: T;
+ options: InternalOptions;
+ /**
+ * The root of the document. Can be set by using the `root` argument of the constructor.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ _root: Cheerio<Document> | undefined;
+ /** @function */
+ find: typeof Traversing.find;
+ /**
+ * Instance of cheerio. Methods are specified in the modules. Usage of this
+ * constructor is not recommended. Please use $.load instead.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param selector - The new selection.
+ * @param context - Context of the selection.
+ * @param root - Sets the root node.
+ * @param options - Options for the instance.
+ */
+ constructor(selector?: T extends Node ? BasicAcceptedElems<T> : Cheerio<T> | T[], context?: BasicAcceptedElems<Node> | null, root?: BasicAcceptedElems<Document> | null, options?: InternalOptions);
+ prevObject: Cheerio<Node> | undefined;
+ /**
+ * Make a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param dom - The contents of the new object.
+ * @param context - The context of the new object.
+ * @returns The new cheerio object.
+ */
+ _make<T>(dom: Cheerio<T> | T[] | T | string, context?: BasicAcceptedElems<Node>): Cheerio<T>;
+export interface Cheerio<T> extends AttributesType, TraversingType, ManipulationType, CssType, FormsType, Iterable<T> {
+ cheerio: '[cheerio object]';
+ splice: typeof Array.prototype.slice;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=cheerio.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/cheerio.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14143e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/cheerio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.Cheerio = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var parse_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./parse"));
+var options_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./options"));
+var utils_1 = require("./utils");
+var Attributes = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./api/attributes"));
+var Traversing = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./api/traversing"));
+var Manipulation = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./api/manipulation"));
+var Css = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./api/css"));
+var Forms = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./api/forms"));
+var Cheerio = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Instance of cheerio. Methods are specified in the modules. Usage of this
+ * constructor is not recommended. Please use $.load instead.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param selector - The new selection.
+ * @param context - Context of the selection.
+ * @param root - Sets the root node.
+ * @param options - Options for the instance.
+ */
+ function Cheerio(selector, context, root, options) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (options === void 0) { options = options_1.default; }
+ this.length = 0;
+ this.options = options;
+ // $(), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
+ if (!selector)
+ return this;
+ if (root) {
+ if (typeof root === 'string')
+ root = parse_1.default(root, this.options, false);
+ this._root = new this.constructor(root, null, null, this.options);
+ // Add a cyclic reference, so that calling methods on `_root` never fails.
+ this._root._root = this._root;
+ }
+ // $($)
+ if (utils_1.isCheerio(selector))
+ return selector;
+ var elements = typeof selector === 'string' && utils_1.isHtml(selector)
+ ? // $(<html>)
+ parse_1.default(selector, this.options, false).children
+ : isNode(selector)
+ ? // $(dom)
+ [selector]
+ : Array.isArray(selector)
+ ? // $([dom])
+ selector
+ : null;
+ if (elements) {
+ elements.forEach(function (elem, idx) {
+ _this[idx] = elem;
+ });
+ this.length = elements.length;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // We know that our selector is a string now.
+ var search = selector;
+ var searchContext = !context
+ ? // If we don't have a context, maybe we have a root, from loading
+ this._root
+ : typeof context === 'string'
+ ? utils_1.isHtml(context)
+ ? // $('li', '<ul>...</ul>')
+ this._make(parse_1.default(context, this.options, false))
+ : // $('li', 'ul')
+ ((search = context + " " + search), this._root)
+ : utils_1.isCheerio(context)
+ ? // $('li', $)
+ context
+ : // $('li', node), $('li', [nodes])
+ this._make(context);
+ // If we still don't have a context, return
+ if (!searchContext)
+ return this;
+ /*
+ * #id, .class, tag
+ */
+ // @ts-expect-error No good way to type this — we will always return `Cheerio<Element>` here.
+ return searchContext.find(search);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make a cheerio object.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param dom - The contents of the new object.
+ * @param context - The context of the new object.
+ * @returns The new cheerio object.
+ */
+ Cheerio.prototype._make = function (dom, context) {
+ var cheerio = new this.constructor(dom, context, this._root, this.options);
+ cheerio.prevObject = this;
+ return cheerio;
+ };
+ return Cheerio;
+exports.Cheerio = Cheerio;
+/** Set a signature of the object. */
+Cheerio.prototype.cheerio = '[cheerio object]';
+ * Make cheerio an array-like object
+ */
+Cheerio.prototype.splice = Array.prototype.splice;
+// Support for (const element of $(...)) iteration:
+Cheerio.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
+// Plug in the API
+Object.assign(Cheerio.prototype, Attributes, Traversing, Manipulation, Css, Forms);
+function isNode(obj) {
+ return (!!obj.name ||
+ obj.type === 'root' ||
+ obj.type === 'text' ||
+ obj.type === 'comment');
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/index.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/index.d.ts
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index 0000000..e651f38
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * The main types of Cheerio objects.
+ *
+ * @category Cheerio
+ */
+export type { Cheerio } from './cheerio';
+ * Types used in signatures of Cheerio methods.
+ *
+ * @category Cheerio
+ */
+export * from './types';
+export type { CheerioOptions, HTMLParser2Options, Parse5Options, } from './options';
+ * Re-exporting all of the node types.
+ *
+ * @category DOM Node
+ */
+export type { Node, NodeWithChildren, Element, Document } from 'domhandler';
+export * from './load';
+declare const _default: import("./load").CheerioAPI;
+ * The default cheerio instance.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use the function returned by `load` instead.
+ */
+export default _default;
+import * as staticMethods from './static';
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('<div><p></p></div>');
+ *
+ * $.contains($('div').get(0), $('p').get(0));
+ * //=> true
+ *
+ * $.contains($('p').get(0), $('div').get(0));
+ * //=> false
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+export declare const contains: typeof staticMethods.contains;
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ *
+ * $.merge([1, 2], [3, 4]);
+ * //=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ * ```
+ */
+export declare const merge: typeof staticMethods.merge;
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name as it is defined on the
+ * "loaded" Cheerio factory function.
+ *
+ * @deprecated See {@link static/parseHTML}.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ * $.parseHTML('<b>markup</b>');
+ * ```
+ */
+export declare const parseHTML: typeof staticMethods.parseHTML;
+ * Users seeking to access the top-level element of a parsed document should
+ * instead use the `root` static method of a "loaded" Cheerio function.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ * $.root();
+ * ```
+ */
+export declare const root: typeof staticMethods.root;
+//# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/index.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98095d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.root = exports.parseHTML = exports.merge = exports.contains = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+ * Types used in signatures of Cheerio methods.
+ *
+ * @category Cheerio
+ */
+tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./types"), exports);
+tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./load"), exports);
+var load_1 = require("./load");
+ * The default cheerio instance.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use the function returned by `load` instead.
+ */
+exports.default = load_1.load([]);
+var staticMethods = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./static"));
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('<div><p></p></div>');
+ *
+ * $.contains($('div').get(0), $('p').get(0));
+ * //=> true
+ *
+ * $.contains($('p').get(0), $('div').get(0));
+ * //=> false
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+exports.contains = staticMethods.contains;
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ *
+ * $.merge([1, 2], [3, 4]);
+ * //=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ * ```
+ */
+exports.merge = staticMethods.merge;
+ * In order to promote consistency with the jQuery library, users are encouraged
+ * to instead use the static method of the same name as it is defined on the
+ * "loaded" Cheerio factory function.
+ *
+ * @deprecated See {@link static/parseHTML}.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ * $.parseHTML('<b>markup</b>');
+ * ```
+ */
+exports.parseHTML = staticMethods.parseHTML;
+ * Users seeking to access the top-level element of a parsed document should
+ * instead use the `root` static method of a "loaded" Cheerio function.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const $ = cheerio.load('');
+ * $.root();
+ * ```
+ */
+exports.root = staticMethods.root;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/load.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/load.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dbc24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/load.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import { CheerioOptions, InternalOptions } from './options';
+import * as staticMethods from './static';
+import { Cheerio } from './cheerio';
+import type { Node, Document, Element } from 'domhandler';
+import type * as Load from './load';
+import { SelectorType, BasicAcceptedElems } from './types';
+declare type StaticType = typeof staticMethods;
+declare type LoadType = typeof Load;
+ * A querying function, bound to a document created from the provided markup.
+ *
+ * Also provides several helper methods for dealing with the document as a whole.
+ */
+export interface CheerioAPI extends StaticType, LoadType {
+ /**
+ * This selector method is the starting point for traversing and manipulating
+ * the document. Like jQuery, it's the primary method for selecting elements
+ * in the document.
+ *
+ * `selector` searches within the `context` scope which searches within the
+ * `root` scope.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $('.apple', '#fruits').text();
+ * //=> Apple
+ *
+ * $('ul .pear').attr('class');
+ * //=> pear
+ *
+ * $('li[class=orange]').html();
+ * //=> Orange
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param selector - Either a selector to look for within the document, or the
+ * contents of a new Cheerio instance.
+ * @param context - Either a selector to look for within the root, or the
+ * contents of the document to query.
+ * @param root - Optional HTML document string.
+ */
+ <T extends Node, S extends string>(selector?: S | BasicAcceptedElems<T>, context?: BasicAcceptedElems<Node> | null, root?: BasicAcceptedElems<Document>, options?: CheerioOptions): Cheerio<S extends SelectorType ? Element : T>;
+ /**
+ * The root the document was originally loaded with.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ _root: Document;
+ /**
+ * The options the document was originally loaded with.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ _options: InternalOptions;
+ /** Mimic jQuery's prototype alias for plugin authors. */
+ fn: typeof Cheerio.prototype;
+ * Create a querying function, bound to a document created from the provided
+ * markup. Note that similar to web browser contexts, this operation may
+ * introduce `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` elements; set `isDocument` to
+ * `false` to switch to fragment mode and disable this.
+ *
+ * @param content - Markup to be loaded.
+ * @param options - Options for the created instance.
+ * @param isDocument - Allows parser to be switched to fragment mode.
+ * @returns The loaded document.
+ * @see {@link https://cheerio.js.org#loading} for additional usage information.
+ */
+export declare function load(content: string | Node | Node[] | Buffer, options?: CheerioOptions | null, isDocument?: boolean): CheerioAPI;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=load.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/load.d.ts.map
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2603cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/load.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.load = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var options_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./options"));
+var staticMethods = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./static"));
+var cheerio_1 = require("./cheerio");
+var parse_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./parse"));
+ * Create a querying function, bound to a document created from the provided
+ * markup. Note that similar to web browser contexts, this operation may
+ * introduce `<html>`, `<head>`, and `<body>` elements; set `isDocument` to
+ * `false` to switch to fragment mode and disable this.
+ *
+ * @param content - Markup to be loaded.
+ * @param options - Options for the created instance.
+ * @param isDocument - Allows parser to be switched to fragment mode.
+ * @returns The loaded document.
+ * @see {@link https://cheerio.js.org#loading} for additional usage information.
+ */
+function load(content, options, isDocument) {
+ if (isDocument === void 0) { isDocument = true; }
+ if (content == null) {
+ throw new Error('cheerio.load() expects a string');
+ }
+ var internalOpts = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, options_1.default), options_1.flatten(options));
+ var root = parse_1.default(content, internalOpts, isDocument);
+ /** Create an extended class here, so that extensions only live on one instance. */
+ var LoadedCheerio = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
+ tslib_1.__extends(LoadedCheerio, _super);
+ function LoadedCheerio() {
+ return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ }
+ return LoadedCheerio;
+ }(cheerio_1.Cheerio));
+ function initialize(selector, context, r, opts) {
+ if (r === void 0) { r = root; }
+ return new LoadedCheerio(selector, context, r, tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, internalOpts), options_1.flatten(opts)));
+ }
+ // Add in static methods & properties
+ Object.assign(initialize, staticMethods, {
+ load: load,
+ // `_root` and `_options` are used in static methods.
+ _root: root,
+ _options: internalOpts,
+ // Add `fn` for plugins
+ fn: LoadedCheerio.prototype,
+ // Add the prototype here to maintain `instanceof` behavior.
+ prototype: LoadedCheerio.prototype,
+ });
+ return initialize;
+exports.load = load;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/options.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/options.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c8df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/options.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import type { DomHandlerOptions } from 'domhandler';
+import type { ParserOptions } from 'htmlparser2';
+/** Options accepted by htmlparser2, the default parser for XML. */
+export interface HTMLParser2Options extends DomHandlerOptions, ParserOptions {
+/** Options for parse5, the default parser for HTML. */
+export interface Parse5Options {
+ /** Disable scripting in parse5, so noscript tags would be parsed. */
+ scriptingEnabled?: boolean;
+ /** Enable location support for parse5. */
+ sourceCodeLocationInfo?: boolean;
+/** Internal options for Cheerio. */
+export interface InternalOptions extends HTMLParser2Options, Parse5Options {
+ _useHtmlParser2?: boolean;
+ * Options accepted by Cheerio.
+ *
+ * Please note that parser-specific options are *only recognized* if the
+ * relevant parser is used.
+ */
+export interface CheerioOptions extends HTMLParser2Options, Parse5Options {
+ /** Suggested way of configuring htmlparser2 when wanting to parse XML. */
+ xml?: HTMLParser2Options | boolean;
+declare const defaultOpts: CheerioOptions;
+/** Cheerio default options. */
+export default defaultOpts;
+export declare function flatten(options?: CheerioOptions | null): InternalOptions | undefined;
+//# sourceMappingURL=options.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/options.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cddb475
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.flatten = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var defaultOpts = {
+ xml: false,
+ decodeEntities: true,
+/** Cheerio default options. */
+exports.default = defaultOpts;
+var xmlModeDefault = {
+ _useHtmlParser2: true,
+ xmlMode: true,
+function flatten(options) {
+ return (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.xml)
+ ? typeof options.xml === 'boolean'
+ ? xmlModeDefault
+ : tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, xmlModeDefault), options.xml)
+ : options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : undefined;
+exports.flatten = flatten;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.d.ts
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import { Node, Document, NodeWithChildren } from 'domhandler';
+import type { InternalOptions } from './options';
+export default function parse(content: string | Document | Node | Node[] | Buffer, options: InternalOptions, isDocument: boolean): Document;
+ * Update the dom structure, for one changed layer.
+ *
+ * @param newChilds - The new children.
+ * @param parent - The new parent.
+ * @returns The parent node.
+ */
+export declare function update(newChilds: Node[] | Node, parent: NodeWithChildren | null): Node | null;
+//# sourceMappingURL=parse.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b429ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd92fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.update = void 0;
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+var htmlparser2_adapter_1 = require("./parsers/htmlparser2-adapter");
+var parse5_adapter_1 = require("./parsers/parse5-adapter");
+var domhandler_1 = require("domhandler");
+ * Parser
+ */
+function parse(content, options, isDocument) {
+ if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && Buffer.isBuffer(content)) {
+ content = content.toString();
+ }
+ if (typeof content === 'string') {
+ return options.xmlMode || options._useHtmlParser2
+ ? htmlparser2_adapter_1.parse(content, options)
+ : parse5_adapter_1.parse(content, options, isDocument);
+ }
+ var doc = content;
+ if (!Array.isArray(doc) && domhandler_1.isDocument(doc)) {
+ // If `doc` is already a root, just return it
+ return doc;
+ }
+ // Add conent to new root element
+ var root = new domhandler_1.Document([]);
+ // Update the DOM using the root
+ update(doc, root);
+ return root;
+exports.default = parse;
+ * Update the dom structure, for one changed layer.
+ *
+ * @param newChilds - The new children.
+ * @param parent - The new parent.
+ * @returns The parent node.
+ */
+function update(newChilds, parent) {
+ // Normalize
+ var arr = Array.isArray(newChilds) ? newChilds : [newChilds];
+ // Update parent
+ if (parent) {
+ parent.children = arr;
+ }
+ else {
+ parent = null;
+ }
+ // Update neighbors
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ var node = arr[i];
+ // Cleanly remove existing nodes from their previous structures.
+ if (node.parent && node.parent.children !== arr) {
+ htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.removeElement(node);
+ }
+ if (parent) {
+ node.prev = arr[i - 1] || null;
+ node.next = arr[i + 1] || null;
+ }
+ else {
+ node.prev = node.next = null;
+ }
+ node.parent = parent;
+ }
+ return parent;
+exports.update = update;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7437310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export { parseDocument as parse } from 'htmlparser2';
+export { default as render } from 'dom-serializer';
+//# sourceMappingURL=htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf18b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"version":3,"file":"htmlparser2-adapter.d.ts","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,IAAI,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,aAAa,CAAC;AACrD,OAAO,EAAE,OAAO,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC"} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a05f08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/htmlparser2-adapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"use strict";
+var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
+ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.render = exports.parse = void 0;
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return htmlparser2_1.parseDocument; } });
+var dom_serializer_1 = require("dom-serializer");
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "render", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return __importDefault(dom_serializer_1).default; } });
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c262aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { Node, Document } from 'domhandler';
+import type { InternalOptions } from '../options';
+interface Parse5Options extends InternalOptions {
+ context?: Node;
+export declare function parse(content: string, options: Parse5Options, isDocument?: boolean): Document;
+export declare function render(dom: Node | ArrayLike<Node>): string;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=parse5-adapter.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f3fa87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b480b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/parsers/parse5-adapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.render = exports.parse = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var domhandler_1 = require("domhandler");
+var parse5_1 = require("parse5");
+var parse5_htmlparser2_tree_adapter_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter"));
+function parse(content, options, isDocument) {
+ var opts = {
+ scriptingEnabled: typeof options.scriptingEnabled === 'boolean'
+ ? options.scriptingEnabled
+ : true,
+ treeAdapter: parse5_htmlparser2_tree_adapter_1.default,
+ sourceCodeLocationInfo: options.sourceCodeLocationInfo,
+ };
+ var context = options.context;
+ // @ts-expect-error The tree adapter unfortunately doesn't return the exact types.
+ return isDocument
+ ? parse5_1.parse(content, opts)
+ : // @ts-expect-error Same issue again.
+ parse5_1.parseFragment(context, content, opts);
+exports.parse = parse;
+function render(dom) {
+ var _a;
+ /*
+ * `dom-serializer` passes over the special "root" node and renders the
+ * node's children in its place. To mimic this behavior with `parse5`, an
+ * equivalent operation must be applied to the input array.
+ */
+ var nodes = 'length' in dom ? dom : [dom];
+ for (var index = 0; index < nodes.length; index += 1) {
+ var node = nodes[index];
+ if (domhandler_1.isDocument(node)) {
+ (_a = Array.prototype.splice).call.apply(_a, tslib_1.__spreadArray([nodes, index, 1], node.children));
+ }
+ }
+ // @ts-expect-error Types don't align here either.
+ return parse5_1.serialize({ children: nodes }, { treeAdapter: parse5_htmlparser2_tree_adapter_1.default });
+exports.render = render;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666c243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import type { CheerioAPI, Cheerio } from '.';
+import { Node, Document } from 'domhandler';
+import { CheerioOptions } from './options';
+ * Renders the document.
+ *
+ * @param options - Options for the renderer.
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+export declare function html(this: CheerioAPI | void, options?: CheerioOptions): string;
+ * Renders the document.
+ *
+ * @param dom - Element to render.
+ * @param options - Options for the renderer.
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+export declare function html(this: CheerioAPI | void, dom?: string | ArrayLike<Node> | Node, options?: CheerioOptions): string;
+ * Render the document as XML.
+ *
+ * @param dom - Element to render.
+ * @returns THe rendered document.
+ */
+export declare function xml(this: CheerioAPI, dom?: string | ArrayLike<Node> | Node): string;
+ * Render the document as text.
+ *
+ * @param elements - Elements to render.
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+export declare function text(this: CheerioAPI | void, elements?: ArrayLike<Node>): string;
+ * Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes. The `context` argument has no
+ * meaning for Cheerio, but it is maintained for API compatibility with jQuery.
+ *
+ * @param data - Markup that will be parsed.
+ * @param context - Will be ignored. If it is a boolean it will be used as the
+ * value of `keepScripts`.
+ * @param keepScripts - If false all scripts will be removed.
+ * @returns The parsed DOM.
+ * @alias Cheerio.parseHTML
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.parseHTML/}
+ */
+export declare function parseHTML(this: CheerioAPI, data: string, context?: unknown | boolean, keepScripts?: boolean): Node[];
+export declare function parseHTML(this: CheerioAPI, data?: '' | null): null;
+ * Sometimes you need to work with the top-level root element. To query it, you
+ * can use `$.root()`.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $.root().append('<ul id="vegetables"></ul>').html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">...</ul><ul id="vegetables"></ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns Cheerio instance wrapping the root node.
+ * @alias Cheerio.root
+ */
+export declare function root(this: CheerioAPI): Cheerio<Document>;
+ * Checks to see if the `contained` DOM element is a descendant of the
+ * `container` DOM element.
+ *
+ * @param container - Potential parent node.
+ * @param contained - Potential child node.
+ * @returns Indicates if the nodes contain one another.
+ * @alias Cheerio.contains
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.contains/}
+ */
+export declare function contains(container: Node, contained: Node): boolean;
+interface WritableArrayLike<T> extends ArrayLike<T> {
+ length: number;
+ [n: number]: T;
+ * $.merge().
+ *
+ * @param arr1 - First array.
+ * @param arr2 - Second array.
+ * @returns `arr1`, with elements of `arr2` inserted.
+ * @alias Cheerio.merge
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.merge/}
+ */
+export declare function merge<T>(arr1: WritableArrayLike<T>, arr2: ArrayLike<T>): ArrayLike<T> | undefined;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=static.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c99261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9fbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/static.js
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.merge = exports.contains = exports.root = exports.parseHTML = exports.text = exports.xml = exports.html = void 0;
+var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
+var options_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./options"));
+var cheerio_select_1 = require("cheerio-select");
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+var parse5_adapter_1 = require("./parsers/parse5-adapter");
+var htmlparser2_adapter_1 = require("./parsers/htmlparser2-adapter");
+ * Helper function to render a DOM.
+ *
+ * @param that - Cheerio instance to render.
+ * @param dom - The DOM to render. Defaults to `that`'s root.
+ * @param options - Options for rendering.
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+function render(that, dom, options) {
+ var _a;
+ var toRender = dom
+ ? typeof dom === 'string'
+ ? cheerio_select_1.select(dom, (_a = that === null || that === void 0 ? void 0 : that._root) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], options)
+ : dom
+ : that === null || that === void 0 ? void 0 : that._root.children;
+ if (!toRender)
+ return '';
+ return options.xmlMode || options._useHtmlParser2
+ ? htmlparser2_adapter_1.render(toRender, options)
+ : parse5_adapter_1.render(toRender);
+ * Checks if a passed object is an options object.
+ *
+ * @param dom - Object to check if it is an options object.
+ * @returns Whether the object is an options object.
+ */
+function isOptions(dom) {
+ return (typeof dom === 'object' &&
+ dom != null &&
+ !('length' in dom) &&
+ !('type' in dom));
+function html(dom, options) {
+ /*
+ * Be flexible about parameters, sometimes we call html(),
+ * with options as only parameter
+ * check dom argument for dom element specific properties
+ * assume there is no 'length' or 'type' properties in the options object
+ */
+ if (!options && isOptions(dom)) {
+ options = dom;
+ dom = undefined;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sometimes `$.html()` is used without preloading html,
+ * so fallback non-existing options to the default ones.
+ */
+ var opts = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, options_1.default), (this ? this._options : {})), options_1.flatten(options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}));
+ return render(this || undefined, dom, opts);
+exports.html = html;
+ * Render the document as XML.
+ *
+ * @param dom - Element to render.
+ * @returns THe rendered document.
+ */
+function xml(dom) {
+ var options = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, this._options), { xmlMode: true });
+ return render(this, dom, options);
+exports.xml = xml;
+ * Render the document as text.
+ *
+ * @param elements - Elements to render.
+ * @returns The rendered document.
+ */
+function text(elements) {
+ var elems = elements ? elements : this ? this.root() : [];
+ var ret = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
+ var elem = elems[i];
+ if (htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.isText(elem))
+ ret += elem.data;
+ else if (htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.hasChildren(elem) &&
+ elem.type !== htmlparser2_1.ElementType.Comment &&
+ elem.type !== htmlparser2_1.ElementType.Script &&
+ elem.type !== htmlparser2_1.ElementType.Style) {
+ ret += text(elem.children);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+exports.text = text;
+function parseHTML(data, context, keepScripts) {
+ if (keepScripts === void 0) { keepScripts = typeof context === 'boolean' ? context : false; }
+ if (!data || typeof data !== 'string') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (typeof context === 'boolean') {
+ keepScripts = context;
+ }
+ var parsed = this.load(data, options_1.default, false);
+ if (!keepScripts) {
+ parsed('script').remove();
+ }
+ /*
+ * The `children` array is used by Cheerio internally to group elements that
+ * share the same parents. When nodes created through `parseHTML` are
+ * inserted into previously-existing DOM structures, they will be removed
+ * from the `children` array. The results of `parseHTML` should remain
+ * constant across these operations, so a shallow copy should be returned.
+ */
+ return parsed.root()[0].children.slice();
+exports.parseHTML = parseHTML;
+ * Sometimes you need to work with the top-level root element. To query it, you
+ * can use `$.root()`.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $.root().append('<ul id="vegetables"></ul>').html();
+ * //=> <ul id="fruits">...</ul><ul id="vegetables"></ul>
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @returns Cheerio instance wrapping the root node.
+ * @alias Cheerio.root
+ */
+function root() {
+ return this(this._root);
+exports.root = root;
+ * Checks to see if the `contained` DOM element is a descendant of the
+ * `container` DOM element.
+ *
+ * @param container - Potential parent node.
+ * @param contained - Potential child node.
+ * @returns Indicates if the nodes contain one another.
+ * @alias Cheerio.contains
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.contains/}
+ */
+function contains(container, contained) {
+ // According to the jQuery API, an element does not "contain" itself
+ if (contained === container) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Step up the descendants, stopping when the root element is reached
+ * (signaled by `.parent` returning a reference to the same object)
+ */
+ var next = contained;
+ while (next && next !== next.parent) {
+ next = next.parent;
+ if (next === container) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.contains = contains;
+ * $.merge().
+ *
+ * @param arr1 - First array.
+ * @param arr2 - Second array.
+ * @returns `arr1`, with elements of `arr2` inserted.
+ * @alias Cheerio.merge
+ * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.merge/}
+ */
+function merge(arr1, arr2) {
+ if (!isArrayLike(arr1) || !isArrayLike(arr2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var newLength = arr1.length;
+ var len = +arr2.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ arr1[newLength++] = arr2[i];
+ }
+ arr1.length = newLength;
+ return arr1;
+exports.merge = merge;
+ * @param item - Item to check.
+ * @returns Indicates if the item is array-like.
+ */
+function isArrayLike(item) {
+ if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof item !== 'object' ||
+ !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, 'length') ||
+ typeof item.length !== 'number' ||
+ item.length < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
+ if (!(i in item)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d590e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+declare type LowercaseLetters = 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z';
+declare type AlphaNumeric = LowercaseLetters | Uppercase<LowercaseLetters> | `${number}`;
+declare type SelectorSpecial = '.' | '#' | ':' | '|' | '>' | '+' | '~' | '[';
+ * Type for identifying selectors. Allows us to "upgrade" queries using
+ * selectors to return `Element`s.
+ */
+export declare type SelectorType = `${SelectorSpecial}${AlphaNumeric}${string}` | `${AlphaNumeric}${string}`;
+import type { Cheerio } from './cheerio';
+import type { Node } from 'domhandler';
+/** Elements that can be passed to manipulation methods. */
+export declare type BasicAcceptedElems<T extends Node> = Cheerio<T> | T[] | T | string;
+/** Elements that can be passed to manipulation methods, including functions. */
+export declare type AcceptedElems<T extends Node> = BasicAcceptedElems<T> | ((this: T, i: number, el: T) => BasicAcceptedElems<T>);
+/** Function signature, for traversal methods. */
+export declare type FilterFunction<T> = (this: T, i: number, el: T) => boolean;
+/** Supported filter types, for traversal methods. */
+export declare type AcceptedFilters<T> = string | FilterFunction<T> | T | Cheerio<T>;
+export {};
+//# sourceMappingURL=types.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39e3f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ad2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/types.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e5e0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { DomUtils } from 'htmlparser2';
+import { Node } from 'domhandler';
+import type { Cheerio } from './cheerio';
+ * Check if the DOM element is a tag.
+ *
+ * `isTag(type)` includes `<script>` and `<style>` tags.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param type - DOM node to check.
+ * @returns Whether the node is a tag.
+ */
+export declare const isTag: typeof DomUtils.isTag;
+ * Checks if an object is a Cheerio instance.
+ *
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param maybeCheerio - The object to check.
+ * @returns Whether the object is a Cheerio instance.
+ */
+export declare function isCheerio<T>(maybeCheerio: any): maybeCheerio is Cheerio<T>;
+ * Convert a string to camel case notation.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to be converted.
+ * @returns String in camel case notation.
+ */
+export declare function camelCase(str: string): string;
+ * Convert a string from camel case to "CSS case", where word boundaries are
+ * described by hyphens ("-") and all characters are lower-case.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to be converted.
+ * @returns String in "CSS case".
+ */
+export declare function cssCase(str: string): string;
+ * Iterate over each DOM element without creating intermediary Cheerio instances.
+ *
+ * This is indented for use internally to avoid otherwise unnecessary memory
+ * pressure introduced by _make.
+ *
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param array - Array to iterate over.
+ * @param fn - Function to call.
+ * @returns The original instance.
+ */
+export declare function domEach<T extends Node, Arr extends ArrayLike<T> = Cheerio<T>>(array: Arr, fn: (elem: T, index: number) => void): Arr;
+ * Create a deep copy of the given DOM structure. Sets the parents of the copies
+ * of the passed nodes to `null`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param dom - The htmlparser2-compliant DOM structure.
+ * @returns - The cloned DOM.
+ */
+export declare function cloneDom<T extends Node>(dom: T | T[]): T[];
+ * Check if string is HTML.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to check.
+ * @returns Indicates if `str` is HTML.
+ */
+export declare function isHtml(str: string): boolean;
+//# sourceMappingURL=utils.d.ts.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts.map b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ca00a
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+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.js b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2133d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/lib/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.isHtml = exports.cloneDom = exports.domEach = exports.cssCase = exports.camelCase = exports.isCheerio = exports.isTag = void 0;
+var htmlparser2_1 = require("htmlparser2");
+var domhandler_1 = require("domhandler");
+ * Check if the DOM element is a tag.
+ *
+ * `isTag(type)` includes `<script>` and `<style>` tags.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param type - DOM node to check.
+ * @returns Whether the node is a tag.
+ */
+exports.isTag = htmlparser2_1.DomUtils.isTag;
+ * Checks if an object is a Cheerio instance.
+ *
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param maybeCheerio - The object to check.
+ * @returns Whether the object is a Cheerio instance.
+ */
+function isCheerio(maybeCheerio) {
+ return maybeCheerio.cheerio != null;
+exports.isCheerio = isCheerio;
+ * Convert a string to camel case notation.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to be converted.
+ * @returns String in camel case notation.
+ */
+function camelCase(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[_.-](\w|$)/g, function (_, x) { return x.toUpperCase(); });
+exports.camelCase = camelCase;
+ * Convert a string from camel case to "CSS case", where word boundaries are
+ * described by hyphens ("-") and all characters are lower-case.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to be converted.
+ * @returns String in "CSS case".
+ */
+function cssCase(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$&').toLowerCase();
+exports.cssCase = cssCase;
+ * Iterate over each DOM element without creating intermediary Cheerio instances.
+ *
+ * This is indented for use internally to avoid otherwise unnecessary memory
+ * pressure introduced by _make.
+ *
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param array - Array to iterate over.
+ * @param fn - Function to call.
+ * @returns The original instance.
+ */
+function domEach(array, fn) {
+ var len = array.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ fn(array[i], i);
+ return array;
+exports.domEach = domEach;
+ * Create a deep copy of the given DOM structure. Sets the parents of the copies
+ * of the passed nodes to `null`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param dom - The htmlparser2-compliant DOM structure.
+ * @returns - The cloned DOM.
+ */
+function cloneDom(dom) {
+ var clone = 'length' in dom
+ ? Array.prototype.map.call(dom, function (el) { return domhandler_1.cloneNode(el, true); })
+ : [domhandler_1.cloneNode(dom, true)];
+ // Add a root node around the cloned nodes
+ var root = new domhandler_1.Document(clone);
+ clone.forEach(function (node) {
+ node.parent = root;
+ });
+ return clone;
+exports.cloneDom = cloneDom;
+ * A simple way to check for HTML strings. Tests for a `<` within a string,
+ * immediate followed by a letter and eventually followed by a `>`.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+var quickExpr = /<[a-zA-Z][^]*>/;
+ * Check if string is HTML.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @category Utils
+ * @param str - String to check.
+ * @returns Indicates if `str` is HTML.
+ */
+function isHtml(str) {
+ // Run the regex
+ return quickExpr.test(str);
+exports.isHtml = isHtml;
diff --git a/node_modules/cheerio/package.json b/node_modules/cheerio/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38e6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/cheerio/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ "name": "cheerio",
+ "version": "1.0.0-rc.10",
+ "description": "Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server",
+ "author": "Matt Mueller <mattmuelle@gmail.com>",
+ "maintainers": [
+ "Felix Boehm <me@feedic.com>"
+ ],
+ "funding": "https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio?sponsor=1",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "keywords": [
+ "htmlparser",
+ "jquery",
+ "selector",
+ "scraper",
+ "parser",
+ "html"
+ ],
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio.git"
+ },
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio/issues"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://cheerio.js.org/",
+ "main": "lib/index.js",
+ "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
+ "files": [
+ "lib"
+ ],
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">= 6"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "cheerio-select": "^1.5.0",
+ "dom-serializer": "^1.3.2",
+ "domhandler": "^4.2.0",
+ "htmlparser2": "^6.1.0",
+ "parse5": "^6.0.1",
+ "parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter": "^6.0.1",
+ "tslib": "^2.2.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@octokit/graphql": "^4.6.2",
+ "@types/benchmark": "^2.1.0",
+ "@types/jest": "^26.0.23",
+ "@types/jsdom": "^16.2.10",
+ "@types/node": "^15.12.1",
+ "@types/node-fetch": "^2.5.10",
+ "@types/parse5": "^6.0.0",
+ "@types/parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter": "^6.0.0",
+ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.26.0",
+ "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.26.0",
+ "benchmark": "^2.1.4",
+ "eslint": "^7.28.0",
+ "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0",
+ "eslint-plugin-jest": "^24.3.6",
+ "eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "^35.1.3",
+ "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0",
+ "husky": "^4.3.8",
+ "jest": "^27.0.4",
+ "jquery": "^3.6.0",
+ "jsdom": "^16.6.0",
+ "lint-staged": "^11.0.0",
+ "node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
+ "prettier": "^2.3.1",
+ "prettier-plugin-jsdoc": "0.3.22",
+ "ts-jest": "^27.0.3",
+ "ts-node": "^10.0.0",
+ "typedoc": "^0.20.36",
+ "typescript": "^4.2.4"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "npm run lint && npm run test:jest",
+ "test:jest": "jest",
+ "test:jest:cov": "npm run test:jest -- --coverage",
+ "lint": "npm run lint:es && npm run lint:prettier",
+ "lint:es": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore .",
+ "lint:prettier": "npm run format:prettier:raw -- --check",
+ "format": "npm run format:es && npm run format:prettier",
+ "format:es": "npm run lint:es -- --fix",
+ "format:prettier": "npm run format:prettier:raw -- --write",
+ "format:prettier:raw": "prettier \"**/*.{js,ts,md,json,yml}\" --ignore-path .gitignore",
+ "build:docs": "typedoc --hideGenerator src/index.ts",
+ "benchmark": "ts-node benchmark/benchmark.ts --regex \"^(?!.*highmem)\"",
+ "update-sponsors": "ts-node scripts/fetch-sponsors.ts",
+ "bench": "npm run benchmark",
+ "pre-commit": "lint-staged",
+ "build": "tsc",
+ "prepublishOnly": "npm run build"
+ },
+ "prettier": {
+ "singleQuote": true,
+ "tabWidth": 2,
+ "tsdoc": true
+ },
+ "lint-staged": {
+ "*.js": [
+ "prettier --write",
+ "npm run test:lint -- --fix"
+ ],
+ "*.{json,md,ts,yml}": [
+ "prettier --write"
+ ]
+ },
+ "jest": {
+ "preset": "ts-jest",
+ "testEnvironment": "node",
+ "testPathIgnorePatterns": [
+ "/__fixtures__/"
+ ]
+ }