path: root/node_modules/moment/ts3.1-typings/moment.d.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/moment/ts3.1-typings/moment.d.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 785 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/moment/ts3.1-typings/moment.d.ts b/node_modules/moment/ts3.1-typings/moment.d.ts
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--- a/node_modules/moment/ts3.1-typings/moment.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
- * @param strict Strict parsing disables the deprecated fallback to the native Date constructor when
- * parsing a string.
- */
-declare function moment(inp?: moment.MomentInput, strict?: boolean): moment.Moment;
- * @param strict Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.
- * Strict parsing is frequently the best parsing option. For more information about choosing strict vs
- * forgiving parsing, see the [parsing guide](https://momentjs.com/guides/#/parsing/).
- */
-declare function moment(inp?: moment.MomentInput, format?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): moment.Moment;
- * @param strict Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.
- * Strict parsing is frequently the best parsing option. For more information about choosing strict vs
- * forgiving parsing, see the [parsing guide](https://momentjs.com/guides/#/parsing/).
- */
-declare function moment(inp?: moment.MomentInput, format?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): moment.Moment;
-declare namespace moment {
- type RelativeTimeKey = 's' | 'ss' | 'm' | 'mm' | 'h' | 'hh' | 'd' | 'dd' | 'w' | 'ww' | 'M' | 'MM' | 'y' | 'yy';
- type CalendarKey = 'sameDay' | 'nextDay' | 'lastDay' | 'nextWeek' | 'lastWeek' | 'sameElse' | string;
- type LongDateFormatKey = 'LTS' | 'LT' | 'L' | 'LL' | 'LLL' | 'LLLL' | 'lts' | 'lt' | 'l' | 'll' | 'lll' | 'llll';
- interface Locale {
- calendar(key?: CalendarKey, m?: Moment, now?: Moment): string;
- longDateFormat(key: LongDateFormatKey): string;
- invalidDate(): string;
- ordinal(n: number): string;
- preparse(inp: string): string;
- postformat(inp: string): string;
- relativeTime(n: number, withoutSuffix: boolean,
- key: RelativeTimeKey, isFuture: boolean): string;
- pastFuture(diff: number, absRelTime: string): string;
- set(config: Object): void;
- months(): string[];
- months(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
- monthsShort(): string[];
- monthsShort(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
- monthsParse(monthName: string, format: string, strict: boolean): number;
- monthsRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
- monthsShortRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
- week(m: Moment): number;
- firstDayOfYear(): number;
- firstDayOfWeek(): number;
- weekdays(): string[];
- weekdays(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
- weekdaysMin(): string[];
- weekdaysMin(m: Moment): string;
- weekdaysShort(): string[];
- weekdaysShort(m: Moment): string;
- weekdaysParse(weekdayName: string, format: string, strict: boolean): number;
- weekdaysRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
- weekdaysShortRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
- weekdaysMinRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
- isPM(input: string): boolean;
- meridiem(hour: number, minute: number, isLower: boolean): string;
- }
- interface StandaloneFormatSpec {
- format: string[];
- standalone: string[];
- isFormat?: RegExp;
- }
- interface WeekSpec {
- dow: number;
- doy?: number;
- }
- type CalendarSpecVal = string | ((m?: MomentInput, now?: Moment) => string);
- interface CalendarSpec {
- sameDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
- nextDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
- lastDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
- nextWeek?: CalendarSpecVal;
- lastWeek?: CalendarSpecVal;
- sameElse?: CalendarSpecVal;
- // any additional properties might be used with moment.calendarFormat
- [x: string]: CalendarSpecVal | undefined;
- }
- type RelativeTimeSpecVal = (
- string |
- ((n: number, withoutSuffix: boolean,
- key: RelativeTimeKey, isFuture: boolean) => string)
- );
- type RelativeTimeFuturePastVal = string | ((relTime: string) => string);
- interface RelativeTimeSpec {
- future?: RelativeTimeFuturePastVal;
- past?: RelativeTimeFuturePastVal;
- s?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- ss?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- m?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- mm?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- h?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- hh?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- d?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- dd?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- w?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- ww?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- M?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- MM?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- y?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- yy?: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
- }
- interface LongDateFormatSpec {
- LTS: string;
- LT: string;
- L: string;
- LL: string;
- LLL: string;
- LLLL: string;
- // lets forget for a sec that any upper/lower permutation will also work
- lts?: string;
- lt?: string;
- l?: string;
- ll?: string;
- lll?: string;
- llll?: string;
- }
- type MonthWeekdayFn = (momentToFormat: Moment, format?: string) => string;
- type WeekdaySimpleFn = (momentToFormat: Moment) => string;
- interface LocaleSpecification {
- months?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
- monthsShort?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
- weekdays?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
- weekdaysShort?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | WeekdaySimpleFn;
- weekdaysMin?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | WeekdaySimpleFn;
- meridiemParse?: RegExp;
- meridiem?: (hour: number, minute:number, isLower: boolean) => string;
- isPM?: (input: string) => boolean;
- longDateFormat?: LongDateFormatSpec;
- calendar?: CalendarSpec;
- relativeTime?: RelativeTimeSpec;
- invalidDate?: string;
- ordinal?: (n: number) => string;
- ordinalParse?: RegExp;
- week?: WeekSpec;
- // Allow anything: in general any property that is passed as locale spec is
- // put in the locale object so it can be used by locale functions
- [x: string]: any;
- }
- interface MomentObjectOutput {
- years: number;
- /* One digit */
- months: number;
- /* Day of the month */
- date: number;
- hours: number;
- minutes: number;
- seconds: number;
- milliseconds: number;
- }
- interface argThresholdOpts {
- ss?: number;
- s?: number;
- m?: number;
- h?: number;
- d?: number;
- w?: number | null;
- M?: number;
- }
- interface Duration {
- clone(): Duration;
- humanize(argWithSuffix?: boolean, argThresholds?: argThresholdOpts): string;
- humanize(argThresholds?: argThresholdOpts): string;
- abs(): Duration;
- as(units: unitOfTime.Base): number;
- get(units: unitOfTime.Base): number;
- milliseconds(): number;
- asMilliseconds(): number;
- seconds(): number;
- asSeconds(): number;
- minutes(): number;
- asMinutes(): number;
- hours(): number;
- asHours(): number;
- days(): number;
- asDays(): number;
- weeks(): number;
- asWeeks(): number;
- months(): number;
- asMonths(): number;
- years(): number;
- asYears(): number;
- add(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
- subtract(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
- locale(): string;
- locale(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Duration;
- localeData(): Locale;
- toISOString(): string;
- toJSON(): string;
- isValid(): boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated since version 2.8.0
- */
- lang(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated since version 2.8.0
- */
- lang(): Locale;
- /**
- * @deprecated
- */
- toIsoString(): string;
- }
- interface MomentRelativeTime {
- future: any;
- past: any;
- s: any;
- ss: any;
- m: any;
- mm: any;
- h: any;
- hh: any;
- d: any;
- dd: any;
- M: any;
- MM: any;
- y: any;
- yy: any;
- }
- interface MomentLongDateFormat {
- L: string;
- LL: string;
- LLL: string;
- LLLL: string;
- LT: string;
- LTS: string;
- l?: string;
- ll?: string;
- lll?: string;
- llll?: string;
- lt?: string;
- lts?: string;
- }
- interface MomentParsingFlags {
- empty: boolean;
- unusedTokens: string[];
- unusedInput: string[];
- overflow: number;
- charsLeftOver: number;
- nullInput: boolean;
- invalidMonth: string | null;
- invalidFormat: boolean;
- userInvalidated: boolean;
- iso: boolean;
- parsedDateParts: any[];
- meridiem: string | null;
- }
- interface MomentParsingFlagsOpt {
- empty?: boolean;
- unusedTokens?: string[];
- unusedInput?: string[];
- overflow?: number;
- charsLeftOver?: number;
- nullInput?: boolean;
- invalidMonth?: string;
- invalidFormat?: boolean;
- userInvalidated?: boolean;
- iso?: boolean;
- parsedDateParts?: any[];
- meridiem?: string | null;
- }
- interface MomentBuiltinFormat {
- __momentBuiltinFormatBrand: any;
- }
- type MomentFormatSpecification = string | MomentBuiltinFormat | (string | MomentBuiltinFormat)[];
- namespace unitOfTime {
- type Base = (
- "year" | "years" | "y" |
- "month" | "months" | "M" |
- "week" | "weeks" | "w" |
- "day" | "days" | "d" |
- "hour" | "hours" | "h" |
- "minute" | "minutes" | "m" |
- "second" | "seconds" | "s" |
- "millisecond" | "milliseconds" | "ms"
- );
- type _quarter = "quarter" | "quarters" | "Q";
- type _isoWeek = "isoWeek" | "isoWeeks" | "W";
- type _date = "date" | "dates" | "D";
- type DurationConstructor = Base | _quarter;
- type DurationAs = Base;
- type StartOf = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date | null;
- type Diff = Base | _quarter;
- type MomentConstructor = Base | _date;
- type All = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date |
- "weekYear" | "weekYears" | "gg" |
- "isoWeekYear" | "isoWeekYears" | "GG" |
- "dayOfYear" | "dayOfYears" | "DDD" |
- "weekday" | "weekdays" | "e" |
- "isoWeekday" | "isoWeekdays" | "E";
- }
- interface MomentInputObject {
- years?: number;
- year?: number;
- y?: number;
- months?: number;
- month?: number;
- M?: number;
- days?: number;
- day?: number;
- d?: number;
- dates?: number;
- date?: number;
- D?: number;
- hours?: number;
- hour?: number;
- h?: number;
- minutes?: number;
- minute?: number;
- m?: number;
- seconds?: number;
- second?: number;
- s?: number;
- milliseconds?: number;
- millisecond?: number;
- ms?: number;
- }
- interface DurationInputObject extends MomentInputObject {
- quarters?: number;
- quarter?: number;
- Q?: number;
- weeks?: number;
- week?: number;
- w?: number;
- }
- interface MomentSetObject extends MomentInputObject {
- weekYears?: number;
- weekYear?: number;
- gg?: number;
- isoWeekYears?: number;
- isoWeekYear?: number;
- GG?: number;
- quarters?: number;
- quarter?: number;
- Q?: number;
- weeks?: number;
- week?: number;
- w?: number;
- isoWeeks?: number;
- isoWeek?: number;
- W?: number;
- dayOfYears?: number;
- dayOfYear?: number;
- DDD?: number;
- weekdays?: number;
- weekday?: number;
- e?: number;
- isoWeekdays?: number;
- isoWeekday?: number;
- E?: number;
- }
- interface FromTo {
- from: MomentInput;
- to: MomentInput;
- }
- type MomentInput = Moment | Date | string | number | (number | string)[] | MomentInputObject | null | undefined;
- type DurationInputArg1 = Duration | number | string | FromTo | DurationInputObject | null | undefined;
- type DurationInputArg2 = unitOfTime.DurationConstructor;
- type LocaleSpecifier = string | Moment | Duration | string[] | boolean;
- interface MomentCreationData {
- input: MomentInput;
- format?: MomentFormatSpecification;
- locale: Locale;
- isUTC: boolean;
- strict?: boolean;
- }
- interface Moment extends Object {
- format(format?: string): string;
- startOf(unitOfTime: unitOfTime.StartOf): Moment;
- endOf(unitOfTime: unitOfTime.StartOf): Moment;
- add(amount?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated reverse syntax
- */
- add(unit: unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, amount: number|string): Moment;
- subtract(amount?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated reverse syntax
- */
- subtract(unit: unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, amount: number|string): Moment;
- calendar(): string;
- calendar(formats: CalendarSpec): string;
- calendar(time?: MomentInput, formats?: CalendarSpec): string;
- clone(): Moment;
- /**
- * @return Unix timestamp in milliseconds
- */
- valueOf(): number;
- // current date/time in local mode
- local(keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
- isLocal(): boolean;
- // current date/time in UTC mode
- utc(keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
- isUTC(): boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated use isUTC
- */
- isUtc(): boolean;
- parseZone(): Moment;
- isValid(): boolean;
- invalidAt(): number;
- hasAlignedHourOffset(other?: MomentInput): boolean;
- creationData(): MomentCreationData;
- parsingFlags(): MomentParsingFlags;
- year(y: number): Moment;
- year(): number;
- /**
- * @deprecated use year(y)
- */
- years(y: number): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated use year()
- */
- years(): number;
- quarter(): number;
- quarter(q: number): Moment;
- quarters(): number;
- quarters(q: number): Moment;
- month(M: number|string): Moment;
- month(): number;
- /**
- * @deprecated use month(M)
- */
- months(M: number|string): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated use month()
- */
- months(): number;
- day(d: number|string): Moment;
- day(): number;
- days(d: number|string): Moment;
- days(): number;
- date(d: number): Moment;
- date(): number;
- /**
- * @deprecated use date(d)
- */
- dates(d: number): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated use date()
- */
- dates(): number;
- hour(h: number): Moment;
- hour(): number;
- hours(h: number): Moment;
- hours(): number;
- minute(m: number): Moment;
- minute(): number;
- minutes(m: number): Moment;
- minutes(): number;
- second(s: number): Moment;
- second(): number;
- seconds(s: number): Moment;
- seconds(): number;
- millisecond(ms: number): Moment;
- millisecond(): number;
- milliseconds(ms: number): Moment;
- milliseconds(): number;
- weekday(): number;
- weekday(d: number): Moment;
- isoWeekday(): number;
- isoWeekday(d: number|string): Moment;
- weekYear(): number;
- weekYear(d: number): Moment;
- isoWeekYear(): number;
- isoWeekYear(d: number): Moment;
- week(): number;
- week(d: number): Moment;
- weeks(): number;
- weeks(d: number): Moment;
- isoWeek(): number;
- isoWeek(d: number): Moment;
- isoWeeks(): number;
- isoWeeks(d: number): Moment;
- weeksInYear(): number;
- isoWeeksInYear(): number;
- isoWeeksInISOWeekYear(): number;
- dayOfYear(): number;
- dayOfYear(d: number): Moment;
- from(inp: MomentInput, suffix?: boolean): string;
- to(inp: MomentInput, suffix?: boolean): string;
- fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean): string;
- toNow(withoutPrefix?: boolean): string;
- diff(b: MomentInput, unitOfTime?: unitOfTime.Diff, precise?: boolean): number;
- toArray(): number[];
- toDate(): Date;
- toISOString(keepOffset?: boolean): string;
- inspect(): string;
- toJSON(): string;
- unix(): number;
- isLeapYear(): boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated in favor of utcOffset
- */
- zone(): number;
- zone(b: number|string): Moment;
- utcOffset(): number;
- utcOffset(b: number|string, keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
- isUtcOffset(): boolean;
- daysInMonth(): number;
- isDST(): boolean;
- zoneAbbr(): string;
- zoneName(): string;
- isBefore(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
- isAfter(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
- isSame(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
- isSameOrAfter(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
- isSameOrBefore(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
- isBetween(a: MomentInput, b: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf, inclusivity?: "()" | "[)" | "(]" | "[]"): boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.8.0, use locale
- */
- lang(language: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.8.0, use locale
- */
- lang(): Locale;
- locale(): string;
- locale(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
- localeData(): Locale;
- /**
- * @deprecated no reliable implementation
- */
- isDSTShifted(): boolean;
- // NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
- */
- max(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
- */
- max(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- // NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
- */
- min(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- /**
- * @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
- */
- min(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- get(unit: unitOfTime.All): number;
- set(unit: unitOfTime.All, value: number): Moment;
- set(objectLiteral: MomentSetObject): Moment;
- toObject(): MomentObjectOutput;
- }
- export var version: string;
- export var fn: Moment;
- // NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
- /**
- * @param strict Strict parsing disables the deprecated fallback to the native Date constructor when
- * parsing a string.
- */
- export function utc(inp?: MomentInput, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- /**
- * @param strict Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.
- * Strict parsing is frequently the best parsing option. For more information about choosing strict vs
- * forgiving parsing, see the [parsing guide](https://momentjs.com/guides/#/parsing/).
- */
- export function utc(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- /**
- * @param strict Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.
- * Strict parsing is frequently the best parsing option. For more information about choosing strict vs
- * forgiving parsing, see the [parsing guide](https://momentjs.com/guides/#/parsing/).
- */
- export function utc(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- export function unix(timestamp: number): Moment;
- export function invalid(flags?: MomentParsingFlagsOpt): Moment;
- export function isMoment(m: any): m is Moment;
- export function isDate(m: any): m is Date;
- export function isDuration(d: any): d is Duration;
- /**
- * @deprecated in 2.8.0
- */
- export function lang(language?: string): string;
- /**
- * @deprecated in 2.8.0
- */
- export function lang(language?: string, definition?: Locale): string;
- export function locale(language?: string): string;
- export function locale(language?: string[]): string;
- export function locale(language?: string, definition?: LocaleSpecification | null | undefined): string;
- export function localeData(key?: string | string[]): Locale;
- export function duration(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
- // NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
- export function parseZone(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- export function parseZone(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
- export function months(): string[];
- export function months(index: number): string;
- export function months(format: string): string[];
- export function months(format: string, index: number): string;
- export function monthsShort(): string[];
- export function monthsShort(index: number): string;
- export function monthsShort(format: string): string[];
- export function monthsShort(format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdays(): string[];
- export function weekdays(index: number): string;
- export function weekdays(format: string): string[];
- export function weekdays(format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
- export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
- export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
- export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysShort(): string[];
- export function weekdaysShort(index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysShort(format: string): string[];
- export function weekdaysShort(format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
- export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
- export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysMin(): string[];
- export function weekdaysMin(index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysMin(format: string): string[];
- export function weekdaysMin(format: string, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
- export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
- export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
- export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
- export function min(moments: Moment[]): Moment;
- export function min(...moments: Moment[]): Moment;
- export function max(moments: Moment[]): Moment;
- export function max(...moments: Moment[]): Moment;
- /**
- * Returns unix time in milliseconds. Overwrite for profit.
- */
- export function now(): number;
- export function defineLocale(language: string, localeSpec: LocaleSpecification | null): Locale;
- export function updateLocale(language: string, localeSpec: LocaleSpecification | null): Locale;
- export function locales(): string[];
- export function normalizeUnits(unit: unitOfTime.All): string;
- export function relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string): number | boolean;
- export function relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string, limit: number): boolean;
- export function relativeTimeRounding(fn: (num: number) => number): boolean;
- export function relativeTimeRounding(): (num: number) => number;
- export function calendarFormat(m: Moment, now: Moment): string;
- export function parseTwoDigitYear(input: string): number;
- /**
- * Constant used to enable explicit ISO_8601 format parsing.
- */
- export var ISO_8601: MomentBuiltinFormat;
- export var RFC_2822: MomentBuiltinFormat;
- export var defaultFormat: string;
- export var defaultFormatUtc: string;
- export var suppressDeprecationWarnings: boolean;
- export var deprecationHandler: ((name: string | null, msg: string) => void) | null | undefined;
- export var HTML5_FMT: {
- DATE: string,
- TIME: string,
- TIME_SECONDS: string,
- TIME_MS: string,
- WEEK: string,
- MONTH: string
- };
-export = moment;
-export as namespace moment;