path: root/node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js
diff options
authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-04-17 17:37:10 +0200
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-04-17 17:37:10 +0200
commit4081c2036a5af21519095da1b8b99c507b0fba93 (patch)
treefc95894e74c84d4d34c0d761837e8d6175829dd7 /node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js
parent637ca7ba746c0241aaec79b79349d5dac4ec7408 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js b/node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9843a4..0000000
--- a/node_modules/moment/locale/eu.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-//! moment.js locale configuration
-//! locale : Basque [eu]
-//! author : Eneko Illarramendi : https://github.com/eillarra
-;(function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
- && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :
- factory(global.moment)
-}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';
- //! moment.js locale configuration
- var eu = moment.defineLocale('eu', {
- months: 'urtarrila_otsaila_martxoa_apirila_maiatza_ekaina_uztaila_abuztua_iraila_urria_azaroa_abendua'.split(
- '_'
- ),
- monthsShort: 'urt._ots._mar._api._mai._eka._uzt._abu._ira._urr._aza._abe.'.split(
- '_'
- ),
- monthsParseExact: true,
- weekdays: 'igandea_astelehena_asteartea_asteazkena_osteguna_ostirala_larunbata'.split(
- '_'
- ),
- weekdaysShort: 'ig._al._ar._az._og._ol._lr.'.split('_'),
- weekdaysMin: 'ig_al_ar_az_og_ol_lr'.split('_'),
- weekdaysParseExact: true,
- longDateFormat: {
- LT: 'HH:mm',
- LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
- L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
- LL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a]',
- LLL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
- LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
- l: 'YYYY-M-D',
- ll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a]',
- lll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm',
- llll: 'ddd, YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm',
- },
- calendar: {
- sameDay: '[gaur] LT[etan]',
- nextDay: '[bihar] LT[etan]',
- nextWeek: 'dddd LT[etan]',
- lastDay: '[atzo] LT[etan]',
- lastWeek: '[aurreko] dddd LT[etan]',
- sameElse: 'L',
- },
- relativeTime: {
- future: '%s barru',
- past: 'duela %s',
- s: 'segundo batzuk',
- ss: '%d segundo',
- m: 'minutu bat',
- mm: '%d minutu',
- h: 'ordu bat',
- hh: '%d ordu',
- d: 'egun bat',
- dd: '%d egun',
- M: 'hilabete bat',
- MM: '%d hilabete',
- y: 'urte bat',
- yy: '%d urte',
- },
- dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
- ordinal: '%d.',
- week: {
- dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
- doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
- },
- });
- return eu;