path: root/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js')
1 files changed, 1276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js b/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6232022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1276 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// utils.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 0. helper functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+// const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _cores = 0;
+let wmicPath = '';
+let codepage = '';
+let _smartMonToolsInstalled = null;
+const WINDIR = process.env.WINDIR || 'C:\\Windows';
+// powerShell
+let _psChild;
+let _psResult = '';
+let _psCmds = [];
+let _psPersistent = false;
+const _psToUTF8 = '$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 ; ';
+const _psCmdStart = '--###START###--';
+const _psError = '--ERROR--';
+const _psCmdSeperator = '--###ENDCMD###--';
+const _psIdSeperator = '--##ID##--';
+const execOptsWin = {
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+function toInt(value) {
+ let result = parseInt(value, 10);
+ if (isNaN(result)) {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+const stringReplace = new String().replace;
+const stringToLower = new String().toLowerCase;
+const stringToString = new String().toString;
+const stringSubstr = new String().substr;
+const stringTrim = new String().trim;
+const stringStartWith = new String().startsWith;
+const mathMin = Math.min;
+function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
+ let getType = {};
+ return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';
+function unique(obj) {
+ let uniques = [];
+ let stringify = {};
+ for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
+ let keys = Object.keys(obj[i]);
+ keys.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
+ let str = '';
+ for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
+ str += JSON.stringify(keys[j]);
+ str += JSON.stringify(obj[i][keys[j]]);
+ }
+ if (!{}.hasOwnProperty.call(stringify, str)) {
+ uniques.push(obj[i]);
+ stringify[str] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return uniques;
+function sortByKey(array, keys) {
+ return array.sort(function (a, b) {
+ let x = '';
+ let y = '';
+ keys.forEach(function (key) {
+ x = x + a[key]; y = y + b[key];
+ });
+ return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
+ });
+function cores() {
+ if (_cores === 0) {
+ _cores = os.cpus().length;
+ }
+ return _cores;
+function getValue(lines, property, separator, trimmed, lineMatch) {
+ separator = separator || ':';
+ property = property.toLowerCase();
+ trimmed = trimmed || false;
+ lineMatch = lineMatch || false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i].toLowerCase().replace(/\t/g, '');
+ if (trimmed) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ }
+ if (line.startsWith(property) && (lineMatch ? (line.match(property + separator)) : true)) {
+ const parts = trimmed ? lines[i].trim().split(separator) : lines[i].split(separator);
+ if (parts.length >= 2) {
+ parts.shift();
+ return parts.join(separator).trim();
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+function decodeEscapeSequence(str, base) {
+ base = base || 16;
+ return str.replace(/\\x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g, function () {
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arguments[1], base));
+ });
+function detectSplit(str) {
+ let seperator = '';
+ let part = 0;
+ str.split('').forEach(element => {
+ if (element >= '0' && element <= '9') {
+ if (part === 1) { part++; }
+ } else {
+ if (part === 0) { part++; }
+ if (part === 1) {
+ seperator += element;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return seperator;
+function parseTime(t, pmDesignator) {
+ pmDesignator = pmDesignator || '';
+ t = t.toUpperCase();
+ let hour = 0;
+ let min = 0;
+ let splitter = detectSplit(t);
+ let parts = t.split(splitter);
+ if (parts.length >= 2) {
+ if (parts[2]) {
+ parts[1] += parts[2];
+ }
+ let isPM = (parts[1] && (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('pm') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('p.m.') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('p. m.') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('n') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('ch') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('ös') > -1) || (pmDesignator && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(pmDesignator) > -1));
+ hour = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
+ min = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
+ hour = isPM && hour < 12 ? hour + 12 : hour;
+ return ('0' + hour).substr(-2) + ':' + ('0' + min).substr(-2);
+ }
+function parseDateTime(dt, culture) {
+ const result = {
+ date: '',
+ time: ''
+ };
+ culture = culture || {};
+ let dateFormat = (culture.dateFormat || '').toLowerCase();
+ let pmDesignator = (culture.pmDesignator || '');
+ const parts = dt.split(' ');
+ if (parts[0]) {
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('/') >= 0) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy or yyyy/mm/dd
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('/');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ if (dtparts[0].length === 4) {
+ // Dateformat: yyyy/mm/dd
+ result.date = dtparts[0] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[2]).substr(-2);
+ } else if (dtparts[2].length === 2) {
+ if ((dateFormat.indexOf('/d/') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('/dd/') > -1)) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yy
+ result.date = '20' + dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: dd/mm/yy
+ result.date = '20' + dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
+ const isEN = ((dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('pm') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('p.m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('p. m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('am') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('a.m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('a. m.') > -1));
+ if ((isEN || dateFormat.indexOf('/d/') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('/dd/') > -1) && dateFormat.indexOf('dd/') !== 0) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy
+ result.date = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: dd/mm/yyyy
+ result.date = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('.') >= 0) {
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('.');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ if (dateFormat.indexOf('.d.') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('.dd.') > -1) {
+ // Dateformat: mm.dd.yyyy
+ result.date = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: dd.mm.yyyy
+ result.date = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('-') >= 0) {
+ // Dateformat: yyyy-mm-dd
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('-');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ result.date = dtparts[0] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[2]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[1]) {
+ parts.shift();
+ let time = parts.join(' ');
+ result.time = parseTime(time, pmDesignator);
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseHead(head, rights) {
+ let space = (rights > 0);
+ let count = 1;
+ let from = 0;
+ let to = 0;
+ let result = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < head.length; i++) {
+ if (count <= rights) {
+ // if (head[i] === ' ' && !space) {
+ if (/\s/.test(head[i]) && !space) {
+ to = i - 1;
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to + 1,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to + 1)
+ });
+ from = to + 2;
+ count++;
+ }
+ space = head[i] === ' ';
+ } else {
+ if (!/\s/.test(head[i]) && space) {
+ to = i - 1;
+ if (from < to) {
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to)
+ });
+ }
+ from = to + 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ space = head[i] === ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ to = 1000;
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to)
+ });
+ let len = result.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (result[i].cap.replace(/\s/g, '').length === 0) {
+ if (i + 1 < len) {
+ result[i].to = result[i + 1].to;
+ result[i].cap = result[i].cap + result[i + 1].cap;
+ result.splice(i + 1, 1);
+ len = len - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function findObjectByKey(array, key, value) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i][key] === value) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+function getWmic() {
+ if (os.type() === 'Windows_NT' && !wmicPath) {
+ wmicPath = WINDIR + '\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe';
+ if (!fs.existsSync(wmicPath)) {
+ try {
+ const wmicPathArray = execSync('WHERE WMIC', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ if (wmicPathArray && wmicPathArray.length) {
+ wmicPath = wmicPathArray[0];
+ } else {
+ wmicPath = 'wmic';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ wmicPath = 'wmic';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wmicPath;
+function wmic(command) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ powerShell(getWmic() + ' ' + command).then(stdout => {
+ resolve(stdout, '');
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve('', e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+// function wmic(command, options) {
+// options = options || execOptsWin;
+// return new Promise((resolve) => {
+// process.nextTick(() => {
+// try {
+// exec(WINDIR + '\\system32\\chcp.com 65001 | ' + getWmic() + ' ' + command, options, function (error, stdout) {
+// resolve(stdout, error);
+// }).stdin.end();
+// } catch (e) {
+// resolve('', e);
+// }
+// });
+// });
+// }
+function getVboxmanage() {
+ return _windows ? `"${process.env.VBOX_INSTALL_PATH || process.env.VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH}\\VBoxManage.exe"` : 'vboxmanage';
+function powerShellProceedResults(data) {
+ let id = '';
+ let parts;
+ let res = '';
+ // startID
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdStart) >= 0) {
+ parts = data.split(_psCmdStart);
+ const parts2 = parts[1].split(_psIdSeperator);
+ id = parts2[0];
+ if (parts2.length > 1) {
+ data = parts2.slice(1).join(_psIdSeperator);
+ }
+ }
+ // result;
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdSeperator) >= 0) {
+ parts = data.split(_psCmdSeperator);
+ res = parts[0];
+ }
+ let remove = -1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < _psCmds.length; i++) {
+ if (_psCmds[i].id === id) {
+ remove = i;
+ // console.log(`----- TIME : ${(new Date() - _psCmds[i].start) * 0.001} s`);
+ _psCmds[i].callback(res);
+ }
+ }
+ if (remove >= 0) {
+ _psCmds.splice(remove, 1);
+ }
+function powerShellStart() {
+ _psChild = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-NoLogo', '-InputFormat', 'Text', '-NoExit', '-Command', '-'], {
+ stdio: 'pipe',
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+ });
+ if (_psChild && _psChild.pid) {
+ _psPersistent = true;
+ _psChild.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ _psResult = _psResult + data.toString('utf8');
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdSeperator) >= 0) {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult);
+ _psResult = '';
+ }
+ });
+ _psChild.stderr.on('data', function () {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult + _psError);
+ });
+ _psChild.on('error', function () {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult + _psError);
+ });
+ _psChild.on('close', function () {
+ _psChild.kill();
+ });
+ }
+function powerShellRelease() {
+ try {
+ _psChild.stdin.write('exit' + os.EOL);
+ _psChild.stdin.end();
+ _psPersistent = false;
+ } catch (e) {
+ _psChild.kill();
+ }
+function powerShell(cmd) {
+ if (_psPersistent) {
+ const id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10);
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ function callback(data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ _psCmds.push({
+ id,
+ cmd,
+ callback,
+ start: new Date()
+ });
+ try {
+ if (_psChild && _psChild.pid) {
+ _psChild.stdin.write(_psToUTF8 + 'echo ' + _psCmdStart + id + _psIdSeperator + '; ' + os.EOL + cmd + os.EOL + 'echo ' + _psCmdSeperator + os.EOL);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve('');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ let result = '';
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ // const start = new Date();
+ const child = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-NoLogo', '-InputFormat', 'Text', '-NoExit', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', '-Command', '-'], {
+ stdio: 'pipe',
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+ });
+ if (child && !child.pid) {
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (child && child.pid) {
+ child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ result = result + data.toString('utf8');
+ });
+ child.stderr.on('data', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('close', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ // console.log(`----- TIME : ${(new Date() - start) * 0.001} s`);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ try {
+ child.stdin.write(_psToUTF8 + cmd + os.EOL);
+ child.stdin.write('exit' + os.EOL);
+ child.stdin.end();
+ } catch (e) {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+function execSafe(cmd, args, options) {
+ let result = '';
+ options = options || {};
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ const child = spawn(cmd, args, options);
+ if (child && !child.pid) {
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (child && child.pid) {
+ child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ result += data.toString();
+ });
+ child.on('close', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function getCodepage() {
+ if (_windows) {
+ if (!codepage) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('chcp', execOptsWin);
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ const parts = lines[0].split(':');
+ codepage = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace('.', '') : '';
+ } catch (err) {
+ codepage = '437';
+ }
+ }
+ return codepage;
+ }
+ if (_linux || _darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (!codepage) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('echo $LANG');
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ const parts = lines[0].split('.');
+ codepage = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : '';
+ if (!codepage) {
+ codepage = 'UTF-8';
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ codepage = 'UTF-8';
+ }
+ }
+ return codepage;
+ }
+function smartMonToolsInstalled() {
+ if (_smartMonToolsInstalled !== null) {
+ return _smartMonToolsInstalled;
+ }
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const pathArray = execSync('WHERE smartctl 2>nul', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ if (pathArray && pathArray.length) {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = pathArray[0].indexOf(':\\') >= 0;
+ } else {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux || _darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ const pathArray = execSync('which smartctl 2>/dev/null', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = pathArray.length > 0;
+ }
+ return _smartMonToolsInstalled;
+function isRaspberry() {
+ const PI_MODEL_NO = [
+ 'BCM2708',
+ 'BCM2709',
+ 'BCM2710',
+ 'BCM2711',
+ 'BCM2835',
+ 'BCM2836',
+ 'BCM2837',
+ 'BCM2837B0'
+ ];
+ let cpuinfo = [];
+ try {
+ cpuinfo = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n');
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const hardware = getValue(cpuinfo, 'hardware');
+ return (hardware && PI_MODEL_NO.indexOf(hardware) > -1);
+function isRaspbian() {
+ let osrelease = [];
+ try {
+ osrelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n');
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const id = getValue(osrelease, 'id', '=');
+ return (id && id.indexOf('raspbian') > -1);
+function execWin(cmd, opts, callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = opts;
+ opts = execOptsWin;
+ }
+ let newCmd = 'chcp 65001 > nul && cmd /C ' + cmd + ' && chcp ' + codepage + ' > nul';
+ exec(newCmd, opts, function (error, stdout) {
+ callback(error, stdout);
+ });
+function darwinXcodeExists() {
+ const cmdLineToolsExists = fs.existsSync('/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/');
+ const xcodeAppExists = fs.existsSync('/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Tools');
+ const xcodeExists = fs.existsSync('/Library/Developer/Xcode/');
+ return (cmdLineToolsExists || xcodeExists || xcodeAppExists);
+function nanoSeconds() {
+ const time = process.hrtime();
+ if (!Array.isArray(time) || time.length !== 2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +time[0] * 1e9 + +time[1];
+function countUniqueLines(lines, startingWith) {
+ startingWith = startingWith || '';
+ const uniqueLines = [];
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.startsWith(startingWith)) {
+ if (uniqueLines.indexOf(line) === -1) {
+ uniqueLines.push(line);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return uniqueLines.length;
+function countLines(lines, startingWith) {
+ startingWith = startingWith || '';
+ const uniqueLines = [];
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.startsWith(startingWith)) {
+ uniqueLines.push(line);
+ }
+ });
+ return uniqueLines.length;
+function sanitizeShellString(str, strict) {
+ if (typeof strict === 'undefined') { strict = false; }
+ const s = str || '';
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i <= mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (!(s[i] === undefined ||
+ s[i] === '>' ||
+ s[i] === '<' ||
+ s[i] === '*' ||
+ s[i] === '?' ||
+ s[i] === '[' ||
+ s[i] === ']' ||
+ s[i] === '|' ||
+ s[i] === '˚' ||
+ s[i] === '$' ||
+ s[i] === ';' ||
+ s[i] === '&' ||
+ s[i] === '(' ||
+ s[i] === ')' ||
+ s[i] === ']' ||
+ s[i] === '#' ||
+ s[i] === '\\' ||
+ s[i] === '\t' ||
+ s[i] === '\n' ||
+ s[i] === '\'' ||
+ s[i] === '`' ||
+ s[i] === '"' ||
+ s[i].length > 1 ||
+ (strict && s[i] === '@') ||
+ (strict && s[i] === ' ') ||
+ (strict && s[i] == '{') ||
+ (strict && s[i] == ')'))) {
+ result = result + s[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function isPrototypePolluted() {
+ const s = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
+ let notPolluted = true;
+ let st = '';
+ st.__proto__.replace = stringReplace;
+ st.__proto__.toLowerCase = stringToLower;
+ st.__proto__.toString = stringToString;
+ st.__proto__.substr = stringSubstr;
+ notPolluted = notPolluted || !(s.length === 62);
+ const ms = Date.now();
+ if (typeof ms === 'number' && ms > 1600000000000) {
+ const l = ms % 100 + 15;
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const r = Math.random() * 61.99999999 + 1;
+ const rs = parseInt(Math.floor(r).toString(), 10);
+ const rs2 = parseInt(r.toString().split('.')[0], 10);
+ const q = Math.random() * 61.99999999 + 1;
+ const qs = parseInt(Math.floor(q).toString(), 10);
+ const qs2 = parseInt(q.toString().split('.')[0], 10);
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && !(r === q);
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && rs === rs2 && qs === qs2;
+ st += s[rs - 1];
+ }
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st.length === l;
+ // string manipulation
+ let p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ let stm = st.substr(0, p) + ' ' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ stm.__proto__.replace = stringReplace;
+ let sto = stm.replace(/ /g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '{' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/{/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '*' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/\*/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '$' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/\$/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ // lower
+ const stl = st.toLowerCase();
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && (stl.length === l) && stl[l - 1] && !(stl[l]);
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const s1 = st[i];
+ s1.__proto__.toLowerCase = stringToLower;
+ const s2 = stl ? stl[i] : '';
+ const s1l = s1.toLowerCase();
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && s1l[0] === s2 && s1l[0] && !(s1l[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return !notPolluted;
+function hex2bin(hex) {
+ return ('00000000' + (parseInt(hex, 16)).toString(2)).substr(-8);
+function getFilesInPath(source) {
+ const lstatSync = fs.lstatSync;
+ const readdirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+ const join = path.join;
+ function isDirectory(source) {
+ return lstatSync(source).isDirectory();
+ }
+ function isFile(source) { return lstatSync(source).isFile(); }
+ function getDirectories(source) {
+ return readdirSync(source).map(function (name) { return join(source, name); }).filter(isDirectory);
+ }
+ function getFiles(source) {
+ return readdirSync(source).map(function (name) { return join(source, name); }).filter(isFile);
+ }
+ function getFilesRecursively(source) {
+ try {
+ let dirs = getDirectories(source);
+ let files = dirs
+ .map(function (dir) { return getFilesRecursively(dir); })
+ .reduce(function (a, b) { return a.concat(b); }, []);
+ return files.concat(getFiles(source));
+ } catch (e) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (fs.existsSync(source)) {
+ return getFilesRecursively(source);
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+function decodePiCpuinfo(lines) {
+ // https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/revision-codes/README.md
+ const oldRevisionCodes = {
+ '0002': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0003': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0004': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0005': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Qisda',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0006': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0007': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0008': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0009': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Qisda',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000d': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000e': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000f': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0010': {
+ type: 'B+',
+ revision: '1.2',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0011': {
+ type: 'CM1',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0012': {
+ type: 'A+',
+ revision: '1.1',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0013': {
+ type: 'B+',
+ revision: '1.2',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0014': {
+ type: 'CM1',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0015': {
+ type: 'A+',
+ revision: '1.1',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: '512MB Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ }
+ };
+ const processorList = [
+ 'BCM2835',
+ 'BCM2836',
+ 'BCM2837',
+ 'BCM2711',
+ ];
+ const manufacturerList = [
+ 'Sony UK',
+ 'Egoman',
+ 'Embest',
+ 'Sony Japan',
+ 'Embest',
+ 'Stadium'
+ ];
+ const typeList = {
+ '00': 'A',
+ '01': 'B',
+ '02': 'A+',
+ '03': 'B+',
+ '04': '2B',
+ '05': 'Alpha (early prototype)',
+ '06': 'CM1',
+ '08': '3B',
+ '09': 'Zero',
+ '0a': 'CM3',
+ '0c': 'Zero W',
+ '0d': '3B+',
+ '0e': '3A+',
+ '0f': 'Internal use only',
+ '10': 'CM3+',
+ '11': '4B',
+ '12': 'Zero 2 W',
+ '13': '400',
+ '14': 'CM4'
+ };
+ const revisionCode = getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true);
+ const model = getValue(lines, 'model:', ':', true);
+ const serial = getValue(lines, 'serial', ':', true);
+ let result = {};
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(oldRevisionCodes, revisionCode)) {
+ // old revision codes
+ result = {
+ model,
+ serial,
+ revisionCode,
+ memory: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].memory,
+ manufacturer: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].manufacturer,
+ processor: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].processor,
+ type: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].type,
+ revision: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].revision,
+ };
+ } else {
+ // new revision code
+ const revision = ('00000000' + getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true).toLowerCase()).substr(-8);
+ // const revisionStyleNew = hex2bin(revision.substr(2, 1)).substr(4, 1) === '1';
+ const memSizeCode = parseInt(hex2bin(revision.substr(2, 1)).substr(5, 3), 2) || 0;
+ const manufacturer = manufacturerList[parseInt(revision.substr(3, 1), 10)];
+ const processor = processorList[parseInt(revision.substr(4, 1), 10)];
+ const typeCode = revision.substr(5, 2);
+ result = {
+ model,
+ serial,
+ revisionCode,
+ memory: 256 * Math.pow(2, memSizeCode),
+ manufacturer,
+ processor,
+ type: {}.hasOwnProperty.call(typeList, typeCode) ? typeList[typeCode] : '',
+ revision: '1.' + revision.substr(7, 1),
+ };
+ }
+ return result;
+function promiseAll(promises) {
+ const resolvingPromises = promises.map(function (promise) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ var payload = new Array(2);
+ promise.then(function (result) {
+ payload[0] = result;
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ payload[1] = error;
+ })
+ .then(function () {
+ // The wrapped Promise returns an array: 0 = result, 1 = error ... we resolve all
+ resolve(payload);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ var errors = [];
+ var results = [];
+ // Execute all wrapped Promises
+ return Promise.all(resolvingPromises)
+ .then(function (items) {
+ items.forEach(function (payload) {
+ if (payload[1]) {
+ errors.push(payload[1]);
+ results.push(null);
+ } else {
+ errors.push(null);
+ results.push(payload[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ errors: errors,
+ results: results
+ };
+ });
+function promisify(nodeStyleFunction) {
+ return function () {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ args.push(function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ } else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ nodeStyleFunction.apply(null, args);
+ });
+ };
+function promisifySave(nodeStyleFunction) {
+ return function () {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ args.push(function (err, data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ nodeStyleFunction.apply(null, args);
+ });
+ };
+function linuxVersion() {
+ let result = '';
+ if (_linux) {
+ try {
+ result = execSync('uname -v').toString();
+ } catch (e) {
+ result = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function plistParser(xmlStr) {
+ const tags = ['array', 'dict', 'key', 'string', 'integer', 'date', 'real', 'data', 'boolean', 'arrayEmpty'];
+ const startStr = '<plist version';
+ let pos = xmlStr.indexOf(startStr);
+ let len = xmlStr.length;
+ while (xmlStr[pos] !== '>' && pos < len) {
+ pos++;
+ }
+ let depth = 0;
+ let inTagStart = false;
+ let inTagContent = false;
+ let inTagEnd = false;
+ let metaData = [{ tagStart: '', tagEnd: '', tagContent: '', key: '', data: null }];
+ let c = '';
+ let cn = xmlStr[pos];
+ while (pos < len) {
+ c = cn;
+ if (pos + 1 < len) { cn = xmlStr[pos + 1]; }
+ if (c === '<') {
+ inTagContent = false;
+ if (cn === '/') { inTagEnd = true; }
+ else if (metaData[depth].tagStart) {
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ if (!metaData[depth].data) { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array' ? [] : {}; }
+ depth++;
+ metaData.push({ tagStart: '', tagEnd: '', tagContent: '', key: null, data: null });
+ inTagStart = true;
+ inTagContent = false;
+ }
+ else if (!inTagStart) { inTagStart = true; }
+ } else if (c === '>') {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'true/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/boolean'; metaData[depth].data = true; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'false/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/boolean'; metaData[depth].data = false; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/arrayEmpty'; metaData[depth].data = []; }
+ if (inTagContent) { inTagContent = false; }
+ if (inTagStart) {
+ inTagStart = false;
+ inTagContent = true;
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array') {
+ metaData[depth].data = [];
+ }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'dict') {
+ metaData[depth].data = {};
+ }
+ }
+ if (inTagEnd) {
+ inTagEnd = false;
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd && tags.indexOf(metaData[depth].tagEnd.substr(1)) >= 0) {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/dict' || metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/array') {
+ if (depth > 1 && metaData[depth - 2].tagStart === 'array') {
+ metaData[depth - 2].data.push(metaData[depth - 1].data);
+ }
+ if (depth > 1 && metaData[depth - 2].tagStart === 'dict') {
+ metaData[depth - 2].data[metaData[depth - 1].key] = metaData[depth - 1].data;
+ }
+ depth--;
+ metaData.pop();
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagStart = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/key' && metaData[depth].tagContent) {
+ metaData[depth].key = metaData[depth].tagContent;
+ } else {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/real' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = parseFloat(metaData[depth].tagContent) || 0; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/integer' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = parseInt(metaData[depth].tagContent) || 0; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/string' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || ''; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/boolean') { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || false; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/arrayEmpty') { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || []; }
+ if (depth > 0 && metaData[depth - 1].tagStart === 'array') { metaData[depth - 1].data.push(metaData[depth].data); }
+ if (depth > 0 && metaData[depth - 1].tagStart === 'dict') { metaData[depth - 1].data[metaData[depth].key] = metaData[depth].data; }
+ }
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagStart = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ }
+ }
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ inTagStart = false;
+ inTagContent = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (inTagStart) { metaData[depth].tagStart += c; }
+ if (inTagEnd) { metaData[depth].tagEnd += c; }
+ if (inTagContent) { metaData[depth].tagContent += c; }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return metaData[0].data;
+function semverCompare(v1, v2) {
+ let res = 0;
+ const parts1 = v1.split('.');
+ const parts2 = v2.split('.');
+ if (parts1[0] < parts2[0]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[0] > parts2[0]) { res = -1; }
+ else if (parts1[0] === parts2[0] && parts1.length >= 2 && parts2.length >= 2) {
+ if (parts1[1] < parts2[1]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[1] > parts2[1]) { res = -1; }
+ else if (parts1[1] === parts2[1]) {
+ if (parts1.length >= 3 && parts2.length >= 3) {
+ if (parts1[2] < parts2[2]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[2] > parts2[2]) { res = -1; }
+ } else if (parts2.length >= 3) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+function noop() { }
+exports.toInt = toInt;
+exports.execOptsWin = execOptsWin;
+exports.getCodepage = getCodepage;
+exports.execWin = execWin;
+exports.isFunction = isFunction;
+exports.unique = unique;
+exports.sortByKey = sortByKey;
+exports.cores = cores;
+exports.getValue = getValue;
+exports.decodeEscapeSequence = decodeEscapeSequence;
+exports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime;
+exports.parseHead = parseHead;
+exports.findObjectByKey = findObjectByKey;
+exports.getWmic = getWmic;
+exports.wmic = wmic;
+exports.darwinXcodeExists = darwinXcodeExists;
+exports.getVboxmanage = getVboxmanage;
+exports.powerShell = powerShell;
+exports.powerShellStart = powerShellStart;
+exports.powerShellRelease = powerShellRelease;
+exports.execSafe = execSafe;
+exports.nanoSeconds = nanoSeconds;
+exports.countUniqueLines = countUniqueLines;
+exports.countLines = countLines;
+exports.noop = noop;
+exports.isRaspberry = isRaspberry;
+exports.isRaspbian = isRaspbian;
+exports.sanitizeShellString = sanitizeShellString;
+exports.isPrototypePolluted = isPrototypePolluted;
+exports.decodePiCpuinfo = decodePiCpuinfo;
+exports.promiseAll = promiseAll;
+exports.promisify = promisify;
+exports.promisifySave = promisifySave;
+exports.smartMonToolsInstalled = smartMonToolsInstalled;
+exports.linuxVersion = linuxVersion;
+exports.plistParser = plistParser;
+exports.stringReplace = stringReplace;
+exports.stringToLower = stringToLower;
+exports.stringToString = stringToString;
+exports.stringSubstr = stringSubstr;
+exports.stringTrim = stringTrim;
+exports.stringStartWith = stringStartWith;
+exports.mathMin = mathMin;
+exports.WINDIR = WINDIR;
+exports.getFilesInPath = getFilesInPath;
+exports.semverCompare = semverCompare;