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authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-10 23:27:05 +0100
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-02-10 23:27:05 +0100
commita7d6b3f75056445d86fbf1cdbc4b4b9d9194e8dc (patch)
parent3e1e5747e19c605b21288bc0eae524c08934dade (diff)
Show stats clearer
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/commands/info.js b/commands/info.js
index ac2846f..14088f4 100644
--- a/commands/info.js
+++ b/commands/info.js
@@ -54,15 +54,19 @@ module.exports = async (interaction) => {
let sizep = bytesToPretty(size);
let statsCommand = "-";
+ let statsCommandUsage = "n/a";
try {
statsCommand = Object.keys(statsCommands).reduce((a, b) => statsCommands[a] > statsCommands[b] ? a : b);
+ statsCommandUsage = statsCommands[Object.keys(statsCommands).reduce((a, b) => statsCommands[a] > statsCommands[b] ? a : b)].toString();
} catch (e) {
let statsPony = "-";
+ let statsPonyUsage = "n/a";
try {
statsPony = Object.keys(statsPonies).reduce((a, b) => statsPonies[a] > statsPonies[b] ? a : b);
+ statsPonyUsage = statsPonies[Object.keys(statsPonies).reduce((a, b) => statsPonies[a] > statsPonies[b] ? a : b)].toString();
} catch (e) {
@@ -72,8 +76,8 @@ module.exports = async (interaction) => {
{ name: l("Kernel version", "Version du noyau", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: process.version, inline: true },
{ name: l("Experience channel", "Canal d'expériences", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: channel, inline: true },
{ name: l("Known ponies", "Poneys connus", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: Object.keys(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./data/data.json").toString())).length.toString(), inline: true },
- { name: l("Most used command", "Commande la plus utilisée", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: "/" + statsCommand, inline: true },
- { name: l("Most viewed pony", "Poney le plus consulté", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: statsPony, inline: true },
+ { name: l("Most used command", "Commande la plus utilisée", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: "`/" + statsCommand + "`\n(" + l("used " + statsCommandUsage + " times", "utilisée " + statsCommandUsage + " fois", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0) + ")", inline: true },
+ { name: l("Most viewed pony", "Poney le plus consulté", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: statsPony + "\n(" + l("viewed " + statsPonyUsage + " times", "consulté " + statsPonyUsage + " fois", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0) + ")", inline: true },
{ name: l("Awaiting issue reports", "Rapports de problèmes en attente", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: fs.readdirSync("./reports").length.toString(), inline: true },
{ name: l("Database size", "Taille de la base de données", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: sizep, inline: true },
{ name: l("Memory usage", "Utilisation de la mémoire", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: bytesToPretty(process.memoryUsage().rss + process.memoryUsage().heapTotal + process.memoryUsage().external + process.memoryUsage().arrayBuffers, interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), inline: true },
diff --git a/config/version.txt b/config/version.txt
index adf1ebc..84da421 100644
--- a/config/version.txt
+++ b/config/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-1.2.38 \ No newline at end of file
+1.2.39 \ No newline at end of file