path: root/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/event-timeline-set.d.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/event-timeline-set.d.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/event-timeline-set.d.ts b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/event-timeline-set.d.ts
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+++ /dev/null
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-import { EventTimeline, IAddEventOptions } from "./event-timeline";
-import { MatrixEvent } from "./event";
-import { Room, RoomEvent } from "./room";
-import { Filter } from "../filter";
-import { RoomState } from "./room-state";
-import { TypedEventEmitter } from "./typed-event-emitter";
-import { RelationsContainer } from "./relations-container";
-import { MatrixClient } from "../client";
-import { Thread, ThreadFilterType } from "./thread";
-interface IOpts {
- timelineSupport?: boolean;
- filter?: Filter;
- pendingEvents?: boolean;
-export declare enum DuplicateStrategy {
- Ignore = "ignore",
- Replace = "replace"
-export interface IRoomTimelineData {
- timeline: EventTimeline;
- liveEvent?: boolean;
-export interface IAddEventToTimelineOptions extends Pick<IAddEventOptions, "toStartOfTimeline" | "roomState" | "timelineWasEmpty"> {
- /** Whether the sync response came from cache */
- fromCache?: boolean;
-export interface IAddLiveEventOptions extends Pick<IAddEventToTimelineOptions, "fromCache" | "roomState" | "timelineWasEmpty"> {
- /** Applies to events in the timeline only. If this is 'replace' then if a
- * duplicate is encountered, the event passed to this function will replace
- * the existing event in the timeline. If this is not specified, or is
- * 'ignore', then the event passed to this function will be ignored
- * entirely, preserving the existing event in the timeline. Events are
- * identical based on their event ID <b>only</b>. */
- duplicateStrategy?: DuplicateStrategy;
-type EmittedEvents = RoomEvent.Timeline | RoomEvent.TimelineReset;
-export type EventTimelineSetHandlerMap = {
- /**
- * Fires whenever the timeline in a room is updated.
- * @param event - The matrix event which caused this event to fire.
- * @param room - The room, if any, whose timeline was updated.
- * @param toStartOfTimeline - True if this event was added to the start
- * @param removed - True if this event has just been removed from the timeline
- * (beginning; oldest) of the timeline e.g. due to pagination.
- *
- * @param data - more data about the event
- *
- * @example
- * ```
- * matrixClient.on("Room.timeline",
- * function(event, room, toStartOfTimeline, removed, data) {
- * if (!toStartOfTimeline && data.liveEvent) {
- * var messageToAppend = room.timeline.[room.timeline.length - 1];
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- */
- [RoomEvent.Timeline]: (event: MatrixEvent, room: Room | undefined, toStartOfTimeline: boolean | undefined, removed: boolean, data: IRoomTimelineData) => void;
- /**
- * Fires whenever the live timeline in a room is reset.
- *
- * When we get a 'limited' sync (for example, after a network outage), we reset
- * the live timeline to be empty before adding the recent events to the new
- * timeline. This event is fired after the timeline is reset, and before the
- * new events are added.
- *
- * @param room - The room whose live timeline was reset, if any
- * @param timelineSet - timelineSet room whose live timeline was reset
- * @param resetAllTimelines - True if all timelines were reset.
- */
- [RoomEvent.TimelineReset]: (room: Room | undefined, eventTimelineSet: EventTimelineSet, resetAllTimelines: boolean) => void;
-export declare class EventTimelineSet extends TypedEventEmitter<EmittedEvents, EventTimelineSetHandlerMap> {
- readonly room: Room | undefined;
- readonly thread?: Thread | undefined;
- readonly threadListType: ThreadFilterType | null;
- readonly relations: RelationsContainer;
- private readonly timelineSupport;
- private readonly displayPendingEvents;
- private liveTimeline;
- private timelines;
- private _eventIdToTimeline;
- private filter?;
- /**
- * Construct a set of EventTimeline objects, typically on behalf of a given
- * room. A room may have multiple EventTimelineSets for different levels
- * of filtering. The global notification list is also an EventTimelineSet, but
- * lacks a room.
- *
- * <p>This is an ordered sequence of timelines, which may or may not
- * be continuous. Each timeline lists a series of events, as well as tracking
- * the room state at the start and the end of the timeline (if appropriate).
- * It also tracks forward and backward pagination tokens, as well as containing
- * links to the next timeline in the sequence.
- *
- * <p>There is one special timeline - the 'live' timeline, which represents the
- * timeline to which events are being added in real-time as they are received
- * from the /sync API. Note that you should not retain references to this
- * timeline - even if it is the current timeline right now, it may not remain
- * so if the server gives us a timeline gap in /sync.
- *
- * <p>In order that we can find events from their ids later, we also maintain a
- * map from event_id to timeline and index.
- *
- * @param room - Room for this timelineSet. May be null for non-room cases, such as the
- * notification timeline.
- * @param opts - Options inherited from Room.
- * @param client - the Matrix client which owns this EventTimelineSet,
- * can be omitted if room is specified.
- * @param thread - the thread to which this timeline set relates.
- * @param isThreadTimeline - Whether this timeline set relates to a thread list timeline
- * (e.g., All threads or My threads)
- */
- constructor(room: Room | undefined, opts?: IOpts, client?: MatrixClient, thread?: Thread | undefined, threadListType?: ThreadFilterType | null);
- /**
- * Get all the timelines in this set
- * @returns the timelines in this set
- */
- getTimelines(): EventTimeline[];
- /**
- * Get the filter object this timeline set is filtered on, if any
- * @returns the optional filter for this timelineSet
- */
- getFilter(): Filter | undefined;
- /**
- * Set the filter object this timeline set is filtered on
- * (passed to the server when paginating via /messages).
- * @param filter - the filter for this timelineSet
- */
- setFilter(filter?: Filter): void;
- /**
- * Get the list of pending sent events for this timelineSet's room, filtered
- * by the timelineSet's filter if appropriate.
- *
- * @returns A list of the sent events
- * waiting for remote echo.
- *
- * @throws If `opts.pendingEventOrdering` was not 'detached'
- */
- getPendingEvents(): MatrixEvent[];
- /**
- * Get the live timeline for this room.
- *
- * @returns live timeline
- */
- getLiveTimeline(): EventTimeline;
- /**
- * Set the live timeline for this room.
- *
- * @returns live timeline
- */
- setLiveTimeline(timeline: EventTimeline): void;
- /**
- * Return the timeline (if any) this event is in.
- * @param eventId - the eventId being sought
- * @returns timeline
- */
- eventIdToTimeline(eventId: string): EventTimeline | undefined;
- /**
- * Track a new event as if it were in the same timeline as an old event,
- * replacing it.
- * @param oldEventId - event ID of the original event
- * @param newEventId - event ID of the replacement event
- */
- replaceEventId(oldEventId: string, newEventId: string): void;
- /**
- * Reset the live timeline, and start a new one.
- *
- * <p>This is used when /sync returns a 'limited' timeline.
- *
- * @param backPaginationToken - token for back-paginating the new timeline
- * @param forwardPaginationToken - token for forward-paginating the old live timeline,
- * if absent or null, all timelines are reset.
- *
- * @remarks
- * Fires {@link RoomEvent.TimelineReset}
- */
- resetLiveTimeline(backPaginationToken?: string, forwardPaginationToken?: string): void;
- /**
- * Get the timeline which contains the given event, if any
- *
- * @param eventId - event ID to look for
- * @returns timeline containing
- * the given event, or null if unknown
- */
- getTimelineForEvent(eventId?: string): EventTimeline | null;
- /**
- * Get an event which is stored in our timelines
- *
- * @param eventId - event ID to look for
- * @returns the given event, or undefined if unknown
- */
- findEventById(eventId: string): MatrixEvent | undefined;
- /**
- * Add a new timeline to this timeline list
- *
- * @returns newly-created timeline
- */
- addTimeline(): EventTimeline;
- /**
- * Add events to a timeline
- *
- * <p>Will fire "Room.timeline" for each event added.
- *
- * @param events - A list of events to add.
- *
- * @param toStartOfTimeline - True to add these events to the start
- * (oldest) instead of the end (newest) of the timeline. If true, the oldest
- * event will be the <b>last</b> element of 'events'.
- *
- * @param timeline - timeline to
- * add events to.
- *
- * @param paginationToken - token for the next batch of events
- *
- * @remarks
- * Fires {@link RoomEvent.Timeline}
- *
- */
- addEventsToTimeline(events: MatrixEvent[], toStartOfTimeline: boolean, timeline: EventTimeline, paginationToken?: string | null): void;
- /**
- * Add an event to the end of this live timeline.
- *
- * @param event - Event to be added
- * @param options - addLiveEvent options
- */
- addLiveEvent(event: MatrixEvent, { duplicateStrategy, fromCache, roomState, timelineWasEmpty }: IAddLiveEventOptions): void;
- /**
- * @deprecated In favor of the overload with `IAddLiveEventOptions`
- */
- addLiveEvent(event: MatrixEvent, duplicateStrategy?: DuplicateStrategy, fromCache?: boolean, roomState?: RoomState): void;
- /**
- * Add event to the given timeline, and emit Room.timeline. Assumes
- * we have already checked we don't know about this event.
- *
- * Will fire "Room.timeline" for each event added.
- *
- * @param options - addEventToTimeline options
- *
- * @remarks
- * Fires {@link RoomEvent.Timeline}
- */
- addEventToTimeline(event: MatrixEvent, timeline: EventTimeline, { toStartOfTimeline, fromCache, roomState, timelineWasEmpty }: IAddEventToTimelineOptions): void;
- /**
- * @deprecated In favor of the overload with `IAddEventToTimelineOptions`
- */
- addEventToTimeline(event: MatrixEvent, timeline: EventTimeline, toStartOfTimeline: boolean, fromCache?: boolean, roomState?: RoomState): void;
- /**
- * Replaces event with ID oldEventId with one with newEventId, if oldEventId is
- * recognised. Otherwise, add to the live timeline. Used to handle remote echos.
- *
- * @param localEvent - the new event to be added to the timeline
- * @param oldEventId - the ID of the original event
- * @param newEventId - the ID of the replacement event
- *
- * @remarks
- * Fires {@link RoomEvent.Timeline}
- */
- handleRemoteEcho(localEvent: MatrixEvent, oldEventId: string, newEventId: string): void;
- /**
- * Removes a single event from this room.
- *
- * @param eventId - The id of the event to remove
- *
- * @returns the removed event, or null if the event was not found
- * in this room.
- */
- removeEvent(eventId: string): MatrixEvent | null;
- /**
- * Determine where two events appear in the timeline relative to one another
- *
- * @param eventId1 - The id of the first event
- * @param eventId2 - The id of the second event
- * @returns a number less than zero if eventId1 precedes eventId2, and
- * greater than zero if eventId1 succeeds eventId2. zero if they are the
- * same event; null if we can't tell (either because we don't know about one
- * of the events, or because they are in separate timelines which don't join
- * up).
- */
- compareEventOrdering(eventId1: string, eventId2: string): number | null;
- /**
- * Determine whether a given event can sanely be added to this event timeline set,
- * for timeline sets relating to a thread, only return true for events in the same
- * thread timeline, for timeline sets not relating to a thread only return true
- * for events which should be shown in the main room timeline.
- * Requires the `room` property to have been set at EventTimelineSet construction time.
- *
- * @param event - the event to check whether it belongs to this timeline set.
- * @throws Error if `room` was not set when constructing this timeline set.
- * @returns whether the event belongs to this timeline set.
- */
- canContain(event: MatrixEvent): boolean;
-export {};
-//# \ No newline at end of file