path: root/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/MSC3089TreeSpace.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/MSC3089TreeSpace.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 503 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/MSC3089TreeSpace.js b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/MSC3089TreeSpace.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cb23980..0000000
--- a/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/models/MSC3089TreeSpace.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
-exports.TreePermissions = exports.MSC3089TreeSpace = exports.DEFAULT_TREE_POWER_LEVELS_TEMPLATE = void 0;
-var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty"));
-var _pRetry = _interopRequireDefault(require("p-retry"));
-var _event = require("../@types/event");
-var _logger = require("../logger");
-var _utils = require("../utils");
-var _MSC3089Branch = require("./MSC3089Branch");
-var _megolm = require("../crypto/algorithms/megolm");
-function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
-function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { (0, _defineProperty2.default)(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
- * The recommended defaults for a tree space's power levels. Note that this
- * is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes without notice.
- */
- // Owner
- invite: 100,
- kick: 100,
- ban: 100,
- // Editor
- redact: 50,
- state_default: 50,
- events_default: 50,
- // Viewer
- users_default: 0,
- // Mixed
- events: {
- [_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels]: 100,
- [_event.EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility]: 100,
- [_event.EventType.RoomTombstone]: 100,
- [_event.EventType.RoomEncryption]: 100,
- [_event.EventType.RoomName]: 50,
- [_event.EventType.RoomMessage]: 50,
- [_event.EventType.RoomMessageEncrypted]: 50,
- [_event.EventType.Sticker]: 50
- },
- users: {} // defined by calling code
- * Ease-of-use representation for power levels represented as simple roles.
- * Note that this is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes without notice.
- */
-let TreePermissions; // "Admin" or PL100
- * Represents a [MSC3089](
- * file tree Space. Note that this is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes
- * without notice.
- */
-exports.TreePermissions = TreePermissions;
-(function (TreePermissions) {
- TreePermissions["Viewer"] = "viewer";
- TreePermissions["Editor"] = "editor";
- TreePermissions["Owner"] = "owner";
-})(TreePermissions || (exports.TreePermissions = TreePermissions = {}));
-class MSC3089TreeSpace {
- constructor(client, roomId) {
- this.client = client;
- this.roomId = roomId;
- (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "room", void 0);
- = this.client.getRoom(this.roomId);
- if (! throw new Error("Unknown room");
- }
- /**
- * Syntactic sugar for room ID of the Space.
- */
- get id() {
- return this.roomId;
- }
- /**
- * Whether or not this is a top level space.
- */
- get isTopLevel() {
- // XXX: This is absolutely not how you find out if the space is top level
- // but is safe for a managed usecase like we offer in the SDK.
- const parentEvents =;
- if (!(parentEvents !== null && parentEvents !== void 0 && parentEvents.length)) return true;
- return parentEvents.every(e => {
- var _e$getContent;
- return !((_e$getContent = e.getContent()) !== null && _e$getContent !== void 0 && _e$getContent["via"]);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Sets the name of the tree space.
- * @param name - The new name for the space.
- * @returns Promise which resolves when complete.
- */
- async setName(name) {
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, _event.EventType.RoomName, {
- name
- }, "");
- }
- /**
- * Invites a user to the tree space. They will be given the default Viewer
- * permission level unless specified elsewhere.
- * @param userId - The user ID to invite.
- * @param andSubspaces - True (default) to invite the user to all
- * directories/subspaces too, recursively.
- * @param shareHistoryKeys - True (default) to share encryption keys
- * with the invited user. This will allow them to decrypt the events (files)
- * in the tree. Keys will not be shared if the room is lacking appropriate
- * history visibility (by default, history visibility is "shared" in trees,
- * which is an appropriate visibility for these purposes).
- * @returns Promise which resolves when complete.
- */
- async invite(userId, andSubspaces = true, shareHistoryKeys = true) {
- const promises = [this.retryInvite(userId)];
- if (andSubspaces) {
- promises.push(...this.getDirectories().map(d => d.invite(userId, andSubspaces, shareHistoryKeys)));
- }
- return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
- // Note: key sharing is default on because for file trees it is relatively important that the invite
- // target can actually decrypt the files. The implied use case is that by inviting a user to the tree
- // it means the sender would like the receiver to view/download the files contained within, much like
- // sharing a folder in other circles.
- if (shareHistoryKeys && (0, _megolm.isRoomSharedHistory)( {
- // noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall - we aren't concerned as much if this fails.
- this.client.sendSharedHistoryKeys(this.roomId, [userId]);
- }
- });
- }
- retryInvite(userId) {
- return (0, _utils.simpleRetryOperation)(async () => {
- await this.client.invite(this.roomId, userId).catch(e => {
- // We don't want to retry permission errors forever...
- if ((e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.errcode) === "M_FORBIDDEN") {
- throw new _pRetry.default.AbortError(e);
- }
- throw e;
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * Sets the permissions of a user to the given role. Note that if setting a user
- * to Owner then they will NOT be able to be demoted. If the user does not have
- * permission to change the power level of the target, an error will be thrown.
- * @param userId - The user ID to change the role of.
- * @param role - The role to assign.
- * @returns Promise which resolves when complete.
- */
- async setPermissions(userId, role) {
- var _pls$events;
- const currentPls =, "");
- if (Array.isArray(currentPls)) throw new Error("Unexpected return type for power levels");
- const pls = (currentPls === null || currentPls === void 0 ? void 0 : currentPls.getContent()) || {};
- const viewLevel = pls["users_default"] || 0;
- const editLevel = pls["events_default"] || 50;
- const adminLevel = ((_pls$events = pls["events"]) === null || _pls$events === void 0 ? void 0 : _pls$events[_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels]) || 100;
- const users = pls["users"] || {};
- switch (role) {
- case TreePermissions.Viewer:
- users[userId] = viewLevel;
- break;
- case TreePermissions.Editor:
- users[userId] = editLevel;
- break;
- case TreePermissions.Owner:
- users[userId] = adminLevel;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid role: " + role);
- }
- pls["users"] = users;
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, _event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels, pls, "");
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current permissions of a user. Note that any users missing explicit permissions (or not
- * in the space) will be considered Viewers. Appropriate membership checks need to be performed
- * elsewhere.
- * @param userId - The user ID to check permissions of.
- * @returns The permissions for the user, defaulting to Viewer.
- */
- getPermissions(userId) {
- var _pls$events2, _pls$users;
- const currentPls =, "");
- if (Array.isArray(currentPls)) throw new Error("Unexpected return type for power levels");
- const pls = (currentPls === null || currentPls === void 0 ? void 0 : currentPls.getContent()) || {};
- const viewLevel = pls["users_default"] || 0;
- const editLevel = pls["events_default"] || 50;
- const adminLevel = ((_pls$events2 = pls["events"]) === null || _pls$events2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _pls$events2[_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels]) || 100;
- const userLevel = ((_pls$users = pls["users"]) === null || _pls$users === void 0 ? void 0 : _pls$users[userId]) || viewLevel;
- if (userLevel >= adminLevel) return TreePermissions.Owner;
- if (userLevel >= editLevel) return TreePermissions.Editor;
- return TreePermissions.Viewer;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a directory under this tree space, represented as another tree space.
- * @param name - The name for the directory.
- * @returns Promise which resolves to the created directory.
- */
- async createDirectory(name) {
- const directory = await this.client.unstableCreateFileTree(name);
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, _event.EventType.SpaceChild, {
- via: [this.client.getDomain()]
- }, directory.roomId);
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(directory.roomId, _event.EventType.SpaceParent, {
- via: [this.client.getDomain()]
- }, this.roomId);
- return directory;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of all known immediate subdirectories to this tree space.
- * @returns The tree spaces (directories). May be empty, but not null.
- */
- getDirectories() {
- const trees = [];
- const children =;
- for (const child of children) {
- try {
- const stateKey = child.getStateKey();
- if (stateKey) {
- const tree = this.client.unstableGetFileTreeSpace(stateKey);
- if (tree) trees.push(tree);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- _logger.logger.warn("Unable to create tree space instance for listing. Are we joined?", e);
- }
- }
- return trees;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a subdirectory of a given ID under this tree space. Note that this will not recurse
- * into children and instead only look one level deep.
- * @param roomId - The room ID (directory ID) to find.
- * @returns The directory, or undefined if not found.
- */
- getDirectory(roomId) {
- return this.getDirectories().find(r => r.roomId === roomId);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes the tree, kicking all members and deleting **all subdirectories**.
- * @returns Promise which resolves when complete.
- */
- async delete() {
- const subdirectories = this.getDirectories();
- for (const dir of subdirectories) {
- await dir.delete();
- }
- const kickMemberships = ["invite", "knock", "join"];
- const members =;
- for (const member of members) {
- const isNotUs = member.getStateKey() !== this.client.getUserId();
- if (isNotUs && kickMemberships.includes(member.getContent().membership)) {
- const stateKey = member.getStateKey();
- if (!stateKey) {
- throw new Error("State key not found for branch");
- }
- await this.client.kick(this.roomId, stateKey, "Room deleted");
- }
- }
- await this.client.leave(this.roomId);
- }
- getOrderedChildren(children) {
- const ordered = => ({
- roomId: c.getStateKey(),
- order: c.getContent()["order"]
- })).filter(c => c.roomId);
- ordered.sort((a, b) => {
- if (a.order && !b.order) {
- return -1;
- } else if (!a.order && b.order) {
- return 1;
- } else if (!a.order && !b.order) {
- var _roomA$currentState$g, _roomA$currentState$g2, _roomB$currentState$g, _roomB$currentState$g2;
- const roomA = this.client.getRoom(a.roomId);
- const roomB = this.client.getRoom(b.roomId);
- if (!roomA || !roomB) {
- // just don't bother trying to do more partial sorting
- return (0, _utils.lexicographicCompare)(a.roomId, b.roomId);
- }
- const createTsA = (_roomA$currentState$g = (_roomA$currentState$g2 = roomA.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomCreate, "")) === null || _roomA$currentState$g2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _roomA$currentState$g2.getTs()) !== null && _roomA$currentState$g !== void 0 ? _roomA$currentState$g : 0;
- const createTsB = (_roomB$currentState$g = (_roomB$currentState$g2 = roomB.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomCreate, "")) === null || _roomB$currentState$g2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _roomB$currentState$g2.getTs()) !== null && _roomB$currentState$g !== void 0 ? _roomB$currentState$g : 0;
- if (createTsA === createTsB) {
- return (0, _utils.lexicographicCompare)(a.roomId, b.roomId);
- }
- return createTsA - createTsB;
- } else {
- // both not-null orders
- return (0, _utils.lexicographicCompare)(a.order, b.order);
- }
- });
- return ordered;
- }
- getParentRoom() {
- const parents =;
- const parent = parents[0]; // XXX: Wild assumption
- if (!parent) throw new Error("Expected to have a parent in a non-top level space");
- // XXX: We are assuming the parent is a valid tree space.
- // We probably don't need to validate the parent room state for this usecase though.
- const stateKey = parent.getStateKey();
- if (!stateKey) throw new Error("No state key found for parent");
- const parentRoom = this.client.getRoom(stateKey);
- if (!parentRoom) throw new Error("Unable to locate room for parent");
- return parentRoom;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current order index for this directory. Note that if this is the top level space
- * then -1 will be returned.
- * @returns The order index of this space.
- */
- getOrder() {
- if (this.isTopLevel) return -1;
- const parentRoom = this.getParentRoom();
- const children = parentRoom.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.SpaceChild);
- const ordered = this.getOrderedChildren(children);
- return ordered.findIndex(c => c.roomId === this.roomId);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the order index for this directory within its parent. Note that if this is a top level
- * space then an error will be thrown. -1 can be used to move the child to the start, and numbers
- * larger than the number of children can be used to move the child to the end.
- * @param index - The new order index for this space.
- * @returns Promise which resolves when complete.
- * @throws Throws if this is a top level space.
- */
- async setOrder(index) {
- var _currentChild$getCont2;
- if (this.isTopLevel) throw new Error("Cannot set order of top level spaces currently");
- const parentRoom = this.getParentRoom();
- const children = parentRoom.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.SpaceChild);
- const ordered = this.getOrderedChildren(children);
- index = Math.max(Math.min(index, ordered.length - 1), 0);
- const currentIndex = this.getOrder();
- const movingUp = currentIndex < index;
- if (movingUp && index === ordered.length - 1) {
- index--;
- } else if (!movingUp && index === 0) {
- index++;
- }
- const prev = ordered[movingUp ? index : index - 1];
- const next = ordered[movingUp ? index + 1 : index];
- let newOrder = _utils.DEFAULT_ALPHABET[0];
- let ensureBeforeIsSane = false;
- if (!prev) {
- // Move to front
- if (next !== null && next !== void 0 && next.order) {
- newOrder = (0, _utils.prevString)(next.order);
- }
- } else if (index === ordered.length - 1) {
- // Move to back
- if (next !== null && next !== void 0 && next.order) {
- newOrder = (0, _utils.nextString)(next.order);
- }
- } else {
- // Move somewhere in the middle
- const startOrder = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.order;
- const endOrder = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.order;
- if (startOrder && endOrder) {
- if (startOrder === endOrder) {
- // Error case: just move +1 to break out of awful math
- newOrder = (0, _utils.nextString)(startOrder);
- } else {
- newOrder = (0, _utils.averageBetweenStrings)(startOrder, endOrder);
- }
- } else {
- if (startOrder) {
- // We're at the end (endOrder is null, so no explicit order)
- newOrder = (0, _utils.nextString)(startOrder);
- } else if (endOrder) {
- // We're at the start (startOrder is null, so nothing before us)
- newOrder = (0, _utils.prevString)(endOrder);
- } else {
- // Both points are unknown. We're likely in a range where all the children
- // don't have particular order values, so we may need to update them too.
- // The other possibility is there's only us as a child, but we should have
- // shown up in the other states.
- ensureBeforeIsSane = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ensureBeforeIsSane) {
- // We were asked by the order algorithm to prepare the moving space for a landing
- // in the undefined order part of the order array, which means we need to update the
- // spaces that come before it with a stable order value.
- let lastOrder;
- for (let i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
- const target = ordered[i];
- if (i === 0) {
- lastOrder = target.order;
- }
- if (!target.order) {
- var _currentChild$getCont;
- // XXX: We should be creating gaps to avoid conflicts
- lastOrder = lastOrder ? (0, _utils.nextString)(lastOrder) : _utils.DEFAULT_ALPHABET[0];
- const currentChild = parentRoom.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.SpaceChild, target.roomId);
- const content = (_currentChild$getCont = currentChild === null || currentChild === void 0 ? void 0 : currentChild.getContent()) !== null && _currentChild$getCont !== void 0 ? _currentChild$getCont : {
- via: [this.client.getDomain()]
- };
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(parentRoom.roomId, _event.EventType.SpaceChild, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, content), {}, {
- order: lastOrder
- }), target.roomId);
- } else {
- lastOrder = target.order;
- }
- }
- if (lastOrder) {
- newOrder = (0, _utils.nextString)(lastOrder);
- }
- }
- // TODO: Deal with order conflicts by reordering
- // Now we can finally update our own order state
- const currentChild = parentRoom.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.SpaceChild, this.roomId);
- const content = (_currentChild$getCont2 = currentChild === null || currentChild === void 0 ? void 0 : currentChild.getContent()) !== null && _currentChild$getCont2 !== void 0 ? _currentChild$getCont2 : {
- via: [this.client.getDomain()]
- };
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(parentRoom.roomId, _event.EventType.SpaceChild, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, content), {}, {
- // TODO: Safely constrain to 50 character limit required by spaces.
- order: newOrder
- }), this.roomId);
- }
- /**
- * Creates (uploads) a new file to this tree. The file must have already been encrypted for the room.
- * The file contents are in a type that is compatible with MatrixClient.uploadContent().
- * @param name - The name of the file.
- * @param encryptedContents - The encrypted contents.
- * @param info - The encrypted file information.
- * @param additionalContent - Optional event content fields to include in the message.
- * @returns Promise which resolves to the file event's sent response.
- */
- async createFile(name, encryptedContents, info, additionalContent) {
- var _additionalContent;
- const {
- content_uri: mxc
- } = await this.client.uploadContent(encryptedContents, {
- includeFilename: false
- });
- info.url = mxc;
- const fileContent = {
- msgtype: _event.MsgType.File,
- body: name,
- url: mxc,
- file: info
- };
- additionalContent = (_additionalContent = additionalContent) !== null && _additionalContent !== void 0 ? _additionalContent : {};
- if (additionalContent["m.new_content"]) {
- // We do the right thing according to the spec, but due to how relations are
- // handled we also end up duplicating this information to the regular `content`
- // as well.
- additionalContent["m.new_content"] = fileContent;
- }
- const res = await this.client.sendMessage(this.roomId, _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, additionalContent), fileContent), {}, {
- []: {}
- }));
- await this.client.sendStateEvent(this.roomId,, {
- active: true,
- name: name
- }, res["event_id"]);
- return res;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a file from the tree.
- * @param fileEventId - The event ID of the file.
- * @returns The file, or null if not found.
- */
- getFile(fileEventId) {
- const branch =, fileEventId);
- return branch ? new _MSC3089Branch.MSC3089Branch(this.client, branch, this) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Gets an array of all known files for the tree.
- * @returns The known files. May be empty, but not null.
- */
- listFiles() {
- return this.listAllFiles().filter(b => b.isActive);
- }
- /**
- * Gets an array of all known files for the tree, including inactive/invalid ones.
- * @returns The known files. May be empty, but not null.
- */
- listAllFiles() {
- var _this$room$currentSta;
- const branches = (_this$room$currentSta = !== null && _this$room$currentSta !== void 0 ? _this$room$currentSta : [];
- return => new _MSC3089Branch.MSC3089Branch(this.client, e, this));
- }
-exports.MSC3089TreeSpace = MSC3089TreeSpace;
-//# \ No newline at end of file