path: root/includes/external/addressbook/node_modules/parse5/dist/common/html.d.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/addressbook/node_modules/parse5/dist/common/html.d.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/addressbook/node_modules/parse5/dist/common/html.d.ts b/includes/external/addressbook/node_modules/parse5/dist/common/html.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b47095..0000000
--- a/includes/external/addressbook/node_modules/parse5/dist/common/html.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-/** All valid namespaces in HTML. */
-export declare enum NS {
- HTML = "",
- MATHML = "",
- SVG = "",
- XLINK = "",
- XML = "",
- XMLNS = ""
-export declare enum ATTRS {
- TYPE = "type",
- ACTION = "action",
- ENCODING = "encoding",
- PROMPT = "prompt",
- NAME = "name",
- COLOR = "color",
- FACE = "face",
- SIZE = "size"
- * The mode of the document.
- *
- * @see {@link}
- */
-export declare enum DOCUMENT_MODE {
- NO_QUIRKS = "no-quirks",
- QUIRKS = "quirks",
- LIMITED_QUIRKS = "limited-quirks"
-export declare enum TAG_NAMES {
- A = "a",
- ADDRESS = "address",
- ANNOTATION_XML = "annotation-xml",
- APPLET = "applet",
- AREA = "area",
- ARTICLE = "article",
- ASIDE = "aside",
- B = "b",
- BASE = "base",
- BASEFONT = "basefont",
- BGSOUND = "bgsound",
- BIG = "big",
- BLOCKQUOTE = "blockquote",
- BODY = "body",
- BR = "br",
- BUTTON = "button",
- CAPTION = "caption",
- CENTER = "center",
- CODE = "code",
- COL = "col",
- COLGROUP = "colgroup",
- DD = "dd",
- DESC = "desc",
- DETAILS = "details",
- DIALOG = "dialog",
- DIR = "dir",
- DIV = "div",
- DL = "dl",
- DT = "dt",
- EM = "em",
- EMBED = "embed",
- FIELDSET = "fieldset",
- FIGCAPTION = "figcaption",
- FIGURE = "figure",
- FONT = "font",
- FOOTER = "footer",
- FOREIGN_OBJECT = "foreignObject",
- FORM = "form",
- FRAME = "frame",
- FRAMESET = "frameset",
- H1 = "h1",
- H2 = "h2",
- H3 = "h3",
- H4 = "h4",
- H5 = "h5",
- H6 = "h6",
- HEAD = "head",
- HEADER = "header",
- HGROUP = "hgroup",
- HR = "hr",
- HTML = "html",
- I = "i",
- IMG = "img",
- IMAGE = "image",
- INPUT = "input",
- IFRAME = "iframe",
- KEYGEN = "keygen",
- LABEL = "label",
- LI = "li",
- LINK = "link",
- LISTING = "listing",
- MAIN = "main",
- MALIGNMARK = "malignmark",
- MARQUEE = "marquee",
- MATH = "math",
- MENU = "menu",
- META = "meta",
- MGLYPH = "mglyph",
- MI = "mi",
- MO = "mo",
- MN = "mn",
- MS = "ms",
- MTEXT = "mtext",
- NAV = "nav",
- NOBR = "nobr",
- NOFRAMES = "noframes",
- NOEMBED = "noembed",
- NOSCRIPT = "noscript",
- OBJECT = "object",
- OL = "ol",
- OPTGROUP = "optgroup",
- OPTION = "option",
- P = "p",
- PARAM = "param",
- PLAINTEXT = "plaintext",
- PRE = "pre",
- RB = "rb",
- RP = "rp",
- RT = "rt",
- RTC = "rtc",
- RUBY = "ruby",
- S = "s",
- SCRIPT = "script",
- SECTION = "section",
- SELECT = "select",
- SOURCE = "source",
- SMALL = "small",
- SPAN = "span",
- STRIKE = "strike",
- STRONG = "strong",
- STYLE = "style",
- SUB = "sub",
- SUMMARY = "summary",
- SUP = "sup",
- TABLE = "table",
- TBODY = "tbody",
- TEMPLATE = "template",
- TEXTAREA = "textarea",
- TFOOT = "tfoot",
- TD = "td",
- TH = "th",
- THEAD = "thead",
- TITLE = "title",
- TR = "tr",
- TRACK = "track",
- TT = "tt",
- U = "u",
- UL = "ul",
- SVG = "svg",
- VAR = "var",
- WBR = "wbr",
- XMP = "xmp"
- * Tag IDs are numeric IDs for known tag names.
- *
- * We use tag IDs to improve the performance of tag name comparisons.
- */
-export declare enum TAG_ID {
- UNKNOWN = 0,
- A = 1,
- ADDRESS = 2,
- APPLET = 4,
- AREA = 5,
- ARTICLE = 6,
- ASIDE = 7,
- B = 8,
- BASE = 9,
- BASEFONT = 10,
- BGSOUND = 11,
- BIG = 12,
- BODY = 14,
- BR = 15,
- BUTTON = 16,
- CAPTION = 17,
- CENTER = 18,
- CODE = 19,
- COL = 20,
- COLGROUP = 21,
- DD = 22,
- DESC = 23,
- DETAILS = 24,
- DIALOG = 25,
- DIR = 26,
- DIV = 27,
- DL = 28,
- DT = 29,
- EM = 30,
- EMBED = 31,
- FIELDSET = 32,
- FIGURE = 34,
- FONT = 35,
- FOOTER = 36,
- FORM = 38,
- FRAME = 39,
- FRAMESET = 40,
- H1 = 41,
- H2 = 42,
- H3 = 43,
- H4 = 44,
- H5 = 45,
- H6 = 46,
- HEAD = 47,
- HEADER = 48,
- HGROUP = 49,
- HR = 50,
- HTML = 51,
- I = 52,
- IMG = 53,
- IMAGE = 54,
- INPUT = 55,
- IFRAME = 56,
- KEYGEN = 57,
- LABEL = 58,
- LI = 59,
- LINK = 60,
- LISTING = 61,
- MAIN = 62,
- MARQUEE = 64,
- MATH = 65,
- MENU = 66,
- META = 67,
- MGLYPH = 68,
- MI = 69,
- MO = 70,
- MN = 71,
- MS = 72,
- MTEXT = 73,
- NAV = 74,
- NOBR = 75,
- NOFRAMES = 76,
- NOEMBED = 77,
- NOSCRIPT = 78,
- OBJECT = 79,
- OL = 80,
- OPTGROUP = 81,
- OPTION = 82,
- P = 83,
- PARAM = 84,
- PRE = 86,
- RB = 87,
- RP = 88,
- RT = 89,
- RTC = 90,
- RUBY = 91,
- S = 92,
- SCRIPT = 93,
- SECTION = 94,
- SELECT = 95,
- SOURCE = 96,
- SMALL = 97,
- SPAN = 98,
- STRIKE = 99,
- STRONG = 100,
- STYLE = 101,
- SUB = 102,
- SUMMARY = 103,
- SUP = 104,
- TABLE = 105,
- TBODY = 106,
- TEMPLATE = 107,
- TEXTAREA = 108,
- TFOOT = 109,
- TD = 110,
- TH = 111,
- THEAD = 112,
- TITLE = 113,
- TR = 114,
- TRACK = 115,
- TT = 116,
- U = 117,
- UL = 118,
- SVG = 119,
- VAR = 120,
- WBR = 121,
- XMP = 122
-export declare function getTagID(tagName: string): TAG_ID;
-export declare const SPECIAL_ELEMENTS: Record<NS, Set<TAG_ID>>;
-export declare function isNumberedHeader(tn: TAG_ID): boolean;
-export declare function hasUnescapedText(tn: string, scriptingEnabled: boolean): boolean;
-//# \ No newline at end of file