path: root/alarm/node_modules/node-forge/js/task.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'alarm/node_modules/node-forge/js/task.js')
1 files changed, 778 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/node-forge/js/task.js b/alarm/node_modules/node-forge/js/task.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49bbf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alarm/node_modules/node-forge/js/task.js
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+ * Support for concurrent task management and synchronization in web
+ * applications.
+ *
+ * @author Dave Longley
+ * @author David I. Lehn <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Digital Bazaar, Inc.
+ */
+(function() {
+/* ########## Begin module implementation ########## */
+function initModule(forge) {
+// logging category
+var cat = 'forge.task';
+// verbose level
+// 0: off, 1: a little, 2: a whole lot
+// Verbose debug logging is surrounded by a level check to avoid the
+// performance issues with even calling the logging code regardless if it
+// is actually logged. For performance reasons this should not be set to 2
+// for production use.
+// ex: if(sVL >= 2) forge.log.verbose(....)
+var sVL = 0;
+// track tasks for debugging
+var sTasks = {};
+var sNextTaskId = 0;
+// debug access
+forge.debug.set(cat, 'tasks', sTasks);
+// a map of task type to task queue
+var sTaskQueues = {};
+// debug access
+forge.debug.set(cat, 'queues', sTaskQueues);
+// name for unnamed tasks
+var sNoTaskName = '?';
+// maximum number of doNext() recursions before a context swap occurs
+// FIXME: might need to tweak this based on the browser
+var sMaxRecursions = 30;
+// time slice for doing tasks before a context swap occurs
+// FIXME: might need to tweak this based on the browser
+var sTimeSlice = 20;
+ * Task states.
+ *
+ * READY: ready to start processing
+ * RUNNING: task or a subtask is running
+ * BLOCKED: task is waiting to acquire N permits to continue
+ * SLEEPING: task is sleeping for a period of time
+ * DONE: task is done
+ * ERROR: task has an error
+ */
+var READY = 'ready';
+var RUNNING = 'running';
+var BLOCKED = 'blocked';
+var SLEEPING = 'sleeping';
+var DONE = 'done';
+var ERROR = 'error';
+ * Task actions. Used to control state transitions.
+ *
+ * STOP: stop processing
+ * START: start processing tasks
+ * BLOCK: block task from continuing until 1 or more permits are released
+ * UNBLOCK: release one or more permits
+ * SLEEP: sleep for a period of time
+ * WAKEUP: wakeup early from SLEEPING state
+ * CANCEL: cancel further tasks
+ * FAIL: a failure occured
+ */
+var STOP = 'stop';
+var START = 'start';
+var BLOCK = 'block';
+var UNBLOCK = 'unblock';
+var SLEEP = 'sleep';
+var WAKEUP = 'wakeup';
+var CANCEL = 'cancel';
+var FAIL = 'fail';
+ * State transition table.
+ *
+ * nextState = sStateTable[currentState][action]
+ */
+var sStateTable = {};
+sStateTable[READY] = {};
+sStateTable[READY][STOP] = READY;
+sStateTable[READY][CANCEL] = DONE;
+sStateTable[READY][FAIL] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[RUNNING] = {};
+sStateTable[RUNNING][STOP] = READY;
+sStateTable[RUNNING][FAIL] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[BLOCKED] = {};
+sStateTable[BLOCKED][FAIL] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[SLEEPING] = {};
+sStateTable[DONE] = {};
+sStateTable[DONE][STOP] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][START] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][BLOCK] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][UNBLOCK] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][SLEEP] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][WAKEUP] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][CANCEL] = DONE;
+sStateTable[DONE][FAIL] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR] = {};
+sStateTable[ERROR][STOP] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][START] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][BLOCK] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][SLEEP] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][WAKEUP] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][CANCEL] = ERROR;
+sStateTable[ERROR][FAIL] = ERROR;
+ * Creates a new task.
+ *
+ * @param options options for this task
+ * run: the run function for the task (required)
+ * name: the run function for the task (optional)
+ * parent: parent of this task (optional)
+ *
+ * @return the empty task.
+ */
+var Task = function(options) {
+ // task id
+ = -1;
+ // task name
+ = || sNoTaskName;
+ // task has no parent
+ this.parent = options.parent || null;
+ // save run function
+ =;
+ // create a queue of subtasks to run
+ this.subtasks = [];
+ // error flag
+ this.error = false;
+ // state of the task
+ this.state = READY;
+ // number of times the task has been blocked (also the number
+ // of permits needed to be released to continue running)
+ this.blocks = 0;
+ // timeout id when sleeping
+ this.timeoutId = null;
+ // no swap time yet
+ this.swapTime = null;
+ // no user data
+ this.userData = null;
+ // initialize task
+ // FIXME: deal with overflow
+ = sNextTaskId++;
+ sTasks[] = this;
+ if(sVL >= 1) {
+ forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] init',,, this);
+ }
+ * Logs debug information on this task and the system state.
+ */
+Task.prototype.debug = function(msg) {
+ msg = msg || '';
+ forge.log.debug(cat, msg,
+ '[%s][%s] task:',,, this,
+ 'subtasks:', this.subtasks.length,
+ 'queue:', sTaskQueues);
+ * Adds a subtask to run after task.doNext() or is called.
+ *
+ * @param name human readable name for this task (optional).
+ * @param subrun a function to run that takes the current task as
+ * its first parameter.
+ *
+ * @return the current task (useful for chaining next() calls).
+ */ = function(name, subrun) {
+ // juggle parameters if it looks like no name is given
+ if(typeof(name) === 'function') {
+ subrun = name;
+ // inherit parent's name
+ name =;
+ }
+ // create subtask, set parent to this task, propagate callbacks
+ var subtask = new Task({
+ run: subrun,
+ name: name,
+ parent: this
+ });
+ // start subtasks running
+ subtask.state = RUNNING;
+ subtask.type = this.type;
+ subtask.successCallback = this.successCallback || null;
+ subtask.failureCallback = this.failureCallback || null;
+ // queue a new subtask
+ this.subtasks.push(subtask);
+ return this;
+ * Adds subtasks to run in parallel after task.doNext() or
+ * is called.
+ *
+ * @param name human readable name for this task (optional).
+ * @param subrun functions to run that take the current task as
+ * their first parameter.
+ *
+ * @return the current task (useful for chaining next() calls).
+ */
+Task.prototype.parallel = function(name, subrun) {
+ // juggle parameters if it looks like no name is given
+ if(forge.util.isArray(name)) {
+ subrun = name;
+ // inherit parent's name
+ name =;
+ }
+ // Wrap parallel tasks in a regular task so they are started at the
+ // proper time.
+ return, function(task) {
+ // block waiting for subtasks
+ var ptask = task;
+ ptask.block(subrun.length);
+ // we pass the iterator from the loop below as a parameter
+ // to a function because it is otherwise included in the
+ // closure and changes as the loop changes -- causing i
+ // to always be set to its highest value
+ var startParallelTask = function(pname, pi) {
+ forge.task.start({
+ type: pname,
+ run: function(task) {
+ subrun[pi](task);
+ },
+ success: function(task) {
+ ptask.unblock();
+ },
+ failure: function(task) {
+ ptask.unblock();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ for(var i = 0; i < subrun.length; i++) {
+ // Type must be unique so task starts in parallel:
+ // name + private string + task id + sub-task index
+ // start tasks in parallel and unblock when the finish
+ var pname = name + '__parallel-' + + '-' + i;
+ var pi = i;
+ startParallelTask(pname, pi);
+ }
+ });
+ * Stops a running task.
+ */
+Task.prototype.stop = function() {
+ this.state = sStateTable[this.state][STOP];
+ * Starts running a task.
+ */
+Task.prototype.start = function() {
+ this.error = false;
+ this.state = sStateTable[this.state][START];
+ // try to restart
+ if(this.state === RUNNING) {
+ this.start = new Date();
+ runNext(this, 0);
+ }
+ * Blocks a task until it one or more permits have been released. The
+ * task will not resume until the requested number of permits have
+ * been released with call(s) to unblock().
+ *
+ * @param n number of permits to wait for(default: 1).
+ */
+Task.prototype.block = function(n) {
+ n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 1 : n;
+ this.blocks += n;
+ if(this.blocks > 0) {
+ this.state = sStateTable[this.state][BLOCK];
+ }
+ * Releases a permit to unblock a task. If a task was blocked by
+ * requesting N permits via block(), then it will only continue
+ * running once enough permits have been released via unblock() calls.
+ *
+ * If multiple processes need to synchronize with a single task then
+ * use a condition variable (see forge.task.createCondition). It is
+ * an error to unblock a task more times than it has been blocked.
+ *
+ * @param n number of permits to release (default: 1).
+ *
+ * @return the current block count (task is unblocked when count is 0)
+ */
+Task.prototype.unblock = function(n) {
+ n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 1 : n;
+ this.blocks -= n;
+ if(this.blocks === 0 && this.state !== DONE) {
+ this.state = RUNNING;
+ runNext(this, 0);
+ }
+ return this.blocks;
+ * Sleep for a period of time before resuming tasks.
+ *
+ * @param n number of milliseconds to sleep (default: 0).
+ */
+Task.prototype.sleep = function(n) {
+ n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 0 : n;
+ this.state = sStateTable[this.state][SLEEP];
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
+ self.timeoutId = null;
+ self.state = RUNNING;
+ runNext(self, 0);
+ }, n);
+ * Waits on a condition variable until notified. The next task will
+ * not be scheduled until notification. A condition variable can be
+ * created with forge.task.createCondition().
+ *
+ * Once cond.notify() is called, the task will continue.
+ *
+ * @param cond the condition variable to wait on.
+ */
+Task.prototype.wait = function(cond) {
+ cond.wait(this);
+ * If sleeping, wakeup and continue running tasks.
+ */
+Task.prototype.wakeup = function() {
+ if(this.state === SLEEPING) {
+ cancelTimeout(this.timeoutId);
+ this.timeoutId = null;
+ this.state = RUNNING;
+ runNext(this, 0);
+ }
+ * Cancel all remaining subtasks of this task.
+ */
+Task.prototype.cancel = function() {
+ this.state = sStateTable[this.state][CANCEL];
+ // remove permits needed
+ this.permitsNeeded = 0;
+ // cancel timeouts
+ if(this.timeoutId !== null) {
+ cancelTimeout(this.timeoutId);
+ this.timeoutId = null;
+ }
+ // remove subtasks
+ this.subtasks = [];
+ * Finishes this task with failure and sets error flag. The entire
+ * task will be aborted unless the next task that should execute
+ * is passed as a parameter. This allows levels of subtasks to be
+ * skipped. For instance, to abort only this tasks's subtasks, then
+ * call fail(task.parent). To abort this task's subtasks and its
+ * parent's subtasks, call fail(task.parent.parent). To abort
+ * all tasks and simply call the task callback, call fail() or
+ * fail(null).
+ *
+ * The task callback (success or failure) will always, eventually, be
+ * called.
+ *
+ * @param next the task to continue at, or null to abort entirely.
+ */ = function(next) {
+ // set error flag
+ this.error = true;
+ // finish task
+ finish(this, true);
+ if(next) {
+ // propagate task info
+ next.error = this.error;
+ next.swapTime = this.swapTime;
+ next.userData = this.userData;
+ // do next task as specified
+ runNext(next, 0);
+ } else {
+ if(this.parent !== null) {
+ // finish root task (ensures it is removed from task queue)
+ var parent = this.parent;
+ while(parent.parent !== null) {
+ // propagate task info
+ parent.error = this.error;
+ parent.swapTime = this.swapTime;
+ parent.userData = this.userData;
+ parent = parent.parent;
+ }
+ finish(parent, true);
+ }
+ // call failure callback if one exists
+ if(this.failureCallback) {
+ this.failureCallback(this);
+ }
+ }
+ * Asynchronously start a task.
+ *
+ * @param task the task to start.
+ */
+var start = function(task) {
+ task.error = false;
+ task.state = sStateTable[task.state][START];
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if(task.state === RUNNING) {
+ task.swapTime = +new Date();
+ runNext(task, 0);
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ * Run the next subtask or finish this task.
+ *
+ * @param task the task to process.
+ * @param recurse the recursion count.
+ */
+var runNext = function(task, recurse) {
+ // get time since last context swap (ms), if enough time has passed set
+ // swap to true to indicate that doNext was performed asynchronously
+ // also, if recurse is too high do asynchronously
+ var swap =
+ (recurse > sMaxRecursions) ||
+ (+new Date() - task.swapTime) > sTimeSlice;
+ var doNext = function(recurse) {
+ recurse++;
+ if(task.state === RUNNING) {
+ if(swap) {
+ // update swap time
+ task.swapTime = +new Date();
+ }
+ if(task.subtasks.length > 0) {
+ // run next subtask
+ var subtask = task.subtasks.shift();
+ subtask.error = task.error;
+ subtask.swapTime = task.swapTime;
+ subtask.userData = task.userData;
+ if(!subtask.error) {
+ runNext(subtask, recurse);
+ }
+ } else {
+ finish(task);
+ if(!task.error) {
+ // chain back up and run parent
+ if(task.parent !== null) {
+ // propagate task info
+ task.parent.error = task.error;
+ task.parent.swapTime = task.swapTime;
+ task.parent.userData = task.userData;
+ // no subtasks left, call run next subtask on parent
+ runNext(task.parent, recurse);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if(swap) {
+ // we're swapping, so run asynchronously
+ setTimeout(doNext, 0);
+ } else {
+ // not swapping, so run synchronously
+ doNext(recurse);
+ }
+ * Finishes a task and looks for the next task in the queue to start.
+ *
+ * @param task the task to finish.
+ * @param suppressCallbacks true to suppress callbacks.
+ */
+var finish = function(task, suppressCallbacks) {
+ // subtask is now done
+ task.state = DONE;
+ delete sTasks[];
+ if(sVL >= 1) {
+ forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] finish',
+,, task);
+ }
+ // only do queue processing for root tasks
+ if(task.parent === null) {
+ // report error if queue is missing
+ if(!(task.type in sTaskQueues)) {
+ forge.log.error(cat,
+ '[%s][%s] task queue missing [%s]',
+,, task.type);
+ } else if(sTaskQueues[task.type].length === 0) {
+ // report error if queue is empty
+ forge.log.error(cat,
+ '[%s][%s] task queue empty [%s]',
+,, task.type);
+ } else if(sTaskQueues[task.type][0] !== task) {
+ // report error if this task isn't the first in the queue
+ forge.log.error(cat,
+ '[%s][%s] task not first in queue [%s]',
+,, task.type);
+ } else {
+ // remove ourselves from the queue
+ sTaskQueues[task.type].shift();
+ // clean up queue if it is empty
+ if(sTaskQueues[task.type].length === 0) {
+ if(sVL >= 1) {
+ forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] delete queue [%s]',
+,, task.type);
+ }
+ /* Note: Only a task can delete a queue of its own type. This
+ is used as a way to synchronize tasks. If a queue for a certain
+ task type exists, then a task of that type is running.
+ */
+ delete sTaskQueues[task.type];
+ } else {
+ // dequeue the next task and start it
+ if(sVL >= 1) {
+ forge.log.verbose(cat,
+ '[%s][%s] queue start next [%s] remain:%s',
+,, task.type,
+ sTaskQueues[task.type].length);
+ }
+ sTaskQueues[task.type][0].start();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!suppressCallbacks) {
+ // call final callback if one exists
+ if(task.error && task.failureCallback) {
+ task.failureCallback(task);
+ } else if(!task.error && task.successCallback) {
+ task.successCallback(task);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Tasks API */
+forge.task = forge.task || {};
+ * Starts a new task that will run the passed function asynchronously.
+ *
+ * In order to finish the task, either task.doNext() or
+ * *must* be called.
+ *
+ * The task must have a type (a string identifier) that can be used to
+ * synchronize it with other tasks of the same type. That type can also
+ * be used to cancel tasks that haven't started yet.
+ *
+ * To start a task, the following object must be provided as a parameter
+ * (each function takes a task object as its first parameter):
+ *
+ * {
+ * type: the type of task.
+ * run: the function to run to execute the task.
+ * success: a callback to call when the task succeeds (optional).
+ * failure: a callback to call when the task fails (optional).
+ * }
+ *
+ * @param options the object as described above.
+ */
+forge.task.start = function(options) {
+ // create a new task
+ var task = new Task({
+ run:,
+ name: || sNoTaskName
+ });
+ task.type = options.type;
+ task.successCallback = options.success || null;
+ task.failureCallback = options.failure || null;
+ // append the task onto the appropriate queue
+ if(!(task.type in sTaskQueues)) {
+ if(sVL >= 1) {
+ forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] create queue [%s]',
+,, task.type);
+ }
+ // create the queue with the new task
+ sTaskQueues[task.type] = [task];
+ start(task);
+ } else {
+ // push the task onto the queue, it will be run after a task
+ // with the same type completes
+ sTaskQueues[options.type].push(task);
+ }
+ * Cancels all tasks of the given type that haven't started yet.
+ *
+ * @param type the type of task to cancel.
+ */
+forge.task.cancel = function(type) {
+ // find the task queue
+ if(type in sTaskQueues) {
+ // empty all but the current task from the queue
+ sTaskQueues[type] = [sTaskQueues[type][0]];
+ }
+ * Creates a condition variable to synchronize tasks. To make a task wait
+ * on the condition variable, call task.wait(condition). To notify all
+ * tasks that are waiting, call condition.notify().
+ *
+ * @return the condition variable.
+ */
+forge.task.createCondition = function() {
+ var cond = {
+ // all tasks that are blocked
+ tasks: {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * Causes the given task to block until notify is called. If the task
+ * is already waiting on this condition then this is a no-op.
+ *
+ * @param task the task to cause to wait.
+ */
+ cond.wait = function(task) {
+ // only block once
+ if(!( in cond.tasks)) {
+ task.block();
+ cond.tasks[] = task;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Notifies all waiting tasks to wake up.
+ */
+ cond.notify = function() {
+ // since unblock() will run the next task from here, make sure to
+ // clear the condition's blocked task list before unblocking
+ var tmp = cond.tasks;
+ cond.tasks = {};
+ for(var id in tmp) {
+ tmp[id].unblock();
+ }
+ };
+ return cond;
+} // end module implementation
+/* ########## Begin module wrapper ########## */
+var name = 'task';
+if(typeof define !== 'function') {
+ // NodeJS -> AMD
+ if(typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ var nodeJS = true;
+ define = function(ids, factory) {
+ factory(require, module);
+ };
+ } else {
+ // <script>
+ if(typeof forge === 'undefined') {
+ forge = {};
+ }
+ return initModule(forge);
+ }
+// AMD
+var deps;
+var defineFunc = function(require, module) {
+ module.exports = function(forge) {
+ var mods = {
+ return require(dep);
+ }).concat(initModule);
+ // handle circular dependencies
+ forge = forge || {};
+ forge.defined = forge.defined || {};
+ if(forge.defined[name]) {
+ return forge[name];
+ }
+ forge.defined[name] = true;
+ for(var i = 0; i < mods.length; ++i) {
+ mods[i](forge);
+ }
+ return forge[name];
+ };
+var tmpDefine = define;
+define = function(ids, factory) {
+ deps = (typeof ids === 'string') ? factory.slice(2) : ids.slice(2);
+ if(nodeJS) {
+ delete define;
+ return tmpDefine.apply(null,, 0));
+ }
+ define = tmpDefine;
+ return define.apply(null,, 0));
+define(['require', 'module', './debug', './log', './util'], function() {
+ defineFunc.apply(null,, 0));