path: root/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/Document-impl.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/Document-impl.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 946 deletions
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/Document-impl.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/Document-impl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfa812a..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/Document-impl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { CookieJar } = require("tough-cookie");
-const NodeImpl = require("./Node-impl").implementation;
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils");
-const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type");
-const { hasWeakRefs, mixin, memoizeQuery } = require("../../utils");
-const { firstChildWithLocalName, firstChildWithLocalNames, firstDescendantWithLocalName } =
- require("../helpers/traversal");
-const whatwgURL = require("whatwg-url");
-const StyleSheetList = require("../generated/StyleSheetList.js");
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("../helpers/internal-constants");
-const eventAccessors = require("../helpers/create-event-accessor");
-const { asciiLowercase, stripAndCollapseASCIIWhitespace } = require("../helpers/strings");
-const { childTextContent } = require("../helpers/text");
-const { HTML_NS, SVG_NS } = require("../helpers/namespaces");
-const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper");
-const { parseIntoDocument } = require("../../browser/parser");
-const History = require("../generated/History");
-const Location = require("../generated/Location");
-const HTMLCollection = require("../generated/HTMLCollection");
-const NodeList = require("../generated/NodeList");
-const validateName = require("../helpers/validate-names").name;
-const { validateAndExtract } = require("../helpers/validate-names");
-const { fireAnEvent } = require("../helpers/events");
-const { shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator } = require("../helpers/shadow-dom");
-const { enqueueCECallbackReaction } = require("../helpers/custom-elements");
-const { createElement, internalCreateElementNSSteps } = require("../helpers/create-element");
-const IterableWeakSet = require("../helpers/iterable-weak-set");
-const DocumentOrShadowRootImpl = require("./DocumentOrShadowRoot-impl").implementation;
-const GlobalEventHandlersImpl = require("./GlobalEventHandlers-impl").implementation;
-const NonElementParentNodeImpl = require("./NonElementParentNode-impl").implementation;
-const ParentNodeImpl = require("./ParentNode-impl").implementation;
-const { clone, listOfElementsWithQualifiedName, listOfElementsWithNamespaceAndLocalName,
- listOfElementsWithClassNames } = require("../node");
-const generatedAttr = require("../generated/Attr");
-const Comment = require("../generated/Comment");
-const ProcessingInstruction = require("../generated/ProcessingInstruction");
-const CDATASection = require("../generated/CDATASection");
-const Text = require("../generated/Text");
-const DocumentFragment = require("../generated/DocumentFragment");
-const DOMImplementation = require("../generated/DOMImplementation");
-const TreeWalker = require("../generated/TreeWalker");
-const NodeIterator = require("../generated/NodeIterator");
-const ShadowRoot = require("../generated/ShadowRoot");
-const Range = require("../generated/Range");
-const documents = require("../documents.js");
-const CustomEvent = require("../generated/CustomEvent");
-const ErrorEvent = require("../generated/ErrorEvent");
-const Event = require("../generated/Event");
-const FocusEvent = require("../generated/FocusEvent");
-const HashChangeEvent = require("../generated/HashChangeEvent");
-const KeyboardEvent = require("../generated/KeyboardEvent");
-const MessageEvent = require("../generated/MessageEvent");
-const MouseEvent = require("../generated/MouseEvent");
-const PopStateEvent = require("../generated/PopStateEvent");
-const ProgressEvent = require("../generated/ProgressEvent");
-const TouchEvent = require("../generated/TouchEvent");
-const UIEvent = require("../generated/UIEvent");
-const RequestManager = require("../../browser/resources/request-manager");
-const AsyncResourceQueue = require("../../browser/resources/async-resource-queue");
-const ResourceQueue = require("../../browser/resources/resource-queue");
-const PerDocumentResourceLoader = require("../../browser/resources/per-document-resource-loader");
-function clearChildNodes(node) {
- for (let child = domSymbolTree.firstChild(node); child; child = domSymbolTree.firstChild(node)) {
- node.removeChild(child);
- }
-function pad(number) {
- if (number < 10) {
- return "0" + number;
- }
- return number;
-function toLastModifiedString(date) {
- return pad(date.getMonth() + 1) +
- "/" + pad(date.getDate()) +
- "/" + date.getFullYear() +
- " " + pad(date.getHours()) +
- ":" + pad(date.getMinutes()) +
- ":" + pad(date.getSeconds());
-const eventInterfaceTable = {
- customevent: CustomEvent,
- errorevent: ErrorEvent,
- event: Event,
- events: Event,
- focusevent: FocusEvent,
- hashchangeevent: HashChangeEvent,
- htmlevents: Event,
- keyboardevent: KeyboardEvent,
- messageevent: MessageEvent,
- mouseevent: MouseEvent,
- mouseevents: MouseEvent,
- popstateevent: PopStateEvent,
- progressevent: ProgressEvent,
- svgevents: Event,
- touchevent: TouchEvent,
- uievent: UIEvent,
- uievents: UIEvent
-class DocumentImpl extends NodeImpl {
- constructor(globalObject, args, privateData) {
- super(globalObject, args, privateData);
- this._initGlobalEvents();
- this._ownerDocument = this;
- this.nodeType = NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_NODE;
- if (!privateData.options) {
- privateData.options = {};
- }
- if (!privateData.options.parsingMode) {
- privateData.options.parsingMode = "xml";
- }
- if (!privateData.options.encoding) {
- privateData.options.encoding = "UTF-8";
- }
- if (!privateData.options.contentType) {
- privateData.options.contentType = privateData.options.parsingMode === "xml" ? "application/xml" : "text/html";
- }
- this._parsingMode = privateData.options.parsingMode;
- this._implementation = DOMImplementation.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: this
- });
- this._defaultView = privateData.options.defaultView || null;
- this._global =;
- this._ids = Object.create(null);
- this._attached = true;
- this._currentScript = null;
- this._pageShowingFlag = false;
- this._cookieJar = privateData.options.cookieJar;
- this._parseOptions = privateData.options.parseOptions || {};
- this._scriptingDisabled = privateData.options.scriptingDisabled;
- if (this._cookieJar === undefined) {
- this._cookieJar = new CookieJar(null, { looseMode: true });
- }
- if (this._scriptingDisabled) {
- this._parseOptions.scriptingEnabled = false;
- }
- this.contentType = privateData.options.contentType;
- this._encoding = privateData.options.encoding;
- const urlOption = privateData.options.url === undefined ? "about:blank" : privateData.options.url;
- const parsed = whatwgURL.parseURL(urlOption);
- if (parsed === null) {
- throw new TypeError(`Could not parse "${urlOption}" as a URL`);
- }
- this._URL = parsed;
- this._origin = urlOption === "about:blank" && privateData.options.parentOrigin ?
- privateData.options.parentOrigin :
- whatwgURL.serializeURLOrigin(this._URL);
- this._location = Location.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { relevantDocument: this });
- this._history = History.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- window: this._defaultView,
- document: this,
- actAsIfLocationReloadCalled: () => this._location.reload()
- });
- if (hasWeakRefs) {
- this._workingNodeIterators = new IterableWeakSet();
- } else {
- this._workingNodeIterators = [];
- }
- this._referrer = privateData.options.referrer || "";
- this._lastModified = toLastModifiedString(privateData.options.lastModified || new Date());
- this._asyncQueue = new AsyncResourceQueue();
- this._queue = new ResourceQueue({ asyncQueue: this._asyncQueue, paused: false });
- this._deferQueue = new ResourceQueue({ paused: true });
- this._requestManager = new RequestManager();
- this._currentDocumentReadiness = privateData.options.readyState || "loading";
- this._lastFocusedElement = null;
- this._resourceLoader = new PerDocumentResourceLoader(this);
- // Each Document in a browsing context can also have a latest entry. This is the entry for that Document
- // to which the browsing context's session history was most recently traversed. When a Document is created,
- // it initially has no latest entry.
- this._latestEntry = null;
- //
- this._throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter = 0;
- }
- _getTheParent(event) {
- if (event.type === "load" || !this._defaultView) {
- return null;
- }
- return idlUtils.implForWrapper(this._defaultView);
- }
- get compatMode() {
- return this._parsingMode === "xml" || this.doctype ? "CSS1Compat" : "BackCompat";
- }
- get charset() {
- return this._encoding;
- }
- get characterSet() {
- return this._encoding;
- }
- get inputEncoding() {
- return this._encoding;
- }
- get doctype() {
- for (const childNode of domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(this)) {
- if (childNode.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
- return childNode;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- get URL() {
- return whatwgURL.serializeURL(this._URL);
- }
- get documentURI() {
- return whatwgURL.serializeURL(this._URL);
- }
- get location() {
- return this._defaultView ? this._location : null;
- }
- //
- get documentElement() {
- for (const childNode of domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(this)) {
- if (childNode.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return childNode;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- get implementation() {
- return this._implementation;
- }
- set implementation(implementation) {
- this._implementation = implementation;
- }
- get defaultView() {
- return this._defaultView;
- }
- get currentScript() {
- return this._currentScript;
- }
- get readyState() {
- return this._currentDocumentReadiness;
- }
- set readyState(state) {
- this._currentDocumentReadiness = state;
- fireAnEvent("readystatechange", this);
- }
- hasFocus() {
- return Boolean(this._lastFocusedElement);
- }
- _descendantRemoved(parent, child) {
- if (child.tagName === "STYLE") {
- this.styleSheets._remove(child.sheet);
- }
- super._descendantRemoved(parent, child);
- }
- write(...args) {
- let text = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
- text += args[i];
- }
- if (this._parsingMode === "xml") {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot use document.write on XML documents",
- "InvalidStateError"
- ]);
- }
- if (this._throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter > 0) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot use document.write while a custom element upgrades",
- "InvalidStateError"
- ]);
- }
- if (this._writeAfterElement) {
- // If called from an script element directly (during the first tick),
- // the new elements are inserted right after that element.
- const tempDiv = this.createElement("div");
- tempDiv.innerHTML = text;
- let child = tempDiv.firstChild;
- let previous = this._writeAfterElement;
- const parent = this._writeAfterElement.parentNode;
- while (child) {
- const node = child;
- child = child.nextSibling;
- node._isMovingDueToDocumentWrite = true; // hack for script execution
- parent.insertBefore(node, previous.nextSibling);
- node._isMovingDueToDocumentWrite = false;
- previous = node;
- }
- } else if (this.readyState === "loading") {
- // During page loading, document.write appends to the current element
- // Find the last child that has been added to the document.
- if (this.lastChild) {
- let node = this;
- while (node.lastChild && node.lastChild.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- node = node.lastChild;
- }
- node.innerHTML = text;
- } else {
- clearChildNodes(this);
- parseIntoDocument(text, this);
- }
- } else if (text) {
- clearChildNodes(this);
- parseIntoDocument(text, this);
- }
- }
- writeln(...args) {
- this.write(...args, "\n");
- }
- // This is implemented separately for Document (which has a _ids cache) and DocumentFragment (which does not).
- getElementById(id) {
- if (!this._ids[id]) {
- return null;
- }
- // Let's find the first element with where it's root is the document.
- const matchElement = this._ids[id].find(candidate => {
- let root = candidate;
- while (domSymbolTree.parent(root)) {
- root = domSymbolTree.parent(root);
- }
- return root === this;
- });
- return matchElement || null;
- }
- get referrer() {
- return this._referrer || "";
- }
- get lastModified() {
- return this._lastModified;
- }
- get images() {
- return this.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
- }
- get embeds() {
- return this.getElementsByTagName("EMBED");
- }
- get plugins() {
- return this.embeds;
- }
- get links() {
- return HTMLCollection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- element: this,
- query: () => domSymbolTree.treeToArray(this, {
- filter: node => (node._localName === "a" || node._localName === "area") &&
- node.hasAttributeNS(null, "href") &&
- node._namespaceURI === HTML_NS
- })
- });
- }
- get forms() {
- return this.getElementsByTagName("FORM");
- }
- get scripts() {
- return this.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");
- }
- get anchors() {
- return HTMLCollection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- element: this,
- query: () => domSymbolTree.treeToArray(this, {
- filter: node => node._localName === "a" &&
- node.hasAttributeNS(null, "name") &&
- node._namespaceURI === HTML_NS
- })
- });
- }
- // The applets attribute must return an
- // HTMLCollection rooted at the Document node,
- // whose filter matches nothing.
- // (It exists for historical reasons.)
- get applets() {
- return HTMLCollection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- element: this,
- query: () => []
- });
- }
- open() {
- let child = domSymbolTree.firstChild(this);
- while (child) {
- this.removeChild(child);
- child = domSymbolTree.firstChild(this);
- }
- this._modified();
- return this;
- }
- close(noQueue) {
- // In some cases like when creating an empty iframe, I want to emit the
- // events right away to avoid problems if later I asign the property src.
- if (noQueue) {
- this.readyState = "complete";
- fireAnEvent("DOMContentLoaded", this, undefined, { bubbles: true });
- fireAnEvent("load", this);
- return;
- }
- this._queue.resume();
- const dummyPromise = Promise.resolve();
- const onDOMContentLoad = () => {
- const doc = this;
- function dispatchEvent() {
- //
- doc.readyState = "interactive";
- fireAnEvent("DOMContentLoaded", doc, undefined, { bubbles: true });
- }
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (!this._deferQueue.tail) {
- dispatchEvent();
- resolve();
- return;
- }
- this._deferQueue.setListener(() => {
- dispatchEvent();
- resolve();
- });
- this._deferQueue.resume();
- });
- };
- const onLoad = () => {
- const doc = this;
- function dispatchEvent() {
- doc.readyState = "complete";
- fireAnEvent("load", doc);
- }
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (this._asyncQueue.count() === 0) {
- dispatchEvent();
- resolve();
- return;
- }
- this._asyncQueue.setListener(() => {
- dispatchEvent();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- };
- this._queue.push(dummyPromise, onDOMContentLoad, null);
- // Set the readyState to 'complete' once all resources are loaded.
- // As a side-effect the document's load-event will be dispatched.
- this._queue.push(dummyPromise, onLoad, null, true);
- }
- getElementsByName(elementName) {
- return NodeList.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- element: this,
- query: () => domSymbolTree.treeToArray(this, {
- filter: node => node.getAttributeNS && node.getAttributeNS(null, "name") === elementName
- })
- });
- }
- get title() {
- const { documentElement } = this;
- let value = "";
- if (documentElement && documentElement._localName === "svg") {
- const svgTitleElement = firstChildWithLocalName(documentElement, "title", SVG_NS);
- if (svgTitleElement) {
- value = childTextContent(svgTitleElement);
- }
- } else {
- const titleElement = firstDescendantWithLocalName(this, "title");
- if (titleElement) {
- value = childTextContent(titleElement);
- }
- }
- value = stripAndCollapseASCIIWhitespace(value);
- return value;
- }
- set title(value) {
- const { documentElement } = this;
- let element;
- if (documentElement && documentElement._localName === "svg") {
- element = firstChildWithLocalName(documentElement, "title", SVG_NS);
- if (!element) {
- element = this.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "title");
- this._insert(element, documentElement.firstChild);
- }
- element.textContent = value;
- } else if (documentElement && documentElement._namespaceURI === HTML_NS) {
- const titleElement = firstDescendantWithLocalName(this, "title");
- const headElement = this.head;
- if (titleElement === null && headElement === null) {
- return;
- }
- if (titleElement !== null) {
- element = titleElement;
- } else {
- element = this.createElement("title");
- headElement._append(element);
- }
- element.textContent = value;
- }
- }
- get dir() {
- return this.documentElement ? this.documentElement.dir : "";
- }
- set dir(value) {
- if (this.documentElement) {
- this.documentElement.dir = value;
- }
- }
- get head() {
- return this.documentElement ? firstChildWithLocalName(this.documentElement, "head") : null;
- }
- get body() {
- const { documentElement } = this;
- if (!documentElement || documentElement._localName !== "html" ||
- documentElement._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) {
- return null;
- }
- return firstChildWithLocalNames(this.documentElement, new Set(["body", "frameset"]));
- }
- set body(value) {
- if (value === null ||
- value._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS ||
- (value._localName !== "body" && value._localName !== "frameset")) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot set the body to null or a non-body/frameset element",
- "HierarchyRequestError"
- ]);
- }
- const bodyElement = this.body;
- if (value === bodyElement) {
- return;
- }
- if (bodyElement !== null) {
- bodyElement.parentNode._replace(value, bodyElement);
- return;
- }
- const { documentElement } = this;
- if (documentElement === null) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot set the body when there is no document element",
- "HierarchyRequestError"
- ]);
- }
- documentElement._append(value);
- }
- _runPreRemovingSteps(oldNode) {
- //
- if (oldNode === this.activeElement) {
- this._lastFocusedElement = this.body;
- }
- for (const activeNodeIterator of this._workingNodeIterators) {
- activeNodeIterator._preRemovingSteps(oldNode);
- }
- }
- createEvent(type) {
- const typeLower = type.toLowerCase();
- const eventWrapper = eventInterfaceTable[typeLower] || null;
- if (!eventWrapper) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "The provided event type (\"" + type + "\") is invalid",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- }
- const impl = eventWrapper.createImpl(this._globalObject, [""]);
- impl._initializedFlag = false;
- return impl;
- }
- createRange() {
- return Range.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- start: { node: this, offset: 0 },
- end: { node: this, offset: 0 }
- });
- }
- createProcessingInstruction(target, data) {
- validateName(this._globalObject, target);
- if (data.includes("?>")) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Processing instruction data cannot contain the string \"?>\"",
- "InvalidCharacterError"
- ]);
- }
- return ProcessingInstruction.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: this,
- target,
- data
- });
- }
- //
- createCDATASection(data) {
- if (this._parsingMode === "html") {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot create CDATA sections in HTML documents",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- }
- if (data.includes("]]>")) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "CDATA section data cannot contain the string \"]]>\"",
- "InvalidCharacterError"
- ]);
- }
- return CDATASection.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: this,
- data
- });
- }
- createTextNode(data) {
- return Text.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: this,
- data
- });
- }
- createComment(data) {
- return Comment.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: this,
- data
- });
- }
- //
- createElement(localName, options) {
- validateName(this._globalObject, localName);
- if (this._parsingMode === "html") {
- localName = asciiLowercase(localName);
- }
- let isValue = null;
- if (options && !== undefined) {
- isValue =;
- }
- const namespace = this._parsingMode === "html" || this.contentType === "application/xhtml+xml" ? HTML_NS : null;
- return createElement(this, localName, namespace, null, isValue, true);
- }
- //
- createElementNS(namespace, qualifiedName, options) {
- return internalCreateElementNSSteps(this, namespace, qualifiedName, options);
- }
- createDocumentFragment() {
- return DocumentFragment.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { ownerDocument: this });
- }
- createAttribute(localName) {
- validateName(this._globalObject, localName);
- if (this._parsingMode === "html") {
- localName = asciiLowercase(localName);
- }
- return this._createAttribute({ localName });
- }
- createAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
- if (namespace === undefined) {
- namespace = null;
- }
- namespace = namespace !== null ? String(namespace) : namespace;
- const extracted = validateAndExtract(this._globalObject, namespace, name);
- return this._createAttribute({
- namespace: extracted.namespace,
- namespacePrefix: extracted.prefix,
- localName: extracted.localName
- });
- }
- // Using this helper function rather than directly calling generatedAttr.createImpl may be preferred in some files,
- // to avoid introducing a potentially cyclic dependency on generated/Attr.js.
- _createAttribute({
- localName,
- value,
- namespace,
- namespacePrefix
- }) {
- return generatedAttr.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], {
- localName,
- value,
- namespace,
- namespacePrefix,
- ownerDocument: this
- });
- }
- createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter) {
- return TreeWalker.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { root, whatToShow, filter });
- }
- createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter) {
- const nodeIterator = NodeIterator.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { root, whatToShow, filter });
- if (hasWeakRefs) {
- this._workingNodeIterators.add(nodeIterator);
- } else {
- this._workingNodeIterators.push(nodeIterator);
- while (this._workingNodeIterators.length > 10) {
- const toInactivate = this._workingNodeIterators.shift();
- toInactivate._working = false;
- }
- }
- return nodeIterator;
- }
- importNode(node, deep) {
- if (node.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot import a document node",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- } else if (ShadowRoot.isImpl(node)) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot adopt a shadow root",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- }
- return clone(node, this, deep);
- }
- //
- adoptNode(node) {
- if (node.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot adopt a document node",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- } else if (ShadowRoot.isImpl(node)) {
- throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [
- "Cannot adopt a shadow root",
- "HierarchyRequestError"
- ]);
- }
- this._adoptNode(node);
- return node;
- }
- //
- _adoptNode(node) {
- const newDocument = this;
- const oldDocument = node._ownerDocument;
- const parent = domSymbolTree.parent(node);
- if (parent) {
- parent._remove(node);
- }
- if (oldDocument !== newDocument) {
- for (const inclusiveDescendant of shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node)) {
- inclusiveDescendant._ownerDocument = newDocument;
- }
- for (const inclusiveDescendant of shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node)) {
- if (inclusiveDescendant._ceState === "custom") {
- enqueueCECallbackReaction(inclusiveDescendant, "adoptedCallback", [
- idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(oldDocument),
- idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(newDocument)
- ]);
- }
- }
- for (const inclusiveDescendant of shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node)) {
- if (inclusiveDescendant._adoptingSteps) {
- inclusiveDescendant._adoptingSteps(oldDocument);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- get cookie() {
- return this._cookieJar.getCookieStringSync(this.URL, { http: false });
- }
- set cookie(cookieStr) {
- cookieStr = String(cookieStr);
- this._cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookieStr, this.URL, {
- http: false,
- ignoreError: true
- });
- }
- // The clear(), captureEvents(), and releaseEvents() methods must do nothing
- clear() {}
- captureEvents() {}
- releaseEvents() {}
- get styleSheets() {
- if (!this._styleSheets) {
- this._styleSheets = StyleSheetList.createImpl(this._globalObject);
- }
- // TODO: each style and link element should register its sheet on creation
- // and remove it on removal.
- return this._styleSheets;
- }
- get hidden() {
- if (this._defaultView && this._defaultView._pretendToBeVisual) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- get visibilityState() {
- if (this._defaultView && this._defaultView._pretendToBeVisual) {
- return "visible";
- }
- return "prerender";
- }
- //
- getSelection() {
- return this._defaultView ? this._defaultView._selection : null;
- }
- // Needed to ensure that the resulting document has the correct prototype chain:
- // says "that implements the same interfaces as node".
- _cloneDocument() {
- const copy = documents.createImpl(
- this._globalObject,
- {
- contentType: this.contentType,
- encoding: this._encoding,
- parsingMode: this._parsingMode
- }
- );
- copy._URL = this._URL;
- copy._origin = this._origin;
- return copy;
- }
-eventAccessors.createEventAccessor(DocumentImpl.prototype, "readystatechange");
-mixin(DocumentImpl.prototype, DocumentOrShadowRootImpl.prototype);
-mixin(DocumentImpl.prototype, GlobalEventHandlersImpl.prototype);
-mixin(DocumentImpl.prototype, NonElementParentNodeImpl.prototype);
-mixin(DocumentImpl.prototype, ParentNodeImpl.prototype);
-DocumentImpl.prototype.getElementsByTagName = memoizeQuery(function (qualifiedName) {
- return listOfElementsWithQualifiedName(qualifiedName, this);
-DocumentImpl.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = memoizeQuery(function (namespace, localName) {
- return listOfElementsWithNamespaceAndLocalName(namespace, localName, this);
-DocumentImpl.prototype.getElementsByClassName = memoizeQuery(function getElementsByClassName(classNames) {
- return listOfElementsWithClassNames(classNames, this);
-module.exports = {
- implementation: DocumentImpl