path: root/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers')
32 files changed, 0 insertions, 3595 deletions
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/agent-factory.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/agent-factory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af6a24..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/agent-factory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const http = require("http");
-const https = require("https");
-const { parse: parseURLToNodeOptions } = require("url");
-const HttpProxyAgent = require("http-proxy-agent");
-const HttpsProxyAgent = require("https-proxy-agent");
-module.exports = function agentFactory(proxy, rejectUnauthorized) {
- const agentOpts = { keepAlive: true, rejectUnauthorized };
- if (proxy) {
- const proxyOpts = { ...parseURLToNodeOptions(proxy), ...agentOpts };
- return { https: new HttpsProxyAgent(proxyOpts), http: new HttpProxyAgent(proxyOpts) };
- }
- return { http: new http.Agent(agentOpts), https: new https.Agent(agentOpts) };
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/binary-data.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/binary-data.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5909c..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/binary-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-// See for background.
-exports.copyToArrayBufferInNewRealm = (nodejsBuffer, newRealm) => {
- const newAB = new newRealm.ArrayBuffer(nodejsBuffer.byteLength);
- const view = new Uint8Array(newAB);
- view.set(nodejsBuffer);
- return newAB;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-element.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-element.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a330ec..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-element.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper");
-const interfaces = require("../interfaces");
-const { implForWrapper } = require("../generated/utils");
-const { HTML_NS, SVG_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const { validateAndExtract } = require("./validate-names");
-const reportException = require("./runtime-script-errors");
-const {
- isValidCustomElementName, upgradeElement, lookupCEDefinition, enqueueCEUpgradeReaction
-} = require("./custom-elements");
- //
- //
- [HTML_NS]: {
- HTMLElement: [
- "abbr", "address", "article", "aside", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "dd", "dfn", "dt", "em", "figcaption",
- "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "i", "kbd", "main", "mark", "nav", "noscript", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s",
- "samp", "section", "small", "strong", "sub", "summary", "sup", "u", "var", "wbr"
- ],
- HTMLAnchorElement: ["a"],
- HTMLAreaElement: ["area"],
- HTMLAudioElement: ["audio"],
- HTMLBaseElement: ["base"],
- HTMLBodyElement: ["body"],
- HTMLBRElement: ["br"],
- HTMLButtonElement: ["button"],
- HTMLCanvasElement: ["canvas"],
- HTMLDataElement: ["data"],
- HTMLDataListElement: ["datalist"],
- HTMLDetailsElement: ["details"],
- HTMLDialogElement: ["dialog"],
- HTMLDirectoryElement: ["dir"],
- HTMLDivElement: ["div"],
- HTMLDListElement: ["dl"],
- HTMLEmbedElement: ["embed"],
- HTMLFieldSetElement: ["fieldset"],
- HTMLFontElement: ["font"],
- HTMLFormElement: ["form"],
- HTMLFrameElement: ["frame"],
- HTMLFrameSetElement: ["frameset"],
- HTMLHeadingElement: ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"],
- HTMLHeadElement: ["head"],
- HTMLHRElement: ["hr"],
- HTMLHtmlElement: ["html"],
- HTMLIFrameElement: ["iframe"],
- HTMLImageElement: ["img"],
- HTMLInputElement: ["input"],
- HTMLLabelElement: ["label"],
- HTMLLegendElement: ["legend"],
- HTMLLIElement: ["li"],
- HTMLLinkElement: ["link"],
- HTMLMapElement: ["map"],
- HTMLMarqueeElement: ["marquee"],
- HTMLMediaElement: [],
- HTMLMenuElement: ["menu"],
- HTMLMetaElement: ["meta"],
- HTMLMeterElement: ["meter"],
- HTMLModElement: ["del", "ins"],
- HTMLObjectElement: ["object"],
- HTMLOListElement: ["ol"],
- HTMLOptGroupElement: ["optgroup"],
- HTMLOptionElement: ["option"],
- HTMLOutputElement: ["output"],
- HTMLParagraphElement: ["p"],
- HTMLParamElement: ["param"],
- HTMLPictureElement: ["picture"],
- HTMLPreElement: ["listing", "pre", "xmp"],
- HTMLProgressElement: ["progress"],
- HTMLQuoteElement: ["blockquote", "q"],
- HTMLScriptElement: ["script"],
- HTMLSelectElement: ["select"],
- HTMLSlotElement: ["slot"],
- HTMLSourceElement: ["source"],
- HTMLSpanElement: ["span"],
- HTMLStyleElement: ["style"],
- HTMLTableCaptionElement: ["caption"],
- HTMLTableCellElement: ["th", "td"],
- HTMLTableColElement: ["col", "colgroup"],
- HTMLTableElement: ["table"],
- HTMLTimeElement: ["time"],
- HTMLTitleElement: ["title"],
- HTMLTableRowElement: ["tr"],
- HTMLTableSectionElement: ["thead", "tbody", "tfoot"],
- HTMLTemplateElement: ["template"],
- HTMLTextAreaElement: ["textarea"],
- HTMLTrackElement: ["track"],
- HTMLUListElement: ["ul"],
- HTMLUnknownElement: [],
- HTMLVideoElement: ["video"]
- },
- [SVG_NS]: {
- SVGElement: [],
- SVGGraphicsElement: [],
- SVGSVGElement: ["svg"],
- SVGTitleElement: ["title"]
- }
-for (const namespace of [HTML_NS, SVG_NS]) {
- TAG_INTERFACE_LOOKUP[namespace] = {};
- const interfaceNames = Object.keys(INTERFACE_TAG_MAPPING[namespace]);
- for (const interfaceName of interfaceNames) {
- const tagNames = INTERFACE_TAG_MAPPING[namespace][interfaceName];
- for (const tagName of tagNames) {
- TAG_INTERFACE_LOOKUP[namespace][tagName] = interfaceName;
- }
- }
-const UNKNOWN_HTML_ELEMENTS_NAMES = ["applet", "bgsound", "blink", "isindex", "keygen", "multicol", "nextid", "spacer"];
- "acronym", "basefont", "big", "center", "nobr", "noembed", "noframes", "plaintext", "rb", "rtc",
- "strike", "tt"
-function getHTMLElementInterface(name) {
- if (UNKNOWN_HTML_ELEMENTS_NAMES.includes(name)) {
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLUnknownElement");
- }
- if (HTML_ELEMENTS_NAMES.includes(name)) {
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLElement");
- }
- const specDefinedInterface = TAG_INTERFACE_LOOKUP[HTML_NS][name];
- if (specDefinedInterface !== undefined) {
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper(specDefinedInterface);
- }
- if (isValidCustomElementName(name)) {
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLElement");
- }
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLUnknownElement");
-function getSVGInterface(name) {
- const specDefinedInterface = TAG_INTERFACE_LOOKUP[SVG_NS][name];
- if (specDefinedInterface !== undefined) {
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper(specDefinedInterface);
- }
- return interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("SVGElement");
-// Returns the list of valid tag names that can bo associated with a element given its namespace and name.
-function getValidTagNames(namespace, name) {
- if (INTERFACE_TAG_MAPPING[namespace] && INTERFACE_TAG_MAPPING[namespace][name]) {
- return INTERFACE_TAG_MAPPING[namespace][name];
- }
- return [];
-function createElement(
- document,
- localName,
- namespace,
- prefix = null,
- isValue = null,
- synchronousCE = false
-) {
- let result = null;
- const { _globalObject } = document;
- const definition = lookupCEDefinition(document, namespace, localName, isValue);
- if (definition !== null && !== localName) {
- const elementInterface = getHTMLElementInterface(localName);
- result = elementInterface.createImpl(_globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: document,
- localName,
- namespace: HTML_NS,
- prefix,
- ceState: "undefined",
- ceDefinition: null,
- isValue
- });
- if (synchronousCE) {
- upgradeElement(definition, result);
- } else {
- enqueueCEUpgradeReaction(result, definition);
- }
- } else if (definition !== null) {
- if (synchronousCE) {
- try {
- const C = definition.constructor;
- const resultWrapper = C.construct();
- result = implForWrapper(resultWrapper);
- if (!result._ceState || !result._ceDefinition || result._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) {
- throw new TypeError("Internal error: Invalid custom element.");
- }
- if (result._attributeList.length !== 0) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected attributes.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- if (domSymbolTree.hasChildren(result)) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected child nodes.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- if (domSymbolTree.parent(result)) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected element parent.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- if (result._ownerDocument !== document) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected element owner document.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- if (result._namespaceURI !== namespace) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected element namespace URI.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- if (result._localName !== localName) {
- throw DOMException.create(_globalObject, ["Unexpected element local name.", "NotSupportedError"]);
- }
- result._prefix = prefix;
- result._isValue = isValue;
- } catch (error) {
- reportException(document._defaultView, error);
- const interfaceWrapper = interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLUnknownElement");
- result = interfaceWrapper.createImpl(_globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: document,
- localName,
- namespace: HTML_NS,
- prefix,
- ceState: "failed",
- ceDefinition: null,
- isValue: null
- });
- }
- } else {
- const interfaceWrapper = interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("HTMLElement");
- result = interfaceWrapper.createImpl(_globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: document,
- localName,
- namespace: HTML_NS,
- prefix,
- ceState: "undefined",
- ceDefinition: null,
- isValue: null
- });
- enqueueCEUpgradeReaction(result, definition);
- }
- } else {
- let elementInterface;
- switch (namespace) {
- case HTML_NS:
- elementInterface = getHTMLElementInterface(localName);
- break;
- case SVG_NS:
- elementInterface = getSVGInterface(localName);
- break;
- default:
- elementInterface = interfaces.getInterfaceWrapper("Element");
- break;
- }
- result = elementInterface.createImpl(_globalObject, [], {
- ownerDocument: document,
- localName,
- namespace,
- prefix,
- ceState: "uncustomized",
- ceDefinition: null,
- isValue
- });
- if (namespace === HTML_NS && (isValidCustomElementName(localName) || isValue !== null)) {
- result._ceState = "undefined";
- }
- }
- return result;
-function internalCreateElementNSSteps(document, namespace, qualifiedName, options) {
- const extracted = validateAndExtract(document._globalObject, namespace, qualifiedName);
- let isValue = null;
- if (options && !== undefined) {
- isValue =;
- }
- return createElement(
- document,
- extracted.localName,
- extracted.namespace,
- extracted.prefix,
- isValue,
- true
- );
-module.exports = {
- createElement,
- internalCreateElementNSSteps,
- getValidTagNames,
- getHTMLElementInterface
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-event-accessor.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-event-accessor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b46e2ae..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/create-event-accessor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils");
-const ErrorEvent = require("../generated/ErrorEvent");
-const EventHandlerNonNull = require("../generated/EventHandlerNonNull.js");
-const OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull = require("../generated/OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull.js");
-const OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull = require("../generated/OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull.js");
-const reportException = require("./runtime-script-errors");
-exports.appendHandler = (el, eventName) => {
- // tryImplForWrapper() is currently required due to use in Window.js
- idlUtils.tryImplForWrapper(el).addEventListener(eventName, event => {
- //
- const callback = exports.getCurrentEventHandlerValue(el, eventName);
- if (callback === null) {
- return;
- }
- const specialError = ErrorEvent.isImpl(event) && event.type === "error" &&
- === "Window";
- let returnValue = null;
- //
- if (typeof callback === "function") {
- if (specialError) {
- returnValue =
- event.currentTarget,
- event.message,
- event.filename,
- event.lineno,
- event.colno,
- event.error
- );
- } else {
- returnValue =, event);
- }
- }
- // TODO: we don't implement BeforeUnloadEvent so we can't brand-check here
- if (event.type === "beforeunload") {
- if (returnValue !== null) {
- event._canceledFlag = true;
- if (event.returnValue === "") {
- event.returnValue = returnValue;
- }
- }
- } else if (specialError) {
- if (returnValue === true) {
- event._canceledFlag = true;
- }
- } else if (returnValue === false) {
- event._canceledFlag = true;
- }
- });
-// "Simple" in this case means "no content attributes involved"
-exports.setupForSimpleEventAccessors = (prototype, events) => {
- prototype._getEventHandlerFor = function (event) {
- return this._eventHandlers ? this._eventHandlers[event] : undefined;
- };
- prototype._setEventHandlerFor = function (event, handler) {
- if (!this._registeredHandlers) {
- this._registeredHandlers = new Set();
- this._eventHandlers = Object.create(null);
- }
- if (!this._registeredHandlers.has(event) && handler !== null) {
- this._registeredHandlers.add(event);
- exports.appendHandler(this, event);
- }
- this._eventHandlers[event] = handler;
- };
- for (const event of events) {
- exports.createEventAccessor(prototype, event);
- }
-exports.getCurrentEventHandlerValue = (target, event) => {
- const value = target._getEventHandlerFor(event);
- if (!value) {
- return null;
- }
- if (value.body !== undefined) {
- let element, document, fn;
- if ( === "Window") {
- element = null;
- document = idlUtils.implForWrapper(target.document);
- } else {
- element = target;
- document = element.ownerDocument;
- }
- const { body } = value;
- const formOwner = element !== null && element.form ? element.form : null;
- const window = === "Window" && target._document ? target : document.defaultView;
- try {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
- Function(body); // properly error out on syntax errors
- // Note: this won't execute body; that would require `Function(body)()`.
- } catch (e) {
- if (window) {
- reportException(window, e);
- }
- target._setEventHandlerFor(event, null);
- return null;
- }
- // Note: the with (window) { } is not necessary in Node, but is necessary in a browserified environment.
- const createFunction = document.defaultView.Function;
- if (event === "error" && element === null) {
- const sourceURL = document ? `\n//# sourceURL=${document.URL}` : "";
- fn = createFunction(`\
-with (arguments[0]) { return function onerror(event, source, lineno, colno, error) {
-}; }${sourceURL}`)(window);
- fn = OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull.convert(fn);
- } else {
- const calls = [];
- if (element !== null) {
- calls.push(idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(document));
- }
- if (formOwner !== null) {
- calls.push(idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(formOwner));
- }
- if (element !== null) {
- calls.push(idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(element));
- }
- let wrapperBody = `\
-with (arguments[0]) { return function on${event}(event) {
-}; }`;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- for (const call of calls) {
- wrapperBody = `\
-with (arguments[0]) { return function () {
-}; }`;
- }
- if (document) {
- wrapperBody += `\n//# sourceURL=${document.URL}`;
- }
- fn = createFunction(wrapperBody)(window);
- for (const call of calls) {
- fn = fn(call);
- }
- if (event === "beforeunload") {
- fn = OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull.convert(fn);
- } else {
- fn = EventHandlerNonNull.convert(fn);
- }
- }
- target._setEventHandlerFor(event, fn);
- }
- return target._getEventHandlerFor(event);
-// TODO: Consider replacing this with `[ReflectEvent]`
-exports.createEventAccessor = (obj, event) => {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, "on" + event, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return exports.getCurrentEventHandlerValue(this, event);
- },
- set(val) {
- this._setEventHandlerFor(event, val);
- }
- });
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/custom-elements.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/custom-elements.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbd773..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/custom-elements.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper");
-const isPotentialCustomElementName = require("is-potential-custom-element-name");
-const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type");
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-const { shadowIncludingRoot } = require("./shadow-dom");
-const reportException = require("./runtime-script-errors");
-const { implForWrapper, wrapperForImpl } = require("../generated/utils");
-class CEReactionsStack {
- constructor() {
- this._stack = [];
- //
- this.backupElementQueue = [];
- //
- this.processingBackupElementQueue = false;
- }
- push(elementQueue) {
- this._stack.push(elementQueue);
- }
- pop() {
- return this._stack.pop();
- }
- get currentElementQueue() {
- const { _stack } = this;
- return _stack[_stack.length - 1];
- }
- isEmpty() {
- return this._stack.length === 0;
- }
-// In theory separate cross-origin Windows created by separate JSDOM instances could have separate stacks. But, we would
-// need to implement the whole agent architecture. Which is kind of questionable given that we don't run our Windows in
-// their own separate threads, which is what agents are meant to represent.
-const customElementReactionsStack = new CEReactionsStack();
-function ceReactionsPreSteps() {
- customElementReactionsStack.push([]);
-function ceReactionsPostSteps() {
- const queue = customElementReactionsStack.pop();
- invokeCEReactions(queue);
- "annotation-xml",
- "color-profile",
- "font-face",
- "font-face-src",
- "font-face-uri",
- "font-face-format",
- "font-face-name",
- "missing-glyph"
-function isValidCustomElementName(name) {
- return false;
- }
- return isPotentialCustomElementName(name);
-function upgradeElement(definition, element) {
- if (element._ceState !== "undefined" || element._ceState === "uncustomized") {
- return;
- }
- element._ceDefinition = definition;
- element._ceState = "failed";
- for (const attribute of element._attributeList) {
- const { _localName, _namespace, _value } = attribute;
- enqueueCECallbackReaction(element, "attributeChangedCallback", [_localName, null, _value, _namespace]);
- }
- if (shadowIncludingRoot(element).nodeType === NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- enqueueCECallbackReaction(element, "connectedCallback", []);
- }
- definition.constructionStack.push(element);
- const { constructionStack, constructor: C } = definition;
- let constructionError;
- try {
- if (definition.disableShadow === true && element._shadowRoot !== null) {
- throw DOMException.create(element._globalObject, [
- "Can't upgrade a custom element with a shadow root if shadow is disabled",
- "NotSupportedError"
- ]);
- }
- const constructionResult = C.construct();
- const constructionResultImpl = implForWrapper(constructionResult);
- if (constructionResultImpl !== element) {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid custom element constructor return value");
- }
- } catch (error) {
- constructionError = error;
- }
- constructionStack.pop();
- if (constructionError !== undefined) {
- element._ceDefinition = null;
- element._ceReactionQueue = [];
- throw constructionError;
- }
- element._ceState = "custom";
-function tryUpgradeElement(element) {
- const { _ownerDocument, _namespaceURI, _localName, _isValue } = element;
- const definition = lookupCEDefinition(_ownerDocument, _namespaceURI, _localName, _isValue);
- if (definition !== null) {
- enqueueCEUpgradeReaction(element, definition);
- }
-function lookupCEDefinition(document, namespace, localName, isValue) {
- const definition = null;
- if (namespace !== HTML_NS) {
- return definition;
- }
- if (!document._defaultView) {
- return definition;
- }
- const registry = implForWrapper(document._globalObject.customElements);
- const definitionByName = registry._customElementDefinitions.find(def => {
- return === def.localName && def.localName === localName;
- });
- if (definitionByName !== undefined) {
- return definitionByName;
- }
- const definitionByIs = registry._customElementDefinitions.find(def => {
- return === isValue && def.localName === localName;
- });
- if (definitionByIs !== undefined) {
- return definitionByIs;
- }
- return definition;
-function invokeCEReactions(elementQueue) {
- while (elementQueue.length > 0) {
- const element = elementQueue.shift();
- const reactions = element._ceReactionQueue;
- try {
- while (reactions.length > 0) {
- const reaction = reactions.shift();
- switch (reaction.type) {
- case "upgrade":
- upgradeElement(reaction.definition, element);
- break;
- case "callback":
- reaction.callback.apply(wrapperForImpl(element), reaction.args);
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (error) {
- reportException(element._globalObject, error);
- }
- }
-function enqueueElementOnAppropriateElementQueue(element) {
- if (customElementReactionsStack.isEmpty()) {
- customElementReactionsStack.backupElementQueue.push(element);
- if (customElementReactionsStack.processingBackupElementQueue) {
- return;
- }
- customElementReactionsStack.processingBackupElementQueue = true;
- Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- const elementQueue = customElementReactionsStack.backupElementQueue;
- invokeCEReactions(elementQueue);
- customElementReactionsStack.processingBackupElementQueue = false;
- });
- } else {
- customElementReactionsStack.currentElementQueue.push(element);
- }
-function enqueueCECallbackReaction(element, callbackName, args) {
- const { _ceDefinition: { lifecycleCallbacks, observedAttributes } } = element;
- const callback = lifecycleCallbacks[callbackName];
- if (callback === null) {
- return;
- }
- if (callbackName === "attributeChangedCallback") {
- const attributeName = args[0];
- if (!observedAttributes.includes(attributeName)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- element._ceReactionQueue.push({
- type: "callback",
- callback,
- args
- });
- enqueueElementOnAppropriateElementQueue(element);
-function enqueueCEUpgradeReaction(element, definition) {
- element._ceReactionQueue.push({
- type: "upgrade",
- definition
- });
- enqueueElementOnAppropriateElementQueue(element);
-module.exports = {
- customElementReactionsStack,
- ceReactionsPreSteps,
- ceReactionsPostSteps,
- isValidCustomElementName,
- upgradeElement,
- tryUpgradeElement,
- lookupCEDefinition,
- enqueueCEUpgradeReaction,
- enqueueCECallbackReaction,
- invokeCEReactions
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/dates-and-times.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/dates-and-times.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d920b..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/dates-and-times.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-function isLeapYear(year) {
- return year % 400 === 0 || (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0);
-const daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
-function numberOfDaysInMonthOfYear(month, year) {
- if (month === 2 && isLeapYear(year)) {
- return 29;
- }
- return daysInMonth[month - 1];
-const monthRe = /^([0-9]{4,})-([0-9]{2})$/;
-function parseMonthString(str) {
- const matches = monthRe.exec(str);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- const year = Number(matches[1]);
- if (year <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- const month = Number(matches[2]);
- if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
- return null;
- }
- return { year, month };
-function isValidMonthString(str) {
- return parseMonthString(str) !== null;
-function serializeMonth({ year, month }) {
- const yearStr = `${year}`.padStart(4, "0");
- const monthStr = `${month}`.padStart(2, "0");
- return `${yearStr}-${monthStr}`;
-const dateRe = /^([0-9]{4,})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/;
-function parseDateString(str) {
- const matches = dateRe.exec(str);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- const year = Number(matches[1]);
- if (year <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- const month = Number(matches[2]);
- if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
- return null;
- }
- const day = Number(matches[3]);
- if (day < 1 || day > numberOfDaysInMonthOfYear(month, year)) {
- return null;
- }
- return { year, month, day };
-function isValidDateString(str) {
- return parseDateString(str) !== null;
-function serializeDate(date) {
- const dayStr = `${}`.padStart(2, "0");
- return `${serializeMonth(date)}-${dayStr}`;
-const yearlessDateRe = /^(?:--)?([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/;
-function parseYearlessDateString(str) {
- const matches = yearlessDateRe.exec(str);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- const month = Number(matches[1]);
- if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
- return null;
- }
- const day = Number(matches[2]);
- if (day < 1 || day > numberOfDaysInMonthOfYear(month, 4)) {
- return null;
- }
- return { month, day };
-function isValidYearlessDateString(str) {
- return parseYearlessDateString(str) !== null;
-function serializeYearlessDate({ month, day }) {
- const monthStr = `${month}`.padStart(2, "0");
- const dayStr = `${day}`.padStart(2, "0");
- return `${monthStr}-${dayStr}`;
-const timeRe = /^([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(?::([0-9]{2}(?:\.([0-9]{1,3}))?))?$/;
-function parseTimeString(str) {
- const matches = timeRe.exec(str);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- const hour = Number(matches[1]);
- if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
- return null;
- }
- const minute = Number(matches[2]);
- if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
- return null;
- }
- const second = matches[3] !== undefined ? Math.trunc(Number(matches[3])) : 0;
- if (second < 0 || second >= 60) {
- return null;
- }
- const millisecond = matches[4] !== undefined ? Number(matches[4]) : 0;
- return { hour, minute, second, millisecond };
-function isValidTimeString(str) {
- return parseTimeString(str) !== null;
-function serializeTime({ hour, minute, second, millisecond }) {
- const hourStr = `${hour}`.padStart(2, "0");
- const minuteStr = `${minute}`.padStart(2, "0");
- if (second === 0 && millisecond === 0) {
- return `${hourStr}:${minuteStr}`;
- }
- const secondStr = `${second}`.padStart(2, "0");
- const millisecondStr = `${millisecond}`.padStart(3, "0");
- return `${hourStr}:${minuteStr}:${secondStr}.${millisecondStr}`;
-function parseLocalDateAndTimeString(str, normalized = false) {
- let separatorIdx = str.indexOf("T");
- if (separatorIdx < 0 && !normalized) {
- separatorIdx = str.indexOf(" ");
- }
- if (separatorIdx < 0) {
- return null;
- }
- const date = parseDateString(str.slice(0, separatorIdx));
- if (date === null) {
- return null;
- }
- const time = parseTimeString(str.slice(separatorIdx + 1));
- if (time === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return { date, time };
-function isValidLocalDateAndTimeString(str) {
- return parseLocalDateAndTimeString(str) !== null;
-function isValidNormalizedLocalDateAndTimeString(str) {
- return parseLocalDateAndTimeString(str, true) !== null;
-function serializeNormalizedDateAndTime({ date, time }) {
- return `${serializeDate(date)}T${serializeTime(time)}`;
-function weekNumberOfLastDay(year) {
- const jan1 = new Date(year, 0);
- return jan1.getDay() === 4 || (isLeapYear(year) && jan1.getDay() === 3) ? 53 : 52;
-const weekRe = /^([0-9]{4,5})-W([0-9]{2})$/;
-function parseWeekString(str) {
- const matches = weekRe.exec(str);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- const year = Number(matches[1]);
- if (year <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- const week = Number(matches[2]);
- if (week < 1 || week > weekNumberOfLastDay(year)) {
- return null;
- }
- return { year, week };
-function isValidWeekString(str) {
- return parseWeekString(str) !== null;
-function serializeWeek({ year, week }) {
- const yearStr = `${year}`.padStart(4, "0");
- const weekStr = `${week}`.padStart(2, "0");
- return `${yearStr}-W${weekStr}`;
-function parseDateAsWeek(originalDate) {
- const dayInSeconds = 86400000;
- // Copy date so don't modify original
- const date = new Date(Date.UTC(originalDate.getUTCFullYear(), originalDate.getUTCMonth(), originalDate.getUTCDate()));
- // Set to nearest Thursday: current date + 4 - current day number
- // Make Sunday's day number 7
- date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + 4 - (date.getUTCDay() || 7));
- // Get first day of year
- const yearStart = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1));
- // Calculate full weeks to nearest Thursday
- const week = Math.ceil((((date - yearStart) / dayInSeconds) + 1) / 7);
- return { year: date.getUTCFullYear(), week };
-function isDate(obj) {
- try {
- return true;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
-module.exports = {
- isDate,
- numberOfDaysInMonthOfYear,
- parseMonthString,
- isValidMonthString,
- serializeMonth,
- parseDateString,
- isValidDateString,
- serializeDate,
- parseYearlessDateString,
- isValidYearlessDateString,
- serializeYearlessDate,
- parseTimeString,
- isValidTimeString,
- serializeTime,
- parseLocalDateAndTimeString,
- isValidLocalDateAndTimeString,
- isValidNormalizedLocalDateAndTimeString,
- serializeNormalizedDateAndTime,
- parseDateAsWeek,
- weekNumberOfLastDay,
- parseWeekString,
- isValidWeekString,
- serializeWeek
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/details.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/details.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c5387..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/details.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { firstChildWithLocalName } = require("./traversal");
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-exports.isSummaryForParentDetails = summaryElement => {
- const parent = summaryElement.parentNode;
- if (parent === null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (parent._localName !== "details" || parent._namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) {
- return false;
- }
- return firstChildWithLocalName(parent, "summary") === summaryElement;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/document-base-url.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/document-base-url.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f69e061..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/document-base-url.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const whatwgURL = require("whatwg-url");
-const { implForWrapper } = require("../generated/utils");
-exports.documentBaseURL = document => {
- //
- const firstBase = document.querySelector("base[href]");
- const fallbackBaseURL = exports.fallbackBaseURL(document);
- if (firstBase === null) {
- return fallbackBaseURL;
- }
- return frozenBaseURL(firstBase, fallbackBaseURL);
-exports.documentBaseURLSerialized = document => {
- return whatwgURL.serializeURL(exports.documentBaseURL(document));
-exports.fallbackBaseURL = document => {
- //
- // Unimplemented: <iframe srcdoc>
- if (document.URL === "about:blank" && document._defaultView &&
- document._defaultView._parent !== document._defaultView) {
- const parentDocument = implForWrapper(document._defaultView._parent._document);
- return exports.documentBaseURL(parentDocument);
- }
- return document._URL;
-exports.parseURLToResultingURLRecord = (url, document) => {
- //
- // Encoding stuff ignored; always UTF-8 for us, for now.
- const baseURL = exports.documentBaseURL(document);
- return whatwgURL.parseURL(url, { baseURL });
- // This returns the resulting URL record; to get the resulting URL string, just serialize it.
-function frozenBaseURL(baseElement, fallbackBaseURL) {
- //
- // The spec is eager (setting the frozen base URL when things change); we are lazy (getting it when we need to)
- const baseHrefAttribute = baseElement.getAttributeNS(null, "href");
- const result = whatwgURL.parseURL(baseHrefAttribute, { baseURL: fallbackBaseURL });
- return result === null ? fallbackBaseURL : result;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/events.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/events.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cd65a38..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/events.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const Event = require("../generated/Event");
-const { tryImplForWrapper } = require("../generated/utils");
-function createAnEvent(e, globalObject, eventInterface = Event, attributes = {}) {
- return eventInterface.createImpl(
- globalObject,
- [e, attributes],
- { isTrusted: attributes.isTrusted !== false }
- );
-function fireAnEvent(e, target, eventInterface, attributes, legacyTargetOverrideFlag) {
- const event = createAnEvent(e, target._globalObject, eventInterface, attributes);
- // tryImplForWrapper() is currently required due to use in Window.js
- return tryImplForWrapper(target)._dispatch(event, legacyTargetOverrideFlag);
-module.exports = {
- createAnEvent,
- fireAnEvent
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/focusing.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/focusing.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d1a38c..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/focusing.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const FocusEvent = require("../generated/FocusEvent.js");
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils.js");
-const { isDisabled } = require("./form-controls.js");
-const { firstChildWithLocalName } = require("./traversal");
-const { createAnEvent } = require("./events");
-const { HTML_NS, SVG_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-const { isRenderedElement } = require("./svg/render");
-const focusableFormElements = new Set(["input", "select", "textarea", "button"]);
-//, but also some of
-// and some of
-exports.isFocusableAreaElement = elImpl => {
- // We implemented most of the suggested focusable elements found here:
- //
- // However, some suggested elements are not focusable in web browsers, as detailed here:
- //
- if (elImpl._namespaceURI === HTML_NS) {
- if (!elImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!elImpl.isConnected) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!Number.isNaN(parseInt(elImpl.getAttributeNS(null, "tabindex")))) {
- return true;
- }
- if (elImpl._localName === "iframe") {
- return true;
- }
- if (elImpl._localName === "a" && elImpl.hasAttributeNS(null, "href")) {
- return true;
- }
- if (elImpl._localName === "summary" && elImpl.parentNode &&
- elImpl.parentNode._localName === "details" &&
- elImpl === firstChildWithLocalName(elImpl.parentNode, "summary")) {
- return true;
- }
- if (focusableFormElements.has(elImpl._localName) && !isDisabled(elImpl)) {
- if (elImpl._localName === "input" && elImpl.type === "hidden") {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (elImpl.hasAttributeNS(null, "contenteditable")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- // This does not check for a designMode Document as specified in
- // because the designMode
- // attribute is not implemented.
- }
- if (elImpl._namespaceURI === SVG_NS) {
- if (!Number.isNaN(parseInt(elImpl.getAttributeNS(null, "tabindex"))) && isRenderedElement(elImpl)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (elImpl._localName === "a" && elImpl.hasAttributeNS(null, "href")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
-// plus the steps of
-// that adjust Documents to Windows
-// It's extended with the bubbles option to also handle focusin/focusout, which are "defined" in
-// See
-exports.fireFocusEventWithTargetAdjustment = (name, target, relatedTarget, { bubbles = false } = {}) => {
- if (target === null) {
- // E.g. firing blur with nothing previously focused.
- return;
- }
- const event = createAnEvent(name, target._globalObject, FocusEvent, {
- bubbles,
- composed: true,
- relatedTarget,
- view: target._ownerDocument._defaultView,
- detail: 0
- });
- if (target._defaultView) {
- target = idlUtils.implForWrapper(target._defaultView);
- }
- target._dispatch(event);
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/form-controls.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/form-controls.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4a799..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/form-controls.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const {
- isValidFloatingPointNumber,
- isValidSimpleColor,
- parseFloatingPointNumber,
- stripLeadingAndTrailingASCIIWhitespace,
- stripNewlines,
- splitOnCommas
-} = require("./strings");
-const {
- isValidDateString,
- isValidMonthString,
- isValidTimeString,
- isValidWeekString,
- parseLocalDateAndTimeString,
- serializeNormalizedDateAndTime
-} = require("./dates-and-times");
-const whatwgURL = require("whatwg-url");
-const NodeList = require("../generated/NodeList");
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const { closest, firstChildWithLocalName } = require("./traversal");
-const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type");
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-exports.isDisabled = formControl => {
- if (formControl.localName === "button" || formControl.localName === "input" || formControl.localName === "select" ||
- formControl.localName === "textarea") {
- if (formControl.hasAttributeNS(null, "disabled")) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- let e = formControl.parentNode;
- while (e) {
- if (e.localName === "fieldset" && e.hasAttributeNS(null, "disabled")) {
- const firstLegendElementChild = firstChildWithLocalName(e, "legend");
- if (!firstLegendElementChild || !firstLegendElementChild.contains(formControl)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- e = e.parentNode;
- }
- return false;
-const listedElements = new Set(["button", "fieldset", "input", "object", "output", "select", "textarea"]);
-exports.isListed = formControl => listedElements.has(formControl._localName) && formControl.namespaceURI === HTML_NS;
-const submittableElements = new Set(["button", "input", "object", "select", "textarea"]);
-exports.isSubmittable = formControl => {
- return submittableElements.has(formControl._localName) && formControl.namespaceURI === HTML_NS;
-const submitButtonInputTypes = new Set(["submit", "image"]);
-exports.isSubmitButton = formControl => {
- return ((formControl._localName === "input" && submitButtonInputTypes.has(formControl.type)) ||
- (formControl._localName === "button" && formControl.type === "submit")) &&
- formControl.namespaceURI === HTML_NS;
-const buttonInputTypes = new Set([...submitButtonInputTypes, "reset", "button"]);
-exports.isButton = formControl => {
- return ((formControl._localName === "input" && buttonInputTypes.has(formControl.type)) ||
- formControl._localName === "button") &&
- formControl.namespaceURI === HTML_NS;
-exports.isInteractiveContent = node => {
- if (node.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return false;
- }
- if (node.namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) {
- return false;
- }
- if (node.hasAttributeNS(null, "tabindex")) {
- return true;
- }
- switch (node.localName) {
- case "a":
- return node.hasAttributeNS(null, "href");
- case "audio":
- case "video":
- return node.hasAttributeNS(null, "controls");
- case "img":
- case "object":
- return node.hasAttributeNS(null, "usemap");
- case "input":
- return node.type !== "hidden";
- case "button":
- case "details":
- case "embed":
- case "iframe":
- case "label":
- case "select":
- case "textarea":
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-exports.isLabelable = node => {
- if (node.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return false;
- }
- if (node.namespaceURI !== HTML_NS) {
- return false;
- }
- switch (node.localName) {
- case "button":
- case "meter":
- case "output":
- case "progress":
- case "select":
- case "textarea":
- return true;
- case "input":
- return node.type !== "hidden";
- }
- return false;
-exports.getLabelsForLabelable = labelable => {
- if (!exports.isLabelable(labelable)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (!labelable._labels) {
- const root = labelable.getRootNode({});
- labelable._labels = NodeList.create(root._globalObject, [], {
- element: root,
- query: () => {
- const nodes = [];
- for (const descendant of domSymbolTree.treeIterator(root)) {
- if (descendant.control === labelable) {
- nodes.push(descendant);
- }
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- });
- }
- return labelable._labels;
-exports.isValidEmailAddress = (emailAddress, multiple = false) => {
- const emailAddressRegExp = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]" +
- "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}" +
- "[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$");
- // A valid e-mail address list is a set of comma-separated tokens, where each token is itself
- // a valid e - mail address.To obtain the list of tokens from a valid e - mail address list,
- // an implementation must split the string on commas.
- if (multiple) {
- return splitOnCommas(emailAddress).every(value => emailAddressRegExp.test(value));
- }
- return emailAddressRegExp.test(emailAddress);
-exports.isValidAbsoluteURL = url => {
- return whatwgURL.parseURL(url) !== null;
-exports.sanitizeValueByType = (input, val) => {
- switch (input.type.toLowerCase()) {
- case "password":
- case "search":
- case "tel":
- case "text":
- val = stripNewlines(val);
- break;
- case "color":
- //
- val = isValidSimpleColor(val) ? val.toLowerCase() : "#000000";
- break;
- case "date":
- //
- if (!isValidDateString(val)) {
- val = "";
- }
- break;
- case "datetime-local": {
- //
- const dateAndTime = parseLocalDateAndTimeString(val);
- val = dateAndTime !== null ? serializeNormalizedDateAndTime(dateAndTime) : "";
- break;
- }
- case "email":
- //
- //
- if (input.hasAttributeNS(null, "multiple")) {
- val = val.split(",").map(token => stripLeadingAndTrailingASCIIWhitespace(token)).join(",");
- } else {
- val = stripNewlines(val);
- val = stripLeadingAndTrailingASCIIWhitespace(val);
- }
- break;
- case "month":
- //
- if (!isValidMonthString(val)) {
- val = "";
- }
- break;
- case "number":
- //
- // TODO: using parseFloatingPointNumber in addition to isValidFloatingPointNumber to pass number.html WPT.
- // Possible spec bug.
- if (!isValidFloatingPointNumber(val) || parseFloatingPointNumber(val) === null) {
- val = "";
- }
- break;
- case "range":
- //
- // TODO: using parseFloatingPointNumber in addition to isValidFloatingPointNumber to pass number.html WPT.
- // Possible spec bug.
- if (!isValidFloatingPointNumber(val) || parseFloatingPointNumber(val) === null) {
- const minimum = input._minimum;
- const maximum = input._maximum;
- const defaultValue = maximum < minimum ? minimum : (minimum + maximum) / 2;
- val = `${defaultValue}`;
- } else if (val < input._minimum) {
- val = `${input._minimum}`;
- } else if (val > input._maximum) {
- val = `${input._maximum}`;
- }
- break;
- case "time":
- //
- if (!isValidTimeString(val)) {
- val = "";
- }
- break;
- case "url":
- //
- val = stripNewlines(val);
- val = stripLeadingAndTrailingASCIIWhitespace(val);
- break;
- case "week":
- //
- if (!isValidWeekString(val)) {
- val = "";
- }
- }
- return val;
-// TODO: The spec describes an imperative process for assigning/resetting an element's form
-// owner based on activities involving form-associated elements. This simpler implementation
-// instead calculates the current form owner only when the property is accessed. This is not
-// sufficient to pass all the web platform tests, but is good enough for most purposes. We
-// should eventually update it to use the correct version, though. See
-// for some discussion.
-exports.formOwner = formControl => {
- const formAttr = formControl.getAttributeNS(null, "form");
- if (formAttr === "") {
- return null;
- }
- if (formAttr === null) {
- return closest(formControl, "form");
- }
- const root = formControl.getRootNode({});
- let firstElementWithId;
- for (const descendant of domSymbolTree.treeIterator(root)) {
- if (descendant.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE &&
- descendant.getAttributeNS(null, "id") === formAttr) {
- firstElementWithId = descendant;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (firstElementWithId &&
- firstElementWithId.namespaceURI === HTML_NS &&
- firstElementWithId.localName === "form") {
- return firstElementWithId;
- }
- return null;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/html-constructor.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/html-constructor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ffaf377..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/html-constructor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-const { createElement, getValidTagNames } = require("./create-element");
-const { implForWrapper, wrapperForImpl } = require("../generated/utils");
-const ALREADY_CONSTRUCTED_MARKER = Symbol("already-constructed-marker");
-function HTMLConstructor(globalObject, constructorName, newTarget) {
- const registry = implForWrapper(globalObject.customElements);
- if (newTarget === HTMLConstructor) {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid constructor");
- }
- const definition = registry._customElementDefinitions.find(entry => entry.objectReference === newTarget);
- if (definition === undefined) {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid constructor, the constructor is not part of the custom element registry");
- }
- let isValue = null;
- if (definition.localName === {
- if (constructorName !== "HTMLElement") {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid constructor, autonomous custom element should extend from HTMLElement");
- }
- } else {
- const validLocalNames = getValidTagNames(HTML_NS, constructorName);
- if (!validLocalNames.includes(definition.localName)) {
- throw new TypeError(`${definition.localName} is not valid local name for ${constructorName}`);
- }
- isValue =;
- }
- let { prototype } = newTarget;
- if (prototype === null || typeof prototype !== "object") {
- // The following line deviates from the specification. The HTMLElement prototype should be retrieved from the realm
- // associated with the "". Because it is impossible to get such information in jsdom, we fallback to the
- // HTMLElement prototype associated with the current object.
- prototype = globalObject.HTMLElement.prototype;
- }
- if (definition.constructionStack.length === 0) {
- const documentImpl = implForWrapper(globalObject.document);
- const elementImpl = createElement(documentImpl, definition.localName, HTML_NS);
- const element = wrapperForImpl(elementImpl);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(element, prototype);
- elementImpl._ceState = "custom";
- elementImpl._ceDefinition = definition;
- elementImpl._isValue = isValue;
- return element;
- }
- const elementImpl = definition.constructionStack[definition.constructionStack.length - 1];
- const element = wrapperForImpl(elementImpl);
- if (elementImpl === ALREADY_CONSTRUCTED_MARKER) {
- throw new TypeError("This instance is already constructed");
- }
- Object.setPrototypeOf(element, prototype);
- definition.constructionStack[definition.constructionStack.length - 1] = ALREADY_CONSTRUCTED_MARKER;
- return element;
-module.exports = {
- HTMLConstructor
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/http-request.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/http-request.js
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index 616a806..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/http-request.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const http = require("http");
-const https = require("https");
-const { Writable } = require("stream");
-const zlib = require("zlib");
-const ver = process.version.replace("v", "").split(".");
-const majorNodeVersion = Number.parseInt(ver[0]);
-function abortRequest(clientRequest) {
- // clientRequest.destroy breaks the test suite for versions 10 and 12,
- // hence the version check
- if (majorNodeVersion > 13) {
- clientRequest.destroy();
- } else {
- clientRequest.abort();
- }
- clientRequest.removeAllListeners();
- clientRequest.on("error", () => {});
-module.exports = class Request extends Writable {
- constructor(url, clientOptions, requestOptions) {
- super();
- Object.assign(this, clientOptions);
- this.currentURL = url;
- this._requestOptions = requestOptions;
- this.headers = requestOptions.headers;
- this._ended = false;
- this._redirectCount = 0;
- this._requestBodyBuffers = [];
- this._bufferIndex = 0;
- this._performRequest();
- }
- abort() {
- abortRequest(this._currentRequest);
- this.emit("abort");
- this.removeAllListeners();
- }
- pipeRequest(form) {
- form.pipe(this._currentRequest);
- }
- write(data, encoding) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- this._requestBodyBuffers.push({ data, encoding });
- this._currentRequest.write(data, encoding);
- }
- }
- end() {
- this.emit("request", this._currentRequest);
- this._ended = true;
- this._currentRequest.end();
- }
- setHeader(name, value) {
- this.headers[name] = value;
- this._currentRequest.setHeader(name, value);
- }
- removeHeader(name) {
- delete this.headers[name];
- this._currentRequest.removeHeader(name);
- }
- // Without this method, the test send-redirect-infinite-sync will halt the test suite
- // TODO: investigate this further and ideally remove
- toJSON() {
- const { method, headers } = this._requestOptions;
- return { uri: new URL(this.currentURL), method, headers };
- }
- _writeNext(error) {
- if (this._currentRequest) {
- if (error) {
- this.emit("error", error);
- } else if (this._bufferIndex < this._requestBodyBuffers.length) {
- const buffer = this._requestBodyBuffers[this._bufferIndex++];
- if (!this._currentRequest.writableEnded) {
- this._currentRequest.write(
- buffer.encoding,
- this._writeNext.bind(this)
- );
- }
- } else if (this._ended) {
- this._currentRequest.end();
- }
- }
- }
- _performRequest() {
- const urlOptions = new URL(this.currentURL);
- const scheme = urlOptions.protocol;
- this._requestOptions.agent = this.agents[scheme.substring(0, scheme.length - 1)];
- const { request } = scheme === "https:" ? https : http;
- this._currentRequest = request(this.currentURL, this._requestOptions, response => {
- this._processResponse(response);
- });
- let cookies;
- if (this._redirectCount === 0) {
- this.originalCookieHeader = this.getHeader("Cookie");
- }
- if (this.cookieJar) {
- cookies = this.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync(this.currentURL);
- }
- if (cookies && cookies.length) {
- if (this.originalCookieHeader) {
- this.setHeader("Cookie", this.originalCookieHeader + "; " + cookies);
- } else {
- this.setHeader("Cookie", cookies);
- }
- }
- for (const event of ["connect", "error", "socket", "timeout"]) {
- this._currentRequest.on(event, (...args) => {
- this.emit(event, ...args);
- });
- }
- if (this._isRedirect) {
- this._bufferIndex = 0;
- this._writeNext();
- }
- }
- _processResponse(response) {
- const cookies = response.headers["set-cookie"];
- if (this.cookieJar && Array.isArray(cookies)) {
- try {
- cookies.forEach(cookie => {
- this.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie, this.currentURL, { ignoreError: true });
- });
- } catch (e) {
- this.emit("error", e);
- }
- }
- const { statusCode } = response;
- const { location } = response.headers;
- // In Node v15, aborting a message with remaining data causes an error to be thrown,
- // hence the version check
- const catchResErrors = err => {
- if (!(majorNodeVersion >= 15 && err.message === "aborted")) {
- this.emit("error", err);
- }
- };
- response.on("error", catchResErrors);
- let redirectAddress = null;
- let resendWithAuth = false;
- if (typeof location === "string" &&
- location.length &&
- this.followRedirects &&
- statusCode >= 300 &&
- statusCode < 400) {
- redirectAddress = location;
- } else if (statusCode === 401 &&
- /^Basic /i.test(response.headers["www-authenticate"] || "") &&
- (this.user && this.user.length)) {
- this._requestOptions.auth = `${this.user}:${this.pass}`;
- resendWithAuth = true;
- }
- if (redirectAddress || resendWithAuth) {
- if (++this._redirectCount > 21) {
- const redirectError = new Error("Maximum number of redirects exceeded");
- redirectError.code = "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS";
- this.emit("error", redirectError);
- return;
- }
- abortRequest(this._currentRequest);
- response.destroy();
- this._isRedirect = true;
- if (((statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302) && this._requestOptions.method === "POST") ||
- (statusCode === 303 && !/^(?:GET|HEAD)$/.test(this._requestOptions.method))) {
- this._requestOptions.method = "GET";
- this._requestBodyBuffers = [];
- }
- let previousHostName = this._removeMatchingHeaders(/^host$/i);
- if (!previousHostName) {
- previousHostName = new URL(this.currentURL).hostname;
- }
- const previousURL = this.currentURL;
- if (!resendWithAuth) {
- const nextURL = redirectAddress.startsWith("https:") ?
- new URL(redirectAddress) :
- new URL(redirectAddress, this.currentURL);
- if (nextURL.hostname !== previousHostName) {
- this._removeMatchingHeaders(/^authorization$/i);
- }
- this.currentURL = nextURL.toString();
- }
- this.headers.Referer = previousURL;
- this.emit("redirect", response, this.headers, this.currentURL);
- try {
- this._performRequest();
- } catch (cause) {
- this.emit("error", cause);
- }
- } else {
- let pipeline = response;
- const acceptEncoding = this.headers["Accept-Encoding"];
- const requestCompressed = typeof acceptEncoding === "string" &&
- (acceptEncoding.includes("gzip") || acceptEncoding.includes("deflate"));
- if (
- requestCompressed &&
- this._requestOptions.method !== "HEAD" &&
- statusCode >= 200 &&
- statusCode !== 204 &&
- statusCode !== 304
- ) {
- const zlibOptions = {
- flush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
- finishFlush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH
- };
- const contentEncoding = (response.headers["content-encoding"] || "identity").trim().toLowerCase();
- if (contentEncoding === "gzip") {
- pipeline = zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions);
- response.pipe(pipeline);
- } else if (contentEncoding === "deflate") {
- pipeline = zlib.createInflate(zlibOptions);
- response.pipe(pipeline);
- }
- }
- pipeline.removeAllListeners("error");
- this.emit("response", response, this.currentURL);
- pipeline.on("data", bytes => this.emit("data", bytes));
- pipeline.once("end", bytes => this.emit("end", bytes));
- pipeline.on("error", catchResErrors);
- pipeline.on("close", () => this.emit("close"));
- this._requestBodyBuffers = [];
- }
- }
- getHeader(key, value) {
- if (this._currentRequest) {
- return this._currentRequest.getHeader(key, value);
- }
- return null;
- }
- _removeMatchingHeaders(regex) {
- let lastValue;
- for (const header in this.headers) {
- if (regex.test(header)) {
- lastValue = this.headers[header];
- delete this.headers[header];
- }
- }
- return lastValue;
- }
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/internal-constants.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/internal-constants.js
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index 707add9..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/internal-constants.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const SymbolTree = require("symbol-tree");
-exports.cloningSteps = Symbol("cloning steps");
-// TODO: the many underscore-prefixed hooks should move here
-// E.g. _attrModified (which maybe should be split into its per-spec variants)
- * This SymbolTree is used to build the tree for all Node in a document
- */
-exports.domSymbolTree = new SymbolTree("DOM SymbolTree");
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/iterable-weak-set.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/iterable-weak-set.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d5e167..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/iterable-weak-set.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-// An iterable WeakSet implementation inspired by the iterable WeakMap example code in the WeakRefs specification:
-module.exports = class IterableWeakSet {
- constructor() {
- this._refSet = new Set();
- this._refMap = new WeakMap();
- this._finalizationRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(({ ref, set }) => set.delete(ref));
- }
- add(value) {
- if (!this._refMap.has(value)) {
- const ref = new WeakRef(value);
- this._refMap.set(value, ref);
- this._refSet.add(ref);
- this._finalizationRegistry.register(value, { ref, set: this._refSet }, ref);
- }
- return this;
- }
- delete(value) {
- const ref = this._refMap.get(value);
- if (!ref) {
- return false;
- }
- this._refMap.delete(value);
- this._refSet.delete(ref);
- this._finalizationRegistry.unregister(ref);
- return true;
- }
- has(value) {
- return this._refMap.has(value);
- }
- * [Symbol.iterator]() {
- for (const ref of this._refSet) {
- const value = ref.deref();
- if (value === undefined) {
- continue;
- }
- yield value;
- }
- }
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/json.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/json.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6920bc2..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/json.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-exports.parseJSONFromBytes = bytes => {
- //
- if (bytes[0] === 0xEF && bytes[1] === 0xBB && bytes[2] === 0xBF) {
- bytes = bytes.subarray(3);
- }
- const jsonText = bytes.toString("utf-8");
- return JSON.parse(jsonText);
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/mutation-observers.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/mutation-observers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c9209..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/mutation-observers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const reportException = require("./runtime-script-errors");
-const Event = require("../generated/Event");
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils");
-const MutationRecord = require("../generated/MutationRecord");
-const MUTATION_TYPE = {
- ATTRIBUTES: "attributes",
- CHARACTER_DATA: "characterData",
- CHILD_LIST: "childList"
-// Note:
-// Since jsdom doesn't currently implement the concept of "unit of related similar-origin browsing contexts"
-// (
-// we will approximate that the following properties are global for now.
-let mutationObserverMicrotaskQueueFlag = false;
-// Non-spec compliant: List of all the mutation observers with mutation records enqueued. It's a replacement for
-// mutation observer list ( but without leaking since it's empty
-// before notifying the mutation observers.
-const activeMutationObservers = new Set();
-const signalSlotList = [];
-function queueMutationRecord(
- type,
- target,
- name,
- namespace,
- oldValue,
- addedNodes,
- removedNodes,
- previousSibling,
- nextSibling
-) {
- const interestedObservers = new Map();
- const nodes = domSymbolTree.ancestorsToArray(target);
- for (const node of nodes) {
- for (const registered of node._registeredObserverList) {
- const { options, observer: mo } = registered;
- if (
- !(node !== target && options.subtree === false) &&
- !(type === MUTATION_TYPE.ATTRIBUTES && options.attributes !== true) &&
- !(type === MUTATION_TYPE.ATTRIBUTES && options.attributeFilter &&
- !options.attributeFilter.some(value => value === name || value === namespace)) &&
- !(type === MUTATION_TYPE.CHARACTER_DATA && options.characterData !== true) &&
- !(type === MUTATION_TYPE.CHILD_LIST && options.childList === false)
- ) {
- if (!interestedObservers.has(mo)) {
- interestedObservers.set(mo, null);
- }
- if (
- (type === MUTATION_TYPE.ATTRIBUTES && options.attributeOldValue === true) ||
- (type === MUTATION_TYPE.CHARACTER_DATA && options.characterDataOldValue === true)
- ) {
- interestedObservers.set(mo, oldValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (const [observer, mappedOldValue] of interestedObservers.entries()) {
- const record = MutationRecord.createImpl(target._globalObject, [], {
- type,
- target,
- attributeName: name,
- attributeNamespace: namespace,
- oldValue: mappedOldValue,
- addedNodes,
- removedNodes,
- previousSibling,
- nextSibling
- });
- observer._recordQueue.push(record);
- activeMutationObservers.add(observer);
- }
- queueMutationObserverMicrotask();
-function queueTreeMutationRecord(target, addedNodes, removedNodes, previousSibling, nextSibling) {
- queueMutationRecord(
- target,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- addedNodes,
- removedNodes,
- previousSibling,
- nextSibling
- );
-function queueAttributeMutationRecord(target, name, namespace, oldValue) {
- queueMutationRecord(
- target,
- name,
- namespace,
- oldValue,
- [],
- [],
- null,
- null
- );
-function queueMutationObserverMicrotask() {
- if (mutationObserverMicrotaskQueueFlag) {
- return;
- }
- mutationObserverMicrotaskQueueFlag = true;
- Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- notifyMutationObservers();
- });
-function notifyMutationObservers() {
- mutationObserverMicrotaskQueueFlag = false;
- const notifyList = [...activeMutationObservers].sort((a, b) => a._id - b._id);
- activeMutationObservers.clear();
- const signalList = [...signalSlotList];
- signalSlotList.splice(0, signalSlotList.length);
- for (const mo of notifyList) {
- const records = [];
- mo._recordQueue = [];
- for (const node of mo._nodeList) {
- node._registeredObserverList = node._registeredObserverList.filter(registeredObserver => {
- return registeredObserver.source !== mo;
- });
- }
- if (records.length > 0) {
- try {
- const moWrapper = idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(mo);
- moWrapper,
- moWrapper
- );
- } catch (e) {
- const { target } = records[0];
- const window = target._ownerDocument._defaultView;
- reportException(window, e);
- }
- }
- }
- for (const slot of signalList) {
- const slotChangeEvent = Event.createImpl(
- slot._globalObject,
- [
- "slotchange",
- { bubbles: true }
- ],
- { isTrusted: true }
- );
- slot._dispatch(slotChangeEvent);
- }
-module.exports = {
- queueMutationRecord,
- queueTreeMutationRecord,
- queueAttributeMutationRecord,
- queueMutationObserverMicrotask,
- signalSlotList
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/namespaces.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/namespaces.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8eccc..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/namespaces.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-exports.HTML_NS = "";
-exports.MATHML_NS = "";
-exports.SVG_NS = "";
-exports.XLINK_NS = "";
-exports.XML_NS = "";
-exports.XMLNS_NS = "";
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/node.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/node.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e12bc..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/node.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type");
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-function nodeLength(node) {
- switch (node.nodeType) {
- return 0;
- return;
- default:
- return domSymbolTree.childrenCount(node);
- }
-function nodeRoot(node) {
- while (domSymbolTree.parent(node)) {
- node = domSymbolTree.parent(node);
- }
- return node;
-function isInclusiveAncestor(ancestorNode, node) {
- while (node) {
- if (ancestorNode === node) {
- return true;
- }
- node = domSymbolTree.parent(node);
- }
- return false;
-function isFollowing(nodeA, nodeB) {
- if (nodeA === nodeB) {
- return false;
- }
- let current = nodeB;
- while (current) {
- if (current === nodeA) {
- return true;
- }
- current = domSymbolTree.following(current);
- }
- return false;
-module.exports = {
- nodeLength,
- nodeRoot,
- isInclusiveAncestor,
- isFollowing
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/number-and-date-inputs.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/number-and-date-inputs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e29bc74..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/number-and-date-inputs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { parseFloatingPointNumber } = require("./strings");
-const {
- parseDateString,
- parseLocalDateAndTimeString,
- parseMonthString,
- parseTimeString,
- parseWeekString,
- serializeDate,
- serializeMonth,
- serializeNormalizedDateAndTime,
- serializeTime,
- serializeWeek,
- parseDateAsWeek
-} = require("./dates-and-times");
-// Necessary because Date.UTC() treats year within [0, 99] as [1900, 1999].
-function getUTCMs(year, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0) {
- if (year > 99 || year < 0) {
- return Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
- }
- const d = new Date(0);
- d.setUTCFullYear(year);
- d.setUTCMonth(month - 1);
- d.setUTCDate(day);
- d.setUTCHours(hour);
- d.setUTCMinutes(minute);
- d.setUTCSeconds(second, millisecond);
- return d.valueOf();
-const dayOfWeekRelMondayLUT = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, -3, -2];
-exports.convertStringToNumberByType = {
- //
- date(input) {
- const date = parseDateString(input);
- if (date === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return getUTCMs(date.year, date.month,;
- },
- //
- month(input) {
- const date = parseMonthString(input);
- if (date === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return (date.year - 1970) * 12 + (date.month - 1);
- },
- //
- week(input) {
- const date = parseWeekString(input);
- if (date === null) {
- return null;
- }
- const dateObj = new Date(getUTCMs(date.year));
- // An HTML week starts on Monday, while 0 represents Sunday. Account for such.
- const dayOfWeekRelMonday = dayOfWeekRelMondayLUT[dateObj.getUTCDay()];
- return dateObj.setUTCDate(1 + 7 * (date.week - 1) - dayOfWeekRelMonday);
- },
- //
- time(input) {
- const time = parseTimeString(input);
- if (time === null) {
- return null;
- }
- return ((time.hour * 60 + time.minute) * 60 + time.second) * 1000 + time.millisecond;
- },
- //
- "datetime-local"(input) {
- const dateAndTime = parseLocalDateAndTimeString(input);
- if (dateAndTime === null) {
- return null;
- }
- const { date: { year, month, day }, time: { hour, minute, second, millisecond } } = dateAndTime;
- // Doesn't quite matter whether or not UTC is used, since the offset from 1970-01-01 local time is returned.
- return getUTCMs(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
- },
- //
- number: parseFloatingPointNumber,
- //
- range: parseFloatingPointNumber
-exports.convertStringToDateByType = {
- date(input) {
- const parsedInput =;
- return parsedInput === null ? null : new Date(parsedInput);
- },
- //
- month(input) {
- const parsedMonthString = parseMonthString(input);
- if (parsedMonthString === null) {
- return null;
- }
- const date = new Date(0);
- date.setUTCFullYear(parsedMonthString.year);
- date.setUTCMonth(parsedMonthString.month - 1);
- return date;
- },
- week(input) {
- const parsedInput = exports.convertStringToNumberByType.week(input);
- return parsedInput === null ? null : new Date(parsedInput);
- },
- time(input) {
- const parsedInput = exports.convertStringToNumberByType.time(input);
- return parsedInput === null ? null : new Date(parsedInput);
- },
- "datetime-local"(input) {
- const parsedInput = exports.convertStringToNumberByType["datetime-local"](input);
- return parsedInput === null ? null : new Date(parsedInput);
- }
-exports.serializeDateByType = {
- date(input) {
- return serializeDate({
- year: input.getUTCFullYear(),
- month: input.getUTCMonth() + 1,
- day: input.getUTCDate()
- });
- },
- month(input) {
- return serializeMonth({
- year: input.getUTCFullYear(),
- month: input.getUTCMonth() + 1
- });
- },
- week(input) {
- return serializeWeek(parseDateAsWeek(input));
- },
- time(input) {
- return serializeTime({
- hour: input.getUTCHours(),
- minute: input.getUTCMinutes(),
- second: input.getUTCSeconds(),
- millisecond: input.getUTCMilliseconds()
- });
- },
- "datetime-local"(input) {
- return serializeNormalizedDateAndTime({
- date: {
- year: input.getUTCFullYear(),
- month: input.getUTCMonth() + 1,
- day: input.getUTCDate()
- },
- time: {
- hour: input.getUTCHours(),
- minute: input.getUTCMinutes(),
- second: input.getUTCSeconds(),
- millisecond: input.getUTCMilliseconds()
- }
- });
- }
-exports.convertNumberToStringByType = {
- //
- date(input) {
- return Date(input));
- },
- //
- month(input) {
- const year = 1970 + Math.floor(input / 12);
- const month = input % 12;
- const date = new Date(0);
- date.setUTCFullYear(year);
- date.setUTCMonth(month);
- return exports.serializeDateByType.month(date);
- },
- //
- week(input) {
- return exports.serializeDateByType.week(new Date(input));
- },
- //
- time(input) {
- return exports.serializeDateByType.time(new Date(input));
- },
- //
- "datetime-local"(input) {
- return exports.serializeDateByType["datetime-local"](new Date(input));
- },
- //
- number(input) {
- return input.toString();
- },
- //
- range(input) {
- return input.toString();
- }
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/ordered-set.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/ordered-set.js
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index d3e1932..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/ordered-set.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-// Only use this class if a Set cannot be used, e.g. when "replace" operation is needed, since there's no way to replace
-// an element while keep the relative order using a Set, only remove and then add something at the end.
-module.exports = class OrderedSet {
- constructor() {
- this._items = [];
- }
- append(item) {
- if (!this.contains(item)) {
- this._items.push(item);
- }
- }
- prepend(item) {
- if (!this.contains(item)) {
- this._items.unshift(item);
- }
- }
- replace(item, replacement) {
- let seen = false;
- for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length;) {
- const isInstance = this._items[i] === item || this._items[i] === replacement;
- if (seen && isInstance) {
- this._items.splice(i, 1);
- } else {
- if (isInstance) {
- this._items[i] = replacement;
- seen = true;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- remove(...items) {
- this.removePredicate(item => items.includes(item));
- }
- removePredicate(predicate) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length;) {
- if (predicate(this._items[i])) {
- this._items.splice(i, 1);
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- empty() {
- this._items.length = 0;
- }
- contains(item) {
- return this._items.includes(item);
- }
- get size() {
- return this._items.length;
- }
- isEmpty() {
- return this._items.length === 0;
- }
- // Useful for other parts of jsdom
- [Symbol.iterator]() {
- return this._items[Symbol.iterator]();
- }
- keys() {
- return this._items.keys();
- }
- get(index) {
- return this._items[index];
- }
- some(func) {
- return this._items.some(func);
- }
- //
- static parse(input) {
- const tokens = new OrderedSet();
- for (const token of input.split(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/)) {
- if (token) {
- tokens.append(token);
- }
- }
- return tokens;
- }
- //
- serialize() {
- return this._items.join(" ");
- }
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/runtime-script-errors.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/runtime-script-errors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 41982b0..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/runtime-script-errors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const util = require("util");
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils");
-const ErrorEvent = require("../generated/ErrorEvent");
-const { createAnEvent } = require("../helpers/events");
-const errorReportingMode = Symbol("error reporting mode");
-// Omits script parameter and any check for muted errors.
-// Takes target as an EventTarget impl.
-// Takes error object, message, and location as params, unlike the spec.
-// Returns whether the event was handled or not.
-function reportAnError(line, col, target, errorObject, message, location) {
- if (target[errorReportingMode]) {
- return false;
- }
- target[errorReportingMode] = true;
- if (typeof message !== "string") {
- message = "uncaught exception: " + util.inspect(errorObject);
- }
- const event = createAnEvent("error", target._globalObject, ErrorEvent, {
- cancelable: true,
- message,
- filename: location,
- lineno: line,
- colno: col,
- error: errorObject
- });
- try {
- target._dispatch(event);
- } finally {
- target[errorReportingMode] = false;
- return event.defaultPrevented;
- }
-module.exports = function reportException(window, error, filenameHint) {
- // This function will give good results on real Error objects with stacks; poor ones otherwise
- const stack = error && error.stack;
- const lines = stack && stack.split("\n");
- // Find the first line that matches; important for multi-line messages
- let pieces;
- if (lines) {
- for (let i = 1; i < lines.length && !pieces; ++i) {
- pieces = lines[i].match(/at (?:(.+)\s+)?\(?(?:(.+?):(\d+):(\d+)|([^)]+))\)?/);
- }
- }
- const fileName = (pieces && pieces[2]) || filenameHint || window._document.URL;
- const lineNumber = (pieces && parseInt(pieces[3])) || 0;
- const columnNumber = (pieces && parseInt(pieces[4])) || 0;
- const windowImpl = idlUtils.implForWrapper(window);
- const handled = reportAnError(lineNumber, columnNumber, windowImpl, error, error && error.message, fileName);
- if (!handled) {
- const errorString = shouldBeDisplayedAsError(error) ? `[${}: ${error.message}]` : util.inspect(error);
- const jsdomError = new Error(`Uncaught ${errorString}`);
- jsdomError.detail = error;
- jsdomError.type = "unhandled exception";
- window._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", jsdomError);
- }
-function shouldBeDisplayedAsError(x) {
- return x && && x.message !== undefined && x.stack;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/selectors.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/selectors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f320ab..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/selectors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const nwsapi = require("nwsapi");
-const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils");
-function initNwsapi(node) {
- const { _globalObject, _ownerDocument } = node;
- return nwsapi({
- document: _ownerDocument,
- DOMException: _globalObject.DOMException
- });
-exports.matchesDontThrow = (elImpl, selector) => {
- const document = elImpl._ownerDocument;
- if (!document._nwsapiDontThrow) {
- document._nwsapiDontThrow = initNwsapi(elImpl);
- document._nwsapiDontThrow.configure({
- LOGERRORS: false,
- VERBOSITY: false,
- IDS_DUPES: true,
- });
- }
- return document._nwsapiDontThrow.match(selector, idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(elImpl));
-// nwsapi gets `document.documentElement` at creation-time, so we have to initialize lazily, since in the initial
-// stages of Document initialization, there is no documentElement present yet.
-exports.addNwsapi = parentNode => {
- const document = parentNode._ownerDocument;
- if (!document._nwsapi) {
- document._nwsapi = initNwsapi(parentNode);
- document._nwsapi.configure({
- LOGERRORS: false,
- IDS_DUPES: true,
- });
- }
- return document._nwsapi;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/shadow-dom.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/shadow-dom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a88a33e..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/shadow-dom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const NODE_TYPE = require("../node-type");
-const { nodeRoot } = require("./node");
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const { signalSlotList, queueMutationObserverMicrotask } = require("./mutation-observers");
-// Valid host element for ShadowRoot.
-// Defined in:
-const VALID_HOST_ELEMENT_NAME = new Set([
- "article",
- "aside",
- "blockquote",
- "body",
- "div",
- "footer",
- "h1",
- "h2",
- "h3",
- "h4",
- "h5",
- "h6",
- "header",
- "main",
- "nav",
- "p",
- "section",
- "span"
-function isValidHostElementName(name) {
- return VALID_HOST_ELEMENT_NAME.has(name);
-// Use an approximation by checking the presence of nodeType instead of instead of using the isImpl from
-// "../generated/Node" to avoid introduction of circular dependencies.
-function isNode(nodeImpl) {
- return Boolean(nodeImpl && "nodeType" in nodeImpl);
-// Use an approximation by checking the value of nodeType and presence of nodeType host instead of instead
-// of using the isImpl from "../generated/ShadowRoot" to avoid introduction of circular dependencies.
-function isShadowRoot(nodeImpl) {
- return Boolean(nodeImpl && nodeImpl.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE && "host" in nodeImpl);
-function isSlotable(nodeImpl) {
- return nodeImpl && (nodeImpl.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT_NODE || nodeImpl.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT_NODE);
-function isSlot(nodeImpl) {
- return nodeImpl && nodeImpl.localName === "slot" && nodeImpl._namespaceURI === HTML_NS;
-function isShadowInclusiveAncestor(ancestor, node) {
- while (isNode(node)) {
- if (node === ancestor) {
- return true;
- }
- if (isShadowRoot(node)) {
- node =;
- } else {
- node = domSymbolTree.parent(node);
- }
- }
- return false;
-function retarget(a, b) {
- while (true) {
- if (!isNode(a)) {
- return a;
- }
- const aRoot = nodeRoot(a);
- if (
- !isShadowRoot(aRoot) ||
- (isNode(b) && isShadowInclusiveAncestor(aRoot, b))
- ) {
- return a;
- }
- a = nodeRoot(a).host;
- }
-function getEventTargetParent(eventTarget, event) {
- // _getTheParent will be missing for Window, since it doesn't have an impl class and we don't want to pollute the
- // user-visible global scope with a _getTheParent value. TODO: remove this entire function and use _getTheParent
- // directly, once Window gets split into impl/wrapper.
- return eventTarget._getTheParent ? eventTarget._getTheParent(event) : null;
-function shadowIncludingRoot(node) {
- const root = nodeRoot(node);
- return isShadowRoot(root) ? shadowIncludingRoot( : root;
-function assignSlot(slotable) {
- const slot = findSlot(slotable);
- if (slot) {
- assignSlotable(slot);
- }
-function assignSlotable(slot) {
- const slotables = findSlotable(slot);
- let shouldFireSlotChange = false;
- if (slotables.length !== slot._assignedNodes.length) {
- shouldFireSlotChange = true;
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < slotables.length; i++) {
- if (slotables[i] !== slot._assignedNodes[i]) {
- shouldFireSlotChange = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (shouldFireSlotChange) {
- signalSlotChange(slot);
- }
- slot._assignedNodes = slotables;
- for (const slotable of slotables) {
- slotable._assignedSlot = slot;
- }
-function assignSlotableForTree(root) {
- for (const slot of domSymbolTree.treeIterator(root)) {
- if (isSlot(slot)) {
- assignSlotable(slot);
- }
- }
-function findSlotable(slot) {
- const result = [];
- const root = nodeRoot(slot);
- if (!isShadowRoot(root)) {
- return result;
- }
- for (const slotable of domSymbolTree.treeIterator( {
- const foundSlot = findSlot(slotable);
- if (foundSlot === slot) {
- result.push(slotable);
- }
- }
- return result;
-function findFlattenedSlotables(slot) {
- const result = [];
- const root = nodeRoot(slot);
- if (!isShadowRoot(root)) {
- return result;
- }
- const slotables = findSlotable(slot);
- if (slotables.length === 0) {
- for (const child of domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(slot)) {
- if (isSlotable(child)) {
- slotables.push(child);
- }
- }
- }
- for (const node of slotables) {
- if (isSlot(node) && isShadowRoot(nodeRoot(node))) {
- const temporaryResult = findFlattenedSlotables(node);
- result.push(...temporaryResult);
- } else {
- result.push(node);
- }
- }
- return result;
-function findSlot(slotable, openFlag) {
- const { parentNode: parent } = slotable;
- if (!parent) {
- return null;
- }
- const shadow = parent._shadowRoot;
- if (!shadow || (openFlag && shadow.mode !== "open")) {
- return null;
- }
- for (const child of domSymbolTree.treeIterator(shadow)) {
- if (isSlot(child) && === slotable._slotableName) {
- return child;
- }
- }
- return null;
-function signalSlotChange(slot) {
- if (!signalSlotList.some(entry => entry === slot)) {
- signalSlotList.push(slot);
- }
- queueMutationObserverMicrotask();
-function* shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node) {
- yield node;
- if (node._shadowRoot) {
- yield* shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node._shadowRoot);
- }
- for (const child of domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(node)) {
- yield* shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(child);
- }
-function* shadowIncludingDescendantsIterator(node) {
- if (node._shadowRoot) {
- yield* shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(node._shadowRoot);
- }
- for (const child of domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(node)) {
- yield* shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator(child);
- }
-module.exports = {
- isValidHostElementName,
- isNode,
- isSlotable,
- isSlot,
- isShadowRoot,
- isShadowInclusiveAncestor,
- retarget,
- getEventTargetParent,
- shadowIncludingRoot,
- assignSlot,
- assignSlotable,
- assignSlotableForTree,
- findSlot,
- findFlattenedSlotables,
- signalSlotChange,
- shadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantsIterator,
- shadowIncludingDescendantsIterator
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/strings.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/strings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1579251..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/strings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const asciiWhitespaceRe = /^[\t\n\f\r ]$/;
-exports.asciiWhitespaceRe = asciiWhitespaceRe;
-exports.asciiLowercase = s => {
- return s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, l => l.toLowerCase());
-exports.asciiUppercase = s => {
- return s.replace(/[a-z]/g, l => l.toUpperCase());
-exports.stripNewlines = s => {
- return s.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, "");
-exports.stripLeadingAndTrailingASCIIWhitespace = s => {
- return s.replace(/^[ \t\n\f\r]+/, "").replace(/[ \t\n\f\r]+$/, "");
-exports.stripAndCollapseASCIIWhitespace = s => {
- return s.replace(/[ \t\n\f\r]+/g, " ").replace(/^[ \t\n\f\r]+/, "").replace(/[ \t\n\f\r]+$/, "");
-exports.isValidSimpleColor = s => {
- return /^#[a-fA-F\d]{6}$/.test(s);
-exports.asciiCaseInsensitiveMatch = (a, b) => {
- if (a.length !== b.length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
- if ((a.charCodeAt(i) | 32) !== (b.charCodeAt(i) | 32)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Error is represented as null.
-const parseInteger = exports.parseInteger = input => {
- // The implementation here is slightly different from the spec's. We want to use parseInt(), but parseInt() trims
- // Unicode whitespace in addition to just ASCII ones, so we make sure that the trimmed prefix contains only ASCII
- // whitespace ourselves.
- const numWhitespace = input.length - input.trimStart().length;
- if (/[^\t\n\f\r ]/.test(input.slice(0, numWhitespace))) {
- return null;
- }
- // We don't allow hexadecimal numbers here.
- // eslint-disable-next-line radix
- const value = parseInt(input, 10);
- if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
- return null;
- }
- // parseInt() returns -0 for "-0". Normalize that here.
- return value === 0 ? 0 : value;
-// Error is represented as null.
-exports.parseNonNegativeInteger = input => {
- const value = parseInteger(input);
- if (value === null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (value < 0) {
- return null;
- }
- return value;
-const floatingPointNumRe = /^-?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$/;
-exports.isValidFloatingPointNumber = str => floatingPointNumRe.test(str);
-// Error is represented as null.
-exports.parseFloatingPointNumber = str => {
- // The implementation here is slightly different from the spec's. We need to use parseFloat() in order to retain
- // accuracy, but parseFloat() trims Unicode whitespace in addition to just ASCII ones, so we make sure that the
- // trimmed prefix contains only ASCII whitespace ourselves.
- const numWhitespace = str.length - str.trimStart().length;
- if (/[^\t\n\f\r ]/.test(str.slice(0, numWhitespace))) {
- return null;
- }
- const parsed = parseFloat(str);
- return isFinite(parsed) ? parsed : null;
-exports.splitOnASCIIWhitespace = str => {
- let position = 0;
- const tokens = [];
- while (position < str.length && asciiWhitespaceRe.test(str[position])) {
- position++;
- }
- if (position === str.length) {
- return tokens;
- }
- while (position < str.length) {
- const start = position;
- while (position < str.length && !asciiWhitespaceRe.test(str[position])) {
- position++;
- }
- tokens.push(str.slice(start, position));
- while (position < str.length && asciiWhitespaceRe.test(str[position])) {
- position++;
- }
- }
- return tokens;
-exports.splitOnCommas = str => {
- let position = 0;
- const tokens = [];
- while (position < str.length) {
- let start = position;
- while (position < str.length && str[position] !== ",") {
- position++;
- }
- let end = position;
- while (start < str.length && asciiWhitespaceRe.test(str[start])) {
- start++;
- }
- while (end > start && asciiWhitespaceRe.test(str[end - 1])) {
- end--;
- }
- tokens.push(str.slice(start, end));
- if (position < str.length) {
- position++;
- }
- }
- return tokens;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/style-rules.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/style-rules.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 63e749d..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/style-rules.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const cssom = require("cssom");
-const defaultStyleSheet = require("../../browser/default-stylesheet");
-const { matchesDontThrow } = require("./selectors");
-const { forEach, indexOf } = Array.prototype;
-let parsedDefaultStyleSheet;
-// Properties for which getResolvedValue is implemented. This is less than
-// every supported property.
-exports.propertiesWithResolvedValueImplemented = {
- __proto__: null,
- //
- visibility: {
- inherited: true,
- initial: "visible",
- computedValue: "as-specified"
- }
-exports.forEachMatchingSheetRuleOfElement = (elementImpl, handleRule) => {
- function handleSheet(sheet) {
-, rule => {
- if ( {
- if (, "screen") !== -1) {
-, innerRule => {
- if (matches(innerRule, elementImpl)) {
- handleRule(innerRule);
- }
- });
- }
- } else if (matches(rule, elementImpl)) {
- handleRule(rule);
- }
- });
- }
- if (!parsedDefaultStyleSheet) {
- parsedDefaultStyleSheet = cssom.parse(defaultStyleSheet);
- }
- handleSheet(parsedDefaultStyleSheet);
-, handleSheet);
-function matches(rule, element) {
- return matchesDontThrow(element, rule.selectorText);
-// Naive implementation of
-// based on the previous jsdom implementation of getComputedStyle.
-// Does not implement,
-// or rather specificity is only implemented by the order in which the matching
-// rules appear. The last rule is the most specific while the first rule is
-// the least specific.
-function getCascadedPropertyValue(element, property) {
- let value = "";
- exports.forEachMatchingSheetRuleOfElement(element, rule => {
- const propertyValue =;
- // getPropertyValue returns "" if the property is not found
- if (propertyValue !== "") {
- value = propertyValue;
- }
- });
- const inlineValue =;
- if (inlineValue !== "" && inlineValue !== null) {
- value = inlineValue;
- }
- return value;
-function getSpecifiedValue(element, property) {
- const cascade = getCascadedPropertyValue(element, property);
- if (cascade !== "") {
- return cascade;
- }
- // Defaulting
- const { initial, inherited } = exports.propertiesWithResolvedValueImplemented[property];
- if (inherited && element.parentElement !== null) {
- return getComputedValue(element.parentElement, property);
- }
- // root element without parent element or inherited property
- return initial;
-function getComputedValue(element, property) {
- const { computedValue } = exports.propertiesWithResolvedValueImplemented[property];
- if (computedValue === "as-specified") {
- return getSpecifiedValue(element, property);
- }
- throw new TypeError(`Internal error: unrecognized computed value instruction '${computedValue}'`);
-// Only implements `visibility`
-exports.getResolvedValue = (element, property) => {
- // Determined for special case properties, none of which are implemented here.
- // So we skip to "any other property: The resolved value is the computed value."
- return getComputedValue(element, property);
-exports.SHADOW_DOM_PSEUDO_REGEXP = /^::(?:part|slotted)\(/i;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/stylesheets.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/stylesheets.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7138599..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/stylesheets.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const cssom = require("cssom");
-const whatwgEncoding = require("whatwg-encoding");
-const whatwgURL = require("whatwg-url");
-// TODO: this should really implement
-// It (and the things it calls) is nowhere close right now.
-exports.fetchStylesheet = (elementImpl, urlString) => {
- const parsedURL = whatwgURL.parseURL(urlString);
- return fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, urlString, parsedURL);
-exports.removeStylesheet = (sheet, elementImpl) => {
- const { styleSheets } = elementImpl._ownerDocument;
- styleSheets._remove(sheet);
- // Remove the association explicitly; in the spec it's implicit so this step doesn't exist.
- elementImpl.sheet = null;
- // TODO: "Set the CSS style sheet’s parent CSS style sheet, owner node and owner CSS rule to null."
- // Probably when we have a real CSSOM implementation.
-// kinda:
-// - Parsing failures are not handled gracefully like they should be
-// - The import rules stuff seems out of place, and probably should affect the load event...
-exports.createStylesheet = (sheetText, elementImpl, baseURL) => {
- let sheet;
- try {
- sheet = cssom.parse(sheetText);
- } catch (e) {
- if (elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView) {
- const error = new Error("Could not parse CSS stylesheet");
- error.detail = sheetText;
- error.type = "css parsing";
- elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", error);
- }
- return;
- }
- scanForImportRules(elementImpl, sheet.cssRules, baseURL);
- addStylesheet(sheet, elementImpl);
-function addStylesheet(sheet, elementImpl) {
- elementImpl._ownerDocument.styleSheets._add(sheet);
- // Set the association explicitly; in the spec it's implicit.
- elementImpl.sheet = sheet;
- // TODO: title and disabled stuff
-function fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, urlString, parsedURL) {
- const document = elementImpl._ownerDocument;
- let defaultEncoding = document._encoding;
- const resourceLoader = document._resourceLoader;
- if (elementImpl.localName === "link" && elementImpl.hasAttributeNS(null, "charset")) {
- defaultEncoding = whatwgEncoding.labelToName(elementImpl.getAttributeNS(null, "charset"));
- }
- function onStylesheetLoad(data) {
- const css = whatwgEncoding.decode(data, defaultEncoding);
- // TODO: MIME type checking?
- if (elementImpl.sheet) {
- exports.removeStylesheet(elementImpl.sheet, elementImpl);
- }
- exports.createStylesheet(css, elementImpl, parsedURL);
- }
- resourceLoader.fetch(urlString, {
- element: elementImpl,
- onLoad: onStylesheetLoad
- });
-// TODO this is actually really messed up and overwrites the sheet on elementImpl
-// Tracking in
-function scanForImportRules(elementImpl, cssRules, baseURL) {
- if (!cssRules) {
- return;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; ++i) {
- if (cssRules[i].cssRules) {
- // @media rule: keep searching inside it.
- scanForImportRules(elementImpl, cssRules[i].cssRules, baseURL);
- } else if (cssRules[i].href) {
- // @import rule: fetch the resource and evaluate it.
- // See
- // If loading of the style sheet fails its cssRules list is simply
- // empty. I.e. an @import rule always has an associated style sheet.
- const parsed = whatwgURL.parseURL(cssRules[i].href, { baseURL });
- if (parsed === null) {
- const window = elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView;
- if (window) {
- const error = new Error(`Could not parse CSS @import URL ${cssRules[i].href} relative to base URL ` +
- `"${whatwgURL.serializeURL(baseURL)}"`);
- error.type = "css @import URL parsing";
- window._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", error);
- }
- } else {
- fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, whatwgURL.serializeURL(parsed), parsed);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/basic-types.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/basic-types.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16d0dc1..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/basic-types.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-function detach(value) {
- if (typeof value === "string") {
- return;
- }
- throw new TypeError(`jsdom internal error: detaching object of wrong type ${value}`);
-exports.detach = detach;
-// listObject corresponds to the parameter taken by the algorithm in the spec, but is currently unused because only
-// DOMString type is supported by jsdom (and this function) right now.
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
-function attach(value, listObject) {
- if (typeof value === "string") {
- return;
- }
- throw new TypeError(`jsdom internal error: attaching object of wrong type ${value}`);
-exports.attach = attach;
-// for DOMString.
-function reserializeSpaceSeparatedTokens(elements) {
- return elements.join(" ");
-exports.reserializeSpaceSeparatedTokens = reserializeSpaceSeparatedTokens;
-// Used for systemLanguage attribute, whose value is a set of comma-separated tokens:
-// SVG 2 spec ( says any SVGStringList should reserialize the
-// same way, as space-separated tokens, but doing so for systemLanguage is illogical and contradicts the Firefox
-// behavior.
-// I cannot find a description of reserialization of SVGStringList in the SVG 1.1 spec.
-function reserializeCommaSeparatedTokens(elements) {
- return elements.join(", ");
-exports.reserializeCommaSeparatedTokens = reserializeCommaSeparatedTokens;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/render.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/render.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 651568d..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/svg/render.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { SVG_NS } = require("../namespaces");
-const neverRenderedElements = new Set([
- "clipPath",
- "defs",
- "desc",
- "linearGradient",
- "marker",
- "mask",
- "metadata",
- "pattern",
- "radialGradient",
- "script",
- "style",
- "title",
- "symbol"
-exports.isRenderedElement = elImpl => {
- if (neverRenderedElements.has(elImpl._localName)) {
- return false;
- }
- // This does not check for elements excluded because of conditional processing attributes or ‘switch’ structures,
- // because conditional processing is not implemented.
- //
- // This does not check for computed style of display being none, since that is not yet implemented for HTML
- // focusability either (and there are no tests yet).
- if (!elImpl.isConnected) {
- return false;
- }
- // The spec is unclear about how to deal with non-SVG parents, so we only perform this check for SVG-namespace
- // parents.
- if (elImpl.parentElement && elImpl.parentElement._namespaceURI === SVG_NS &&
- !exports.isRenderedElement(elImpl.parentNode)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/text.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/text.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 632c0e5..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/text.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const { CDATA_SECTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE } = require("../node-type");
-exports.childTextContent = node => {
- let result = "";
- const iterator = domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(node);
- for (const child of iterator) {
- if (child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ||
- // The CDataSection extends Text.
- child.nodeType === CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
- result +=;
- }
- }
- return result;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/traversal.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/traversal.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 91f7148..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/traversal.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const { domSymbolTree } = require("./internal-constants");
-const { HTML_NS } = require("./namespaces");
-// All these operate on and return impls, not wrappers!
-exports.closest = (e, localName, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- while (e) {
- if (e.localName === localName && e.namespaceURI === namespace) {
- return e;
- }
- e = domSymbolTree.parent(e);
- }
- return null;
-exports.childrenByLocalName = (parent, localName, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- return domSymbolTree.childrenToArray(parent, { filter(node) {
- return node._localName === localName && node._namespaceURI === namespace;
- } });
-exports.descendantsByLocalName = (parent, localName, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- return domSymbolTree.treeToArray(parent, { filter(node) {
- return node._localName === localName && node._namespaceURI === namespace && node !== parent;
- } });
-exports.childrenByLocalNames = (parent, localNamesSet, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- return domSymbolTree.childrenToArray(parent, { filter(node) {
- return localNamesSet.has(node._localName) && node._namespaceURI === namespace;
- } });
-exports.descendantsByLocalNames = (parent, localNamesSet, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- return domSymbolTree.treeToArray(parent, { filter(node) {
- return localNamesSet.has(node._localName) &&
- node._namespaceURI === namespace &&
- node !== parent;
- } });
-exports.firstChildWithLocalName = (parent, localName, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- const iterator = domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(parent);
- for (const child of iterator) {
- if (child._localName === localName && child._namespaceURI === namespace) {
- return child;
- }
- }
- return null;
-exports.firstChildWithLocalNames = (parent, localNamesSet, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- const iterator = domSymbolTree.childrenIterator(parent);
- for (const child of iterator) {
- if (localNamesSet.has(child._localName) && child._namespaceURI === namespace) {
- return child;
- }
- }
- return null;
-exports.firstDescendantWithLocalName = (parent, localName, namespace = HTML_NS) => {
- const iterator = domSymbolTree.treeIterator(parent);
- for (const descendant of iterator) {
- if (descendant._localName === localName && descendant._namespaceURI === namespace) {
- return descendant;
- }
- }
- return null;
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/validate-names.js b/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/validate-names.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d341dbd..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/helpers/validate-names.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const xnv = require("xml-name-validator");
-const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper");
-const { XML_NS, XMLNS_NS } = require("../helpers/namespaces");
- = function (globalObject, name) {
- const result =;
- if (!result.success) {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- `"${name}" did not match the Name production: ${result.error}`,
- "InvalidCharacterError"
- ]);
- }
-exports.qname = function (globalObject, qname) {
-, qname);
- const result = xnv.qname(qname);
- if (!result.success) {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- `"${qname}" did not match the QName production: ${result.error}`,
- "InvalidCharacterError"
- ]);
- }
-exports.validateAndExtract = function (globalObject, namespace, qualifiedName) {
- if (namespace === "") {
- namespace = null;
- }
- exports.qname(globalObject, qualifiedName);
- let prefix = null;
- let localName = qualifiedName;
- const colonIndex = qualifiedName.indexOf(":");
- if (colonIndex !== -1) {
- prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, colonIndex);
- localName = qualifiedName.substring(colonIndex + 1);
- }
- if (prefix !== null && namespace === null) {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- "A namespace was given but a prefix was also extracted from the qualifiedName",
- "NamespaceError"
- ]);
- }
- if (prefix === "xml" && namespace !== XML_NS) {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- "A prefix of \"xml\" was given but the namespace was not the XML namespace",
- "NamespaceError"
- ]);
- }
- if ((qualifiedName === "xmlns" || prefix === "xmlns") && namespace !== XMLNS_NS) {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- "A prefix or qualifiedName of \"xmlns\" was given but the namespace was not the XMLNS namespace",
- "NamespaceError"
- ]);
- }
- if (namespace === XMLNS_NS && qualifiedName !== "xmlns" && prefix !== "xmlns") {
- throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [
- "The XMLNS namespace was given but neither the prefix nor qualifiedName was \"xmlns\"",
- "NamespaceError"
- ]);
- }
- return { namespace, prefix, localName };