path: root/school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js
diff options
authorMinteck <>2023-02-23 19:34:56 +0100
committerMinteck <>2023-02-23 19:34:56 +0100
commit3d1cd02f27518f1a04374c7c8320cd5d82ede6e9 (patch)
tree75be5fba4368472fb11c8015aee026b2b9a71888 /school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js
parent8cc1f13c17fa2fb5a4410542d39e650e02945634 (diff)
Updated 40 files, added 37 files, deleted 1103 files and renamed 3905 files (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js b/school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bf2dc..0000000
--- a/school/node_modules/pronote-api/src/fetch/pronote/absences.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-const parse = require('../../data/types');
-const { toPronote } = require('../../data/objects');
-const { toPronoteDate } = require('../../data/dates');
-const { fromPronoteHours } = require('../../data/dates');
-const navigate = require('./navigate');
-const PAGE_NAME = 'PagePresence';
-const TAB_ID = 19;
-const ACCOUNTS = ['student', 'parent'];
-async function getAbsences(session, user, period, from, to)
- const absences = await navigate(session, user, PAGE_NAME, TAB_ID, ACCOUNTS, {
- DateDebut: {
- _T: 7,
- V: toPronoteDate(from)
- },
- DateFin: {
- _T: 7,
- V: toPronoteDate(to)
- },
- periode: ? toPronote(period) : period
- });
- if (!absences) {
- return null;
- }
- return {
- authorizations: (a => ({
- absences: a.absence,
- fillAbsenceReason: a.saisieMotifAbsence,
- delays: a.retard,
- fillDelayReason: a.saisieMotifRetard,
- punishments: a.punition,
- exclusions: a.exclusion,
- sanctions: a.sanction,
- conservatoryMesures: a.mesureConservatoire,
- infirmary: a.infirmerie,
- mealAbsences: a.absenceRepas,
- internshipAbsences: a.absenceInternat,
- observations: a.observation,
- incidents: a.incident,
- totalHoursMissed: a.totalHeuresManquees
- }))(absences.autorisations),
- events: parse(absences.listeAbsences, a => parseEvent(a), false),
- subjects: parse(absences.Matieres, ({
- P, regroupement, dansRegroupement, suivi, absence, excluCours, excluEtab
- }) => ({
- position: P,
- group: regroupement,
- inGroup: dansRegroupement,
- hoursAssisted: suivi / 3600,
- hoursMissed: absence / 3600,
- lessonExclusions: excluCours,
- establishmentExclusions: excluEtab
- })),
- recaps: parse(absences.listeRecapitulatifs, ({ NombreTotal, NbrHeures, NombreNonJustifie }) => ({
- count: NombreTotal,
- unjustifiedCount: NombreNonJustifie,
- hours: fromPronoteHours(NbrHeures)
- })),
- sanctions: parse(absences.listeSanctionUtilisateur) // TODO: Check values
- };
-function parseEvent(a)
- switch ( {
- case 13:
- return {
- type: 'absence',
- ...parseAbsence(a)
- };
- case 14:
- return {
- type: 'delay',
- ...parseDelay(a)
- };
- case 41:
- return {
- type: 'punishment',
- ...parsePunishment(a)
- };
- case 45:
- return {
- type: 'other',
- ...parseOther(a)
- };
- default:
- return {
- type: 'unknown',
- ...a
- };
- }
-function parseAbsence(a)
- return {
- from: parse(a.dateDebut),
- to: parse(a.dateFin),
- opened: a.ouverte,
- solved: a.reglee,
- justified: a.justifie,
- hours: fromPronoteHours(a.NbrHeures),
- days: a.NbrJours,
- reasons: parse(a.listeMotifs)
- }
-function parseDelay(a)
- return {
- date: parse(,
- solved: a.reglee,
- justified: a.justifie,
- justification: a.justification,
- duration: a.duree,
- reasons: parse(a.listeMotifs)
- };
-function parsePunishment(a)
- return {
- date: parse(a.dateDemande),
- isExclusion: a.estUneExclusion,
- isNotDuringLesson: a.horsCours,
- homework: a.travailAFaire,
- isBoundToIncident: a.estLieAUnIncident,
- circumstances: a.circonstances,
- duration: a.duree,
- giver: parse(a.demandeur),
- isSchedulable: a.estProgrammable,
- reasons: parse(a.listeMotifs),
- schedule: parse(a.programmation, ({ date, placeExecution, duree }) => ({
- date: parse(date),
- position: placeExecution,
- duration: duree
- })),
- nature: a.nature && parse(a.nature, ({ estProgrammable, estAvecARParent }) => ({
- isSchedulable: estProgrammable,
- requiresParentsMeeting: estAvecARParent
- }))
- }
-function parseOther(a)
- return {
- date: parse(,
- giver: parse(a.demandeur, ({ estProfPrincipal, mail }) => ({
- isHeadTeacher: estProfPrincipal,
- mail
- })),
- comment: a.commentaire,
- read: a.estLue,
- subject: parse(a.matiere)
- };
-module.exports = getAbsences;