path: root/school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs
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authorMinteck <>2023-01-10 14:54:04 +0100
committerMinteck <>2023-01-10 14:54:04 +0100
commit99c1d9af689e5325f3cf535c4007b3aeb8325229 (patch)
treee663b3c2ebdbd67c818ac0c5147f0ce1d2463cda /school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs
parent9871b03912fc28ad38b4037ebf26a78aa937baba (diff)
Update - This is an automated commit
Diffstat (limited to 'school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs b/school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8651a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/school/node_modules/graphql/utilities/buildClientSchema.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+import objectValues from "../polyfills/objectValues.mjs";
+import inspect from "../jsutils/inspect.mjs";
+import devAssert from "../jsutils/devAssert.mjs";
+import keyValMap from "../jsutils/keyValMap.mjs";
+import isObjectLike from "../jsutils/isObjectLike.mjs";
+import { parseValue } from "../language/parser.mjs";
+import { GraphQLSchema } from "../type/schema.mjs";
+import { GraphQLDirective } from "../type/directives.mjs";
+import { specifiedScalarTypes } from "../type/scalars.mjs";
+import { introspectionTypes, TypeKind } from "../type/introspection.mjs";
+import { isInputType, isOutputType, GraphQLList, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInterfaceType, GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLInputObjectType, assertNullableType, assertObjectType, assertInterfaceType } from "../type/definition.mjs";
+import { valueFromAST } from "./valueFromAST.mjs";
+ * Build a GraphQLSchema for use by client tools.
+ *
+ * Given the result of a client running the introspection query, creates and
+ * returns a GraphQLSchema instance which can be then used with all graphql-js
+ * tools, but cannot be used to execute a query, as introspection does not
+ * represent the "resolver", "parse" or "serialize" functions or any other
+ * server-internal mechanisms.
+ *
+ * This function expects a complete introspection result. Don't forget to check
+ * the "errors" field of a server response before calling this function.
+ */
+export function buildClientSchema(introspection, options) {
+ isObjectLike(introspection) && isObjectLike(introspection.__schema) || devAssert(0, "Invalid or incomplete introspection result. Ensure that you are passing \"data\" property of introspection response and no \"errors\" was returned alongside: ".concat(inspect(introspection), ".")); // Get the schema from the introspection result.
+ var schemaIntrospection = introspection.__schema; // Iterate through all types, getting the type definition for each.
+ var typeMap = keyValMap(schemaIntrospection.types, function (typeIntrospection) {
+ return;
+ }, function (typeIntrospection) {
+ return buildType(typeIntrospection);
+ }); // Include standard types only if they are used.
+ for (var _i2 = 0, _ref2 = [].concat(specifiedScalarTypes, introspectionTypes); _i2 < _ref2.length; _i2++) {
+ var stdType = _ref2[_i2];
+ if (typeMap[]) {
+ typeMap[] = stdType;
+ }
+ } // Get the root Query, Mutation, and Subscription types.
+ var queryType = schemaIntrospection.queryType ? getObjectType(schemaIntrospection.queryType) : null;
+ var mutationType = schemaIntrospection.mutationType ? getObjectType(schemaIntrospection.mutationType) : null;
+ var subscriptionType = schemaIntrospection.subscriptionType ? getObjectType(schemaIntrospection.subscriptionType) : null; // Get the directives supported by Introspection, assuming empty-set if
+ // directives were not queried for.
+ var directives = schemaIntrospection.directives ? : []; // Then produce and return a Schema with these types.
+ return new GraphQLSchema({
+ description: schemaIntrospection.description,
+ query: queryType,
+ mutation: mutationType,
+ subscription: subscriptionType,
+ types: objectValues(typeMap),
+ directives: directives,
+ assumeValid: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.assumeValid
+ }); // Given a type reference in introspection, return the GraphQLType instance.
+ // preferring cached instances before building new instances.
+ function getType(typeRef) {
+ if (typeRef.kind === TypeKind.LIST) {
+ var itemRef = typeRef.ofType;
+ if (!itemRef) {
+ throw new Error('Decorated type deeper than introspection query.');
+ }
+ return new GraphQLList(getType(itemRef));
+ }
+ if (typeRef.kind === TypeKind.NON_NULL) {
+ var nullableRef = typeRef.ofType;
+ if (!nullableRef) {
+ throw new Error('Decorated type deeper than introspection query.');
+ }
+ var nullableType = getType(nullableRef);
+ return new GraphQLNonNull(assertNullableType(nullableType));
+ }
+ return getNamedType(typeRef);
+ }
+ function getNamedType(typeRef) {
+ var typeName =;
+ if (!typeName) {
+ throw new Error("Unknown type reference: ".concat(inspect(typeRef), "."));
+ }
+ var type = typeMap[typeName];
+ if (!type) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid or incomplete schema, unknown type: ".concat(typeName, ". Ensure that a full introspection query is used in order to build a client schema."));
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ function getObjectType(typeRef) {
+ return assertObjectType(getNamedType(typeRef));
+ }
+ function getInterfaceType(typeRef) {
+ return assertInterfaceType(getNamedType(typeRef));
+ } // Given a type's introspection result, construct the correct
+ // GraphQLType instance.
+ function buildType(type) {
+ if (type != null && != null && type.kind != null) {
+ switch (type.kind) {
+ case TypeKind.SCALAR:
+ return buildScalarDef(type);
+ case TypeKind.OBJECT:
+ return buildObjectDef(type);
+ case TypeKind.INTERFACE:
+ return buildInterfaceDef(type);
+ case TypeKind.UNION:
+ return buildUnionDef(type);
+ case TypeKind.ENUM:
+ return buildEnumDef(type);
+ case TypeKind.INPUT_OBJECT:
+ return buildInputObjectDef(type);
+ }
+ }
+ var typeStr = inspect(type);
+ throw new Error("Invalid or incomplete introspection result. Ensure that a full introspection query is used in order to build a client schema: ".concat(typeStr, "."));
+ }
+ function buildScalarDef(scalarIntrospection) {
+ return new GraphQLScalarType({
+ name:,
+ description: scalarIntrospection.description,
+ specifiedByUrl: scalarIntrospection.specifiedByUrl
+ });
+ }
+ function buildImplementationsList(implementingIntrospection) {
+ // TODO: Temporary workaround until GraphQL ecosystem will fully support
+ // 'interfaces' on interface types.
+ if (implementingIntrospection.interfaces === null && implementingIntrospection.kind === TypeKind.INTERFACE) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (!implementingIntrospection.interfaces) {
+ var implementingIntrospectionStr = inspect(implementingIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing interfaces: ".concat(implementingIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ function buildObjectDef(objectIntrospection) {
+ return new GraphQLObjectType({
+ name:,
+ description: objectIntrospection.description,
+ interfaces: function interfaces() {
+ return buildImplementationsList(objectIntrospection);
+ },
+ fields: function fields() {
+ return buildFieldDefMap(objectIntrospection);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function buildInterfaceDef(interfaceIntrospection) {
+ return new GraphQLInterfaceType({
+ name:,
+ description: interfaceIntrospection.description,
+ interfaces: function interfaces() {
+ return buildImplementationsList(interfaceIntrospection);
+ },
+ fields: function fields() {
+ return buildFieldDefMap(interfaceIntrospection);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function buildUnionDef(unionIntrospection) {
+ if (!unionIntrospection.possibleTypes) {
+ var unionIntrospectionStr = inspect(unionIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing possibleTypes: ".concat(unionIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return new GraphQLUnionType({
+ name:,
+ description: unionIntrospection.description,
+ types: function types() {
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function buildEnumDef(enumIntrospection) {
+ if (!enumIntrospection.enumValues) {
+ var enumIntrospectionStr = inspect(enumIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing enumValues: ".concat(enumIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return new GraphQLEnumType({
+ name:,
+ description: enumIntrospection.description,
+ values: keyValMap(enumIntrospection.enumValues, function (valueIntrospection) {
+ return;
+ }, function (valueIntrospection) {
+ return {
+ description: valueIntrospection.description,
+ deprecationReason: valueIntrospection.deprecationReason
+ };
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ function buildInputObjectDef(inputObjectIntrospection) {
+ if (!inputObjectIntrospection.inputFields) {
+ var inputObjectIntrospectionStr = inspect(inputObjectIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing inputFields: ".concat(inputObjectIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return new GraphQLInputObjectType({
+ name:,
+ description: inputObjectIntrospection.description,
+ fields: function fields() {
+ return buildInputValueDefMap(inputObjectIntrospection.inputFields);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function buildFieldDefMap(typeIntrospection) {
+ if (!typeIntrospection.fields) {
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing fields: ".concat(inspect(typeIntrospection), "."));
+ }
+ return keyValMap(typeIntrospection.fields, function (fieldIntrospection) {
+ return;
+ }, buildField);
+ }
+ function buildField(fieldIntrospection) {
+ var type = getType(fieldIntrospection.type);
+ if (!isOutputType(type)) {
+ var typeStr = inspect(type);
+ throw new Error("Introspection must provide output type for fields, but received: ".concat(typeStr, "."));
+ }
+ if (!fieldIntrospection.args) {
+ var fieldIntrospectionStr = inspect(fieldIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing field args: ".concat(fieldIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return {
+ description: fieldIntrospection.description,
+ deprecationReason: fieldIntrospection.deprecationReason,
+ type: type,
+ args: buildInputValueDefMap(fieldIntrospection.args)
+ };
+ }
+ function buildInputValueDefMap(inputValueIntrospections) {
+ return keyValMap(inputValueIntrospections, function (inputValue) {
+ return;
+ }, buildInputValue);
+ }
+ function buildInputValue(inputValueIntrospection) {
+ var type = getType(inputValueIntrospection.type);
+ if (!isInputType(type)) {
+ var typeStr = inspect(type);
+ throw new Error("Introspection must provide input type for arguments, but received: ".concat(typeStr, "."));
+ }
+ var defaultValue = inputValueIntrospection.defaultValue != null ? valueFromAST(parseValue(inputValueIntrospection.defaultValue), type) : undefined;
+ return {
+ description: inputValueIntrospection.description,
+ type: type,
+ defaultValue: defaultValue,
+ deprecationReason: inputValueIntrospection.deprecationReason
+ };
+ }
+ function buildDirective(directiveIntrospection) {
+ if (!directiveIntrospection.args) {
+ var directiveIntrospectionStr = inspect(directiveIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing directive args: ".concat(directiveIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ if (!directiveIntrospection.locations) {
+ var _directiveIntrospectionStr = inspect(directiveIntrospection);
+ throw new Error("Introspection result missing directive locations: ".concat(_directiveIntrospectionStr, "."));
+ }
+ return new GraphQLDirective({
+ name:,
+ description: directiveIntrospection.description,
+ isRepeatable: directiveIntrospection.isRepeatable,
+ locations: directiveIntrospection.locations.slice(),
+ args: buildInputValueDefMap(directiveIntrospection.args)
+ });
+ }