path: root/pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php
diff options
authorRaindropsSys <>2023-05-14 14:02:50 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-05-14 14:02:50 +0200
commita98bafed63f9322d54422861521c0c3c5d110d9a (patch)
treeca86cd09fd85055f8eb1ccfef10d8ed24c447145 /pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php
parent926714a89d3dcc2976228b9f0039a34b1e18f5e6 (diff)
Updated 7 files and added 4 files (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php b/pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php
index 6400499..3238696 100644
--- a/pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php
+++ b/pages/api/cloudburst-img-round.php
@@ -2,85 +2,9 @@
$fronters = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/ynmuc/fronters.json"), true);
-$url = isset($fronters['members'][0]) ? ($fronters['members'][0]["avatar_url"] ?? "/assets/uploads/raindrops.png") : "/assets/uploads/raindrops.png";
+$url = isset($fronters['members'][0]) ? ($fronters['members'][0]["avatar_url"] ?? "/assets/uploads/cloudburst.png") : "/assets/uploads/cloudburst.png";
file_put_contents("/tmp/temp", file_get_contents($url));
-function imageCreateCorners($sourceImageFile, $radius) {
- # test source image
- if (file_exists($sourceImageFile)) {
- $res = is_array($info = getimagesize($sourceImageFile));
- }
- else $res = false;
- # open image
- if ($res) {
- $w = $info[0];
- $h = $info[1];
- switch ($info['mime']) {
- case 'image/jpeg': $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourceImageFile);
- break;
- case 'image/gif': $src = imagecreatefromgif($sourceImageFile);
- break;
- case 'image/png': $src = imagecreatefrompng($sourceImageFile);
- break;
- default:
- $res = false;
- }
- }
- # create corners
- if ($res) {
- $q = 10; # change this if you want
- $radius *= $q;
- # find unique color
- do {
- $r = rand(0, 255);
- $g = rand(0, 255);
- $b = rand(0, 255);
- }
- while (imagecolorexact($src, $r, $g, $b) < 0);
- $nw = $w*$q;
- $nh = $h*$q;
- $img = imagecreatetruecolor($nw, $nh);
- $alphacolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $r, $g, $b, 127);
- imagealphablending($img, false);
- imagesavealpha($img, true);
- imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $nw, $nh, $alphacolor);
- imagefill($img, 0, 0, $alphacolor);
- imagecopyresampled($img, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nw, $nh, $w, $h);
- imagearc($img, $radius-1, $radius-1, $radius*2, $radius*2, 180, 270, $alphacolor);
- imagefilltoborder($img, 0, 0, $alphacolor, $alphacolor);
- imagearc($img, $nw-$radius, $radius-1, $radius*2, $radius*2, 270, 0, $alphacolor);
- imagefilltoborder($img, $nw-1, 0, $alphacolor, $alphacolor);
- imagearc($img, $radius-1, $nh-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 90, 180, $alphacolor);
- imagefilltoborder($img, 0, $nh-1, $alphacolor, $alphacolor);
- imagearc($img, $nw-$radius, $nh-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 90, $alphacolor);
- imagefilltoborder($img, $nw-1, $nh-1, $alphacolor, $alphacolor);
- imagealphablending($img, true);
- imagecolortransparent($img, $alphacolor);
- # resize image down
- $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
- imagealphablending($dest, false);
- imagesavealpha($dest, true);
- imagefilledrectangle($dest, 0, 0, $w, $h, $alphacolor);
- imagecopyresampled($dest, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $nw, $nh);
- # output image
- $res = $dest;
- imagedestroy($src);
- imagedestroy($img);
- }
- return $res;
header("Content-Type: image/png");
$id = bin2hex(random_bytes(8));