path: root/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts
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authorRaindropsSys <>2023-04-24 14:03:36 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-04-24 14:03:36 +0200
commit633c92eae865e957121e08de634aeee11a8b3992 (patch)
tree09d881bee1dae0b6eee49db1dfaf0f500240606c /includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts
parentc4657e4509733699c0f26a3c900bab47e915d5a0 (diff)
Updated 18 files, added 1692 files and deleted includes/system/ (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1cb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/groupCall.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import { TypedEventEmitter } from "../models/typed-event-emitter";
+import { CallFeed } from "./callFeed";
+import { MatrixClient } from "../client";
+import { CallEvent, CallEventHandlerMap, MatrixCall } from "./call";
+import { RoomMember } from "../models/room-member";
+import { Room } from "../models/room";
+import { SDPStreamMetadataPurpose } from "./callEventTypes";
+import { IScreensharingOpts } from "./mediaHandler";
+import { GroupCallStats } from "./stats/groupCallStats";
+import { ByteSentStatsReport, ConnectionStatsReport } from "./stats/statsReport";
+export declare enum GroupCallIntent {
+ Ring = "m.ring",
+ Prompt = "m.prompt",
+ Room = ""
+export declare enum GroupCallType {
+ Video = "",
+ Voice = "m.voice"
+export declare enum GroupCallTerminationReason {
+ CallEnded = "call_ended"
+export type CallsByUserAndDevice = Map<string, Map<string, MatrixCall>>;
+ * Because event names are just strings, they do need
+ * to be unique over all event types of event emitter.
+ * Some objects could emit more then one set of events.
+ */
+export declare enum GroupCallEvent {
+ GroupCallStateChanged = "group_call_state_changed",
+ ActiveSpeakerChanged = "active_speaker_changed",
+ CallsChanged = "calls_changed",
+ UserMediaFeedsChanged = "user_media_feeds_changed",
+ ScreenshareFeedsChanged = "screenshare_feeds_changed",
+ LocalScreenshareStateChanged = "local_screenshare_state_changed",
+ LocalMuteStateChanged = "local_mute_state_changed",
+ ParticipantsChanged = "participants_changed",
+ Error = "group_call_error"
+export type GroupCallEventHandlerMap = {
+ [GroupCallEvent.GroupCallStateChanged]: (newState: GroupCallState, oldState: GroupCallState) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.ActiveSpeakerChanged]: (activeSpeaker: CallFeed | undefined) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.CallsChanged]: (calls: CallsByUserAndDevice) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.UserMediaFeedsChanged]: (feeds: CallFeed[]) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.ScreenshareFeedsChanged]: (feeds: CallFeed[]) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.LocalScreenshareStateChanged]: (isScreensharing: boolean, feed?: CallFeed, sourceId?: string) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.LocalMuteStateChanged]: (audioMuted: boolean, videoMuted: boolean) => void;
+ [GroupCallEvent.ParticipantsChanged]: (participants: Map<RoomMember, Map<string, ParticipantState>>) => void;
+ /**
+ * Fires whenever an error occurs when call.js encounters an issue with setting up the call.
+ * <p>
+ * The error given will have a code equal to either `MatrixCall.ERR_LOCAL_OFFER_FAILED` or
+ * `MatrixCall.ERR_NO_USER_MEDIA`. `ERR_LOCAL_OFFER_FAILED` is emitted when the local client
+ * fails to create an offer. `ERR_NO_USER_MEDIA` is emitted when the user has denied access
+ * to their audio/video hardware.
+ * @param err - The error raised by MatrixCall.
+ * @example
+ * ```
+ * matrixCall.on("error", function(err){
+ * console.error(err.code, err);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ [GroupCallEvent.Error]: (error: GroupCallError) => void;
+export declare enum GroupCallStatsReportEvent {
+ ConnectionStats = "GroupCall.connection_stats",
+ ByteSentStats = "GroupCall.byte_sent_stats"
+export type GroupCallStatsReportEventHandlerMap = {
+ [GroupCallStatsReportEvent.ConnectionStats]: (report: GroupCallStatsReport<ConnectionStatsReport>) => void;
+ [GroupCallStatsReportEvent.ByteSentStats]: (report: GroupCallStatsReport<ByteSentStatsReport>) => void;
+export declare enum GroupCallErrorCode {
+ NoUserMedia = "no_user_media",
+ UnknownDevice = "unknown_device",
+ PlaceCallFailed = "place_call_failed"
+export interface GroupCallStatsReport<T extends ConnectionStatsReport | ByteSentStatsReport> {
+ report: T;
+export declare class GroupCallError extends Error {
+ code: string;
+ constructor(code: GroupCallErrorCode, msg: string, err?: Error);
+export declare class GroupCallUnknownDeviceError extends GroupCallError {
+ userId: string;
+ constructor(userId: string);
+export declare class OtherUserSpeakingError extends Error {
+ constructor();
+export interface IGroupCallDataChannelOptions {
+ ordered: boolean;
+ maxPacketLifeTime: number;
+ maxRetransmits: number;
+ protocol: string;
+export interface IGroupCallRoomState {
+ "m.intent": GroupCallIntent;
+ "m.type": GroupCallType;
+ "io.element.ptt"?: boolean;
+ "dataChannelsEnabled"?: boolean;
+ "dataChannelOptions"?: IGroupCallDataChannelOptions;
+export interface IGroupCallRoomMemberFeed {
+ purpose: SDPStreamMetadataPurpose;
+export interface IGroupCallRoomMemberDevice {
+ device_id: string;
+ session_id: string;
+ expires_ts: number;
+ feeds: IGroupCallRoomMemberFeed[];
+export interface IGroupCallRoomMemberCallState {
+ "m.call_id": string;
+ "m.foci"?: string[];
+ "m.devices": IGroupCallRoomMemberDevice[];
+export interface IGroupCallRoomMemberState {
+ "m.calls": IGroupCallRoomMemberCallState[];
+export declare enum GroupCallState {
+ LocalCallFeedUninitialized = "local_call_feed_uninitialized",
+ InitializingLocalCallFeed = "initializing_local_call_feed",
+ LocalCallFeedInitialized = "local_call_feed_initialized",
+ Entered = "entered",
+ Ended = "ended"
+export interface ParticipantState {
+ sessionId: string;
+ screensharing: boolean;
+export declare class GroupCall extends TypedEventEmitter<GroupCallEvent | CallEvent | GroupCallStatsReportEvent, GroupCallEventHandlerMap & CallEventHandlerMap & GroupCallStatsReportEventHandlerMap> {
+ private client;
+ room: Room;
+ type: GroupCallType;
+ isPtt: boolean;
+ intent: GroupCallIntent;
+ private dataChannelsEnabled?;
+ private dataChannelOptions?;
+ activeSpeakerInterval: number;
+ retryCallInterval: number;
+ participantTimeout: number;
+ pttMaxTransmitTime: number;
+ activeSpeaker?: CallFeed;
+ localCallFeed?: CallFeed;
+ localScreenshareFeed?: CallFeed;
+ localDesktopCapturerSourceId?: string;
+ readonly userMediaFeeds: CallFeed[];
+ readonly screenshareFeeds: CallFeed[];
+ groupCallId: string;
+ readonly allowCallWithoutVideoAndAudio: boolean;
+ private readonly calls;
+ private callHandlers;
+ private activeSpeakerLoopInterval?;
+ private retryCallLoopInterval?;
+ private retryCallCounts;
+ private reEmitter;
+ private transmitTimer;
+ private participantsExpirationTimer;
+ private resendMemberStateTimer;
+ private initWithAudioMuted;
+ private initWithVideoMuted;
+ private initCallFeedPromise?;
+ private readonly stats;
+ constructor(client: MatrixClient, room: Room, type: GroupCallType, isPtt: boolean, intent: GroupCallIntent, groupCallId?: string, dataChannelsEnabled?: boolean | undefined, dataChannelOptions?: IGroupCallDataChannelOptions | undefined, isCallWithoutVideoAndAudio?: boolean);
+ private onConnectionStats;
+ private onByteSentStats;
+ create(): Promise<GroupCall>;
+ private _state;
+ /**
+ * The group call's state.
+ */
+ get state(): GroupCallState;
+ private set state(value);
+ private _participants;
+ /**
+ * The current participants in the call, as a map from members to device IDs
+ * to participant info.
+ */
+ get participants(): Map<RoomMember, Map<string, ParticipantState>>;
+ private set participants(value);
+ private _creationTs;
+ /**
+ * The timestamp at which the call was created, or null if it has not yet
+ * been created.
+ */
+ get creationTs(): number | null;
+ private set creationTs(value);
+ private _enteredViaAnotherSession;
+ /**
+ * Whether the local device has entered this call via another session, such
+ * as a widget.
+ */
+ get enteredViaAnotherSession(): boolean;
+ set enteredViaAnotherSession(value: boolean);
+ /**
+ * Executes the given callback on all calls in this group call.
+ * @param f - The callback.
+ */
+ forEachCall(f: (call: MatrixCall) => void): void;
+ getLocalFeeds(): CallFeed[];
+ hasLocalParticipant(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the given call is one that we were expecting to exist
+ * given our knowledge of who is participating in the group call.
+ */
+ private callExpected;
+ initLocalCallFeed(): Promise<void>;
+ private initLocalCallFeedInternal;
+ updateLocalUsermediaStream(stream: MediaStream): Promise<void>;
+ enter(): Promise<void>;
+ private dispose;
+ leave(): void;
+ terminate(emitStateEvent?: boolean): Promise<void>;
+ isLocalVideoMuted(): boolean;
+ isMicrophoneMuted(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Sets the mute state of the local participants's microphone.
+ * @param muted - Whether to mute the microphone
+ * @returns Whether muting/unmuting was successful
+ */
+ setMicrophoneMuted(muted: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
+ /**
+ * Sets the mute state of the local participants's video.
+ * @param muted - Whether to mute the video
+ * @returns Whether muting/unmuting was successful
+ */
+ setLocalVideoMuted(muted: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
+ setScreensharingEnabled(enabled: boolean, opts?: IScreensharingOpts): Promise<boolean>;
+ isScreensharing(): boolean;
+ private onIncomingCall;
+ /**
+ * Determines whether a given participant expects us to call them (versus
+ * them calling us).
+ * @param userId - The participant's user ID.
+ * @param deviceId - The participant's device ID.
+ * @returns Whether we need to place an outgoing call to the participant.
+ */
+ private wantsOutgoingCall;
+ /**
+ * Places calls to all participants that we're responsible for calling.
+ */
+ private placeOutgoingCalls;
+ private getMemberStateEvents;
+ private onRetryCallLoop;
+ private initCall;
+ private disposeCall;
+ private onCallFeedsChanged;
+ private onCallStateChanged;
+ private onCallHangup;
+ private onCallReplaced;
+ getUserMediaFeed(userId: string, deviceId: string): CallFeed | undefined;
+ private addUserMediaFeed;
+ private replaceUserMediaFeed;
+ private removeUserMediaFeed;
+ private onActiveSpeakerLoop;
+ getScreenshareFeed(userId: string, deviceId: string): CallFeed | undefined;
+ private addScreenshareFeed;
+ private replaceScreenshareFeed;
+ private removeScreenshareFeed;
+ /**
+ * Recalculates and updates the participant map to match the room state.
+ */
+ private updateParticipants;
+ /**
+ * Updates the local user's member state with the devices returned by the given function.
+ * @param fn - A function from the current devices to the new devices. If it
+ * returns null, the update will be skipped.
+ * @param keepAlive - Whether the request should outlive the window.
+ */
+ private updateDevices;
+ private addDeviceToMemberState;
+ private updateMemberState;
+ /**
+ * Cleans up our member state by filtering out logged out devices, inactive
+ * devices, and our own device (if we know we haven't entered).
+ */
+ cleanMemberState(): Promise<void>;
+ private onRoomState;
+ private onParticipantsChanged;
+ private onStateChanged;
+ private onLocalFeedsChanged;
+ getGroupCallStats(): GroupCallStats;
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