path: root/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts
diff options
authorRaindropsSys <>2023-04-24 14:03:36 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-04-24 14:03:36 +0200
commit633c92eae865e957121e08de634aeee11a8b3992 (patch)
tree09d881bee1dae0b6eee49db1dfaf0f500240606c /includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts
parentc4657e4509733699c0f26a3c900bab47e915d5a0 (diff)
Updated 18 files, added 1692 files and deleted includes/system/ (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts')
1 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1dc28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/external/matrix/node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/lib/webrtc/call.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+import { MatrixEvent } from "../models/event";
+import { RoomMember } from "../models/room-member";
+import { MCallAnswer, MCallHangupReject } from "./callEventTypes";
+import { CallFeed } from "./callFeed";
+import { MatrixClient } from "../client";
+import { TypedEventEmitter } from "../models/typed-event-emitter";
+import { IScreensharingOpts } from "./mediaHandler";
+import { GroupCallStats } from "./stats/groupCallStats";
+interface CallOpts {
+ roomId: string;
+ invitee?: string;
+ client: MatrixClient;
+ /**
+ * Whether relay through TURN should be forced.
+ * @deprecated use opts.forceTURN when creating the matrix client
+ * since it's only possible to set this option on outbound calls.
+ */
+ forceTURN?: boolean;
+ turnServers?: Array<TurnServer>;
+ opponentDeviceId?: string;
+ opponentSessionId?: string;
+ groupCallId?: string;
+interface TurnServer {
+ urls: Array<string>;
+ username?: string;
+ password?: string;
+ ttl?: number;
+interface AssertedIdentity {
+ id: string;
+ displayName: string;
+export declare enum CallState {
+ Fledgling = "fledgling",
+ InviteSent = "invite_sent",
+ WaitLocalMedia = "wait_local_media",
+ CreateOffer = "create_offer",
+ CreateAnswer = "create_answer",
+ Connecting = "connecting",
+ Connected = "connected",
+ Ringing = "ringing",
+ Ended = "ended"
+export declare enum CallType {
+ Voice = "voice",
+ Video = "video"
+export declare enum CallDirection {
+ Inbound = "inbound",
+ Outbound = "outbound"
+export declare enum CallParty {
+ Local = "local",
+ Remote = "remote"
+export declare enum CallEvent {
+ Hangup = "hangup",
+ State = "state",
+ Error = "error",
+ Replaced = "replaced",
+ LocalHoldUnhold = "local_hold_unhold",
+ RemoteHoldUnhold = "remote_hold_unhold",
+ HoldUnhold = "hold_unhold",
+ FeedsChanged = "feeds_changed",
+ AssertedIdentityChanged = "asserted_identity_changed",
+ LengthChanged = "length_changed",
+ DataChannel = "datachannel",
+ SendVoipEvent = "send_voip_event"
+export declare enum CallErrorCode {
+ /** The user chose to end the call */
+ UserHangup = "user_hangup",
+ /** An error code when the local client failed to create an offer. */
+ LocalOfferFailed = "local_offer_failed",
+ /**
+ * An error code when there is no local mic/camera to use. This may be because
+ * the hardware isn't plugged in, or the user has explicitly denied access.
+ */
+ NoUserMedia = "no_user_media",
+ /**
+ * Error code used when a call event failed to send
+ * because unknown devices were present in the room
+ */
+ UnknownDevices = "unknown_devices",
+ /**
+ * Error code used when we fail to send the invite
+ * for some reason other than there being unknown devices
+ */
+ SendInvite = "send_invite",
+ /**
+ * An answer could not be created
+ */
+ CreateAnswer = "create_answer",
+ /**
+ * An offer could not be created
+ */
+ CreateOffer = "create_offer",
+ /**
+ * Error code used when we fail to send the answer
+ * for some reason other than there being unknown devices
+ */
+ SendAnswer = "send_answer",
+ /**
+ * The session description from the other side could not be set
+ */
+ SetRemoteDescription = "set_remote_description",
+ /**
+ * The session description from this side could not be set
+ */
+ SetLocalDescription = "set_local_description",
+ /**
+ * A different device answered the call
+ */
+ AnsweredElsewhere = "answered_elsewhere",
+ /**
+ * No media connection could be established to the other party
+ */
+ IceFailed = "ice_failed",
+ /**
+ * The invite timed out whilst waiting for an answer
+ */
+ InviteTimeout = "invite_timeout",
+ /**
+ * The call was replaced by another call
+ */
+ Replaced = "replaced",
+ /**
+ * Signalling for the call could not be sent (other than the initial invite)
+ */
+ SignallingFailed = "signalling_timeout",
+ /**
+ * The remote party is busy
+ */
+ UserBusy = "user_busy",
+ /**
+ * We transferred the call off to somewhere else
+ */
+ Transferred = "transferred",
+ /**
+ * A call from the same user was found with a new session id
+ */
+ NewSession = "new_session"
+export declare class CallError extends Error {
+ readonly code: string;
+ constructor(code: CallErrorCode, msg: string, err: Error);
+export declare function genCallID(): string;
+export interface VoipEvent {
+ type: "toDevice" | "sendEvent";
+ eventType: string;
+ userId?: string;
+ opponentDeviceId?: string;
+ roomId?: string;
+ content: Record<string, unknown>;
+ * These now all have the call object as an argument. Why? Well, to know which call a given event is
+ * about you have three options:
+ * 1. Use a closure as the callback that remembers what call it's listening to. This can be
+ * a pain because you need to pass the listener function again when you remove the listener,
+ * which might be somewhere else.
+ * 2. Use not-very-well-known fact that EventEmitter sets 'this' to the emitter object in the
+ * callback. This doesn't really play well with modern Typescript and eslint and doesn't work
+ * with our pattern of re-emitting events.
+ * 3. Pass the object in question as an argument to the callback.
+ *
+ * Now that we have group calls which have to deal with multiple call objects, this will
+ * become more important, and I think methods 1 and 2 are just going to cause issues.
+ */
+export type CallEventHandlerMap = {
+ [CallEvent.DataChannel]: (channel: RTCDataChannel, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.FeedsChanged]: (feeds: CallFeed[], call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.Replaced]: (newCall: MatrixCall, oldCall: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.Error]: (error: CallError, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.RemoteHoldUnhold]: (onHold: boolean, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.LocalHoldUnhold]: (onHold: boolean, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.LengthChanged]: (length: number, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.State]: (state: CallState, oldState: CallState, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.Hangup]: (call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.AssertedIdentityChanged]: (call: MatrixCall) => void;
+ [CallEvent.HoldUnhold]: (onHold: boolean) => void;
+ [CallEvent.SendVoipEvent]: (event: VoipEvent, call: MatrixCall) => void;
+export declare class MatrixCall extends TypedEventEmitter<CallEvent, CallEventHandlerMap> {
+ roomId: string;
+ callId: string;
+ invitee?: string;
+ hangupParty?: CallParty;
+ hangupReason?: string;
+ direction?: CallDirection;
+ ourPartyId: string;
+ peerConn?: RTCPeerConnection;
+ toDeviceSeq: number;
+ isPtt: boolean;
+ private _state;
+ private readonly client;
+ private readonly forceTURN?;
+ private readonly turnServers;
+ private candidateSendQueue;
+ private candidateSendTries;
+ private candidatesEnded;
+ private feeds;
+ private transceivers;
+ private inviteOrAnswerSent;
+ private waitForLocalAVStream;
+ private successor?;
+ private opponentMember?;
+ private opponentVersion?;
+ private opponentPartyId;
+ private opponentCaps?;
+ private iceDisconnectedTimeout?;
+ private inviteTimeout?;
+ private readonly removeTrackListeners;
+ private remoteOnHold;
+ private callStatsAtEnd?;
+ private makingOffer;
+ private ignoreOffer;
+ private responsePromiseChain?;
+ private remoteCandidateBuffer;
+ private remoteAssertedIdentity?;
+ private remoteSDPStreamMetadata?;
+ private callLengthInterval?;
+ private callStartTime?;
+ private opponentDeviceId?;
+ private opponentDeviceInfo?;
+ private opponentSessionId?;
+ groupCallId?: string;
+ private stopVideoTrackTimer?;
+ private readonly isOnlyDataChannelAllowed;
+ private stats;
+ /**
+ * Construct a new Matrix Call.
+ * @param opts - Config options.
+ */
+ constructor(opts: CallOpts);
+ /**
+ * Place a voice call to this room.
+ * @throws If you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ */
+ placeVoiceCall(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Place a video call to this room.
+ * @throws If you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ */
+ placeVideoCall(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Create a datachannel using this call's peer connection.
+ * @param label - A human readable label for this datachannel
+ * @param options - An object providing configuration options for the data channel.
+ */
+ createDataChannel(label: string, options: RTCDataChannelInit | undefined): RTCDataChannel;
+ getOpponentMember(): RoomMember | undefined;
+ getOpponentDeviceId(): string | undefined;
+ getOpponentSessionId(): string | undefined;
+ opponentCanBeTransferred(): boolean;
+ opponentSupportsDTMF(): boolean;
+ getRemoteAssertedIdentity(): AssertedIdentity | undefined;
+ get state(): CallState;
+ private set state(value);
+ get type(): CallType;
+ get hasLocalUserMediaVideoTrack(): boolean;
+ get hasRemoteUserMediaVideoTrack(): boolean;
+ get hasLocalUserMediaAudioTrack(): boolean;
+ get hasRemoteUserMediaAudioTrack(): boolean;
+ private get hasUserMediaAudioSender();
+ private get hasUserMediaVideoSender();
+ get localUsermediaFeed(): CallFeed | undefined;
+ get localScreensharingFeed(): CallFeed | undefined;
+ get localUsermediaStream(): MediaStream | undefined;
+ get localScreensharingStream(): MediaStream | undefined;
+ get remoteUsermediaFeed(): CallFeed | undefined;
+ get remoteScreensharingFeed(): CallFeed | undefined;
+ get remoteUsermediaStream(): MediaStream | undefined;
+ get remoteScreensharingStream(): MediaStream | undefined;
+ private getFeedByStreamId;
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all CallFeeds
+ * @returns CallFeeds
+ */
+ getFeeds(): Array<CallFeed>;
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all local CallFeeds
+ * @returns local CallFeeds
+ */
+ getLocalFeeds(): Array<CallFeed>;
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of all remote CallFeeds
+ * @returns remote CallFeeds
+ */
+ getRemoteFeeds(): Array<CallFeed>;
+ private initOpponentCrypto;
+ /**
+ * Generates and returns localSDPStreamMetadata
+ * @returns localSDPStreamMetadata
+ */
+ private getLocalSDPStreamMetadata;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if there are no incoming feeds,
+ * otherwise returns false
+ * @returns no incoming feeds
+ */
+ noIncomingFeeds(): boolean;
+ private pushRemoteFeed;
+ /**
+ * This method is used ONLY if the other client doesn't support sending SDPStreamMetadata
+ */
+ private pushRemoteFeedWithoutMetadata;
+ private pushNewLocalFeed;
+ /**
+ * Pushes supplied feed to the call
+ * @param callFeed - to push
+ * @param addToPeerConnection - whether to add the tracks to the peer connection
+ */
+ pushLocalFeed(callFeed: CallFeed, addToPeerConnection?: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Removes local call feed from the call and its tracks from the peer
+ * connection
+ * @param callFeed - to remove
+ */
+ removeLocalFeed(callFeed: CallFeed): void;
+ private deleteAllFeeds;
+ private deleteFeedByStream;
+ private deleteFeed;
+ getCurrentCallStats(): Promise<any[] | undefined>;
+ private collectCallStats;
+ /**
+ * Configure this call from an invite event. Used by MatrixClient.
+ * @param event - The event
+ */
+ initWithInvite(event: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Configure this call from a hangup or reject event. Used by MatrixClient.
+ * @param event - The event
+ */
+ initWithHangup(event: MatrixEvent): void;
+ private shouldAnswerWithMediaType;
+ /**
+ * Answer a call.
+ */
+ answer(audio?: boolean, video?: boolean): Promise<void>;
+ answerWithCallFeeds(callFeeds: CallFeed[]): void;
+ /**
+ * Replace this call with a new call, e.g. for glare resolution. Used by
+ * MatrixClient.
+ * @param newCall - The new call.
+ */
+ replacedBy(newCall: MatrixCall): void;
+ /**
+ * Hangup a call.
+ * @param reason - The reason why the call is being hung up.
+ * @param suppressEvent - True to suppress emitting an event.
+ */
+ hangup(reason: CallErrorCode, suppressEvent: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Reject a call
+ * This used to be done by calling hangup, but is a separate method and protocol
+ * event as of MSC2746.
+ */
+ reject(): void;
+ /**
+ * Adds an audio and/or video track - upgrades the call
+ * @param audio - should add an audio track
+ * @param video - should add an video track
+ */
+ private upgradeCall;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this.remoteSDPStreamMetadata is defined, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns can screenshare
+ */
+ opponentSupportsSDPStreamMetadata(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * If there is a screensharing stream returns true, otherwise returns false
+ * @returns is screensharing
+ */
+ isScreensharing(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Starts/stops screensharing
+ * @param enabled - the desired screensharing state
+ * @param desktopCapturerSourceId - optional id of the desktop capturer source to use
+ * @returns new screensharing state
+ */
+ setScreensharingEnabled(enabled: boolean, opts?: IScreensharingOpts): Promise<boolean>;
+ /**
+ * Starts/stops screensharing
+ * Should be used ONLY if the opponent doesn't support SDPStreamMetadata
+ * @param enabled - the desired screensharing state
+ * @param desktopCapturerSourceId - optional id of the desktop capturer source to use
+ * @returns new screensharing state
+ */
+ private setScreensharingEnabledWithoutMetadataSupport;
+ /**
+ * Replaces/adds the tracks from the passed stream to the localUsermediaStream
+ * @param stream - to use a replacement for the local usermedia stream
+ */
+ updateLocalUsermediaStream(stream: MediaStream, forceAudio?: boolean, forceVideo?: boolean): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Set whether our outbound video should be muted or not.
+ * @param muted - True to mute the outbound video.
+ * @returns the new mute state
+ */
+ setLocalVideoMuted(muted: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
+ /**
+ * Check if local video is muted.
+ *
+ * If there are multiple video tracks, <i>all</i> of the tracks need to be muted
+ * for this to return true. This means if there are no video tracks, this will
+ * return true.
+ * @returns True if the local preview video is muted, else false
+ * (including if the call is not set up yet).
+ */
+ isLocalVideoMuted(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Set whether the microphone should be muted or not.
+ * @param muted - True to mute the mic.
+ * @returns the new mute state
+ */
+ setMicrophoneMuted(muted: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
+ /**
+ * Check if the microphone is muted.
+ *
+ * If there are multiple audio tracks, <i>all</i> of the tracks need to be muted
+ * for this to return true. This means if there are no audio tracks, this will
+ * return true.
+ * @returns True if the mic is muted, else false (including if the call
+ * is not set up yet).
+ */
+ isMicrophoneMuted(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @returns true if we have put the party on the other side of the call on hold
+ * (that is, we are signalling to them that we are not listening)
+ */
+ isRemoteOnHold(): boolean;
+ setRemoteOnHold(onHold: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether we are 'on hold' to the remote party (ie. if true,
+ * they cannot hear us).
+ * @returns true if the other party has put us on hold
+ */
+ isLocalOnHold(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Sends a DTMF digit to the other party
+ * @param digit - The digit (nb. string - '#' and '*' are dtmf too)
+ */
+ sendDtmfDigit(digit: string): void;
+ private updateMuteStatus;
+ sendMetadataUpdate(): Promise<void>;
+ private gotCallFeedsForInvite;
+ private sendAnswer;
+ private queueGotCallFeedsForAnswer;
+ private mungeSdp;
+ private createOffer;
+ private createAnswer;
+ private gotCallFeedsForAnswer;
+ /**
+ * Internal
+ */
+ private gotLocalIceCandidate;
+ private onIceGatheringStateChange;
+ onRemoteIceCandidatesReceived(ev: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Used by MatrixClient.
+ */
+ onAnswerReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ onSelectAnswerReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ onNegotiateReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ private updateRemoteSDPStreamMetadata;
+ onSDPStreamMetadataChangedReceived(event: MatrixEvent): void;
+ onAssertedIdentityReceived(event: MatrixEvent): Promise<void>;
+ callHasEnded(): boolean;
+ private queueGotLocalOffer;
+ private wrappedGotLocalOffer;
+ private gotLocalOffer;
+ private getLocalOfferFailed;
+ private getUserMediaFailed;
+ private onIceConnectionStateChanged;
+ private onSignallingStateChanged;
+ private onTrack;
+ private onDataChannel;
+ /**
+ * This method removes all video/rtx codecs from screensharing video
+ * transceivers. This is necessary since they can cause problems. Without
+ * this the following steps should produce an error:
+ * Chromium calls Firefox
+ * Firefox answers
+ * Firefox starts screen-sharing
+ * Chromium starts screen-sharing
+ * Call crashes for Chromium with:
+ * [96685:23:0518/] RTX codec (PT=97) mapped to PT=96 which is not in the codec list.
+ * [96685:23:0518/] GetChangedRecvParameters called without any video codecs.
+ * [96685:23:0518/] Failed to set local video description recv parameters for m-section with mid='2'. (INVALID_PARAMETER)
+ */
+ private getRidOfRTXCodecs;
+ private onNegotiationNeeded;
+ onHangupReceived: (msg: MCallHangupReject) => void;
+ onRejectReceived: (msg: MCallHangupReject) => void;
+ onAnsweredElsewhere: (msg: MCallAnswer) => void;
+ /**
+ * @internal
+ */
+ private sendVoipEvent;
+ /**
+ * Queue a candidate to be sent
+ * @param content - The candidate to queue up, or null if candidates have finished being generated
+ * and end-of-candidates should be signalled
+ */
+ private queueCandidate;
+ private discardDuplicateCandidates;
+ transfer(targetUserId: string): Promise<void>;
+ transferToCall(transferTargetCall: MatrixCall): Promise<void>;
+ private terminate;
+ private stopAllMedia;
+ private checkForErrorListener;
+ private sendCandidateQueue;
+ /**
+ * Place a call to this room.
+ * @throws if you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ * @throws if have passed audio=false.
+ */
+ placeCall(audio: boolean, video: boolean): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Place a call to this room with call feed.
+ * @param callFeeds - to use
+ * @throws if you have not specified a listener for 'error' events.
+ * @throws if have passed audio=false.
+ */
+ placeCallWithCallFeeds(callFeeds: CallFeed[], requestScreenshareFeed?: boolean): Promise<void>;
+ private createPeerConnection;
+ private partyIdMatches;
+ private chooseOpponent;
+ private addBufferedIceCandidates;
+ private addIceCandidates;
+ get hasPeerConnection(): boolean;
+ initStats(stats: GroupCallStats, peerId?: string): void;
+export declare function setTracksEnabled(tracks: Array<MediaStreamTrack>, enabled: boolean): void;
+export declare function supportsMatrixCall(): boolean;
+ * Use client.createCall()
+ *
+ * Create a new Matrix call for the browser.
+ * @param client - The client instance to use.
+ * @param roomId - The room the call is in.
+ * @param options - DEPRECATED optional options map.
+ * @returns the call or null if the browser doesn't support calling.
+ */
+export declare function createNewMatrixCall(client: MatrixClient, roomId: string, options?: Pick<CallOpts, "forceTURN" | "invitee" | "opponentDeviceId" | "opponentSessionId" | "groupCallId">): MatrixCall | null;
+export {};
+//# \ No newline at end of file