path: root/includes/components/
diff options
authorRaindropsSys <>2023-06-22 23:06:12 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-06-22 23:06:12 +0200
commit23563c7188e089929b60f9e10721c6fc43a220ff (patch)
treeedfe2b009c82900d4ac27db02222d2f68dcad846 /includes/components/
parent7a7a49332df7c852abbaa33c7e8e87f93d064d61 (diff)
Updated 15 files, added includes/maintenance/deleteUnusedAssets.php and deleted 4944 files (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/components/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1117 deletions
diff --git a/includes/components/ b/includes/components/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9385b67..0000000
--- a/includes/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1117 +0,0 @@
-<div id="ch-front-planner">
- <?php
- require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/util/"; global $travelling;
- require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/util/";
- require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/util/";
- require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/util/";
- require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/util/"; global $isLoggedIn; global $isUserLoggedIn; global $isLowerLoggedIn;
- require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/util/";
- require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/util/";
- require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/util/";
- global $_PROFILE;
- $cloudburst = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/planner/ynmuc.json"), true);
- $raindrops = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/planner/gdapd.json"), true);
- function fronterBadges($id) {
- global $isLowerLoggedIn;
- $metadata = parseMetadata(json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/metadata/" . $id . ".json"), true));
- if (isset($metadata["pacifier"]) && $metadata["pacifier"] && !$isLowerLoggedIn) {
- return "<img title='This pony likes to sleep with a pacifier.' data-bs-toggle='tooltip' src='/assets/logo/pacifier.png' style='margin-left:auto;float: right;opacity:.75;width:24px;height:24px;vertical-align: middle; filter: invert(1);'>";
- }
- if (isset($metadata["sleep_plush"]) && $metadata["sleep_plush"] && !$isLowerLoggedIn) {
- return "<img title='This pony likes to sleep with a plush.' data-bs-toggle='tooltip' src='/assets/logo/plush.png' style='margin-left:auto;float: right;opacity:.75;width:24px;height:24px;vertical-align: middle; filter: invert(1);'>";
- }
- return "";
- }
- foreach ($cloudburst as $id => $day) {
- foreach ($day as $index => $fronter) {
- if (is_string($fronter)) {
- $cloudburst[$id][$index] = [$fronter];
- } else if (is_array($fronter)) {
- if (count($fronter) < 2) {
- if (!isset($cloudburst[$id][$index][0])) $cloudburst[$id][$index][0] = null;
- $cloudburst[$id][$index][1] = null;
- } else if (count($fronter) > 2) {
- $array = [];
- if (isset($cloudburst[$id][$index][0])) {
- $array[0] = $cloudburst[$id][$index][0];
- } else {
- $array[0] = null;
- }
- if (isset($cloudburst[$id][$index][1])) {
- $array[1] = $cloudburst[$id][$index][1];
- } else {
- $array[1] = null;
- }
- $cloudburst[$id][$index] = $array;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($raindrops as $id => $day) {
- foreach ($day as $index => $fronter) {
- if (is_string($fronter)) {
- $raindrops[$id][$index] = [$fronter];
- } else if (is_array($fronter)) {
- if (count($fronter) < 2) {
- if (!isset($raindrops[$id][$index][0])) $raindrops[$id][$index][0] = null;
- $raindrops[$id][$index][1] = null;
- } else if (count($fronter) > 2) {
- $array = [];
- if (isset($raindrops[$id][$index][0])) {
- $array[0] = $raindrops[$id][$index][0];
- } else {
- $array[0] = null;
- }
- if (isset($raindrops[$id][$index][1])) {
- $array[1] = $raindrops[$id][$index][1];
- } else {
- $array[1] = null;
- }
- $raindrops[$id][$index] = $array;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $school = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/school.json"), true);
- function formatTime($time) {
- if ($time === "0:00") return "midnight";
- if ($time === "12:00") return "noon";
- $parts = explode(":", $time);
- $hours = (int)$parts[0];
- $ampm = "";
- if ($hours === 0 || $hours === 12) {
- $ampm = ($hours === 0 ? "am" : "pm");
- $hours = 12;
- } else {
- if ($hours > 12) {
- $ampm = "pm";
- $hours = $hours - 12;
- } else {
- $ampm = "am";
- }
- }
- if ((int)$parts[1] > 0) {
- return $hours . ":" . $parts[1] . $ampm;
- } else {
- return $hours . $ampm;
- }
- }
- function school($time, $first = false) {
- global $school;
- global $_PROFILE;
- global $isLowerLoggedIn;
- $day = date('Y-m-d', $time);
- $parts = [];
- if (isset($school[$day])) {
- if (isset($school[$day]["wakeUp"]["timestamp"])) {
- $parts[] = "waking up at " . formatTime($school[$day]["wakeUp"][$_PROFILE["login"]]);
- }
- if (isset($school[$day]["sleep"]["timestamp"])) {
- $parts[] = "sleeping at " . formatTime($school[$day]["sleep"][$_PROFILE["login"]]);
- }
- }
- if ($isLowerLoggedIn) $parts = [];
- if (count($parts) > 0) {
- if ($first) {
- return ucfirst(implode(", ", $parts));
- } else {
- return "<br>" . ucfirst(implode(", ", $parts));
- }
- } else {
- if ($first) {
- return "-";
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- }
- }
- function day($display, $diff): void { if ($diff < 0) $disabled = true; else $disabled = false; global $cloudburst; global $raindrops; global $isLowerLoggedIn; ?>
- <?php if (!isset($display)) {
- $display = date('l', time() + (86400 * $diff));
- }
- $d = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/days.json"), true);
- $t = date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff));
- if (isset($d[$t])) {
- $display = "$display ($d[$t])";
- }
- ?>
- <tr class="planner-day" id="planner-header-<?= $diff ?>" <?php if ($disabled): ?>style="opacity: .75; pointer-events: none;"<?php endif; ?>>
- <td colspan="10" style="border:none;padding:0;">
- <div style="padding:5px 10px;margin:-0.5px;border-top:1px solid #404040;border-left:1px solid #404040;border-right:1px solid #404040;border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px;"><?= $display ?></div>
- </td>
- <?php
- if (!isset($cloudburst[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))])) $cloudburst[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))] = [];
- $dayCloudburst = $cloudburst[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))];
- if (!isset($raindrops[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))])) $raindrops[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))] = [];
- $dayRaindrops = $raindrops[date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff))];
- $index = 0;
- $lengthCloudburst = count($dayCloudburst);
- $lengthRaindrops = count($dayRaindrops);
- $biggest = max($lengthCloudburst, $lengthRaindrops);
- ?>
- </tr>
- <tr class="planner-header" <?php if ($disabled): ?>style="opacity: .75; pointer-events: none;"<?php endif; ?>>
- <td colspan="5" style="border-top-color:transparent;border-right-color: transparent;">Cloudburst System</td>
- <td colspan="5" style="border-top-color:transparent;border-left-color: transparent;">Raindrops System</td>
- </tr>
- <?php for ($i = 0; $i <= $biggest; $i++): ?>
- <tr class="planner-member" <?php if ($disabled): ?>style="opacity: .75; pointer-events: none;"<?php endif; ?>>
- <?php if (isset($dayCloudburst[$index])): ?>
- <td class="planner-member-id" style="border-right-color: transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;">
- <?= $index + 1 ?>
- </td>
- <td class="planner-link" style="width:50vw;border-right-color: transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;" <?php if (!isset($dayCloudburst[$index][1])): ?>colspan="3" <?php else: ?>colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>>
- <?php $member = getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[$index][0]); ?>
- <?php if ($member["name"] === "fusion"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Multiple merged members</span></span></span></a>
- <?php elseif ($member["name"] === "unknown"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Other/unknown/fallback pony</span></span></span></a>
- <?php else: ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><?= !isset($dayCloudburst[$index][1]) ? $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] : getMiniName($member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"]) ?></span><?= $index === count($dayCloudburst) - 1 ? fronterBadges($member["id"]) : "" ?></span></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php if (!isset($dayCloudburst[$index][1])): ?>
- <td class="planner-cofronter-inner planner-link" style="width:5%;text-align:center;border-left-color: transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;"><?php if (!$isLowerLoggedIn): ?>
- <a onclick="addCofronter('cloudburst', <?= $diff ?>, <?= $index ?>);" class="planner-add-link planner-add-link-cofronter">
- <span class="planner-add-link-cofronter-inner"><img src="/assets/icons/add.svg" alt="" class="planner-add-icon"></span>
- </a><?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php else: ?>
- <td class="planner-link" style="border-bottom-color: transparent;width:41.35vw;" colspan="2">
- <?php $member = getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[$index][1]); ?>
- <?php if ($member["name"] === "fusion"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Multiple merged members</span></span></span></a>
- <?php elseif ($member["name"] === "unknown"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Other/unknown/fallback pony</span></span></span></a>
- <?php else: ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('cloudburst', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><?= !isset($dayCloudburst[$index][1]) ? $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] : getMiniName($member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"]) ?></span><?= $index === count($dayCloudburst) - 1 ? fronterBadges($member["id"]) : "" ?></span></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php elseif ($index === count($dayCloudburst)): if (!$isLowerLoggedIn): ?>
- <td class="planner-add-inner planner-link" colspan="5" style="border-top-color: transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;">
- <a onclick="addFronter('cloudburst', <?= $diff ?>, <?= $index ?>);" id="planner-add-link-cloudburst-<?= $diff ?>" class="planner-add-link">
- <div class="planner-add-link-inner">
- <img src="/assets/icons/add.svg" alt="" class="planner-add-icon">
- <span class="planner-add-text">Add new fronter</span>
- </div>
- </a>
- </td>
- <?php endif; else: ?>
- <td colspan="5" class="planner-empty" style="border-top-color:transparent;border-bottom-color:transparent;"></td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if (isset($dayRaindrops[$index])): ?>
- <td class="planner-member-id" style="border-bottom-color: transparent;border-right-color: transparent;">
- <?= $index + 1 ?>
- </td>
- <?php $member = getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[$index][0]); ?>
- <td class="planner-link" style="border-right-color:transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;width:50vw;" <?php if (!isset($dayRaindrops[$index][1])): ?>colspan="3" <?php else: ?>colspan="2"<?php endif; ?>>
- <?php if ($member["name"] === "fusion"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Multiple merged members</span></span></span></a>
- <?php elseif ($member["name"] === "unknown"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Other/unknown/fallback pony</span></span></span></a>
- <?php else: ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditFronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><?= !isset($dayRaindrops[$index][1]) ? $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] : getMiniName($member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"]) ?></span><?= $index === count($dayRaindrops) - 1 ? fronterBadges($member["id"]) : "" ?></span></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php if (!isset($dayRaindrops[$index][1])): ?>
- <td class="planner-cofronter-inner planner-link" style="border-bottom-color: transparent;border-left-color: transparent;width:5%;text-align:center;"><?php if (!$isLowerLoggedIn): ?>
- <a onclick="addCofronter('raindrops', <?= $diff ?>, <?= $index ?>);" class="planner-add-link planner-add-link-cofronter">
- <span class="planner-add-link-cofronter-inner"><img src="/assets/icons/add.svg" alt="" class="planner-add-icon"></span>
- </a><?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php else: ?>
- <td class="planner-link" style="border-bottom-color:transparent;width:41.35vw;" colspan="2">
- <?php $member = getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[$index][1]); ?>
- <?php if ($member["name"] === "fusion"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Multiple merged members</span></span></span></a>
- <?php elseif ($member["name"] === "unknown"): ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><span class="merge-desktop" style="opacity:.75;">Other/unknown/fallback pony</span></span></span></a>
- <?php else: ?>
- <a class="member-link" onclick="openEditCofronter('raindrops', <?= $index ?>, '<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * $diff)) ?>')"><span class="member-link-inner"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <span class="member-link-text"><?= !isset($dayRaindrops[$index][1]) ? $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] : getMiniName($member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"]) ?></span><?= $index === count($dayRaindrops) - 1 ? fronterBadges($member["id"]) : "" ?></span></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php elseif ($index === count($dayRaindrops)): if (!$isLowerLoggedIn): ?>
- <td class="planner-add-inner planner-link" colspan="5" style="border-top-color: transparent;border-bottom-color: transparent;">
- <a onclick="addFronter('raindrops', <?= $diff ?>, <?= $index ?>);" id="planner-add-link-raindrops-<?= $diff ?>" class="planner-add-link">
- <div class="planner-add-link-inner">
- <img src="/assets/icons/add.svg" alt="" class="planner-add-icon">
- <span class="planner-add-text">Add new fronter</span>
- </div>
- </a>
- </td>
- <?php endif; else: ?>
- <td colspan="5" class="planner-empty" style="border-top-color:transparent;border-bottom-color:transparent;"></td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php $index++; endfor; ?>
- <tr class="planner-day planner-end-of-day" <?php if ($disabled): ?>style="opacity: .75; pointer-events: none;"<?php endif; ?>>
- <td colspan="10" style="padding: 0;border:none;">
- <div style="padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid #404040;margin:-1px;border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;">
- <?php if (count($dayCloudburst) > 0 && count($dayRaindrops) > 0): ?>
- <?= getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[count($dayCloudburst) - 1][0])["display_name"] ?? getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[count($dayCloudburst) - 1][0])["name"] ?><?php if (isset($dayCloudburst[count($dayCloudburst) - 1][1])): echo(" and " . getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[count($dayCloudburst) - 1][1])["display_name"] ?? getMemberWithoutSystem($dayCloudburst[count($dayCloudburst) - 1][1])["name"]); endif; ?> will sleep with <?= getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[count($dayRaindrops) - 1][0])["display_name"] ?? getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[count($dayRaindrops) - 1][0])["name"] ?><?php if (isset($dayRaindrops[count($dayRaindrops) - 1][1])): echo(" and " . getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[count($dayRaindrops) - 1][1])["display_name"] ?? getMemberWithoutSystem($dayRaindrops[count($dayRaindrops) - 1][1])["name"]); endif; ?>
- <?php else: ?>
- <?= school(time() + 86400 * $diff, true) ?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="planner-separator"></tr>
- <?php
- }
- if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/cache/planner.json")) file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/cache/planner.json", "{}");
- $cache = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/cache/planner.json"), true);
- if (!isset($cache["content"]) || date('Y-m-d') !== $cache["day"]) {
- ob_start(); ?>
- <style>
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- }
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- .planner-header td {
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- }
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- border: 1px solid #404040;
- padding: 5px 10px;
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- font-weight: bold;
- }
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- }
- .planner-end-of-day td {
- border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
- }
- .planner-separator {
- height: 20px;
- }
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- text-align: right;
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- cursor: pointer;
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- color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .75);
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- }
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- width: 24px;
- vertical-align: middle;
- opacity: .75;
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- }
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- background-color: #222;
- border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .125);
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- background-color: #222;
- border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .125);
- opacity: .75;
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- background-color: #252525;
- color: #ddd;
- }
- .list-group-item:active, .list-group-item:focus {
- background-color: #272727;
- color: #bbb;
- }
- .member-link, .list-group-item-action {
- cursor: pointer !important;
- }
- .merge-mobile {
- display: none;
- }
- @media (max-width: 768px) {
- .merge-desktop {
- display: none;
- }
- .merge-mobile {
- display: inline;
- }
- }
- @media (max-width: 991px) {
- .member-link-text {
- display: none;
- }
- .planner-link .member-link {
- text-align: center;
- }
- }
- .member-link, .planner-link {
- background-color: transparent !important;
- }
- .member-link-inner, .planner-add-link-inner, .planner-add-link-cofronter-inner {
- display: block;
- padding: 3px 7px;
- border-radius: 5px;
- }
- .planner-add-link-cofronter-inner {
- border-radius: 100%;
- width: max-content;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
- }
- .planner-add-link-cofronter-inner .planner-add-icon {
- margin-top: -2px;
- }
- .member-link, .planner-add-link-inner, .planner-add-link-cofronter-inner {
- padding: 2px 3px !important;
- }
- .member-link:hover .member-link-inner, .planner-add-link:hover .planner-add-link-inner, .planner-add-link-cofronter:hover .planner-add-link-cofronter-inner {
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .125);
- }
- </style>
- <h2>Front planner</h2>
- <div class="alert alert-warning">
- <b>The fronting schedule will be removed on June 15<sup>th</sup>.</b> Due to internal discussion, we have decided to remove the fronting schedule as it is causing a lot of trouble inside the respective systems. Archives will be kept in the database.
- </div>
- <table id="planner">
- <tbody>
- <?php
- if (time() - 86400 < 1686787200) day("Yesterday", -1);
- if (time() < 1686787200) day("Today", 0);
- if (time() + 86400 < 1686787200) day("Tomorrow", 1);
- if (time() + 86400 * 2 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 2), 2);
- if (time() + 86400 * 3 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 3), 3);
- if (time() + 86400 * 4 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 4), 4);
- if (time() + 86400 * 5 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 5), 5);
- if (time() + 86400 * 6 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 6), 6);
- if (time() + 86400 * 7 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 7), 7);
- if (time() + 86400 * 8 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 8), 8);
- if (time() + 86400 * 9 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 9), 9);
- if (time() + 86400 * 10 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 10), 10);
- if (time() + 86400 * 12 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 11), 11);
- if (time() + 86400 * 12 < 1686787200) day(date('l j', time() + 86400 * 12), 12);
- ?>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <!--suppress JSUnresolvedVariable, JSUnresolvedFunction -->
- <script>
- window.currentWorkingDate;
- window.fronting = JSON.parse(window.atob(`<?= base64_encode(json_encode([
- "raindrops" => $raindrops,
- "cloudburst" => $cloudburst
- ])) ?>`));
- window.names = JSON.parse(window.atob(`<?php
- $names = [];
- foreach (json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/gdapd/members.json"), true) as $member) {
- $names[$member['id']] = $member['display_name'] ?? $member['name'];
- }
- foreach (json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/ynmuc/members.json"), true) as $member) {
- $names[$member['id']] = $member['display_name'] ?? $member['name'];
- }
- echo(base64_encode(json_encode($names))) ?>`));
- window.relations = JSON.parse(window.atob(`<?php
- $relations = [];
- foreach (scoreOrderGlobal() as $member) {
- $relations[$member['id']] = array_values(array_unique(array_map(function ($i) {
- return explode("/", $i)[1];
- }, [...($member["_metadata"]["marefriends"] ?? []), ...($member["_metadata"]["sisters"] ?? []), ...($member["_metadata"]["caretakers"] ?? []), ...($member["_metadata"]["friends"] ?? []), ...($member["_metadata"]["sexfriends"] ?? [])])));
- }
- echo(base64_encode(json_encode($relations))) ?>`));
- function getSuggestedPonies() {
- if (window.fronting[window.addSystem === "gdapd" ? "cloudburst" : "raindrops"][window.currentWorkingDate][window.addIndex]) {
- let otherPony = window.fronting[window.addSystem === "gdapd" ? "cloudburst" : "raindrops"][window.currentWorkingDate][window.addIndex][0];
- let availablePonies = window.relations[window.fronting[window.addSystem === "gdapd" ? "cloudburst" : "raindrops"][window.currentWorkingDate][window.addIndex][0]];
- if (availablePonies) {
- document.getElementById("associated-results").innerHTML = "";
- for (let pony of availablePonies) {
- if (document.getElementById("list-pony-" + pony)) {
- document.getElementById("associated-results").innerHTML += document.getElementById("list-pony-" + pony).outerHTML;
- }
- }
- document.getElementById("list").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("associated-results").style.display = "";
- }
- }
- }
- function ordinal(n) {
- let s = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"];
- let v = n % 100;
- return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]);
- }
- function openEditFronter(system, id, date) {
- let display = formatDate(date).display;
- window.selectedFronting = {
- system: system === "cloudburst" ? "ynmuc" : "gdapd",
- date: date,
- index: id
- }
- if (fronting[system][date][id][0] === "lzlaq" || fronting[system][date][id][0] === "irxyh") {
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-name").innerText = "merged members";
- } else {
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-name").innerText = names[fronting[system][date][id][0]] ?? fronting[system][date][id][0] + " [" + fronting[system][date][id][0] + "]";
- }
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-date").innerText = display;
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-pos").innerText = ordinal(id + 1);
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-system").innerText = system === "cloudburst" ? "Cloudburst System" : "Raindrops System";
- let modal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('edit-fronter'));
- }
- function openEditCofronter(system, id, date) {
- let display = formatDate(date).display;
- window.selectedFronting = {
- system: system === "cloudburst" ? "ynmuc" : "gdapd",
- date: date,
- index: id
- }
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-name").innerText = names[fronting[system][date][id][1]] ?? fronting[system][date][id][1];
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-name2").innerText = names[fronting[system][date][id][0]] ?? fronting[system][date][id][0];
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-date").innerText = display;
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-pos").innerText = ordinal(id + 1);
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-system").innerText = system === "cloudburst" ? "Cloudburst System" : "Raindrops System";
- let modal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('edit-cofronter'));
- }
- function formatDate(offset) {
- let date;
- let display;
- switch (offset) {
- case 0:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time()) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d') ?>";
- display = "today";
- break;
- case 1:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400) ?>";
- display = "tomorrow";
- break;
- case 2:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 2)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 2)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 2)) ?>";
- break;
- case 3:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 3)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 3)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 3)) ?>";
- break;
- case 4:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 4)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 4)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 4)) ?>";
- break;
- case 5:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 5)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 5)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 5)) ?>";
- break;
- case 6:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 6)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 6)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 6)) ?>";
- break;
- case 7:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 7)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 7)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 7)) ?>";
- break;
- case 8:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 8)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 8)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 8)) ?>";
- break;
- case 9:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 9)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 9)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 9)) ?>";
- break;
- case 10:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 10)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 10)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 10)) ?>";
- break;
- case 11:
- case "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 11)) ?>":
- date = "<?= date('Y-m-d', time() + (86400 * 11)) ?>";
- display = "on <?= date('l', time() + (86400 * 11)) ?>";
- break;
- }
- return {date, display};
- }
- function addCofronter(system, offset, index) {
- let date = formatDate(offset).date;
- let display = formatDate(offset).display;
- window.selectedFronting = {
- system: system === "cloudburst" ? "ynmuc" : "gdapd",
- date: date,
- index: index
- }
- window.currentWorkingDate = date;
- document.getElementById("new-cofronter-date").innerText = display;
- document.getElementById("new-cofronter-system").innerText = system === "cloudburst" ? "Cloudburst System" : "Raindrops System";
- window.addSystem = system === "raindrops" ? "gdapd" : "ynmuc";
- if (fronting[system][date][index][0] === "lzlaq" || fronting[system][date][index][0] === "irxyh") {
- document.getElementById("new-cofronter-main").innerText = "merged members";
- } else {
- document.getElementById("new-cofronter-main").innerText = names[fronting[system][date][index][0]] ?? fronting[system][date][index][0];
- }
- document.getElementById("list2").style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("search2-results").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("search2").value = "";
- let modal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('new-cofronter'));
- document.getElementById("search2").focus();
- }
- function addFronter(system, offset, index) {
- let date = formatDate(offset).date;
- let display = formatDate(offset).display;
- window.currentWorkingDate = date;
- window.addIndex = index;
- document.getElementById("new-fronter-date").innerText = display;
- document.getElementById("new-fronter-system").innerText = system === "cloudburst" ? "Cloudburst System" : "Raindrops System";
- window.addSystem = system === "raindrops" ? "gdapd" : "ynmuc";
- document.getElementById("list").style.display = "block";
- getSuggestedPonies();
- document.getElementById("search-results").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("search").value = "";
- let modal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('new-fronter'));
- document.getElementById("search").focus();
- }
- function confirmFronterAdd(system, id) {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("new-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("new-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=add&d=" + window.currentWorkingDate + "&m=" + id + "&s=" + system).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function confirmCofronterAdd(system, id) {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("new-cofronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("new-cofronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=cofront&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&m=" + id + "&s=" + system + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function deleteFronter() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=delete&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function deleteCofronter() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-cofronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-cofronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=codelete&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function moveFronterDown() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=down&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function moveFronterBottom() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=bottom&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function viewFronterPage() {
- let id = fronting[window.selectedFronting["system"] === "ynmuc" ? "cloudburst" : "raindrops"][window.selectedFronting["date"]][window.selectedFronting["index"]][0];
- location.href = "/" + id;
- }
- function viewCofronterPage() {
- let id = fronting[window.selectedFronting["system"] === "ynmuc" ? "cloudburst" : "raindrops"][window.selectedFronting["date"]][window.selectedFronting["index"]][1];
- location.href = "/" + id;
- }
- function moveFronterUp() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=up&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- function moveFronterTop() {
- Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("edit-fronter-link")).forEach((i) => {
- i.classList.add("disabled");
- });
- document.getElementById("edit-fronter-close").classList.add("disabled");
- window.fetch("/api/fronter?t=top&d=" + window.selectedFronting["date"] + "&i=" + window.selectedFronting["index"] + "&s=" + window.selectedFronting["system"]).then(() => {
- location.reload();
- });
- }
- </script>
- <div class="modal" id="new-fronter" data-bs-backdrop="static" data-bs-keyboard="false">
- <div class="modal-dialog">
- <div class="modal-content">
- <div class="modal-header">
- <h4 class="modal-title">Add new fronter <span id="new-fronter-date">n/a</span></h4>
- <button id="new-fronter-close" type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal"></button>
- </div>
- <div class="modal-body">
- <p class="text-muted">Adding for the <span id="new-fronter-system">n/a</span></p>
- <input type="text" placeholder="Search for a pony..." class="form-control" style="margin-bottom:15px;color:white;background:#111;border-color:#222;" id="search">
- <div id="list">
- <div class="list-group">
- <?php foreach (array_filter(scoreOrderGlobal(), function ($i) { return $i["system"] === "gdapd" || $i["system"] === "ynmuc"; }) as $member): ?>
- <a id="list-pony-<?= $member['id'] ?>" onclick="confirmFronterAdd(window.addSystem, '<?= $member['id'] ?>');" class="new-fronter-link list-group-item list-group-item-action"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <?= $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] ?> [<?= $member["id"] ?>]<peh-schedule-add></peh-schedule-add></a>
- <?php endforeach; $member = getSystemMember("gdapd", "irxyh") ?>
- <a id="list-pony-irxyh" onclick="confirmFronterAdd(window.addSystem, 'irxyh');" class="new-fronter-link list-group-item list-group-item-action"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo3.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span style="opacity:.75">Multiple merged members</span></a>
- <a id="list-pony-zdtsg" onclick="confirmFronterAdd(window.addSystem, 'zdtsg');" class="new-fronter-link list-group-item list-group-item-action"><img src="/assets/logo/newlogo3.png" style="filter:grayscale(1);width:24px;"> <span style="opacity:.75">Other/unknown</span></a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="search-results" class="list-group"></div>
- <div id="associated-results" class="list-group"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="modal" id="new-cofronter" data-bs-backdrop="static" data-bs-keyboard="false">
- <div class="modal-dialog">
- <div class="modal-content">
- <div class="modal-header">
- <h4 class="modal-title">Add new co-fronter <span id="new-cofronter-date">n/a</span> with <span id="new-cofronter-main">n/a</span></h4>
- <button id="new-cofronter-close" type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal"></button>
- </div>
- <div class="modal-body">
- <p class="text-muted">Adding for the <span id="new-cofronter-system">n/a</span></p>
- <input type="text" placeholder="Search for a pony..." class="form-control" style="margin-bottom:15px;color:white;background:#111;border-color:#222;" id="search2">
- <div id="list2">
- <div class="list-group">
- <?php foreach (array_filter(scoreOrderGlobal(), function ($i) { return $i["system"] === "gdapd" || $i["system"] === "ynmuc"; }) as $member): ?>
- <a id="list2-pony-<?= $member['id'] ?>" onclick="confirmCofronterAdd(window.addSystem, '<?= $member['id'] ?>');" class="new-cofronter-link list-group-item list-group-item-action"><img src="<?= getAsset($member["system"], $member["id"], "heads") ?>" style="width:24px;"> <?= $member["display_name"] ?? $member["name"] ?><peh-schedule-add></peh-schedule-add></a>
- <?php endforeach; $member = getSystemMember("gdapd", "irxyh") ?>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="search2-results" class="list-group"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="modal" id="edit-fronter" data-bs-backdrop="static" data-bs-keyboard="false">
- <div class="modal-dialog">
- <div class="modal-content">
- <div class="modal-header">
- <h4 class="modal-title">Edit <span id="edit-fronter-name">n/a</span> fronting in <span id="edit-fronter-pos">n/a</span> <span id="edit-fronter-date">n/a</span></h4>
- <button id="edit-fronter-close" type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal"></button>
- </div>
- <div class="modal-body">
- <p class="text-muted">Editing for the <span id="edit-fronter-system">n/a</span></p>
- <div class="list-group" id="list-cloudburst">
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="deleteFronter();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/delete.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Delete</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="moveFronterTop();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/top.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Move to the top</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="moveFronterUp();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/up.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Move up</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="moveFronterDown();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/down.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Move down</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="moveFronterBottom();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/bottom.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Move to the bottom</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-fronter-link" onclick="viewFronterPage();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/page.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">View page</span>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="modal" id="edit-cofronter" data-bs-backdrop="static" data-bs-keyboard="false">
- <div class="modal-dialog">
- <div class="modal-content">
- <div class="modal-header">
- <h4 class="modal-title">Edit <span id="edit-cofronter-name">n/a</span> fronting with <span id="edit-cofronter-name2">n/a</span> in <span id="edit-cofronter-pos">n/a</span> <span id="edit-cofronter-date">n/a</span></h4>
- <button id="edit-cofronter-close" type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal"></button>
- </div>
- <div class="modal-body">
- <p class="text-muted">Editing for the <span id="edit-cofronter-system">n/a</span></p>
- <div class="list-group" id="list-cloudburst">
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-cofronter-link <?= $isLowerLoggedIn ? "disabled" : "" ?>" onclick="deleteCofronter();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/delete.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Delete</span>
- </a>
- <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action edit-cofronter-link" onclick="viewCofronterPage();">
- <img src="/assets/icons/page.svg" style="width:24px;filter:invert(1);vertical-align: middle;">
- <span style="vertical-align: middle;">View page</span>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <script src="/assets/editor/fuse.js"></script>
- <!--suppress JSUnresolvedFunction -->
- <script>
- window.poniesList = JSON.parse(atob(`<?= base64_encode(json_encode(array_values(scoreOrderGlobal()))) ?>`));
- const fuse = new Fuse(window.poniesList, {
- includeScore: true,
- keys: [
- {
- name: 'name',
- weight: 1
- },
- {
- name: 'display_name',
- weight: 1
- },
- {
- name: 'id',
- weight: 0.7
- },
- {
- name: 'species',
- weight: 0.5
- }
- ]
- })
- function search(event) {
- if (event.key === "Enter") {
- return;
- }
- let query = document.getElementById("search").value;
- let results = => {
- return {
- id:,
- score: i.score
- };
- });
- let unfiltered = results;
- results = results.filter((i) => {
- return i.score < 0.7;
- });
- console.log("Before:", unfiltered, "After:", results);
- document.getElementById("list").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("search-results").style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("search-results").innerHTML = "";
- for (let result of results) {
- if (document.getElementById("list-pony-" + document.getElementById("search-results").innerHTML += document.getElementById("list-pony-" +;
- }
- console.log(results);
- if (query.trim() === "") {
- document.getElementById("list").style.display = "block";
- getSuggestedPonies();
- document.getElementById("search-results").style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- document.getElementById("search").onchange = document.getElementById("search").onkeyup = document.getElementById("search").onkeydown = search;
- document.getElementById("search").addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
- if (event.key === "Enter") {
- document.querySelector("#search-results .new-fronter-link").click();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- function search2(event) {
- if (event.key === "Enter") {
- return;
- }
- let query = document.getElementById("search2").value;
- let results = => {
- return {
- id:,
- score: i.score
- };
- });
- let unfiltered = results;
- results = results.filter((i) => {
- return i.score < 0.7;
- });
- console.log("Before:", unfiltered, "After:", results);
- document.getElementById("list2").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("search2-results").style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("search2-results").innerHTML = "";
- for (let result of results) {
- document.getElementById("search2-results").innerHTML += document.getElementById("list2-pony-" +;
- }
- console.log(results);
- if (query.trim() === "") {
- document.getElementById("list2").style.display = "block";
- document.getElementById("search2-results").style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- document.getElementById("search2").onchange = document.getElementById("search2").onkeyup = document.getElementById("search2").onkeydown = search2;
- document.getElementById("search2").addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
- if (event.key === "Enter") {
- document.querySelector("#search2-results .new-cofronter-link").click();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- </script>
- <?php
- $cache["content"] = ob_get_contents();
- $cache["day"] = date('Y-m-d');
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- echo($cache["content"]);
- file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/cache/planner.json", json_encode($cache));
- file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/planner/ynmuc.json", json_encode($cloudburst));
- file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/planner/gdapd.json", json_encode($raindrops));
- ?>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file