path: root/includes/ai.php
diff options
authorMinteck <>2022-09-21 22:42:33 +0200
committerMinteck <>2022-09-21 22:42:33 +0200
commite95b208af90cc386a7d8d1bcab426727cf4f0121 (patch)
treeb293e0c644513fbeb6e9ad29be97fa6347a55e9f /includes/ai.php
parentb5f589c323f415bb42ea7069cb4d1a8a2233dd69 (diff)
Update time
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/ai.php')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/ai.php b/includes/ai.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5f7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/ai.php
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+global $memberData;
+global $metadata;
+global $systemCommonName;
+global $system;
+$profile = [
+ hexdec(substr(md5($memberData["id"]), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(sha1($memberData["id"]), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(md5(strrev($memberData["id"])), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(sha1(strrev($memberData["id"])), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(md5(strtoupper($memberData["id"])), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(sha1(strtoupper($memberData["id"])), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(md5(strtoupper(strrev($memberData["id"]))), 0, 1)),
+ hexdec(substr(sha1(strtoupper(strrev($memberData["id"]))), 0, 1)),
+if (!function_exists("component")) {
+ function component(int $parts, int $num, int $index = 0): bool {
+ global $profile;
+ $item = round(15 / $parts);
+ $split = (int)round($profile[$index] / $item);
+ return $split === $num;
+ }
+if (!function_exists("shouldHaveAn")) {
+ function shouldHaveAn(string $str): bool {
+ if (in_array(substr(strtolower($str), 0, 1), ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y", "h"])) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+if (!function_exists("getSpeciesName")) {
+ function getSpeciesName(string $species, bool $canHaveMareSuffix = false): string {
+ global $metadata;
+ return match ($species) {
+ "earth" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot earth pony" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "earth pony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") :
+ "earth pony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"),
+ "alicorn" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot alicorn" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "alicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") :
+ "alicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"),
+ "crystal" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot crystal pony" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "crystal pony" :
+ "crystal pony plush"),
+ "pegasus" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot pegasus" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "pegasus" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") :
+ "pegasus" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"),
+ "batpony" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot batpony" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "batpony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") :
+ "batpony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"),
+ "unicorn" => $metadata["robot"] ?
+ "robot unicorn" :
+ (!$metadata["plush"] ? "unicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") :
+ "unicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"),
+ default => $species . "_" . $metadata["robot"]
+ };
+ }
+if (!function_exists("listing")) {
+ function listing(array $list): string {
+ $out = "";
+ foreach (array_values($list) as $index => $value) {
+ $mem = getSystemMember(explode("/", $value)[0], explode("/", $value)[1]);
+ $value = "<a href='/" . $mem["name"] . "'>" . getMiniName($mem["display_name"] ?? $mem["name"]) . "</a>";
+ if ($index === 0) {
+ $out = $value;
+ } else if ($index < count(array_values($list)) - 1) {
+ $out .= ", " . $value;
+ } else {
+ $out .= " and " . $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+$iam = 0;
+$multipleNames = count(explode("/", $memberData["display_name"])) > 1;
+$otherNames = explode("/", $memberData["display_name"]);
+if ($memberData["name"] === "scootaloo" && ((int)date('N') - 1) % 2 === 0) {
+ $metadata["marefriends"] = array_reverse($metadata["marefriends"]);
+<!-- Intro -->
+<?php if (component(4, 1)): ?>
+ Hello,
+<?php elseif (component(4, 2)): ?>
+ Hi,
+<?php elseif (component(4, 3)): ?>
+ Hey,
+<?php else: ?>
+ Hey there!</p><p>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<!-- Name -->
+<?= component(3, 2, 2) ? (component(4, 4) ? "My name is" : "my name is") : (component(3, 1, 2) ? "I am" : "I'm") ?> <?= explode("/", $memberData["display_name"] ?? $memberData["name"])[0] ?><?= $multipleNames && component(2, 1, 4) ? " (or " . implode("/", $otherNames) . ")" : "" ?>,
+<!-- Role -->
+<?= component(2, 2, 1) ? "I'm " : "I am " ?><?php $iam++; ?>
+<?php if ($metadata["host"]): ?>the most common fronter
+<?php elseif ($metadata["protector"]): ?>a protector
+<?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "part" : "a member" ?> <?php endif; ?>
+of the <a href="/<?= $system ?>"><?= $systemCommonName ?></a>,<?php if (isset($metadata["median"])): ?>
+ <?php if ($metadata["little"] > 0): $source = getMember($metadata["median"]); ?><?php $iam++; ?><?= component(2, 2, 2) ? "I'm " : "I am " ?><?php $iam++; ?><?= component(2, 2, 4) ? "an age regressed version of" : "age regressed from" ?> <a href="/<?= $source["name"] ?>"><?= getMiniName($source["display_name"] ?? $source["name"]) ?></a>,<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endif; ?> <?= ($iam >= 3) ? "and" : (component(2, 2, 1) ? "I'm" : "I am") ?><?php $iam++; ?>
+<!-- Species -->
+<?php if ($iam >= 3 && component(2, 1, 4)): ?>also <?php endif; ?>
+<?php if (count($metadata["species"]) === 2): ?>
+<?= component(2, 1) ? "both " : "" ?>a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0]) ?> and a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][1])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][1], true) ?>
+<?php elseif (count($metadata["species"]) === 3): ?>
+a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0]) ?>, a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][1])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][1]) ?> and a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][2])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][2], true) ?>
+<?php else: ?>
+a<?= shouldHaveAn(getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0])) ? "n" : "" ?> <?= getSpeciesName($metadata["species"][0], true) ?><?php endif; ?><?php if ($iam >= 3 && component(2, 2, 4)): ?> too<?php endif; ?><!-- Pronouns --><?php if (isset($memberData["pronouns"]) && $memberData["pronouns"] !== "she/her"): ?>
+, <?= component(3, 1, 3) ? "I use " . $memberData["pronouns"] . " pronouns" : (component(3, 2, 3) ? "my pronouns are " . $memberData["pronouns"] : "I go with " . $memberData["pronouns"]) ?>
+<?php endif; ?>.
+<!-- Shared memory -->
+<?php $iamFacts = 0; $factGiven = false; if ($metadata["shared_memory"] === 1): ?>
+ <?php $factGiven = true;
+ if (component(3, 1, 4)): ?>
+ Depending on the circumstances, I may not share memories with my headmates
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 4)): ?>
+ I may not share memories with my headmates depending on the circumstances
+ <?php else: ?>
+ I sometimes <?= component(2, 2, 1) ? "don't" : "do not" ?> share memories with my headmates
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php elseif ($metadata["shared_memory"] === 0): ?>
+ <?php $factGiven = true;
+ if (component(3, 1, 4)): ?>
+ I <?= component(2, 2, 1) ? "don't" : "do not" ?> share memories with my headmates
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 4)): ?>
+ I <?= component(2, 2, 1) ? "don't" : "do not" ?> have access to my headmates' memories
+ <?php else: ?>
+ I <?= component(2, 2, 1) ? "can't" : "cannot" ?> have access to my headmates' memories
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<!-- Fictive -->
+<?php if ($metadata["fictive"]): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> a fictive
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> from Equestria
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I come from Equestria
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Less frequent -->
+<?php if ($metadata["less_frequent"]): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> fronting less often
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> less often at front
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I like to front less often
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Non verbal IRL -->
+<?php if ($metadata["nonverbal"]): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> nonverbal in real life
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; ?> not talking in real life
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I don't talk in real life
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Age regression -->
+<?php if ($metadata["little"] === 1): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ an age regressor
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ capable of age regression
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I can age regress
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Younger -->
+<?php if ($metadata["little"] === 3): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ younger than the body is
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ younger but not enough to be considered a little
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I feel <?= component(2, 2, 5) ? "kinda" : "kind of" ?> younger than my headmates
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Age spells -->
+<?php if ($metadata["age_spells"] && $metadata["little"] !== 1 && !(isset($metadata["median"]) && $metadata["little"] > 0)): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 4)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ affected by spells to make me feel younger
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 4)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ affected by age spells
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ age regression spells can affect me
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Little -->
+<?php if ($metadata["little"] === 2): ?>
+ <?php if (component(3, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ a lot younger than the body is
+ <?php elseif (component(3, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ a little
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I feel a lot younger than my headmates
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Marefriends -->
+<?php $factGiven = false; $iamFacts = 0; if (count($metadata["marefriends"]) > 0): ?>
+ <?php if (component(4, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ <?php if (count($metadata["marefriends"]) > 1): ?>in relationships with<?php else: ?>in a relationship with<?php endif; ?> <?= listing($metadata["marefriends"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if (count($metadata["marefriends"]) > 1): ?>My marefriends are<?php else: ?>My marefriend is<?php endif; ?> <?= listing($metadata["marefriends"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 3, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?= listing($metadata["marefriends"]) ?> <?php if (count($metadata["marefriends"]) > 1): ?>are my marefriends<?php else: ?>is my marefriend<?php endif; ?>
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ I love <?= listing($metadata["marefriends"]) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Sisters -->
+<?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 0): ?>
+ <?php if (component(4, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ <?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 1): ?>in relationships with<?php else: ?>in a relationship with<?php endif; ?> <?= listing($metadata["sisters"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?= $factGiven ? "my" : "My"?><?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 1): ?> sisters are<?php else: ?> sister is<?php endif; ?> <?= listing($metadata["sisters"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 3, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?= listing($metadata["sisters"]) ?> <?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 1): ?>are my sisters<?php else: ?>is my sister<?php endif; ?>
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($factGiven): ?>
+ I also love <?= listing($metadata["sisters"]) ?> as sister<?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 1): ?>s<?php endif; ?>
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?= listing($metadata["sisters"]) ?> <?php if (count($metadata["sisters"]) > 1): ?>are my family<?php else: ?>is my family<?php endif; ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+<!-- Caretakers -->
+<?php if (count($metadata["caretakers"]) > 0): ?>
+ <?php if (component(4, 1, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?= component(2, 2, 0) ? "I'm" : "I am" ?><?php $iamFacts++; endif; ?>
+ being taken care of by <?= listing($metadata["caretakers"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 2, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?= $factGiven ? "the" : "The"?><?php if (count($metadata["caretakers"]) > 1): ?> mares who take care of me are<?php else: ?> mare who takes care of me is<?php endif; ?> <?= listing($metadata["caretakers"]) ?>
+ <?php elseif (component(4, 3, 5)): ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($iamFacts > 0): ?><?php else: ?><?php endif; ?>
+ <?= listing($metadata["caretakers"]) ?> <?php if (count($metadata["caretakers"]) > 1): ?>are my caretakers<?php else: ?>is my caretaker<?php endif; ?>
+ <?php else: ?><?= $factGiven ? " and" : ""?>
+ <?php if ($factGiven): ?>
+ I like having <?= listing($metadata["caretakers"]) ?> take care of me
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?= listing($metadata["caretakers"]) ?> take care of me
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php $factGiven = true; endif; ?>
+</p> \ No newline at end of file