path: root/alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs
diff options
authorMinteck <>2023-01-10 14:54:04 +0100
committerMinteck <>2023-01-10 14:54:04 +0100
commit99c1d9af689e5325f3cf535c4007b3aeb8325229 (patch)
treee663b3c2ebdbd67c818ac0c5147f0ce1d2463cda /alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs
parent9871b03912fc28ad38b4037ebf26a78aa937baba (diff)
Update - This is an automated commit
Diffstat (limited to 'alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1547 deletions
diff --git a/alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs b/alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3987f6c..0000000
--- a/alarm/node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1547 +0,0 @@
-import { syntaxError } from "../error/syntaxError.mjs";
-import { Kind } from "./kinds.mjs";
-import { Location } from "./ast.mjs";
-import { TokenKind } from "./tokenKind.mjs";
-import { Source, isSource } from "./source.mjs";
-import { DirectiveLocation } from "./directiveLocation.mjs";
-import { Lexer, isPunctuatorTokenKind } from "./lexer.mjs";
- * Configuration options to control parser behavior
- */
- * Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a Document.
- * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.
- */
-export function parse(source, options) {
- var parser = new Parser(source, options);
- return parser.parseDocument();
- * Given a string containing a GraphQL value (ex. `[42]`), parse the AST for
- * that value.
- * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.
- *
- * This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Values directly and
- * in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
- *
- * Consider providing the results to the utility function: valueFromAST().
- */
-export function parseValue(source, options) {
- var parser = new Parser(source, options);
- parser.expectToken(TokenKind.SOF);
- var value = parser.parseValueLiteral(false);
- parser.expectToken(TokenKind.EOF);
- return value;
- * Given a string containing a GraphQL Type (ex. `[Int!]`), parse the AST for
- * that type.
- * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.
- *
- * This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Types directly and
- * in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
- *
- * Consider providing the results to the utility function: typeFromAST().
- */
-export function parseType(source, options) {
- var parser = new Parser(source, options);
- parser.expectToken(TokenKind.SOF);
- var type = parser.parseTypeReference();
- parser.expectToken(TokenKind.EOF);
- return type;
- * This class is exported only to assist people in implementing their own parsers
- * without duplicating too much code and should be used only as last resort for cases
- * such as experimental syntax or if certain features could not be contributed upstream.
- *
- * It is still part of the internal API and is versioned, so any changes to it are never
- * considered breaking changes. If you still need to support multiple versions of the
- * library, please use the `versionInfo` variable for version detection.
- *
- * @internal
- */
-export var Parser = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
- function Parser(source, options) {
- var sourceObj = isSource(source) ? source : new Source(source);
- this._lexer = new Lexer(sourceObj);
- this._options = options;
- }
- /**
- * Converts a name lex token into a name parse node.
- */
- var _proto = Parser.prototype;
- _proto.parseName = function parseName() {
- var token = this.expectToken(TokenKind.NAME);
- return {
- kind: Kind.NAME,
- value: token.value,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Document section.
- /**
- * Document : Definition+
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDocument = function parseDocument() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- return {
- kind: Kind.DOCUMENT,
- definitions: this.many(TokenKind.SOF, this.parseDefinition, TokenKind.EOF),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * Definition :
- * - ExecutableDefinition
- * - TypeSystemDefinition
- * - TypeSystemExtension
- *
- * ExecutableDefinition :
- * - OperationDefinition
- * - FragmentDefinition
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDefinition = function parseDefinition() {
- if (this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {
- switch (this._lexer.token.value) {
- case 'query':
- case 'mutation':
- case 'subscription':
- return this.parseOperationDefinition();
- case 'fragment':
- return this.parseFragmentDefinition();
- case 'schema':
- case 'scalar':
- case 'type':
- case 'interface':
- case 'union':
- case 'enum':
- case 'input':
- case 'directive':
- return this.parseTypeSystemDefinition();
- case 'extend':
- return this.parseTypeSystemExtension();
- }
- } else if (this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L)) {
- return this.parseOperationDefinition();
- } else if (this.peekDescription()) {
- return this.parseTypeSystemDefinition();
- }
- throw this.unexpected();
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Operations section.
- /**
- * OperationDefinition :
- * - SelectionSet
- * - OperationType Name? VariableDefinitions? Directives? SelectionSet
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseOperationDefinition = function parseOperationDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- if (this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L)) {
- return {
- operation: 'query',
- name: undefined,
- variableDefinitions: [],
- directives: [],
- selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- var operation = this.parseOperationType();
- var name;
- if (this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {
- name = this.parseName();
- }
- return {
- operation: operation,
- name: name,
- variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(),
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * OperationType : one of query mutation subscription
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseOperationType = function parseOperationType() {
- var operationToken = this.expectToken(TokenKind.NAME);
- switch (operationToken.value) {
- case 'query':
- return 'query';
- case 'mutation':
- return 'mutation';
- case 'subscription':
- return 'subscription';
- }
- throw this.unexpected(operationToken);
- }
- /**
- * VariableDefinitions : ( VariableDefinition+ )
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseVariableDefinitions = function parseVariableDefinitions() {
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, this.parseVariableDefinition, TokenKind.PAREN_R);
- }
- /**
- * VariableDefinition : Variable : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseVariableDefinition = function parseVariableDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- return {
- variable: this.parseVariable(),
- type: (this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON), this.parseTypeReference()),
- defaultValue: this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS) ? this.parseValueLiteral(true) : undefined,
- directives: this.parseDirectives(true),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * Variable : $ Name
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseVariable = function parseVariable() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.DOLLAR);
- return {
- kind: Kind.VARIABLE,
- name: this.parseName(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * SelectionSet : { Selection+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseSelectionSet = function parseSelectionSet() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- return {
- kind: Kind.SELECTION_SET,
- selections: this.many(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseSelection, TokenKind.BRACE_R),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * Selection :
- * - Field
- * - FragmentSpread
- * - InlineFragment
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseSelection = function parseSelection() {
- return this.peek(TokenKind.SPREAD) ? this.parseFragment() : this.parseField();
- }
- /**
- * Field : Alias? Name Arguments? Directives? SelectionSet?
- *
- * Alias : Name :
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseField = function parseField() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var nameOrAlias = this.parseName();
- var alias;
- var name;
- if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.COLON)) {
- alias = nameOrAlias;
- name = this.parseName();
- } else {
- name = nameOrAlias;
- }
- return {
- kind: Kind.FIELD,
- alias: alias,
- name: name,
- arguments: this.parseArguments(false),
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- selectionSet: this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L) ? this.parseSelectionSet() : undefined,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * Arguments[Const] : ( Argument[?Const]+ )
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseArguments = function parseArguments(isConst) {
- var item = isConst ? this.parseConstArgument : this.parseArgument;
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, item, TokenKind.PAREN_R);
- }
- /**
- * Argument[Const] : Name : Value[?Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseArgument = function parseArgument() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var name = this.parseName();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);
- return {
- kind: Kind.ARGUMENT,
- name: name,
- value: this.parseValueLiteral(false),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- };
- _proto.parseConstArgument = function parseConstArgument() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- return {
- kind: Kind.ARGUMENT,
- name: this.parseName(),
- value: (this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON), this.parseValueLiteral(true)),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Fragments section.
- /**
- * Corresponds to both FragmentSpread and InlineFragment in the spec.
- *
- * FragmentSpread : ... FragmentName Directives?
- *
- * InlineFragment : ... TypeCondition? Directives? SelectionSet
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseFragment = function parseFragment() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.SPREAD);
- var hasTypeCondition = this.expectOptionalKeyword('on');
- if (!hasTypeCondition && this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {
- return {
- name: this.parseFragmentName(),
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- return {
- typeCondition: hasTypeCondition ? this.parseNamedType() : undefined,
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * FragmentDefinition :
- * - fragment FragmentName on TypeCondition Directives? SelectionSet
- *
- * TypeCondition : NamedType
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseFragmentDefinition = function parseFragmentDefinition() {
- var _this$_options;
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('fragment'); // Experimental support for defining variables within fragments changes
- // the grammar of FragmentDefinition:
- // - fragment FragmentName VariableDefinitions? on TypeCondition Directives? SelectionSet
- if (((_this$_options = this._options) === null || _this$_options === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options.experimentalFragmentVariables) === true) {
- return {
- name: this.parseFragmentName(),
- variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(),
- typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()),
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- return {
- name: this.parseFragmentName(),
- typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()),
- directives: this.parseDirectives(false),
- selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * FragmentName : Name but not `on`
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseFragmentName = function parseFragmentName() {
- if (this._lexer.token.value === 'on') {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return this.parseName();
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Values section.
- /**
- * Value[Const] :
- * - [~Const] Variable
- * - IntValue
- * - FloatValue
- * - StringValue
- * - BooleanValue
- * - NullValue
- * - EnumValue
- * - ListValue[?Const]
- * - ObjectValue[?Const]
- *
- * BooleanValue : one of `true` `false`
- *
- * NullValue : `null`
- *
- * EnumValue : Name but not `true`, `false` or `null`
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseValueLiteral = function parseValueLiteral(isConst) {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- switch (token.kind) {
- case TokenKind.BRACKET_L:
- return this.parseList(isConst);
- case TokenKind.BRACE_L:
- return this.parseObject(isConst);
- case TokenKind.INT:
- this._lexer.advance();
- return {
- kind: Kind.INT,
- value: token.value,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- case TokenKind.FLOAT:
- this._lexer.advance();
- return {
- kind: Kind.FLOAT,
- value: token.value,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- case TokenKind.STRING:
- case TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING:
- return this.parseStringLiteral();
- case TokenKind.NAME:
- this._lexer.advance();
- switch (token.value) {
- case 'true':
- return {
- kind: Kind.BOOLEAN,
- value: true,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- case 'false':
- return {
- kind: Kind.BOOLEAN,
- value: false,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- case 'null':
- return {
- kind: Kind.NULL,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- default:
- return {
- kind: Kind.ENUM,
- value: token.value,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- }
- case TokenKind.DOLLAR:
- if (!isConst) {
- return this.parseVariable();
- }
- break;
- }
- throw this.unexpected();
- };
- _proto.parseStringLiteral = function parseStringLiteral() {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- this._lexer.advance();
- return {
- kind: Kind.STRING,
- value: token.value,
- block: token.kind === TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING,
- loc: this.loc(token)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ListValue[Const] :
- * - [ ]
- * - [ Value[?Const]+ ]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseList = function parseList(isConst) {
- var _this = this;
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var item = function item() {
- return _this.parseValueLiteral(isConst);
- };
- return {
- kind: Kind.LIST,
- values: this.any(TokenKind.BRACKET_L, item, TokenKind.BRACKET_R),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ObjectValue[Const] :
- * - { }
- * - { ObjectField[?Const]+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseObject = function parseObject(isConst) {
- var _this2 = this;
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var item = function item() {
- return _this2.parseObjectField(isConst);
- };
- return {
- kind: Kind.OBJECT,
- fields: this.any(TokenKind.BRACE_L, item, TokenKind.BRACE_R),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ObjectField[Const] : Name : Value[?Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseObjectField = function parseObjectField(isConst) {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var name = this.parseName();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);
- return {
- kind: Kind.OBJECT_FIELD,
- name: name,
- value: this.parseValueLiteral(isConst),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Directives section.
- /**
- * Directives[Const] : Directive[?Const]+
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDirectives = function parseDirectives(isConst) {
- var directives = [];
- while (this.peek(TokenKind.AT)) {
- directives.push(this.parseDirective(isConst));
- }
- return directives;
- }
- /**
- * Directive[Const] : @ Name Arguments[?Const]?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDirective = function parseDirective(isConst) {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.AT);
- return {
- kind: Kind.DIRECTIVE,
- name: this.parseName(),
- arguments: this.parseArguments(isConst),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Types section.
- /**
- * Type :
- * - NamedType
- * - ListType
- * - NonNullType
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseTypeReference = function parseTypeReference() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var type;
- if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.BRACKET_L)) {
- type = this.parseTypeReference();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.BRACKET_R);
- type = {
- kind: Kind.LIST_TYPE,
- type: type,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- } else {
- type = this.parseNamedType();
- }
- if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.BANG)) {
- return {
- kind: Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE,
- type: type,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- return type;
- }
- /**
- * NamedType : Name
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseNamedType = function parseNamedType() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- return {
- kind: Kind.NAMED_TYPE,
- name: this.parseName(),
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- } // Implements the parsing rules in the Type Definition section.
- /**
- * TypeSystemDefinition :
- * - SchemaDefinition
- * - TypeDefinition
- * - DirectiveDefinition
- *
- * TypeDefinition :
- * - ScalarTypeDefinition
- * - ObjectTypeDefinition
- * - InterfaceTypeDefinition
- * - UnionTypeDefinition
- * - EnumTypeDefinition
- * - InputObjectTypeDefinition
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseTypeSystemDefinition = function parseTypeSystemDefinition() {
- // Many definitions begin with a description and require a lookahead.
- var keywordToken = this.peekDescription() ? this._lexer.lookahead() : this._lexer.token;
- if (keywordToken.kind === TokenKind.NAME) {
- switch (keywordToken.value) {
- case 'schema':
- return this.parseSchemaDefinition();
- case 'scalar':
- return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition();
- case 'type':
- return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition();
- case 'interface':
- return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition();
- case 'union':
- return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition();
- case 'enum':
- return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition();
- case 'input':
- return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition();
- case 'directive':
- return this.parseDirectiveDefinition();
- }
- }
- throw this.unexpected(keywordToken);
- };
- _proto.peekDescription = function peekDescription() {
- return this.peek(TokenKind.STRING) || this.peek(TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING);
- }
- /**
- * Description : StringValue
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDescription = function parseDescription() {
- if (this.peekDescription()) {
- return this.parseStringLiteral();
- }
- }
- /**
- * SchemaDefinition : Description? schema Directives[Const]? { OperationTypeDefinition+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseSchemaDefinition = function parseSchemaDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('schema');
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var operationTypes = this.many(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);
- return {
- description: description,
- directives: directives,
- operationTypes: operationTypes,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * OperationTypeDefinition : OperationType : NamedType
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseOperationTypeDefinition = function parseOperationTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var operation = this.parseOperationType();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);
- var type = this.parseNamedType();
- return {
- operation: operation,
- type: type,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ScalarTypeDefinition : Description? scalar Name Directives[Const]?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseScalarTypeDefinition = function parseScalarTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('scalar');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ObjectTypeDefinition :
- * Description?
- * type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseObjectTypeDefinition = function parseObjectTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('type');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- interfaces: interfaces,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ImplementsInterfaces :
- * - implements `&`? NamedType
- * - ImplementsInterfaces & NamedType
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseImplementsInterfaces = function parseImplementsInterfaces() {
- var _this$_options2;
- if (!this.expectOptionalKeyword('implements')) {
- return [];
- }
- if (((_this$_options2 = this._options) === null || _this$_options2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options2.allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces) === true) {
- var types = []; // Optional leading ampersand
- this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.AMP);
- do {
- types.push(this.parseNamedType());
- } while (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.AMP) || this.peek(TokenKind.NAME));
- return types;
- }
- return this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.AMP, this.parseNamedType);
- }
- /**
- * FieldsDefinition : { FieldDefinition+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseFieldsDefinition = function parseFieldsDefinition() {
- var _this$_options3;
- // Legacy support for the SDL?
- if (((_this$_options3 = this._options) === null || _this$_options3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options3.allowLegacySDLEmptyFields) === true && this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L) && this._lexer.lookahead().kind === TokenKind.BRACE_R) {
- this._lexer.advance();
- this._lexer.advance();
- return [];
- }
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseFieldDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);
- }
- /**
- * FieldDefinition :
- * - Description? Name ArgumentsDefinition? : Type Directives[Const]?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseFieldDefinition = function parseFieldDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- var name = this.parseName();
- var args = this.parseArgumentDefs();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);
- var type = this.parseTypeReference();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- arguments: args,
- type: type,
- directives: directives,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ArgumentsDefinition : ( InputValueDefinition+ )
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseArgumentDefs = function parseArgumentDefs() {
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, this.parseInputValueDef, TokenKind.PAREN_R);
- }
- /**
- * InputValueDefinition :
- * - Description? Name : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInputValueDef = function parseInputValueDef() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- var name = this.parseName();
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);
- var type = this.parseTypeReference();
- var defaultValue;
- if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS)) {
- defaultValue = this.parseValueLiteral(true);
- }
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- type: type,
- defaultValue: defaultValue,
- directives: directives,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * InterfaceTypeDefinition :
- * - Description? interface Name Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition = function parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('interface');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- interfaces: interfaces,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * UnionTypeDefinition :
- * - Description? union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseUnionTypeDefinition = function parseUnionTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('union');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var types = this.parseUnionMemberTypes();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- types: types,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * UnionMemberTypes :
- * - = `|`? NamedType
- * - UnionMemberTypes | NamedType
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseUnionMemberTypes = function parseUnionMemberTypes() {
- return this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS) ? this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.PIPE, this.parseNamedType) : [];
- }
- /**
- * EnumTypeDefinition :
- * - Description? enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseEnumTypeDefinition = function parseEnumTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('enum');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var values = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- values: values,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * EnumValuesDefinition : { EnumValueDefinition+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseEnumValuesDefinition = function parseEnumValuesDefinition() {
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseEnumValueDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);
- }
- /**
- * EnumValueDefinition : Description? EnumValue Directives[Const]?
- *
- * EnumValue : Name
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseEnumValueDefinition = function parseEnumValueDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * InputObjectTypeDefinition :
- * - Description? input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition?
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition = function parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('input');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * InputFieldsDefinition : { InputValueDefinition+ }
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInputFieldsDefinition = function parseInputFieldsDefinition() {
- return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseInputValueDef, TokenKind.BRACE_R);
- }
- /**
- * TypeSystemExtension :
- * - SchemaExtension
- * - TypeExtension
- *
- * TypeExtension :
- * - ScalarTypeExtension
- * - ObjectTypeExtension
- * - InterfaceTypeExtension
- * - UnionTypeExtension
- * - EnumTypeExtension
- * - InputObjectTypeDefinition
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseTypeSystemExtension = function parseTypeSystemExtension() {
- var keywordToken = this._lexer.lookahead();
- if (keywordToken.kind === TokenKind.NAME) {
- switch (keywordToken.value) {
- case 'schema':
- return this.parseSchemaExtension();
- case 'scalar':
- return this.parseScalarTypeExtension();
- case 'type':
- return this.parseObjectTypeExtension();
- case 'interface':
- return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension();
- case 'union':
- return this.parseUnionTypeExtension();
- case 'enum':
- return this.parseEnumTypeExtension();
- case 'input':
- return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension();
- }
- }
- throw this.unexpected(keywordToken);
- }
- /**
- * SchemaExtension :
- * - extend schema Directives[Const]? { OperationTypeDefinition+ }
- * - extend schema Directives[Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseSchemaExtension = function parseSchemaExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('schema');
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var operationTypes = this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);
- if (directives.length === 0 && operationTypes.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- directives: directives,
- operationTypes: operationTypes,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ScalarTypeExtension :
- * - extend scalar Name Directives[Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseScalarTypeExtension = function parseScalarTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('scalar');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- if (directives.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * ObjectTypeExtension :
- * - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition
- * - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]
- * - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseObjectTypeExtension = function parseObjectTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('type');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();
- if (interfaces.length === 0 && directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- interfaces: interfaces,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * InterfaceTypeExtension :
- * - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition
- * - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]
- * - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInterfaceTypeExtension = function parseInterfaceTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('interface');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();
- if (interfaces.length === 0 && directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- interfaces: interfaces,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * UnionTypeExtension :
- * - extend union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes
- * - extend union Name Directives[Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseUnionTypeExtension = function parseUnionTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('union');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var types = this.parseUnionMemberTypes();
- if (directives.length === 0 && types.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- types: types,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * EnumTypeExtension :
- * - extend enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition
- * - extend enum Name Directives[Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseEnumTypeExtension = function parseEnumTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('enum');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var values = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();
- if (directives.length === 0 && values.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- values: values,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * InputObjectTypeExtension :
- * - extend input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition
- * - extend input Name Directives[Const]
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseInputObjectTypeExtension = function parseInputObjectTypeExtension() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- this.expectKeyword('extend');
- this.expectKeyword('input');
- var name = this.parseName();
- var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);
- var fields = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();
- if (directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {
- throw this.unexpected();
- }
- return {
- name: name,
- directives: directives,
- fields: fields,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * DirectiveDefinition :
- * - Description? directive @ Name ArgumentsDefinition? `repeatable`? on DirectiveLocations
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDirectiveDefinition = function parseDirectiveDefinition() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var description = this.parseDescription();
- this.expectKeyword('directive');
- this.expectToken(TokenKind.AT);
- var name = this.parseName();
- var args = this.parseArgumentDefs();
- var repeatable = this.expectOptionalKeyword('repeatable');
- this.expectKeyword('on');
- var locations = this.parseDirectiveLocations();
- return {
- description: description,
- name: name,
- arguments: args,
- repeatable: repeatable,
- locations: locations,
- loc: this.loc(start)
- };
- }
- /**
- * DirectiveLocations :
- * - `|`? DirectiveLocation
- * - DirectiveLocations | DirectiveLocation
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDirectiveLocations = function parseDirectiveLocations() {
- return this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.PIPE, this.parseDirectiveLocation);
- }
- /*
- * DirectiveLocation :
- * - ExecutableDirectiveLocation
- * - TypeSystemDirectiveLocation
- *
- * ExecutableDirectiveLocation : one of
- * `QUERY`
- * `FIELD`
- *
- * TypeSystemDirectiveLocation : one of
- * `SCHEMA`
- * `SCALAR`
- * `OBJECT`
- * `UNION`
- * `ENUM`
- */
- ;
- _proto.parseDirectiveLocation = function parseDirectiveLocation() {
- var start = this._lexer.token;
- var name = this.parseName();
- if (DirectiveLocation[name.value] !== undefined) {
- return name;
- }
- throw this.unexpected(start);
- } // Core parsing utility functions
- /**
- * Returns a location object, used to identify the place in the source that created a given parsed object.
- */
- ;
- _proto.loc = function loc(startToken) {
- var _this$_options4;
- if (((_this$_options4 = this._options) === null || _this$_options4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options4.noLocation) !== true) {
- return new Location(startToken, this._lexer.lastToken, this._lexer.source);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines if the next token is of a given kind
- */
- ;
- _proto.peek = function peek(kind) {
- return this._lexer.token.kind === kind;
- }
- /**
- * If the next token is of the given kind, return that token after advancing the lexer.
- * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and throw an error.
- */
- ;
- _proto.expectToken = function expectToken(kind) {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- if (token.kind === kind) {
- this._lexer.advance();
- return token;
- }
- throw syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, "Expected ".concat(getTokenKindDesc(kind), ", found ").concat(getTokenDesc(token), "."));
- }
- /**
- * If the next token is of the given kind, return that token after advancing the lexer.
- * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and return undefined.
- */
- ;
- _proto.expectOptionalToken = function expectOptionalToken(kind) {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- if (token.kind === kind) {
- this._lexer.advance();
- return token;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * If the next token is a given keyword, advance the lexer.
- * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and throw an error.
- */
- ;
- _proto.expectKeyword = function expectKeyword(value) {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- if (token.kind === TokenKind.NAME && token.value === value) {
- this._lexer.advance();
- } else {
- throw syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, "Expected \"".concat(value, "\", found ").concat(getTokenDesc(token), "."));
- }
- }
- /**
- * If the next token is a given keyword, return "true" after advancing the lexer.
- * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and return "false".
- */
- ;
- _proto.expectOptionalKeyword = function expectOptionalKeyword(value) {
- var token = this._lexer.token;
- if (token.kind === TokenKind.NAME && token.value === value) {
- this._lexer.advance();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Helper function for creating an error when an unexpected lexed token is encountered.
- */
- ;
- _proto.unexpected = function unexpected(atToken) {
- var token = atToken !== null && atToken !== void 0 ? atToken : this._lexer.token;
- return syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, "Unexpected ".concat(getTokenDesc(token), "."));
- }
- /**
- * Returns a possibly empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.
- * This list begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.
- * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.
- */
- ;
- _proto.any = function any(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {
- this.expectToken(openKind);
- var nodes = [];
- while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind)) {
- nodes.push(;
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.
- * It can be empty only if open token is missing otherwise it will always return non-empty list
- * that begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.
- * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.
- */
- ;
- _proto.optionalMany = function optionalMany(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {
- if (this.expectOptionalToken(openKind)) {
- var nodes = [];
- do {
- nodes.push(;
- } while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind));
- return nodes;
- }
- return [];
- }
- /**
- * Returns a non-empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.
- * This list begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.
- * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.
- */
- ;
- _proto.many = function many(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {
- this.expectToken(openKind);
- var nodes = [];
- do {
- nodes.push(;
- } while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind));
- return nodes;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a non-empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.
- * This list may begin with a lex token of delimiterKind followed by items separated by lex tokens of tokenKind.
- * Advances the parser to the next lex token after last item in the list.
- */
- ;
- _proto.delimitedMany = function delimitedMany(delimiterKind, parseFn) {
- this.expectOptionalToken(delimiterKind);
- var nodes = [];
- do {
- nodes.push(;
- } while (this.expectOptionalToken(delimiterKind));
- return nodes;
- };
- return Parser;
- * A helper function to describe a token as a string for debugging.
- */
-function getTokenDesc(token) {
- var value = token.value;
- return getTokenKindDesc(token.kind) + (value != null ? " \"".concat(value, "\"") : '');
- * A helper function to describe a token kind as a string for debugging.
- */
-function getTokenKindDesc(kind) {
- return isPunctuatorTokenKind(kind) ? "\"".concat(kind, "\"") : kind;