path: root/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib')
23 files changed, 16206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/audio.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/audio.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac57194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/audio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// audio.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 16. audio
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function parseAudioType(str, input, output) {
+ let result = '';
+ if (str.indexOf('speak') >= 0) { result = 'Speaker'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('laut') >= 0) { result = 'Speaker'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('loud') >= 0) { result = 'Speaker'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('head') >= 0) { result = 'Headset'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('mic') >= 0) { result = 'Microphone'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('mikr') >= 0) { result = 'Microphone'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('phone') >= 0) { result = 'Phone'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('controll') >= 0) { result = 'Controller'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('line o') >= 0) { result = 'Line Out'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('digital o') >= 0) { result = 'Digital Out'; }
+ if (!result && output) {
+ result = 'Speaker';
+ } else if (!result && input) {
+ result = 'Microphone';
+ }
+ return result;
+function getLinuxAudioPci() {
+ let cmd = 'lspci -v 2>/dev/null';
+ let result = [];
+ try {
+ const parts = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const lines = parts[i].split('\n');
+ if (lines && lines.length && lines[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('audio') >= 0) {
+ const audio = {};
+ audio.slotId = lines[0].split(' ')[0];
+ audio.driver = util.getValue(lines, 'Kernel driver in use', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Kernel modules', ':', true);
+ result.push(audio);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return result;
+ }
+function parseLinuxAudioPciMM(lines, audioPCI) {
+ const result = {};
+ const slotId = util.getValue(lines, 'Slot');
+ const pciMatch = audioPCI.filter(function (item) { return item.slotId === slotId; });
+ = slotId;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'SDevice');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'SVendor');
+ result.revision = util.getValue(lines, 'Rev');
+ result.driver = pciMatch && pciMatch.length === 1 && pciMatch[0].driver ? pciMatch[0].driver : '';
+ result.default = null;
+ = 'PCIe';
+ result.type = parseAudioType(, null, null);
+ = null;
+ result.out = null;
+ result.status = 'online';
+ return result;
+function parseDarwinChannel(str) {
+ let result = '';
+ if (str.indexOf('builtin') >= 0) { result = 'Built-In'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('extern') >= 0) { result = 'Audio-Jack'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('hdmi') >= 0) { result = 'HDMI'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('displayport') >= 0) { result = 'Display-Port'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('usb') >= 0) { result = 'USB'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('pci') >= 0) { result = 'PCIe'; }
+ return result;
+function parseDarwinAudio(audioObject, id) {
+ const result = {};
+ const channelStr = ((audioObject.coreaudio_device_transport || '') + ' ' + (audioObject._name || '')).toLowerCase();
+ = id;
+ = audioObject._name;
+ result.manufacturer = audioObject.coreaudio_device_manufacturer;
+ result.revision = null;
+ result.driver = null;
+ result.default = !!(audioObject.coreaudio_default_audio_input_device || '') || !!(audioObject.coreaudio_default_audio_output_device || '');
+ = parseDarwinChannel(channelStr);
+ result.type = parseAudioType(, !!(audioObject.coreaudio_device_input || ''), !!(audioObject.coreaudio_device_output || ''));
+ = !!(audioObject.coreaudio_device_input || '');
+ result.out = !!(audioObject.coreaudio_device_output || '');
+ result.status = 'online';
+ return result;
+function parseWindowsAudio(lines) {
+ const result = {};
+ const status = util.getValue(lines, 'StatusInfo', ':');
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'DeviceID', ':'); // PNPDeviceID??
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.revision = null;
+ result.driver = null;
+ result.default = null;
+ = null;
+ result.type = parseAudioType(, null, null);
+ = null;
+ result.out = null;
+ result.status = status;
+ return result;
+function audio(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ let cmd = 'lspci -vmm 2>/dev/null';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ // PCI
+ if (!error) {
+ const audioPCI = getLinuxAudioPci();
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split('\n\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const lines = parts[i].split('\n');
+ if (util.getValue(lines, 'class', ':', true).toLowerCase().indexOf('audio') >= 0) {
+ const audio = parseLinuxAudioPciMM(lines, audioPCI);
+ result.push(audio);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler SPAudioDataType -json';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const outObj = JSON.parse(stdout.toString());
+ if (outObj.SPAudioDataType && outObj.SPAudioDataType.length && outObj.SPAudioDataType[0] && outObj.SPAudioDataType[0]['_items'] && outObj.SPAudioDataType[0]['_items'].length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < outObj.SPAudioDataType[0]['_items'].length; i++) {
+ const audio = parseDarwinAudio(outObj.SPAudioDataType[0]['_items'][i], i);
+ result.push(audio);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_SoundDevice | select DeviceID,StatusInfo,Name,Manufacturer | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ if (util.getValue(parts[i].split('\n'), 'name', ':')) {
+ result.push(parseWindowsAudio(parts[i].split('\n')));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ = audio;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/battery.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/battery.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f7d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/battery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check;
+// ==================================================================================
+// battery.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 6. Battery
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const fs = require('fs');
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function parseWinBatteryPart(lines, designedCapacity, fullChargeCapacity) {
+ const result = {};
+ let status = util.getValue(lines, 'BatteryStatus', ':').trim();
+ // 1 = "Discharging"
+ // 2 = "On A/C"
+ // 3 = "Fully Charged"
+ // 4 = "Low"
+ // 5 = "Critical"
+ // 6 = "Charging"
+ // 7 = "Charging High"
+ // 8 = "Charging Low"
+ // 9 = "Charging Critical"
+ // 10 = "Undefined"
+ // 11 = "Partially Charged"
+ if (status >= 0) {
+ const statusValue = status ? parseInt(status) : 0;
+ result.status = statusValue;
+ result.hasBattery = true;
+ result.maxCapacity = fullChargeCapacity || parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'DesignCapacity', ':') || 0);
+ result.designedCapacity = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'DesignCapacity', ':') || designedCapacity);
+ result.voltage = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'DesignVoltage', ':') || 0) / 1000.0;
+ result.capacityUnit = 'mWh';
+ result.percent = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'EstimatedChargeRemaining', ':') || 0);
+ result.currentCapacity = parseInt(result.maxCapacity * result.percent / 100);
+ result.isCharging = (statusValue >= 6 && statusValue <= 9) || statusValue === 11 || ((statusValue !== 3) && (statusValue !== 1) && result.percent < 100);
+ result.acConnected = result.isCharging || statusValue === 2;
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'DeviceID', ':');
+ } else {
+ result.status = -1;
+ }
+ return result;
+module.exports = function (callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ hasBattery: false,
+ cycleCount: 0,
+ isCharging: false,
+ designedCapacity: 0,
+ maxCapacity: 0,
+ currentCapacity: 0,
+ voltage: 0,
+ capacityUnit: '',
+ percent: 0,
+ timeRemaining: null,
+ acConnected: true,
+ type: '',
+ model: '',
+ manufacturer: '',
+ serial: ''
+ };
+ if (_linux) {
+ let battery_path = '';
+ if (fs.existsSync('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/uevent')) {
+ battery_path = '/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/';
+ } else if (fs.existsSync('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent')) {
+ battery_path = '/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/';
+ }
+ let acConnected = false;
+ let acPath = '';
+ if (fs.existsSync('/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online')) {
+ acPath = '/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online';
+ } else if (fs.existsSync('/sys/class/power_supply/AC0/online')) {
+ acPath = '/sys/class/power_supply/AC0/online';
+ }
+ if (acPath) {
+ const file = fs.readFileSync(acPath);
+ acConnected = file.toString().trim() === '1';
+ }
+ if (battery_path) {
+ fs.readFile(battery_path + 'uevent', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.isCharging = (util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS', '=').toLowerCase() === 'charging');
+ result.acConnected = acConnected || result.isCharging;
+ result.voltage = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_NOW', '='), 10) / 1000000.0;
+ result.capacityUnit = result.voltage ? 'mWh' : 'mAh';
+ result.cycleCount = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CYCLE_COUNT', '='), 10);
+ result.maxCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL', '=', true, true), 10) / 1000.0 * (result.voltage || 1));
+ const desingedMinVoltage = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_MIN_DESIGN', '='), 10) / 1000000.0;
+ result.designedCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL_DESIGN', '=', true, true), 10) / 1000.0 * (desingedMinVoltage || result.voltage || 1));
+ result.currentCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW', '='), 10) / 1000.0 * (result.voltage || 1));
+ if (!result.maxCapacity) {
+ result.maxCapacity = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL', '=', true, true), 10) / 1000.0;
+ result.designedCapacity = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL_DESIGN', '=', true, true), 10) / 1000.0 | result.maxCapacity;
+ result.currentCapacity = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW', '='), 10) / 1000.0;
+ }
+ const percent = util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY', '=');
+ const energy = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW', '='), 10);
+ const power = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_NOW', '='), 10);
+ const current = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW', '='), 10);
+ result.percent = parseInt('0' + percent, 10);
+ if (result.maxCapacity && result.currentCapacity) {
+ result.hasBattery = true;
+ if (!percent) {
+ result.percent = 100.0 * result.currentCapacity / result.maxCapacity;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.isCharging) {
+ result.hasBattery = true;
+ }
+ if (energy && power) {
+ result.timeRemaining = Math.floor(energy / power * 60);
+ } else if (current && result.currentCapacity) {
+ result.timeRemaining = Math.floor(result.currentCapacity / current * 60);
+ }
+ result.type = util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY', '=');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_MODEL_NAME', '=');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_MANUFACTURER', '=');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'POWER_SUPPLY_SERIAL_NUMBER', '=');
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('sysctl -i hw.acpi.battery hw.acpi.acline', function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const batteries = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'hw.acpi.battery.units'), 10);
+ const percent = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, ''), 10);
+ result.hasBattery = (batteries > 0);
+ result.cycleCount = null;
+ result.isCharging = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.acpi.acline') !== '1';
+ result.acConnected = result.isCharging;
+ result.maxCapacity = null;
+ result.currentCapacity = null;
+ result.capacityUnit = 'unknown';
+ result.percent = batteries ? percent : null;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -n AppleSmartBattery -r | egrep "CycleCount|IsCharging|DesignCapacity|MaxCapacity|CurrentCapacity|BatterySerialNumber|TimeRemaining|Voltage"; pmset -g batt | grep %', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().replace(/ +/g, '').replace(/"+/g, '').replace(/-/g, '').split('\n');
+ result.cycleCount = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'cyclecount', '='), 10);
+ result.voltage = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'voltage', '='), 10) / 1000.0;
+ result.capacityUnit = result.voltage ? 'mWh' : 'mAh';
+ result.maxCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'applerawmaxcapacity', '='), 10) * (result.voltage || 1));
+ result.currentCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'applerawcurrentcapacity', '='), 10) * (result.voltage || 1));
+ result.designedCapacity = Math.round(parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'DesignCapacity', '='), 10) * (result.voltage || 1));
+ result.manufacturer = 'Apple';
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'BatterySerialNumber', '=');
+ let percent = null;
+ const line = util.getValue(lines, 'internal', 'Battery');
+ let parts = line.split(';');
+ if (parts && parts[0]) {
+ let parts2 = parts[0].split('\t');
+ if (parts2 && parts2[1]) {
+ percent = parseFloat(parts2[1].trim().replace(/%/g, ''));
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts && parts[1]) {
+ result.isCharging = (parts[1].trim() === 'charging');
+ result.acConnected = (parts[1].trim() !== 'discharging');
+ } else {
+ result.isCharging = util.getValue(lines, 'ischarging', '=').toLowerCase() === 'yes';
+ result.acConnected = result.isCharging;
+ }
+ if (result.maxCapacity && result.currentCapacity) {
+ result.hasBattery = true;
+ result.type = 'Li-ion';
+ result.percent = percent !== null ? percent : Math.round(100.0 * result.currentCapacity / result.maxCapacity);
+ if (!result.isCharging) {
+ result.timeRemaining = parseInt('0' + util.getValue(lines, 'TimeRemaining', '='), 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Battery | select BatteryStatus, DesignCapacity, DesignVoltage, EstimatedChargeRemaining, DeviceID | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('(Get-WmiObject -Class BatteryStaticData -Namespace ROOT/WMI).DesignedCapacity'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('(Get-WmiObject -Class BatteryFullChargedCapacity -Namespace ROOT/WMI).FullChargedCapacity'));
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ if (data) {
+ let parts = data.results[0].split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ let batteries = [];
+ const hasValue = value => /\S/.test(value);
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ if (hasValue(parts[i]) && (!batteries.length || !hasValue(parts[i - 1]))) {
+ batteries.push([]);
+ }
+ if (hasValue(parts[i])) {
+ batteries[batteries.length - 1].push(parts[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ let designCapacities = data.results[1].split('\r\n').filter(e => e);
+ let fullChargeCapacities = data.results[2].split('\r\n').filter(e => e);
+ if (batteries.length) {
+ let first = false;
+ let additionalBatteries = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < batteries.length; i++) {
+ let lines = batteries[i][0].split('\r\n');
+ const designedCapacity = designCapacities && designCapacities.length >= (i + 1) && designCapacities[i] ? util.toInt(designCapacities[i]) : 0;
+ const fullChargeCapacity = fullChargeCapacities && fullChargeCapacities.length >= (i + 1) && fullChargeCapacities[i] ? util.toInt(fullChargeCapacities[i]) : 0;
+ const parsed = parseWinBatteryPart(lines, designedCapacity, fullChargeCapacity);
+ if (!first && parsed.status > 0 && parsed.status !== 10) {
+ result.hasBattery = parsed.hasBattery;
+ result.maxCapacity = parsed.maxCapacity;
+ result.designedCapacity = parsed.designedCapacity;
+ result.voltage = parsed.voltage;
+ result.capacityUnit = parsed.capacityUnit;
+ result.percent = parsed.percent;
+ result.currentCapacity = parsed.currentCapacity;
+ result.isCharging = parsed.isCharging;
+ result.acConnected = parsed.acConnected;
+ result.model = parsed.model;
+ first = true;
+ } else if (parsed.status !== -1) {
+ additionalBatteries.push(
+ {
+ hasBattery: parsed.hasBattery,
+ maxCapacity: parsed.maxCapacity,
+ designedCapacity: parsed.designedCapacity,
+ voltage: parsed.voltage,
+ capacityUnit: parsed.capacityUnit,
+ percent: parsed.percent,
+ currentCapacity: parsed.currentCapacity,
+ isCharging: parsed.isCharging,
+ timeRemaining: null,
+ acConnected: parsed.acConnected,
+ model: parsed.model,
+ type: '',
+ manufacturer: '',
+ serial: ''
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!first && additionalBatteries.length) {
+ result = additionalBatteries[0];
+ additionalBatteries.shift();
+ }
+ if (additionalBatteries.length) {
+ result.additionalBatteries = additionalBatteries;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/bluetooth.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/bluetooth.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0866f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/bluetooth.js
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// audio.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 17. bluetooth
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const path = require('path');
+const util = require('./util');
+const fs = require('fs');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function parseBluetoothType(str) {
+ let result = '';
+ if (str.indexOf('keyboard') >= 0) { result = 'Keyboard'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('mouse') >= 0) { result = 'Mouse'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('speaker') >= 0) { result = 'Speaker'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('headset') >= 0) { result = 'Headset'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('phone') >= 0) { result = 'Phone'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('macbook') >= 0) { result = 'Computer'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('imac') >= 0) { result = 'Computer'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('ipad') >= 0) { result = 'Tablet'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('watch') >= 0) { result = 'Watch'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('headphone') >= 0) { result = 'Headset'; }
+ // to be continued ...
+ return result;
+function parseBluetoothManufacturer(str) {
+ let result = str.split(' ')[0];
+ str = str.toLowerCase();
+ if (str.indexOf('apple') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('ipad') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('imac') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('iphone') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('magic mouse') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('macbook') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ // to be continued ...
+ return result;
+function parseLinuxBluetoothInfo(lines, macAddr1, macAddr2) {
+ const result = {};
+ result.device = null;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'name', '=');
+ result.manufacturer = null;
+ result.macDevice = macAddr1;
+ result.macHost = macAddr2;
+ result.batteryPercent = null;
+ result.type = parseBluetoothType(;
+ result.connected = false;
+ return result;
+function parseDarwinBluetoothDevices(bluetoothObject, macAddr2) {
+ const result = {};
+ const typeStr = ((bluetoothObject.device_minorClassOfDevice_string || bluetoothObject.device_majorClassOfDevice_string || bluetoothObject.device_minorType || '') + (bluetoothObject.device_name || '')).toLowerCase();
+ result.device = bluetoothObject.device_services || '';
+ = bluetoothObject.device_name || '';
+ result.manufacturer = bluetoothObject.device_manufacturer || parseBluetoothManufacturer(bluetoothObject.device_name || '') || '';
+ result.macDevice = (bluetoothObject.device_addr || bluetoothObject.device_address || '').toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ':');
+ result.macHost = macAddr2;
+ result.batteryPercent = bluetoothObject.device_batteryPercent || null;
+ result.type = parseBluetoothType(typeStr);
+ result.connected = bluetoothObject.device_isconnected === 'attrib_Yes' || false;
+ return result;
+function parseWindowsBluetooth(lines) {
+ const result = {};
+ result.device = null;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.macDevice = null;
+ result.macHost = null;
+ result.batteryPercent = null;
+ result.type = parseBluetoothType(;
+ result.connected = null;
+ return result;
+function bluetoothDevices(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ // get files in /var/lib/bluetooth/ recursive
+ const btFiles = util.getFilesInPath('/var/lib/bluetooth/');
+ btFiles.forEach((element) => {
+ const filename = path.basename(element);
+ const pathParts = element.split('/');
+ const macAddr1 = pathParts.length >= 6 ? pathParts[pathParts.length - 2] : null;
+ const macAddr2 = pathParts.length >= 7 ? pathParts[pathParts.length - 3] : null;
+ if (filename === 'info') {
+ const infoFile = fs.readFileSync(element, { encoding: 'utf8' }).split('\n');
+ result.push(parseLinuxBluetoothInfo(infoFile, macAddr1, macAddr2));
+ }
+ });
+ // determine "connected" with hcitool con
+ try {
+ const hdicon = execSync('hcitool con').toString().toLowerCase();
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].macDevice && result[i].macDevice.length > 10 && hdicon.indexOf(result[i].macDevice.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
+ result[i].connected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -json';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const outObj = JSON.parse(stdout.toString());
+ if (outObj.SPBluetoothDataType && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType.length && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_title'] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_title'].length) {
+ // missing: host BT Adapter macAddr ()
+ let macAddr2 = null;
+ if (outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['local_device_title'] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].local_device_title.general_address) {
+ macAddr2 = outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].local_device_title.general_address.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ':');
+ }
+ outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_title'].forEach((element) => {
+ const obj = element;
+ const objKey = Object.keys(obj);
+ if (objKey && objKey.length === 1) {
+ const innerObject = obj[objKey[0]];
+ innerObject.device_name = objKey[0];
+ const bluetoothDevice = parseDarwinBluetoothDevices(innerObject, macAddr2);
+ result.push(bluetoothDevice);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (outObj.SPBluetoothDataType && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType.length && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_connected'] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_connected'].length) {
+ const macAddr2 = outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties.controller_address ? outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties.controller_address.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ':') : null;
+ outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_connected'].forEach((element) => {
+ const obj = element;
+ const objKey = Object.keys(obj);
+ if (objKey && objKey.length === 1) {
+ const innerObject = obj[objKey[0]];
+ innerObject.device_name = objKey[0];
+ innerObject.device_isconnected = 'attrib_Yes';
+ const bluetoothDevice = parseDarwinBluetoothDevices(innerObject, macAddr2);
+ result.push(bluetoothDevice);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (outObj.SPBluetoothDataType && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType.length && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_not_connected'] && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_not_connected'].length) {
+ const macAddr2 = outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties && outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties.controller_address ? outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0].controller_properties.controller_address.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ':') : null;
+ outObj.SPBluetoothDataType[0]['device_not_connected'].forEach((element) => {
+ const obj = element;
+ const objKey = Object.keys(obj);
+ if (objKey && objKey.length === 1) {
+ const innerObject = obj[objKey[0]];
+ innerObject.device_name = objKey[0];
+ innerObject.device_isconnected = 'attrib_No';
+ const bluetoothDevice = parseDarwinBluetoothDevices(innerObject, macAddr2);
+ result.push(bluetoothDevice);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity | select PNPClass, Name, Manufacturer | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ parts.forEach((part) => {
+ if (util.getValue(part.split('\n'), 'PNPClass', ':') === 'Bluetooth') {
+ result.push(parseWindowsBluetooth(part.split('\n')));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _netbsd || _openbsd || _sunos) {
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.bluetoothDevices = bluetoothDevices;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cli.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cli.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48ed458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cli.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// cli.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dependencies
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const si = require('./index');
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Main
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(function () {
+ si.getStaticData().then(
+ ((data) => {
+ data.time = si.time();
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
+ }
+ ));
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cpu.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cpu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea5dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/cpu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1702 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// cpu.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 4. CPU
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const fs = require('fs');
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _cpu_speed = 0;
+let _current_cpu = {
+ user: 0,
+ nice: 0,
+ system: 0,
+ idle: 0,
+ irq: 0,
+ load: 0,
+ tick: 0,
+ ms: 0,
+ currentLoad: 0,
+ currentLoadUser: 0,
+ currentLoadSystem: 0,
+ currentLoadNice: 0,
+ currentLoadIdle: 0,
+ currentLoadIrq: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoad: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoadUser: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoadSystem: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoadNice: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoadIdle: 0,
+ rawCurrentLoadIrq: 0
+let _cpus = [];
+let _corecount = 0;
+const AMDBaseFrequencies = {
+ '8346': '1.8',
+ '8347': '1.9',
+ '8350': '2.0',
+ '8354': '2.2',
+ '8356|SE': '2.4',
+ '8356': '2.3',
+ '8360': '2.5',
+ '2372': '2.1',
+ '2373': '2.1',
+ '2374': '2.2',
+ '2376': '2.3',
+ '2377': '2.3',
+ '2378': '2.4',
+ '2379': '2.4',
+ '2380': '2.5',
+ '2381': '2.5',
+ '2382': '2.6',
+ '2384': '2.7',
+ '2386': '2.8',
+ '2387': '2.8',
+ '2389': '2.9',
+ '2393': '3.1',
+ '8374': '2.2',
+ '8376': '2.3',
+ '8378': '2.4',
+ '8379': '2.4',
+ '8380': '2.5',
+ '8381': '2.5',
+ '8382': '2.6',
+ '8384': '2.7',
+ '8386': '2.8',
+ '8387': '2.8',
+ '8389': '2.9',
+ '8393': '3.1',
+ '2419EE': '1.8',
+ '2423HE': '2.0',
+ '2425HE': '2.1',
+ '2427': '2.2',
+ '2431': '2.4',
+ '2435': '2.6',
+ '2439SE': '2.8',
+ '8425HE': '2.1',
+ '8431': '2.4',
+ '8435': '2.6',
+ '8439SE': '2.8',
+ '4122': '2.2',
+ '4130': '2.6',
+ '4162EE': '1.7',
+ '4164EE': '1.8',
+ '4170HE': '2.1',
+ '4174HE': '2.3',
+ '4176HE': '2.4',
+ '4180': '2.6',
+ '4184': '2.8',
+ '6124HE': '1.8',
+ '6128HE': '2.0',
+ '6132HE': '2.2',
+ '6128': '2.0',
+ '6134': '2.3',
+ '6136': '2.4',
+ '6140': '2.6',
+ '6164HE': '1.7',
+ '6166HE': '1.8',
+ '6168': '1.9',
+ '6172': '2.1',
+ '6174': '2.2',
+ '6176': '2.3',
+ '6176SE': '2.3',
+ '6180SE': '2.5',
+ '3250': '2.5',
+ '3260': '2.7',
+ '3280': '2.4',
+ '4226': '2.7',
+ '4228': '2.8',
+ '4230': '2.9',
+ '4234': '3.1',
+ '4238': '3.3',
+ '4240': '3.4',
+ '4256': '1.6',
+ '4274': '2.5',
+ '4276': '2.6',
+ '4280': '2.8',
+ '4284': '3.0',
+ '6204': '3.3',
+ '6212': '2.6',
+ '6220': '3.0',
+ '6234': '2.4',
+ '6238': '2.6',
+ '6262HE': '1.6',
+ '6272': '2.1',
+ '6274': '2.2',
+ '6276': '2.3',
+ '6278': '2.4',
+ '6282SE': '2.6',
+ '6284SE': '2.7',
+ '6308': '3.5',
+ '6320': '2.8',
+ '6328': '3.2',
+ '6338P': '2.3',
+ '6344': '2.6',
+ '6348': '2.8',
+ '6366': '1.8',
+ '6370P': '2.0',
+ '6376': '2.3',
+ '6378': '2.4',
+ '6380': '2.5',
+ '6386': '2.8',
+ 'FX|4100': '3.6',
+ 'FX|4120': '3.9',
+ 'FX|4130': '3.8',
+ 'FX|4150': '3.8',
+ 'FX|4170': '4.2',
+ 'FX|6100': '3.3',
+ 'FX|6120': '3.6',
+ 'FX|6130': '3.6',
+ 'FX|6200': '3.8',
+ 'FX|8100': '2.8',
+ 'FX|8120': '3.1',
+ 'FX|8140': '3.2',
+ 'FX|8150': '3.6',
+ 'FX|8170': '3.9',
+ 'FX|4300': '3.8',
+ 'FX|4320': '4.0',
+ 'FX|4350': '4.2',
+ 'FX|6300': '3.5',
+ 'FX|6350': '3.9',
+ 'FX|8300': '3.3',
+ 'FX|8310': '3.4',
+ 'FX|8320': '3.5',
+ 'FX|8350': '4.0',
+ 'FX|8370': '4.0',
+ 'FX|9370': '4.4',
+ 'FX|9590': '4.7',
+ 'FX|8320E': '3.2',
+ 'FX|8370E': '3.3',
+ // ZEN Desktop CPUs
+ '1200': '3.1',
+ 'Pro 1200': '3.1',
+ '1300X': '3.5',
+ 'Pro 1300': '3.5',
+ '1400': '3.2',
+ '1500X': '3.5',
+ 'Pro 1500': '3.5',
+ '1600': '3.2',
+ '1600X': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 1600': '3.2',
+ '1700': '3.0',
+ 'Pro 1700': '3.0',
+ '1700X': '3.4',
+ 'Pro 1700X': '3.4',
+ '1800X': '3.6',
+ '1900X': '3.8',
+ '1920': '3.2',
+ '1920X': '3.5',
+ '1950X': '3.4',
+ // ZEN Desktop APUs
+ '200GE': '3.2',
+ 'Pro 200GE': '3.2',
+ '220GE': '3.4',
+ '240GE': '3.5',
+ '3000G': '3.5',
+ '300GE': '3.4',
+ '3050GE': '3.4',
+ '2200G': '3.5',
+ 'Pro 2200G': '3.5',
+ '2200GE': '3.2',
+ 'Pro 2200GE': '3.2',
+ '2400G': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 2400G': '3.6',
+ '2400GE': '3.2',
+ 'Pro 2400GE': '3.2',
+ // ZEN Mobile APUs
+ 'Pro 200U': '2.3',
+ '300U': '2.4',
+ '2200U': '2.5',
+ '3200U': '2.6',
+ '2300U': '2.0',
+ 'Pro 2300U': '2.0',
+ '2500U': '2.0',
+ 'Pro 2500U': '2.2',
+ '2600H': '3.2',
+ '2700U': '2.0',
+ 'Pro 2700U': '2.2',
+ '2800H': '3.3',
+ // ZEN Server Processors
+ '7351': '2.4',
+ '7351P': '2.4',
+ '7401': '2.0',
+ '7401P': '2.0',
+ '7551P': '2.0',
+ '7551': '2.0',
+ '7251': '2.1',
+ '7261': '2.5',
+ '7281': '2.1',
+ '7301': '2.2',
+ '7371': '3.1',
+ '7451': '2.3',
+ '7501': '2.0',
+ '7571': '2.2',
+ '7601': '2.2',
+ // ZEN Embedded Processors
+ 'V1500B': '2.2',
+ 'V1780B': '3.35',
+ 'V1202B': '2.3',
+ 'V1404I': '2.0',
+ 'V1605B': '2.0',
+ 'V1756B': '3.25',
+ 'V1807B': '3.35',
+ '3101': '2.1',
+ '3151': '2.7',
+ '3201': '1.5',
+ '3251': '2.5',
+ '3255': '2.5',
+ '3301': '2.0',
+ '3351': '1.9',
+ '3401': '1.85',
+ '3451': '2.15',
+ // ZEN+ Desktop
+ '1200|AF': '3.1',
+ '2300X': '3.5',
+ '2500X': '3.6',
+ '2600': '3.4',
+ '2600E': '3.1',
+ '1600|AF': '3.2',
+ '2600X': '3.6',
+ '2700': '3.2',
+ '2700E': '2.8',
+ 'Pro 2700': '3.2',
+ '2700X': '3.7',
+ 'Pro 2700X': '3.6',
+ '2920X': '3.5',
+ '2950X': '3.5',
+ '2970WX': '3.0',
+ '2990WX': '3.0',
+ // ZEN+ Desktop APU
+ 'Pro 300GE': '3.4',
+ 'Pro 3125GE': '3.4',
+ '3150G': '3.5',
+ 'Pro 3150G': '3.5',
+ '3150GE': '3.3',
+ 'Pro 3150GE': '3.3',
+ '3200G': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 3200G': '3.6',
+ '3200GE': '3.3',
+ 'Pro 3200GE': '3.3',
+ '3350G': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 3350G': '3.6',
+ '3350GE': '3.3',
+ 'Pro 3350GE': '3.3',
+ '3400G': '3.7',
+ 'Pro 3400G': '3.7',
+ '3400GE': '3.3',
+ 'Pro 3400GE': '3.3',
+ // ZEN+ Mobile
+ '3300U': '2.1',
+ 'PRO 3300U': '2.1',
+ '3450U': '2.1',
+ '3500U': '2.1',
+ 'PRO 3500U': '2.1',
+ '3500C': '2.1',
+ '3550H': '2.1',
+ '3580U': '2.1',
+ '3700U': '2.3',
+ 'PRO 3700U': '2.3',
+ '3700C': '2.3',
+ '3750H': '2.3',
+ '3780U': '2.3',
+ // ZEN2 Desktop CPUS
+ '3100': '3.6',
+ '3300X': '3.8',
+ '3500': '3.6',
+ '3500X': '3.6',
+ '3600': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 3600': '3.6',
+ '3600X': '3.8',
+ '3600XT': '3.8',
+ 'Pro 3700': '3.6',
+ '3700X': '3.6',
+ '3800X': '3.9',
+ '3800XT': '3.9',
+ '3900': '3.1',
+ 'Pro 3900': '3.1',
+ '3900X': '3.8',
+ '3900XT': '3.8',
+ '3950X': '3.5',
+ '3960X': '3.8',
+ '3970X': '3.7',
+ '3990X': '2.9',
+ '3945WX': '4.0',
+ '3955WX': '3.9',
+ '3975WX': '3.5',
+ '3995WX': '2.7',
+ // ZEN2 Desktop APUs
+ '4300GE': '3.5',
+ 'Pro 4300GE': '3.5',
+ '4300G': '3.8',
+ 'Pro 4300G': '3.8',
+ '4600GE': '3.3',
+ 'Pro 4650GE': '3.3',
+ '4600G': '3.7',
+ 'Pro 4650G': '3.7',
+ '4700GE': '3.1',
+ 'Pro 4750GE': '3.1',
+ '4700G': '3.6',
+ 'Pro 4750G': '3.6',
+ '4300U': '2.7',
+ '4450U': '2.5',
+ 'Pro 4450U': '2.5',
+ '4500U': '2.3',
+ '4600U': '2.1',
+ 'PRO 4650U': '2.1',
+ '4680U': '2.1',
+ '4600HS': '3.0',
+ '4600H': '3.0',
+ '4700U': '2.0',
+ 'PRO 4750U': '1.7',
+ '4800U': '1.8',
+ '4800HS': '2.9',
+ '4800H': '2.9',
+ '4900HS': '3.0',
+ '4900H': '3.3',
+ '5300U': '2.6',
+ '5500U': '2.1',
+ '5700U': '1.8',
+ // ZEN2 - EPYC
+ '7232P': '3.1',
+ '7302P': '3.0',
+ '7402P': '2.8',
+ '7502P': '2.5',
+ '7702P': '2.0',
+ '7252': '3.1',
+ '7262': '3.2',
+ '7272': '2.9',
+ '7282': '2.8',
+ '7302': '3.0',
+ '7352': '2.3',
+ '7402': '2.8',
+ '7452': '2.35',
+ '7502': '2.5',
+ '7532': '2.4',
+ '7542': '2.9',
+ '7552': '2.2',
+ '7642': '2.3',
+ '7662': '2.0',
+ '7702': '2.0',
+ '7742': '2.25',
+ '7H12': '2.6',
+ '7F32': '3.7',
+ '7F52': '3.5',
+ '7F72': '3.2',
+ // Epyc (Milan)
+ '7763': '2.45',
+ '7713': '2.0',
+ '7713P': '2.0',
+ '7663': '2.0',
+ '7643': '2.3',
+ '75F3': '2.95',
+ '7543': '2.8',
+ '7543P': '2.8',
+ '7513': '2.6',
+ '7453': '2.75',
+ '74F3': '3.2',
+ '7443': '2.85',
+ '7443P': '2.85',
+ '7413': '2.65',
+ '73F3': '3.5',
+ '7343': '3.2',
+ '7313': '3.0',
+ '7313P': '3.0',
+ '72F3': '3.7',
+ // ZEN3
+ '5600X': '3.7',
+ '5800X': '3.8',
+ '5900X': '3.7',
+ '5950X': '3.4'
+const socketTypes = {
+ 1: 'Other',
+ 2: 'Unknown',
+ 3: 'Daughter Board',
+ 4: 'ZIF Socket',
+ 5: 'Replacement/Piggy Back',
+ 6: 'None',
+ 7: 'LIF Socket',
+ 8: 'Slot 1',
+ 9: 'Slot 2',
+ 10: '370 Pin Socket',
+ 11: 'Slot A',
+ 12: 'Slot M',
+ 13: '423',
+ 14: 'A (Socket 462)',
+ 15: '478',
+ 16: '754',
+ 17: '940',
+ 18: '939',
+ 19: 'mPGA604',
+ 20: 'LGA771',
+ 21: 'LGA775',
+ 22: 'S1',
+ 23: 'AM2',
+ 24: 'F (1207)',
+ 25: 'LGA1366',
+ 26: 'G34',
+ 27: 'AM3',
+ 28: 'C32',
+ 29: 'LGA1156',
+ 30: 'LGA1567',
+ 31: 'PGA988A',
+ 32: 'BGA1288',
+ 33: 'rPGA988B',
+ 34: 'BGA1023',
+ 35: 'BGA1224',
+ 36: 'LGA1155',
+ 37: 'LGA1356',
+ 38: 'LGA2011',
+ 39: 'FS1',
+ 40: 'FS2',
+ 41: 'FM1',
+ 42: 'FM2',
+ 43: 'LGA2011-3',
+ 44: 'LGA1356-3',
+ 45: 'LGA1150',
+ 46: 'BGA1168',
+ 47: 'BGA1234',
+ 48: 'BGA1364',
+ 49: 'AM4',
+ 50: 'LGA1151',
+ 51: 'BGA1356',
+ 52: 'BGA1440',
+ 53: 'BGA1515',
+ 54: 'LGA3647-1',
+ 55: 'SP3',
+ 56: 'SP3r2',
+ 57: 'LGA2066',
+ 58: 'BGA1392',
+ 59: 'BGA1510',
+ 60: 'BGA1528',
+ 61: 'LGA4189',
+ 62: 'LGA1200',
+ 63: 'LGA4677',
+const socketTypesByName = {
+ 'LGA1150': 'i7-5775C i3-4340 i3-4170 G3250 i3-4160T i3-4160 E3-1231 G3258 G3240 i7-4790S i7-4790K i7-4790 i5-4690K i5-4690 i5-4590T i5-4590S i5-4590 i5-4460 i3-4360 i3-4150 G1820 G3420 G3220 i7-4771 i5-4440 i3-4330 i3-4130T i3-4130 E3-1230 i7-4770S i7-4770K i7-4770 i5-4670K i5-4670 i5-4570T i5-4570S i5-4570 i5-4430',
+ 'LGA1151': 'i9-9900KS E-2288G E-2224 G5420 i9-9900T i9-9900 i7-9700T i7-9700F i7-9700E i7-9700 i5-9600 i5-9500T i5-9500F i5-9500 i5-9400T i3-9350K i3-9300 i3-9100T i3-9100F i3-9100 G4930 i9-9900KF i7-9700KF i5-9600KF i5-9400F i5-9400 i3-9350KF i9-9900K i7-9700K i5-9600K G5500 G5400 i7-8700T i7-8086K i5-8600 i5-8500T i5-8500 i5-8400T i3-8300 i3-8100T G4900 i7-8700K i7-8700 i5-8600K i5-8400 i3-8350K i3-8100 E3-1270 G4600 G4560 i7-7700T i7-7700K i7-7700 i5-7600K i5-7600 i5-7500T i5-7500 i5-7400 i3-7350K i3-7300 i3-7100T i3-7100 G3930 G3900 G4400 i7-6700T i7-6700K i7-6700 i5-6600K i5-6600 i5-6500T i5-6500 i5-6400T i5-6400 i3-6300 i3-6100T i3-6100 E3-1270 E3-1270 T4500 T4400',
+ '1155': 'G440 G460 G465 G470 G530T G540T G550T G1610T G1620T G530 G540 G1610 G550 G1620 G555 G1630 i3-2100T i3-2120T i3-3220T i3-3240T i3-3250T i3-2100 i3-2105 i3-2102 i3-3210 i3-3220 i3-2125 i3-2120 i3-3225 i3-2130 i3-3245 i3-3240 i3-3250 i5-3570T i5-2500T i5-2400S i5-2405S i5-2390T i5-3330S i5-2500S i5-3335S i5-2300 i5-3450S i5-3340S i5-3470S i5-3475S i5-3470T i5-2310 i5-3550S i5-2320 i5-3330 i5-3350P i5-3450 i5-2400 i5-3340 i5-3570S i5-2380P i5-2450P i5-3470 i5-2500K i5-3550 i5-2500 i5-3570 i5-3570K i5-2550K i7-3770T i7-2600S i7-3770S i7-2600K i7-2600 i7-3770 i7-3770K i7-2700K G620T G630T G640T G2020T G645T G2100T G2030T G622 G860T G620 G632 G2120T G630 G640 G2010 G840 G2020 G850 G645 G2030 G860 G2120 G870 G2130 G2140 E3-1220L E3-1220L E3-1260L E3-1265L E3-1220 E3-1225 E3-1220 E3-1235 E3-1225 E3-1230 E3-1230 E3-1240 E3-1245 E3-1270 E3-1275 E3-1240 E3-1245 E3-1270 E3-1280 E3-1275 E3-1290 E3-1280 E3-1290'
+function getSocketTypesByName(str) {
+ let result = '';
+ for (const key in socketTypesByName) {
+ const names = socketTypesByName[key].split(' ');
+ for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+ if (str.indexOf(names[i]) >= 0) {
+ result = key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function cpuManufacturer(str) {
+ let result = str;
+ str = str.toLowerCase();
+ if (str.indexOf('intel') >= 0) { result = 'Intel'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('amd') >= 0) { result = 'AMD'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('qemu') >= 0) { result = 'QEMU'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('hygon') >= 0) { result = 'Hygon'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('centaur') >= 0) { result = 'WinChip/Via'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('vmware') >= 0) { result = 'VMware'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('Xen') >= 0) { result = 'Xen Hypervisor'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('tcg') >= 0) { result = 'QEMU'; }
+ if (str.indexOf('apple') >= 0) { result = 'Apple'; }
+ return result;
+function cpuBrandManufacturer(res) {
+ res.brand = res.brand.replace(/\(R\)+/g, '®').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ res.brand = res.brand.replace(/\(TM\)+/g, 'â„¢').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ res.brand = res.brand.replace(/\(C\)+/g, '©').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ res.brand = res.brand.replace(/CPU+/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ res.manufacturer = cpuManufacturer(res.brand);
+ let parts = res.brand.split(' ');
+ parts.shift();
+ res.brand = parts.join(' ');
+ return res;
+function getAMDSpeed(brand) {
+ let result = '0';
+ for (let key in AMDBaseFrequencies) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ let parts = key.split('|');
+ let found = 0;
+ parts.forEach(item => {
+ if (brand.indexOf(item) > -1) {
+ found++;
+ }
+ });
+ if (found === parts.length) {
+ result = AMDBaseFrequencies[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return parseFloat(result);
+// --------------------------
+// CPU - brand, speed
+function getCpu() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
+ let result = {
+ manufacturer: UNKNOWN,
+ brand: UNKNOWN,
+ vendor: '',
+ family: '',
+ model: '',
+ stepping: '',
+ revision: '',
+ voltage: '',
+ speed: 0,
+ speedMin: 0,
+ speedMax: 0,
+ governor: '',
+ cores: util.cores(),
+ physicalCores: util.cores(),
+ performanceCores: util.cores(),
+ efficiencyCores: 0,
+ processors: 1,
+ socket: '',
+ flags: '',
+ virtualization: false,
+ cache: {}
+ };
+ cpuFlags().then(flags => {
+ result.flags = flags;
+ result.virtualization = flags.indexOf('vmx') > -1 || flags.indexOf('svm') > -1;
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('sysctl machdep.cpu hw.cpufrequency_max hw.cpufrequency_min hw.packages hw.physicalcpu_max hw.ncpu hw.tbfrequency hw.cpufamily hw.cpusubfamily', function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const modelline = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.cpu.brand_string');
+ const modellineParts = modelline.split('@');
+ result.brand = modellineParts[0].trim();
+ const speed = modellineParts[1] ? modellineParts[1].trim() : '0';
+ result.speed = parseFloat(speed.replace(/GHz+/g, ''));
+ let tbFrequency = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.tbfrequency') / 1000000000.0;
+ tbFrequency = tbFrequency < 0.1 ? tbFrequency * 100 : tbFrequency;
+ result.speed = result.speed === 0 ? tbFrequency : result.speed;
+ _cpu_speed = result.speed;
+ result = cpuBrandManufacturer(result);
+ result.speedMin = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpufrequency_min') ? (util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpufrequency_min') / 1000000000.0) : result.speed;
+ result.speedMax = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpufrequency_max') ? (util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpufrequency_max') / 1000000000.0) : result.speed;
+ result.vendor = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.cpu.vendor') || 'Apple';
+ = util.getValue(lines, '') || util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpufamily');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.cpu.model');
+ result.stepping = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.cpu.stepping') || util.getValue(lines, 'hw.cpusubfamily');
+ result.virtualization = true;
+ const countProcessors = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.packages');
+ const countCores = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.physicalcpu_max');
+ const countThreads = util.getValue(lines, 'hw.ncpu');
+ if (os.arch() === 'arm64') {
+ const clusters = execSync('ioreg -c IOPlatformDevice -d 3 -r | grep cluster-type').toString().split('\n');
+ const efficiencyCores = clusters.filter(line => line.indexOf('"E"') >= 0).length;
+ const performanceCores = clusters.filter(line => line.indexOf('"P"') >= 0).length;
+ result.socket = 'SOC';
+ result.efficiencyCores = efficiencyCores;
+ result.performanceCores = performanceCores;
+ }
+ if (countProcessors) {
+ result.processors = parseInt(countProcessors) || 1;
+ }
+ if (countCores && countThreads) {
+ result.cores = parseInt(countThreads) || util.cores();
+ result.physicalCores = parseInt(countCores) || util.cores();
+ }
+ cpuCache().then((res) => {
+ result.cache = res;
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ let modelline = '';
+ let lines = [];
+ if (os.cpus()[0] && os.cpus()[0].model) { modelline = os.cpus()[0].model; }
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; lscpu; echo -n "Governor: "; cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor 2>/dev/null; echo; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ }
+ modelline = util.getValue(lines, 'model name') || modelline;
+ const modellineParts = modelline.split('@');
+ result.brand = modellineParts[0].trim();
+ result.speed = modellineParts[1] ? parseFloat(modellineParts[1].trim()) : 0;
+ if (result.speed === 0 && (result.brand.indexOf('AMD') > -1 || result.brand.toLowerCase().indexOf('ryzen') > -1)) {
+ result.speed = getAMDSpeed(result.brand);
+ }
+ if (result.speed === 0) {
+ const current = getCpuCurrentSpeedSync();
+ if (current.avg !== 0) { result.speed = current.avg; }
+ }
+ _cpu_speed = result.speed;
+ result.speedMin = Math.round(parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'cpu min mhz').replace(/,/g, '.')) / 10.0) / 100;
+ result.speedMax = Math.round(parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'cpu max mhz').replace(/,/g, '.')) / 10.0) / 100;
+ result = cpuBrandManufacturer(result);
+ result.vendor = cpuManufacturer(util.getValue(lines, 'vendor id'));
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'cpu family');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model:');
+ result.stepping = util.getValue(lines, 'stepping');
+ result.revision = util.getValue(lines, 'cpu revision');
+ result.cache.l1d = util.getValue(lines, 'l1d cache');
+ if (result.cache.l1d) { result.cache.l1d = parseInt(result.cache.l1d) * (result.cache.l1d.indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (result.cache.l1d.indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1)); }
+ result.cache.l1i = util.getValue(lines, 'l1i cache');
+ if (result.cache.l1i) { result.cache.l1i = parseInt(result.cache.l1i) * (result.cache.l1i.indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (result.cache.l1i.indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1)); }
+ result.cache.l2 = util.getValue(lines, 'l2 cache');
+ if (result.cache.l2) { result.cache.l2 = parseInt(result.cache.l2) * (result.cache.l2.indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (result.cache.l2.indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1)); }
+ result.cache.l3 = util.getValue(lines, 'l3 cache');
+ if (result.cache.l3) { result.cache.l3 = parseInt(result.cache.l3) * (result.cache.l3.indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (result.cache.l3.indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1)); }
+ const threadsPerCore = util.getValue(lines, 'thread(s) per core') || '1';
+ const processors = util.getValue(lines, 'socket(s)') || '1';
+ let threadsPerCoreInt = parseInt(threadsPerCore, 10); // threads per code (normally only for performance cores)
+ let processorsInt = parseInt(processors, 10) || 1; // number of sockets / processor units in machine (normally 1)
+ const coresPerSocket = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'core(s) per socket'), 10); // number of cores (e.g. 16 on i12900)
+ result.physicalCores = coresPerSocket ? coresPerSocket * processorsInt : result.cores / threadsPerCoreInt;
+ result.performanceCores = threadsPerCoreInt > 1 ? result.cores - result.physicalCores : result.cores;
+ result.efficiencyCores = threadsPerCoreInt > 1 ? result.cores - (threadsPerCoreInt * result.performanceCores) : 0;
+ result.processors = processorsInt;
+ result.governor = util.getValue(lines, 'governor') || '';
+ // Test Raspberry
+ if (result.vendor === 'ARM') {
+ const linesRpi = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo').toString().split('\n');
+ const rPIRevision = util.decodePiCpuinfo(linesRpi);
+ if (rPIRevision.model.toLowerCase().indexOf('raspberry') >= 0) {
+ = result.manufacturer;
+ result.manufacturer = rPIRevision.manufacturer;
+ result.brand = rPIRevision.processor;
+ result.revision = rPIRevision.revisionCode;
+ result.socket = 'SOC';
+ }
+ }
+ // socket type
+ let lines2 = [];
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode –t 4 2>/dev/null | grep "Upgrade: Socket"; unset LC_ALL', function (error2, stdout2) {
+ lines2 = stdout2.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines2 && lines2.length) {
+ result.socket = util.getValue(lines2, 'Upgrade').replace('Socket', '').trim() || result.socket;
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ let modelline = '';
+ let lines = [];
+ if (os.cpus()[0] && os.cpus()[0].model) { modelline = os.cpus()[0].model; }
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 4; dmidecode -t 7 unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ let cache = [];
+ if (!error) {
+ const data = stdout.toString().split('# dmidecode');
+ const processor = data.length > 1 ? data[1] : '';
+ cache = data.length > 2 ? data[2].split('Cache Information') : [];
+ lines = processor.split('\n');
+ }
+ result.brand = modelline.split('@')[0].trim();
+ result.speed = modelline.split('@')[1] ? parseFloat(modelline.split('@')[1].trim()) : 0;
+ if (result.speed === 0 && (result.brand.indexOf('AMD') > -1 || result.brand.toLowerCase().indexOf('ryzen') > -1)) {
+ result.speed = getAMDSpeed(result.brand);
+ }
+ if (result.speed === 0) {
+ const current = getCpuCurrentSpeedSync();
+ if (current.avg !== 0) { result.speed = current.avg; }
+ }
+ _cpu_speed = result.speed;
+ result.speedMin = result.speed;
+ result.speedMax = Math.round(parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'max speed').replace(/Mhz/g, '')) / 10.0) / 100;
+ result = cpuBrandManufacturer(result);
+ result.vendor = cpuManufacturer(util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer'));
+ let sig = util.getValue(lines, 'signature');
+ sig = sig.split(',');
+ for (let i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
+ sig[i] = sig[i].trim();
+ }
+ = util.getValue(sig, 'Family', ' ', true);
+ result.model = util.getValue(sig, 'Model', ' ', true);
+ result.stepping = util.getValue(sig, 'Stepping', ' ', true);
+ result.revision = '';
+ const voltage = parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'voltage'));
+ result.voltage = isNaN(voltage) ? '' : voltage.toFixed(2);
+ for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
+ lines = cache[i].split('\n');
+ let cacheType = util.getValue(lines, 'Socket Designation').toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-').split('-');
+ cacheType = cacheType.length ? cacheType[0] : '';
+ const sizeParts = util.getValue(lines, 'Installed Size').split(' ');
+ let size = parseInt(sizeParts[0], 10);
+ const unit = sizeParts.length > 1 ? sizeParts[1] : 'kb';
+ size = size * (unit === 'kb' ? 1024 : (unit === 'mb' ? 1024 * 1024 : (unit === 'gb' ? 1024 * 1024 * 1024 : 1)));
+ if (cacheType) {
+ if (cacheType === 'l1') {
+ result.cache[cacheType + 'd'] = size / 2;
+ result.cache[cacheType + 'i'] = size / 2;
+ } else {
+ result.cache[cacheType] = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // socket type
+ result.socket = util.getValue(lines, 'Upgrade').replace('Socket', '').trim();
+ // # threads / # cores
+ const threadCount = util.getValue(lines, 'thread count').trim();
+ const coreCount = util.getValue(lines, 'core count').trim();
+ if (coreCount && threadCount) {
+ result.cores = parseInt(threadCount, 10);
+ result.physicalCores = parseInt(coreCount, 10);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_processor | select Name, Revision, L2CacheSize, L3CacheSize, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, Description, UpgradeMethod, Caption, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfCores | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_CacheMemory | select CacheType,InstalledSize,Level | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent'));
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let lines = data[0].split('\r\n');
+ let name = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':') || '';
+ if (name.indexOf('@') >= 0) {
+ result.brand = name.split('@')[0].trim();
+ result.speed = name.split('@')[1] ? parseFloat(name.split('@')[1].trim()) : 0;
+ _cpu_speed = result.speed;
+ } else {
+ result.brand = name.trim();
+ result.speed = 0;
+ }
+ result = cpuBrandManufacturer(result);
+ result.revision = util.getValue(lines, 'revision', ':');
+ result.cache.l1d = 0;
+ result.cache.l1i = 0;
+ result.cache.l2 = util.getValue(lines, 'l2cachesize', ':');
+ result.cache.l3 = util.getValue(lines, 'l3cachesize', ':');
+ if (result.cache.l2) { result.cache.l2 = parseInt(result.cache.l2, 10) * 1024; }
+ if (result.cache.l3) { result.cache.l3 = parseInt(result.cache.l3, 10) * 1024; }
+ result.vendor = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.speedMax = Math.round(parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'maxclockspeed', ':').replace(/,/g, '.')) / 10.0) / 100;
+ if (result.speed === 0 && (result.brand.indexOf('AMD') > -1 || result.brand.toLowerCase().indexOf('ryzen') > -1)) {
+ result.speed = getAMDSpeed(result.brand);
+ }
+ if (result.speed === 0) {
+ result.speed = result.speedMax;
+ }
+ result.speedMin = result.speed;
+ let description = util.getValue(lines, 'description', ':').split(' ');
+ for (let i = 0; i < description.length; i++) {
+ if (description[i].toLowerCase().startsWith('family') && (i + 1) < description.length && description[i + 1]) {
+ = description[i + 1];
+ }
+ if (description[i].toLowerCase().startsWith('model') && (i + 1) < description.length && description[i + 1]) {
+ result.model = description[i + 1];
+ }
+ if (description[i].toLowerCase().startsWith('stepping') && (i + 1) < description.length && description[i + 1]) {
+ result.stepping = description[i + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ // socket type
+ const socketId = util.getValue(lines, 'UpgradeMethod', ':');
+ if (socketTypes[socketId]) {
+ result.socket = socketTypes[socketId];
+ }
+ const socketByName = getSocketTypesByName(name);
+ if (socketByName) {
+ result.socket = socketByName;
+ }
+ // # threads / # cores
+ const countProcessors = util.countLines(lines, 'Caption');
+ const countThreads = util.getValue(lines, 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors', ':');
+ const countCores = util.getValue(lines, 'NumberOfCores', ':');
+ if (countProcessors) {
+ result.processors = parseInt(countProcessors) || 1;
+ }
+ if (countCores && countThreads) {
+ result.cores = parseInt(countThreads) || util.cores();
+ result.physicalCores = parseInt(countCores) || util.cores();
+ }
+ if (countProcessors > 1) {
+ result.cores = result.cores * countProcessors;
+ result.physicalCores = result.physicalCores * countProcessors;
+ }
+ const parts = data[1].split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ parts.forEach(function (part) {
+ lines = part.split('\r\n');
+ const cacheType = util.getValue(lines, 'CacheType');
+ const level = util.getValue(lines, 'Level');
+ const installedSize = util.getValue(lines, 'InstalledSize');
+ // L1 Instructions
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '3') {
+ result.cache.l1i = parseInt(installedSize, 10);
+ }
+ // L1 Data
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '4') {
+ result.cache.l1d = parseInt(installedSize, 10);
+ }
+ // L1 all
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '5' && !result.cache.l1i && !result.cache.l1d) {
+ result.cache.l1i = parseInt(installedSize, 10) / 2;
+ result.cache.l1d = parseInt(installedSize, 10) / 2;
+ }
+ });
+ const hyperv = data[2] ? data[2].toString().toLowerCase() : '';
+ result.virtualization = hyperv.indexOf('true') !== -1;
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// CPU - Processor Data
+function cpu(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ getCpu().then(result => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.cpu = cpu;
+// --------------------------
+// CPU - current speed - in GHz
+function getCpuCurrentSpeedSync() {
+ let cpus = os.cpus();
+ let minFreq = 999999999;
+ let maxFreq = 0;
+ let avgFreq = 0;
+ let cores = [];
+ if (cpus && cpus.length) {
+ for (let i in cpus) {
+ if ({}, i)) {
+ let freq = cpus[i].speed > 100 ? (cpus[i].speed + 1) / 1000 : cpus[i].speed / 10;
+ avgFreq = avgFreq + freq;
+ if (freq > maxFreq) { maxFreq = freq; }
+ if (freq < minFreq) { minFreq = freq; }
+ cores.push(parseFloat(freq.toFixed(2)));
+ }
+ }
+ avgFreq = avgFreq / cpus.length;
+ return {
+ min: parseFloat(minFreq.toFixed(2)),
+ max: parseFloat(maxFreq.toFixed(2)),
+ avg: parseFloat((avgFreq).toFixed(2)),
+ cores: cores
+ };
+ } else {
+ return {
+ min: 0,
+ max: 0,
+ avg: 0,
+ cores: cores
+ };
+ }
+function cpuCurrentSpeed(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = getCpuCurrentSpeedSync();
+ if (result.avg === 0 && _cpu_speed !== 0) {
+ const currCpuSpeed = parseFloat(_cpu_speed);
+ result = {
+ min: currCpuSpeed,
+ max: currCpuSpeed,
+ avg: currCpuSpeed,
+ cores: []
+ };
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+exports.cpuCurrentSpeed = cpuCurrentSpeed;
+// --------------------------
+// CPU - temperature
+// if sensors are installed
+function cpuTemperature(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ main: null,
+ cores: [],
+ max: null,
+ socket: [],
+ chipset: null
+ };
+ if (_linux) {
+ // CPU Chipset, Socket
+ try {
+ const cmd = 'cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/type 2>/dev/null; echo "-----"; cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp 2>/dev/null;';
+ const parts = execSync(cmd).toString().split('-----\n');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ const lines = parts[0].split('\n');
+ const lines2 = parts[1].split('\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i].trim();
+ if (line.startsWith('acpi') && lines2[i]) {
+ result.socket.push(Math.round(parseInt(lines2[i], 10) / 100) / 10);
+ }
+ if (line.startsWith('pch') && lines2[i]) {
+ result.chipset = Math.round(parseInt(lines2[i], 10) / 100) / 10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ const cmd = 'for mon in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*; do for label in "$mon"/temp*_label; do if [ -f $label ]; then value=${label%_*}_input; echo $(cat "$label")___$(cat "$value"); fi; done; done;';
+ try {
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ stdout = stdout.toString();
+ const tdiePos = stdout.toLowerCase().indexOf('tdie');
+ if (tdiePos !== -1) {
+ stdout = stdout.substring(tdiePos);
+ }
+ let lines = stdout.split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ const parts = line.split('___');
+ const label = parts[0];
+ const value = parts.length > 1 && parts[1] ? parts[1] : '0';
+ if (value && (label === undefined || (label && label.toLowerCase().startsWith('core')))) {
+ result.cores.push(Math.round(parseInt(value, 10) / 100) / 10);
+ } else if (value && label && result.main === null) {
+ result.main = Math.round(parseInt(value, 10) / 100) / 10;
+ }
+ });
+ if (result.cores.length > 0) {
+ result.main = Math.round(result.cores.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / result.cores.length);
+ let maxtmp = Math.max.apply(Math, result.cores);
+ result.max = (maxtmp > result.main) ? maxtmp : result.main;
+ }
+ if (result.main !== null) {
+ if (result.max === null) {
+ result.max = result.main;
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ exec('sensors', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let tdieTemp = null;
+ let newSectionStarts = true;
+ let section = '';
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ // determine section
+ if (line.trim() === '') {
+ newSectionStarts = true;
+ } else if (newSectionStarts) {
+ if (line.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith('acpi')) { section = 'acpi'; }
+ if (line.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith('pch')) { section = 'pch'; }
+ if (line.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith('core')) { section = 'core'; }
+ newSectionStarts = false;
+ }
+ let regex = /[+-]([^°]*)/g;
+ let temps = line.match(regex);
+ let firstPart = line.split(':')[0].toUpperCase();
+ if (section === 'acpi') {
+ // socket temp
+ if (firstPart.indexOf('TEMP') !== -1) {
+ result.socket.push(parseFloat(temps));
+ }
+ } else if (section === 'pch') {
+ // chipset temp
+ if (firstPart.indexOf('TEMP') !== -1) {
+ result.chipset = parseFloat(temps);
+ }
+ }
+ // cpu temp
+ if (firstPart.indexOf('PHYSICAL') !== -1 || firstPart.indexOf('PACKAGE') !== -1) {
+ result.main = parseFloat(temps);
+ }
+ if (firstPart.indexOf('CORE ') !== -1) {
+ result.cores.push(parseFloat(temps));
+ }
+ if (firstPart.indexOf('TDIE') !== -1 && tdieTemp === null) {
+ tdieTemp = parseFloat(temps);
+ }
+ });
+ if (result.cores.length > 0) {
+ result.main = Math.round(result.cores.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / result.cores.length);
+ let maxtmp = Math.max.apply(Math, result.cores);
+ result.max = (maxtmp > result.main) ? maxtmp : result.main;
+ } else {
+ if (result.main === null && tdieTemp !== null) {
+ result.main = tdieTemp;
+ result.max = tdieTemp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.main !== null || result.max !== null) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fs.stat('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp', function (err) {
+ if (err === null) {
+ fs.readFile('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 0) {
+ result.main = parseFloat(lines[0]) / 1000.0;
+ result.max = result.main;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ exec('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 0 && lines[0].indexOf('=')) {
+ result.main = parseFloat(lines[0].split('=')[1]);
+ result.max = result.main;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ } catch (er) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('sysctl dev.cpu | grep temp', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let sum = 0;
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ const parts = line.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ const temp = parseFloat(parts[1].replace(',', '.'));
+ if (temp > result.max) { result.max = temp; }
+ sum = sum + temp;
+ result.cores.push(temp);
+ }
+ });
+ if (result.cores.length) {
+ result.main = Math.round(sum / result.cores.length * 100) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let osxTemp = null;
+ try {
+ osxTemp = require('osx-temperature-sensor');
+ } catch (er) {
+ osxTemp = null;
+ }
+ if (osxTemp) {
+ result = osxTemp.cpuTemperature();
+ // round to 2 digits
+ if (result.main) {
+ result.main = Math.round(result.main * 100) / 100;
+ }
+ if (result.max) {
+ result.max = Math.round(result.max * 100) / 100;
+ }
+ if (result.cores && result.cores.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.cores.length; i++) {
+ result.cores[i] = Math.round(result.cores[i] * 100) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature -Namespace "root/wmi" | Select CurrentTemperature').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let sum = 0;
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '').filter((line, idx) => idx > 0);
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ let value = (parseInt(line, 10) - 2732) / 10;
+ if (!isNaN(value)) {
+ sum = sum + value;
+ if (value > result.max) { result.max = value; }
+ result.cores.push(value);
+ }
+ });
+ if (result.cores.length) {
+ result.main = sum / result.cores.length;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.cpuTemperature = cpuTemperature;
+// --------------------------
+// CPU Flags
+function cpuFlags(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = '';
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ exec('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0" /v FeatureSet', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let flag_hex = stdout.split('0x').pop().trim();
+ let flag_bin_unpadded = parseInt(flag_hex, 16).toString(2);
+ let flag_bin = '0'.repeat(32 - flag_bin_unpadded.length) + flag_bin_unpadded;
+ // empty flags are the reserved fields in the CPUID feature bit list
+ // as found on wikipedia:
+ //
+ let all_flags = [
+ 'fpu', 'vme', 'de', 'pse', 'tsc', 'msr', 'pae', 'mce', 'cx8', 'apic',
+ '', 'sep', 'mtrr', 'pge', 'mca', 'cmov', 'pat', 'pse-36', 'psn', 'clfsh',
+ '', 'ds', 'acpi', 'mmx', 'fxsr', 'sse', 'sse2', 'ss', 'htt', 'tm', 'ia64', 'pbe'
+ ];
+ for (let f = 0; f < all_flags.length; f++) {
+ if (flag_bin[f] === '1' && all_flags[f] !== '') {
+ result += ' ' + all_flags[f];
+ }
+ }
+ result = result.trim().toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ try {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; lscpu; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line.split(':')[0].toUpperCase().indexOf('FLAGS') !== -1) {
+ result = line.split(':')[1].trim().toLowerCase();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/cpuinfo', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = util.getValue(lines, 'features', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 4 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ let flags = [];
+ if (!error) {
+ let parts = stdout.toString().split('\tFlags:');
+ const lines = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].split('\tVersion:')[0].split('\n') : [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ let flag = (line.indexOf('(') ? line.split('(')[0].toLowerCase() : '').trim().replace(/\t/g, '');
+ if (flag) {
+ flags.push(flag);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ result = flags.join(' ').trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('sysctl machdep.cpu.features', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 0 && lines[0].indexOf('machdep.cpu.features:') !== -1) {
+ result = lines[0].split(':')[1].trim().toLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.cpuFlags = cpuFlags;
+// --------------------------
+// CPU Cache
+function cpuCache(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ l1d: null,
+ l1i: null,
+ l2: null,
+ l3: null,
+ };
+ if (_linux) {
+ try {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; lscpu; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ let parts = line.split(':');
+ if (parts[0].toUpperCase().indexOf('L1D CACHE') !== -1) {
+ result.l1d = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1));
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toUpperCase().indexOf('L1I CACHE') !== -1) {
+ result.l1i = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1));
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toUpperCase().indexOf('L2 CACHE') !== -1) {
+ result.l2 = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1));
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toUpperCase().indexOf('L3 CACHE') !== -1) {
+ result.l3 = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('M') !== -1 ? 1024 * 1024 : (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 7 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ let cache = [];
+ if (!error) {
+ const data = stdout.toString();
+ cache = data.split('Cache Information');
+ cache.shift();
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
+ const lines = cache[i].split('\n');
+ let cacheType = util.getValue(lines, 'Socket Designation').toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-').split('-');
+ cacheType = cacheType.length ? cacheType[0] : '';
+ const sizeParts = util.getValue(lines, 'Installed Size').split(' ');
+ let size = parseInt(sizeParts[0], 10);
+ const unit = sizeParts.length > 1 ? sizeParts[1] : 'kb';
+ size = size * (unit === 'kb' ? 1024 : (unit === 'mb' ? 1024 * 1024 : (unit === 'gb' ? 1024 * 1024 * 1024 : 1)));
+ if (cacheType) {
+ if (cacheType === 'l1') {
+ result.cache[cacheType + 'd'] = size / 2;
+ result.cache[cacheType + 'i'] = size / 2;
+ } else {
+ result.cache[cacheType] = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('sysctl hw.l1icachesize hw.l1dcachesize hw.l2cachesize hw.l3cachesize', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ let parts = line.split(':');
+ if (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('hw.l1icachesize') !== -1) {
+ result.l1d = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1);
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('hw.l1dcachesize') !== -1) {
+ result.l1i = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1);
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('hw.l2cachesize') !== -1) {
+ result.l2 = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1);
+ }
+ if (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('hw.l3cachesize') !== -1) {
+ result.l3 = parseInt(parts[1].trim()) * (parts[1].indexOf('K') !== -1 ? 1024 : 1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_processor | select L2CacheSize, L3CacheSize | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n');
+ result.l1d = 0;
+ result.l1i = 0;
+ result.l2 = util.getValue(lines, 'l2cachesize', ':');
+ result.l3 = util.getValue(lines, 'l3cachesize', ':');
+ if (result.l2) { result.l2 = parseInt(result.l2, 10) * 1024; }
+ if (result.l3) { result.l3 = parseInt(result.l3, 10) * 1024; }
+ }
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_CacheMemory | select CacheType,InstalledSize,Level | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ parts.forEach(function (part) {
+ const lines = part.split('\r\n');
+ const cacheType = util.getValue(lines, 'CacheType');
+ const level = util.getValue(lines, 'Level');
+ const installedSize = util.getValue(lines, 'InstalledSize');
+ // L1 Instructions
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '3') {
+ result.l1i = parseInt(installedSize, 10);
+ }
+ // L1 Data
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '4') {
+ result.l1d = parseInt(installedSize, 10);
+ }
+ // L1 all
+ if (level === '3' && cacheType === '5' && !result.l1i && !result.l1d) {
+ result.l1i = parseInt(installedSize, 10) / 2;
+ result.l1d = parseInt(installedSize, 10) / 2;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.cpuCache = cpuCache;
+// --------------------------
+// CPU - current load - in %
+function getLoad() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let loads = os.loadavg().map(function (x) { return x / util.cores(); });
+ let avgLoad = parseFloat((Math.max.apply(Math, loads)).toFixed(2));
+ let result = {};
+ let now = -;
+ if (now >= 200) {
+ =;
+ const cpus = os.cpus();
+ let totalUser = 0;
+ let totalSystem = 0;
+ let totalNice = 0;
+ let totalIrq = 0;
+ let totalIdle = 0;
+ let cores = [];
+ _corecount = (cpus && cpus.length) ? cpus.length : 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < _corecount; i++) {
+ const cpu = cpus[i].times;
+ totalUser += cpu.user;
+ totalSystem += cpu.sys;
+ totalNice += cpu.nice;
+ totalIdle += cpu.idle;
+ totalIrq += cpu.irq;
+ let tmpTick = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].totalTick ? _cpus[i].totalTick : 0);
+ let tmpLoad = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].totalLoad ? _cpus[i].totalLoad : 0);
+ let tmpUser = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].user ? _cpus[i].user : 0);
+ let tmpSystem = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].sys ? _cpus[i].sys : 0);
+ let tmpNice = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].nice ? _cpus[i].nice : 0);
+ let tmpIdle = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].idle ? _cpus[i].idle : 0);
+ let tmpIrq = (_cpus && _cpus[i] && _cpus[i].irq ? _cpus[i].irq : 0);
+ _cpus[i] = cpu;
+ _cpus[i].totalTick = _cpus[i].user + _cpus[i].sys + _cpus[i].nice + _cpus[i].irq + _cpus[i].idle;
+ _cpus[i].totalLoad = _cpus[i].user + _cpus[i].sys + _cpus[i].nice + _cpus[i].irq;
+ _cpus[i].currentTick = _cpus[i].totalTick - tmpTick;
+ _cpus[i].load = (_cpus[i].totalLoad - tmpLoad);
+ _cpus[i].loadUser = (_cpus[i].user - tmpUser);
+ _cpus[i].loadSystem = (_cpus[i].sys - tmpSystem);
+ _cpus[i].loadNice = (_cpus[i].nice - tmpNice);
+ _cpus[i].loadIdle = (_cpus[i].idle - tmpIdle);
+ _cpus[i].loadIrq = (_cpus[i].irq - tmpIrq);
+ cores[i] = {};
+ cores[i].load = _cpus[i].load / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadUser = _cpus[i].loadUser / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadSystem = _cpus[i].loadSystem / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadNice = _cpus[i].loadNice / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadIdle = _cpus[i].loadIdle / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadIrq = _cpus[i].loadIrq / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].rawLoad = _cpus[i].load;
+ cores[i].rawLoadUser = _cpus[i].loadUser;
+ cores[i].rawLoadSystem = _cpus[i].loadSystem;
+ cores[i].rawLoadNice = _cpus[i].loadNice;
+ cores[i].rawLoadIdle = _cpus[i].loadIdle;
+ cores[i].rawLoadIrq = _cpus[i].loadIrq;
+ }
+ let totalTick = totalUser + totalSystem + totalNice + totalIrq + totalIdle;
+ let totalLoad = totalUser + totalSystem + totalNice + totalIrq;
+ let currentTick = totalTick - _current_cpu.tick;
+ result = {
+ avgLoad: avgLoad,
+ currentLoad: (totalLoad - _current_cpu.load) / currentTick * 100,
+ currentLoadUser: (totalUser - _current_cpu.user) / currentTick * 100,
+ currentLoadSystem: (totalSystem - _current_cpu.system) / currentTick * 100,
+ currentLoadNice: (totalNice - _current_cpu.nice) / currentTick * 100,
+ currentLoadIdle: (totalIdle - _current_cpu.idle) / currentTick * 100,
+ currentLoadIrq: (totalIrq - _current_cpu.irq) / currentTick * 100,
+ rawCurrentLoad: (totalLoad - _current_cpu.load),
+ rawCurrentLoadUser: (totalUser - _current_cpu.user),
+ rawCurrentLoadSystem: (totalSystem - _current_cpu.system),
+ rawCurrentLoadNice: (totalNice - _current_cpu.nice),
+ rawCurrentLoadIdle: (totalIdle - _current_cpu.idle),
+ rawCurrentLoadIrq: (totalIrq - _current_cpu.irq),
+ cpus: cores
+ };
+ _current_cpu = {
+ user: totalUser,
+ nice: totalNice,
+ system: totalSystem,
+ idle: totalIdle,
+ irq: totalIrq,
+ tick: totalTick,
+ load: totalLoad,
+ ms:,
+ currentLoad: result.currentLoad,
+ currentLoadUser: result.currentLoadUser,
+ currentLoadSystem: result.currentLoadSystem,
+ currentLoadNice: result.currentLoadNice,
+ currentLoadIdle: result.currentLoadIdle,
+ currentLoadIrq: result.currentLoadIrq,
+ rawCurrentLoad: result.rawCurrentLoad,
+ rawCurrentLoadUser: result.rawCurrentLoadUser,
+ rawCurrentLoadSystem: result.rawCurrentLoadSystem,
+ rawCurrentLoadNice: result.rawCurrentLoadNice,
+ rawCurrentLoadIdle: result.rawCurrentLoadIdle,
+ rawCurrentLoadIrq: result.rawCurrentLoadIrq,
+ };
+ } else {
+ let cores = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < _corecount; i++) {
+ cores[i] = {};
+ cores[i].load = _cpus[i].load / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadUser = _cpus[i].loadUser / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadSystem = _cpus[i].loadSystem / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadNice = _cpus[i].loadNice / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadIdle = _cpus[i].loadIdle / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].loadIrq = _cpus[i].loadIrq / _cpus[i].currentTick * 100;
+ cores[i].rawLoad = _cpus[i].load;
+ cores[i].rawLoadUser = _cpus[i].loadUser;
+ cores[i].rawLoadSystem = _cpus[i].loadSystem;
+ cores[i].rawLoadNice = _cpus[i].loadNice;
+ cores[i].rawLoadIdle = _cpus[i].loadIdle;
+ cores[i].rawLoadIrq = _cpus[i].loadIrq;
+ }
+ result = {
+ avgLoad: avgLoad,
+ currentLoad: _current_cpu.currentLoad,
+ currentLoadUser: _current_cpu.currentLoadUser,
+ currentLoadSystem: _current_cpu.currentLoadSystem,
+ currentLoadNice: _current_cpu.currentLoadNice,
+ currentLoadIdle: _current_cpu.currentLoadIdle,
+ currentLoadIrq: _current_cpu.currentLoadIrq,
+ rawCurrentLoad: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoad,
+ rawCurrentLoadUser: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoadUser,
+ rawCurrentLoadSystem: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoadSystem,
+ rawCurrentLoadNice: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoadNice,
+ rawCurrentLoadIdle: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoadIdle,
+ rawCurrentLoadIrq: _current_cpu.rawCurrentLoadIrq,
+ cpus: cores
+ };
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+function currentLoad(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ getLoad().then(result => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.currentLoad = currentLoad;
+// --------------------------
+// PS - full load
+// since bootup
+function getFullLoad() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const cpus = os.cpus();
+ let totalUser = 0;
+ let totalSystem = 0;
+ let totalNice = 0;
+ let totalIrq = 0;
+ let totalIdle = 0;
+ let result = 0;
+ if (cpus && cpus.length) {
+ for (let i = 0, len = cpus.length; i < len; i++) {
+ const cpu = cpus[i].times;
+ totalUser += cpu.user;
+ totalSystem += cpu.sys;
+ totalNice += cpu.nice;
+ totalIrq += cpu.irq;
+ totalIdle += cpu.idle;
+ }
+ let totalTicks = totalIdle + totalIrq + totalNice + totalSystem + totalUser;
+ result = (totalTicks - totalIdle) / totalTicks * 100.0;
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+function fullLoad(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ getFullLoad().then(result => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.fullLoad = fullLoad;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/docker.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/docker.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8125fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/docker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// docker.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 13. Docker
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const util = require('./util');
+const DockerSocket = require('./dockerSocket');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+let _docker_container_stats = {};
+let _docker_socket;
+let _docker_last_read = 0;
+// --------------------------
+// get containers (parameter all: get also inactive/exited containers)
+function dockerInfo(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ const result = {};
+ _docker_socket.getInfo((data) => {
+ = data.ID;
+ result.containers = data.Containers;
+ result.containersRunning = data.ContainersRunning;
+ result.containersPaused = data.ContainersPaused;
+ result.containersStopped = data.ContainersStopped;
+ result.images = data.Images;
+ result.driver = data.Driver;
+ result.memoryLimit = data.MemoryLimit;
+ result.swapLimit = data.SwapLimit;
+ result.kernelMemory = data.KernelMemory;
+ result.cpuCfsPeriod = data.CpuCfsPeriod;
+ result.cpuCfsQuota = data.CpuCfsQuota;
+ result.cpuShares = data.CPUShares;
+ result.cpuSet = data.CPUSet;
+ result.ipv4Forwarding = data.IPv4Forwarding;
+ result.bridgeNfIptables = data.BridgeNfIptables;
+ result.bridgeNfIp6tables = data.BridgeNfIp6tables;
+ result.debug = data.Debug;
+ result.nfd = data.NFd;
+ result.oomKillDisable = data.OomKillDisable;
+ result.ngoroutines = data.NGoroutines;
+ result.systemTime = data.SystemTime;
+ result.loggingDriver = data.LoggingDriver;
+ result.cgroupDriver = data.CgroupDriver;
+ result.nEventsListener = data.NEventsListener;
+ result.kernelVersion = data.KernelVersion;
+ result.operatingSystem = data.OperatingSystem;
+ result.osType = data.OSType;
+ result.architecture = data.Architecture;
+ result.ncpu = data.NCPU;
+ result.memTotal = data.MemTotal;
+ result.dockerRootDir = data.DockerRootDir;
+ result.httpProxy = data.HttpProxy;
+ result.httpsProxy = data.HttpsProxy;
+ result.noProxy = data.NoProxy;
+ = data.Name;
+ result.labels = data.Labels;
+ result.experimentalBuild = data.ExperimentalBuild;
+ result.serverVersion = data.ServerVersion;
+ result.clusterStore = data.ClusterStore;
+ result.clusterAdvertise = data.ClusterAdvertise;
+ result.defaultRuntime = data.DefaultRuntime;
+ result.liveRestoreEnabled = data.LiveRestoreEnabled;
+ result.isolation = data.Isolation;
+ result.initBinary = data.InitBinary;
+ result.productLicense = data.ProductLicense;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerInfo = dockerInfo;
+function dockerImages(all, callback) {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(all) && !callback) {
+ callback = all;
+ all = false;
+ }
+ if (typeof all === 'string' && all === 'true') {
+ all = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof all !== 'boolean' && all !== undefined) {
+ all = false;
+ }
+ all = all || false;
+ let result = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ const workload = [];
+ _docker_socket.listImages(all, data => {
+ let dockerImages = {};
+ try {
+ dockerImages = data;
+ if (dockerImages && === '[object Array]' && dockerImages.length > 0) {
+ dockerImages.forEach(function (element) {
+ if (element.Names && === '[object Array]' && element.Names.length > 0) {
+ element.Name = element.Names[0].replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
+ }
+ workload.push(dockerImagesInspect(element.Id.trim(), element));
+ });
+ if (workload.length) {
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// container inspect (for one container)
+function dockerImagesInspect(imageID, payload) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ imageID = imageID || '';
+ if (typeof imageID !== 'string') {
+ return resolve();
+ }
+ const imageIDSanitized = (util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(imageID, true)).trim();
+ if (imageIDSanitized) {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ _docker_socket.inspectImage(imageIDSanitized.trim(), data => {
+ try {
+ resolve({
+ id: payload.Id,
+ container: data.Container,
+ comment: data.Comment,
+ os: data.Os,
+ architecture: data.Architecture,
+ parent: data.Parent,
+ dockerVersion: data.DockerVersion,
+ size: data.Size,
+ sharedSize: payload.SharedSize,
+ virtualSize: data.VirtualSize,
+ author: data.Author,
+ created: data.Created ? Math.round(new Date(data.Created).getTime() / 1000) : 0,
+ containerConfig: data.ContainerConfig ? data.ContainerConfig : {},
+ graphDriver: data.GraphDriver ? data.GraphDriver : {},
+ repoDigests: data.RepoDigests ? data.RepoDigests : {},
+ repoTags: data.RepoTags ? data.RepoTags : {},
+ config: data.Config ? data.Config : {},
+ rootFS: data.RootFS ? data.RootFS : {},
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerImages = dockerImages;
+function dockerContainers(all, callback) {
+ function inContainers(containers, id) {
+ let filtered = containers.filter(obj => {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {string} Id
+ */
+ return (obj.Id && (obj.Id === id));
+ });
+ return (filtered.length > 0);
+ }
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(all) && !callback) {
+ callback = all;
+ all = false;
+ }
+ if (typeof all === 'string' && all === 'true') {
+ all = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof all !== 'boolean' && all !== undefined) {
+ all = false;
+ }
+ all = all || false;
+ let result = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ const workload = [];
+ _docker_socket.listContainers(all, data => {
+ let docker_containers = {};
+ try {
+ docker_containers = data;
+ if (docker_containers && === '[object Array]' && docker_containers.length > 0) {
+ // GC in _docker_container_stats
+ for (let key in _docker_container_stats) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ if (!inContainers(docker_containers, key)) { delete _docker_container_stats[key]; }
+ }
+ }
+ docker_containers.forEach(function (element) {
+ if (element.Names && === '[object Array]' && element.Names.length > 0) {
+ element.Name = element.Names[0].replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
+ }
+ workload.push(dockerContainerInspect(element.Id.trim(), element));
+ });
+ if (workload.length) {
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ // GC in _docker_container_stats
+ for (let key in _docker_container_stats) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ if (!inContainers(docker_containers, key)) { delete _docker_container_stats[key]; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// container inspect (for one container)
+function dockerContainerInspect(containerID, payload) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ containerID = containerID || '';
+ if (typeof containerID !== 'string') {
+ return resolve();
+ }
+ const containerIdSanitized = (util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(containerID, true)).trim();
+ if (containerIdSanitized) {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ _docker_socket.getInspect(containerIdSanitized.trim(), data => {
+ try {
+ resolve({
+ id: payload.Id,
+ name: payload.Name,
+ image: payload.Image,
+ imageID: payload.ImageID,
+ command: payload.Command,
+ created: payload.Created,
+ started: data.State && data.State.StartedAt ? Math.round(new Date(data.State.StartedAt).getTime() / 1000) : 0,
+ finished: data.State && data.State.FinishedAt && !data.State.FinishedAt.startsWith('0001-01-01') ? Math.round(new Date(data.State.FinishedAt).getTime() / 1000) : 0,
+ createdAt: data.Created ? data.Created : '',
+ startedAt: data.State && data.State.StartedAt ? data.State.StartedAt : '',
+ finishedAt: data.State && data.State.FinishedAt && !data.State.FinishedAt.startsWith('0001-01-01') ? data.State.FinishedAt : '',
+ state: payload.State,
+ restartCount: data.RestartCount || 0,
+ platform: data.Platform || '',
+ driver: data.Driver || '',
+ ports: payload.Ports,
+ mounts: payload.Mounts,
+ // hostconfig: payload.HostConfig,
+ // network: payload.NetworkSettings
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerContainers = dockerContainers;
+// --------------------------
+// helper functions for calculation of docker stats
+function docker_calcCPUPercent(cpu_stats, precpu_stats) {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {object} cpu_usage
+ * @property {number} cpu_usage.total_usage
+ * @property {number} system_cpu_usage
+ * @property {object} cpu_usage
+ * @property {Array} cpu_usage.percpu_usage
+ */
+ if (!_windows) {
+ let cpuPercent = 0.0;
+ // calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings
+ let cpuDelta = cpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage - precpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage;
+ // calculate the change for the entire system between readings
+ let systemDelta = cpu_stats.system_cpu_usage - precpu_stats.system_cpu_usage;
+ if (systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0) {
+ // calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings
+ cpuPercent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * cpu_stats.cpu_usage.percpu_usage.length * 100.0;
+ }
+ return cpuPercent;
+ } else {
+ let nanoSecNow = util.nanoSeconds();
+ let cpuPercent = 0.0;
+ if (_docker_last_read > 0) {
+ let possIntervals = (nanoSecNow - _docker_last_read); // / 100 * os.cpus().length;
+ let intervalsUsed = cpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage - precpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage;
+ if (possIntervals > 0) {
+ cpuPercent = 100.0 * intervalsUsed / possIntervals;
+ }
+ }
+ _docker_last_read = nanoSecNow;
+ return cpuPercent;
+ }
+function docker_calcNetworkIO(networks) {
+ let rx;
+ let wx;
+ for (let key in networks) {
+ // skip loop if the property is from prototype
+ if (!{}, key)) { continue; }
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {number} rx_bytes
+ * @property {number} tx_bytes
+ */
+ let obj = networks[key];
+ rx = +obj.rx_bytes;
+ wx = +obj.tx_bytes;
+ }
+ return {
+ rx,
+ wx
+ };
+function docker_calcBlockIO(blkio_stats) {
+ let result = {
+ r: 0,
+ w: 0
+ };
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {Array} io_service_bytes_recursive
+ */
+ if (blkio_stats && blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive && === '[object Array]' && blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive.length > 0) {
+ blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive.forEach(function (element) {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {string} op
+ * @property {number} value
+ */
+ if (element.op && element.op.toLowerCase() === 'read' && element.value) {
+ result.r += element.value;
+ }
+ if (element.op && element.op.toLowerCase() === 'write' && element.value) {
+ result.w += element.value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+function dockerContainerStats(containerIDs, callback) {
+ let containerArray = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(containerIDs) && !callback) {
+ callback = containerIDs;
+ containerArray = ['*'];
+ } else {
+ containerIDs = containerIDs || '*';
+ if (typeof containerIDs !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback([]); }
+ return resolve([]);
+ }
+ let containerIDsSanitized = '';
+ containerIDsSanitized.__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ containerIDsSanitized.__proto__.replace = util.stringReplace;
+ containerIDsSanitized.__proto__.trim = util.stringTrim;
+ containerIDsSanitized = containerIDs;
+ containerIDsSanitized = containerIDsSanitized.trim();
+ if (containerIDsSanitized !== '*') {
+ containerIDsSanitized = '';
+ const s = (util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(containerIDs, true)).trim();
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (!(s[i] === undefined)) {
+ s[i].__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ const sl = s[i].toLowerCase();
+ if (sl && sl[0] && !sl[1]) {
+ containerIDsSanitized = containerIDsSanitized + sl[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ containerIDsSanitized = containerIDsSanitized.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/,+/g, '|');
+ containerArray = containerIDsSanitized.split('|');
+ }
+ const result = [];
+ const workload = [];
+ if (containerArray.length && containerArray[0].trim() === '*') {
+ containerArray = [];
+ dockerContainers().then(allContainers => {
+ for (let container of allContainers) {
+ containerArray.push(;
+ }
+ if (containerArray.length) {
+ dockerContainerStats(containerArray.join(',')).then(result => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ for (let containerID of containerArray) {
+ workload.push(dockerContainerStatsSingle(containerID.trim()));
+ }
+ if (workload.length) {
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// container stats (for one container)
+function dockerContainerStatsSingle(containerID) {
+ containerID = containerID || '';
+ let result = {
+ id: containerID,
+ memUsage: 0,
+ memLimit: 0,
+ memPercent: 0,
+ cpuPercent: 0,
+ pids: 0,
+ netIO: {
+ rx: 0,
+ wx: 0
+ },
+ blockIO: {
+ r: 0,
+ w: 0
+ },
+ restartCount: 0,
+ cpuStats: {},
+ precpuStats: {},
+ memoryStats: {},
+ networks: {},
+ };
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (containerID) {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ _docker_socket.getInspect(containerID, dataInspect => {
+ try {
+ _docker_socket.getStats(containerID, data => {
+ try {
+ let stats = data;
+ if (!stats.message) {
+ result.memUsage = (stats.memory_stats && stats.memory_stats.usage ? stats.memory_stats.usage : 0);
+ result.memLimit = (stats.memory_stats && stats.memory_stats.limit ? stats.memory_stats.limit : 0);
+ result.memPercent = (stats.memory_stats && stats.memory_stats.usage && stats.memory_stats.limit ? stats.memory_stats.usage / stats.memory_stats.limit * 100.0 : 0);
+ result.cpuPercent = (stats.cpu_stats && stats.precpu_stats ? docker_calcCPUPercent(stats.cpu_stats, stats.precpu_stats) : 0);
+ result.pids = (stats.pids_stats && stats.pids_stats.current ? stats.pids_stats.current : 0);
+ result.restartCount = (dataInspect.RestartCount ? dataInspect.RestartCount : 0);
+ if (stats.networks) { result.netIO = docker_calcNetworkIO(stats.networks); }
+ if (stats.blkio_stats) { result.blockIO = docker_calcBlockIO(stats.blkio_stats); }
+ result.cpuStats = (stats.cpu_stats ? stats.cpu_stats : {});
+ result.precpuStats = (stats.precpu_stats ? stats.precpu_stats : {});
+ result.memoryStats = (stats.memory_stats ? stats.memory_stats : {});
+ result.networks = (stats.networks ? stats.networks : {});
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ // }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerContainerStats = dockerContainerStats;
+// --------------------------
+// container processes (for one container)
+function dockerContainerProcesses(containerID, callback) {
+ let result = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ containerID = containerID || '';
+ if (typeof containerID !== 'string') {
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ const containerIdSanitized = (util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(containerID, true)).trim();
+ if (containerIdSanitized) {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ _docker_socket.getProcesses(containerIdSanitized, data => {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {Array} Titles
+ * @property {Array} Processes
+ **/
+ try {
+ if (data && data.Titles && data.Processes) {
+ let titles = (value) {
+ return value.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ let pos_pid = titles.indexOf('PID');
+ let pos_ppid = titles.indexOf('PPID');
+ let pos_pgid = titles.indexOf('PGID');
+ let pos_vsz = titles.indexOf('VSZ');
+ let pos_time = titles.indexOf('TIME');
+ let pos_elapsed = titles.indexOf('ELAPSED');
+ let pos_ni = titles.indexOf('NI');
+ let pos_ruser = titles.indexOf('RUSER');
+ let pos_user = titles.indexOf('USER');
+ let pos_rgroup = titles.indexOf('RGROUP');
+ let pos_group = titles.indexOf('GROUP');
+ let pos_stat = titles.indexOf('STAT');
+ let pos_rss = titles.indexOf('RSS');
+ let pos_command = titles.indexOf('COMMAND');
+ data.Processes.forEach(process => {
+ result.push({
+ pidHost: (pos_pid >= 0 ? process[pos_pid] : ''),
+ ppid: (pos_ppid >= 0 ? process[pos_ppid] : ''),
+ pgid: (pos_pgid >= 0 ? process[pos_pgid] : ''),
+ user: (pos_user >= 0 ? process[pos_user] : ''),
+ ruser: (pos_ruser >= 0 ? process[pos_ruser] : ''),
+ group: (pos_group >= 0 ? process[pos_group] : ''),
+ rgroup: (pos_rgroup >= 0 ? process[pos_rgroup] : ''),
+ stat: (pos_stat >= 0 ? process[pos_stat] : ''),
+ time: (pos_time >= 0 ? process[pos_time] : ''),
+ elapsed: (pos_elapsed >= 0 ? process[pos_elapsed] : ''),
+ nice: (pos_ni >= 0 ? process[pos_ni] : ''),
+ rss: (pos_rss >= 0 ? process[pos_rss] : ''),
+ vsz: (pos_vsz >= 0 ? process[pos_vsz] : ''),
+ command: (pos_command >= 0 ? process[pos_command] : '')
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerContainerProcesses = dockerContainerProcesses;
+function dockerVolumes(callback) {
+ let result = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (!_docker_socket) {
+ _docker_socket = new DockerSocket();
+ }
+ _docker_socket.listVolumes((data) => {
+ let dockerVolumes = {};
+ try {
+ dockerVolumes = data;
+ if (dockerVolumes && dockerVolumes.Volumes && === '[object Array]' && dockerVolumes.Volumes.length > 0) {
+ dockerVolumes.Volumes.forEach(function (element) {
+ result.push({
+ name: element.Name,
+ driver: element.Driver,
+ labels: element.Labels,
+ mountpoint: element.Mountpoint,
+ options: element.Options,
+ scope: element.Scope,
+ created: element.CreatedAt ? Math.round(new Date(element.CreatedAt).getTime() / 1000) : 0,
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerVolumes = dockerVolumes;
+function dockerAll(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ dockerContainers(true).then(result => {
+ if (result && === '[object Array]' && result.length > 0) {
+ let l = result.length;
+ result.forEach(function (element) {
+ dockerContainerStats( => {
+ // include stats in array
+ element.memUsage = res[0].memUsage;
+ element.memLimit = res[0].memLimit;
+ element.memPercent = res[0].memPercent;
+ element.cpuPercent = res[0].cpuPercent;
+ element.pids = res[0].pids;
+ element.netIO = res[0].netIO;
+ element.blockIO = res[0].blockIO;
+ element.cpuStats = res[0].cpuStats;
+ element.precpuStats = res[0].precpuStats;
+ element.memoryStats = res[0].memoryStats;
+ element.networks = res[0].networks;
+ dockerContainerProcesses( => {
+ element.processes = processes;
+ l -= 1;
+ if (l === 0) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ // all done??
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+exports.dockerAll = dockerAll;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/dockerSocket.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/dockerSocket.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6508dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/dockerSocket.js
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// dockerSockets.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 13. DockerSockets
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const net = require('net');
+const isWin = require('os').type() === 'Windows_NT';
+const socketPath = isWin ? '//./pipe/docker_engine' : '/var/run/docker.sock';
+class DockerSocket {
+ getInfo(callback) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/info HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ listImages(all, callback) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/images/json' + (all ? '?all=1' : '') + ' HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ inspectImage(id, callback) {
+ id = id || '';
+ if (id) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/images/' + id + '/json?stream=0 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ } else {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ listContainers(all, callback) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/containers/json' + (all ? '?all=1' : '') + ' HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ getStats(id, callback) {
+ id = id || '';
+ if (id) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/containers/' + id + '/stats?stream=0 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ } else {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ getInspect(id, callback) {
+ id = id || '';
+ if (id) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/containers/' + id + '/json?stream=0 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ } else {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ getProcesses(id, callback) {
+ id = id || '';
+ if (id) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/containers/' + id + '/top?ps_args=-opid,ppid,pgid,vsz,time,etime,nice,ruser,user,rgroup,group,stat,rss,args HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ } else {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+ listVolumes(callback) {
+ try {
+ let socket = net.createConnection({ path: socketPath });
+ let alldata = '';
+ let data;
+ socket.on('connect', () => {
+ socket.write('GET http:/volumes HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n');
+ });
+ socket.on('data', data => {
+ alldata = alldata + data.toString();
+ });
+ socket.on('error', () => {
+ socket = false;
+ callback({});
+ });
+ socket.on('end', () => {
+ let startbody = alldata.indexOf('\r\n\r\n');
+ alldata = alldata.substring(startbody + 4);
+ socket = false;
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(alldata);
+ callback(data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ callback({});
+ }
+ }
+module.exports = DockerSocket;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..419caa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1301 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// filesystem.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 8. File System
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const util = require('./util');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const execPromiseSave = util.promisifySave(require('child_process').exec);
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _fs_speed = {};
+let _disk_io = {};
+// --------------------------
+// FS - mounted file systems
+function fsSize(callback) {
+ let macOsDisks = [];
+ function getmacOsFsType(fs) {
+ if (!fs.startsWith('/')) { return 'NFS'; }
+ const parts = fs.split('/');
+ const fsShort = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ const macOsDisksSingle = macOsDisks.filter(item => item.indexOf(fsShort) >= 0);
+ if (macOsDisksSingle.length === 1 && macOsDisksSingle[0].indexOf('APFS') >= 0) { return 'APFS'; }
+ return 'HFS';
+ }
+ function isLinuxTmpFs(fs) {
+ const linuxTmpFileSystems = ['rootfs', 'unionfs', 'squashfs', 'cramfs', 'initrd', 'initramfs', 'devtmpfs', 'tmpfs', 'udev', 'devfs', 'specfs', 'type', 'appimaged'];
+ let result = false;
+ linuxTmpFileSystems.forEach(linuxFs => {
+ if (fs.toLowerCase().indexOf(linuxFs) >= 0) { result = true; }
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function filterLines(stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('filesystem')) {
+ let removeLines = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (lines[i] && lines[i].toLowerCase().startsWith('filesystem')) {
+ removeLines = i;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < removeLines; i++) {
+ lines.shift();
+ }
+ }
+ return lines;
+ }
+ function parseDf(lines) {
+ let data = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line && ((line[0].startsWith('/')) || (line[6] && line[6] === '/') || (line[0].indexOf('/') > 0) || (line[0].indexOf(':') === 1) || !_darwin && !isLinuxTmpFs(line[1]))) {
+ const fs = line[0];
+ const fsType = ((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[1] : getmacOsFsType(line[0]));
+ const size = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[2] : line[1])) * 1024;
+ const used = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[3] : line[2])) * 1024;
+ const available = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[4] : line[3])) * 1024;
+ const use = parseFloat((100.0 * (used / (used + available))).toFixed(2));
+ line.splice(0, (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? 6 : 5);
+ const mount = line.join(' ');
+ // const mount = line[line.length - 1];
+ if (!data.find(el => (el.fs === fs && el.type === fsType))) {
+ data.push({
+ fs,
+ type: fsType,
+ size,
+ used,
+ available,
+ use,
+ mount
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_darwin) {
+ cmd = 'df -kP';
+ try {
+ macOsDisks = execSync('diskutil list').toString().split('\n').filter(line => {
+ return !line.startsWith('/') && line.indexOf(':') > 0;
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ macOsDisks = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux) { cmd = 'df -lkPTx squashfs'; } // cmd = 'df -lkPTx squashfs | grep -E "^/|^.\\:"';
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { cmd = 'df -lkPT'; }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = filterLines(stdout);
+ data = parseDf(lines);
+ if (!error || data.length) {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ } else {
+ exec('df -kPT', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = filterLines(stdout);
+ data = parseDf(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ // util.wmic('logicaldisk get Caption,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Size').then((stdout) => {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk | select Caption,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Size | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const size = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'size', ':'));
+ const free = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'freespace', ':'));
+ const caption = util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':');
+ if (size) {
+ data.push({
+ fs: caption,
+ type: util.getValue(lines, 'filesystem', ':'),
+ size,
+ used: size - free,
+ available: free,
+ use: parseFloat(((100.0 * (size - free)) / size).toFixed(2)),
+ mount: caption
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsSize = fsSize;
+// --------------------------
+// FS - open files count
+function fsOpenFiles(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const result = {
+ max: null,
+ allocated: null,
+ available: null
+ };
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'sysctl -i kern.maxfiles kern.num_files kern.open_files';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.max = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.maxfiles', ':'), 10);
+ result.allocated = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.num_files', ':'), 10) || parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.open_files', ':'), 10);
+ result.available = result.max - result.allocated;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/sys/fs/file-nr', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines[0]) {
+ const parts = lines[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (parts.length === 3) {
+ result.allocated = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
+ result.available = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
+ result.max = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
+ if (!result.available) { result.available = result.max - result.allocated; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/sys/fs/file-max', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines[0]) {
+ result.max = parseInt(lines[0], 10);
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsOpenFiles = fsOpenFiles;
+// --------------------------
+// disks
+function parseBytes(s) {
+ return parseInt(s.substr(s.indexOf(' (') + 2, s.indexOf(' Bytes)') - 10));
+function parseDevices(lines) {
+ let devices = [];
+ let i = 0;
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.length > 0) {
+ if (line[0] === '*') {
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ let parts = line.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ if (!devices[i]) {
+ devices[i] = {
+ name: '',
+ identifier: '',
+ type: 'disk',
+ fsType: '',
+ mount: '',
+ size: 0,
+ physical: 'HDD',
+ uuid: '',
+ label: '',
+ model: '',
+ serial: '',
+ removable: false,
+ protocol: ''
+ };
+ }
+ parts[0] = parts[0].trim().toUpperCase().replace(/ +/g, '');
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ if ('DEVICEIDENTIFIER' === parts[0]) { devices[i].identifier = parts[1]; }
+ if ('DEVICENODE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].name = parts[1]; }
+ if ('VOLUMENAME' === parts[0]) {
+ if (parts[1].indexOf('Not applicable') === -1) { devices[i].label = parts[1]; }
+ }
+ if ('PROTOCOL' === parts[0]) { devices[i].protocol = parts[1]; }
+ if ('DISKSIZE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].size = parseBytes(parts[1]); }
+ if ('FILESYSTEMPERSONALITY' === parts[0]) { devices[i].fsType = parts[1]; }
+ if ('MOUNTPOINT' === parts[0]) { devices[i].mount = parts[1]; }
+ if ('VOLUMEUUID' === parts[0]) { devices[i].uuid = parts[1]; }
+ if ('READ-ONLYMEDIA' === parts[0] && parts[1] === 'Yes') { devices[i].physical = 'CD/DVD'; }
+ if ('SOLIDSTATE' === parts[0] && parts[1] === 'Yes') { devices[i].physical = 'SSD'; }
+ if ('VIRTUAL' === parts[0]) { devices[i].type = 'virtual'; }
+ if ('REMOVABLEMEDIA' === parts[0]) { devices[i].removable = (parts[1] === 'Removable'); }
+ if ('PARTITIONTYPE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].type = 'part'; }
+ if ('DEVICE/MEDIANAME' === parts[0]) { devices[i].model = parts[1]; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return devices;
+function parseBlk(lines) {
+ let data = [];
+ lines.filter(line => line !== '').forEach((line) => {
+ try {
+ line = decodeURIComponent(line.replace(/\\x/g, '%'));
+ line = line.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
+ let disk = JSON.parse(line);
+ data.push({
+ 'name':,
+ 'type': disk.type,
+ 'fsType': disk.fsType,
+ 'mount': disk.mountpoint,
+ 'size': parseInt(disk.size),
+ 'physical': (disk.type === 'disk' ? (disk.rota === '0' ? 'SSD' : 'HDD') : (disk.type === 'rom' ? 'CD/DVD' : '')),
+ 'uuid': disk.uuid,
+ 'label': disk.label,
+ 'model': disk.model,
+ 'serial': disk.serial,
+ 'removable': disk.rm === '1',
+ 'protocol': disk.tran,
+ 'group':,
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ });
+ data = util.unique(data);
+ data = util.sortByKey(data, ['type', 'name']);
+ return data;
+function blkStdoutToObject(stdout) {
+ return stdout.toString()
+ .replace(/NAME=/g, '{"name":')
+ .replace(/FSTYPE=/g, ',"fsType":')
+ .replace(/TYPE=/g, ',"type":')
+ .replace(/SIZE=/g, ',"size":')
+ .replace(/MOUNTPOINT=/g, ',"mountpoint":')
+ .replace(/UUID=/g, ',"uuid":')
+ .replace(/ROTA=/g, ',"rota":')
+ .replace(/RO=/g, ',"ro":')
+ .replace(/RM=/g, ',"rm":')
+ .replace(/TRAN=/g, ',"tran":')
+ .replace(/SERIAL=/g, ',"serial":')
+ .replace(/LABEL=/g, ',"label":')
+ .replace(/MODEL=/g, ',"model":')
+ .replace(/OWNER=/g, ',"owner":')
+ .replace(/GROUP=/g, ',"group":')
+ .replace(/\n/g, '}\n');
+function blockDevices(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ // see
+ exec('lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,TRAN,SERIAL,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER 2>/dev/null', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(stdout).split('\n');
+ data = parseBlk(lines);
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ } else {
+ exec('lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER 2>/dev/null', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(stdout).split('\n');
+ data = parseBlk(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('diskutil info -all', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // parse lines into temp array of devices
+ data = parseDevices(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let drivetypes = ['Unknown', 'NoRoot', 'Removable', 'Local', 'Network', 'CD/DVD', 'RAM'];
+ try {
+ // util.wmic('logicaldisk get Caption,Description,DeviceID,DriveType,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Name,Size,VolumeName,VolumeSerialNumber /value').then((stdout, error) => {
+ // util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk | select Caption,DriveType,Name,FileSystem,Size,VolumeSerialNumber,VolumeName | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | select Caption,DriveType,Name,FileSystem,Size,VolumeSerialNumber,VolumeName | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ let drivetype = util.getValue(lines, 'drivetype', ':');
+ if (drivetype) {
+ data.push({
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':'),
+ identifier: util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':'),
+ type: 'disk',
+ fsType: util.getValue(lines, 'filesystem', ':').toLowerCase(),
+ mount: util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':'),
+ size: util.getValue(lines, 'size', ':'),
+ physical: (drivetype >= 0 && drivetype <= 6) ? drivetypes[drivetype] : drivetypes[0],
+ uuid: util.getValue(lines, 'volumeserialnumber', ':'),
+ label: util.getValue(lines, 'volumename', ':'),
+ model: '',
+ serial: util.getValue(lines, 'volumeserialnumber', ':'),
+ removable: drivetype === '2',
+ protocol: ''
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ // will follow
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.blockDevices = blockDevices;
+// --------------------------
+// FS - speed
+function calcFsSpeed(rx, wx) {
+ let result = {
+ rx: 0,
+ wx: 0,
+ tx: 0,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ wx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ if (_fs_speed && {
+ result.rx = rx;
+ result.wx = wx;
+ result.tx = result.rx + result.wx;
+ = -;
+ result.rx_sec = (result.rx - _fs_speed.bytes_read) / ( / 1000);
+ result.wx_sec = (result.wx - _fs_speed.bytes_write) / ( / 1000);
+ result.tx_sec = result.rx_sec + result.wx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.rx_sec = result.rx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.wx_sec = result.wx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.tx_sec = result.tx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_read = result.rx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_write = result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_overall = result.rx + result.wx;
+ =;
+ _fs_speed.last_ms =;
+ } else {
+ result.rx = rx;
+ result.wx = wx;
+ result.tx = result.rx + result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.rx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.wx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.tx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_read = result.rx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_write = result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_overall = result.rx + result.wx;
+ =;
+ _fs_speed.last_ms = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+function fsStats(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (_windows || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _sunos) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let result = {
+ rx: 0,
+ wx: 0,
+ tx: 0,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ wx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ let rx = 0;
+ let wx = 0;
+ if ((_fs_speed && ! || (_fs_speed && && - >= 500)) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ // exec("df -k | grep /dev/", function(error, stdout) {
+ exec('lsblk -r 2>/dev/null | grep /', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let fs_filter = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.trim().split(' ');
+ if (fs_filter.indexOf(line[0]) === -1) { fs_filter.push(line[0]); }
+ }
+ });
+ let output = fs_filter.join('|');
+ exec('cat /proc/diskstats | egrep "' + output + '"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ rx += parseInt(line[5]) * 512;
+ wx += parseInt(line[9]) * 512;
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcFsSpeed(rx, wx);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOBlockStorageDriver -k Statistics -r -w0 | sed -n "/IOBlockStorageDriver/,/Statistics/p" | grep "Statistics" | tr -cd "01234567890,\n"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.split(',');
+ rx += parseInt(line[2]);
+ wx += parseInt(line[9]);
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcFsSpeed(rx, wx);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ = _fs_speed.last_ms;
+ result.rx = _fs_speed.bytes_read;
+ result.wx = _fs_speed.bytes_write;
+ result.tx = _fs_speed.bytes_read + _fs_speed.bytes_write;
+ result.rx_sec = _fs_speed.rx_sec;
+ result.wx_sec = _fs_speed.wx_sec;
+ result.tx_sec = _fs_speed.tx_sec;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsStats = fsStats;
+function calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime) {
+ let result = {
+ rIO: 0,
+ wIO: 0,
+ tIO: 0,
+ rIO_sec: null,
+ wIO_sec: null,
+ tIO_sec: null,
+ rWaitTime: 0,
+ wWaitTime: 0,
+ tWaitTime: 0,
+ rWaitPercent: null,
+ wWaitPercent: null,
+ tWaitPercent: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ if (_disk_io && {
+ result.rIO = rIO;
+ result.wIO = wIO;
+ result.tIO = rIO + wIO;
+ = -;
+ result.rIO_sec = (result.rIO - _disk_io.rIO) / ( / 1000);
+ result.wIO_sec = (result.wIO - _disk_io.wIO) / ( / 1000);
+ result.tIO_sec = result.rIO_sec + result.wIO_sec;
+ result.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ result.rWaitPercent = (result.rWaitTime - _disk_io.rWaitTime) * 100 / (;
+ result.wWaitPercent = (result.wWaitTime - _disk_io.wWaitTime) * 100 / (;
+ result.tWaitPercent = (result.tWaitTime - _disk_io.tWaitTime) * 100 / (;
+ _disk_io.rIO = rIO;
+ _disk_io.wIO = wIO;
+ _disk_io.rIO_sec = result.rIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.wIO_sec = result.wIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.tIO_sec = result.tIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rWaitPercent = result.rWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.wWaitPercent = result.wWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.tWaitPercent = result.tWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.last_ms =;
+ =;
+ } else {
+ result.rIO = rIO;
+ result.wIO = wIO;
+ result.tIO = rIO + wIO;
+ result.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rIO = rIO;
+ _disk_io.wIO = wIO;
+ _disk_io.rIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.wIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.tIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.wWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.tWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.last_ms = 0;
+ =;
+ }
+ return result;
+function disksIO(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (_windows) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let result = {
+ rIO: 0,
+ wIO: 0,
+ tIO: 0,
+ rIO_sec: null,
+ wIO_sec: null,
+ tIO_sec: null,
+ rWaitTime: 0,
+ wWaitTime: 0,
+ tWaitTime: 0,
+ rWaitPercent: null,
+ wWaitPercent: null,
+ tWaitPercent: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ let rIO = 0;
+ let wIO = 0;
+ let rWaitTime = 0;
+ let wWaitTime = 0;
+ let tWaitTime = 0;
+ if ((_disk_io && ! || (_disk_io && && - >= 500)) {
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ // prints Block layer statistics for all mounted volumes
+ // var cmd = "for mount in `lsblk | grep / | sed -r 's/│ └─//' | cut -d ' ' -f 1`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r 's/ +/;/g' | sed -r 's/^;//'; done";
+ // var cmd = "for mount in `lsblk | grep / | sed 's/[│└─├]//g' | awk '{$1=$1};1' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r 's/ +/;/g' | sed -r 's/^;//'; done";
+ let cmd = 'for mount in `lsblk 2>/dev/null | grep " disk " | sed "s/[│└─├]//g" | awk \'{$1=$1};1\' | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort -u`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r "s/ +/;/g" | sed -r "s/^;//"; done';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ // ignore empty lines
+ if (!line) { return; }
+ // sum r/wIO of all disks to compute all disks IO
+ let stats = line.split(';');
+ rIO += parseInt(stats[0]);
+ wIO += parseInt(stats[4]);
+ rWaitTime += parseInt(stats[3]);
+ wWaitTime += parseInt(stats[7]);
+ tWaitTime += parseInt(stats[10]);
+ });
+ result = calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime);
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOBlockStorageDriver -k Statistics -r -w0 | sed -n "/IOBlockStorageDriver/,/Statistics/p" | grep "Statistics" | tr -cd "01234567890,\n"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.split(',');
+ rIO += parseInt(line[10]);
+ wIO += parseInt(line[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.rIO = _disk_io.rIO;
+ result.wIO = _disk_io.wIO;
+ result.tIO = _disk_io.rIO + _disk_io.wIO;
+ = _disk_io.last_ms;
+ result.rIO_sec = _disk_io.rIO_sec;
+ result.wIO_sec = _disk_io.wIO_sec;
+ result.tIO_sec = _disk_io.tIO_sec;
+ result.rWaitTime = _disk_io.rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = _disk_io.wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = _disk_io.tWaitTime;
+ result.rWaitPercent = _disk_io.rWaitPercent;
+ result.wWaitPercent = _disk_io.wWaitPercent;
+ result.tWaitPercent = _disk_io.tWaitPercent;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.disksIO = disksIO;
+function diskLayout(callback) {
+ function getVendorFromModel(model) {
+ const diskManufacturers = [
+ { pattern: 'WESTERN.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: '^WDC.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: 'WD.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: 'TOSHIBA.*', manufacturer: 'Toshiba' },
+ { pattern: 'HITACHI.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: '^IC.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: '^HTS.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: 'SANDISK.*', manufacturer: 'SanDisk' },
+ { pattern: 'KINGSTON.*', manufacturer: 'Kingston Technology' },
+ { pattern: '^SONY.*', manufacturer: 'Sony' },
+ { pattern: 'TRANSCEND.*', manufacturer: 'Transcend' },
+ { pattern: 'SAMSUNG.*', manufacturer: 'Samsung' },
+ { pattern: '^ST(?!I\\ ).*', manufacturer: 'Seagate' },
+ { pattern: '^STI\\ .*', manufacturer: 'SimpleTech' },
+ { pattern: '^D...-.*', manufacturer: 'IBM' },
+ { pattern: '^IBM.*', manufacturer: 'IBM' },
+ { pattern: '^FUJITSU.*', manufacturer: 'Fujitsu' },
+ { pattern: '^MP.*', manufacturer: 'Fujitsu' },
+ { pattern: '^MK.*', manufacturer: 'Toshiba' },
+ { pattern: 'MAXTO.*', manufacturer: 'Maxtor' },
+ { pattern: 'PIONEER.*', manufacturer: 'Pioneer' },
+ { pattern: 'PHILIPS.*', manufacturer: 'Philips' },
+ { pattern: 'QUANTUM.*', manufacturer: 'Quantum Technology' },
+ { pattern: 'FIREBALL.*', manufacturer: 'Quantum Technology' },
+ { pattern: '^VBOX.*', manufacturer: 'VirtualBox' },
+ { pattern: 'CORSAIR.*', manufacturer: 'Corsair Components' },
+ { pattern: 'CRUCIAL.*', manufacturer: 'Crucial' },
+ { pattern: 'ECM.*', manufacturer: 'ECM' },
+ { pattern: 'INTEL.*', manufacturer: 'INTEL' },
+ { pattern: 'EVO.*', manufacturer: 'Samsung' },
+ { pattern: 'APPLE.*', manufacturer: 'Apple' },
+ ];
+ let result = '';
+ if (model) {
+ model = model.toUpperCase();
+ diskManufacturers.forEach((manufacturer) => {
+ const re = RegExp(manufacturer.pattern);
+ if (re.test(model)) { result = manufacturer.manufacturer; }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const commitResult = res => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ delete res[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(res);
+ }
+ resolve(res);
+ };
+ let result = [];
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_linux) {
+ let cmdFullSmart = '';
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; lsblk -ablJO 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const out = stdout.toString().trim();
+ let devices = [];
+ try {
+ const outJSON = JSON.parse(out);
+ if (outJSON && {}, 'blockdevices')) {
+ devices = outJSON.blockdevices.filter(item => { return (item.type === 'disk') && item.size > 0 && (item.model !== null || (item.mountpoint === null && item.label === null && item.fstype === null && item.parttype === null && item.path && item.path.indexOf('/ram') !== 0 && item.path.indexOf('/loop') !== 0 && item['disc-max'] && item['disc-max'] !== 0)); });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // fallback to older version of lsblk
+ const out2 = execSync('export LC_ALL=C; lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER,GROUP 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL').toString();
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(out2).split('\n');
+ const data = parseBlk(lines);
+ devices = data.filter(item => { return (item.type === 'disk') && item.size > 0 && ((item.model !== null && item.model !== '') || (item.mount === '' && item.label === '' && item.fsType === '')); });
+ }
+ devices.forEach((device) => {
+ let mediumType = '';
+ const BSDName = '/dev/' +;
+ const logical =;
+ try {
+ mediumType = execSync('cat /sys/block/' + logical + '/queue/rotational 2>/dev/null').toString().split('\n')[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ let interfaceType = device.tran ? device.tran.toUpperCase().trim() : '';
+ if (interfaceType === 'NVME') {
+ mediumType = '2';
+ interfaceType = 'PCIe';
+ }
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: (mediumType === '0' ? 'SSD' : (mediumType === '1' ? 'HD' : (mediumType === '2' ? 'NVMe' : (device.model && device.model.indexOf('SSD') > -1 ? 'SSD' : (device.model && device.model.indexOf('NVM') > -1 ? 'NVMe' : 'HD'))))),
+ name: device.model || '',
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(device.model) || (device.vendor ? device.vendor.trim() : ''),
+ size: device.size || 0,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: device.rev ? device.rev.trim() : '',
+ serialNum: device.serial ? device.serial.trim() : '',
+ interfaceType: interfaceType,
+ smartStatus: 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd += `printf "\n${BSDName}|"; smartctl -H ${BSDName} | grep overall;`;
+ cmdFullSmart += `${cmdFullSmart ? 'printf ",";' : ''}smartctl -a -j ${BSDName};`;
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ // check S.M.A.R.T. status
+ if (cmdFullSmart) {
+ exec(cmdFullSmart, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ try {
+ const data = JSON.parse(`[${stdout}]`);
+ data.forEach(disk => {
+ const diskBSDName = disk.smartctl.argv[disk.smartctl.argv.length - 1];
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === diskBSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (disk.smart_status.passed ? 'Ok' : (disk.smart_status.passed === false ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ if (disk.temperature && disk.temperature.current) {
+ result[i].temperature = disk.temperature.current;
+ }
+ result[i].smartData = disk;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ commitResult(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (cmd) {
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n"';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line) {
+ let parts = line.split('|');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ let BSDName = parts[0];
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ let parts2 = parts[1].split(':');
+ if (parts2.length === 2) {
+ parts2[1] = parts2[1].trim();
+ let status = parts2[1].toLowerCase();
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === BSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (status === 'passed' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'failed!' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ commitResult(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ commitResult(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ commitResult(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('system_profiler SPSerialATADataType SPNVMeDataType SPUSBDataType', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // split by type:
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let linesSATA = [];
+ let linesNVMe = [];
+ let linesUSB = [];
+ let dataType = 'SATA';
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line === 'NVMExpress:') { dataType = 'NVMe'; }
+ else if (line === 'USB:') { dataType = 'USB'; }
+ else if (line === 'SATA/SATA Express:') { dataType = 'SATA'; }
+ else if (dataType === 'SATA') { linesSATA.push(line); }
+ else if (dataType === 'NVMe') { linesNVMe.push(line); }
+ else if (dataType === 'USB') { linesUSB.push(line); }
+ });
+ try {
+ // Serial ATA Drives
+ let devices = linesSATA.join('\n').split(' Physical Interconnect: ');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ device = 'InterfaceType: ' + device;
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const mediumType = util.getValue(lines, 'Medium Type', ':', true).trim();
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, 'capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: mediumType.startsWith('Solid') ? 'SSD' : 'HD',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim(),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()) || util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer', ':', true),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: util.getValue(lines, 'InterfaceType', ':', true).trim(),
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ // NVME Drives
+ try {
+ let devices = linesNVMe.join('\n').split('\n\n Capacity:');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ device = '!Capacity: ' + device;
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const linkWidth = util.getValue(lines, 'link width', ':', true).trim();
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, '!capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: 'NVMe',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim(),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: ('PCIe ' + linkWidth).trim(),
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ // USB Drives
+ try {
+ let devices = linesUSB.join('\n').replaceAll('Media:\n ', 'Model:').split('\n\n Product ID:');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, 'Capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: 'USB',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim().replaceAll(':', ''),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: 'USB',
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (cmd) {
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n"';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line) {
+ let parts = line.split('|');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ let BSDName = parts[0];
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ let parts2 = parts[1].split(':');
+ if (parts2.length === 2) {
+ parts2[1] = parts2[1].trim();
+ let status = parts2[1].toLowerCase();
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === BSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (status === 'not supported' ? 'not supported' : (status === 'verified' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'failing' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown')));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ delete result[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ delete result[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive | select Caption,Size,Status,PNPDeviceId,BytesPerSector,TotalCylinders,TotalHeads,TotalSectors,TotalTracks,TracksPerCylinder,SectorsPerTrack,FirmwareRevision,SerialNumber,InterfaceType | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-PhysicalDisk | select BusType,MediaType,FriendlyName,Model,SerialNumber,Size | fl'));
+ if (util.smartMonToolsInstalled()) {
+ try {
+ const smartDev = JSON.parse(execSync('smartctl --scan -j'));
+ if (smartDev && smartDev.devices && smartDev.devices.length > 0) {
+ smartDev.devices.forEach((dev) => {
+ workload.push(execPromiseSave(`smartctl -j -a ${}`, util.execOptsWin));
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let devices = data.results[0].toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const size = util.getValue(lines, 'Size', ':').trim();
+ const status = util.getValue(lines, 'Status', ':').trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (size) {
+ result.push({
+ device: util.getValue(lines, 'PNPDeviceId', ':'),
+ type: device.indexOf('SSD') > -1 ? 'SSD' : 'HD', // just a starting point ... better: MSFT_PhysicalDisk - Media Type ... see below
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':'),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: parseInt(size),
+ bytesPerSector: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'BytesPerSector', ':')),
+ totalCylinders: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalCylinders', ':')),
+ totalHeads: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalHeads', ':')),
+ totalSectors: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalSectors', ':')),
+ totalTracks: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalTracks', ':')),
+ tracksPerCylinder: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TracksPerCylinder', ':')),
+ sectorsPerTrack: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'SectorsPerTrack', ':')),
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'FirmwareRevision', ':').trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim(),
+ interfaceType: util.getValue(lines, 'InterfaceType', ':').trim(),
+ smartStatus: (status === 'ok' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'degraded' ? 'Degraded' : (status === 'pred fail' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'Unknown'))),
+ temperature: null,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ devices = data.results[1].split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const serialNum = util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim();
+ const name = util.getValue(lines, 'FriendlyName', ':').trim().replace('Msft ', 'Microsoft');
+ const size = util.getValue(lines, 'Size', ':').trim();
+ const model = util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':').trim();
+ const interfaceType = util.getValue(lines, 'BusType', ':').trim();
+ let mediaType = util.getValue(lines, 'MediaType', ':').trim();
+ if (mediaType === '3' || mediaType === 'HDD') { mediaType = 'HD'; }
+ if (mediaType === '4') { mediaType = 'SSD'; }
+ if (mediaType === '5') { mediaType = 'SCM'; }
+ if (mediaType === 'Unspecified' && (model.toLowerCase().indexOf('virtual') > -1 || model.toLowerCase().indexOf('vbox') > -1)) { mediaType = 'Virtual'; }
+ if (size) {
+ let i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'serialNum', serialNum);
+ if (i === -1 || serialNum === '') {
+ i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'name', name);
+ }
+ if (i != -1) {
+ result[i].type = mediaType;
+ result[i].interfaceType = interfaceType;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // S.M.A.R.T
+ data.results.shift();
+ data.results.shift();
+ if (data.results.length) {
+ data.results.forEach((smartStr) => {
+ try {
+ const smartData = JSON.parse(smartStr);
+ if (smartData.serial_number) {
+ const serialNum = smartData.serial_number;
+ let i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'serialNum', serialNum);
+ if (i != -1) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (smartData.smart_status && smartData.smart_status.passed ? 'Ok' : (smartData.smart_status && smartData.smart_status.passed === false ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ if (smartData.temperature && smartData.temperature.current) {
+ result[i].temperature = smartData.temperature.current;
+ }
+ result[i].smartData = smartData;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.diskLayout = diskLayout;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/graphics.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/graphics.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d98b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/graphics.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// graphics.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 7. Graphics (controller, display)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const fs = require('fs');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+let _nvidiaSmiPath = '';
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _resolutionX = 0;
+let _resolutionY = 0;
+let _pixelDepth = 0;
+let _refreshRate = 0;
+const videoTypes = {
+ '-1': 'OTHER',
+ '0': 'HD15',
+ '1': 'SVIDEO',
+ '2': 'Composite video',
+ '3': 'Component video',
+ '4': 'DVI',
+ '5': 'HDMI',
+ '6': 'LVDS',
+ '8': 'D_JPN',
+ '9': 'SDI',
+ '10': 'DP',
+ '11': 'DP embedded',
+ '12': 'UDI',
+ '13': 'UDI embedded',
+ '14': 'SDTVDONGLE',
+ '15': 'MIRACAST',
+ '2147483648': 'INTERNAL'
+function getVendorFromModel(model) {
+ const manufacturers = [
+ { pattern: '^LG.+', manufacturer: 'LG' },
+ { pattern: '^BENQ.+', manufacturer: 'BenQ' },
+ { pattern: '^ASUS.+', manufacturer: 'Asus' },
+ { pattern: '^DELL.+', manufacturer: 'Dell' },
+ { pattern: '^SAMSUNG.+', manufacturer: 'Samsung' },
+ { pattern: '^VIEWSON.+', manufacturer: 'ViewSonic' },
+ { pattern: '^SONY.+', manufacturer: 'Sony' },
+ { pattern: '^ACER.+', manufacturer: 'Acer' },
+ { pattern: '^AOC.+', manufacturer: 'AOC Monitors' },
+ { pattern: '^HP.+', manufacturer: 'HP' },
+ { pattern: '^EIZO.?', manufacturer: 'Eizo' },
+ { pattern: '^PHILIPS.?', manufacturer: 'Philips' },
+ { pattern: '^IIYAMA.?', manufacturer: 'Iiyama' },
+ { pattern: '^SHARP.?', manufacturer: 'Sharp' },
+ { pattern: '^NEC.?', manufacturer: 'NEC' },
+ { pattern: '^LENOVO.?', manufacturer: 'Lenovo' },
+ { pattern: 'COMPAQ.?', manufacturer: 'Compaq' },
+ { pattern: 'APPLE.?', manufacturer: 'Apple' },
+ { pattern: 'INTEL.?', manufacturer: 'Intel' },
+ { pattern: 'AMD.?', manufacturer: 'AMD' },
+ { pattern: 'NVIDIA.?', manufacturer: 'NVDIA' },
+ ];
+ let result = '';
+ if (model) {
+ model = model.toUpperCase();
+ manufacturers.forEach((manufacturer) => {
+ const re = RegExp(manufacturer.pattern);
+ if (re.test(model)) { result = manufacturer.manufacturer; }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+function getVendorFromId(id) {
+ const vendors = {
+ '610': 'Apple',
+ '1e6d': 'LG',
+ '10ac': 'DELL',
+ '4dd9': 'Sony',
+ '38a3': 'NEC',
+ };
+ return vendors[id] || '';
+function vendorToId(str) {
+ let result = '';
+ str = (str || '').toLowerCase();
+ if (str.indexOf('apple') >= 0) { result = '0x05ac'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('nvidia') >= 0) { result = '0x10de'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('intel') >= 0) { result = '0x8086'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('ati') >= 0 || str.indexOf('amd') >= 0) { result = '0x1002'; }
+ return result;
+function getMetalVersion(id) {
+ const families = {
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilymac1': 'mac1',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilymac2': 'mac2',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple1': 'apple1',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple2': 'apple2',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple3': 'apple3',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple4': 'apple4',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple5': 'apple5',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple6': 'apple6',
+ 'spdisplays_mtlgpufamilyapple7': 'apple7',
+ 'spdisplays_metalfeaturesetfamily11': 'family1_v1',
+ 'spdisplays_metalfeaturesetfamily12': 'family1_v2',
+ 'spdisplays_metalfeaturesetfamily13': 'family1_v3',
+ 'spdisplays_metalfeaturesetfamily14': 'family1_v4',
+ 'spdisplays_metalfeaturesetfamily21': 'family2_v1'
+ };
+ return families[id] || '';
+function graphics(callback) {
+ function parseLinesDarwin(graphicsArr) {
+ const res = {
+ controllers: [],
+ displays: []
+ };
+ try {
+ graphicsArr.forEach(function (item) {
+ // controllers
+ const bus = ((item.sppci_bus || '').indexOf('builtin') > -1 ? 'Built-In' : ((item.sppci_bus || '').indexOf('pcie') > -1 ? 'PCIe' : ''));
+ const vram = (parseInt((item.spdisplays_vram || ''), 10) || 0) * (((item.spdisplays_vram || '').indexOf('GB') > -1) ? 1024 : 1);
+ const vramDyn = (parseInt((item.spdisplays_vram_shared || ''), 10) || 0) * (((item.spdisplays_vram_shared || '').indexOf('GB') > -1) ? 1024 : 1);
+ let metalVersion = getMetalVersion(item.spdisplays_metal || item.spdisplays_metalfamily || '');
+ res.controllers.push({
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(item.spdisplays_vendor || '') || item.spdisplays_vendor || '',
+ model: item.sppci_model || '',
+ bus,
+ vramDynamic: bus === 'Built-In',
+ vram: vram || vramDyn || null,
+ deviceId: item['spdisplays_device-id'] || '',
+ vendorId: item['spdisplays_vendor-id'] || vendorToId((item['spdisplays_vendor'] || '') + (item.sppci_model || '')),
+ external: (item.sppci_device_type === 'spdisplays_egpu'),
+ cores: item['sppci_cores'] || null,
+ metalVersion
+ });
+ // displays
+ if (item.spdisplays_ndrvs && item.spdisplays_ndrvs.length) {
+ item.spdisplays_ndrvs.forEach(function (displayItem) {
+ const connectionType = displayItem['spdisplays_connection_type'] || '';
+ const currentResolutionParts = (displayItem['_spdisplays_resolution'] || '').split('@');
+ const currentResolution = currentResolutionParts[0].split('x');
+ const pixelParts = (displayItem['_spdisplays_pixels'] || '').split('x');
+ const pixelDepthString = displayItem['spdisplays_depth'] || '';
+ const serial = displayItem['_spdisplays_display-serial-number'] || displayItem['_spdisplays_display-serial-number2'] || null;
+ res.displays.push({
+ vendor: getVendorFromId(displayItem['_spdisplays_display-vendor-id'] || '') || getVendorFromModel(displayItem['_name'] || ''),
+ vendorId: displayItem['_spdisplays_display-vendor-id'] || '',
+ model: displayItem['_name'] || '',
+ productionYear: displayItem['_spdisplays_display-year'] || null,
+ serial: serial !== '0' ? serial : null,
+ displayId: displayItem['_spdisplays_displayID'] || null,
+ main: displayItem['spdisplays_main'] ? displayItem['spdisplays_main'] === 'spdisplays_yes' : false,
+ builtin: (displayItem['spdisplays_display_type'] || '').indexOf('built-in') > -1,
+ connection: ((connectionType.indexOf('_internal') > -1) ? 'Internal' : ((connectionType.indexOf('_displayport') > -1) ? 'Display Port' : ((connectionType.indexOf('_hdmi') > -1) ? 'HDMI' : null))),
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ pixelDepth: (pixelDepthString === 'CGSThirtyBitColor' ? 30 : (pixelDepthString === 'CGSThirtytwoBitColor' ? 32 : (pixelDepthString === 'CGSTwentyfourBitColor' ? 24 : null))),
+ resolutionX: pixelParts.length > 1 ? parseInt(pixelParts[0], 10) : null,
+ resolutionY: pixelParts.length > 1 ? parseInt(pixelParts[1], 10) : null,
+ currentResX: currentResolution.length > 1 ? parseInt(currentResolution[0], 10) : null,
+ currentResY: currentResolution.length > 1 ? parseInt(currentResolution[1], 10) : null,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0,
+ currentRefreshRate: currentResolutionParts.length > 1 ? parseInt(currentResolutionParts[1], 10) : null,
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return res;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ function parseLinesLinuxControllers(lines) {
+ let controllers = [];
+ let currentController = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ bus: '',
+ busAddress: '',
+ vram: null,
+ vramDynamic: false,
+ pciID: ''
+ };
+ let isGraphicsController = false;
+ // PCI bus IDs
+ let pciIDs = [];
+ try {
+ pciIDs = execSync('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 9 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL | grep "Bus Address: "').toString().split('\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < pciIDs.length; i++) {
+ pciIDs[i] = pciIDs[i].replace('Bus Address:', '').replace('0000:', '').trim();
+ }
+ pciIDs = pciIDs.filter(function (el) {
+ return el != null && el;
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if ('' !== lines[i].trim()) {
+ if (' ' !== lines[i][0] && '\t' !== lines[i][0]) { // first line of new entry
+ let isExternal = (pciIDs.indexOf(lines[i].split(' ')[0]) >= 0);
+ let vgapos = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' vga ');
+ let _3dcontrollerpos = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('3d controller');
+ if (vgapos !== -1 || _3dcontrollerpos !== -1) { // VGA
+ if (_3dcontrollerpos !== -1 && vgapos === -1) {
+ vgapos = _3dcontrollerpos;
+ }
+ if (currentController.vendor || currentController.model || currentController.bus || currentController.vram !== null || currentController.vramDynamic) { // already a controller found
+ controllers.push(currentController);
+ currentController = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ bus: '',
+ busAddress: '',
+ vram: null,
+ vramDynamic: false,
+ };
+ }
+ const pciIDCandidate = lines[i].split(' ')[0];
+ if (/[\da-fA-F]{2}:[\da-fA-F]{2}\.[\da-fA-F]/.test(pciIDCandidate)) {
+ currentController.busAddress = pciIDCandidate;
+ }
+ isGraphicsController = true;
+ let endpos = lines[i].search(/\[[0-9a-f]{4}:[0-9a-f]{4}]|$/);
+ let parts = lines[i].substr(vgapos, endpos - vgapos).split(':');
+ currentController.busAddress = lines[i].substr(0, vgapos).trim();
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') >= 0) {
+ currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') + 11).trim();
+ currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') + 11, 200).trim().split('(')[0];
+ currentController.bus = (pciIDs.length > 0 && isExternal) ? 'PCIe' : 'Onboard';
+ currentController.vram = null;
+ currentController.vramDynamic = false;
+ } else if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') >= 0) {
+ if ((parts[1].match(new RegExp(']', 'g')) || []).length > 1) {
+ currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1).trim();
+ currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim();
+ } else {
+ currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') + 5).trim();
+ currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') + 5, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim();
+ }
+ currentController.bus = (pciIDs.length > 0 && isExternal) ? 'PCIe' : 'Onboard';
+ currentController.vram = null;
+ currentController.vramDynamic = false;
+ } else if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') >= 0) {
+ if ((parts[1].match(new RegExp(']', 'g')) || []).length > 1) {
+ currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1).trim();
+ currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim();
+ } else {
+ currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') + 5).trim();
+ currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') + 5, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ isGraphicsController = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isGraphicsController) { // within VGA details
+ let parts = lines[i].split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('devicename') !== -1 && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('onboard') !== -1) { currentController.bus = 'Onboard'; }
+ if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('region') !== -1 && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('memory') !== -1) {
+ let memparts = parts[1].split('=');
+ if (memparts.length > 1) {
+ currentController.vram = parseInt(memparts[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentController.vendor || currentController.model || currentController.bus || currentController.busAddress || currentController.vram !== null || currentController.vramDynamic) { // already a controller found
+ controllers.push(currentController);
+ }
+ return (controllers);
+ }
+ function parseLinesLinuxClinfo(controllers, lines) {
+ const fieldPattern = /\[([^\]]+)\]\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
+ const devices = lines.reduce((devices, line) => {
+ const field = fieldPattern.exec(line.trim());
+ if (field) {
+ if (!devices[field[1]]) {
+ devices[field[1]] = {};
+ }
+ devices[field[1]][field[2]] = field[3];
+ }
+ return devices;
+ }, {});
+ for (let deviceId in devices) {
+ const device = devices[deviceId];
+ if (device['CL_DEVICE_TYPE'] === 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU') {
+ let busAddress;
+ if (device['CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_AMD']) {
+ const bdf = device['CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_AMD'].match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]+:\d+\.\d+/);
+ if (bdf) {
+ busAddress = bdf[0];
+ }
+ } else if (device['CL_DEVICE_PCI_BUS_ID_NV'] && device['CL_DEVICE_PCI_SLOT_ID_NV']) {
+ const bus = parseInt(device['CL_DEVICE_PCI_BUS_ID_NV']);
+ const slot = parseInt(device['CL_DEVICE_PCI_SLOT_ID_NV']);
+ if (!isNaN(bus) && !isNaN(slot)) {
+ const b = bus & 0xff;
+ const d = (slot >> 3) & 0xff;
+ const f = slot & 0x07;
+ busAddress = `${b.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${d.toString().padStart(2, '0')}.${f}`;
+ }
+ }
+ if (busAddress) {
+ let controller = controllers.find(controller => controller.busAddress === busAddress);
+ if (!controller) {
+ controller = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ bus: '',
+ busAddress,
+ vram: null,
+ vramDynamic: false
+ };
+ controllers.push(controller);
+ }
+ controller.vendor = device['CL_DEVICE_VENDOR'];
+ if (device['CL_DEVICE_BOARD_NAME_AMD']) {
+ controller.model = device['CL_DEVICE_BOARD_NAME_AMD'];
+ } else {
+ controller.model = device['CL_DEVICE_NAME'];
+ }
+ const memory = parseInt(device['CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE']);
+ if (!isNaN(memory)) {
+ controller.vram = Math.round(memory / 1024 / 1024);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return controllers;
+ }
+ function getNvidiaSmi() {
+ if (_nvidiaSmiPath) {
+ return _nvidiaSmiPath;
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const basePath = util.WINDIR + '\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository';
+ // find all directories that have an nvidia-smi.exe file
+ const candidateDirs = fs.readdirSync(basePath).filter(dir => {
+ return fs.readdirSync([basePath, dir].join('/')).includes('nvidia-smi.exe');
+ });
+ // use the directory with the most recently created nvidia-smi.exe file
+ const targetDir = candidateDirs.reduce((prevDir, currentDir) => {
+ const previousNvidiaSmi = fs.statSync([basePath, prevDir, 'nvidia-smi.exe'].join('/'));
+ const currentNvidiaSmi = fs.statSync([basePath, currentDir, 'nvidia-smi.exe'].join('/'));
+ return (previousNvidiaSmi.ctimeMs > currentNvidiaSmi.ctimeMs) ? prevDir : currentDir;
+ });
+ if (targetDir) {
+ _nvidiaSmiPath = [basePath, targetDir, 'nvidia-smi.exe'].join('/');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ } else if (_linux) {
+ _nvidiaSmiPath = 'nvidia-smi';
+ }
+ return _nvidiaSmiPath;
+ }
+ function nvidiaSmi(options) {
+ const nvidiaSmiExe = getNvidiaSmi();
+ options = options || util.execOptsWin;
+ if (nvidiaSmiExe) {
+ const nvidiaSmiOpts = '--query-gpu=driver_version,pci.sub_device_id,name,pci.bus_id,fan.speed,,memory.used,,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory,temperature.gpu,temperature.memory,power.draw,power.limit,,clocks.mem --format=csv,noheader,nounits';
+ const cmd = nvidiaSmiExe + ' ' + nvidiaSmiOpts + (_linux ? ' 2>/dev/null' : '');
+ try {
+ const res = execSync(cmd, options).toString();
+ return res;
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ function nvidiaDevices() {
+ function safeParseNumber(value) {
+ if ([null, undefined].includes(value)) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ return parseFloat(value);
+ }
+ const stdout = nvidiaSmi();
+ if (!stdout) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const gpus = stdout.split('\n').filter(Boolean);
+ let results = => {
+ const splittedData = gpu.split(', ').map(value => value.includes('N/A') ? undefined : value);
+ if (splittedData.length === 16) {
+ return {
+ driverVersion: splittedData[0],
+ subDeviceId: splittedData[1],
+ name: splittedData[2],
+ pciBus: splittedData[3],
+ fanSpeed: safeParseNumber(splittedData[4]),
+ memoryTotal: safeParseNumber(splittedData[5]),
+ memoryUsed: safeParseNumber(splittedData[6]),
+ memoryFree: safeParseNumber(splittedData[7]),
+ utilizationGpu: safeParseNumber(splittedData[8]),
+ utilizationMemory: safeParseNumber(splittedData[9]),
+ temperatureGpu: safeParseNumber(splittedData[10]),
+ temperatureMemory: safeParseNumber(splittedData[11]),
+ powerDraw: safeParseNumber(splittedData[12]),
+ powerLimit: safeParseNumber(splittedData[13]),
+ clockCore: safeParseNumber(splittedData[14]),
+ clockMemory: safeParseNumber(splittedData[15]),
+ };
+ } else {
+ return {};
+ }
+ });
+ results = results.filter((item) => {
+ return ('pciBus' in item);
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function mergeControllerNvidia(controller, nvidia) {
+ if (nvidia.driverVersion) { controller.driverVersion = nvidia.driverVersion; }
+ if (nvidia.subDeviceId) { controller.subDeviceId = nvidia.subDeviceId; }
+ if ( { =; }
+ if (nvidia.pciBus) { controller.pciBus = nvidia.pciBus; }
+ if (nvidia.fanSpeed) { controller.fanSpeed = nvidia.fanSpeed; }
+ if (nvidia.memoryTotal) {
+ controller.memoryTotal = nvidia.memoryTotal;
+ controller.vram = nvidia.memoryTotal;
+ controller.vramDynamic = false;
+ }
+ if (nvidia.memoryUsed) { controller.memoryUsed = nvidia.memoryUsed; }
+ if (nvidia.memoryFree) { controller.memoryFree = nvidia.memoryFree; }
+ if (nvidia.utilizationGpu) { controller.utilizationGpu = nvidia.utilizationGpu; }
+ if (nvidia.utilizationMemory) { controller.utilizationMemory = nvidia.utilizationMemory; }
+ if (nvidia.temperatureGpu) { controller.temperatureGpu = nvidia.temperatureGpu; }
+ if (nvidia.temperatureMemory) { controller.temperatureMemory = nvidia.temperatureMemory; }
+ if (nvidia.powerDraw) { controller.powerDraw = nvidia.powerDraw; }
+ if (nvidia.powerLimit) { controller.powerLimit = nvidia.powerLimit; }
+ if (nvidia.clockCore) { controller.clockCore = nvidia.clockCore; }
+ if (nvidia.clockMemory) { controller.clockMemory = nvidia.clockMemory; }
+ return controller;
+ }
+ function parseLinesLinuxEdid(edid) {
+ // parsen EDID
+ // --> model
+ // --> resolutionx
+ // --> resolutiony
+ // --> builtin = false
+ // --> pixeldepth (?)
+ // --> sizex
+ // --> sizey
+ let result = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ deviceName: '',
+ main: false,
+ builtin: false,
+ connection: '',
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ pixelDepth: null,
+ resolutionX: null,
+ resolutionY: null,
+ currentResX: null,
+ currentResY: null,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0,
+ currentRefreshRate: null
+ };
+ // find first "Detailed Timing Description"
+ let start = 108;
+ if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') {
+ start += 36;
+ }
+ if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') {
+ start += 36;
+ }
+ if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') {
+ start += 36;
+ }
+ if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') {
+ start += 36;
+ }
+ result.resolutionX = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 8, 1) + edid.substr(start + 4, 2));
+ result.resolutionY = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 14, 1) + edid.substr(start + 10, 2));
+ result.sizeX = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 28, 1) + edid.substr(start + 24, 2));
+ result.sizeY = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 29, 1) + edid.substr(start + 26, 2));
+ // monitor name
+ start = edid.indexOf('000000fc00'); // find first "Monitor Description Data"
+ if (start >= 0) {
+ let model_raw = edid.substr(start + 10, 26);
+ if (model_raw.indexOf('0a') !== -1) {
+ model_raw = model_raw.substr(0, model_raw.indexOf('0a'));
+ }
+ try {
+ if (model_raw.length > 2) {
+ result.model = model_raw.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(function (v) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(v, 16));
+ }).join('');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.model = '';
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function parseLinesLinuxDisplays(lines, depth) {
+ let displays = [];
+ let currentDisplay = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ deviceName: '',
+ main: false,
+ builtin: false,
+ connection: '',
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ pixelDepth: null,
+ resolutionX: null,
+ resolutionY: null,
+ currentResX: null,
+ currentResY: null,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0,
+ currentRefreshRate: null
+ };
+ let is_edid = false;
+ let is_current = false;
+ let edid_raw = '';
+ let start = 0;
+ for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { // start with second line
+ if ('' !== lines[i].trim()) {
+ if (' ' !== lines[i][0] && '\t' !== lines[i][0] && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' connected ') !== -1) { // first line of new entry
+ if (currentDisplay.model || currentDisplay.main || currentDisplay.builtin || currentDisplay.connection || currentDisplay.sizeX !== null || currentDisplay.pixelDepth !== null || currentDisplay.resolutionX !== null) { // push last display to array
+ displays.push(currentDisplay);
+ currentDisplay = {
+ vendor: '',
+ model: '',
+ main: false,
+ builtin: false,
+ connection: '',
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ pixelDepth: null,
+ resolutionX: null,
+ resolutionY: null,
+ currentResX: null,
+ currentResY: null,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0,
+ currentRefreshRate: null
+ };
+ }
+ let parts = lines[i].split(' ');
+ currentDisplay.connection = parts[0];
+ currentDisplay.main = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' primary ') >= 0;
+ currentDisplay.builtin = (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('edp') >= 0);
+ }
+ // try to read EDID information
+ if (is_edid) {
+ if (lines[i].search(/\S|$/) > start) {
+ edid_raw += lines[i].toLowerCase().trim();
+ } else {
+ // parsen EDID
+ let edid_decoded = parseLinesLinuxEdid(edid_raw);
+ currentDisplay.vendor = edid_decoded.vendor;
+ currentDisplay.model = edid_decoded.model;
+ currentDisplay.resolutionX = edid_decoded.resolutionX;
+ currentDisplay.resolutionY = edid_decoded.resolutionY;
+ currentDisplay.sizeX = edid_decoded.sizeX;
+ currentDisplay.sizeY = edid_decoded.sizeY;
+ currentDisplay.pixelDepth = depth;
+ is_edid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('edid:') >= 0) {
+ is_edid = true;
+ start = lines[i].search(/\S|$/);
+ }
+ if (lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('*current') >= 0) {
+ const parts1 = lines[i].split('(');
+ if (parts1 && parts1.length > 1 && parts1[0].indexOf('x') >= 0) {
+ const resParts = parts1[0].trim().split('x');
+ currentDisplay.currentResX = util.toInt(resParts[0]);
+ currentDisplay.currentResY = util.toInt(resParts[1]);
+ }
+ is_current = true;
+ }
+ if (is_current && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('clock') >= 0 && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('hz') >= 0 && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('v: height') >= 0) {
+ const parts1 = lines[i].split('clock');
+ if (parts1 && parts1.length > 1 && parts1[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('hz') >= 0) {
+ currentDisplay.currentRefreshRate = util.toInt(parts1[1]);
+ }
+ is_current = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // pushen displays
+ if (currentDisplay.model || currentDisplay.main || currentDisplay.builtin || currentDisplay.connection || currentDisplay.sizeX !== null || currentDisplay.pixelDepth !== null || currentDisplay.resolutionX !== null) { // still information there
+ displays.push(currentDisplay);
+ }
+ return displays;
+ }
+ // function starts here
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ controllers: [],
+ displays: []
+ };
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler -xml -detailLevel full SPDisplaysDataType';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ let output = stdout.toString();
+ result = parseLinesDarwin(util.plistParser(output)[0]._items);
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ // Raspberry:
+ if (util.isRaspberry() && util.isRaspbian()) {
+ let cmd = 'fbset -s | grep \'mode "\'; vcgencmd get_mem gpu; tvservice -s; tvservice -n;';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 3 && lines[0].indexOf('mode "') >= -1 && lines[2].indexOf('0x12000a') > -1) {
+ const parts = lines[0].replace('mode', '').replace(/"/g, '').trim().split('x');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ result.displays.push({
+ vendor: '',
+ model: util.getValue(lines, 'device_name', '='),
+ main: true,
+ builtin: false,
+ connection: 'HDMI',
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ pixelDepth: null,
+ resolutionX: parseInt(parts[0], 10),
+ resolutionY: parseInt(parts[1], 10),
+ currentResX: null,
+ currentResY: null,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0,
+ currentRefreshRate: null
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (lines.length > 1 && stdout.toString().indexOf('gpu=') >= -1) {
+ result.controllers.push({
+ vendor: 'Broadcom',
+ model: 'VideoCore IV',
+ bus: '',
+ vram: util.getValue(lines, 'gpu', '=').replace('M', ''),
+ vramDynamic: true
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ let cmd = 'lspci -vvv 2>/dev/null';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.controllers = parseLinesLinuxControllers(lines);
+ const nvidiaData = nvidiaDevices();
+ // needs to be rewritten ... using no spread operators
+ result.controllers = => { // match by busAddress
+ return mergeControllerNvidia(controller, nvidiaData.find((contr) => contr.pciBus.toLowerCase().endsWith(controller.busAddress.toLowerCase())) || {});
+ });
+ }
+ let cmd = 'clinfo --raw';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.controllers = parseLinesLinuxClinfo(result.controllers, lines);
+ }
+ let cmd = 'xdpyinfo 2>/dev/null | grep \'depth of root window\' | awk \'{ print $5 }\'';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ let depth = 0;
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ depth = parseInt(lines[0]) || 0;
+ }
+ let cmd = 'xrandr --verbose 2>/dev/null';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.displays = parseLinesLinuxDisplays(lines, depth);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ //
+ //
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject win32_VideoController | fl *'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('gp "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Control\\Class\\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\\*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where MatchingDeviceId $null -NE | select MatchingDeviceId,HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject win32_desktopmonitor | fl *'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorConnectionParams | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('gwmi WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\\wmi | ForEach-Object {(($_.ManufacturerName -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.ProductCodeID -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + $_.InstanceName}'));
+ const nvidiaData = nvidiaDevices();
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ // controller + vram
+ let csections = data[0].replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ let vsections = data[1].replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ result.controllers = parseLinesWindowsControllers(csections, vsections);
+ result.controllers = => { // match by subDeviceId
+ if (controller.vendor.toLowerCase() === 'nvidia') {
+ return mergeControllerNvidia(controller, nvidiaData.find(device => {
+ let windowsSubDeviceId = (controller.subDeviceId || '').toLowerCase();
+ const nvidiaSubDeviceIdParts = device.subDeviceId.split('x');
+ let nvidiaSubDeviceId = nvidiaSubDeviceIdParts.length > 1 ? nvidiaSubDeviceIdParts[1].toLowerCase() : nvidiaSubDeviceIdParts[0].toLowerCase();
+ const lengthDifference = Math.abs(windowsSubDeviceId.length - nvidiaSubDeviceId.length);
+ if (windowsSubDeviceId.length > nvidiaSubDeviceId.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < lengthDifference; i++) {
+ nvidiaSubDeviceId = '0' + nvidiaSubDeviceId;
+ }
+ } else if (windowsSubDeviceId.length < nvidiaSubDeviceId.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < lengthDifference; i++) {
+ windowsSubDeviceId = '0' + windowsSubDeviceId;
+ }
+ }
+ return windowsSubDeviceId === nvidiaSubDeviceId;
+ }) || {});
+ } else {
+ return controller;
+ }
+ });
+ // displays
+ let dsections = data[2].replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ // result.displays = parseLinesWindowsDisplays(dsections);
+ if (dsections[0].trim() === '') { dsections.shift(); }
+ if (dsections.length && dsections[dsections.length - 1].trim() === '') { dsections.pop(); }
+ // monitor (powershell)
+ let msections = data[3].replace(/\r/g, '').split('Active ');
+ msections.shift();
+ // forms.screens (powershell)
+ let ssections = data[4].replace(/\r/g, '').split('BitsPerPixel ');
+ ssections.shift();
+ // connection params (powershell) - video type
+ let tsections = data[5].replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ tsections.shift();
+ // monitor ID (powershell) - model / vendor
+ const res = data[6].replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n/);
+ let isections = [];
+ res.forEach(element => {
+ const parts = element.split('|');
+ if (parts.length === 5) {
+ isections.push({
+ vendor: parts[0],
+ code: parts[1],
+ model: parts[2],
+ serial: parts[3],
+ instanceId: parts[4]
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ result.displays = parseLinesWindowsDisplaysPowershell(ssections, msections, dsections, tsections, isections);
+ if (result.displays.length === 1) {
+ if (_resolutionX) {
+ result.displays[0].resolutionX = _resolutionX;
+ if (!result.displays[0].currentResX) {
+ result.displays[0].currentResX = _resolutionX;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_resolutionY) {
+ result.displays[0].resolutionY = _resolutionY;
+ if (result.displays[0].currentResY === 0) {
+ result.displays[0].currentResY = _resolutionY;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_pixelDepth) {
+ result.displays[0].pixelDepth = _pixelDepth;
+ }
+ if (_refreshRate && !result.displays[0].currentRefreshRate) {
+ result.displays[0].currentRefreshRate = _refreshRate;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ function parseLinesWindowsControllers(sections, vections) {
+ const memorySizes = {};
+ for (const i in vections) {
+ if ({}, i)) {
+ if (vections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ const lines = vections[i].trim().split('\n');
+ const matchingDeviceId = util.getValue(lines, 'MatchingDeviceId').match(/PCI\\(VEN_[0-9A-F]{4})&(DEV_[0-9A-F]{4})(?:&(SUBSYS_[0-9A-F]{8}))?(?:&(REV_[0-9A-F]{2}))?/i);
+ if (matchingDeviceId) {
+ const quadWordmemorySize = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize'));
+ if (!isNaN(quadWordmemorySize)) {
+ let deviceId = matchingDeviceId[1].toUpperCase() + '&' + matchingDeviceId[2].toUpperCase();
+ if (matchingDeviceId[3]) {
+ deviceId += '&' + matchingDeviceId[3].toUpperCase();
+ }
+ if (matchingDeviceId[4]) {
+ deviceId += '&' + matchingDeviceId[4].toUpperCase();
+ }
+ memorySizes[deviceId] = quadWordmemorySize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let controllers = [];
+ for (let i in sections) {
+ if ({}, i)) {
+ if (sections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = sections[i].trim().split('\n');
+ let pnpDeviceId = util.getValue(lines, 'PNPDeviceID', ':').match(/PCI\\(VEN_[0-9A-F]{4})&(DEV_[0-9A-F]{4})(?:&(SUBSYS_[0-9A-F]{8}))?(?:&(REV_[0-9A-F]{2}))?/i);
+ let subDeviceId = null;
+ let memorySize = null;
+ if (pnpDeviceId) {
+ subDeviceId = pnpDeviceId[3] || '';
+ if (subDeviceId) {
+ subDeviceId = subDeviceId.split('_')[1];
+ }
+ // Match PCI device identifier (there's an order of increasing generality):
+ //
+ // PCI\VEN_v(4)&DEV_d(4)&SUBSYS_s(4)n(4)&REV_r(2)
+ if (memorySize == null && pnpDeviceId[3] && pnpDeviceId[4]) {
+ const deviceId = pnpDeviceId[1].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[2].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[3].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[4].toUpperCase();
+ if ({}, deviceId)) {
+ memorySize = memorySizes[deviceId];
+ }
+ }
+ // PCI\VEN_v(4)&DEV_d(4)&SUBSYS_s(4)n(4)
+ if (memorySize == null && pnpDeviceId[3]) {
+ const deviceId = pnpDeviceId[1].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[2].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[3].toUpperCase();
+ if ({}, deviceId)) {
+ memorySize = memorySizes[deviceId];
+ }
+ }
+ // PCI\VEN_v(4)&DEV_d(4)&REV_r(2)
+ if (memorySize == null && pnpDeviceId[4]) {
+ const deviceId = pnpDeviceId[1].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[2].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[4].toUpperCase();
+ if ({}, deviceId)) {
+ memorySize = memorySizes[deviceId];
+ }
+ }
+ // PCI\VEN_v(4)&DEV_d(4)
+ if (memorySize == null) {
+ const deviceId = pnpDeviceId[1].toUpperCase() + '&' + pnpDeviceId[2].toUpperCase();
+ if ({}, deviceId)) {
+ memorySize = memorySizes[deviceId];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ controllers.push({
+ vendor: util.getValue(lines, 'AdapterCompatibility', ':'),
+ model: util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':'),
+ bus: util.getValue(lines, 'PNPDeviceID', ':').startsWith('PCI') ? 'PCI' : '',
+ vram: (memorySize == null ? util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'AdapterRAM', ':')) : memorySize) / 1024 / 1024,
+ vramDynamic: (util.getValue(lines, 'VideoMemoryType', ':') === '2'),
+ subDeviceId
+ });
+ _resolutionX = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentHorizontalResolution', ':')) || _resolutionX;
+ _resolutionY = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentVerticalResolution', ':')) || _resolutionY;
+ _refreshRate = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentRefreshRate', ':')) || _refreshRate;
+ _pixelDepth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentBitsPerPixel', ':')) || _pixelDepth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return controllers;
+ }
+ function parseLinesWindowsDisplaysPowershell(ssections, msections, dsections, tsections, isections) {
+ let displays = [];
+ let vendor = '';
+ let model = '';
+ let deviceID = '';
+ let resolutionX = 0;
+ let resolutionY = 0;
+ if (dsections && dsections.length) {
+ let linesDisplay = dsections[0].split('\n');
+ vendor = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'MonitorManufacturer', ':');
+ model = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'Name', ':');
+ deviceID = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'PNPDeviceID', ':').replace(/&amp;/g, '&').toLowerCase();
+ resolutionX = util.toInt(util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'ScreenWidth', ':'));
+ resolutionY = util.toInt(util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'ScreenHeight', ':'));
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < ssections.length; i++) {
+ if (ssections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ ssections[i] = 'BitsPerPixel ' + ssections[i];
+ msections[i] = 'Active ' + msections[i];
+ // tsections can be empty OR undefined on earlier versions of powershell (<=2.0)
+ // Tag connection type as UNKNOWN by default if this information is missing
+ if (tsections.length === 0 || tsections[i] === undefined) {
+ tsections[i] = 'Unknown';
+ }
+ let linesScreen = ssections[i].split('\n');
+ let linesMonitor = msections[i].split('\n');
+ let linesConnection = tsections[i].split('\n');
+ const bitsPerPixel = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'BitsPerPixel');
+ const bounds = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'Bounds').replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace(/=/g, ':').split(',');
+ const primary = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'Primary');
+ const sizeX = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'MaxHorizontalImageSize');
+ const sizeY = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'MaxVerticalImageSize');
+ const instanceName = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'InstanceName').toLowerCase();
+ const videoOutputTechnology = util.getValue(linesConnection, 'VideoOutputTechnology');
+ const deviceName = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'DeviceName');
+ let displayVendor = '';
+ let displayModel = '';
+ isections.forEach(element => {
+ if (element.instanceId.toLowerCase().startsWith(instanceName) && vendor.startsWith('(') && model.startsWith('PnP')) {
+ displayVendor = element.vendor;
+ displayModel = element.model;
+ }
+ });
+ displays.push({
+ vendor: instanceName.startsWith(deviceID) && displayVendor === '' ? vendor : displayVendor,
+ model: instanceName.startsWith(deviceID) && displayModel === '' ? model : displayModel,
+ deviceName,
+ main: primary.toLowerCase() === 'true',
+ builtin: videoOutputTechnology === '2147483648',
+ connection: videoOutputTechnology && videoTypes[videoOutputTechnology] ? videoTypes[videoOutputTechnology] : '',
+ resolutionX: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Width', ':')),
+ resolutionY: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Height', ':')),
+ sizeX: sizeX ? parseInt(sizeX, 10) : null,
+ sizeY: sizeY ? parseInt(sizeY, 10) : null,
+ pixelDepth: bitsPerPixel,
+ currentResX: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Width', ':')),
+ currentResY: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Height', ':')),
+ positionX: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'X', ':')),
+ positionY: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Y', ':')),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (ssections.length === 0) {
+ displays.push({
+ vendor,
+ model,
+ main: true,
+ sizeX: null,
+ sizeY: null,
+ resolutionX,
+ resolutionY,
+ pixelDepth: null,
+ currentResX: resolutionX,
+ currentResY: resolutionY,
+ positionX: 0,
+ positionY: 0
+ });
+ }
+ return displays;
+ }
+ = graphics;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.d.ts b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b519397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+// Type definitions for systeminformation
+// Project:
+// Definitions by: sebhildebrandt <>
+export namespace Systeminformation {
+ // 1. General
+ interface TimeData {
+ current: number;
+ uptime: number;
+ timezone: string;
+ timezoneName: string;
+ }
+ // 2. System (HW)
+ interface RaspberryRevisionData {
+ manufacturer: string;
+ processor: string;
+ type: string;
+ revision: string;
+ }
+ interface SystemData {
+ manufacturer: string;
+ model: string;
+ version: string;
+ serial: string;
+ uuid: string;
+ sku: string;
+ virtual: boolean;
+ virtualHost?: string;
+ raspberry?: RaspberryRevisionData;
+ }
+ interface BiosData {
+ vendor: string;
+ version: string;
+ releaseDate: string;
+ revision: string;
+ serial?: string;
+ language?: string;
+ features?: string[];
+ }
+ interface BaseboardData {
+ manufacturer: string;
+ model: string;
+ version: string;
+ serial: string;
+ assetTag: string;
+ memMax: number | null;
+ memSlots: number | null;
+ }
+ interface ChassisData {
+ manufacturer: string;
+ model: string;
+ type: string;
+ version: string;
+ serial: string;
+ assetTag: string;
+ sku: string;
+ }
+ // 3. CPU, Memory, Disks, Battery, Graphics
+ interface CpuData {
+ manufacturer: string;
+ brand: string;
+ vendor: string;
+ family: string;
+ model: string;
+ stepping: string;
+ revision: string;
+ voltage: string;
+ speed: number;
+ speedMin: number;
+ speedMax: number;
+ governor: string;
+ cores: number;
+ physicalCores: number;
+ efficiencyCores?: number;
+ performanceCores?: number;
+ processors: number;
+ socket: string;
+ flags: string;
+ virtualization: boolean;
+ cache: CpuCacheData;
+ }
+ interface CpuCacheData {
+ l1d: number;
+ l1i: number;
+ l2: number;
+ l3: number;
+ }
+ interface CpuCurrentSpeedData {
+ min: number;
+ max: number;
+ avg: number;
+ cores: number[];
+ }
+ interface CpuTemperatureData {
+ main: number;
+ cores: number[];
+ max: number;
+ socket?: number[];
+ chipset?: number;
+ }
+ interface MemData {
+ total: number;
+ free: number;
+ used: number;
+ active: number;
+ available: number;
+ buffcache: number;
+ buffers: number;
+ cached: number;
+ slab: number;
+ swaptotal: number;
+ swapused: number;
+ swapfree: number;
+ }
+ interface MemLayoutData {
+ size: number;
+ bank: string;
+ type: string;
+ ecc?: boolean | null;
+ clockSpeed: number | null;
+ formFactor: string;
+ manufacturer?: string;
+ partNum: string;
+ serialNum: string;
+ voltageConfigured: number | null;
+ voltageMin: number | null;
+ voltageMax: number | null;
+ }
+ interface SmartData {
+ json_format_version: number[];
+ smartctl: {
+ version: number[];
+ platform_info: string;
+ build_info: string;
+ argv: string[];
+ exit_status: number;
+ };
+ device: {
+ name: string;
+ info_name: string;
+ type: string;
+ protocol: string;
+ };
+ model_family?: string;
+ model_name?: string;
+ serial_number?: string;
+ firmware_version?: string;
+ smart_status: {
+ passed: boolean;
+ };
+ trim?: {
+ supported: boolean;
+ };
+ ata_smart_attributes?: {
+ revision: number;
+ table: {
+ id: number;
+ name: string;
+ value: number;
+ worst: number;
+ thresh: number;
+ when_failed: string;
+ flags: {
+ value: number;
+ string: string;
+ prefailure: boolean;
+ updated_online: boolean;
+ performance: boolean;
+ error_rate: boolean;
+ event_count: boolean;
+ auto_keep: boolean;
+ };
+ raw: {
+ value: number;
+ string: string;
+ };
+ }[];
+ };
+ ata_smart_error_log?: {
+ summary: {
+ revision: number;
+ count: number;
+ };
+ };
+ ata_smart_self_test_log?: {
+ standard: {
+ revision: number;
+ table: {
+ type: {
+ value: number;
+ string: string;
+ };
+ status: {
+ value: number;
+ string: string;
+ passed: boolean;
+ };
+ lifetime_hours: number;
+ }[];
+ count: number;
+ error_count_total: number;
+ error_count_outdated: number;
+ };
+ };
+ nvme_pci_vendor?: {
+ id: number;
+ subsystem_id: number;
+ },
+ nvme_smart_health_information_log?: {
+ critical_warning?: number;
+ temperature?: number;
+ available_spare?: number;
+ available_spare_threshold?: number;
+ percentage_used?: number;
+ data_units_read?: number;
+ data_units_written?: number;
+ host_reads?: number;
+ host_writes?: number;
+ controller_busy_time?: number;
+ power_cycles?: number;
+ power_on_hours?: number;
+ unsafe_shutdowns?: number;
+ media_errors?: number;
+ num_err_log_entries?: number;
+ warning_temp_time?: number;
+ critical_comp_time?: number;
+ temperature_sensors?: number[];
+ },
+ user_capacity?: {
+ blocks: number;
+ bytes: number;
+ },
+ logical_block_size?: number;
+ temperature: {
+ current: number;
+ };
+ power_cycle_count: number;
+ power_on_time: {
+ hours: number;
+ };
+ }
+ interface DiskLayoutData {
+ device: string;
+ type: string;
+ name: string;
+ vendor: string;
+ size: number;
+ bytesPerSector: number;
+ totalCylinders: number;
+ totalHeads: number;
+ totalSectors: number;
+ totalTracks: number;
+ tracksPerCylinder: number;
+ sectorsPerTrack: number;
+ firmwareRevision: string;
+ serialNum: string;
+ interfaceType: string;
+ smartStatus: string;
+ temperature: null | number;
+ smartData?: SmartData;
+ }
+ interface BatteryData {
+ hasBattery: boolean;
+ cycleCount: number;
+ isCharging: boolean;
+ voltage: number;
+ designedCapacity: number;
+ maxCapacity: number;
+ currentCapacity: number;
+ capacityUnit: string;
+ percent: number;
+ timeRemaining: number;
+ acConnected: boolean;
+ type: string;
+ model: string;
+ manufacturer: string;
+ serial: string;
+ additionalBatteries?: BatteryData[];
+ }
+ interface GraphicsData {
+ controllers: GraphicsControllerData[];
+ displays: GraphicsDisplayData[];
+ }
+ interface GraphicsControllerData {
+ vendor: string;
+ vendorId?: string;
+ model: string;
+ deviceId?: string;
+ bus: string;
+ busAddress?: string;
+ vram: number | null;
+ vramDynamic: boolean;
+ external?: boolean;
+ cores?: number;
+ metalVersion?: string;
+ subDeviceId?: string;
+ driverVersion?: string;
+ name?: string;
+ pciBus?: string;
+ pciID?: string;
+ fanSpeed?: number;
+ memoryTotal?: number;
+ memoryUsed?: number;
+ memoryFree?: number;
+ utilizationGpu?: number;
+ utilizationMemory?: number;
+ temperatureGpu?: number;
+ temperatureMemory?: number;
+ powerDraw?: number;
+ powerLimit?: number;
+ clockCore?: number;
+ clockMemory?: number;
+ }
+ interface GraphicsDisplayData {
+ vendor: string;
+ vendorId: string | null;
+ model: string;
+ productionYear: number | null;
+ serial: string | null;
+ deviceName: string | null;
+ displayId: string | null;
+ main: boolean;
+ builtin: boolean;
+ connection: string | null;
+ sizeX: number | null;
+ sizeY: number | null;
+ pixelDepth: number | null;
+ resolutionX: number | null;
+ resolutionY: number | null;
+ currentResX: number | null;
+ currentResY: number | null;
+ positionX: number;
+ positionY: number;
+ currentRefreshRate: number | null;
+ }
+ // 4. Operating System
+ interface OsData {
+ platform: string;
+ distro: string;
+ release: string;
+ codename: string;
+ kernel: string;
+ arch: string;
+ hostname: string;
+ fqdn: string;
+ codepage: string;
+ logofile: string;
+ serial: string;
+ build: string;
+ servicepack: string;
+ uefi: boolean;
+ hypervizor?: boolean;
+ remoteSession?: boolean;
+ hypervisor?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface UuidData {
+ os: string;
+ hardware: string;
+ macs: string[];
+ }
+ interface VersionData {
+ kernel?: string;
+ openssl?: string;
+ systemOpenssl?: string;
+ systemOpensslLib?: string;
+ node?: string;
+ v8?: string;
+ npm?: string;
+ yarn?: string;
+ pm2?: string;
+ gulp?: string;
+ grunt?: string;
+ git?: string;
+ tsc?: string;
+ mysql?: string;
+ redis?: string;
+ mongodb?: string;
+ nginx?: string;
+ php?: string;
+ docker?: string;
+ postfix?: string;
+ postgresql?: string;
+ perl?: string;
+ python?: string;
+ python3?: string;
+ pip?: string;
+ pip3?: string;
+ java?: string;
+ gcc?: string;
+ virtualbox?: string;
+ dotnet?: string;
+ }
+ interface UserData {
+ user: string;
+ tty: string;
+ date: string;
+ time: string;
+ ip: string;
+ command: string;
+ }
+ // 5. File System
+ interface FsSizeData {
+ fs: string;
+ type: string;
+ size: number;
+ used: number;
+ available: number;
+ use: number;
+ mount: string;
+ }
+ interface FsOpenFilesData {
+ max: number;
+ allocated: number;
+ available: number;
+ }
+ interface BlockDevicesData {
+ name: string;
+ identifier: string;
+ type: string;
+ fsType: string;
+ mount: string;
+ size: number;
+ physical: string;
+ uuid: string;
+ label: string;
+ model: string;
+ serial: string;
+ removable: boolean;
+ protocol: string;
+ }
+ interface FsStatsData {
+ rx: number;
+ wx: number;
+ tx: number;
+ rx_sec: number | null;
+ wx_sec: number | null;
+ tx_sec: number | null;
+ ms: number;
+ }
+ interface DisksIoData {
+ rIO: number;
+ wIO: number;
+ tIO: number;
+ rIO_sec: number | null;
+ wIO_sec: number | null;
+ tIO_sec: number | null;
+ rWaitTime: number;
+ wWaitTime: number;
+ tWaitTime: number;
+ rWaitPercent: number | null;
+ wWaitPercent: number | null;
+ tWaitPercent: number | null;
+ ms: number;
+ }
+ // 6. Network related functions
+ interface NetworkInterfacesData {
+ iface: string;
+ ifaceName: string;
+ ip4: string;
+ ip4subnet: string;
+ ip6: string;
+ ip6subnet: string;
+ mac: string;
+ internal: boolean;
+ virtual: boolean;
+ operstate: string;
+ type: string;
+ duplex: string;
+ mtu: number;
+ speed: number;
+ dhcp: boolean;
+ dnsSuffix: string;
+ ieee8021xAuth: string;
+ ieee8021xState: string;
+ carrierChanges: number;
+ }
+ interface NetworkStatsData {
+ iface: string;
+ operstate: string;
+ rx_bytes: number;
+ rx_dropped: number;
+ rx_errors: number;
+ tx_bytes: number;
+ tx_dropped: number;
+ tx_errors: number;
+ rx_sec: number;
+ tx_sec: number;
+ ms: number;
+ }
+ interface NetworkConnectionsData {
+ protocol: string;
+ localAddress: string;
+ localPort: string;
+ peerAddress: string;
+ peerPort: string;
+ state: string;
+ pid: number;
+ process: string;
+ }
+ interface InetChecksiteData {
+ url: string;
+ ok: boolean;
+ status: number;
+ ms: number;
+ }
+ interface WifiNetworkData {
+ ssid: string;
+ bssid: string;
+ mode: string;
+ channel: number;
+ frequency: number;
+ signalLevel: number;
+ quality: number;
+ security: string[];
+ wpaFlags: string[];
+ rsnFlags: string[];
+ }
+ interface WifiInterfaceData {
+ id: string;
+ iface: string;
+ model: string;
+ vendor: string;
+ mac: string;
+ }
+ interface WifiConnectionData {
+ id: string;
+ iface: string;
+ model: string;
+ ssid: string;
+ bssid: string;
+ channel: number;
+ type: string;
+ security: string;
+ frequency: number;
+ signalLevel: number;
+ txRate: number;
+ }
+ // 7. Current Load, Processes & Services
+ interface CurrentLoadData {
+ avgLoad: number;
+ currentLoad: number;
+ currentLoadUser: number;
+ currentLoadSystem: number;
+ currentLoadNice: number;
+ currentLoadIdle: number;
+ currentLoadIrq: number;
+ rawCurrentLoad: number;
+ rawCurrentLoadUser: number;
+ rawCurrentLoadSystem: number;
+ rawCurrentLoadNice: number;
+ rawCurrentLoadIdle: number;
+ rawCurrentLoadIrq: number;
+ cpus: CurrentLoadCpuData[];
+ }
+ interface CurrentLoadCpuData {
+ load: number;
+ loadUser: number;
+ loadSystem: number;
+ loadNice: number;
+ loadIdle: number;
+ loadIrq: number;
+ rawLoad: number;
+ rawLoadUser: number;
+ rawLoadSystem: number;
+ rawLoadNice: number;
+ rawLoadIdle: number;
+ rawLoadIrq: number;
+ }
+ interface ProcessesData {
+ all: number;
+ running: number;
+ blocked: number;
+ sleeping: number;
+ unknown: number;
+ list: ProcessesProcessData[];
+ }
+ interface ProcessesProcessData {
+ pid: number;
+ parentPid: number;
+ name: string;
+ cpu: number;
+ cpuu: number;
+ cpus: number;
+ mem: number;
+ priority: number;
+ memVsz: number;
+ memRss: number;
+ nice: number;
+ started: string;
+ state: string;
+ tty: string;
+ user: string;
+ command: string;
+ params: string;
+ path: string;
+ }
+ interface ProcessesProcessLoadData {
+ proc: string;
+ pid: number;
+ pids: number[];
+ cpu: number;
+ mem: number;
+ }
+ interface ServicesData {
+ name: string;
+ running: boolean;
+ startmode: string;
+ pids: number[];
+ cpu: number;
+ mem: number;
+ }
+ // 8. Docker
+ interface DockerInfoData {
+ id: string;
+ containers: number;
+ containersRunning: number;
+ containersPaused: number;
+ containersStopped: number;
+ images: number;
+ driver: string;
+ memoryLimit: boolean;
+ swapLimit: boolean;
+ kernelMemory: boolean;
+ cpuCfsPeriod: boolean;
+ cpuCfsQuota: boolean;
+ cpuShares: boolean;
+ cpuSet: boolean;
+ ipv4Forwarding: boolean;
+ bridgeNfIptables: boolean;
+ bridgeNfIp6tables: boolean;
+ debug: boolean;
+ nfd: number;
+ oomKillDisable: boolean;
+ ngoroutines: number;
+ systemTime: string;
+ loggingDriver: string;
+ cgroupDriver: string;
+ nEventsListener: number;
+ kernelVersion: string;
+ operatingSystem: string;
+ osType: string;
+ architecture: string;
+ ncpu: number;
+ memTotal: number;
+ dockerRootDir: string;
+ httpProxy: string;
+ httpsProxy: string;
+ noProxy: string;
+ name: string;
+ labels: string[];
+ experimentalBuild: boolean;
+ serverVersion: string;
+ clusterStore: string;
+ clusterAdvertise: string;
+ defaultRuntime: string;
+ liveRestoreEnabled: boolean;
+ isolation: string;
+ initBinary: string;
+ productLicense: string;
+ }
+ interface DockerImageData {
+ id: string;
+ container: string;
+ comment: string;
+ os: string;
+ architecture: string;
+ parent: string;
+ dockerVersion: string;
+ size: number;
+ sharedSize: number;
+ virtualSize: number;
+ author: string;
+ created: number;
+ containerConfig: any;
+ graphDriver: any;
+ repoDigests: any;
+ repoTags: any;
+ config: any;
+ rootFS: any;
+ }
+ interface DockerContainerData {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ image: string;
+ imageID: string;
+ command: string;
+ created: number;
+ started: number;
+ finished: number;
+ createdAt: string;
+ startedAt: string;
+ finishedAt: string;
+ state: string;
+ restartCount: number;
+ platform: string;
+ driver: string;
+ ports: number[];
+ mounts: DockerContainerMountData[];
+ }
+ interface DockerContainerMountData {
+ Type: string;
+ Source: string;
+ Destination: string;
+ Mode: string;
+ RW: boolean;
+ Propagation: string;
+ }
+ interface DockerContainerStatsData {
+ id: string;
+ memUsage: number;
+ memLimit: number;
+ memPercent: number;
+ cpuPercent: number;
+ pids: number;
+ netIO: {
+ rx: number;
+ wx: number;
+ };
+ blockIO: {
+ r: number;
+ w: number;
+ };
+ restartCount: number;
+ cpuStats: any;
+ precpuStats: any;
+ memoryStats: any;
+ networks: any;
+ }
+ interface DockerContainerProcessData {
+ pidHost: string;
+ ppid: string;
+ pgid: string;
+ user: string;
+ ruser: string;
+ group: string;
+ rgroup: string;
+ stat: string;
+ time: string;
+ elapsed: string;
+ nice: string;
+ rss: string;
+ vsz: string;
+ command: string;
+ }
+ interface DockerVolumeData {
+ name: string;
+ driver: string;
+ labels: any;
+ mountpoint: string;
+ options: any;
+ scope: string;
+ created: number;
+ }
+ // 9. Virtual Box
+ interface VboxInfoData {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ running: boolean;
+ started: string;
+ runningSince: number;
+ stopped: string;
+ stoppedSince: number;
+ guestOS: string;
+ hardwareUUID: string;
+ memory: number;
+ vram: number;
+ cpus: number;
+ cpuExepCap: string;
+ cpuProfile: string;
+ chipset: string;
+ firmware: string;
+ pageFusion: boolean;
+ configFile: string;
+ snapshotFolder: string;
+ logFolder: string;
+ hpet: boolean;
+ pae: boolean;
+ longMode: boolean;
+ tripleFaultReset: boolean;
+ apic: boolean;
+ x2Apic: boolean;
+ acpi: boolean;
+ ioApic: boolean;
+ biosApicMode: string;
+ bootMenuMode: string;
+ bootDevice1: string;
+ bootDevice2: string;
+ bootDevice3: string;
+ bootDevice4: string;
+ timeOffset: string;
+ rtc: string;
+ }
+ interface PrinterData {
+ id: number;
+ name: string;
+ model: string;
+ uri: string;
+ uuid: string;
+ local: boolean;
+ status: string;
+ default: boolean;
+ shared: boolean;
+ }
+ interface UsbData {
+ id: number | string;
+ bus: number;
+ deviceId: number;
+ name: string;
+ type: string;
+ removable: boolean;
+ vendor: string;
+ manufacturer: string;
+ maxPower: string;
+ serialNumber: string;
+ }
+ interface AudioData {
+ id: number | string;
+ name: string;
+ manufacturer: string;
+ default: boolean;
+ revision: string;
+ driver: string;
+ channel: string;
+ in: boolean;
+ out: boolean;
+ type: string;
+ status: string;
+ }
+ interface BluetoothDeviceData {
+ device: string;
+ name: string;
+ macDevice: string;
+ macHost: string;
+ batteryPercent: number;
+ manufacturer: string;
+ type: string;
+ connected: boolean;
+ }
+ // 10. "Get All at once" - functions
+ interface StaticData {
+ version: string;
+ system: SystemData;
+ bios: BiosData;
+ baseboard: BaseboardData;
+ chassis: ChassisData;
+ os: OsData;
+ uuid: UuidData;
+ versions: VersionData;
+ cpu: CpuData;
+ graphics: GraphicsData;
+ net: NetworkInterfacesData[];
+ memLayout: MemLayoutData[];
+ diskLayout: DiskLayoutData[];
+ }
+export function version(): string;
+export function system(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.SystemData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.SystemData>;
+export function bios(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.BiosData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.BiosData>;
+export function baseboard(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.BaseboardData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.BaseboardData>;
+export function chassis(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.ChassisData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.ChassisData>;
+export function time(): Systeminformation.TimeData;
+export function osInfo(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.OsData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.OsData>;
+export function versions(apps?: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.VersionData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.VersionData>;
+export function shell(cb?: (data: string) => any): Promise<string>;
+export function uuid(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.UuidData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.UuidData>;
+export function cpu(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.CpuData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.CpuData>;
+export function cpuFlags(cb?: (data: string) => any): Promise<string>;
+export function cpuCache(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.CpuCacheData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.CpuCacheData>;
+export function cpuCurrentSpeed(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.CpuCurrentSpeedData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.CpuCurrentSpeedData>;
+export function cpuTemperature(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.CpuTemperatureData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.CpuTemperatureData>;
+export function currentLoad(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.CurrentLoadData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.CurrentLoadData>;
+export function fullLoad(cb?: (data: number) => any): Promise<number>;
+export function mem(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.MemData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.MemData>;
+export function memLayout(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.MemLayoutData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.MemLayoutData[]>;
+export function battery(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.BatteryData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.BatteryData>;
+export function graphics(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.GraphicsData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.GraphicsData>;
+export function fsSize(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.FsSizeData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.FsSizeData[]>;
+export function fsOpenFiles(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.FsOpenFilesData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.FsOpenFilesData[]>;
+export function blockDevices(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.BlockDevicesData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.BlockDevicesData[]>;
+export function fsStats(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.FsStatsData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.FsStatsData>;
+export function disksIO(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DisksIoData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DisksIoData>;
+export function diskLayout(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DiskLayoutData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DiskLayoutData[]>;
+export function networkInterfaceDefault(cb?: (data: string) => any): Promise<string>;
+export function networkGatewayDefault(cb?: (data: string) => any): Promise<string>;
+export function networkInterfaces(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.NetworkInterfacesData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.NetworkInterfacesData[]>;
+export function networkStats(ifaces?: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.NetworkStatsData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.NetworkStatsData[]>;
+export function networkConnections(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.NetworkConnectionsData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.NetworkConnectionsData[]>;
+export function inetChecksite(url: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.InetChecksiteData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.InetChecksiteData>;
+export function inetLatency(host?: string, cb?: (data: number) => any): Promise<number>;
+export function wifiNetworks(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.WifiNetworkData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.WifiNetworkData[]>;
+export function wifiInterfaces(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.WifiInterfaceData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.WifiInterfaceData[]>;
+export function wifiConnections(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.WifiConnectionData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.WifiConnectionData[]>;
+export function users(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.UserData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.UserData[]>;
+export function processes(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.ProcessesData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.ProcessesData>;
+export function processLoad(processNames: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.ProcessesProcessLoadData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.ProcessesProcessLoadData[]>;
+export function services(serviceName: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.ServicesData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.ServicesData[]>;
+export function dockerInfo(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DockerInfoData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerInfoData>;
+export function dockerImages(all?: boolean, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DockerImageData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerImageData[]>;
+export function dockerContainers(all?: boolean, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DockerContainerData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerContainerData[]>;
+export function dockerContainerStats(id?: string, cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DockerContainerStatsData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerContainerStatsData[]>;
+export function dockerContainerProcesses(id?: string, cb?: (data: any) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerContainerProcessData[]>;
+export function dockerVolumes(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.DockerVolumeData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.DockerVolumeData[]>;
+export function dockerAll(cb?: (data: any) => any): Promise<any>;
+export function vboxInfo(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.VboxInfoData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.VboxInfoData[]>;
+export function printer(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.PrinterData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.PrinterData[]>;
+export function usb(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.UsbData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.UsbData[]>;
+export function audio(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.AudioData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.AudioData[]>;
+export function bluetoothDevices(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.BluetoothDeviceData[]) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.BluetoothDeviceData[]>;
+export function getStaticData(cb?: (data: Systeminformation.StaticData) => any): Promise<Systeminformation.StaticData>;
+export function getDynamicData(srv?: string, iface?: string, cb?: (data: any) => any): Promise<any>;
+export function getAllData(srv?: string, iface?: string, cb?: (data: any) => any): Promise<any>;
+export function get(valuesObject: any, cb?: (data: any) => any): Promise<any>;
+export function observe(valuesObject: any, interval: number, cb?: (data: any) => any): number;
+export function powerShellStart(): void;
+export function powerShellRelease(): void;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd5bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// index.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Contributors: Guillaume Legrain (
+// Riccardo Novaglia (
+// Quentin Busuttil (
+// Lapsio (
+// csy (
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dependencies
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const lib_version = require('../package.json').version;
+const util = require('./util');
+const system = require('./system');
+const osInfo = require('./osinfo');
+const cpu = require('./cpu');
+const memory = require('./memory');
+const battery = require('./battery');
+const graphics = require('./graphics');
+const filesystem = require('./filesystem');
+const network = require('./network');
+const wifi = require('./wifi');
+const processes = require('./processes');
+const users = require('./users');
+const internet = require('./internet');
+const docker = require('./docker');
+const vbox = require('./virtualbox');
+const printer = require('./printer');
+const usb = require('./usb');
+const audio = require('./audio');
+const bluetooth = require('./bluetooth');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// init
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (_windows) {
+ util.getCodepage();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// General
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function version() {
+ return lib_version;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get static and dynamic data (all)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------
+// get static data - they should not change until restarted
+function getStaticData(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = {};
+ data.version = version();
+ Promise.all([
+ system.system(),
+ system.bios(),
+ system.baseboard(),
+ system.chassis(),
+ osInfo.osInfo(),
+ osInfo.uuid(),
+ osInfo.versions(),
+ cpu.cpu(),
+ cpu.cpuFlags(),
+ network.networkInterfaces(),
+ memory.memLayout(),
+ filesystem.diskLayout()
+ ]).then((res) => {
+ data.system = res[0];
+ data.bios = res[1];
+ data.baseboard = res[2];
+ data.chassis = res[3];
+ data.os = res[4];
+ data.uuid = res[5];
+ data.versions = res[6];
+ data.cpu = res[7];
+ data.cpu.flags = res[8];
+ = res[9];
+ = res[10];
+ data.memLayout = res[11];
+ data.diskLayout = res[12];
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// get all dynamic data - e.g. for monitoring agents
+// may take some seconds to get all data
+// --------------------------
+// 2 additional parameters needed
+// - srv: comma separated list of services to monitor e.g. "mysql, apache, postgresql"
+// - iface: define network interface for which you like to monitor network speed e.g. "eth0"
+function getDynamicData(srv, iface, callback) {
+ if (util.isFunction(iface)) {
+ callback = iface;
+ iface = '';
+ }
+ if (util.isFunction(srv)) {
+ callback = srv;
+ srv = '';
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ iface = iface || network.getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ srv = srv || '';
+ // use closure to track Æ’ completion
+ let functionProcessed = (function () {
+ let totalFunctions = 15;
+ if (_windows) { totalFunctions = 13; }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { totalFunctions = 11; }
+ if (_sunos) { totalFunctions = 6; }
+ return function () {
+ if (--totalFunctions === 0) {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ let data = {};
+ // get time
+ data.time = osInfo.time();
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {Object} versions
+ * @property {string} versions.node
+ * @property {string} versions.v8
+ */
+ data.node = process.versions.node;
+ data.v8 = process.versions.v8;
+ cpu.cpuCurrentSpeed().then((res) => {
+ data.cpuCurrentSpeed = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ users.users().then((res) => {
+ data.users = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ processes.processes().then((res) => {
+ data.processes = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ cpu.currentLoad().then((res) => {
+ data.currentLoad = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ if (!_sunos) {
+ cpu.cpuTemperature().then((res) => {
+ data.temp = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_openbsd && !_freebsd && !_netbsd && !_sunos) {
+ network.networkStats(iface).then((res) => {
+ data.networkStats = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_sunos) {
+ network.networkConnections().then((res) => {
+ data.networkConnections = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ memory.mem().then((res) => {
+ data.mem = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ if (!_sunos) {
+ battery().then((res) => {
+ data.battery = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_sunos) {
+ => {
+ = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_sunos) {
+ filesystem.fsSize().then((res) => {
+ data.fsSize = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_windows && !_openbsd && !_freebsd && !_netbsd && !_sunos) {
+ filesystem.fsStats().then((res) => {
+ data.fsStats = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_windows && !_openbsd && !_freebsd && !_netbsd && !_sunos) {
+ filesystem.disksIO().then((res) => {
+ data.disksIO = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if (!_openbsd && !_freebsd && !_netbsd && !_sunos) {
+ wifi.wifiNetworks().then((res) => {
+ data.wifiNetworks = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ internet.inetLatency().then((res) => {
+ data.inetLatency = res;
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// --------------------------
+// get all data at once
+// --------------------------
+// 2 additional parameters needed
+// - srv: comma separated list of services to monitor e.g. "mysql, apache, postgresql"
+// - iface: define network interface for which you like to monitor network speed e.g. "eth0"
+function getAllData(srv, iface, callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = {};
+ if (iface && util.isFunction(iface) && !callback) {
+ callback = iface;
+ iface = '';
+ }
+ if (srv && util.isFunction(srv) && !iface && !callback) {
+ callback = srv;
+ srv = '';
+ iface = '';
+ }
+ getStaticData().then((res) => {
+ data = res;
+ getDynamicData(srv, iface).then((res) => {
+ for (let key in res) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ data[key] = res[key];
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function get(valueObject, callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const allPromises = Object.keys(valueObject)
+ .filter(func => ({}, func)))
+ .map(func => {
+ const params = valueObject[func].substring(valueObject[func].lastIndexOf('(') + 1, valueObject[func].lastIndexOf(')'));
+ let funcWithoutParams = func.indexOf(')') >= 0 ? func.split(')')[1].trim() : func;
+ funcWithoutParams = func.indexOf('|') >= 0 ? func.split('|')[0].trim() : funcWithoutParams;
+ if (params) {
+ return exports[funcWithoutParams](params);
+ } else {
+ return exports[funcWithoutParams]('');
+ }
+ });
+ Promise.all(allPromises).then((data) => {
+ const result = {};
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let key in valueObject) {
+ if ({}, key) && {}, key) && data.length > i) {
+ if (valueObject[key] === '*' || valueObject[key] === 'all') {
+ result[key] = data[i];
+ } else {
+ let keys = valueObject[key];
+ let filter = '';
+ let filterParts = [];
+ // remove params
+ if (keys.indexOf(')') >= 0) {
+ keys = keys.split(')')[1].trim();
+ }
+ // extract filter and remove it from keys
+ if (keys.indexOf('|') >= 0) {
+ filter = keys.split('|')[1].trim();
+ filterParts = filter.split(':');
+ keys = keys.split('|')[0].trim();
+ }
+ keys = keys.replace(/,/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (data[i]) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data[i])) {
+ // result is in an array, go through all elements of array and pick only the right ones
+ const partialArray = [];
+ data[i].forEach(element => {
+ let partialRes = {};
+ if (keys.length === 1 && (keys[0] === '*' || keys[0] === 'all')) {
+ partialRes = element;
+ } else {
+ keys.forEach(k => {
+ if ({}, k)) {
+ partialRes[k] = element[k];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // if there is a filter, then just take those elements
+ if (filter && filterParts.length === 2) {
+ if ({}, filterParts[0].trim())) {
+ const val = partialRes[filterParts[0].trim()];
+ if (typeof val == 'number') {
+ if (val === parseFloat(filterParts[1].trim())) {
+ partialArray.push(partialRes);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof val == 'string') {
+ if (val.toLowerCase() === filterParts[1].trim().toLowerCase()) {
+ partialArray.push(partialRes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ partialArray.push(partialRes);
+ }
+ });
+ result[key] = partialArray;
+ } else {
+ const partialRes = {};
+ keys.forEach(k => {
+ if ({}[i], k)) {
+ partialRes[k] = data[i][k];
+ }
+ });
+ result[key] = partialRes;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result[key] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function observe(valueObject, interval, callback) {
+ let _data = null;
+ const result = setInterval(() => {
+ get(valueObject).then((data) => {
+ if (JSON.stringify(_data) !== JSON.stringify(data)) {
+ _data = Object.assign({}, data);
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }, interval);
+ return result;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// export all libs
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+exports.version = version;
+exports.system = system.system;
+exports.bios = system.bios;
+exports.baseboard = system.baseboard;
+exports.chassis = system.chassis;
+exports.time = osInfo.time;
+exports.osInfo = osInfo.osInfo;
+exports.versions = osInfo.versions; =;
+exports.uuid = osInfo.uuid;
+exports.cpu = cpu.cpu;
+exports.cpuFlags = cpu.cpuFlags;
+exports.cpuCache = cpu.cpuCache;
+exports.cpuCurrentSpeed = cpu.cpuCurrentSpeed;
+exports.cpuTemperature = cpu.cpuTemperature;
+exports.currentLoad = cpu.currentLoad;
+exports.fullLoad = cpu.fullLoad;
+exports.mem = memory.mem;
+exports.memLayout = memory.memLayout;
+exports.battery = battery;
+ =;
+exports.fsSize = filesystem.fsSize;
+exports.fsOpenFiles = filesystem.fsOpenFiles;
+exports.blockDevices = filesystem.blockDevices;
+exports.fsStats = filesystem.fsStats;
+exports.disksIO = filesystem.disksIO;
+exports.diskLayout = filesystem.diskLayout;
+exports.networkInterfaceDefault = network.networkInterfaceDefault;
+exports.networkGatewayDefault = network.networkGatewayDefault;
+exports.networkInterfaces = network.networkInterfaces;
+exports.networkStats = network.networkStats;
+exports.networkConnections = network.networkConnections;
+exports.wifiNetworks = wifi.wifiNetworks;
+exports.wifiInterfaces = wifi.wifiInterfaces;
+exports.wifiConnections = wifi.wifiConnections;
+ =;
+exports.processes = processes.processes;
+exports.processLoad = processes.processLoad;
+exports.users = users.users;
+exports.inetChecksite = internet.inetChecksite;
+exports.inetLatency = internet.inetLatency;
+exports.dockerInfo = docker.dockerInfo;
+exports.dockerImages = docker.dockerImages;
+exports.dockerContainers = docker.dockerContainers;
+exports.dockerContainerStats = docker.dockerContainerStats;
+exports.dockerContainerProcesses = docker.dockerContainerProcesses;
+exports.dockerVolumes = docker.dockerVolumes;
+exports.dockerAll = docker.dockerAll;
+exports.vboxInfo = vbox.vboxInfo;
+exports.printer = printer.printer;
+exports.usb = usb.usb;
+ =;
+exports.bluetoothDevices = bluetooth.bluetoothDevices;
+exports.getStaticData = getStaticData;
+exports.getDynamicData = getDynamicData;
+exports.getAllData = getAllData;
+exports.get = get;
+exports.observe = observe;
+exports.powerShellStart = util.powerShellStart;
+exports.powerShellRelease = util.powerShellRelease;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/internet.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/internet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f0878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/internet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// internet.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 12. Internet
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+// --------------------------
+// check if external site is available
+function inetChecksite(url, callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ url: url,
+ ok: false,
+ status: 404,
+ ms: null
+ };
+ if (typeof url !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ let urlSanitized = '';
+ const s = util.sanitizeShellString(url, true);
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (!(s[i] === undefined)) {
+ s[i].__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ const sl = s[i].toLowerCase();
+ if (sl && sl[0] && !sl[1] && sl[0].length === 1) {
+ urlSanitized = urlSanitized + sl[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.url = urlSanitized;
+ try {
+ if (urlSanitized && !util.isPrototypePolluted()) {
+ urlSanitized.__proto__.startsWith = util.stringStartWith;
+ if (urlSanitized.startsWith('file:') || urlSanitized.startsWith('gopher:') || urlSanitized.startsWith('telnet:') || urlSanitized.startsWith('mailto:') || urlSanitized.startsWith('news:') || urlSanitized.startsWith('nntp:')) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ let t =;
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin || _sunos) {
+ let args = ['-I', '--connect-timeout', '5', '-m', '5'];
+ args.push(urlSanitized);
+ let cmd = 'curl';
+ util.execSafe(cmd, args).then((stdout) => {
+ const lines = stdout.split('\n');
+ let statusCode = lines[0] && lines[0].indexOf(' ') >= 0 ? parseInt(lines[0].split(' ')[1], 10) : 404;
+ result.status = statusCode || 404;
+ result.ok = (statusCode === 200 || statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302 || statusCode === 304);
+ = (result.ok ? - t : null);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) { // if this is stable, this can be used for all OS types
+ const http = (urlSanitized.startsWith('https:') ? require('https') : require('http'));
+ try {
+ http.get(urlSanitized, (res) => {
+ const statusCode = res.statusCode;
+ result.status = statusCode || 404;
+ result.ok = (statusCode === 200 || statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302 || statusCode === 304);
+ if (statusCode !== 200) {
+ res.resume();
+ = (result.ok ? - t : null);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ res.on('data', () => { });
+ res.on('end', () => {
+ = (result.ok ? - t : null);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ }).on('error', () => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.inetChecksite = inetChecksite;
+// --------------------------
+// check inet latency
+function inetLatency(host, callback) {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(host) && !callback) {
+ callback = host;
+ host = '';
+ }
+ host = host || '';
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (typeof host !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let hostSanitized = '';
+ const s = (util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(host, true)).trim();
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (!(s[i] === undefined)) {
+ s[i].__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ const sl = s[i].toLowerCase();
+ if (sl && sl[0] && !sl[1]) {
+ hostSanitized = hostSanitized + sl[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hostSanitized.__proto__.startsWith = util.stringStartWith;
+ if (hostSanitized.startsWith('file:') || hostSanitized.startsWith('gopher:') || hostSanitized.startsWith('telnet:') || hostSanitized.startsWith('mailto:') || hostSanitized.startsWith('news:') || hostSanitized.startsWith('nntp:')) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let params;
+ let filt;
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ params = ['-c', '2', '-w', '3', hostSanitized];
+ filt = 'rtt';
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ params = ['-c', '2', '-t', '3', hostSanitized];
+ filt = 'round-trip';
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ params = ['-c2', '-t3', hostSanitized];
+ filt = 'avg';
+ }
+ util.execSafe('ping', params).then((stdout) => {
+ let result = null;
+ if (stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.split('\n').filter(line => line.indexOf(filt) >= 0).join('\n');
+ const line = lines.split('=');
+ if (line.length > 1) {
+ const parts = line[1].split('/');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ result = parseFloat(parts[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ const params = ['-s', '-a', hostSanitized, '56', '2'];
+ const filt = 'avg';
+ util.execSafe('ping', params, { timeout: 3000 }).then((stdout) => {
+ let result = null;
+ if (stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.split('\n').filter(line => line.indexOf(filt) >= 0).join('\n');
+ const line = lines.split('=');
+ if (line.length > 1) {
+ const parts = line[1].split('/');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ result = parseFloat(parts[1].replace(',', '.'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let result = null;
+ try {
+ const params = [hostSanitized, '-n', '1'];
+ util.execSafe('ping', params, util.execOptsWin).then((stdout) => {
+ if (stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n');
+ lines.shift();
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if ((line.toLowerCase().match(/ms/g) || []).length === 3) {
+ let l = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (l.length > 6) {
+ result = parseFloat(l[l.length - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.inetLatency = inetLatency;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/memory.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/memory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf7e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/memory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// memory.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 5. Memory
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('./util');
+const fs = require('fs');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+const OSX_RAM_manufacturers = {
+ '0x014F': 'Transcend Information',
+ '0x2C00': 'Micron Technology Inc.',
+ '0x802C': 'Micron Technology Inc.',
+ '0x80AD': 'Hynix Semiconductor Inc.',
+ '0x80CE': 'Samsung Electronics Inc.',
+ '0xAD00': 'Hynix Semiconductor Inc.',
+ '0xCE00': 'Samsung Electronics Inc.',
+ '0x02FE': 'Elpida',
+ '0x5105': 'Qimonda AG i. In.',
+ '0x8551': 'Qimonda AG i. In.',
+ '0x859B': 'Crucial',
+ '0x04CD': 'G-Skill'
+const LINUX_RAM_manufacturers = {
+ '017A': 'Apacer',
+ '0198': 'HyperX',
+ '029E': 'Corsair',
+ '04CB': 'A-DATA',
+ '04CD': 'G-Skill',
+ '059B': 'Crucial',
+ '00CE': 'Samsung',
+ '1315': 'Crutial',
+ '014F': 'Transcend Information',
+ '2C00': 'Micron Technology Inc.',
+ '802C': 'Micron Technology Inc.',
+ '80AD': 'Hynix Semiconductor Inc.',
+ '80CE': 'Samsung Electronics Inc.',
+ 'AD00': 'Hynix Semiconductor Inc.',
+ 'CE00': 'Samsung Electronics Inc.',
+ '02FE': 'Elpida',
+ '5105': 'Qimonda AG i. In.',
+ '8551': 'Qimonda AG i. In.',
+ '859B': 'Crucial'
+// _______________________________________________________________________________________
+// | R A M | H D |
+// |______________________|_________________________| | |
+// | active buffers/cache | | |
+// |________________________________________________|___________|_________|______________|
+// | used free | used free |
+// |____________________________________________________________|________________________|
+// | total | swap |
+// |____________________________________________________________|________________________|
+// free (older versions)
+// ----------------------------------
+// # free
+// total used free shared buffers cached
+// Mem: 16038 (1) 15653 (2) 384 (3) 0 (4) 236 (5) 14788 (6)
+// -/+ buffers/cache: 628 (7) 15409 (8)
+// Swap: 16371 83 16288
+// |------------------------------------------------------------|
+// | R A M |
+// |______________________|_____________________________________|
+// | active (2-(5+6) = 7) | available (3+5+6 = 8) |
+// |______________________|_________________________|___________|
+// | active | buffers/cache (5+6) | |
+// |________________________________________________|___________|
+// | used (2) | free (3) |
+// |____________________________________________________________|
+// | total (1) |
+// |____________________________________________________________|
+// free (since free von procps-ng 3.3.10)
+// ----------------------------------
+// # free
+// total used free shared buffers/cache available
+// Mem: 16038 (1) 628 (2) 386 (3) 0 (4) 15024 (5) 14788 (6)
+// Swap: 16371 83 16288
+// |------------------------------------------------------------|
+// | R A M |
+// |______________________|_____________________________________|
+// | | available (6) estimated |
+// |______________________|_________________________|___________|
+// | active (2) | buffers/cache (5) | free (3) |
+// |________________________________________________|___________|
+// | total (1) |
+// |____________________________________________________________|
+// Reference:
+// /procs/meminfo - sample (all in kB)
+// MemTotal: 32806380 kB
+// MemFree: 17977744 kB
+// MemAvailable: 19768972 kB
+// Buffers: 517028 kB
+// Cached: 2161876 kB
+// SwapCached: 456 kB
+// Active: 12081176 kB
+// Inactive: 2164616 kB
+// Active(anon): 10832884 kB
+// Inactive(anon): 1477272 kB
+// Active(file): 1248292 kB
+// Inactive(file): 687344 kB
+// Unevictable: 0 kB
+// Mlocked: 0 kB
+// SwapTotal: 16768892 kB
+// SwapFree: 16768304 kB
+// Dirty: 268 kB
+// Writeback: 0 kB
+// AnonPages: 11568832 kB
+// Mapped: 719992 kB
+// Shmem: 743272 kB
+// Slab: 335716 kB
+// SReclaimable: 256364 kB
+// SUnreclaim: 79352 kB
+function mem(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ total: os.totalmem(),
+ free: os.freemem(),
+ used: os.totalmem() - os.freemem(),
+ active: os.totalmem() - os.freemem(), // temporarily (fallback)
+ available: os.freemem(), // temporarily (fallback)
+ buffers: 0,
+ cached: 0,
+ slab: 0,
+ buffcache: 0,
+ swaptotal: 0,
+ swapused: 0,
+ swapfree: 0
+ };
+ if (_linux) {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/meminfo', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'memtotal'), 10);
+ = ? * 1024 : os.totalmem();
+ = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'memfree'), 10);
+ = ? * 1024 : os.freemem();
+ result.used = -;
+ result.buffers = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'buffers'), 10);
+ result.buffers = result.buffers ? result.buffers * 1024 : 0;
+ result.cached = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'cached'), 10);
+ result.cached = result.cached ? result.cached * 1024 : 0;
+ result.slab = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'slab'), 10);
+ result.slab = result.slab ? result.slab * 1024 : 0;
+ result.buffcache = result.buffers + result.cached + result.slab;
+ let available = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'memavailable'), 10);
+ result.available = available ? available * 1024 : + result.buffcache;
+ = - result.available;
+ result.swaptotal = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'swaptotal'), 10);
+ result.swaptotal = result.swaptotal ? result.swaptotal * 1024 : 0;
+ result.swapfree = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'swapfree'), 10);
+ result.swapfree = result.swapfree ? result.swapfree * 1024 : 0;
+ result.swapused = result.swaptotal - result.swapfree;
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('/sbin/sysctl hw.realmem hw.physmem vm.stats.vm.v_page_count vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count vm.stats.vm.v_active_count vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count vm.stats.vm.v_free_count vm.stats.vm.v_page_size', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const pagesize = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'vm.stats.vm.v_page_size'), 10);
+ const inactive = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count'), 10) * pagesize;
+ const cache = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count'), 10) * pagesize;
+ = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'hw.realmem'), 10);
+ if (isNaN( { = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'hw.physmem'), 10); }
+ = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'vm.stats.vm.v_free_count'), 10) * pagesize;
+ result.buffcache = inactive + cache;
+ result.available = result.buffcache +;
+ = - - result.buffcache;
+ result.swaptotal = 0;
+ result.swapfree = 0;
+ result.swapused = 0;
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let pageSize = 4096;
+ try {
+ let sysPpageSize = util.toInt(execSync('sysctl -n vm.pagesize').toString());
+ pageSize = sysPpageSize || pageSize;
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ exec('vm_stat 2>/dev/null | grep "Pages active"', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ = parseInt(lines[0].split(':')[1], 10) * pageSize;
+ result.buffcache = result.used -;
+ result.available = + result.buffcache;
+ }
+ exec('sysctl -n vm.swapusage 2>/dev/null', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 0) {
+ let line = lines[0].replace(/,/g, '.').replace(/M/g, '');
+ line = line.trim().split(' ');
+ for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
+ if (line[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('total') !== -1) { result.swaptotal = parseFloat(line[i].split('=')[1].trim()) * 1024 * 1024; }
+ if (line[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('used') !== -1) { result.swapused = parseFloat(line[i].split('=')[1].trim()) * 1024 * 1024; }
+ if (line[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('free') !== -1) { result.swapfree = parseFloat(line[i].split('=')[1].trim()) * 1024 * 1024; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let swaptotal = 0;
+ let swapused = 0;
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance Win32_PageFileUsage | Select AllocatedBaseSize, CurrentUsage').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '').filter((line, idx) => idx > 0);
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.trim().split(/\s\s+/);
+ swaptotal = swaptotal + (parseInt(line[0], 10) || 0);
+ swapused = swapused + (parseInt(line[1], 10) || 0);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ result.swaptotal = swaptotal * 1024 * 1024;
+ result.swapused = swapused * 1024 * 1024;
+ result.swapfree = result.swaptotal - result.swapused;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.mem = mem;
+function memLayout(callback) {
+ function getManufacturerDarwin(manId) {
+ if ({}, manId)) {
+ return (OSX_RAM_manufacturers[manId]);
+ }
+ return manId;
+ }
+ function getManufacturerLinux(manId) {
+ const manIdSearch = manId.replace('0x', '').toUpperCase();
+ if (manIdSearch.length === 4 && {}, manIdSearch)) {
+ return (LINUX_RAM_manufacturers[manIdSearch]);
+ }
+ return manId;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t memory 2>/dev/null | grep -iE "Size:|Type|Speed|Manufacturer|Form Factor|Locator|Memory Device|Serial Number|Voltage|Part Number"; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split('Memory Device');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const sizeString = util.getValue(lines, 'Size');
+ const size = sizeString.indexOf('GB') >= 0 ? parseInt(sizeString, 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 : parseInt(sizeString, 10) * 1024 * 1024;
+ if (parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Size'), 10) > 0) {
+ const totalWidth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Total Width'));
+ const dataWidth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Data Width'));
+ result.push({
+ size,
+ bank: util.getValue(lines, 'Bank Locator'),
+ type: util.getValue(lines, 'Type:'),
+ ecc: dataWidth && totalWidth ? totalWidth > dataWidth : false,
+ clockSpeed: (util.getValue(lines, 'Configured Clock Speed:') ? parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Configured Clock Speed:'), 10) : (util.getValue(lines, 'Speed:') ? parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Speed:'), 10) : null)),
+ formFactor: util.getValue(lines, 'Form Factor:'),
+ manufacturer: getManufacturerLinux(util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer:')),
+ partNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Part Number:'),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number:'),
+ voltageConfigured: parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'Configured Voltage:')) || null,
+ voltageMin: parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'Minimum Voltage:')) || null,
+ voltageMax: parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'Maximum Voltage:')) || null,
+ });
+ } else {
+ result.push({
+ size: 0,
+ bank: util.getValue(lines, 'Bank Locator'),
+ type: 'Empty',
+ ecc: null,
+ clockSpeed: 0,
+ formFactor: util.getValue(lines, 'Form Factor:'),
+ partNum: '',
+ serialNum: '',
+ voltageConfigured: null,
+ voltageMin: null,
+ voltageMax: null,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (!result.length) {
+ result.push({
+ size: os.totalmem(),
+ bank: '',
+ type: '',
+ ecc: null,
+ clockSpeed: 0,
+ formFactor: '',
+ partNum: '',
+ serialNum: '',
+ voltageConfigured: null,
+ voltageMin: null,
+ voltageMax: null,
+ });
+ // Try Raspberry PI
+ try {
+ let stdout = execSync('cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null');
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let model = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware', ':', true).toUpperCase();
+ let version = util.getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ if (model === 'BCM2835' || model === 'BCM2708' || model === 'BCM2709' || model === 'BCM2835' || model === 'BCM2837') {
+ const clockSpeed = {
+ '0': 400,
+ '1': 450,
+ '2': 450,
+ '3': 3200
+ };
+ result[0].type = 'LPDDR2';
+ result[0].type = version && version[2] && version[2] === '3' ? 'LPDDR4' : result[0].type;
+ result[0].ecc = false;
+ result[0].clockSpeed = version && version[2] && clockSpeed[version[2]] || 400;
+ result[0].clockSpeed = version && version[4] && version[4] === 'd' ? 500 : result[0].clockSpeed;
+ result[0].formFactor = 'SoC';
+ stdout = execSync('vcgencmd get_config sdram_freq 2>/dev/null');
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let freq = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'sdram_freq', '=', true), 10) || 0;
+ if (freq) {
+ result[0].clockSpeed = freq;
+ }
+ stdout = execSync('vcgencmd measure_volts sdram_p 2>/dev/null');
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let voltage = parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'volt', '=', true)) || 0;
+ if (voltage) {
+ result[0].voltageConfigured = voltage;
+ result[0].voltageMin = voltage;
+ result[0].voltageMax = voltage;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('system_profiler SPMemoryDataType', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const allLines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const eccStatus = util.getValue(allLines, 'ecc', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(' BANK ');
+ let hasBank = true;
+ if (devices.length === 1) {
+ devices = stdout.toString().split(' DIMM');
+ hasBank = false;
+ }
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const bank = (hasBank ? 'BANK ' : 'DIMM') + lines[0].trim().split('/')[0];
+ const size = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, ' Size'));
+ if (size) {
+ result.push({
+ size: size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
+ bank: bank,
+ type: util.getValue(lines, ' Type:'),
+ ecc: eccStatus ? eccStatus === 'enabled' : null,
+ clockSpeed: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, ' Speed:'), 10),
+ formFactor: '',
+ manufacturer: getManufacturerDarwin(util.getValue(lines, ' Manufacturer:')),
+ partNum: util.getValue(lines, ' Part Number:'),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, ' Serial Number:'),
+ voltageConfigured: null,
+ voltageMin: null,
+ voltageMax: null,
+ });
+ } else {
+ result.push({
+ size: 0,
+ bank: bank,
+ type: 'Empty',
+ ecc: null,
+ clockSpeed: 0,
+ formFactor: '',
+ manufacturer: '',
+ partNum: '',
+ serialNum: '',
+ voltageConfigured: null,
+ voltageMin: null,
+ voltageMax: null,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (!result.length) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const size = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, ' Memory:'));
+ const type = util.getValue(lines, ' Type:');
+ if (size && type) {
+ result.push({
+ size: size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
+ bank: '0',
+ type,
+ ecc: false,
+ clockSpeed: 0,
+ formFactor: '',
+ manufacturer: 'Apple',
+ partNum: '',
+ serialNum: '',
+ voltageConfigured: null,
+ voltageMin: null,
+ voltageMax: null,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | select DataWidth,TotalWidth,Capacity,BankLabel,MemoryType,SMBIOSMemoryType,ConfiguredClockSpeed,FormFactor,Manufacturer,PartNumber,SerialNumber,ConfiguredVoltage,MinVoltage,MaxVoltage | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const dataWidth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'DataWidth', ':'));
+ const totalWidth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalWidth', ':'));
+ const size = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Capacity', ':'), 10) || 0;
+ if (size) {
+ result.push({
+ size,
+ bank: util.getValue(lines, 'BankLabel', ':'), // BankLabel
+ type: memoryTypes[parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'MemoryType', ':'), 10) || parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'SMBIOSMemoryType', ':'), 10)],
+ ecc: dataWidth && totalWidth ? totalWidth > dataWidth : false,
+ clockSpeed: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ConfiguredClockSpeed', ':'), 10) || parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Speed', ':'), 10) || 0,
+ formFactor: FormFactors[parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'FormFactor', ':'), 10) || 0],
+ manufacturer: util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer', ':'),
+ partNum: util.getValue(lines, 'PartNumber', ':'),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':'),
+ voltageConfigured: (parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ConfiguredVoltage', ':'), 10) || 0) / 1000.0,
+ voltageMin: (parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'MinVoltage', ':'), 10) || 0) / 1000.0,
+ voltageMax: (parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'MaxVoltage', ':'), 10) || 0) / 1000.0,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.memLayout = memLayout;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/network.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/network.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a29e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/network.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1736 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// network.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 9. Network
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const fs = require('fs');
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _network = {};
+let _default_iface = '';
+let _ifaces = {};
+let _dhcpNics = [];
+let _networkInterfaces = [];
+let _mac = {};
+let pathToIp;
+function getDefaultNetworkInterface() {
+ let ifacename = '';
+ let ifacenameFirst = '';
+ try {
+ let ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
+ let scopeid = 9999;
+ // fallback - "first" external interface (sorted by scopeid)
+ for (let dev in ifaces) {
+ if ({}, dev)) {
+ ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
+ if (details && details.internal === false) {
+ ifacenameFirst = ifacenameFirst || dev; // fallback if no scopeid
+ if (details.scopeid && details.scopeid < scopeid) {
+ ifacename = dev;
+ scopeid = details.scopeid;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ifacename = ifacename || ifacenameFirst || '';
+ if (_windows) {
+ //
+ let defaultIp = '';
+ const cmd = 'netstat -r';
+ const result = execSync(cmd, util.execOptsWin);
+ const lines = result.toString().split(os.EOL);
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ line = line.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ if (line.indexOf('') > -1 && !(/[a-zA-Z]/.test(line))) {
+ const parts = line.split(' ');
+ if (parts.length >= 5) {
+ defaultIp = parts[parts.length - 2];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (defaultIp) {
+ for (let dev in ifaces) {
+ if ({}, dev)) {
+ ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
+ if (details && details.address && details.address === defaultIp) {
+ ifacename = dev;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ let cmd = 'ip route 2> /dev/null | grep default';
+ let result = execSync(cmd);
+ let parts = result.toString().split('\n')[0].split(/\s+/);
+ if (parts[0] === 'none' && parts[5]) {
+ ifacename = parts[5];
+ } else if (parts[4]) {
+ ifacename = parts[4];
+ }
+ if (ifacename.indexOf(':') > -1) {
+ ifacename = ifacename.split(':')[1].trim();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _sunos) {
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_linux) { cmd = 'ip route 2> /dev/null | grep default | awk \'{print $5}\''; }
+ if (_darwin) { cmd = 'route -n get default 2>/dev/null | grep interface: | awk \'{print $2}\''; }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _sunos) { cmd = 'route get | grep interface:'; }
+ let result = execSync(cmd);
+ ifacename = result.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ if (ifacename.indexOf(':') > -1) {
+ ifacename = ifacename.split(':')[1].trim();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (ifacename) { _default_iface = ifacename; }
+ return _default_iface;
+exports.getDefaultNetworkInterface = getDefaultNetworkInterface;
+function getMacAddresses() {
+ let iface = '';
+ let mac = '';
+ let result = {};
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (typeof pathToIp === 'undefined') {
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync('which ip').toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length && lines[0].indexOf(':') === -1 && lines[0].indexOf('/') === 0) {
+ pathToIp = lines[0];
+ } else {
+ pathToIp = '';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ pathToIp = '';
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ const cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; ' + ((pathToIp) ? pathToIp + ' link show up' : '/sbin/ifconfig') + '; unset LC_ALL';
+ let res = execSync(cmd);
+ const lines = res.toString().split('\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (lines[i] && lines[i][0] !== ' ') {
+ if (pathToIp) {
+ let nextline = lines[i + 1].trim().split(' ');
+ if (nextline[0] === 'link/ether') {
+ iface = lines[i].split(' ')[1];
+ iface = iface.slice(0, iface.length - 1);
+ mac = nextline[1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ iface = lines[i].split(' ')[0];
+ mac = lines[i].split('HWaddr ')[1];
+ }
+ if (iface && mac) {
+ result[iface] = mac.trim();
+ iface = '';
+ mac = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ try {
+ const cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig';
+ let res = execSync(cmd);
+ const lines = res.toString().split('\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (lines[i] && lines[i][0] !== '\t' && lines[i].indexOf(':') > 0) {
+ iface = lines[i].split(':')[0];
+ } else if (lines[i].indexOf('\tether ') === 0) {
+ mac = lines[i].split('\tether ')[1];
+ if (iface && mac) {
+ result[iface] = mac.trim();
+ iface = '';
+ mac = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function networkInterfaceDefault(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+exports.networkInterfaceDefault = networkInterfaceDefault;
+// --------------------------
+// NET - interfaces
+function parseLinesWindowsNics(sections, nconfigsections) {
+ let nics = [];
+ for (let i in sections) {
+ if ({}, i)) {
+ if (sections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = sections[i].trim().split('\r\n');
+ let linesNicConfig = nconfigsections && nconfigsections[i] ? nconfigsections[i].trim().split('\r\n') : [];
+ let netEnabled = util.getValue(lines, 'NetEnabled', ':');
+ let adapterType = util.getValue(lines, 'AdapterTypeID', ':') === '9' ? 'wireless' : 'wired';
+ let ifacename = util.getValue(lines, 'Name', ':').replace(/\]/g, ')').replace(/\[/g, '(');
+ let iface = util.getValue(lines, 'NetConnectionID', ':').replace(/\]/g, ')').replace(/\[/g, '(');
+ if (ifacename.toLowerCase().indexOf('wi-fi') >= 0 || ifacename.toLowerCase().indexOf('wireless') >= 0) {
+ adapterType = 'wireless';
+ }
+ if (netEnabled !== '') {
+ const speed = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'speed', ':').trim(), 10) / 1000000;
+ nics.push({
+ mac: util.getValue(lines, 'MACAddress', ':').toLowerCase(),
+ dhcp: util.getValue(linesNicConfig, 'dhcpEnabled', ':').toLowerCase() === 'true',
+ name: ifacename,
+ iface,
+ netEnabled: netEnabled === 'TRUE',
+ speed: isNaN(speed) ? null : speed,
+ operstate: util.getValue(lines, 'NetConnectionStatus', ':') === '2' ? 'up' : 'down',
+ type: adapterType
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nics;
+function getWindowsNics() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let cmd = 'Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | fl *' + '; echo \'#-#-#-#\';';
+ cmd += 'Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | fl DHCPEnabled' + '';
+ try {
+ util.powerShell(cmd).then((data) => {
+ data = data.split('#-#-#-#');
+ const nsections = (data[0] || '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ const nconfigsections = (data[1] || '').split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ resolve(parseLinesWindowsNics(nsections, nconfigsections));
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve([]);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function getWindowsDNSsuffixes() {
+ let iface = {};
+ let dnsSuffixes = {
+ primaryDNS: '',
+ exitCode: 0,
+ ifaces: [],
+ };
+ try {
+ const ipconfig = execSync('ipconfig /all', util.execOptsWin);
+ const ipconfigArray = ipconfig.split('\r\n\r\n');
+ ipconfigArray.forEach((element, index) => {
+ if (index == 1) {
+ const longPrimaryDNS = element.split('\r\n').filter((element) => {
+ return element.toUpperCase().includes('DNS');
+ });
+ const primaryDNS = longPrimaryDNS[0].substring(longPrimaryDNS[0].lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
+ dnsSuffixes.primaryDNS = primaryDNS.trim();
+ if (!dnsSuffixes.primaryDNS) { dnsSuffixes.primaryDNS = 'Not defined'; }
+ }
+ if (index > 1) {
+ if (index % 2 == 0) {
+ const name = element.substring(element.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1).replace(':', '');
+ = name;
+ } else {
+ const connectionSpecificDNS = element.split('\r\n').filter((element) => {
+ return element.toUpperCase().includes('DNS');
+ });
+ const dnsSuffix = connectionSpecificDNS[0].substring(connectionSpecificDNS[0].lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
+ iface.dnsSuffix = dnsSuffix.trim();
+ dnsSuffixes.ifaces.push(iface);
+ iface = {};
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return dnsSuffixes;
+ } catch (error) {
+ // console.log('An error occurred trying to bring the Connection-specific DNS suffix', error.message);
+ return {
+ primaryDNS: '',
+ exitCode: 0,
+ ifaces: [],
+ };
+ }
+function getWindowsIfaceDNSsuffix(ifaces, ifacename) {
+ let dnsSuffix = '';
+ // Adding (.) to ensure ifacename compatibility when duplicated iface-names
+ const interfaceName = ifacename + '.';
+ try {
+ const connectionDnsSuffix = ifaces.filter((iface) => {
+ return interfaceName.includes( + '.');
+ }).map((iface) => iface.dnsSuffix);
+ if (connectionDnsSuffix[0]) {
+ dnsSuffix = connectionDnsSuffix[0];
+ }
+ if (!dnsSuffix) { dnsSuffix = ''; }
+ return dnsSuffix;
+ } catch (error) {
+ // console.log('Error getting Connection-specific DNS suffix: ', error.message);
+ return 'Unknown';
+ }
+function getWindowsWiredProfilesInformation() {
+ try {
+ const result = execSync('netsh lan show profiles', util.execOptsWin);
+ const profileList = result.split('\r\nProfile on interface');
+ return profileList;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.status === 1 && error.stdout.includes('AutoConfig')) {
+ return 'Disabled';
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+function getWindowsWirelessIfaceSSID(interfaceName) {
+ try {
+ const result = execSync(`netsh wlan show interface name="${interfaceName}" | findstr "SSID"`, util.execOptsWin);
+ const SSID = result.split('\r\n').shift();
+ const parseSSID = SSID.split(':').pop();
+ return parseSSID;
+ } catch (error) {
+ return 'Unknown';
+ }
+function getWindowsIEEE8021x(connectionType, iface, ifaces) {
+ let i8021x = {
+ state: 'Unknown',
+ protocol: 'Unknown',
+ };
+ if (ifaces === 'Disabled') {
+ i8021x.state = 'Disabled';
+ i8021x.protocol = 'Not defined';
+ return i8021x;
+ }
+ if (connectionType == 'wired' && ifaces.length > 0) {
+ try {
+ // Get 802.1x information by interface name
+ const iface8021xInfo = ifaces.find((element) => {
+ return element.includes(iface + '\r\n');
+ });
+ const arrayIface8021xInfo = iface8021xInfo.split('\r\n');
+ const state8021x = arrayIface8021xInfo.find((element) => {
+ return element.includes('802.1x');
+ });
+ if (state8021x.includes('Disabled')) {
+ i8021x.state = 'Disabled';
+ i8021x.protocol = 'Not defined';
+ } else if (state8021x.includes('Enabled')) {
+ const protocol8021x = arrayIface8021xInfo.find((element) => {
+ return element.includes('EAP');
+ });
+ i8021x.protocol = protocol8021x.split(':').pop();
+ i8021x.state = 'Enabled';
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ return i8021x;
+ }
+ } else if (connectionType == 'wireless') {
+ let i8021xState = '';
+ let i8021xProtocol = '';
+ try {
+ const SSID = getWindowsWirelessIfaceSSID(iface);
+ if (SSID !== 'Unknown') {
+ i8021xState = execSync(`netsh wlan show profiles "${SSID}" | findstr "802.1X"`, util.execOptsWin);
+ i8021xProtocol = execSync(`netsh wlan show profiles "${SSID}" | findstr "EAP"`, util.execOptsWin);
+ }
+ if (i8021xState.includes(':') && i8021xProtocol.includes(':')) {
+ i8021x.state = i8021xState.split(':').pop();
+ i8021x.protocol = i8021xProtocol.split(':').pop();
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.status === 1 && error.stdout.includes('AutoConfig')) {
+ i8021x.state = 'Disabled';
+ i8021x.protocol = 'Not defined';
+ }
+ return i8021x;
+ }
+ }
+ return i8021x;
+function splitSectionsNics(lines) {
+ const result = [];
+ let section = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (!line.startsWith('\t') && !line.startsWith(' ')) {
+ if (section.length) {
+ result.push(section);
+ section = [];
+ }
+ }
+ section.push(line);
+ });
+ if (section.length) {
+ result.push(section);
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseLinesDarwinNics(sections) {
+ let nics = [];
+ sections.forEach(section => {
+ let nic = {
+ iface: '',
+ mtu: null,
+ mac: '',
+ ip6: '',
+ ip4: '',
+ speed: null,
+ type: '',
+ operstate: '',
+ duplex: '',
+ internal: false
+ };
+ const first = section[0];
+ nic.iface = first.split(':')[0].trim();
+ let parts = first.split('> mtu');
+ nic.mtu = parts.length > 1 ? parseInt(parts[1], 10) : null;
+ if (isNaN(nic.mtu)) {
+ nic.mtu = null;
+ }
+ nic.internal = parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('loopback') > -1;
+ section.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.trim().startsWith('ether ')) {
+ nic.mac = line.split('ether ')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
+ }
+ if (line.trim().startsWith('inet6 ') && !nic.ip6) {
+ nic.ip6 = line.split('inet6 ')[1].toLowerCase().split('%')[0].split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ if (line.trim().startsWith('inet ') && !nic.ip4) {
+ nic.ip4 = line.split('inet ')[1].toLowerCase().split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ });
+ let speed = util.getValue(section, 'link rate');
+ nic.speed = speed ? parseFloat(speed) : null;
+ if (nic.speed === null) {
+ speed = util.getValue(section, 'uplink rate');
+ nic.speed = speed ? parseFloat(speed) : null;
+ if (nic.speed !== null && speed.toLowerCase().indexOf('gbps') >= 0) {
+ nic.speed = nic.speed * 1000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (speed.toLowerCase().indexOf('gbps') >= 0) {
+ nic.speed = nic.speed * 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ nic.type = util.getValue(section, 'type').toLowerCase().indexOf('wi-fi') > -1 ? 'wireless' : 'wired';
+ const operstate = util.getValue(section, 'status').toLowerCase();
+ nic.operstate = (operstate === 'active' ? 'up' : (operstate === 'inactive' ? 'down' : 'unknown'));
+ nic.duplex = util.getValue(section, 'media').toLowerCase().indexOf('half-duplex') > -1 ? 'half' : 'full';
+ if (nic.ip6 || nic.ip4 || nic.mac) {
+ nics.push(nic);
+ }
+ });
+ return nics;
+function getDarwinNics() {
+ const cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig -v';
+ try {
+ // console.log('SYNC - Nics darwin 12');
+ const lines = execSync(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }).toString().split('\n');
+ const nsections = splitSectionsNics(lines);
+ return (parseLinesDarwinNics(nsections));
+ } catch (e) {
+ return [];
+ }
+function getLinuxIfaceConnectionName(interfaceName) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli device status 2>/dev/null | grep ${interfaceName}`;
+ try {
+ const result = execSync(cmd).toString();
+ const resultFormat = result.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ const connectionNameLines = resultFormat.split(' ').slice(3);
+ const connectionName = connectionNameLines.join(' ');
+ return connectionName != '--' ? connectionName : '';
+ } catch (e) {
+ return '';
+ }
+function checkLinuxDCHPInterfaces(file) {
+ let result = [];
+ try {
+ let cmd = `cat ${file} 2> /dev/null | grep 'iface\\|source'`;
+ const lines = execSync(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }).toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ const parts = line.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ');
+ if (parts.length >= 4) {
+ if (line.toLowerCase().indexOf(' inet ') >= 0 && line.toLowerCase().indexOf('dhcp') >= 0) {
+ result.push(parts[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (line.toLowerCase().includes('source')) {
+ let file = line.split(' ')[1];
+ result = result.concat(checkLinuxDCHPInterfaces(file));
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ return result;
+function getLinuxDHCPNics() {
+ // alternate methods getting interfaces using DHCP
+ let cmd = 'ip a 2> /dev/null';
+ let result = [];
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }).toString().split('\n');
+ const nsections = splitSectionsNics(lines);
+ result = (parseLinuxDHCPNics(nsections));
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ try {
+ result = checkLinuxDCHPInterfaces('/etc/network/interfaces');
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseLinuxDHCPNics(sections) {
+ const result = [];
+ if (sections && sections.length) {
+ sections.forEach(lines => {
+ if (lines && lines.length) {
+ const parts = lines[0].split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 2) {
+ for (let line of lines) {
+ if (line.indexOf(' inet ') >= 0 && line.indexOf(' dynamic ') >= 0) {
+ const parts2 = line.split(' ');
+ const nic = parts2[parts2.length - 1].trim();
+ result.push(nic);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+function getLinuxIfaceDHCPstatus(iface, connectionName, DHCPNics) {
+ let result = false;
+ if (connectionName) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli connection show "${connectionName}" 2>/dev/null | grep ipv4.method;`;
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync(cmd).toString();
+ const resultFormat = lines.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ let dhcStatus = resultFormat.split(' ').slice(1).toString();
+ switch (dhcStatus) {
+ case 'auto':
+ result = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return (DHCPNics.indexOf(iface) >= 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return (DHCPNics.indexOf(iface) >= 0);
+ }
+function getDarwinIfaceDHCPstatus(iface) {
+ let result = false;
+ const cmd = `ipconfig getpacket "${iface}" 2>/dev/null | grep lease_time;`;
+ try {
+ // console.log('SYNC - DHCP status darwin 17');
+ const lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length && lines[0].startsWith('lease_time')) {
+ result = true;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ return result;
+function getLinuxIfaceDNSsuffix(connectionName) {
+ if (connectionName) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli connection show "${connectionName}" 2>/dev/null | grep ipv4.dns-search;`;
+ try {
+ const result = execSync(cmd).toString();
+ const resultFormat = result.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ const dnsSuffix = resultFormat.split(' ').slice(1).toString();
+ return dnsSuffix == '--' ? 'Not defined' : dnsSuffix;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return 'Unknown';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'Unknown';
+ }
+function getLinuxIfaceIEEE8021xAuth(connectionName) {
+ if (connectionName) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli connection show "${connectionName}" 2>/dev/null | grep 802-1x.eap;`;
+ try {
+ const result = execSync(cmd).toString();
+ const resultFormat = result.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ const authenticationProtocol = resultFormat.split(' ').slice(1).toString();
+ return authenticationProtocol == '--' ? '' : authenticationProtocol;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return 'Not defined';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 'Not defined';
+ }
+function getLinuxIfaceIEEE8021xState(authenticationProtocol) {
+ if (authenticationProtocol) {
+ if (authenticationProtocol == 'Not defined') {
+ return 'Disabled';
+ }
+ return 'Enabled';
+ } else {
+ return 'Unknown';
+ }
+function testVirtualNic(iface, ifaceName, mac) {
+ const virtualMacs = ['00:00:00:00:00:00', '00:03:FF', '00:05:69', '00:0C:29', '00:0F:4B', '00:0F:4B', '00:13:07', '00:13:BE', '00:15:5d', '00:16:3E', '00:1C:42', '00:21:F6', '00:21:F6', '00:24:0B', '00:24:0B', '00:50:56', '00:A0:B1', '00:E0:C8', '08:00:27', '0A:00:27', '18:92:2C', '16:DF:49', '3C:F3:92', '54:52:00', 'FC:15:97'];
+ if (mac) {
+ return virtualMacs.filter(item => { return mac.toUpperCase().toUpperCase().startsWith(item.substr(0, mac.length)); }).length > 0 ||
+ iface.toLowerCase().indexOf(' virtual ') > -1 ||
+ ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf(' virtual ') > -1 ||
+ iface.toLowerCase().indexOf('vethernet ') > -1 ||
+ ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('vethernet ') > -1 ||
+ iface.toLowerCase().startsWith('veth') ||
+ ifaceName.toLowerCase().startsWith('veth') ||
+ iface.toLowerCase().startsWith('vboxnet') ||
+ ifaceName.toLowerCase().startsWith('vboxnet');
+ } else { return false; }
+function networkInterfaces(callback, rescan, defaultString) {
+ if (typeof callback === 'string') {
+ defaultString = callback;
+ rescan = true;
+ callback = null;
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === 'boolean') {
+ rescan = callback;
+ callback = null;
+ defaultString = '';
+ }
+ if (typeof rescan === 'undefined') {
+ rescan = true;
+ }
+ defaultString = defaultString || '';
+ defaultString = '' + defaultString;
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
+ let result = [];
+ let nics = [];
+ let dnsSuffixes = [];
+ let nics8021xInfo = [];
+ // seperate handling in OSX
+ if (_darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if ((JSON.stringify(ifaces) === JSON.stringify(_ifaces)) && !rescan) {
+ // no changes - just return object
+ result = _networkInterfaces;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ const defaultInterface = getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ _ifaces = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ifaces));
+ nics = getDarwinNics();
+ nics.forEach(nic => {
+ if ({}, nic.iface)) {
+ ifaces[nic.iface].forEach(function (details) {
+ if ( === 'IPv4' || === 4) {
+ nic.ip4subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ if ( === 'IPv6' || === 6) {
+ nic.ip6subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ result.push({
+ iface: nic.iface,
+ ifaceName: nic.iface,
+ default: nic.iface === defaultInterface,
+ ip4: nic.ip4,
+ ip4subnet: nic.ip4subnet || '',
+ ip6: nic.ip6,
+ ip6subnet: nic.ip6subnet || '',
+ mac: nic.mac,
+ internal: nic.internal,
+ virtual: nic.internal ? false : testVirtualNic(nic.iface, nic.iface, nic.mac),
+ operstate: nic.operstate,
+ type: nic.type,
+ duplex: nic.duplex,
+ mtu: nic.mtu,
+ speed: nic.speed,
+ dhcp: getDarwinIfaceDHCPstatus(nic.iface),
+ dnsSuffix: '',
+ ieee8021xAuth: '',
+ ieee8021xState: '',
+ carrierChanges: 0
+ });
+ });
+ _networkInterfaces = result;
+ if (defaultString.toLowerCase().indexOf('default') >= 0) {
+ result = result.filter(item => item.default);
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ result = result[0];
+ } else {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ if ((JSON.stringify(ifaces) === JSON.stringify(_ifaces)) && !rescan) {
+ // no changes - just return object
+ result = _networkInterfaces;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ _ifaces = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ifaces));
+ _dhcpNics = getLinuxDHCPNics();
+ const defaultInterface = getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ for (let dev in ifaces) {
+ let ip4 = '';
+ let ip4subnet = '';
+ let ip6 = '';
+ let ip6subnet = '';
+ let mac = '';
+ let duplex = '';
+ let mtu = '';
+ let speed = null;
+ let carrierChanges = 0;
+ let dhcp = false;
+ let dnsSuffix = '';
+ let ieee8021xAuth = '';
+ let ieee8021xState = '';
+ let type = '';
+ if ({}, dev)) {
+ let ifaceName = dev;
+ ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
+ if ( === 'IPv4' || === 4) {
+ ip4 = details.address;
+ ip4subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ if ( === 'IPv6' || === 6) {
+ if (!ip6 || ip6.match(/^fe80::/i)) {
+ ip6 = details.address;
+ ip6subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ }
+ mac = details.mac;
+ // fallback due to (node 8.1 - node 8.2)
+ const nodeMainVersion = parseInt(process.versions.node.split('.'), 10);
+ if (mac.indexOf('00:00:0') > -1 && (_linux || _darwin) && (!details.internal) && nodeMainVersion >= 8 && nodeMainVersion <= 11) {
+ if (Object.keys(_mac).length === 0) {
+ _mac = getMacAddresses();
+ }
+ mac = _mac[dev] || '';
+ }
+ });
+ let iface = dev.split(':')[0].trim().toLowerCase();
+ const cmd = `echo -n "addr_assign_type: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/addr_assign_type 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "address: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/address 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "addr_len: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/addr_len 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "broadcast: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/broadcast 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "carrier: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/carrier 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "carrier_changes: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/carrier_changes 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "dev_id: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/dev_id 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "dev_port: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/dev_port 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "dormant: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/dormant 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "duplex: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/duplex 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "flags: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/flags 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "gro_flush_timeout: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/gro_flush_timeout 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "ifalias: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/ifalias 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "ifindex: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/ifindex 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "iflink: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/iflink 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "link_mode: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/link_mode 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "mtu: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/mtu 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "netdev_group: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/netdev_group 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "operstate: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/operstate 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "proto_down: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/proto_down 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "speed: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/speed 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "tx_queue_len: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/tx_queue_len 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "type: "; cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/type 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "wireless: "; cat /proc/net/wireless 2>/dev/null | grep ${iface}; echo;
+ echo -n "wirelessspeed: "; iw dev ${iface} link 2>&1 | grep bitrate; echo;`;
+ let lines = [];
+ try {
+ lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ const connectionName = getLinuxIfaceConnectionName(iface);
+ dhcp = getLinuxIfaceDHCPstatus(iface, connectionName, _dhcpNics);
+ dnsSuffix = getLinuxIfaceDNSsuffix(connectionName);
+ ieee8021xAuth = getLinuxIfaceIEEE8021xAuth(connectionName);
+ ieee8021xState = getLinuxIfaceIEEE8021xState(ieee8021xAuth);
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ duplex = util.getValue(lines, 'duplex');
+ duplex = duplex.startsWith('cat') ? '' : duplex;
+ mtu = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'mtu'), 10);
+ let myspeed = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'speed'), 10);
+ speed = isNaN(myspeed) ? null : myspeed;
+ let wirelessspeed = util.getValue(lines, 'wirelessspeed').split('tx bitrate: ');
+ if (speed === null && wirelessspeed.length === 2) {
+ myspeed = parseFloat(wirelessspeed[1]);
+ speed = isNaN(myspeed) ? null : myspeed;
+ }
+ carrierChanges = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'carrier_changes'), 10);
+ const operstate = util.getValue(lines, 'operstate');
+ type = operstate === 'up' ? (util.getValue(lines, 'wireless').trim() ? 'wireless' : 'wired') : 'unknown';
+ if (iface === 'lo' || iface.startsWith('bond')) { type = 'virtual'; }
+ let internal = (ifaces[dev] && ifaces[dev][0]) ? ifaces[dev][0].internal : false;
+ if (dev.toLowerCase().indexOf('loopback') > -1 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('loopback') > -1) {
+ internal = true;
+ }
+ const virtual = internal ? false : testVirtualNic(dev, ifaceName, mac);
+ result.push({
+ iface,
+ ifaceName,
+ default: iface === defaultInterface,
+ ip4,
+ ip4subnet,
+ ip6,
+ ip6subnet,
+ mac,
+ internal,
+ virtual,
+ operstate,
+ type,
+ duplex,
+ mtu,
+ speed,
+ dhcp,
+ dnsSuffix,
+ ieee8021xAuth,
+ ieee8021xState,
+ carrierChanges,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _networkInterfaces = result;
+ if (defaultString.toLowerCase().indexOf('default') >= 0) {
+ result = result.filter(item => item.default);
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ result = result[0];
+ } else {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ if ((JSON.stringify(ifaces) === JSON.stringify(_ifaces)) && !rescan) {
+ // no changes - just return object
+ result = _networkInterfaces;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ _ifaces = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ifaces));
+ const defaultInterface = getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ getWindowsNics().then(function (nics) {
+ nics.forEach(nic => {
+ let found = false;
+ Object.keys(ifaces).forEach(key => {
+ if (!found) {
+ ifaces[key].forEach(value => {
+ if (Object.keys(value).indexOf('mac') >= 0) {
+ found = value['mac'] === nic.mac;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (!found) {
+ ifaces[] = [{ mac: nic.mac }];
+ }
+ });
+ nics8021xInfo = getWindowsWiredProfilesInformation();
+ dnsSuffixes = getWindowsDNSsuffixes();
+ for (let dev in ifaces) {
+ let iface = dev;
+ let ip4 = '';
+ let ip4subnet = '';
+ let ip6 = '';
+ let ip6subnet = '';
+ let mac = '';
+ let duplex = '';
+ let mtu = '';
+ let speed = null;
+ let carrierChanges = 0;
+ let operstate = 'down';
+ let dhcp = false;
+ let dnsSuffix = '';
+ let ieee8021xAuth = '';
+ let ieee8021xState = '';
+ let type = '';
+ if ({}, dev)) {
+ let ifaceName = dev;
+ ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
+ if ( === 'IPv4' || === 4) {
+ ip4 = details.address;
+ ip4subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ if ( === 'IPv6' || === 6) {
+ if (!ip6 || ip6.match(/^fe80::/i)) {
+ ip6 = details.address;
+ ip6subnet = details.netmask;
+ }
+ }
+ mac = details.mac;
+ // fallback due to (node 8.1 - node 8.2)
+ const nodeMainVersion = parseInt(process.versions.node.split('.'), 10);
+ if (mac.indexOf('00:00:0') > -1 && (_linux || _darwin) && (!details.internal) && nodeMainVersion >= 8 && nodeMainVersion <= 11) {
+ if (Object.keys(_mac).length === 0) {
+ _mac = getMacAddresses();
+ }
+ mac = _mac[dev] || '';
+ }
+ });
+ dnsSuffix = getWindowsIfaceDNSsuffix(dnsSuffixes.ifaces, dev);
+ let foundFirst = false;
+ nics.forEach(detail => {
+ if (detail.mac === mac && !foundFirst) {
+ iface = detail.iface || iface;
+ ifaceName =;
+ dhcp = detail.dhcp;
+ operstate = detail.operstate;
+ speed = detail.speed;
+ type = detail.type;
+ foundFirst = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (dev.toLowerCase().indexOf('wlan') >= 0 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('wlan') >= 0 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('802.11n') >= 0 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('wireless') >= 0 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('wi-fi') >= 0 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('wifi') >= 0) {
+ type = 'wireless';
+ }
+ const IEEE8021x = getWindowsIEEE8021x(type, dev, nics8021xInfo);
+ ieee8021xAuth = IEEE8021x.protocol;
+ ieee8021xState = IEEE8021x.state;
+ let internal = (ifaces[dev] && ifaces[dev][0]) ? ifaces[dev][0].internal : false;
+ if (dev.toLowerCase().indexOf('loopback') > -1 || ifaceName.toLowerCase().indexOf('loopback') > -1) {
+ internal = true;
+ }
+ const virtual = internal ? false : testVirtualNic(dev, ifaceName, mac);
+ result.push({
+ iface,
+ ifaceName,
+ default: iface === defaultInterface,
+ ip4,
+ ip4subnet,
+ ip6,
+ ip6subnet,
+ mac,
+ internal,
+ virtual,
+ operstate,
+ type,
+ duplex,
+ mtu,
+ speed,
+ dhcp,
+ dnsSuffix,
+ ieee8021xAuth,
+ ieee8021xState,
+ carrierChanges,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _networkInterfaces = result;
+ if (defaultString.toLowerCase().indexOf('default') >= 0) {
+ result = result.filter(item => item.default);
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ result = result[0];
+ } else {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.networkInterfaces = networkInterfaces;
+// --------------------------
+// NET - Speed
+function calcNetworkSpeed(iface, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, operstate, rx_dropped, rx_errors, tx_dropped, tx_errors) {
+ let result = {
+ iface,
+ operstate,
+ rx_bytes,
+ rx_dropped,
+ rx_errors,
+ tx_bytes,
+ tx_dropped,
+ tx_errors,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ if (_network[iface] && _network[iface].ms) {
+ = - _network[iface].ms;
+ result.rx_sec = (rx_bytes - _network[iface].rx_bytes) >= 0 ? (rx_bytes - _network[iface].rx_bytes) / ( / 1000) : 0;
+ result.tx_sec = (tx_bytes - _network[iface].tx_bytes) >= 0 ? (tx_bytes - _network[iface].tx_bytes) / ( / 1000) : 0;
+ _network[iface].rx_bytes = rx_bytes;
+ _network[iface].tx_bytes = tx_bytes;
+ _network[iface].rx_sec = result.rx_sec;
+ _network[iface].tx_sec = result.tx_sec;
+ _network[iface].ms =;
+ _network[iface].last_ms =;
+ _network[iface].operstate = operstate;
+ } else {
+ if (!_network[iface]) { _network[iface] = {}; }
+ _network[iface].rx_bytes = rx_bytes;
+ _network[iface].tx_bytes = tx_bytes;
+ _network[iface].rx_sec = null;
+ _network[iface].tx_sec = null;
+ _network[iface].ms =;
+ _network[iface].last_ms = 0;
+ _network[iface].operstate = operstate;
+ }
+ return result;
+function networkStats(ifaces, callback) {
+ let ifacesArray = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(ifaces) && !callback) {
+ callback = ifaces;
+ ifacesArray = [getDefaultNetworkInterface()];
+ } else {
+ if (typeof ifaces !== 'string' && ifaces !== undefined) {
+ if (callback) { callback([]); }
+ return resolve([]);
+ }
+ ifaces = ifaces || getDefaultNetworkInterface();
+ ifaces.__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ ifaces.__proto__.replace = util.stringReplace;
+ ifaces.__proto__.trim = util.stringTrim;
+ ifaces = ifaces.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/,+/g, '|');
+ ifacesArray = ifaces.split('|');
+ }
+ const result = [];
+ const workload = [];
+ if (ifacesArray.length && ifacesArray[0].trim() === '*') {
+ ifacesArray = [];
+ networkInterfaces(false).then(allIFaces => {
+ for (let iface of allIFaces) {
+ ifacesArray.push(iface.iface);
+ }
+ networkStats(ifacesArray.join(',')).then(result => {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ for (let iface of ifacesArray) {
+ workload.push(networkStatsSingle(iface.trim()));
+ }
+ if (workload.length) {
+ Promise.all(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function networkStatsSingle(iface) {
+ function parseLinesWindowsPerfData(sections) {
+ let perfData = [];
+ for (let i in sections) {
+ if ({}, i)) {
+ if (sections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = sections[i].trim().split('\r\n');
+ perfData.push({
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Name', ':').replace(/[()[\] ]+/g, '').replace(/#|\//g, '_').toLowerCase(),
+ rx_bytes: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'BytesReceivedPersec', ':'), 10),
+ rx_errors: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PacketsReceivedErrors', ':'), 10),
+ rx_dropped: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded', ':'), 10),
+ tx_bytes: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'BytesSentPersec', ':'), 10),
+ tx_errors: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PacketsOutboundErrors', ':'), 10),
+ tx_dropped: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PacketsOutboundDiscarded', ':'), 10)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return perfData;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let ifaceSanitized = '';
+ const s = util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '---' : util.sanitizeShellString(iface);
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (s[i] !== undefined) {
+ ifaceSanitized = ifaceSanitized + s[i];
+ }
+ }
+ let result = {
+ iface: ifaceSanitized,
+ operstate: 'unknown',
+ rx_bytes: 0,
+ rx_dropped: 0,
+ rx_errors: 0,
+ tx_bytes: 0,
+ tx_dropped: 0,
+ tx_errors: 0,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ let operstate = 'unknown';
+ let rx_bytes = 0;
+ let tx_bytes = 0;
+ let rx_dropped = 0;
+ let rx_errors = 0;
+ let tx_dropped = 0;
+ let tx_errors = 0;
+ let cmd, lines, stats;
+ if (!_network[ifaceSanitized] || (_network[ifaceSanitized] && !_network[ifaceSanitized].ms) || (_network[ifaceSanitized] && _network[ifaceSanitized].ms && - _network[ifaceSanitized].ms >= 500)) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ if (fs.existsSync('/sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized)) {
+ cmd =
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/operstate; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/rx_bytes; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/tx_bytes; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/rx_dropped; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/rx_errors; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/tx_dropped; ' +
+ 'cat /sys/class/net/' + ifaceSanitized + '/statistics/tx_errors; ';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ operstate = lines[0].trim();
+ rx_bytes = parseInt(lines[1], 10);
+ tx_bytes = parseInt(lines[2], 10);
+ rx_dropped = parseInt(lines[3], 10);
+ rx_errors = parseInt(lines[4], 10);
+ tx_dropped = parseInt(lines[5], 10);
+ tx_errors = parseInt(lines[6], 10);
+ result = calcNetworkSpeed(ifaceSanitized, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, operstate, rx_dropped, rx_errors, tx_dropped, tx_errors);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ cmd = 'netstat -ibndI ' + ifaceSanitized; // lgtm [js/shell-command-constructed-from-input]
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i].replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line && line[0] && line[7] && line[10]) {
+ rx_bytes = rx_bytes + parseInt(line[7]);
+ if (line[6].trim() !== '-') { rx_dropped = rx_dropped + parseInt(line[6]); }
+ if (line[5].trim() !== '-') { rx_errors = rx_errors + parseInt(line[5]); }
+ tx_bytes = tx_bytes + parseInt(line[10]);
+ if (line[12].trim() !== '-') { tx_dropped = tx_dropped + parseInt(line[12]); }
+ if (line[9].trim() !== '-') { tx_errors = tx_errors + parseInt(line[9]); }
+ operstate = 'up';
+ }
+ }
+ result = calcNetworkSpeed(ifaceSanitized, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, operstate, rx_dropped, rx_errors, tx_dropped, tx_errors);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ cmd = 'ifconfig ' + ifaceSanitized + ' | grep "status"'; // lgtm [js/shell-command-constructed-from-input]
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ result.operstate = (stdout.toString().split(':')[1] || '').trim();
+ result.operstate = (result.operstate || '').toLowerCase();
+ result.operstate = (result.operstate === 'active' ? 'up' : (result.operstate === 'inactive' ? 'down' : 'unknown'));
+ cmd = 'netstat -bdI ' + ifaceSanitized; // lgtm [js/shell-command-constructed-from-input]
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // if there is less than 2 lines, no information for this interface was found
+ if (lines.length > 1 && lines[1].trim() !== '') {
+ // skip header line
+ // use the second line because it is tied to the NIC instead of the ipv4 or ipv6 address
+ stats = lines[1].replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ const offset = stats.length > 11 ? 1 : 0;
+ rx_bytes = parseInt(stats[offset + 5]);
+ rx_dropped = parseInt(stats[offset + 10]);
+ rx_errors = parseInt(stats[offset + 4]);
+ tx_bytes = parseInt(stats[offset + 8]);
+ tx_dropped = parseInt(stats[offset + 10]);
+ tx_errors = parseInt(stats[offset + 7]);
+ result = calcNetworkSpeed(ifaceSanitized, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, result.operstate, rx_dropped, rx_errors, tx_dropped, tx_errors);
+ }
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let perfData = [];
+ let ifaceName = ifaceSanitized;
+ // Performance Data
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface | select Name,BytesReceivedPersec,PacketsReceivedErrors,PacketsReceivedDiscarded,BytesSentPersec,PacketsOutboundErrors,PacketsOutboundDiscarded | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const psections = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ perfData = parseLinesWindowsPerfData(psections);
+ }
+ // Network Interfaces
+ networkInterfaces(false).then(interfaces => {
+ // get bytes sent, received from perfData by name
+ rx_bytes = 0;
+ tx_bytes = 0;
+ perfData.forEach(detail => {
+ interfaces.forEach(det => {
+ if ((det.iface.toLowerCase() === ifaceSanitized.toLowerCase() ||
+ det.mac.toLowerCase() === ifaceSanitized.toLowerCase() ||
+ det.ip4.toLowerCase() === ifaceSanitized.toLowerCase() ||
+ det.ip6.toLowerCase() === ifaceSanitized.toLowerCase() ||
+ det.ifaceName.replace(/[()[\] ]+/g, '').replace(/#|\//g, '_').toLowerCase() === ifaceSanitized.replace(/[()[\] ]+/g, '').replace('#', '_').toLowerCase()) &&
+ (det.ifaceName.replace(/[()[\] ]+/g, '').replace(/#|\//g, '_').toLowerCase() === {
+ ifaceName = det.iface;
+ rx_bytes = detail.rx_bytes;
+ rx_dropped = detail.rx_dropped;
+ rx_errors = detail.rx_errors;
+ tx_bytes = detail.tx_bytes;
+ tx_dropped = detail.tx_dropped;
+ tx_errors = detail.tx_errors;
+ operstate = det.operstate;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ if (rx_bytes && tx_bytes) {
+ result = calcNetworkSpeed(ifaceName, parseInt(rx_bytes), parseInt(tx_bytes), operstate, rx_dropped, rx_errors, tx_dropped, tx_errors);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.rx_bytes = _network[ifaceSanitized].rx_bytes;
+ result.tx_bytes = _network[ifaceSanitized].tx_bytes;
+ result.rx_sec = _network[ifaceSanitized].rx_sec;
+ result.tx_sec = _network[ifaceSanitized].tx_sec;
+ = _network[ifaceSanitized].last_ms;
+ result.operstate = _network[ifaceSanitized].operstate;
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.networkStats = networkStats;
+// --------------------------
+// NET - connections (sockets)
+function networkConnections(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ let cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; netstat -tunap | grep "ESTABLISHED\\|SYN_SENT\\|SYN_RECV\\|FIN_WAIT1\\|FIN_WAIT2\\|TIME_WAIT\\|CLOSE\\|CLOSE_WAIT\\|LAST_ACK\\|LISTEN\\|CLOSING\\|UNKNOWN"; unset LC_ALL';
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; netstat -na | grep "ESTABLISHED\\|SYN_SENT\\|SYN_RECV\\|FIN_WAIT1\\|FIN_WAIT2\\|TIME_WAIT\\|CLOSE\\|CLOSE_WAIT\\|LAST_ACK\\|LISTEN\\|CLOSING\\|UNKNOWN"; unset LC_ALL'; }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (!error && (lines.length > 1 || lines[0] != '')) {
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line.length >= 7) {
+ let localip = line[3];
+ let localport = '';
+ let localaddress = line[3].split(':');
+ if (localaddress.length > 1) {
+ localport = localaddress[localaddress.length - 1];
+ localaddress.pop();
+ localip = localaddress.join(':');
+ }
+ let peerip = line[4];
+ let peerport = '';
+ let peeraddress = line[4].split(':');
+ if (peeraddress.length > 1) {
+ peerport = peeraddress[peeraddress.length - 1];
+ peeraddress.pop();
+ peerip = peeraddress.join(':');
+ }
+ let connstate = line[5];
+ let proc = line[6].split('/');
+ if (connstate) {
+ result.push({
+ protocol: line[0],
+ localAddress: localip,
+ localPort: localport,
+ peerAddress: peerip,
+ peerPort: peerport,
+ state: connstate,
+ pid: proc[0] && proc[0] !== '-' ? parseInt(proc[0], 10) : null,
+ process: proc[1] ? proc[1].split(' ')[0] : ''
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line.length >= 6) {
+ let localip = line[4];
+ let localport = '';
+ let localaddress = line[4].split(':');
+ if (localaddress.length > 1) {
+ localport = localaddress[localaddress.length - 1];
+ localaddress.pop();
+ localip = localaddress.join(':');
+ }
+ let peerip = line[5];
+ let peerport = '';
+ let peeraddress = line[5].split(':');
+ if (peeraddress.length > 1) {
+ peerport = peeraddress[peeraddress.length - 1];
+ peeraddress.pop();
+ peerip = peeraddress.join(':');
+ }
+ let connstate = line[1];
+ if (connstate === 'ESTAB') { connstate = 'ESTABLISHED'; }
+ if (connstate === 'TIME-WAIT') { connstate = 'TIME_WAIT'; }
+ let pid = null;
+ let process = '';
+ if (line.length >= 7 && line[6].indexOf('users:') > -1) {
+ let proc = line[6].replace('users:(("', '').replace(/"/g, '').split(',');
+ if (proc.length > 2) {
+ process = proc[0].split(' ')[0];
+ pid = parseInt(proc[1], 10);
+ }
+ }
+ if (connstate) {
+ result.push({
+ protocol: line[0],
+ localAddress: localip,
+ localPort: localport,
+ peerAddress: peerip,
+ peerPort: peerport,
+ state: connstate,
+ pid,
+ process
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line.length >= 8) {
+ let localip = line[3];
+ let localport = '';
+ let localaddress = line[3].split('.');
+ if (localaddress.length > 1) {
+ localport = localaddress[localaddress.length - 1];
+ localaddress.pop();
+ localip = localaddress.join('.');
+ }
+ let peerip = line[4];
+ let peerport = '';
+ let peeraddress = line[4].split('.');
+ if (peeraddress.length > 1) {
+ peerport = peeraddress[peeraddress.length - 1];
+ peeraddress.pop();
+ peerip = peeraddress.join('.');
+ }
+ let connstate = line[5];
+ let pid = parseInt(line[8], 10);
+ if (connstate) {
+ result.push({
+ protocol: line[0],
+ localAddress: localip,
+ localPort: localport,
+ peerAddress: peerip,
+ peerPort: peerport,
+ state: connstate,
+ pid: pid,
+ process: ''
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let cmd = 'netstat -nao';
+ try {
+ exec(cmd, util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim().replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line.length >= 4) {
+ let localip = line[1];
+ let localport = '';
+ let localaddress = line[1].split(':');
+ if (localaddress.length > 1) {
+ localport = localaddress[localaddress.length - 1];
+ localaddress.pop();
+ localip = localaddress.join(':');
+ }
+ localip = localip.replace(/\[/g, '').replace(/\]/g, '');
+ let peerip = line[2];
+ let peerport = '';
+ let peeraddress = line[2].split(':');
+ if (peeraddress.length > 1) {
+ peerport = peeraddress[peeraddress.length - 1];
+ peeraddress.pop();
+ peerip = peeraddress.join(':');
+ }
+ peerip = peerip.replace(/\[/g, '').replace(/\]/g, '');
+ let pid = util.toInt(line[4]);
+ let connstate = line[3];
+ if (connstate === 'HERGESTELLT') { connstate = 'ESTABLISHED'; }
+ if (connstate.startsWith('ABH')) { connstate = 'LISTEN'; }
+ if (connstate === 'SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN') { connstate = 'CLOSE_WAIT'; }
+ if (connstate === 'WARTEND') { connstate = 'TIME_WAIT'; }
+ if (connstate === 'SYN_GESENDET') { connstate = 'SYN_SENT'; }
+ if (connstate === 'LISTENING') { connstate = 'LISTEN'; }
+ if (connstate === 'SYN_RECEIVED') { connstate = 'SYN_RECV'; }
+ if (connstate === 'FIN_WAIT_1') { connstate = 'FIN_WAIT1'; }
+ if (connstate === 'FIN_WAIT_2') { connstate = 'FIN_WAIT2'; }
+ if (line[0].toLowerCase() !== 'udp' && connstate) {
+ result.push({
+ protocol: line[0].toLowerCase(),
+ localAddress: localip,
+ localPort: localport,
+ peerAddress: peerip,
+ peerPort: peerport,
+ state: connstate,
+ pid,
+ process: ''
+ });
+ } else if (line[0].toLowerCase() === 'udp') {
+ result.push({
+ protocol: line[0].toLowerCase(),
+ localAddress: localip,
+ localPort: localport,
+ peerAddress: peerip,
+ peerPort: peerport,
+ state: '',
+ pid: parseInt(line[3], 10),
+ process: ''
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.networkConnections = networkConnections;
+function networkGatewayDefault(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = '';
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ let cmd = 'ip route get 1';
+ try {
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const line = lines && lines[0] ? lines[0] : '';
+ let parts = line.split(' via ');
+ if (parts && parts[1]) {
+ parts = parts[1].split(' ');
+ result = parts[0];
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'route -n get default';
+ try {
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.trim());
+ result = util.getValue(lines, 'gateway');
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ cmd = 'netstat -rn | awk \'/default/ {print $2}\'';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.trim());
+ result = lines.find(line => (/^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/.test(line)));
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ exec('netstat -r', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split(os.EOL);
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ line = line.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+ if (line.indexOf('') > -1 && !(/[a-zA-Z]/.test(line))) {
+ const parts = line.split(' ');
+ if (parts.length >= 5 && (parts[parts.length - 3]).indexOf('.') > -1) {
+ result = parts[parts.length - 3];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!result) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_IP4RouteTable | Where-Object { $_.Destination -eq \'\' -and $_.Mask -eq \'\' }')
+ .then((data) => {
+ let lines = data.toString().split('\r\n');
+ if (lines.length > 1 && !result) {
+ result = util.getValue(lines, 'NextHop');
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ // } else {
+ // exec('ipconfig', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ // let lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ // lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ // line = line.trim().replace(/\. /g, '');
+ // line = line.trim().replace(/ +/g, '');
+ // const parts = line.split(':');
+ // if ((parts[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('standardgate') || parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('gateway') > -1 || parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('enlace') > -1) && parts[1]) {
+ // result = parts[1];
+ // }
+ // });
+ // if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ // resolve(result);
+ // });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.networkGatewayDefault = networkGatewayDefault;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/osinfo.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/osinfo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79cbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/osinfo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// osinfo.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 3. Operating System
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const util = require('./util');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+// --------------------------
+// Get current time and OS uptime
+function time() {
+ let t = new Date().toString().split(' ');
+ return {
+ current:,
+ uptime: os.uptime(),
+ timezone: (t.length >= 7) ? t[5] : '',
+ timezoneName: Intl ? Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone : (t.length >= 7) ? t.slice(6).join(' ').replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '') : ''
+ };
+exports.time = time;
+// --------------------------
+// Get logo filename of OS distribution
+function getLogoFile(distro) {
+ distro = distro || '';
+ distro = distro.toLowerCase();
+ let result = _platform;
+ if (_windows) {
+ result = 'windows';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mac os') !== -1) {
+ result = 'apple';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('arch') !== -1) {
+ result = 'arch';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('centos') !== -1) {
+ result = 'centos';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('coreos') !== -1) {
+ result = 'coreos';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('debian') !== -1) {
+ result = 'debian';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('deepin') !== -1) {
+ result = 'deepin';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('elementary') !== -1) {
+ result = 'elementary';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('fedora') !== -1) {
+ result = 'fedora';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('gentoo') !== -1) {
+ result = 'gentoo';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mageia') !== -1) {
+ result = 'mageia';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mandriva') !== -1) {
+ result = 'mandriva';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('manjaro') !== -1) {
+ result = 'manjaro';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mint') !== -1) {
+ result = 'mint';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mx') !== -1) {
+ result = 'mx';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('openbsd') !== -1) {
+ result = 'openbsd';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('freebsd') !== -1) {
+ result = 'freebsd';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('opensuse') !== -1) {
+ result = 'opensuse';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('pclinuxos') !== -1) {
+ result = 'pclinuxos';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('puppy') !== -1) {
+ result = 'puppy';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('raspbian') !== -1) {
+ result = 'raspbian';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('reactos') !== -1) {
+ result = 'reactos';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('redhat') !== -1) {
+ result = 'redhat';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('slackware') !== -1) {
+ result = 'slackware';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('sugar') !== -1) {
+ result = 'sugar';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('steam') !== -1) {
+ result = 'steam';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('suse') !== -1) {
+ result = 'suse';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('mate') !== -1) {
+ result = 'ubuntu-mate';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('lubuntu') !== -1) {
+ result = 'lubuntu';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('xubuntu') !== -1) {
+ result = 'xubuntu';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('ubuntu') !== -1) {
+ result = 'ubuntu';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('solaris') !== -1) {
+ result = 'solaris';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('tails') !== -1) {
+ result = 'tails';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('feren') !== -1) {
+ result = 'ferenos';
+ }
+ else if (distro.indexOf('robolinux') !== -1) {
+ result = 'robolinux';
+ } else if (_linux && distro) {
+ result = distro.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-');
+ }
+ return result;
+// --------------------------
+// FQDN
+function getFQDN() {
+ let fqdn = os.hostname;
+ if (_linux || _darwin) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('hostname -f');
+ fqdn = stdout.toString().split(os.EOL)[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('hostname');
+ fqdn = stdout.toString().split(os.EOL)[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('echo %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN%', util.execOptsWin);
+ fqdn = stdout.toString().replace('.%USERDNSDOMAIN%', '').split(os.EOL)[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ return fqdn;
+// --------------------------
+// OS Information
+function osInfo(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ platform: (_platform === 'win32' ? 'Windows' : _platform),
+ distro: 'unknown',
+ release: 'unknown',
+ codename: '',
+ kernel: os.release(),
+ arch: os.arch(),
+ hostname: os.hostname(),
+ fqdn: getFQDN(),
+ codepage: '',
+ logofile: '',
+ serial: '',
+ build: '',
+ servicepack: '',
+ uefi: false
+ };
+ if (_linux) {
+ exec('cat /etc/*-release; cat /usr/lib/os-release; cat /etc/openwrt_release', function (error, stdout) {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {string} DISTRIB_ID
+ * @property {string} NAME
+ * @property {string} DISTRIB_RELEASE
+ * @property {string} VERSION_ID
+ * @property {string} DISTRIB_CODENAME
+ */
+ let release = {};
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
+ release[line.split('=')[0].trim().toUpperCase()] = line.split('=')[1].trim();
+ }
+ });
+ let releaseVersion = (release.VERSION || '').replace(/"/g, '');
+ let codename = (release.DISTRIB_CODENAME || release.VERSION_CODENAME || '').replace(/"/g, '');
+ if (releaseVersion.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ codename = releaseVersion.split('(')[1].replace(/[()]/g, '').trim();
+ releaseVersion = releaseVersion.split('(')[0].trim();
+ }
+ result.distro = (release.DISTRIB_ID || release.NAME || 'unknown').replace(/"/g, '');
+ result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro);
+ result.release = (releaseVersion || release.DISTRIB_RELEASE || release.VERSION_ID || 'unknown').replace(/"/g, '');
+ result.codename = codename;
+ result.codepage = util.getCodepage();
+ = (release.BUILD_ID || '').replace(/"/g, '').trim();
+ isUefiLinux().then(uefi => {
+ result.uefi = uefi;
+ uuid().then((data) => {
+ result.serial = data.os;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('sysctl kern.ostype kern.osrelease kern.osrevision kern.hostuuid machdep.bootmethod', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.ostype');
+ result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro);
+ result.release = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.osrelease').split('-')[0];
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.uuid');
+ result.codename = '';
+ result.codepage = util.getCodepage();
+ result.uefi = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.bootmethod').toLowerCase().indexOf('uefi') >= 0;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('sw_vers; sysctl kern.ostype kern.osrelease kern.osrevision kern.uuid', function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.uuid');
+ result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductName');
+ result.release = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductVersion');
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'BuildVersion');
+ result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro);
+ result.codename = 'macOS';
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.5') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Leopard' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.6') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Snow Leopard' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.7') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Lion' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.8') > -1 ? 'OS X Mountain Lion' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.9') > -1 ? 'OS X Mavericks' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.10') > -1 ? 'OS X Yosemite' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.11') > -1 ? 'OS X El Capitan' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.12') > -1 ? 'macOS Sierra' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.13') > -1 ? 'macOS High Sierra' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.14') > -1 ? 'macOS Mojave' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.15') > -1 ? 'macOS Catalina' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('11.') ? 'macOS Big Sur' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('12.') ? 'macOS Monterey' : result.codename);
+ result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('13.') ? 'macOS Ventura' : result.codename);
+ result.uefi = true;
+ result.codepage = util.getCodepage();
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ result.release = result.kernel;
+ exec('uname -o', function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.distro = lines[0];
+ result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ result.logofile = getLogoFile();
+ result.release = result.kernel;
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | select Caption,SerialNumber,BuildNumber,ServicePackMajorVersion,ServicePackMinorVersion | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::TerminalServerSession'));
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let lines = data.results[0] ? data.results[0].toString().split('\r\n') : [''];
+ result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':').trim();
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim();
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'BuildNumber', ':').trim();
+ result.servicepack = util.getValue(lines, 'ServicePackMajorVersion', ':').trim() + '.' + util.getValue(lines, 'ServicePackMinorVersion', ':').trim();
+ result.codepage = util.getCodepage();
+ const hyperv = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().toLowerCase() : '';
+ result.hypervisor = hyperv.indexOf('true') !== -1;
+ const term = data.results[2] ? data.results[2].toString() : '';
+ result.remoteSession = (term.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('true') >= 0);
+ isUefiWindows().then(uefi => {
+ result.uefi = uefi;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.osInfo = osInfo;
+function isUefiLinux() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ fs.stat('/sys/firmware/efi', function (err) {
+ if (!err) {
+ return resolve(true);
+ } else {
+ exec('dmesg | grep -E "EFI v"', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ return resolve(lines.length > 0);
+ }
+ return resolve(false);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function isUefiWindows() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ exec('findstr /C:"Detected boot environment" "%windir%\\Panther\\setupact.log"', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const line = stdout.toString().split('\n\r')[0];
+ return resolve(line.toLowerCase().indexOf('efi') >= 0);
+ } else {
+ exec('echo %firmware_type%', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const line = stdout.toString() || '';
+ return resolve(line.toLowerCase().indexOf('efi') >= 0);
+ } else {
+ return resolve(false);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ return resolve(false);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function versions(apps, callback) {
+ let versionObject = {
+ kernel: os.release(),
+ openssl: '',
+ systemOpenssl: '',
+ systemOpensslLib: '',
+ node: process.versions.node,
+ v8: process.versions.v8,
+ npm: '',
+ yarn: '',
+ pm2: '',
+ gulp: '',
+ grunt: '',
+ git: '',
+ tsc: '',
+ mysql: '',
+ redis: '',
+ mongodb: '',
+ apache: '',
+ nginx: '',
+ php: '',
+ docker: '',
+ postfix: '',
+ postgresql: '',
+ perl: '',
+ python: '',
+ python3: '',
+ pip: '',
+ pip3: '',
+ java: '',
+ gcc: '',
+ virtualbox: '',
+ bash: '',
+ zsh: '',
+ fish: '',
+ powershell: '',
+ dotnet: ''
+ };
+ function checkVersionParam(apps) {
+ if (apps === '*') {
+ return {
+ versions: versionObject,
+ counter: 30
+ };
+ }
+ if (!Array.isArray(apps)) {
+ apps = apps.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/,+/g, '|').replace(/ /g, '|');
+ apps = apps.split('|');
+ const result = {
+ versions: {},
+ counter: 0
+ };
+ apps.forEach(el => {
+ if (el) {
+ for (let key in versionObject) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ if (key.toLowerCase() === el.toLowerCase() && !{}, key)) {
+ result.versions[key] = versionObject[key];
+ if (key === 'openssl') {
+ result.versions.systemOpenssl = '';
+ result.versions.systemOpensslLib = '';
+ }
+ if (!result.versions[key]) { result.counter++; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (util.isFunction(apps) && !callback) {
+ callback = apps;
+ apps = '*';
+ } else {
+ apps = apps || '*';
+ if (typeof apps !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback({}); }
+ return resolve({});
+ }
+ }
+ const appsObj = checkVersionParam(apps);
+ let totalFunctions = appsObj.counter;
+ let functionProcessed = (function () {
+ return function () {
+ if (--totalFunctions === 0) {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(appsObj.versions);
+ }
+ resolve(appsObj.versions);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ let cmd = '';
+ try {
+ if ({}, 'openssl')) {
+ appsObj.versions.openssl = process.versions.openssl;
+ exec('openssl version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let openssl_string = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim();
+ let openssl = openssl_string.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.systemOpenssl = openssl.length > 0 ? openssl[1] : openssl[0];
+ appsObj.versions.systemOpensslLib = openssl.length > 0 ? openssl[0] : 'openssl';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'npm')) {
+ exec('npm -v', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ appsObj.versions.npm = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'pm2')) {
+ cmd = 'pm2';
+ if (_windows) {
+ cmd += '.cmd';
+ }
+ exec(`${cmd} -v`, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let pm2 = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim();
+ if (!pm2.startsWith('[PM2]')) {
+ appsObj.versions.pm2 = pm2;
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'yarn')) {
+ exec('yarn --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ appsObj.versions.yarn = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'gulp')) {
+ cmd = 'gulp';
+ if (_windows) {
+ cmd += '.cmd';
+ }
+ exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const gulp = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.gulp = (gulp.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'tsc')) {
+ cmd = 'tsc';
+ if (_windows) {
+ cmd += '.cmd';
+ }
+ exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const tsc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.tsc = (tsc.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'grunt')) {
+ cmd = 'grunt';
+ if (_windows) {
+ cmd += '.cmd';
+ }
+ exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const grunt = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.grunt = (grunt.toLowerCase().split('cli v')[1] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'git')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/git') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/git');
+ if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) {
+ exec('git --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let git = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ git = (git.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim();
+ appsObj.versions.git = (git.split(' ')[0] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('git --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let git = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ git = (git.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim();
+ appsObj.versions.git = (git.split(' ')[0] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'apache')) {
+ exec('apachectl -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const apache = (stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '').split(':');
+ appsObj.versions.apache = (apache.length > 1 ? apache[1].replace('Apache', '').replace('/', '').split('(')[0].trim() : '');
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'nginx')) {
+ exec('nginx -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const nginx = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.nginx = (nginx.toLowerCase().split('/')[1] || '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'mysql')) {
+ exec('mysql -V', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let mysql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ mysql = mysql.toLowerCase();
+ if (mysql.indexOf(',') > -1) {
+ mysql = (mysql.split(',')[0] || '').trim();
+ const parts = mysql.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.mysql = (parts[parts.length - 1] || '').trim();
+ } else {
+ if (mysql.indexOf(' ver ') > -1) {
+ mysql = mysql.split(' ver ')[1];
+ appsObj.versions.mysql = mysql.split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'php')) {
+ exec('php -v', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const php = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ let parts = php.split('(');
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('-')) {
+ parts = parts[0].split('-');
+ }
+ appsObj.versions.php = parts[0].replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'redis')) {
+ exec('redis-server --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const redis = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = redis.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.redis = util.getValue(parts, 'v', '=', true);
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'docker')) {
+ exec('docker --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const docker = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = docker.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.docker = parts.length > 2 && parts[2].endsWith(',') ? parts[2].slice(0, -1) : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'postfix')) {
+ exec('postconf -d | grep mail_version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const postfix = stdout.toString().split('\n') || [];
+ appsObj.versions.postfix = util.getValue(postfix, 'mail_version', '=', true);
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'mongodb')) {
+ exec('mongod --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const mongodb = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.mongodb = (mongodb.toLowerCase().split(',')[0] || '').replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'postgresql')) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ exec('locate bin/postgres', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const postgresqlBin = stdout.toString().split('\n').sort();
+ if (postgresqlBin.length) {
+ exec(postgresqlBin[postgresqlBin.length - 1] + ' -V', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || [];
+ appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('psql -V', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || [];
+ appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : '';
+ appsObj.versions.postgresql = appsObj.versions.postgresql.split('-')[0];
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | select caption | fl').then((stdout) => {
+ let serviceSections = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ for (let i = 0; i < serviceSections.length; i++) {
+ if (serviceSections[i].trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = serviceSections[i].trim().split('\r\n');
+ let srvCaption = util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ if (srvCaption.indexOf('postgresql') > -1) {
+ const parts = srvCaption.split(' server ');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ appsObj.versions.postgresql = parts[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ exec('postgres -V', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || [];
+ appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'perl')) {
+ exec('perl -v', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const perl = stdout.toString().split('\n') || '';
+ while (perl.length > 0 && perl[0].trim() === '') {
+ perl.shift();
+ }
+ if (perl.length > 0) {
+ appsObj.versions.perl = perl[0].split('(').pop().split(')')[0].replace('v', '');
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'python')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const stdout = execSync('sw_vers');
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ const osVersion = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductVersion', ':');
+ const gitHomebrewExists1 = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/python');
+ const gitHomebrewExists2 = fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/python');
+ if ((util.darwinXcodeExists() && util.semverCompare('12.0.1', osVersion) < 0) || gitHomebrewExists1 || gitHomebrewExists2) {
+ const cmd = gitHomebrewExists1 ? '/usr/local/Cellar/python -V 2>&1' : (gitHomebrewExists2 ? '/opt/homebrew/bin/python -V 2>&1' : 'python -V 2>&1');
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.python = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('python -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.python = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'python3')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/python3') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3');
+ if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) {
+ exec('python3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.python3 = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('python3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ appsObj.versions.python3 = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim();
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'pip')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/pip') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/pip');
+ if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) {
+ exec('pip -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = pip.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.pip = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('pip -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = pip.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.pip = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'pip3')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/pip3') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/pip3');
+ if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) {
+ exec('pip3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = pip.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.pip3 = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec('pip3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = pip.split(' ');
+ appsObj.versions.pip3 = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'java')) {
+ if (_darwin) {
+ // check if any JVM is installed but avoid dialog box that Java needs to be installed
+ exec('/usr/libexec/java_home -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error && stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('no java runtime') === -1) {
+ // now this can be done savely
+ exec('java -version 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const java = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = java.split('"');
+ = parts.length === 3 ? parts[1].trim() : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ exec('java -version 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const java = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = java.split('"');
+ = parts.length === 3 ? parts[1].trim() : '';
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'gcc')) {
+ if ((_darwin && util.darwinXcodeExists()) || !_darwin) {
+ exec('gcc -dumpversion', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ appsObj.versions.gcc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim() || '';
+ }
+ if (appsObj.versions.gcc.indexOf('.') > -1) {
+ functionProcessed();
+ } else {
+ exec('gcc --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const gcc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim();
+ if (gcc.indexOf('gcc') > -1 && gcc.indexOf(')') > -1) {
+ const parts = gcc.split(')');
+ appsObj.versions.gcc = parts[1].trim() || appsObj.versions.gcc;
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'virtualbox')) {
+ exec(util.getVboxmanage() + ' -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const vbox = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '';
+ const parts = vbox.split('r');
+ appsObj.versions.virtualbox = parts[0];
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'bash')) {
+ exec('bash --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ const parts = line.split(' version ');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ appsObj.versions.bash = parts[1].split(' ')[0].split('(')[0];
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'zsh')) {
+ exec('zsh --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ const parts = line.split('zsh ');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ appsObj.versions.zsh = parts[1].split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'fish')) {
+ exec('fish --version', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ const parts = line.split(' version ');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ = parts[1].split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ }
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ }
+ if ({}, 'powershell')) {
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('$PSVersionTable').then(stdout => {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ':'));
+ appsObj.versions.powershell = util.getValue(lines, 'psversion');
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ }
+ if ({}, 'dotnet')) {
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('gci "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP" -recurse | gp -name Version,Release -EA 0 | where { $_.PSChildName -match "^(?!S)\\p{L}"} | select PSChildName, Version, Release').then(stdout => {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ let dotnet = '';
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
+ const parts = line.split(' ');
+ dotnet = dotnet || (parts[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('client') && parts.length > 2 ? parts[1].trim() : (parts[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('full') && parts.length > 2 ? parts[1].trim() : ''));
+ });
+ appsObj.versions.dotnet = dotnet.trim();
+ functionProcessed();
+ });
+ } else {
+ functionProcessed();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(appsObj.versions); }
+ resolve(appsObj.versions);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.versions = versions;
+function shell(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (_windows) {
+ resolve('cmd');
+ } else {
+ let result = '';
+ exec('echo $SHELL', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ result = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0];
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ = shell;
+function getUniqueMacAdresses() {
+ const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
+ let macs = [];
+ for (let dev in ifaces) {
+ if ({}, dev)) {
+ ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
+ if (details && details.mac && details.mac !== '00:00:00:00:00:00') {
+ const mac = details.mac.toLowerCase();
+ if (macs.indexOf(mac) === -1) {
+ macs.push(mac);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ macs = macs.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if (a < b) { return -1; }
+ if (a > b) { return 1; }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ return macs;
+function uuid(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ os: '',
+ hardware: '',
+ macs: getUniqueMacAdresses()
+ };
+ let parts;
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('system_profiler SPHardwareDataType -json', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const jsonObj = JSON.parse(stdout.toString());
+ if (jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType && jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType.length > 0) {
+ const spHardware = jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType[0];
+ result.os = spHardware.platform_UUID.toLowerCase();
+ result.hardware = spHardware.serial_number;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ const cmd = `echo -n "os: "; cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id 2> /dev/null; echo;
+echo -n "os: "; cat /etc/machine-id 2> /dev/null; echo;
+echo -n "hardware: "; cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid 2> /dev/null; echo;`;
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.os = util.getValue(lines, 'os').toLowerCase();
+ result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware').toLowerCase();
+ if (!result.hardware) {
+ const lines = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n');
+ const serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serial');
+ result.hardware = serial || '';
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('sysctl -i kern.hostid kern.hostuuid', function (error, stdout) {
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.os = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.hostid', ':').toLowerCase();
+ result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.hostuuid', ':').toLowerCase();
+ if (result.os.indexOf('unknown') >= 0) { result.os = ''; }
+ if (result.hardware.indexOf('unknown') >= 0) { result.hardware = ''; }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let sysdir = '%windir%\\System32';
+ if (process.arch === 'ia32' &&, 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432')) {
+ sysdir = '%windir%\\sysnative\\cmd.exe /c %windir%\\System32';
+ }
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | select UUID | fl').then((stdout) => {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n');
+ result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'uuid', ':').toLowerCase();
+ exec(`${sysdir}\\reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography" /v MachineGuid`, util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) {
+ parts = stdout.toString().split('\n\r')[0].split('REG_SZ');
+ result.os = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace(/\r+|\n+|\s+/ig, '').toLowerCase() : '';
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.uuid = uuid;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/printer.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/printer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b437489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/printer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// printers.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 15. printers
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+const winPrinterStatus = {
+ 1: 'Other',
+ 2: 'Unknown',
+ 3: 'Idle',
+ 4: 'Printing',
+ 5: 'Warmup',
+ 6: 'Stopped Printing',
+ 7: 'Offline',
+function parseLinuxCupsHeader(lines) {
+ const result = {};
+ if (lines && lines.length) {
+ if (lines[0].indexOf(' CUPS v') > 0) {
+ const parts = lines[0].split(' CUPS v');
+ result.cupsVersion = parts[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseLinuxCupsPrinter(lines) {
+ const result = {};
+ const printerId = util.getValue(lines, 'PrinterId', ' ');
+ = printerId ? parseInt(printerId, 10) : null;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'Info', ' ');
+ result.model = lines.length > 0 && lines[0] ? lines[0].split(' ')[0] : '';
+ result.uri = util.getValue(lines, 'DeviceURI', ' ');
+ result.uuid = util.getValue(lines, 'UUID', ' ');
+ result.status = util.getValue(lines, 'State', ' ');
+ result.local = util.getValue(lines, 'Location', ' ').toLowerCase().startsWith('local');
+ result.default = null;
+ result.shared = util.getValue(lines, 'Shared', ' ').toLowerCase().startsWith('yes');
+ return result;
+function parseLinuxLpstatPrinter(lines, id) {
+ const result = {};
+ = id;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'Description', ':', true);
+ result.model = lines.length > 0 && lines[0] ? lines[0].split(' ')[0] : '';
+ result.uri = null;
+ result.uuid = null;
+ result.status = lines.length > 0 && lines[0] ? (lines[0].indexOf(' idle') > 0 ? 'idle' : (lines[0].indexOf(' printing') > 0 ? 'printing' : 'unknown')) : null;
+ result.local = util.getValue(lines, 'Location', ':', true).toLowerCase().startsWith('local');
+ result.default = null;
+ result.shared = util.getValue(lines, 'Shared', ' ').toLowerCase().startsWith('yes');
+ return result;
+function parseDarwinPrinters(printerObject, id) {
+ const result = {};
+ const uriParts = printerObject.uri.split('/');
+ = id;
+ = printerObject._name;
+ result.model = uriParts.length ? uriParts[uriParts.length - 1] : '';
+ result.uri = printerObject.uri;
+ result.uuid = null;
+ result.status = printerObject.status;
+ result.local = printerObject.printserver === 'local';
+ result.default = printerObject.default === 'yes';
+ result.shared = printerObject.shared === 'yes';
+ return result;
+function parseWindowsPrinters(lines, id) {
+ const result = {};
+ const status = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PrinterStatus', ':'), 10);
+ = id;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'DriverName', ':');
+ result.uri = null;
+ result.uuid = null;
+ result.status = winPrinterStatus[status] ? winPrinterStatus[status] : null;
+ result.local = util.getValue(lines, 'Local', ':').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE';
+ result.default = util.getValue(lines, 'Default', ':').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE';
+ result.shared = util.getValue(lines, 'Shared', ':').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE';
+ return result;
+function printer(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ let cmd = 'cat /etc/cups/printers.conf 2>/dev/null';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ // printers.conf
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split('<Printer ');
+ const printerHeader = parseLinuxCupsHeader(parts[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const printers = parseLinuxCupsPrinter(parts[i].split('\n'));
+ if ( {
+ printers.engine = 'CUPS';
+ printers.engineVersion = printerHeader.cupsVersion;
+ result.push(printers);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.length === 0) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; lpstat -lp 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL';
+ // lpstat
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ const parts = ('\n' + stdout.toString()).split('\nprinter ');
+ for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const printers = parseLinuxLpstatPrinter(parts[i].split('\n'), i);
+ result.push(printers);
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler SPPrintersDataType -json';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const outObj = JSON.parse(stdout.toString());
+ if (outObj.SPPrintersDataType && outObj.SPPrintersDataType.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < outObj.SPPrintersDataType.length; i++) {
+ const printer = parseDarwinPrinters(outObj.SPPrintersDataType[i], i);
+ result.push(printer);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer | select PrinterStatus,Name,DriverName,Local,Default,Shared | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const printer = parseWindowsPrinters(parts[i].split('\n'), i);
+ if ( || printer.model) {
+ result.push(parseWindowsPrinters(parts[i].split('\n'), i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.printer = printer;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/processes.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/processes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f52a3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/processes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// processes.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 10. Processes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+const _processes_cpu = {
+ all: 0,
+ all_utime: 0,
+ all_stime: 0,
+ list: {},
+ ms: 0,
+ result: {}
+const _services_cpu = {
+ all: 0,
+ all_utime: 0,
+ all_stime: 0,
+ list: {},
+ ms: 0,
+ result: {}
+const _process_cpu = {
+ all: 0,
+ all_utime: 0,
+ all_stime: 0,
+ list: {},
+ ms: 0,
+ result: {}
+const _winStatusValues = {
+ '0': 'unknown',
+ '1': 'other',
+ '2': 'ready',
+ '3': 'running',
+ '4': 'blocked',
+ '5': 'suspended blocked',
+ '6': 'suspended ready',
+ '7': 'terminated',
+ '8': 'stopped',
+ '9': 'growing',
+function parseTimeWin(time) {
+ time = time || '';
+ if (time) {
+ return (time.substr(0, 4) + '-' + time.substr(4, 2) + '-' + time.substr(6, 2) + ' ' + time.substr(8, 2) + ':' + time.substr(10, 2) + ':' + time.substr(12, 2));
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function parseTimeUnix(time) {
+ let result = time;
+ let parts = time.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (parts.length === 5) {
+ result = parts[4] + '-' + ('0' + ('JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC'.indexOf(parts[1].toUpperCase()) / 3 + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + parts[2]).slice(-2) + ' ' + parts[3];
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseElapsedTime(etime) {
+ let current = new Date();
+ current = new Date(current.getTime() - current.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
+ const elapsed = etime.split('-');
+ const timeIndex = elapsed.length - 1;
+ const days = timeIndex > 0 ? parseInt(elapsed[timeIndex - 1]) : 0;
+ const timeStr = elapsed[timeIndex].split(':');
+ const hours = timeStr.length === 3 ? parseInt(timeStr[0] || 0) : 0;
+ const mins = parseInt(timeStr[timeStr.length === 3 ? 1 : 0] || 0);
+ const secs = parseInt(timeStr[timeStr.length === 3 ? 2 : 1] || 0);
+ const ms = (((((days * 24 + hours) * 60) + mins) * 60 + secs) * 1000);
+ const res = new Date(current.getTime() - ms);
+ return res.toISOString().substring(0, 10) + ' ' + res.toISOString().substring(11, 19);
+// --------------------------
+// PS - services
+// pass a comma separated string with services to check (mysql, apache, postgresql, ...)
+// this function gives an array back, if the services are running.
+function services(srv, callback) {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(srv) && !callback) {
+ callback = srv;
+ srv = '';
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (typeof srv !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback([]); }
+ return resolve([]);
+ }
+ if (srv) {
+ let srvString = '';
+ srvString.__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ srvString.__proto__.replace = util.stringReplace;
+ srvString.__proto__.trim = util.stringTrim;
+ const s = util.sanitizeShellString(srv);
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (s[i] !== undefined) {
+ srvString = srvString + s[i];
+ }
+ }
+ srvString = srvString.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/, /g, '|').replace(/,+/g, '|');
+ if (srvString === '') {
+ srvString = '*';
+ }
+ if (util.isPrototypePolluted() && srvString !== '*') {
+ srvString = '------';
+ }
+ let srvs = srvString.split('|');
+ let result = [];
+ let dataSrv = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ if ((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) && srvString === '*') {
+ try {
+ const tmpsrv = execSync('systemctl --type=service --no-legend 2> /dev/null').toString().split('\n');
+ srvs = [];
+ for (const s of tmpsrv) {
+ const name = s.split('.service')[0];
+ if (name) {
+ srvs.push(name.trim());
+ }
+ }
+ srvString = srvs.join('|');
+ } catch (d) {
+ try {
+ srvString = '';
+ const tmpsrv = execSync('service --status-all 2> /dev/null').toString().split('\n');
+ for (const s of tmpsrv) {
+ const parts = s.split(']');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ srvString += (srvString !== '' ? '|' : '') + parts[1].trim();
+ }
+ }
+ srvs = srvString.split('|');
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ const srvStr = execSync('ls /etc/init.d/ -m 2> /dev/null').toString().split('\n').join('');
+ srvString = '';
+ if (srvStr) {
+ const tmpsrv = srvStr.split(',');
+ for (const s of tmpsrv) {
+ const name = s.trim();
+ if (name) {
+ srvString += (srvString !== '' ? '|' : '') + name;
+ }
+ }
+ srvs = srvString.split('|');
+ }
+ } catch (f) {
+ srvString = '';
+ srvs = [];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((_darwin) && srvString === '*') { // service enumeration not yet suported on mac OS
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ let args = (_darwin) ? ['-caxo', 'pcpu,pmem,pid,command'] : ['-axo', 'pcpu,pmem,pid,command'];
+ if (srvString !== '' && srvs.length > 0) {
+ util.execSafe('ps', args).then((stdout) => {
+ if (stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/,+/g, '.').split('\n');
+ srvs.forEach(function (srv) {
+ let ps;
+ if (_darwin) {
+ ps = lines.filter(function (e) {
+ return (e.toLowerCase().indexOf(srv) !== -1);
+ });
+ } else {
+ ps = lines.filter(function (e) {
+ return (e.toLowerCase().indexOf(' ' + srv + ':') !== -1) || (e.toLowerCase().indexOf('/' + srv) !== -1);
+ });
+ }
+ const pids = [];
+ for (const p of ps) {
+ const pid = p.trim().split(' ')[2];
+ if (pid) {
+ pids.push(parseInt(pid, 10));
+ }
+ }
+ result.push({
+ name: srv,
+ running: ps.length > 0,
+ startmode: '',
+ pids: pids,
+ cpu: parseFloat((ps.reduce(function (pv, cv) {
+ return pv + parseFloat(cv.trim().split(' ')[0]);
+ }, 0)).toFixed(2)),
+ mem: parseFloat((ps.reduce(function (pv, cv) {
+ return pv + parseFloat(cv.trim().split(' ')[1]);
+ }, 0)).toFixed(2))
+ });
+ });
+ if (_linux) {
+ // calc process_cpu - ps is not accurate in linux!
+ let cmd = 'cat /proc/stat | grep "cpu "';
+ for (let i in result) {
+ for (let j in result[i].pids) {
+ cmd += (';cat /proc/' + result[i].pids[j] + '/stat');
+ }
+ }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let curr_processes = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // first line (all - /proc/stat)
+ let all = parseProcStat(curr_processes.shift());
+ // process
+ let list_new = {};
+ let resultProcess = {};
+ curr_processes.forEach((element) => {
+ resultProcess = calcProcStatLinux(element, all, _services_cpu);
+ if ( {
+ let listPos = -1;
+ for (let i in result) {
+ for (let j in result[i].pids) {
+ if (parseInt(result[i].pids[j]) === parseInt( {
+ listPos = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (listPos >= 0) {
+ result[listPos].cpu += resultProcess.cpuu + resultProcess.cpus;
+ }
+ // save new values
+ list_new[] = {
+ cpuu: resultProcess.cpuu,
+ cpus: resultProcess.cpus,
+ utime: resultProcess.utime,
+ stime: resultProcess.stime,
+ cutime: resultProcess.cutime,
+ cstime: resultProcess.cstime
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ // store old values
+ _services_cpu.all = all;
+ _services_cpu.list = Object.assign({}, list_new);
+ = -;
+ _services_cpu.result = Object.assign({}, result);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ args = ['-o', 'comm'];
+ util.execSafe('ps', args).then((stdout) => {
+ if (stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/,+/g, '.').split('\n');
+ srvs.forEach(function (srv) {
+ let ps = lines.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.indexOf(srv) !== -1;
+ });
+ result.push({
+ name: srv,
+ running: ps.length > 0,
+ startmode: '',
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ srvs.forEach(function (srv) {
+ result.push({
+ name: srv,
+ running: false,
+ startmode: '',
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ let wincommand = 'Get-WmiObject Win32_Service';
+ if (srvs[0] !== '*') {
+ wincommand += ' -Filter "';
+ srvs.forEach((srv) => {
+ wincommand += `Name='${srv}' or `;
+ });
+ wincommand = `${wincommand.slice(0, -4)}"`;
+ }
+ wincommand += ' | select Name,Caption,Started,StartMode,ProcessId | fl';
+ util.powerShell(wincommand).then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let serviceSections = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ serviceSections.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = element.trim().split('\r\n');
+ let srvName = util.getValue(lines, 'Name', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ let srvCaption = util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ let started = util.getValue(lines, 'Started', ':', true);
+ let startMode = util.getValue(lines, 'StartMode', ':', true);
+ let pid = util.getValue(lines, 'ProcessId', ':', true);
+ if (srvString === '*' || srvs.indexOf(srvName) >= 0 || srvs.indexOf(srvCaption) >= 0) {
+ result.push({
+ name: srvName,
+ running: (started.toLowerCase() === 'true'),
+ startmode: startMode,
+ pids: [pid],
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ dataSrv.push(srvName);
+ dataSrv.push(srvCaption);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (srvString !== '*') {
+ let srvsMissing = srvs.filter(function (e) {
+ return dataSrv.indexOf(e) === -1;
+ });
+ srvsMissing.forEach(function (srvName) {
+ result.push({
+ name: srvName,
+ running: false,
+ startmode: '',
+ pids: [],
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ srvs.forEach(function (srvName) {
+ result.push({
+ name: srvName,
+ running: false,
+ startmode: '',
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback([]); }
+ resolve([]);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ = services;
+function parseProcStat(line) {
+ let parts = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ let user = (parts.length >= 2 ? parseInt(parts[1]) : 0);
+ let nice = (parts.length >= 3 ? parseInt(parts[2]) : 0);
+ let system = (parts.length >= 4 ? parseInt(parts[3]) : 0);
+ let idle = (parts.length >= 5 ? parseInt(parts[4]) : 0);
+ let iowait = (parts.length >= 6 ? parseInt(parts[5]) : 0);
+ let irq = (parts.length >= 7 ? parseInt(parts[6]) : 0);
+ let softirq = (parts.length >= 8 ? parseInt(parts[7]) : 0);
+ let steal = (parts.length >= 9 ? parseInt(parts[8]) : 0);
+ let guest = (parts.length >= 10 ? parseInt(parts[9]) : 0);
+ let guest_nice = (parts.length >= 11 ? parseInt(parts[10]) : 0);
+ return user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal + guest + guest_nice;
+function calcProcStatLinux(line, all, _cpu_old) {
+ let statparts = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(')');
+ if (statparts.length >= 2) {
+ let parts = statparts[1].split(' ');
+ if (parts.length >= 16) {
+ let pid = parseInt(statparts[0].split(' ')[0]);
+ let utime = parseInt(parts[12]);
+ let stime = parseInt(parts[13]);
+ let cutime = parseInt(parts[14]);
+ let cstime = parseInt(parts[15]);
+ // calc
+ let cpuu = 0;
+ let cpus = 0;
+ if (_cpu_old.all > 0 && _cpu_old.list[pid]) {
+ cpuu = (utime + cutime - _cpu_old.list[pid].utime - _cpu_old.list[pid].cutime) / (all - _cpu_old.all) * 100; // user
+ cpus = (stime + cstime - _cpu_old.list[pid].stime - _cpu_old.list[pid].cstime) / (all - _cpu_old.all) * 100; // system
+ } else {
+ cpuu = (utime + cutime) / (all) * 100; // user
+ cpus = (stime + cstime) / (all) * 100; // system
+ }
+ return {
+ pid: pid,
+ utime: utime,
+ stime: stime,
+ cutime: cutime,
+ cstime: cstime,
+ cpuu: cpuu,
+ cpus: cpus
+ };
+ } else {
+ return {
+ pid: 0,
+ utime: 0,
+ stime: 0,
+ cutime: 0,
+ cstime: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ return {
+ pid: 0,
+ utime: 0,
+ stime: 0,
+ cutime: 0,
+ cstime: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0
+ };
+ }
+function calcProcStatWin(procStat, all, _cpu_old) {
+ // calc
+ let cpuu = 0;
+ let cpus = 0;
+ if (_cpu_old.all > 0 && _cpu_old.list[]) {
+ cpuu = (procStat.utime - _cpu_old.list[].utime) / (all - _cpu_old.all) * 100; // user
+ cpus = (procStat.stime - _cpu_old.list[].stime) / (all - _cpu_old.all) * 100; // system
+ } else {
+ cpuu = (procStat.utime) / (all) * 100; // user
+ cpus = (procStat.stime) / (all) * 100; // system
+ }
+ return {
+ pid:,
+ utime: cpuu > 0 ? procStat.utime : 0,
+ stime: cpus > 0 ? procStat.stime : 0,
+ cpuu: cpuu > 0 ? cpuu : 0,
+ cpus: cpus > 0 ? cpus : 0
+ };
+// --------------------------
+// running processes
+function processes(callback) {
+ let parsedhead = [];
+ function getName(command) {
+ command = command || '';
+ let result = command.split(' ')[0];
+ if (result.substr(-1) === ':') {
+ result = result.substr(0, result.length - 1);
+ }
+ if (result.substr(0, 1) !== '[') {
+ let parts = result.split('/');
+ if (isNaN(parseInt(parts[parts.length - 1]))) {
+ result = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ } else {
+ result = parts[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function parseLine(line) {
+ let offset = 0;
+ let offset2 = 0;
+ function checkColumn(i) {
+ offset = offset2;
+ if (parsedhead[i]) {
+ offset2 = line.substring(parsedhead[i].to + offset, 10000).indexOf(' ');
+ } else {
+ offset2 = 10000;
+ }
+ }
+ checkColumn(0);
+ const pid = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[0].from + offset, parsedhead[0].to + offset2));
+ checkColumn(1);
+ const ppid = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[1].from + offset, parsedhead[1].to + offset2));
+ checkColumn(2);
+ const cpu = parseFloat(line.substring(parsedhead[2].from + offset, parsedhead[2].to + offset2).replace(/,/g, '.'));
+ checkColumn(3);
+ const mem = parseFloat(line.substring(parsedhead[3].from + offset, parsedhead[3].to + offset2).replace(/,/g, '.'));
+ checkColumn(4);
+ const priority = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[4].from + offset, parsedhead[4].to + offset2));
+ checkColumn(5);
+ const vsz = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[5].from + offset, parsedhead[5].to + offset2));
+ checkColumn(6);
+ const rss = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[6].from + offset, parsedhead[6].to + offset2));
+ checkColumn(7);
+ const nice = parseInt(line.substring(parsedhead[7].from + offset, parsedhead[7].to + offset2)) || 0;
+ checkColumn(8);
+ const started = !_sunos ? parseElapsedTime(line.substring(parsedhead[8].from + offset, parsedhead[8].to + offset2).trim()) : parseTimeUnix(line.substring(parsedhead[8].from + offset, parsedhead[8].to + offset2).trim());
+ checkColumn(9);
+ let state = line.substring(parsedhead[9].from + offset, parsedhead[9].to + offset2).trim();
+ state = (state[0] === 'R' ? 'running' : (state[0] === 'S' ? 'sleeping' : (state[0] === 'T' ? 'stopped' : (state[0] === 'W' ? 'paging' : (state[0] === 'X' ? 'dead' : (state[0] === 'Z' ? 'zombie' : ((state[0] === 'D' || state[0] === 'U') ? 'blocked' : 'unknown')))))));
+ checkColumn(10);
+ let tty = line.substring(parsedhead[10].from + offset, parsedhead[10].to + offset2).trim();
+ if (tty === '?' || tty === '??') { tty = ''; }
+ checkColumn(11);
+ const user = line.substring(parsedhead[11].from + offset, parsedhead[11].to + offset2).trim();
+ checkColumn(12);
+ let cmdPath = '';
+ let command = '';
+ let params = '';
+ let fullcommand = line.substring(parsedhead[12].from + offset, parsedhead[12].to + offset2).trim();
+ if (fullcommand.substr(fullcommand.length - 1) === ']') { fullcommand = fullcommand.slice(0, -1); }
+ if (fullcommand.substr(0, 1) === '[') { command = fullcommand.substring(1); }
+ else {
+ const p1 = fullcommand.indexOf('(');
+ const p2 = fullcommand.indexOf(')');
+ const p3 = fullcommand.indexOf('/');
+ const p4 = fullcommand.indexOf(':');
+ if (p1 < p2 && p1 < p3 && p3 < p2) {
+ command = fullcommand.split(' ')[0];
+ command = command.replace(/:/g, '');
+ } else {
+ if (p4 > 0 && (p3 === -1 || p3 > 3)) {
+ command = fullcommand.split(' ')[0];
+ command = command.replace(/:/g, '');
+ } else {
+ // try to figure out where parameter starts
+ let firstParamPos = fullcommand.indexOf(' -');
+ let firstParamPathPos = fullcommand.indexOf(' /');
+ firstParamPos = (firstParamPos >= 0 ? firstParamPos : 10000);
+ firstParamPathPos = (firstParamPathPos >= 0 ? firstParamPathPos : 10000);
+ const firstPos = Math.min(firstParamPos, firstParamPathPos);
+ let tmpCommand = fullcommand.substr(0, firstPos);
+ const tmpParams = fullcommand.substr(firstPos);
+ const lastSlashPos = tmpCommand.lastIndexOf('/');
+ if (lastSlashPos >= 0) {
+ cmdPath = tmpCommand.substr(0, lastSlashPos);
+ tmpCommand = tmpCommand.substr(lastSlashPos + 1);
+ }
+ if (firstPos === 10000 && tmpCommand.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
+ const parts = tmpCommand.split(' ');
+ if (fs.existsSync(path.join(cmdPath, parts[0]))) {
+ command = parts.shift();
+ params = (parts.join(' ') + ' ' + tmpParams).trim();
+ } else {
+ command = tmpCommand.trim();
+ params = tmpParams.trim();
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = tmpCommand.trim();
+ params = tmpParams.trim();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ({
+ pid: pid,
+ parentPid: ppid,
+ name: _linux ? getName(command) : command,
+ cpu: cpu,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0,
+ mem: mem,
+ priority: priority,
+ memVsz: vsz,
+ memRss: rss,
+ nice: nice,
+ started: started,
+ state: state,
+ tty: tty,
+ user: user,
+ command: command,
+ params: params,
+ path: cmdPath
+ });
+ }
+ function parseProcesses(lines) {
+ let result = [];
+ if (lines.length > 1) {
+ let head = lines[0];
+ parsedhead = util.parseHead(head, 8);
+ lines.shift();
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line.trim() !== '') {
+ result.push(parseLine(line));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function parseProcesses2(lines) {
+ function formatDateTime(time) {
+ const month = ('0' + (time.getMonth() + 1).toString()).substr(-2);
+ const year = time.getFullYear().toString();
+ const day = ('0' + time.getDay().toString()).substr(-2);
+ const hours = time.getHours().toString();
+ const mins = time.getMinutes().toString();
+ const secs = ('0' + time.getSeconds().toString()).substr(-2);
+ return (year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + mins + ':' + secs);
+ }
+ let result = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line.trim() !== '') {
+ line = line.trim().replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/,+/g, '.');
+ const parts = line.split(' ');
+ const command = parts.slice(9).join(' ');
+ const pmem = parseFloat((1.0 * parseInt(parts[3]) * 1024 / os.totalmem()).toFixed(1));
+ const elapsed_parts = parts[5].split(':');
+ const started = formatDateTime(new Date( - (elapsed_parts.length > 1 ? (elapsed_parts[0] * 60 + elapsed_parts[1]) * 1000 : elapsed_parts[0] * 1000)));
+ result.push({
+ pid: parseInt(parts[0]),
+ parentPid: parseInt(parts[1]),
+ name: getName(command),
+ cpu: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0,
+ mem: pmem,
+ priority: 0,
+ memVsz: parseInt(parts[2]),
+ memRss: parseInt(parts[3]),
+ nice: parseInt(parts[4]),
+ started: started,
+ state: (parts[6] === 'R' ? 'running' : (parts[6] === 'S' ? 'sleeping' : (parts[6] === 'T' ? 'stopped' : (parts[6] === 'W' ? 'paging' : (parts[6] === 'X' ? 'dead' : (parts[6] === 'Z' ? 'zombie' : ((parts[6] === 'D' || parts[6] === 'U') ? 'blocked' : 'unknown'))))))),
+ tty: parts[7],
+ user: parts[8],
+ command: command
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ all: 0,
+ running: 0,
+ blocked: 0,
+ sleeping: 0,
+ unknown: 0,
+ list: []
+ };
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (( && - >= 500) || === 0) {
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin || _sunos) {
+ if (_linux) { cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; ps -axo pid:11,ppid:11,pcpu:6,pmem:6,pri:5,vsz:11,rss:11,ni:5,etime:30,state:5,tty:15,user:20,command; unset LC_ALL'; }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; ps -axo pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,pri,vsz,rss,ni,etime,state,tty,user,command; unset LC_ALL'; }
+ if (_darwin) { cmd = 'ps -axo pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,pri,vsz=temp_title_1,rss=temp_title_2,nice,etime=temp_title_3,state,tty,user,command -r'; }
+ if (_sunos) { cmd = 'ps -Ao pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,pri,vsz,rss,nice,stime,s,tty,user,comm'; }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error && stdout.toString().trim()) {
+ result.list = (parseProcesses(stdout.toString().split('\n'))).slice();
+ result.all = result.list.length;
+ result.running = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'running';
+ }).length;
+ result.blocked = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'blocked';
+ }).length;
+ result.sleeping = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'sleeping';
+ }).length;
+ if (_linux) {
+ // calc process_cpu - ps is not accurate in linux!
+ cmd = 'cat /proc/stat | grep "cpu "';
+ result.list.forEach((element) => {
+ cmd += (';cat /proc/' + + '/stat');
+ });
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let curr_processes = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // first line (all - /proc/stat)
+ let all = parseProcStat(curr_processes.shift());
+ // process
+ let list_new = {};
+ let resultProcess = {};
+ curr_processes.forEach((element) => {
+ resultProcess = calcProcStatLinux(element, all, _processes_cpu);
+ if ( {
+ // store pcpu in outer array
+ let listPos = (e) { return; }).indexOf(;
+ if (listPos >= 0) {
+ result.list[listPos].cpu = resultProcess.cpuu + resultProcess.cpus;
+ result.list[listPos].cpuu = resultProcess.cpuu;
+ result.list[listPos].cpus = resultProcess.cpus;
+ }
+ // save new values
+ list_new[] = {
+ cpuu: resultProcess.cpuu,
+ cpus: resultProcess.cpus,
+ utime: resultProcess.utime,
+ stime: resultProcess.stime,
+ cutime: resultProcess.cutime,
+ cstime: resultProcess.cstime
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ // store old values
+ _processes_cpu.all = all;
+ _processes_cpu.list = Object.assign({}, list_new);
+ = -;
+ _processes_cpu.result = Object.assign({}, result);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cmd = 'ps -o pid,ppid,vsz,rss,nice,etime,stat,tty,user,comm';
+ if (_sunos) {
+ cmd = 'ps -o pid,ppid,vsz,rss,nice,etime,s,tty,user,comm';
+ }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.shift();
+ result.list = parseProcesses2(lines).slice();
+ result.all = result.list.length;
+ result.running = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'running';
+ }).length;
+ result.blocked = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'blocked';
+ }).length;
+ result.sleeping = result.list.filter(function (e) {
+ return e.state === 'sleeping';
+ }).length;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | select ProcessId,ParentProcessId,ExecutionState,Caption,CommandLine,ExecutablePath,UserModeTime,KernelModeTime,WorkingSetSize,Priority,PageFileUsage,CreationDate | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let processSections = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ let procs = [];
+ let procStats = [];
+ let list_new = {};
+ let allcpuu = 0;
+ let allcpus = 0;
+ processSections.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = element.trim().split('\r\n');
+ let pid = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ProcessId', ':', true), 10);
+ let parentPid = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ParentProcessId', ':', true), 10);
+ let statusValue = util.getValue(lines, 'ExecutionState', ':');
+ let name = util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':', true);
+ let commandLine = util.getValue(lines, 'CommandLine', ':', true);
+ // get additional command line data
+ let additionalCommand = false;
+ lines.forEach((line) => {
+ if (additionalCommand && line.toLowerCase().startsWith(' ')) {
+ commandLine = commandLine + line.trim();
+ } else {
+ additionalCommand = false;
+ }
+ if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith('commandline')) {
+ additionalCommand = true;
+ }
+ });
+ let commandPath = util.getValue(lines, 'ExecutablePath', ':', true);
+ let utime = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'UserModeTime', ':', true), 10);
+ let stime = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'KernelModeTime', ':', true), 10);
+ let memw = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'WorkingSetSize', ':', true), 10);
+ allcpuu = allcpuu + utime;
+ allcpus = allcpus + stime;
+ result.all++;
+ if (!statusValue) { result.unknown++; }
+ if (statusValue === '3') { result.running++; }
+ if (statusValue === '4' || statusValue === '5') { result.blocked++; }
+ procStats.push({
+ pid: pid,
+ utime: utime,
+ stime: stime,
+ cpu: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0,
+ });
+ procs.push({
+ pid: pid,
+ parentPid: parentPid,
+ name: name,
+ cpu: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0,
+ mem: memw / os.totalmem() * 100,
+ priority: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Priority', ':', true), 10),
+ memVsz: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'PageFileUsage', ':', true), 10),
+ memRss: Math.floor(parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'WorkingSetSize', ':', true), 10) / 1024),
+ nice: 0,
+ started: parseTimeWin(util.getValue(lines, 'CreationDate', ':', true)),
+ state: (!statusValue ? _winStatusValues[0] : _winStatusValues[statusValue]),
+ tty: '',
+ user: '',
+ command: commandLine || name,
+ path: commandPath,
+ params: ''
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ result.sleeping = result.all - result.running - result.blocked - result.unknown;
+ result.list = procs;
+ procStats.forEach((element) => {
+ let resultProcess = calcProcStatWin(element, allcpuu + allcpus, _processes_cpu);
+ // store pcpu in outer array
+ let listPos = (e) { return; }).indexOf(;
+ if (listPos >= 0) {
+ result.list[listPos].cpu = resultProcess.cpuu + resultProcess.cpus;
+ result.list[listPos].cpuu = resultProcess.cpuu;
+ result.list[listPos].cpus = resultProcess.cpus;
+ }
+ // save new values
+ list_new[] = {
+ cpuu: resultProcess.cpuu,
+ cpus: resultProcess.cpus,
+ utime: resultProcess.utime,
+ stime: resultProcess.stime
+ };
+ });
+ // store old values
+ _processes_cpu.all = allcpuu + allcpus;
+ _processes_cpu.all_utime = allcpuu;
+ _processes_cpu.all_stime = allcpus;
+ _processes_cpu.list = Object.assign({}, list_new);
+ = -;
+ _processes_cpu.result = Object.assign({}, result);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(_processes_cpu.result); }
+ resolve(_processes_cpu.result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.processes = processes;
+// --------------------------
+// PS - process load
+// get detailed information about a certain process
+// (PID, CPU-Usage %, Mem-Usage %)
+function processLoad(proc, callback) {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ if (util.isFunction(proc) && !callback) {
+ callback = proc;
+ proc = '';
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ proc = proc || '';
+ if (typeof proc !== 'string') {
+ if (callback) { callback([]); }
+ return resolve([]);
+ }
+ let processesString = '';
+ processesString.__proto__.toLowerCase = util.stringToLower;
+ processesString.__proto__.replace = util.stringReplace;
+ processesString.__proto__.trim = util.stringTrim;
+ const s = util.sanitizeShellString(proc);
+ for (let i = 0; i <= util.mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (s[i] !== undefined) {
+ processesString = processesString + s[i];
+ }
+ }
+ processesString = processesString.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/, /g, '|').replace(/,+/g, '|');
+ if (processesString === '') {
+ processesString = '*';
+ }
+ if (util.isPrototypePolluted() && processesString !== '*') {
+ processesString = '------';
+ }
+ let processes = processesString.split('|');
+ let result = [];
+ const procSanitized = util.isPrototypePolluted() ? '' : util.sanitizeShellString(proc);
+ // from here new
+ // let result = {
+ // 'proc': procSanitized,
+ // 'pid': null,
+ // 'cpu': 0,
+ // 'mem': 0
+ // };
+ if (procSanitized && processes.length && processes[0] !== '------') {
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | select ProcessId,Caption,UserModeTime,KernelModeTime,WorkingSetSize | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let processSections = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ let procStats = [];
+ let list_new = {};
+ let allcpuu = 0;
+ let allcpus = 0;
+ // go through all processes
+ processSections.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element.trim() !== '') {
+ let lines = element.trim().split('\r\n');
+ let pid = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ProcessId', ':', true), 10);
+ let name = util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':', true);
+ let utime = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'UserModeTime', ':', true), 10);
+ let stime = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'KernelModeTime', ':', true), 10);
+ let mem = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'WorkingSetSize', ':', true), 10);
+ allcpuu = allcpuu + utime;
+ allcpus = allcpus + stime;
+ procStats.push({
+ pid: pid,
+ name,
+ utime: utime,
+ stime: stime,
+ cpu: 0,
+ cpuu: 0,
+ cpus: 0,
+ mem
+ });
+ let pname = '';
+ let inList = false;
+ processes.forEach(function (proc) {
+ if (name.toLowerCase().indexOf(proc.toLowerCase()) >= 0 && !inList) {
+ inList = true;
+ pname = proc;
+ }
+ });
+ if (processesString === '*' || inList) {
+ let processFound = false;
+ result.forEach(function (item) {
+ if (item.proc.toLowerCase() === pname.toLowerCase()) {
+ item.pids.push(pid);
+ item.mem += mem / os.totalmem() * 100;
+ processFound = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!processFound) {
+ result.push({
+ proc: pname,
+ pid: pid,
+ pids: [pid],
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: mem / os.totalmem() * 100
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // add missing processes
+ if (processesString !== '*') {
+ let processesMissing = processes.filter(function (name) {
+ return procStats.filter(function (item) { return >= 0; }).length === 0;
+ });
+ processesMissing.forEach(function (procName) {
+ result.push({
+ proc: procName,
+ pid: null,
+ pids: [],
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // calculate proc stats for each proc
+ procStats.forEach((element) => {
+ let resultProcess = calcProcStatWin(element, allcpuu + allcpus, _process_cpu);
+ let listPos = -1;
+ for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
+ if (result[j].pid === || result[j].pids.indexOf( >= 0) { listPos = j; }
+ }
+ if (listPos >= 0) {
+ result[listPos].cpu += resultProcess.cpuu + resultProcess.cpus;
+ }
+ // save new values
+ list_new[] = {
+ cpuu: resultProcess.cpuu,
+ cpus: resultProcess.cpus,
+ utime: resultProcess.utime,
+ stime: resultProcess.stime
+ };
+ });
+ // store old values
+ _process_cpu.all = allcpuu + allcpus;
+ _process_cpu.all_utime = allcpuu;
+ _process_cpu.all_stime = allcpus;
+ _process_cpu.list = Object.assign({}, list_new);
+ = -;
+ _process_cpu.result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_darwin || _linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ const params = ['-axo', 'pid,pcpu,pmem,comm'];
+ util.execSafe('ps', params).then((stdout) => {
+ if (stdout) {
+ let procStats = [];
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n').filter(function (line) {
+ if (processesString === '*') { return true; }
+ if (line.toLowerCase().indexOf('grep') !== -1) { return false; } // remove this??
+ let found = false;
+ processes.forEach(function (item) {
+ found = found || (line.toLowerCase().indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) >= 0);
+ });
+ return found;
+ });
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ let data = line.trim().replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (data.length > 3) {
+ procStats.push({
+ name: data[3].substring(data[3].lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
+ pid: parseInt(data[0]) || 0,
+ cpu: parseFloat(data[1].replace(',', '.')),
+ mem: parseFloat(data[2].replace(',', '.'))
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ procStats.forEach(function (item) {
+ let listPos = -1;
+ let inList = false;
+ let name = '';
+ for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
+ if ([j].proc.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
+ listPos = j;
+ }
+ }
+ processes.forEach(function (proc) {
+ if ( >= 0 && !inList) {
+ inList = true;
+ name = proc;
+ }
+ });
+ if ((processesString === '*') || inList) {
+ if (listPos < 0) {
+ result.push({
+ proc: name,
+ pid:,
+ pids: [],
+ cpu: item.cpu,
+ mem: item.mem
+ });
+ } else {
+ result[listPos].pids.push(;
+ result[listPos].cpu += item.cpu;
+ result[listPos].mem += item.mem;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (processesString !== '*') {
+ // add missing processes
+ let processesMissing = processes.filter(function (name) {
+ return procStats.filter(function (item) { return >= 0; }).length === 0;
+ });
+ processesMissing.forEach(function (procName) {
+ result.push({
+ proc: procName,
+ pid: null,
+ pids: [],
+ cpu: 0,
+ mem: 0
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ // calc process_cpu - ps is not accurate in linux!
+ result.forEach(function (item) {
+ item.cpu = 0;
+ });
+ let cmd = 'cat /proc/stat | grep "cpu "';
+ for (let i in result) {
+ for (let j in result[i].pids) {
+ cmd += (';cat /proc/' + result[i].pids[j] + '/stat');
+ }
+ }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let curr_processes = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // first line (all - /proc/stat)
+ let all = parseProcStat(curr_processes.shift());
+ // process
+ let list_new = {};
+ let resultProcess = {};
+ curr_processes.forEach((element) => {
+ resultProcess = calcProcStatLinux(element, all, _process_cpu);
+ if ( {
+ // find result item
+ let resultItemId = -1;
+ for (let i in result) {
+ if (result[i].pids.indexOf( >= 0) {
+ resultItemId = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // store pcpu in outer result
+ if (resultItemId >= 0) {
+ result[resultItemId].cpu += resultProcess.cpuu + resultProcess.cpus;
+ }
+ // save new values
+ list_new[] = {
+ cpuu: resultProcess.cpuu,
+ cpus: resultProcess.cpus,
+ utime: resultProcess.utime,
+ stime: resultProcess.stime,
+ cutime: resultProcess.cutime,
+ cstime: resultProcess.cstime
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ result.forEach(function (item) {
+ item.cpu = Math.round(item.cpu * 100) / 100;
+ });
+ _process_cpu.all = all;
+ _process_cpu.list = Object.assign({}, list_new);
+ = -;
+ _process_cpu.result = Object.assign({}, result);
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.processLoad = processLoad;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/system.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/system.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5d21c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/system.js
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// system.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 2. System (Hardware, BIOS, Base Board)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const fs = require('fs');
+const os = require('os');
+const util = require('./util');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const execPromise = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function system(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ manufacturer: '',
+ model: 'Computer',
+ version: '',
+ serial: '-',
+ uuid: '-',
+ sku: '-',
+ virtual: false
+ };
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t system 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL', function (error, stdout) {
+ // if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'product name');
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serial number');
+ result.uuid = util.getValue(lines, 'uuid').toLowerCase();
+ result.sku = util.getValue(lines, 'sku number');
+ // }
+ // Non-Root values
+ const cmd = `echo -n "product_name: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "product_serial: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "product_uuid: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "product_version: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "sys_vendor: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor 2>/dev/null; echo;`;
+ try {
+ lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = result.manufacturer === '' ? util.getValue(lines, 'sys_vendor') : result.manufacturer;
+ result.model = result.model === '' ? util.getValue(lines, 'product_name') : result.model;
+ result.version = result.version === '' ? util.getValue(lines, 'product_version') : result.version;
+ result.serial = result.serial === '' ? util.getValue(lines, 'product_serial') : result.serial;
+ result.uuid = result.uuid === '' ? util.getValue(lines, 'product_uuid').toLowerCase() : result.uuid;
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (!result.serial || result.serial.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.serial = '-'; }
+ if (!result.manufacturer || result.manufacturer.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.manufacturer = ''; }
+ if (!result.model || result.model.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.model = 'Computer'; }
+ if (!result.version || result.version.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.version = ''; }
+ if (!result.sku || result.sku.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.sku = '-'; }
+ // detect virtual (1)
+ if (result.model.toLowerCase() === 'virtualbox' || result.model.toLowerCase() === 'kvm' || result.model.toLowerCase() === 'virtual machine' || result.model.toLowerCase() === 'bochs' || result.model.toLowerCase().startsWith('vmware') || result.model.toLowerCase().startsWith('droplet')) {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ switch (result.model.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'virtualbox':
+ result.virtualHost = 'VirtualBox';
+ break;
+ case 'vmware':
+ result.virtualHost = 'VMware';
+ break;
+ case 'kvm':
+ result.virtualHost = 'KVM';
+ break;
+ case 'bochs':
+ result.virtualHost = 'bochs';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.manufacturer.toLowerCase().startsWith('vmware') || result.manufacturer.toLowerCase() === 'xen') {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ switch (result.manufacturer.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'vmware':
+ result.virtualHost = 'VMware';
+ break;
+ case 'xen':
+ result.virtualHost = 'Xen';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result.virtual) {
+ try {
+ const disksById = execSync('ls -1 /dev/disk/by-id/ 2>/dev/null').toString();
+ if (disksById.indexOf('_QEMU_') >= 0) {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ result.virtualHost = 'QEMU';
+ }
+ if (disksById.indexOf('_VBOX_') >= 0) {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ result.virtualHost = 'VirtualBox';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result.virtual && (os.release().toLowerCase().indexOf('microsoft') >= 0 || os.release().toLowerCase().endsWith('wsl2'))) {
+ const kernelVersion = parseFloat(os.release().toLowerCase());
+ result.virtual = true;
+ result.manufacturer = 'Microsoft';
+ result.model = 'WSL';
+ result.version = kernelVersion < 4.19 ? '1' : '2';
+ }
+ if ((_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) && !result.virtualHost) {
+ try {
+ const procInfo = execSync('dmidecode -t 4');
+ const procLines = procInfo.toString().split('\n');
+ const procManufacturer = util.getValue(procLines, 'manufacturer', ':', true);
+ switch (procManufacturer.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'virtualbox':
+ result.virtualHost = 'VirtualBox';
+ break;
+ case 'vmware':
+ result.virtualHost = 'VMware';
+ break;
+ case 'kvm':
+ result.virtualHost = 'KVM';
+ break;
+ case 'bochs':
+ result.virtualHost = 'bochs';
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ // detect docker
+ if (fs.existsSync('/.dockerenv') || fs.existsSync('/.dockerinit')) {
+ result.model = 'Docker Container';
+ }
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('dmesg 2>/dev/null | grep -iE "virtual|hypervisor" | grep -iE "vmware|qemu|kvm|xen" | grep -viE "Nested Virtualization|/virtual/"');
+ // detect virtual machines
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 0) {
+ if (result.model === 'Computer') { result.model = 'Virtual machine'; }
+ result.virtual = true;
+ if (stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('vmware') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'VMware';
+ }
+ if (stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('qemu') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'QEMU';
+ }
+ if (stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('xen') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'Xen';
+ }
+ if (stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('kvm') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'KVM';
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (result.manufacturer === '' && result.model === 'Computer' && result.version === '') {
+ // Check Raspberry Pi
+ fs.readFile('/proc/cpuinfo', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware', ':', true).toUpperCase();
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true).toLowerCase();
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serial', ':', true);
+ const model = util.getValue(lines, 'model:', ':', true);
+ // reference values:
+ //
+ if ((result.model === 'BCM2835' || result.model === 'BCM2708' || result.model === 'BCM2709' || result.model === 'BCM2710' || result.model === 'BCM2711' || result.model === 'BCM2836' || result.model === 'BCM2837') && model.toLowerCase().indexOf('raspberry') >= 0) {
+ const rPIRevision = util.decodePiCpuinfo(lines);
+ result.model = rPIRevision.model;
+ result.version = rPIRevision.revisionCode;
+ result.manufacturer = 'Raspberry Pi Foundation';
+ result.raspberry = {
+ manufacturer: rPIRevision.manufacturer,
+ processor: rPIRevision.processor,
+ type: rPIRevision.type,
+ revision: rPIRevision.revision
+ };
+ }
+ // if (result.model === 'BCM2835' || result.model === 'BCM2708' || result.model === 'BCM2709' || result.model === 'BCM2835' || result.model === 'BCM2837') {
+ // // Pi 4
+ // if (['d03114'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 4 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.4';
+ // }
+ // if (['b03112', 'c03112'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 4 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.2';
+ // }
+ // if (['a03111', 'b03111', 'c03111'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 4 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.1';
+ // }
+ // // Pi 3
+ // if (['a02082', 'a22082', 'a32082', 'a52082'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 3 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.2';
+ // }
+ // if (['a22083'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 3 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.3';
+ // }
+ // if (['a020d3'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 3 Model B+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.3';
+ // }
+ // if (['9020e0'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 3 Model A+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.3';
+ // }
+ // // Pi 2 Model B
+ // if (['a01040'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 2 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['a01041', 'a21041'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 2 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.1';
+ // }
+ // if (['a22042', 'a02042'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi 2 Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev. 1.2';
+ // }
+ // // Compute Model
+ // if (['a02100'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi CM3+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['a020a0', 'a220a0'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi CM3';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['900061'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi CM';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.1';
+ // }
+ // // Pi Zero
+ // if (['900092', '920092'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Zero';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.2';
+ // }
+ // if (['900093', '920093'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Zero';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.3';
+ // }
+ // if (['9000c1'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Zero W';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.1';
+ // }
+ // // A, B, A+ B+
+ // if (['0002', '0003'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['0004', '0005', '0006', '000d', '000e', '000f'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model B';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 2.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['0007', '0008', '0009'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model A';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 2.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['0010'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model B+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['0012'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model A+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.0';
+ // }
+ // if (['0013', '900032'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model B+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.2';
+ // }
+ // if (['0015', '900021'].indexOf(result.version) >= 0) {
+ // result.model = result.model + ' - Pi Model A+';
+ // result.version = result.version + ' - Rev 1.1';
+ // }
+ // if (result.model.indexOf('Pi') !== -1 && result.version) { // Pi, Pi Zero
+ // result.manufacturer = 'Raspberry Pi Foundation';
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().replace(/[<>"]/g, '').split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', '=', true);
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model', '=', true);
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', '=', true);
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'ioplatformserialnumber', '=', true);
+ result.uuid = util.getValue(lines, 'ioplatformuuid', '=', true).toLowerCase();
+ result.sku = util.getValue(lines, 'board-id', '=', true);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | select Name,Vendor,Version,IdentifyingNumber,UUID | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ // let lines = stdout.split('\r\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '').filter((line, idx) => idx > 0)[0].trim().split(/\s\s+/);
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'vendor', ':');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':');
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', ':');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'identifyingnumber', ':');
+ result.uuid = util.getValue(lines, 'uuid', ':').toLowerCase();
+ // detect virtual (1)
+ const model = result.model.toLowerCase();
+ if (model === 'virtualbox' || model === 'kvm' || model === 'virtual machine' || model === 'bochs' || model.startsWith('vmware') || model.startsWith('qemu')) {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ if (model.startsWith('virtualbox')) { result.virtualHost = 'VirtualBox'; }
+ if (model.startsWith('vmware')) { result.virtualHost = 'VMware'; }
+ if (model.startsWith('kvm')) { result.virtualHost = 'KVM'; }
+ if (model.startsWith('bochs')) { result.virtualHost = 'bochs'; }
+ if (model.startsWith('qemu')) { result.virtualHost = 'KVM'; }
+ }
+ const manufacturer = result.manufacturer.toLowerCase();
+ if (manufacturer.startsWith('vmware') || manufacturer.startsWith('qemu') || manufacturer === 'xen') {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ if (manufacturer.startsWith('vmware')) { result.virtualHost = 'VMware'; }
+ if (manufacturer.startsWith('xen')) { result.virtualHost = 'Xen'; }
+ if (manufacturer.startsWith('qemu')) { result.virtualHost = 'KVM'; }
+ }
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject MS_Systeminformation -Namespace "root/wmi" | select systemsku | fl ').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\r\n');
+ result.sku = util.getValue(lines, 'systemsku', ':');
+ }
+ if (!result.virtual) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_bios | select Version, SerialNumber, SMBIOSBIOSVersion').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString();
+ if (lines.indexOf('VRTUAL') >= 0 || lines.indexOf('A M I ') >= 0 || lines.indexOf('VirtualBox') >= 0 || lines.indexOf('VMWare') >= 0 || lines.indexOf('Xen') >= 0) {
+ result.virtual = true;
+ if (lines.indexOf('VirtualBox') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'VirtualBox';
+ }
+ if (lines.indexOf('VMware') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'VMware';
+ }
+ if (lines.indexOf('Xen') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'Xen';
+ }
+ if (lines.indexOf('VRTUAL') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'Hyper-V';
+ }
+ if (lines.indexOf('A M I') >= 0 && !result.virtualHost) {
+ result.virtualHost = 'Virtual PC';
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.system = system;
+function bios(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ vendor: '',
+ version: '',
+ releaseDate: '',
+ revision: '',
+ };
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (process.arch === 'arm') {
+ cmd = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Serial';
+ } else {
+ cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t bios 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL';
+ }
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.vendor = util.getValue(lines, 'Vendor');
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'Version');
+ let datetime = util.getValue(lines, 'Release Date');
+ result.releaseDate = util.parseDateTime(datetime).date;
+ result.revision = util.getValue(lines, 'BIOS Revision');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber');
+ let language = util.getValue(lines, 'Currently Installed Language').split('|')[0];
+ if (language) {
+ result.language = language;
+ }
+ if (lines.length && stdout.toString().indexOf('Characteristics:') >= 0) {
+ const features = [];
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.indexOf(' is supported') >= 0) {
+ const feature = line.split(' is supported')[0].trim();
+ features.push(feature);
+ }
+ });
+ result.features = features;
+ }
+ // Non-Root values
+ const cmd = `echo -n "bios_date: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "bios_vendor: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "bios_version: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version 2>/dev/null; echo;`;
+ try {
+ lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ result.vendor = !result.vendor ? util.getValue(lines, 'bios_vendor') : result.vendor;
+ result.version = !result.version ? util.getValue(lines, 'bios_version') : result.version;
+ datetime = util.getValue(lines, 'bios_date');
+ result.releaseDate = !result.releaseDate ? util.parseDateTime(datetime).date : result.releaseDate;
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ result.vendor = 'Apple Inc.';
+ exec(
+ 'system_profiler SPHardwareDataType -json', function (error, stdout) {
+ try {
+ const hardwareData = JSON.parse(stdout.toString());
+ if (hardwareData && hardwareData.SPHardwareDataType && hardwareData.SPHardwareDataType.length) {
+ let bootRomVersion = hardwareData.SPHardwareDataType[0].boot_rom_version;
+ bootRomVersion = bootRomVersion ? bootRomVersion.split('(')[0].trim() : null;
+ result.version = bootRomVersion;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ result.vendor = 'Sun Microsystems';
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_bios | select Description,Version,Manufacturer,ReleaseDate,BuildNumber,SerialNumber | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ const description = util.getValue(lines, 'description', ':');
+ if (description.indexOf(' Version ') !== -1) {
+ // ... Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04
+ result.vendor = description.split(' Version ')[0].trim();
+ result.version = description.split(' Version ')[1].trim();
+ } else if (description.indexOf(' Ver: ') !== -1) {
+ // ... BIOS Date: 06/27/16 17:50:16 Ver: 1.4.5
+ result.vendor = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.version = description.split(' Ver: ')[1].trim();
+ } else {
+ result.vendor = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', ':');
+ }
+ result.releaseDate = util.getValue(lines, 'releasedate', ':');
+ if (result.releaseDate.length >= 10) {
+ result.releaseDate = result.releaseDate.substr(0, 4) + '-' + result.releaseDate.substr(4, 2) + '-' + result.releaseDate.substr(6, 2);
+ }
+ result.revision = util.getValue(lines, 'buildnumber', ':');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serialnumber', ':');
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.bios = bios;
+function baseboard(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ manufacturer: '',
+ model: '',
+ version: '',
+ serial: '-',
+ assetTag: '-',
+ memMax: null,
+ memSlots: null
+ };
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (process.arch === 'arm') {
+ cmd = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Serial';
+ // 'BCM2709', 'BCM2835', 'BCM2708' -->
+ } else {
+ cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 2 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL';
+ }
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(execPromise(cmd));
+ workload.push(execPromise('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t memory 2>/dev/null'));
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let lines = data.results[0] ? data.results[0].toString().split('\n') : [''];
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'Product Name');
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'Version');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number');
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'Asset Tag');
+ // Non-Root values
+ const cmd = `echo -n "board_asset_tag: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "board_name: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "board_serial: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "board_vendor: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "board_version: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_version 2>/dev/null; echo;`;
+ try {
+ lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = !result.manufacturer ? util.getValue(lines, 'board_vendor') : result.manufacturer;
+ result.model = !result.model ? util.getValue(lines, 'board_name') : result.model;
+ result.version = !result.version ? util.getValue(lines, 'board_version') : result.version;
+ result.serial = !result.serial ? util.getValue(lines, 'board_serial') : result.serial;
+ result.assetTag = !result.assetTag ? util.getValue(lines, 'board_asset_tag') : result.assetTag;
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (result.serial.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.serial = '-'; }
+ if (result.assetTag.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.assetTag = '-'; }
+ // mem
+ lines = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().split('\n') : [''];
+ result.memMax = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Maximum Capacity')) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 || null;
+ result.memSlots = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Number Of Devices')) || null;
+ // raspberry
+ let linesRpi = '';
+ try {
+ linesRpi = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo').toString().split('\n');
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ const hardware = util.getValue(linesRpi, 'hardware');
+ if (hardware.startsWith('BCM')) {
+ const rpi = util.decodePiCpuinfo(linesRpi);
+ result.manufacturer = rpi.manufacturer;
+ result.model = 'Raspberry Pi';
+ result.serial = rpi.serial;
+ result.version = rpi.type + ' - ' + rpi.revision;
+ result.memMax = os.totalmem();
+ result.memSlots = 0;
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(execPromise('ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2'));
+ workload.push(execPromise('system_profiler SPMemoryDataType'));
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let lines = data.results[0] ? data.results[0].toString().replace(/[<>"]/g, '').split('\n') : [''];
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', '=', true);
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model', '=', true);
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', '=', true);
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'ioplatformserialnumber', '=', true);
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'board-id', '=', true);
+ // mem
+ let devices = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().split(' BANK ') : [''];
+ if (devices.length === 1) {
+ devices = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().split(' DIMM') : [''];
+ }
+ devices.shift();
+ result.memSlots = devices.length;
+ if (os.arch() === 'arm64') {
+ result.memSlots = 0;
+ result.memMax = os.totalmem();
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ const win10plus = parseInt(os.release()) >= 10;
+ const maxCapacityAttribute = win10plus ? 'MaxCapacityEx' : 'MaxCapacity';
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_baseboard | select Model,Manufacturer,Product,Version,SerialNumber,PartNumber,SKU | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell(`Get-WmiObject Win32_physicalmemoryarray | select ${maxCapacityAttribute}, MemoryDevices | fl`));
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then((data) => {
+ let lines = data.results[0] ? data.results[0].toString().split('\r\n') : [''];
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model', ':');
+ if (!result.model) {
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'product', ':');
+ }
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', ':');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serialnumber', ':');
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'partnumber', ':');
+ if (!result.assetTag) {
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'sku', ':');
+ }
+ // memphysical
+ lines = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().split('\r\n') : [''];
+ result.memMax = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, maxCapacityAttribute, ':')) * (win10plus ? 1024 : 1) || null;
+ result.memSlots = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'MemoryDevices', ':')) || null;
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.baseboard = baseboard;
+function chassis(callback) {
+ const chassisTypes = ['Other',
+ 'Unknown',
+ 'Desktop',
+ 'Low Profile Desktop',
+ 'Pizza Box',
+ 'Mini Tower',
+ 'Tower',
+ 'Portable',
+ 'Laptop',
+ 'Notebook',
+ 'Hand Held',
+ 'Docking Station',
+ 'All in One',
+ 'Sub Notebook',
+ 'Space-Saving',
+ 'Lunch Box',
+ 'Main System Chassis',
+ 'Expansion Chassis',
+ 'SubChassis',
+ 'Bus Expansion Chassis',
+ 'Peripheral Chassis',
+ 'Storage Chassis',
+ 'Rack Mount Chassis',
+ 'Sealed-Case PC',
+ 'Multi-System Chassis',
+ 'Compact PCI',
+ 'Advanced TCA',
+ 'Blade',
+ 'Blade Enclosure',
+ 'Tablet',
+ 'Convertible',
+ 'Detachable',
+ 'IoT Gateway ',
+ 'Embedded PC',
+ 'Mini PC',
+ 'Stick PC',
+ ];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = {
+ manufacturer: '',
+ model: '',
+ type: '',
+ version: '',
+ serial: '-',
+ assetTag: '-',
+ sku: '',
+ };
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ const cmd = `echo -n "chassis_asset_tag: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "chassis_serial: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "chassis_type: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "chassis_vendor: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor 2>/dev/null; echo;
+ echo -n "chassis_version: "; cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version 2>/dev/null; echo;`;
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'chassis_vendor');
+ const ctype = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'chassis_type').replace(/\D/g, ''));
+ result.type = (ctype && !isNaN(ctype) && ctype < chassisTypes.length) ? chassisTypes[ctype - 1] : '';
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'chassis_version');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'chassis_serial');
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'chassis_asset_tag');
+ if (result.manufacturer.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.manufacturer = '-'; }
+ if (result.version.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.version = '-'; }
+ if (result.serial.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.serial = '-'; }
+ if (result.assetTag.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.assetTag = '-'; }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().replace(/[<>"]/g, '').split('\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', '=', true);
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model', '=', true);
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', '=', true);
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'ioplatformserialnumber', '=', true);
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'board-id', '=', true);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_SystemEnclosure | select Model,Manufacturer,ChassisTypes,Version,SerialNumber,PartNumber,SKU | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'manufacturer', ':');
+ result.model = util.getValue(lines, 'model', ':');
+ const ctype = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ChassisTypes', ':').replace(/\D/g, ''));
+ result.type = (ctype && !isNaN(ctype) && ctype < chassisTypes.length) ? chassisTypes[ctype - 1] : '';
+ result.version = util.getValue(lines, 'version', ':');
+ result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serialnumber', ':');
+ result.assetTag = util.getValue(lines, 'partnumber', ':');
+ result.sku = util.getValue(lines, 'sku', ':');
+ if (result.manufacturer.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.manufacturer = '-'; }
+ if (result.version.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.version = '-'; }
+ if (result.serial.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.serial = '-'; }
+ if (result.assetTag.toLowerCase().indexOf('o.e.m.') !== -1) { result.assetTag = '-'; }
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.chassis = chassis;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/usb.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/usb.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c1fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/usb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// usb.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 16. usb
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function getLinuxUsbType(type, name) {
+ let result = type;
+ const str = (name + ' ' + type).toLowerCase();
+ if (str.indexOf('camera') >= 0) { result = 'Camera'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('hub') >= 0) { result = 'Hub'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('keybrd') >= 0) { result = 'Keyboard'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('keyboard') >= 0) { result = 'Keyboard'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('mouse') >= 0) { result = 'Mouse'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('stora') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('mic') >= 0) { result = 'Microphone'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('headset') >= 0) { result = 'Audio'; }
+ else if (str.indexOf('audio') >= 0) { result = 'Audio'; }
+ return result;
+function parseLinuxUsb(usb) {
+ const result = {};
+ const lines = usb.split('\n');
+ if (lines && lines.length && lines[0].indexOf('Device') >= 0) {
+ const parts = lines[0].split(' ');
+ result.bus = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
+ if (parts[2]) {
+ result.deviceId = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
+ } else {
+ result.deviceId = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.bus = null;
+ result.deviceId = null;
+ }
+ const idVendor = util.getValue(lines, 'idVendor', ' ', true).trim();
+ let vendorParts = idVendor.split(' ');
+ vendorParts.shift();
+ const vendor = vendorParts.join(' ');
+ const idProduct = util.getValue(lines, 'idProduct', ' ', true).trim();
+ let productParts = idProduct.split(' ');
+ productParts.shift();
+ const product = productParts.join(' ');
+ const interfaceClass = util.getValue(lines, 'bInterfaceClass', ' ', true).trim();
+ let interfaceClassParts = interfaceClass.split(' ');
+ interfaceClassParts.shift();
+ const usbType = interfaceClassParts.join(' ');
+ const iManufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'iManufacturer', ' ', true).trim();
+ let iManufacturerParts = iManufacturer.split(' ');
+ iManufacturerParts.shift();
+ const manufacturer = iManufacturerParts.join(' ');
+ = (idVendor.startsWith('0x') ? idVendor.split(' ')[0].substr(2, 10) : '') + ':' + (idProduct.startsWith('0x') ? idProduct.split(' ')[0].substr(2, 10) : '');
+ = product;
+ result.type = getLinuxUsbType(usbType, product);
+ result.removable = null;
+ result.vendor = vendor;
+ result.manufacturer = manufacturer;
+ result.maxPower = util.getValue(lines, 'MaxPower', ' ', true);
+ result.serialNumber = null;
+ return result;
+function getDarwinUsbType(name) {
+ let result = '';
+ if (name.indexOf('camera') >= 0) { result = 'Camera'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('touch bar') >= 0) { result = 'Touch Bar'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('controller') >= 0) { result = 'Controller'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('headset') >= 0) { result = 'Audio'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('keyboard') >= 0) { result = 'Keyboard'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('trackpad') >= 0) { result = 'Trackpad'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('sensor') >= 0) { result = 'Sensor'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('bthusb') >= 0) { result = 'Bluetooth'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('bth') >= 0) { result = 'Bluetooth'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('rfcomm') >= 0) { result = 'Bluetooth'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('usbhub') >= 0) { result = 'Hub'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf(' hub') >= 0) { result = 'Hub'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('mouse') >= 0) { result = 'Mouse'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('mic') >= 0) { result = 'Microphone'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('removable') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ return result;
+function parseDarwinUsb(usb, id) {
+ const result = {};
+ = id;
+ usb = usb.replace(/ \|/g, '');
+ usb = usb.trim();
+ let lines = usb.split('\n');
+ lines.shift();
+ try {
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ lines[i] = lines[i].trim();
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/=/g, ':');
+ if (lines[i] !== '{' && lines[i] !== '}' && lines[i + 1] && lines[i + 1].trim() !== '}') {
+ lines[i] = lines[i] + ',';
+ }
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(': Yes,', ': "Yes",');
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(': No,', ': "No",');
+ }
+ const usbObj = JSON.parse(lines.join('\n'));
+ const removableDrive = usbObj['Built-In'].toLowerCase() !== 'yes' && usbObj['non-removable'].toLowerCase() === 'no';
+ result.bus = null;
+ result.deviceId = null;
+ = usbObj['USB Address'] || null;
+ = usbObj['kUSBProductString'] || usbObj['USB Product Name'] || null;
+ result.type = getDarwinUsbType((usbObj['kUSBProductString'] || usbObj['USB Product Name'] || '').toLowerCase() + (removableDrive ? ' removable' : ''));
+ result.removable = usbObj['non-removable'].toLowerCase() === 'no';
+ result.vendor = usbObj['kUSBVendorString'] || usbObj['USB Vendor Name'] || null;
+ result.manufacturer = usbObj['kUSBVendorString'] || usbObj['USB Vendor Name'] || null;
+ result.maxPower = null;
+ result.serialNumber = usbObj['kUSBSerialNumberString'] || null;
+ if ( {
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+function getWindowsUsbTypeCreation(creationclass, name) {
+ let result = '';
+ if (name.indexOf('storage') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ else if (name.indexOf('speicher') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('usbhub') >= 0) { result = 'Hub'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('storage') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('usbcontroller') >= 0) { result = 'Controller'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('keyboard') >= 0) { result = 'Keyboard'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('pointing') >= 0) { result = 'Mouse'; }
+ else if (creationclass.indexOf('disk') >= 0) { result = 'Storage'; }
+ return result;
+function parseWindowsUsb(lines, id) {
+ const usbType = getWindowsUsbTypeCreation(util.getValue(lines, 'CreationClassName', ':').toLowerCase(), util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':').toLowerCase());
+ if (usbType) {
+ const result = {};
+ result.bus = null;
+ result.deviceId = util.getValue(lines, 'deviceid', ':');
+ = id;
+ = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':');
+ result.type = usbType;
+ result.removable = null;
+ result.vendor = null;
+ result.manufacturer = util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer', ':');
+ result.maxPower = null;
+ result.serialNumber = null;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+function usb(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ const cmd = 'export LC_ALL=C; lsusb -v 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 128 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = ('\n\n' + stdout.toString()).split('\n\nBus ');
+ for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const usb = parseLinuxUsb(parts[i]);
+ result.push(usb);
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'ioreg -p IOUSB -c AppleUSBRootHubDevice -w0 -l';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 128 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = (stdout.toString()).split(' +-o ');
+ for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const usb = parseDarwinUsb(parts[i]);
+ if (usb) {
+ result.push(usb);
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject CIM_LogicalDevice | where { $_.Description -match "USB"} | select Name,CreationClassName,DeviceId,Manufacturer | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ const usb = parseWindowsUsb(parts[i].split('\n'), i);
+ if (usb) {
+ result.push(usb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.usb = usb;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/users.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/users.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ecfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/users.js
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// users.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 11. Users/Sessions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+function parseUsersLinux(lines, phase) {
+ let result = [];
+ let result_who = [];
+ let result_w = {};
+ let w_first = true;
+ let w_header = [];
+ let w_pos = [];
+ let who_line = {};
+ let is_whopart = true;
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line === '---') {
+ is_whopart = false;
+ } else {
+ let l = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ // who part
+ if (is_whopart) {
+ result_who.push({
+ user: l[0],
+ tty: l[1],
+ date: l[2],
+ time: l[3],
+ ip: (l && l.length > 4) ? l[4].replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '') : ''
+ });
+ } else {
+ // w part
+ if (w_first) { // header
+ w_header = l;
+ w_header.forEach(function (item) {
+ w_pos.push(line.indexOf(item));
+ });
+ w_first = false;
+ } else {
+ // split by w_pos
+ result_w.user = line.substring(w_pos[0], w_pos[1] - 1).trim();
+ result_w.tty = line.substring(w_pos[1], w_pos[2] - 1).trim();
+ result_w.ip = line.substring(w_pos[2], w_pos[3] - 1).replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '').trim();
+ result_w.command = line.substring(w_pos[7], 1000).trim();
+ // find corresponding 'who' line
+ who_line = result_who.filter(function (obj) {
+ return (obj.user.substring(0, 8).trim() === result_w.user && obj.tty === result_w.tty);
+ });
+ if (who_line.length === 1) {
+ result.push({
+ user: who_line[0].user,
+ tty: who_line[0].tty,
+ date: who_line[0].date,
+ time: who_line[0].time,
+ ip: who_line[0].ip,
+ command: result_w.command
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (result.length === 0 && phase === 2) {
+ return result_who;
+ } else {
+ return result;
+ }
+function parseUsersDarwin(lines) {
+ let result = [];
+ let result_who = [];
+ let result_w = {};
+ let who_line = {};
+ let is_whopart = true;
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line === '---') {
+ is_whopart = false;
+ } else {
+ let l = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ // who part
+ if (is_whopart) {
+ result_who.push({
+ user: l[0],
+ tty: l[1],
+ date: ('' + new Date().getFullYear()) + '-' + ('0' + ('JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC'.indexOf(l[2].toUpperCase()) / 3 + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + l[3]).slice(-2),
+ time: l[4],
+ });
+ } else {
+ // w part
+ // split by w_pos
+ result_w.user = l[0];
+ result_w.tty = l[1];
+ result_w.ip = (l[2] !== '-') ? l[2] : '';
+ result_w.command = l.slice(5, 1000).join(' ');
+ // find corresponding 'who' line
+ who_line = result_who.filter(function (obj) {
+ return (obj.user === result_w.user && (obj.tty.substring(3, 1000) === result_w.tty || obj.tty === result_w.tty));
+ });
+ if (who_line.length === 1) {
+ result.push({
+ user: who_line[0].user,
+ tty: who_line[0].tty,
+ date: who_line[0].date,
+ time: who_line[0].time,
+ ip: result_w.ip,
+ command: result_w.command
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function users(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ // linux
+ if (_linux) {
+ exec('who --ips; echo "---"; w | tail -n +2', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // lines / split
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = parseUsersLinux(lines, 1);
+ if (result.length === 0) {
+ exec('who; echo "---"; w | tail -n +2', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // lines / split
+ lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = parseUsersLinux(lines, 2);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ exec('who; echo "---"; w -ih', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // lines / split
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = parseUsersDarwin(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ exec('who; echo "---"; w -h', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // lines / split
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = parseUsersDarwin(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('who; echo "---"; w -ih', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // lines / split
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result = parseUsersDarwin(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ let cmd = 'Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession | select LogonId,StartTime | fl' + '; echo \'#-#-#-#\';';
+ cmd += 'Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser | select antecedent,dependent | fl ' + '; echo \'#-#-#-#\';';
+ cmd += 'Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name=\'explorer.exe\'" | Select @{Name="sessionid";Expression={$_.SessionId}}, @{Name="domain";Expression={$_.GetOwner().Domain}}, @{Name="username";Expression={$_.GetOwner().User}} | fl' + '; echo \'#-#-#-#\';';
+ cmd += 'query user';
+ util.powerShell(cmd).then((data) => {
+ if (data) {
+ data = data.split('#-#-#-#');
+ let sessions = parseWinSessions((data[0] || '').split(/\n\s*\n/));
+ let loggedons = parseWinLoggedOn((data[1] || '').split(/\n\s*\n/));
+ let queryUser = parseWinUsersQuery((data[3] || '').split('\r\n'));
+ let users = parseWinUsers((data[2] || '').split(/\n\s*\n/), queryUser);
+ for (let id in loggedons) {
+ if ({}, id)) {
+ loggedons[id].dateTime = {}, id) ? sessions[id] : '';
+ }
+ }
+ users.forEach(user => {
+ let dateTime = '';
+ for (let id in loggedons) {
+ if ({}, id)) {
+ if (loggedons[id].user === user.user && (!dateTime || dateTime < loggedons[id].dateTime)) {
+ dateTime = loggedons[id].dateTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.push({
+ user: user.user,
+ tty: user.tty,
+ date: `${dateTime.substr(0, 4)}-${dateTime.substr(4, 2)}-${dateTime.substr(6, 2)}`,
+ time: `${dateTime.substr(8, 2)}:${dateTime.substr(10, 2)}`,
+ ip: '',
+ command: ''
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ // util.powerShell('query user').then(stdout => {
+ // if (stdout) {
+ // // lines / split
+ // let lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ // getWinCulture()
+ // .then(culture => {
+ // result = parseUsersWin(lines, culture);
+ // if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ // resolve(result);
+ // });
+ // } else {
+ // if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ // resolve(result);
+ // }
+ // });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+// function parseWinAccounts(accountParts) {
+// const accounts = [];
+// accountParts.forEach(account => {
+// const lines = account.split('\r\n');
+// const name = util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':', true);
+// const domain = util.getValue(lines, 'domain', ':', true);
+// accounts.push(`${domain}\${name}`);
+// });
+// return accounts;
+// }
+function parseWinSessions(sessionParts) {
+ const sessions = {};
+ sessionParts.forEach(session => {
+ const lines = session.split('\r\n');
+ const id = util.getValue(lines, 'LogonId');
+ const starttime = util.getValue(lines, 'starttime');
+ if (id) {
+ sessions[id] = starttime;
+ }
+ });
+ return sessions;
+function fuzzyMatch(name1, name2) {
+ name1 = name1.toLowerCase();
+ name2 = name2.toLowerCase();
+ let eq = 0;
+ let len = name1.length;
+ if (name2.length > len) { len = name2.length; }
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const c1 = name1[i] || '';
+ const c2 = name2[i] || '';
+ if (c1 === c2) { eq++; }
+ }
+ return (len > 10 ? eq / len > 0.9 : (len > 0 ? eq / len > 0.8 : false));
+function parseWinUsers(userParts, userQuery) {
+ const users = [];
+ userParts.forEach(user => {
+ const lines = user.split('\r\n');
+ const domain = util.getValue(lines, 'domain', ':', true);
+ const username = util.getValue(lines, 'username', ':', true);
+ const sessionid = util.getValue(lines, 'sessionid', ':', true);
+ if (username) {
+ const quser = userQuery.filter(item => fuzzyMatch(item.user, username));
+ users.push({
+ domain,
+ user: username,
+ tty: quser && quser[0] && quser[0].tty ? quser[0].tty : sessionid
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return users;
+function parseWinLoggedOn(loggedonParts) {
+ const loggedons = {};
+ loggedonParts.forEach(loggedon => {
+ const lines = loggedon.split('\r\n');
+ const antecendent = util.getValue(lines, 'antecedent', ':', true);
+ let parts = antecendent.split(',');
+ const domainParts = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0].split('=') : [];
+ const nameParts = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].split('=') : [];
+ const domain = domainParts.length > 1 ? domainParts[1].replace(/"/g, '') : '';
+ const name = nameParts.length > 1 ? nameParts[1].replace(/"/g, '') : '';
+ const dependent = util.getValue(lines, 'dependent', ':', true);
+ parts = dependent.split('=');
+ const id = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace(/"/g, '') : '';
+ if (id) {
+ loggedons[id] = {
+ domain,
+ user: name
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ return loggedons;
+function parseWinUsersQuery(lines) {
+ lines = lines.filter(item => item);
+ let result = [];
+ const header = lines[0];
+ const headerDelimiter = [];
+ if (header) {
+ const start = (header[0] === ' ') ? 1 : 0;
+ headerDelimiter.push(start - 1);
+ let nextSpace = 0;
+ for (let i = start + 1; i < header.length; i++) {
+ if (header[i] === ' ' && ((header[i - 1] === ' ') || (header[i - 1] === '.'))) {
+ nextSpace = i;
+ } else {
+ if (nextSpace) {
+ headerDelimiter.push(nextSpace);
+ nextSpace = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (lines[i].trim()) {
+ const user = lines[i].substring(headerDelimiter[0] + 1, headerDelimiter[1]).trim() || '';
+ const tty = lines[i].substring(headerDelimiter[1] + 1, headerDelimiter[2] - 2).trim() || '';
+ // const dateTime = util.parseDateTime(lines[i].substring(headerDelimiter[5] + 1, 2000).trim(), culture) || '';
+ result.push({
+ user: user,
+ tty: tty,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+exports.users = users;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee0a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1281 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// utils.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 0. helper functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+// const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _cores = 0;
+let wmicPath = '';
+let codepage = '';
+let _smartMonToolsInstalled = null;
+const WINDIR = process.env.WINDIR || 'C:\\Windows';
+// powerShell
+let _psChild;
+let _psResult = '';
+let _psCmds = [];
+let _psPersistent = false;
+const _psToUTF8 = '$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 ; ';
+const _psCmdStart = '--###START###--';
+const _psError = '--ERROR--';
+const _psCmdSeperator = '--###ENDCMD###--';
+const _psIdSeperator = '--##ID##--';
+const execOptsWin = {
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+function toInt(value) {
+ let result = parseInt(value, 10);
+ if (isNaN(result)) {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+const stringReplace = new String().replace;
+const stringToLower = new String().toLowerCase;
+const stringToString = new String().toString;
+const stringSubstr = new String().substr;
+const stringTrim = new String().trim;
+const stringStartWith = new String().startsWith;
+const mathMin = Math.min;
+function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
+ let getType = {};
+ return functionToCheck && === '[object Function]';
+function unique(obj) {
+ let uniques = [];
+ let stringify = {};
+ for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
+ let keys = Object.keys(obj[i]);
+ keys.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
+ let str = '';
+ for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
+ str += JSON.stringify(keys[j]);
+ str += JSON.stringify(obj[i][keys[j]]);
+ }
+ if (!{}, str)) {
+ uniques.push(obj[i]);
+ stringify[str] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return uniques;
+function sortByKey(array, keys) {
+ return array.sort(function (a, b) {
+ let x = '';
+ let y = '';
+ keys.forEach(function (key) {
+ x = x + a[key]; y = y + b[key];
+ });
+ return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
+ });
+function cores() {
+ if (_cores === 0) {
+ _cores = os.cpus().length;
+ }
+ return _cores;
+function getValue(lines, property, separator, trimmed, lineMatch) {
+ separator = separator || ':';
+ property = property.toLowerCase();
+ trimmed = trimmed || false;
+ lineMatch = lineMatch || false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i].toLowerCase().replace(/\t/g, '');
+ if (trimmed) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ }
+ if (line.startsWith(property) && (lineMatch ? (line.match(property + separator)) : true)) {
+ const parts = trimmed ? lines[i].trim().split(separator) : lines[i].split(separator);
+ if (parts.length >= 2) {
+ parts.shift();
+ return parts.join(separator).trim();
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+function decodeEscapeSequence(str, base) {
+ base = base || 16;
+ return str.replace(/\\x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g, function () {
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arguments[1], base));
+ });
+function detectSplit(str) {
+ let seperator = '';
+ let part = 0;
+ str.split('').forEach(element => {
+ if (element >= '0' && element <= '9') {
+ if (part === 1) { part++; }
+ } else {
+ if (part === 0) { part++; }
+ if (part === 1) {
+ seperator += element;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return seperator;
+function parseTime(t, pmDesignator) {
+ pmDesignator = pmDesignator || '';
+ t = t.toUpperCase();
+ let hour = 0;
+ let min = 0;
+ let splitter = detectSplit(t);
+ let parts = t.split(splitter);
+ if (parts.length >= 2) {
+ if (parts[2]) {
+ parts[1] += parts[2];
+ }
+ let isPM = (parts[1] && (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('pm') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('p.m.') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('p. m.') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('n') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('ch') > -1) || (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('ös') > -1) || (pmDesignator && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(pmDesignator) > -1));
+ hour = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
+ min = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
+ hour = isPM && hour < 12 ? hour + 12 : hour;
+ return ('0' + hour).substr(-2) + ':' + ('0' + min).substr(-2);
+ }
+function parseDateTime(dt, culture) {
+ const result = {
+ date: '',
+ time: ''
+ };
+ culture = culture || {};
+ let dateFormat = (culture.dateFormat || '').toLowerCase();
+ let pmDesignator = (culture.pmDesignator || '');
+ const parts = dt.split(' ');
+ if (parts[0]) {
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('/') >= 0) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy or yyyy/mm/dd
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('/');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ if (dtparts[0].length === 4) {
+ // Dateformat: yyyy/mm/dd
+ = dtparts[0] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[2]).substr(-2);
+ } else if (dtparts[2].length === 2) {
+ if ((dateFormat.indexOf('/d/') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('/dd/') > -1)) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yy
+ = '20' + dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: dd/mm/yy
+ = '20' + dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
+ const isEN = ((dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('pm') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('p.m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('p. m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('am') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('a.m.') > -1) || (dt.toLowerCase().indexOf('a. m.') > -1));
+ if ((isEN || dateFormat.indexOf('/d/') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('/dd/') > -1) && dateFormat.indexOf('dd/') !== 0) {
+ // Dateformat: mm/dd/yyyy
+ = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat: dd/mm/yyyy
+ = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('.') >= 0) {
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('.');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ if (dateFormat.indexOf('.d.') > -1 || dateFormat.indexOf('.dd.') > -1) {
+ // Dateformat: mm.dd.yyyy
+ = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2);
+ } else {
+ // Dateformat:
+ = dtparts[2] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[0]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[0].indexOf('-') >= 0) {
+ // Dateformat: yyyy-mm-dd
+ const dtparts = parts[0].split('-');
+ if (dtparts.length === 3) {
+ = dtparts[0] + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[1]).substr(-2) + '-' + ('0' + dtparts[2]).substr(-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[1]) {
+ parts.shift();
+ let time = parts.join(' ');
+ result.time = parseTime(time, pmDesignator);
+ }
+ return result;
+function parseHead(head, rights) {
+ let space = (rights > 0);
+ let count = 1;
+ let from = 0;
+ let to = 0;
+ let result = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < head.length; i++) {
+ if (count <= rights) {
+ // if (head[i] === ' ' && !space) {
+ if (/\s/.test(head[i]) && !space) {
+ to = i - 1;
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to + 1,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to + 1)
+ });
+ from = to + 2;
+ count++;
+ }
+ space = head[i] === ' ';
+ } else {
+ if (!/\s/.test(head[i]) && space) {
+ to = i - 1;
+ if (from < to) {
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to)
+ });
+ }
+ from = to + 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ space = head[i] === ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ to = 1000;
+ result.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ cap: head.substring(from, to)
+ });
+ let len = result.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (result[i].cap.replace(/\s/g, '').length === 0) {
+ if (i + 1 < len) {
+ result[i].to = result[i + 1].to;
+ result[i].cap = result[i].cap + result[i + 1].cap;
+ result.splice(i + 1, 1);
+ len = len - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function findObjectByKey(array, key, value) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i][key] === value) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+function getWmic() {
+ if (os.type() === 'Windows_NT' && !wmicPath) {
+ wmicPath = WINDIR + '\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe';
+ if (!fs.existsSync(wmicPath)) {
+ try {
+ const wmicPathArray = execSync('WHERE WMIC', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ if (wmicPathArray && wmicPathArray.length) {
+ wmicPath = wmicPathArray[0];
+ } else {
+ wmicPath = 'wmic';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ wmicPath = 'wmic';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wmicPath;
+function wmic(command) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ powerShell(getWmic() + ' ' + command).then(stdout => {
+ resolve(stdout, '');
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve('', e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+// function wmic(command, options) {
+// options = options || execOptsWin;
+// return new Promise((resolve) => {
+// process.nextTick(() => {
+// try {
+// exec(WINDIR + '\\system32\\ 65001 | ' + getWmic() + ' ' + command, options, function (error, stdout) {
+// resolve(stdout, error);
+// }).stdin.end();
+// } catch (e) {
+// resolve('', e);
+// }
+// });
+// });
+// }
+function getVboxmanage() {
+ return _windows ? `"${process.env.VBOX_INSTALL_PATH || process.env.VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH}\\VBoxManage.exe"` : 'vboxmanage';
+function powerShellProceedResults(data) {
+ let id = '';
+ let parts;
+ let res = '';
+ // startID
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdStart) >= 0) {
+ parts = data.split(_psCmdStart);
+ const parts2 = parts[1].split(_psIdSeperator);
+ id = parts2[0];
+ if (parts2.length > 1) {
+ data = parts2.slice(1).join(_psIdSeperator);
+ }
+ }
+ // result;
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdSeperator) >= 0) {
+ parts = data.split(_psCmdSeperator);
+ res = parts[0];
+ }
+ let remove = -1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < _psCmds.length; i++) {
+ if (_psCmds[i].id === id) {
+ remove = i;
+ // console.log(`----- TIME : ${(new Date() - _psCmds[i].start) * 0.001} s`);
+ _psCmds[i].callback(res);
+ }
+ }
+ if (remove >= 0) {
+ _psCmds.splice(remove, 1);
+ }
+function powerShellStart() {
+ if (!_psChild) {
+ _psChild = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-NoLogo', '-InputFormat', 'Text', '-NoExit', '-Command', '-'], {
+ stdio: 'pipe',
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+ });
+ if (_psChild && {
+ _psPersistent = true;
+ _psChild.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ _psResult = _psResult + data.toString('utf8');
+ if (data.indexOf(_psCmdSeperator) >= 0) {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult);
+ _psResult = '';
+ }
+ });
+ _psChild.stderr.on('data', function () {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult + _psError);
+ });
+ _psChild.on('error', function () {
+ powerShellProceedResults(_psResult + _psError);
+ });
+ _psChild.on('close', function () {
+ _psChild.kill();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+function powerShellRelease() {
+ try {
+ if (_psChild) {
+ _psChild.stdin.write('exit' + os.EOL);
+ _psChild.stdin.end();
+ _psPersistent = false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ _psChild.kill();
+ }
+ _psChild = null;
+function powerShell(cmd) {
+ if (_psPersistent) {
+ const id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10);
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ function callback(data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ _psCmds.push({
+ id,
+ cmd,
+ callback,
+ start: new Date()
+ });
+ try {
+ if (_psChild && {
+ _psChild.stdin.write(_psToUTF8 + 'echo ' + _psCmdStart + id + _psIdSeperator + '; ' + os.EOL + cmd + os.EOL + 'echo ' + _psCmdSeperator + os.EOL);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve('');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ let result = '';
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ // const start = new Date();
+ const child = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-NoLogo', '-InputFormat', 'Text', '-NoExit', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', '-Command', '-'], {
+ stdio: 'pipe',
+ windowsHide: true,
+ maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000,
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ env: util._extend({}, process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
+ });
+ if (child && ! {
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (child && {
+ child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ result = result + data.toString('utf8');
+ });
+ child.stderr.on('data', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('close', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ // console.log(`----- TIME : ${(new Date() - start) * 0.001} s`);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ try {
+ child.stdin.write(_psToUTF8 + cmd + os.EOL);
+ child.stdin.write('exit' + os.EOL);
+ child.stdin.end();
+ } catch (e) {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+function execSafe(cmd, args, options) {
+ let result = '';
+ options = options || {};
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ const child = spawn(cmd, args, options);
+ if (child && ! {
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (child && {
+ child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ result += data.toString();
+ });
+ child.on('close', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ child.on('error', function () {
+ child.kill();
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function getCodepage() {
+ if (_windows) {
+ if (!codepage) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('chcp', execOptsWin);
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ const parts = lines[0].split(':');
+ codepage = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace('.', '') : '';
+ } catch (err) {
+ codepage = '437';
+ }
+ }
+ return codepage;
+ }
+ if (_linux || _darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (!codepage) {
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync('echo $LANG');
+ const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ const parts = lines[0].split('.');
+ codepage = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : '';
+ if (!codepage) {
+ codepage = 'UTF-8';
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ codepage = 'UTF-8';
+ }
+ }
+ return codepage;
+ }
+function smartMonToolsInstalled() {
+ if (_smartMonToolsInstalled !== null) {
+ return _smartMonToolsInstalled;
+ }
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const pathArray = execSync('WHERE smartctl 2>nul', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ if (pathArray && pathArray.length) {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = pathArray[0].indexOf(':\\') >= 0;
+ } else {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux || _darwin || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ const pathArray = execSync('which smartctl 2>/dev/null', execOptsWin).toString().split('\r\n');
+ _smartMonToolsInstalled = pathArray.length > 0;
+ }
+ return _smartMonToolsInstalled;
+function isRaspberry() {
+ const PI_MODEL_NO = [
+ 'BCM2708',
+ 'BCM2709',
+ 'BCM2710',
+ 'BCM2711',
+ 'BCM2835',
+ 'BCM2836',
+ 'BCM2837',
+ 'BCM2837B0'
+ ];
+ let cpuinfo = [];
+ try {
+ cpuinfo = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n');
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const hardware = getValue(cpuinfo, 'hardware');
+ return (hardware && PI_MODEL_NO.indexOf(hardware) > -1);
+function isRaspbian() {
+ let osrelease = [];
+ try {
+ osrelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n');
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const id = getValue(osrelease, 'id', '=');
+ return (id && id.indexOf('raspbian') > -1);
+function execWin(cmd, opts, callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = opts;
+ opts = execOptsWin;
+ }
+ let newCmd = 'chcp 65001 > nul && cmd /C ' + cmd + ' && chcp ' + codepage + ' > nul';
+ exec(newCmd, opts, function (error, stdout) {
+ callback(error, stdout);
+ });
+function darwinXcodeExists() {
+ const cmdLineToolsExists = fs.existsSync('/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/');
+ const xcodeAppExists = fs.existsSync('/Applications/');
+ const xcodeExists = fs.existsSync('/Library/Developer/Xcode/');
+ return (cmdLineToolsExists || xcodeExists || xcodeAppExists);
+function nanoSeconds() {
+ const time = process.hrtime();
+ if (!Array.isArray(time) || time.length !== 2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return +time[0] * 1e9 + +time[1];
+function countUniqueLines(lines, startingWith) {
+ startingWith = startingWith || '';
+ const uniqueLines = [];
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.startsWith(startingWith)) {
+ if (uniqueLines.indexOf(line) === -1) {
+ uniqueLines.push(line);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return uniqueLines.length;
+function countLines(lines, startingWith) {
+ startingWith = startingWith || '';
+ const uniqueLines = [];
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.startsWith(startingWith)) {
+ uniqueLines.push(line);
+ }
+ });
+ return uniqueLines.length;
+function sanitizeShellString(str, strict) {
+ if (typeof strict === 'undefined') { strict = false; }
+ const s = str || '';
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i <= mathMin(s.length, 2000); i++) {
+ if (!(s[i] === undefined ||
+ s[i] === '>' ||
+ s[i] === '<' ||
+ s[i] === '*' ||
+ s[i] === '?' ||
+ s[i] === '[' ||
+ s[i] === ']' ||
+ s[i] === '|' ||
+ s[i] === 'Ëš' ||
+ s[i] === '$' ||
+ s[i] === ';' ||
+ s[i] === '&' ||
+ s[i] === '(' ||
+ s[i] === ')' ||
+ s[i] === ']' ||
+ s[i] === '#' ||
+ s[i] === '\\' ||
+ s[i] === '\t' ||
+ s[i] === '\n' ||
+ s[i] === '\'' ||
+ s[i] === '`' ||
+ s[i] === '"' ||
+ s[i].length > 1 ||
+ (strict && s[i] === '@') ||
+ (strict && s[i] === ' ') ||
+ (strict && s[i] == '{') ||
+ (strict && s[i] == ')'))) {
+ result = result + s[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function isPrototypePolluted() {
+ const s = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
+ let notPolluted = true;
+ let st = '';
+ st.__proto__.replace = stringReplace;
+ st.__proto__.toLowerCase = stringToLower;
+ st.__proto__.toString = stringToString;
+ st.__proto__.substr = stringSubstr;
+ notPolluted = notPolluted || !(s.length === 62);
+ const ms =;
+ if (typeof ms === 'number' && ms > 1600000000000) {
+ const l = ms % 100 + 15;
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const r = Math.random() * 61.99999999 + 1;
+ const rs = parseInt(Math.floor(r).toString(), 10);
+ const rs2 = parseInt(r.toString().split('.')[0], 10);
+ const q = Math.random() * 61.99999999 + 1;
+ const qs = parseInt(Math.floor(q).toString(), 10);
+ const qs2 = parseInt(q.toString().split('.')[0], 10);
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && !(r === q);
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && rs === rs2 && qs === qs2;
+ st += s[rs - 1];
+ }
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st.length === l;
+ // string manipulation
+ let p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ let stm = st.substr(0, p) + ' ' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ stm.__proto__.replace = stringReplace;
+ let sto = stm.replace(/ /g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '{' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/{/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '*' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/\*/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ p = Math.random() * l * 0.9999999999;
+ stm = st.substr(0, p) + '$' + st.substr(p, 2000);
+ sto = stm.replace(/\$/g, '');
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && st === sto;
+ // lower
+ const stl = st.toLowerCase();
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && (stl.length === l) && stl[l - 1] && !(stl[l]);
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const s1 = st[i];
+ s1.__proto__.toLowerCase = stringToLower;
+ const s2 = stl ? stl[i] : '';
+ const s1l = s1.toLowerCase();
+ notPolluted = notPolluted && s1l[0] === s2 && s1l[0] && !(s1l[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return !notPolluted;
+function hex2bin(hex) {
+ return ('00000000' + (parseInt(hex, 16)).toString(2)).substr(-8);
+function getFilesInPath(source) {
+ const lstatSync = fs.lstatSync;
+ const readdirSync = fs.readdirSync;
+ const join = path.join;
+ function isDirectory(source) {
+ return lstatSync(source).isDirectory();
+ }
+ function isFile(source) { return lstatSync(source).isFile(); }
+ function getDirectories(source) {
+ return readdirSync(source).map(function (name) { return join(source, name); }).filter(isDirectory);
+ }
+ function getFiles(source) {
+ return readdirSync(source).map(function (name) { return join(source, name); }).filter(isFile);
+ }
+ function getFilesRecursively(source) {
+ try {
+ let dirs = getDirectories(source);
+ let files = dirs
+ .map(function (dir) { return getFilesRecursively(dir); })
+ .reduce(function (a, b) { return a.concat(b); }, []);
+ return files.concat(getFiles(source));
+ } catch (e) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (fs.existsSync(source)) {
+ return getFilesRecursively(source);
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+function decodePiCpuinfo(lines) {
+ //
+ const oldRevisionCodes = {
+ '0002': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0003': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0004': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0005': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Qisda',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0006': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0007': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0008': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0009': {
+ type: 'A',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Qisda',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000d': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000e': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '000f': {
+ type: 'B',
+ revision: '2.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Egoman',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0010': {
+ type: 'B+',
+ revision: '1.2',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0011': {
+ type: 'CM1',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0012': {
+ type: 'A+',
+ revision: '1.1',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: 'Sony UK',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0013': {
+ type: 'B+',
+ revision: '1.2',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0014': {
+ type: 'CM1',
+ revision: '1.0',
+ memory: 512,
+ manufacturer: 'Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ },
+ '0015': {
+ type: 'A+',
+ revision: '1.1',
+ memory: 256,
+ manufacturer: '512MB Embest',
+ processor: 'BCM2835'
+ }
+ };
+ const processorList = [
+ 'BCM2835',
+ 'BCM2836',
+ 'BCM2837',
+ 'BCM2711',
+ ];
+ const manufacturerList = [
+ 'Sony UK',
+ 'Egoman',
+ 'Embest',
+ 'Sony Japan',
+ 'Embest',
+ 'Stadium'
+ ];
+ const typeList = {
+ '00': 'A',
+ '01': 'B',
+ '02': 'A+',
+ '03': 'B+',
+ '04': '2B',
+ '05': 'Alpha (early prototype)',
+ '06': 'CM1',
+ '08': '3B',
+ '09': 'Zero',
+ '0a': 'CM3',
+ '0c': 'Zero W',
+ '0d': '3B+',
+ '0e': '3A+',
+ '0f': 'Internal use only',
+ '10': 'CM3+',
+ '11': '4B',
+ '12': 'Zero 2 W',
+ '13': '400',
+ '14': 'CM4'
+ };
+ const revisionCode = getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true);
+ const model = getValue(lines, 'model:', ':', true);
+ const serial = getValue(lines, 'serial', ':', true);
+ let result = {};
+ if ({}, revisionCode)) {
+ // old revision codes
+ result = {
+ model,
+ serial,
+ revisionCode,
+ memory: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].memory,
+ manufacturer: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].manufacturer,
+ processor: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].processor,
+ type: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].type,
+ revision: oldRevisionCodes[revisionCode].revision,
+ };
+ } else {
+ // new revision code
+ const revision = ('00000000' + getValue(lines, 'revision', ':', true).toLowerCase()).substr(-8);
+ // const revisionStyleNew = hex2bin(revision.substr(2, 1)).substr(4, 1) === '1';
+ const memSizeCode = parseInt(hex2bin(revision.substr(2, 1)).substr(5, 3), 2) || 0;
+ const manufacturer = manufacturerList[parseInt(revision.substr(3, 1), 10)];
+ const processor = processorList[parseInt(revision.substr(4, 1), 10)];
+ const typeCode = revision.substr(5, 2);
+ result = {
+ model,
+ serial,
+ revisionCode,
+ memory: 256 * Math.pow(2, memSizeCode),
+ manufacturer,
+ processor,
+ type: {}, typeCode) ? typeList[typeCode] : '',
+ revision: '1.' + revision.substr(7, 1),
+ };
+ }
+ return result;
+function promiseAll(promises) {
+ const resolvingPromises = (promise) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ var payload = new Array(2);
+ promise.then(function (result) {
+ payload[0] = result;
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ payload[1] = error;
+ })
+ .then(function () {
+ // The wrapped Promise returns an array: 0 = result, 1 = error ... we resolve all
+ resolve(payload);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ var errors = [];
+ var results = [];
+ // Execute all wrapped Promises
+ return Promise.all(resolvingPromises)
+ .then(function (items) {
+ items.forEach(function (payload) {
+ if (payload[1]) {
+ errors.push(payload[1]);
+ results.push(null);
+ } else {
+ errors.push(null);
+ results.push(payload[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ errors: errors,
+ results: results
+ };
+ });
+function promisify(nodeStyleFunction) {
+ return function () {
+ var args =;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ args.push(function (err, data) {
+ if (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ } else {
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ });
+ nodeStyleFunction.apply(null, args);
+ });
+ };
+function promisifySave(nodeStyleFunction) {
+ return function () {
+ var args =;
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ args.push(function (err, data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ nodeStyleFunction.apply(null, args);
+ });
+ };
+function linuxVersion() {
+ let result = '';
+ if (_linux) {
+ try {
+ result = execSync('uname -v').toString();
+ } catch (e) {
+ result = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function plistParser(xmlStr) {
+ const tags = ['array', 'dict', 'key', 'string', 'integer', 'date', 'real', 'data', 'boolean', 'arrayEmpty'];
+ const startStr = '<plist version';
+ let pos = xmlStr.indexOf(startStr);
+ let len = xmlStr.length;
+ while (xmlStr[pos] !== '>' && pos < len) {
+ pos++;
+ }
+ let depth = 0;
+ let inTagStart = false;
+ let inTagContent = false;
+ let inTagEnd = false;
+ let metaData = [{ tagStart: '', tagEnd: '', tagContent: '', key: '', data: null }];
+ let c = '';
+ let cn = xmlStr[pos];
+ while (pos < len) {
+ c = cn;
+ if (pos + 1 < len) { cn = xmlStr[pos + 1]; }
+ if (c === '<') {
+ inTagContent = false;
+ if (cn === '/') { inTagEnd = true; }
+ else if (metaData[depth].tagStart) {
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ if (!metaData[depth].data) { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array' ? [] : {}; }
+ depth++;
+ metaData.push({ tagStart: '', tagEnd: '', tagContent: '', key: null, data: null });
+ inTagStart = true;
+ inTagContent = false;
+ }
+ else if (!inTagStart) { inTagStart = true; }
+ } else if (c === '>') {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'true/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/boolean'; metaData[depth].data = true; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'false/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/boolean'; metaData[depth].data = false; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array/') { inTagStart = false; inTagEnd = true; metaData[depth].tagStart = ''; metaData[depth].tagEnd = '/arrayEmpty'; metaData[depth].data = []; }
+ if (inTagContent) { inTagContent = false; }
+ if (inTagStart) {
+ inTagStart = false;
+ inTagContent = true;
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'array') {
+ metaData[depth].data = [];
+ }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagStart === 'dict') {
+ metaData[depth].data = {};
+ }
+ }
+ if (inTagEnd) {
+ inTagEnd = false;
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd && tags.indexOf(metaData[depth].tagEnd.substr(1)) >= 0) {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/dict' || metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/array') {
+ if (depth > 1 && metaData[depth - 2].tagStart === 'array') {
+ metaData[depth - 2].data.push(metaData[depth - 1].data);
+ }
+ if (depth > 1 && metaData[depth - 2].tagStart === 'dict') {
+ metaData[depth - 2].data[metaData[depth - 1].key] = metaData[depth - 1].data;
+ }
+ depth--;
+ metaData.pop();
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagStart = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/key' && metaData[depth].tagContent) {
+ metaData[depth].key = metaData[depth].tagContent;
+ } else {
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/real' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = parseFloat(metaData[depth].tagContent) || 0; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/integer' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = parseInt(metaData[depth].tagContent) || 0; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/string' && metaData[depth].tagContent) { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || ''; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/boolean') { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || false; }
+ if (metaData[depth].tagEnd === '/arrayEmpty') { metaData[depth].data = metaData[depth].tagContent || []; }
+ if (depth > 0 && metaData[depth - 1].tagStart === 'array') { metaData[depth - 1].data.push(metaData[depth].data); }
+ if (depth > 0 && metaData[depth - 1].tagStart === 'dict') { metaData[depth - 1].data[metaData[depth].key] = metaData[depth].data; }
+ }
+ metaData[depth].tagContent = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagStart = '';
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ }
+ }
+ metaData[depth].tagEnd = '';
+ inTagStart = false;
+ inTagContent = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (inTagStart) { metaData[depth].tagStart += c; }
+ if (inTagEnd) { metaData[depth].tagEnd += c; }
+ if (inTagContent) { metaData[depth].tagContent += c; }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return metaData[0].data;
+function semverCompare(v1, v2) {
+ let res = 0;
+ const parts1 = v1.split('.');
+ const parts2 = v2.split('.');
+ if (parts1[0] < parts2[0]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[0] > parts2[0]) { res = -1; }
+ else if (parts1[0] === parts2[0] && parts1.length >= 2 && parts2.length >= 2) {
+ if (parts1[1] < parts2[1]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[1] > parts2[1]) { res = -1; }
+ else if (parts1[1] === parts2[1]) {
+ if (parts1.length >= 3 && parts2.length >= 3) {
+ if (parts1[2] < parts2[2]) { res = 1; }
+ else if (parts1[2] > parts2[2]) { res = -1; }
+ } else if (parts2.length >= 3) {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+function noop() { }
+exports.toInt = toInt;
+exports.execOptsWin = execOptsWin;
+exports.getCodepage = getCodepage;
+exports.execWin = execWin;
+exports.isFunction = isFunction;
+exports.unique = unique;
+exports.sortByKey = sortByKey;
+exports.cores = cores;
+exports.getValue = getValue;
+exports.decodeEscapeSequence = decodeEscapeSequence;
+exports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime;
+exports.parseHead = parseHead;
+exports.findObjectByKey = findObjectByKey;
+exports.getWmic = getWmic;
+exports.wmic = wmic;
+exports.darwinXcodeExists = darwinXcodeExists;
+exports.getVboxmanage = getVboxmanage;
+exports.powerShell = powerShell;
+exports.powerShellStart = powerShellStart;
+exports.powerShellRelease = powerShellRelease;
+exports.execSafe = execSafe;
+exports.nanoSeconds = nanoSeconds;
+exports.countUniqueLines = countUniqueLines;
+exports.countLines = countLines;
+exports.noop = noop;
+exports.isRaspberry = isRaspberry;
+exports.isRaspbian = isRaspbian;
+exports.sanitizeShellString = sanitizeShellString;
+exports.isPrototypePolluted = isPrototypePolluted;
+exports.decodePiCpuinfo = decodePiCpuinfo;
+exports.promiseAll = promiseAll;
+exports.promisify = promisify;
+exports.promisifySave = promisifySave;
+exports.smartMonToolsInstalled = smartMonToolsInstalled;
+exports.linuxVersion = linuxVersion;
+exports.plistParser = plistParser;
+exports.stringReplace = stringReplace;
+exports.stringToLower = stringToLower;
+exports.stringToString = stringToString;
+exports.stringSubstr = stringSubstr;
+exports.stringTrim = stringTrim;
+exports.stringStartWith = stringStartWith;
+exports.mathMin = mathMin;
+exports.WINDIR = WINDIR;
+exports.getFilesInPath = getFilesInPath;
+exports.semverCompare = semverCompare;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/virtualbox.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/virtualbox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61268b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/virtualbox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// virtualbox.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 14. Docker
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const util = require('./util');
+function vboxInfo(callback) {
+ // fallback - if only callback is given
+ let result = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ try {
+ exec(util.getVboxmanage() + ' list vms --long', function (error, stdout) {
+ let parts = (os.EOL + stdout.toString()).split(os.EOL + 'Name:');
+ parts.shift();
+ parts.forEach(part => {
+ const lines = ('Name:' + part).split(os.EOL);
+ const state = util.getValue(lines, 'State');
+ const running = state.startsWith('running');
+ const runningSinceString = running ? state.replace('running (since ', '').replace(')', '').trim() : '';
+ let runningSince = 0;
+ try {
+ if (running) {
+ const sinceDateObj = new Date(runningSinceString);
+ const offset = sinceDateObj.getTimezoneOffset();
+ runningSince = Math.round(( - Date.parse(sinceDateObj)) / 1000) + offset * 60;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ const stoppedSinceString = !running ? state.replace('powered off (since', '').replace(')', '').trim() : '';
+ let stoppedSince = 0;
+ try {
+ if (!running) {
+ const sinceDateObj = new Date(stoppedSinceString);
+ const offset = sinceDateObj.getTimezoneOffset();
+ stoppedSince = Math.round(( - Date.parse(sinceDateObj)) / 1000) + offset * 60;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ result.push({
+ id: util.getValue(lines, 'UUID'),
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Name'),
+ running,
+ started: runningSinceString,
+ runningSince,
+ stopped: stoppedSinceString,
+ stoppedSince,
+ guestOS: util.getValue(lines, 'Guest OS'),
+ hardwareUUID: util.getValue(lines, 'Hardware UUID'),
+ memory: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Memory size', ' '), 10),
+ vram: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'VRAM size'), 10),
+ cpus: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'Number of CPUs'), 10),
+ cpuExepCap: util.getValue(lines, 'CPU exec cap'),
+ cpuProfile: util.getValue(lines, 'CPUProfile'),
+ chipset: util.getValue(lines, 'Chipset'),
+ firmware: util.getValue(lines, 'Firmware'),
+ pageFusion: util.getValue(lines, 'Page Fusion') === 'enabled',
+ configFile: util.getValue(lines, 'Config file'),
+ snapshotFolder: util.getValue(lines, 'Snapshot folder'),
+ logFolder: util.getValue(lines, 'Log folder'),
+ hpet: util.getValue(lines, 'HPET') === 'enabled',
+ pae: util.getValue(lines, 'PAE') === 'enabled',
+ longMode: util.getValue(lines, 'Long Mode') === 'enabled',
+ tripleFaultReset: util.getValue(lines, 'Triple Fault Reset') === 'enabled',
+ apic: util.getValue(lines, 'APIC') === 'enabled',
+ x2Apic: util.getValue(lines, 'X2APIC') === 'enabled',
+ acpi: util.getValue(lines, 'ACPI') === 'enabled',
+ ioApic: util.getValue(lines, 'IOAPIC') === 'enabled',
+ biosApicMode: util.getValue(lines, 'BIOS APIC mode'),
+ bootMenuMode: util.getValue(lines, 'Boot menu mode'),
+ bootDevice1: util.getValue(lines, 'Boot Device 1'),
+ bootDevice2: util.getValue(lines, 'Boot Device 2'),
+ bootDevice3: util.getValue(lines, 'Boot Device 3'),
+ bootDevice4: util.getValue(lines, 'Boot Device 4'),
+ timeOffset: util.getValue(lines, 'Time offset'),
+ rtc: util.getValue(lines, 'RTC'),
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.vboxInfo = vboxInfo;
diff --git a/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/wifi.js b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/wifi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e56cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MistyCore/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/wifi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// wifi.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 9. wifi
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const os = require('os');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const util = require('./util');
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+function wifiDBFromQuality(quality) {
+ return (parseFloat(quality) / 2 - 100);
+function wifiQualityFromDB(db) {
+ const result = 2 * (parseFloat(db) + 100);
+ return result <= 100 ? result : 100;
+const _wifi_frequencies = {
+ 1: 2412,
+ 2: 2417,
+ 3: 2422,
+ 4: 2427,
+ 5: 2432,
+ 6: 2437,
+ 7: 2442,
+ 8: 2447,
+ 9: 2452,
+ 10: 2457,
+ 11: 2462,
+ 12: 2467,
+ 13: 2472,
+ 14: 2484,
+ 32: 5160,
+ 34: 5170,
+ 36: 5180,
+ 38: 5190,
+ 40: 5200,
+ 42: 5210,
+ 44: 5220,
+ 46: 5230,
+ 48: 5240,
+ 50: 5250,
+ 52: 5260,
+ 54: 5270,
+ 56: 5280,
+ 58: 5290,
+ 60: 5300,
+ 62: 5310,
+ 64: 5320,
+ 68: 5340,
+ 96: 5480,
+ 100: 5500,
+ 102: 5510,
+ 104: 5520,
+ 106: 5530,
+ 108: 5540,
+ 110: 5550,
+ 112: 5560,
+ 114: 5570,
+ 116: 5580,
+ 118: 5590,
+ 120: 5600,
+ 122: 5610,
+ 124: 5620,
+ 126: 5630,
+ 128: 5640,
+ 132: 5660,
+ 134: 5670,
+ 136: 5680,
+ 138: 5690,
+ 140: 5700,
+ 142: 5710,
+ 144: 5720,
+ 149: 5745,
+ 151: 5755,
+ 153: 5765,
+ 155: 5775,
+ 157: 5785,
+ 159: 5795,
+ 161: 5805,
+ 165: 5825,
+ 169: 5845,
+ 173: 5865,
+ 183: 4915,
+ 184: 4920,
+ 185: 4925,
+ 187: 4935,
+ 188: 4940,
+ 189: 4945,
+ 192: 4960,
+ 196: 4980
+function wifiFrequencyFromChannel(channel) {
+ return {}, channel) ? _wifi_frequencies[channel] : null;
+function wifiChannelFromFrequencs(frequency) {
+ let channel = 0;
+ for (let key in _wifi_frequencies) {
+ if ({}, key)) {
+ if (_wifi_frequencies[key] === frequency) { channel = util.toInt(key); }
+ }
+ }
+ return channel;
+function ifaceListLinux() {
+ const result = [];
+ const cmd = 'iw dev 2>/dev/null';
+ try {
+ const all = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).join('\n');
+ const parts = all.split('\nInterface ');
+ parts.shift();
+ parts.forEach(ifaceDetails => {
+ const lines = ifaceDetails.split('\n');
+ const iface = lines[0];
+ const id = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ifindex', ' '));
+ const mac = util.getValue(lines, 'addr', ' ');
+ const channel = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'channel', ' '));
+ result.push({
+ id,
+ iface,
+ mac,
+ channel
+ });
+ });
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ const all = execSync('nmcli -t -f general,wifi-properties,wired-properties,interface-flags,capabilities,nsp device show 2>/dev/null').toString();
+ const parts = all.split('\nGENERAL.DEVICE:');
+ let i = 1;
+ parts.forEach(ifaceDetails => {
+ const lines = ifaceDetails.split('\n');
+ const iface = util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.DEVICE');
+ const type = util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.TYPE');
+ const id = i++; // // util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.PATH');
+ const mac = util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.HWADDR');
+ const channel = '';
+ if (type.toLowerCase() === 'wifi') {
+ result.push({
+ id,
+ iface,
+ mac,
+ channel
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+function nmiDeviceLinux(iface) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli -t -f general,wifi-properties,capabilities,ip4,ip6 device show ${iface} 2>/dev/null`;
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ const ssid = util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.CONNECTION');
+ return {
+ iface,
+ type: util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.TYPE'),
+ vendor: util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.VENDOR'),
+ product: util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.PRODUCT'),
+ mac: util.getValue(lines, 'GENERAL.HWADDR').toLowerCase(),
+ ssid: ssid !== '--' ? ssid : null
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ return {};
+ }
+function nmiConnectionLinux(ssid) {
+ const cmd = `nmcli -t --show-secrets connection show ${ssid} 2>/dev/null`;
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ const bssid = util.getValue(lines, '802-11-wireless.seen-bssids').toLowerCase();
+ return {
+ ssid: ssid !== '--' ? ssid : null,
+ uuid: util.getValue(lines, 'connection.uuid'),
+ type: util.getValue(lines, 'connection.type'),
+ autoconnect: util.getValue(lines, 'connection.autoconnect') === 'yes',
+ security: util.getValue(lines, '802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt'),
+ bssid: bssid !== '--' ? bssid : null
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ return {};
+ }
+function wpaConnectionLinux(iface) {
+ const cmd = `wpa_cli -i ${iface} status 2>&1`;
+ try {
+ const lines = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n');
+ const freq = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'freq', '='));
+ return {
+ ssid: util.getValue(lines, 'ssid', '='),
+ uuid: util.getValue(lines, 'uuid', '='),
+ security: util.getValue(lines, 'key_mgmt', '='),
+ freq,
+ channel: wifiChannelFromFrequencs(freq),
+ bssid: util.getValue(lines, 'bssid', '=').toLowerCase()
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ return {};
+ }
+function getWifiNetworkListNmi() {
+ const result = [];
+ const cmd = 'nmcli -t -m multiline --fields active,ssid,bssid,mode,chan,freq,signal,security,wpa-flags,rsn-flags device wifi list 2>/dev/null';
+ try {
+ const stdout = execSync(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 20000 });
+ const parts = stdout.toString().split('ACTIVE:');
+ parts.shift();
+ parts.forEach(part => {
+ part = 'ACTIVE:' + part;
+ const lines = part.split(os.EOL);
+ const channel = util.getValue(lines, 'CHAN');
+ const frequency = util.getValue(lines, 'FREQ').toLowerCase().replace('mhz', '').trim();
+ const security = util.getValue(lines, 'SECURITY').replace('(', '').replace(')', '');
+ const wpaFlags = util.getValue(lines, 'WPA-FLAGS').replace('(', '').replace(')', '');
+ const rsnFlags = util.getValue(lines, 'RSN-FLAGS').replace('(', '').replace(')', '');
+ result.push({
+ ssid: util.getValue(lines, 'SSID'),
+ bssid: util.getValue(lines, 'BSSID').toLowerCase(),
+ mode: util.getValue(lines, 'MODE'),
+ channel: channel ? parseInt(channel, 10) : null,
+ frequency: frequency ? parseInt(frequency, 10) : null,
+ signalLevel: wifiDBFromQuality(util.getValue(lines, 'SIGNAL')),
+ quality: parseFloat(util.getValue(lines, 'SIGNAL')),
+ security: security && security !== 'none' ? security.split(' ') : [],
+ wpaFlags: wpaFlags && wpaFlags !== 'none' ? wpaFlags.split(' ') : [],
+ rsnFlags: rsnFlags && rsnFlags !== 'none' ? rsnFlags.split(' ') : []
+ });
+ });
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return [];
+ }
+function getWifiNetworkListIw(iface) {
+ const result = [];
+ try {
+ let iwlistParts = execSync(`export LC_ALL=C; iwlist ${iface} scan 2>&1; unset LC_ALL`).toString().split(' Cell ');
+ if (iwlistParts[0].indexOf('resource busy') >= 0) { return -1; }
+ if (iwlistParts.length > 1) {
+ iwlistParts.shift();
+ iwlistParts.forEach(element => {
+ const lines = element.split('\n');
+ const channel = util.getValue(lines, 'channel', ':', true);
+ const address = (lines && lines.length && lines[0].indexOf('Address:') >= 0 ? lines[0].split('Address:')[1].trim().toLowerCase() : '');
+ const mode = util.getValue(lines, 'mode', ':', true);
+ const frequency = util.getValue(lines, 'frequency', ':', true);
+ const qualityString = util.getValue(lines, 'Quality', '=', true);
+ const dbParts = qualityString.toLowerCase().split('signal level=');
+ const db = dbParts.length > 1 ? util.toInt(dbParts[1]) : 0;
+ const quality = db ? wifiQualityFromDB(db) : 0;
+ const ssid = util.getValue(lines, 'essid', ':', true);
+ // security and wpa-flags
+ const isWpa = element.indexOf(' WPA ') >= 0;
+ const isWpa2 = element.indexOf('WPA2 ') >= 0;
+ const security = [];
+ if (isWpa) { security.push('WPA'); }
+ if (isWpa2) { security.push('WPA2'); }
+ const wpaFlags = [];
+ let wpaFlag = '';
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ const l = line.trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (l.indexOf('group cipher') >= 0) {
+ if (wpaFlag) {
+ wpaFlags.push(wpaFlag);
+ }
+ const parts = l.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ wpaFlag = parts[1].trim().toUpperCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (l.indexOf('pairwise cipher') >= 0) {
+ const parts = l.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ if (parts[1].indexOf('tkip')) { wpaFlag = (wpaFlag ? 'TKIP/' + wpaFlag : 'TKIP'); }
+ else if (parts[1].indexOf('ccmp')) { wpaFlag = (wpaFlag ? 'CCMP/' + wpaFlag : 'CCMP'); }
+ else if (parts[1].indexOf('proprietary')) { wpaFlag = (wpaFlag ? 'PROP/' + wpaFlag : 'PROP'); }
+ }
+ }
+ if (l.indexOf('authentication suites') >= 0) {
+ const parts = l.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ if (parts[1].indexOf('802.1x')) { wpaFlag = (wpaFlag ? '802.1x/' + wpaFlag : '802.1x'); }
+ else if (parts[1].indexOf('psk')) { wpaFlag = (wpaFlag ? 'PSK/' + wpaFlag : 'PSK'); }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (wpaFlag) {
+ wpaFlags.push(wpaFlag);
+ }
+ result.push({
+ ssid,
+ bssid: address,
+ mode,
+ channel: channel ? util.toInt(channel) : null,
+ frequency: frequency ? util.toInt(frequency.replace('.', '')) : null,
+ signalLevel: db,
+ quality,
+ security,
+ wpaFlags,
+ rsnFlags: []
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+function parseWifiDarwin(wifiObj) {
+ const result = [];
+ if (wifiObj) {
+ wifiObj.forEach(function (wifiItem) {
+ const signalLevel = wifiItem.RSSI;
+ let security = [];
+ let wpaFlags = [];
+ if (wifiItem.WPA_IE) {
+ security.push('WPA');
+ if (wifiItem.WPA_IE.IE_KEY_WPA_UCIPHERS) {
+ wifiItem.WPA_IE.IE_KEY_WPA_UCIPHERS.forEach(function (ciphers) {
+ if (ciphers === 0 && wpaFlags.indexOf('unknown/TKIP') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('unknown/TKIP'); }
+ if (ciphers === 2 && wpaFlags.indexOf('PSK/TKIP') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('PSK/TKIP'); }
+ if (ciphers === 4 && wpaFlags.indexOf('PSK/AES') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('PSK/AES'); }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (wifiItem.RSN_IE) {
+ security.push('WPA2');
+ if (wifiItem.RSN_IE.IE_KEY_RSN_UCIPHERS) {
+ wifiItem.RSN_IE.IE_KEY_RSN_UCIPHERS.forEach(function (ciphers) {
+ if (ciphers === 0 && wpaFlags.indexOf('unknown/TKIP') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('unknown/TKIP'); }
+ if (ciphers === 2 && wpaFlags.indexOf('TKIP/TKIP') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('TKIP/TKIP'); }
+ if (ciphers === 4 && wpaFlags.indexOf('PSK/AES') === -1) { wpaFlags.push('PSK/AES'); }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ result.push({
+ ssid: wifiItem.SSID_STR,
+ bssid: wifiItem.BSSID,
+ mode: '',
+ channel: wifiItem.CHANNEL,
+ frequency: wifiFrequencyFromChannel(wifiItem.CHANNEL),
+ signalLevel: signalLevel ? parseInt(signalLevel, 10) : null,
+ quality: wifiQualityFromDB(signalLevel),
+ security,
+ wpaFlags,
+ rsnFlags: []
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+function wifiNetworks(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let result = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ result = getWifiNetworkListNmi();
+ if (result.length === 0) {
+ try {
+ const iwconfigParts = execSync('export LC_ALL=C; iwconfig 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL').toString().split('\n\n');
+ let iface = '';
+ iwconfigParts.forEach(element => {
+ if (element.indexOf('no wireless') === -1 && element.trim() !== '') {
+ iface = element.split(' ')[0];
+ }
+ });
+ if (iface) {
+ const res = getWifiNetworkListIw(iface);
+ if (res === -1) {
+ // try again after 4 secs
+ setTimeout(function (iface) {
+ const res = getWifiNetworkListIw(iface);
+ if (res != -1) { result = res; }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }, 4000);
+ } else {
+ result = res;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ } else if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s -x';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 40000 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ const output = stdout.toString();
+ result = parseWifiDarwin(util.plistParser(output));
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else if (_windows) {
+ let cmd = 'netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid';
+ util.powerShell(cmd).then((stdout) => {
+ const ssidParts = stdout.toString('utf8').split(os.EOL + os.EOL + 'SSID ');
+ ssidParts.shift();
+ ssidParts.forEach(ssidPart => {
+ const ssidLines = ssidPart.split(os.EOL);
+ if (ssidLines && ssidLines.length >= 8 && ssidLines[0].indexOf(':') >= 0) {
+ const bssidsParts = ssidPart.split(' BSSID');
+ bssidsParts.shift();
+ bssidsParts.forEach((bssidPart) => {
+ const bssidLines = bssidPart.split(os.EOL);
+ const bssidLine = bssidLines[0].split(':');
+ bssidLine.shift();
+ const bssid = bssidLine.join(':').trim().toLowerCase();
+ const channel = bssidLines[3].split(':').pop().trim();
+ const quality = bssidLines[1].split(':').pop().trim();
+ result.push({
+ ssid: ssidLines[0].split(':').pop().trim(),
+ bssid,
+ mode: '',
+ channel: channel ? parseInt(channel, 10) : null,
+ frequency: wifiFrequencyFromChannel(channel),
+ signalLevel: wifiDBFromQuality(quality),
+ quality: quality ? parseInt(quality, 10) : null,
+ security: [ssidLines[2].split(':').pop().trim()],
+ wpaFlags: [ssidLines[3].split(':').pop().trim()],
+ rsnFlags: []
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.wifiNetworks = wifiNetworks;
+function getVendor(model) {
+ model = model.toLowerCase();
+ let result = '';
+ if (model.indexOf('intel') >= 0) { result = 'Intel'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('realtek') >= 0) { result = 'Realtek'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('qualcom') >= 0) { result = 'Qualcom'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('broadcom') >= 0) { result = 'Broadcom'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('cavium') >= 0) { result = 'Cavium'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('cisco') >= 0) { result = 'Cisco'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('marvel') >= 0) { result = 'Marvel'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('zyxel') >= 0) { result = 'Zyxel'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('melanox') >= 0) { result = 'Melanox'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('d-link') >= 0) { result = 'D-Link'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('tp-link') >= 0) { result = 'TP-Link'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('asus') >= 0) { result = 'Asus'; }
+ else if (model.indexOf('linksys') >= 0) { result = 'Linksys'; }
+ return result;
+function wifiConnections(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const result = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ const ifaces = ifaceListLinux();
+ const networkList = getWifiNetworkListNmi();
+ ifaces.forEach(ifaceDetail => {
+ const nmiDetails = nmiDeviceLinux(ifaceDetail.iface);
+ const wpaDetails = wpaConnectionLinux(ifaceDetail.iface);
+ const ssid = nmiDetails.ssid || wpaDetails.ssid;
+ const network = networkList.filter(nw => nw.ssid === ssid);
+ const nmiConnection = nmiConnectionLinux(ssid);
+ const channel = network && network.length && network[0].channel ? network[0].channel : ( ? : null);
+ const bssid = network && network.length && network[0].bssid ? network[0].bssid : (wpaDetails.bssid ? wpaDetails.bssid : null);
+ if (ssid && bssid) {
+ result.push({
+ id:,
+ iface: ifaceDetail.iface,
+ model: nmiDetails.product,
+ ssid,
+ bssid: network && network.length && network[0].bssid ? network[0].bssid : (wpaDetails.bssid ? wpaDetails.bssid : null),
+ channel,
+ frequency: channel ? wifiFrequencyFromChannel(channel) : null,
+ type: nmiConnection.type ? nmiConnection.type : '802.11',
+ security: ? : ( ? : null),
+ signalLevel: network && network.length && network[0].signalLevel ? network[0].signalLevel : null,
+ txRate: null
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler SPNetworkDataType';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ const parts1 = stdout.toString().split('\n\n Wi-Fi:\n\n');
+ if (parts1.length > 1) {
+ const lines = parts1[1].split('\n\n')[0].split('\n');
+ const iface = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Device Name', ':', true);
+ const model = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware', ':', true);
+ cmd = '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ const lines2 = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines.length > 10) {
+ const ssid = util.getValue(lines2, 'ssid', ':', true);
+ const bssid = util.getValue(lines2, 'bssid', ':', true);
+ const security = util.getValue(lines2, 'link auth', ':', true);
+ const txRate = util.getValue(lines2, 'lastTxRate', ':', true);
+ const channel = util.getValue(lines2, 'channel', ':', true).split(',')[0];
+ const type = '802.11';
+ const rssi = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines2, 'agrCtlRSSI', ':', true));
+ const noise = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines2, 'agrCtlNoise', ':', true));
+ const signalLevel = rssi - noise;
+ if (ssid || bssid) {
+ result.push({
+ id: 'Wi-Fi',
+ iface,
+ model,
+ ssid,
+ bssid,
+ channel: util.toInt(channel),
+ frequency: channel ? wifiFrequencyFromChannel(channel) : null,
+ type,
+ security,
+ signalLevel,
+ txRate
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (_windows) {
+ let cmd = 'netsh wlan show interfaces';
+ util.powerShell(cmd).then(function (stdout) {
+ const allLines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < allLines.length; i++) {
+ allLines[i] = allLines[i].trim();
+ }
+ const parts = allLines.join('\r\n').split(':\r\n\r\n');
+ parts.shift();
+ parts.forEach(part => {
+ const lines = part.split('\r\n');
+ if (lines.length >= 5) {
+ const iface = lines[0].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[0].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const model = lines[1].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[1].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const id = lines[2].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[2].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const ssid = util.getValue(lines, 'SSID', ':', true);
+ const bssid = util.getValue(lines, 'BSSID', ':', true);
+ const signalLevel = util.getValue(lines, 'Signal', ':', true);
+ const type = util.getValue(lines, 'Radio type', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Type de radio', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Funktyp', ':', true) || null;
+ const security = util.getValue(lines, 'authentication', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Authentification', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Authentifizierung', ':', true) || null;
+ const channel = util.getValue(lines, 'Channel', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Canal', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Kanal', ':', true) || null;
+ const txRate = util.getValue(lines, 'Transmit rate (mbps)', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Transmission (mbit/s)', ':', true) || util.getValue(lines, 'Empfangsrate (MBit/s)', ':', true) || null;
+ if (model && id && ssid && bssid) {
+ result.push({
+ id,
+ iface,
+ model,
+ ssid,
+ bssid,
+ channel: util.toInt(channel),
+ frequency: channel ? wifiFrequencyFromChannel(channel) : null,
+ type,
+ security,
+ signalLevel,
+ txRate: util.toInt(txRate) || null
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.wifiConnections = wifiConnections;
+function wifiInterfaces(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const result = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ const ifaces = ifaceListLinux();
+ ifaces.forEach(ifaceDetail => {
+ const nmiDetails = nmiDeviceLinux(ifaceDetail.iface);
+ result.push({
+ id:,
+ iface: ifaceDetail.iface,
+ model: nmiDetails.product ? nmiDetails.product : null,
+ vendor: nmiDetails.vendor ? nmiDetails.vendor : null,
+ mac: ifaceDetail.mac,
+ });
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else if (_darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'system_profiler SPNetworkDataType';
+ exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) {
+ const parts1 = stdout.toString().split('\n\n Wi-Fi:\n\n');
+ if (parts1.length > 1) {
+ const lines = parts1[1].split('\n\n')[0].split('\n');
+ const iface = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Device Name', ':', true);
+ const mac = util.getValue(lines, 'MAC Address', ':', true);
+ const model = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware', ':', true);
+ result.push({
+ id: 'Wi-Fi',
+ iface,
+ model,
+ vendor: '',
+ mac
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else if (_windows) {
+ let cmd = 'netsh wlan show interfaces';
+ util.powerShell(cmd).then(function (stdout) {
+ const allLines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < allLines.length; i++) {
+ allLines[i] = allLines[i].trim();
+ }
+ const parts = allLines.join('\r\n').split(':\r\n\r\n');
+ parts.shift();
+ parts.forEach(part => {
+ const lines = part.split('\r\n');
+ if (lines.length >= 5) {
+ const iface = lines[0].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[0].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const model = lines[1].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[1].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const id = lines[2].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[2].split(':')[1].trim() : '';
+ const macParts = lines[3].indexOf(':') >= 0 ? lines[3].split(':') : [];
+ macParts.shift();
+ const mac = macParts.join(':').trim();
+ const vendor = getVendor(model);
+ if (iface && model && id && mac) {
+ result.push({
+ id,
+ iface,
+ model,
+ vendor,
+ mac,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.wifiInterfaces = wifiInterfaces;