path: root/app/info.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/info.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/app/info.php b/app/info.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc7bc2..0000000
--- a/app/info.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/session.php"; global $songs;
-if (!isset($_GET["i"]) || !isset($songs[$_GET["i"]])) {
- die();
-$song = $songs[$_GET["i"]];
-$fileName = str_replace(["/", "<", ">", ":", "\"", "\\", "|", "?", "*"], "-", $song["artist"] . " - " . $song["title"]);
-function getSize($bytes) {
- if ($bytes < 1024) {
- return $bytes;
- }
- if ($bytes < 1024**2) {
- return round($bytes / 1024, 1) . " KB";
- }
- if ($bytes < 1024**3) {
- return round($bytes / 1024**2, 1) . " MB";
- }
- return round($bytes / 1024**3, 1) . " GB";
-function timeToDuration($seconds) {
- $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
- $minutes = floor($seconds / 60) - ($hours * 60);
- $seconds = floor($seconds) - ($hours * 3600) - ($minutes * 60);
- $parts = [];
- if ($hours > 0) $parts[] = $hours . " hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : "");
- if ($minutes > 0) $parts[] = $minutes . " minute" . ($minutes > 1 ? "s" : "");
- if ($seconds > 0) $parts[] = $seconds . " second" . ($seconds > 1 ? "s" : "");
- return implode(", ", $parts);
-function getBitRate($bits) {
- $bitsValue = $bits . " bps";
- if ($bits > 1000) {
- if ($bits > 1000000) {
- if ($bits > 1000000000) {
- $bitsValue = round($bits / 1000000000, 2) . " Gbps";
- } else {
- $bitsValue = round($bits / 1000000, 2) . " Mbps";
- }
- } else {
- $bitsValue = round($bits / 1000, 2) . " kbps";
- }
- }
- $bytesValue = ($bits / 8) . " B/s";
- if (($bits / 8) > 1000) {
- if (($bits / 8) > 1000000) {
- if (($bits / 8) > 1000000000) {
- $bytesValue = round(($bits / 8) / 1000000000, 2) . " GB/s";
- } else {
- $bytesValue = round(($bits / 8) / 1000000, 2) . " MB/s";
- }
- } else {
- $bytesValue = round(($bits / 8) / 1000, 2) . " kB/s";
- }
- }
- return $bitsValue . " (" . $bytesValue . ")";
-function getChannelConfiguration($c) {
- if ($c === 1) return " (Mono)";
- if ($c === 2) return " (Stereo)";
- if ($c === 3) return " (Stereo+1)";
- if ($c === 4) return " (3.1)";
- if ($c === 5) return " (4.1 or 5.0 Surround)";
- if ($c === 6) return " (5.1 Surround)";
- if ($c === 7) return " (6.1 or 7.0 Surround)";
- if ($c === 8) return " (7.1 Surround)";
- if ($c === 9) return " (9.0 or 7.2 Spatial Audio)";
- if ($c === 10) return " (9.1 Spatial Audio)";
- if ($c >= 11) return " (Dolby Atmos)";
- return "";
-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
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- <title>info</title>
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- <div style="padding: 1rem;">
- <div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 96px 1fr; grid-gap: 15px;">
- <img alt="" src="/assets/content/<?= $_GET["i"] ?>.jpg" style="aspect-ratio: 1; width: 96px;">
- <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%;">
- <div>
- <div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 100%;"><b><?= $song["title"] ?></b></div>
- <div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 100%;"><?= $song["artist"] ?></div>
- <div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 100%;"><?= $song["album"] ?></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <hr>
- <table style="width: 100%;">
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Track</td>
- <td><?php if (isset($song["disc"])): ?>Disc <?= $song["disc"] ?>, track <?php endif; ?><?= $song["track"] > 0 ? $song["track"] : "-" ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Duration</td>
- <td><?= timeToDuration($song["length"]) ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Bit rate</td>
- <td><?= getBitRate($song["bitRate"]) ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Sample rate</td>
- <td><?= $song["sampleRate"] ?> Hz</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Bits per sample</td>
- <td><?= $song["bitDepth"] ?> bits</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Channels</td>
- <td><?= $song["channels"] ?><?= getChannelConfiguration($song["channels"]) ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Year</td>
- <td><?= $song["date"] ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">High-resolution</td>
- <td><?= $song["hiRes"] ? "Yes" : "No" ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Mist Stella</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">Copyright</td>
- <td><?= trim($song["copyright"] ?? "") !== "" ? $song["copyright"] : "-" ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">File size (lossless)</td>
- <td><?= getSize(filesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/assets/content/" . $_GET["i"] . ".flac")) ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width: calc(100% / 3); text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; opacity: .5;">File size (AAC-LC)</td>
- <td><?= getSize(filesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/assets/content/" . $_GET["i"] . ".m4a")) ?></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
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