path: root/includes/node_modules/prompts/
diff options
authorRaindropsSys <>2023-10-26 16:39:03 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <>2023-10-26 16:39:03 +0200
commit9f9d66afebc59c6c265c4424f7b8fb36d8876541 (patch)
tree8af8fc2fb1634a2f53df35544081a48956e6efad /includes/node_modules/prompts/
parentae187b6d75c8079da0be1dc288613bad8466fe61 (diff)
Updated 34 files and added 146 files (automated)
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/node_modules/prompts/')
1 files changed, 882 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/node_modules/prompts/ b/includes/node_modules/prompts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a8b065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/node_modules/prompts/
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+<p align="center">
+ <img src="" alt="Prompts" width="500" />
+<h1 align="center">❯ Prompts</h1>
+<p align="center">
+ <a href="">
+ <img src="" alt="version" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="">
+ <img src="" alt="travis" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="">
+ <img src="" alt="downloads" />
+ </a>
+ <!---
+ <a href="">
+ <img src="" alt="install size" />
+ </a>
+ --->
+<p align="center">
+ <b>Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts</b><br />
+ <sub>>_ Easy to use CLI prompts to enquire users for information▌</sub>
+<br />
+* **Simple**: prompts has [no big dependencies]( nor is it broken into a [dozen]( tiny modules that only work well together.
+* **User friendly**: prompt uses layout and colors to create beautiful cli interfaces.
+* **Promised**: uses promises and `async`/`await`. No callback hell.
+* **Flexible**: all prompts are independent and can be used on their own.
+* **Testable**: provides a way to submit answers programmatically.
+* **Unified**: consistent experience across all [prompts](#-types).
+## ❯ Install
+$ npm install --save prompts
+> This package supports Node 6 and above
+## ❯ Usage
+<img src="" alt="example prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts({
+ type: 'number',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'How old are you?',
+ validate: value => value < 18 ? `Nightclub is 18+ only` : true
+ });
+ console.log(response); // => { value: 24 }
+> See [`example.js`]( for more options.
+## ❯ Examples
+### Single Prompt
+Prompt with a single prompt object. Returns an object with the response.
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts({
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'meaning',
+ message: 'What is the meaning of life?'
+ });
+ console.log(response.meaning);
+### Prompt Chain
+Prompt with a list of prompt objects. Returns an object with the responses.
+Make sure to give each prompt a unique `name` property to prevent overwriting values.
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+const questions = [
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'username',
+ message: 'What is your GitHub username?'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'number',
+ name: 'age',
+ message: 'How old are you?'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'about',
+ message: 'Tell something about yourself',
+ initial: 'Why should I?'
+ }
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts(questions);
+ // => response => { username, age, about }
+### Dynamic Prompts
+Prompt properties can be functions too.
+Prompt Objects with `type` set to `falsy` values are skipped.
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+const questions = [
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'dish',
+ message: 'Do you like pizza?'
+ },
+ {
+ type: prev => prev == 'pizza' ? 'text' : null,
+ name: 'topping',
+ message: 'Name a topping'
+ }
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts(questions);
+## ❯ API
+### prompts(prompts, options)
+Type: `Function`<br>
+Returns: `Object`
+Prompter function which takes your [prompt objects](#-prompt-objects) and returns an object with responses.
+#### prompts
+Type: `Array|Object`<br>
+Array of [prompt objects](#-prompt-objects).
+ These are the questions the user will be prompted. You can see the list of supported [prompt types here](#-types).
+Prompts can be submitted (<kbd>return</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd>) or canceled (<kbd>esc</kbd>, <kbd>abort</kbd>, <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>c</kbd>, <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>d</kbd>). No property is being defined on the returned response object when a prompt is canceled.
+#### options.onSubmit
+Type: `Function`<br>
+Default: `() => {}`
+Callback that's invoked after each prompt submission.
+Its signature is `(prompt, answer, answers)` where `prompt` is the current prompt object, `answer` the user answer to the current question and `answers` the user answers so far. Async functions are supported.
+Return `true` to quit the prompt chain and return all collected responses so far, otherwise continue to iterate prompt objects.
+(async () => {
+ const questions = [{ ... }];
+ const onSubmit = (prompt, answer) => console.log(`Thanks I got ${answer} from ${}`);
+ const response = await prompts(questions, { onSubmit });
+#### options.onCancel
+Type: `Function`<br>
+Default: `() => {}`
+Callback that's invoked when the user cancels/exits the prompt.
+Its signature is `(prompt, answers)` where `prompt` is the current prompt object and `answers` the user answers so far. Async functions are supported.
+Return `true` to continue and prevent the prompt loop from aborting.
+On cancel responses collected so far are returned.
+(async () => {
+ const questions = [{ ... }];
+ const onCancel = prompt => {
+ console.log('Never stop prompting!');
+ return true;
+ }
+ const response = await prompts(questions, { onCancel });
+### override
+Type: `Function`
+Preanswer questions by passing an object with answers to `prompts.override`.
+Powerful when combined with arguments of process.
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts([
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'twitter',
+ message: `What's your twitter handle?`
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'multiselect',
+ name: 'color',
+ message: 'Pick colors',
+ choices: [
+ { title: 'Red', value: '#ff0000' },
+ { title: 'Green', value: '#00ff00' },
+ { title: 'Blue', value: '#0000ff' }
+ ],
+ }
+ ]);
+ console.log(response);
+### inject(values)
+Type: `Function`<br>
+Programmatically inject responses. This enables you to prepare the responses ahead of time.
+If any injected value is found the prompt is immediately resolved with the injected value.
+This feature is intended for testing only.
+#### values
+Type: `Array`
+Array with values to inject. Resolved values are removed from the internal inject array.
+Each value can be an array of values in order to provide answers for a question asked multiple times.
+If a value is an instance of `Error` it will simulate the user cancelling/exiting the prompt.
+const prompts = require('prompts');
+prompts.inject([ '@terkelg', ['#ff0000', '#0000ff'] ]);
+(async () => {
+ const response = await prompts([
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'twitter',
+ message: `What's your twitter handle?`
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'multiselect',
+ name: 'color',
+ message: 'Pick colors',
+ choices: [
+ { title: 'Red', value: '#ff0000' },
+ { title: 'Green', value: '#00ff00' },
+ { title: 'Blue', value: '#0000ff' }
+ ],
+ }
+ ]);
+ // => { twitter: 'terkelg', color: [ '#ff0000', '#0000ff' ] }
+## ❯ Prompt Objects
+Prompts Objects are JavaScript objects that define the "questions" and the [type of prompt](#-types).
+Almost all prompt objects have the following properties:
+ type: String | Function,
+ name: String | Function,
+ message: String | Function,
+ initial: String | Function | Async Function
+ format: Function | Async Function,
+ onRender: Function
+ onState: Function
+ stdin: Readable
+ stdout: Writeable
+Each property be of type `function` and will be invoked right before prompting the user.
+The function signature is `(prev, values, prompt)`, where `prev` is the value from the previous prompt,
+`values` is the response object with all values collected so far and `prompt` is the previous prompt object.
+**Function example:**
+ type: prev => prev > 3 ? 'confirm' : null,
+ name: 'confirm',
+ message: (prev, values) => `Please confirm that you eat ${} times ${prev} a day?`
+The above prompt will be skipped if the value of the previous prompt is less than 3.
+### type
+Type: `String|Function`
+Defines the type of prompt to display. See the list of [prompt types](#-types) for valid values.
+If `type` is a falsy value the prompter will skip that question.
+ type: null,
+ name: 'forgetme',
+ message: `I'll never be shown anyway`,
+### name
+Type: `String|Function`
+The response will be saved under this key/property in the returned response object.
+In case you have multiple prompts with the same name only the latest response will be stored.
+> Make sure to give prompts unique names if you don't want to overwrite previous values.
+### message
+Type: `String|Function`
+The message to be displayed to the user.
+### initial
+Type: `String|Function`
+Optional default prompt value. Async functions are supported too.
+### format
+Type: `Function`
+Receive the user input and return the formatted value to be used inside the program.
+The value returned will be added to the response object.
+The function signature is `(val, values)`, where `val` is the value from the current prompt and
+`values` is the current response object in case you need to format based on previous responses.
+ type: 'number',
+ name: 'price',
+ message: 'Enter price',
+ format: val => Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }).format(val);
+### onRender
+Type: `Function`
+Callback for when the prompt is rendered.
+The function receives [kleur]( as its first argument and `this` refers to the current prompt.
+ type: 'number',
+ message: 'This message will be overridden',
+ onRender(kleur) {
+ this.msg = kleur.cyan('Enter a number');
+ }
+### onState
+Type: `Function`
+Callback for when the state of the current prompt changes.
+The function signature is `(state)` where `state` is an object with a snapshot of the current state.
+The state object has two properties `value` and `aborted`. E.g `{ value: 'This is ', aborted: false }`
+### stdin and stdout
+Type: `Stream`
+By default, prompts uses `process.stdin` for receiving input and `process.stdout` for writing output.
+If you need to use different streams, for instance `process.stderr`, you can set these with the `stdin` and `stdout` properties.
+## ❯ Types
+* [text](#textmessage-initial-style)
+* [password](#passwordmessage-initial)
+* [invisible](#invisiblemessage-initial)
+* [number](#numbermessage-initial-max-min-style)
+* [confirm](#confirmmessage-initial)
+* [list](#listmessage-initial)
+* [toggle](#togglemessage-initial-active-inactive)
+* [select](#selectmessage-choices-initial-hint-warn)
+* [multiselect](#multiselectmessage-choices-initial-max-hint-warn)
+* [autocompleteMultiselect](#multiselectmessage-choices-initial-max-hint-warn)
+* [autocomplete](#autocompletemessage-choices-initial-suggest-limit-style)
+* [date](#datemessage-initial-warn)
+### text(message, [initial], [style])
+> Text prompt for free text input.
+Hit <kbd>tab</kbd> to autocomplete to `initial` value when provided.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="text prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'text',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: `What's your twitter handle?`
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `string` | Default string value |
+| style | `string` | Render style (`default`, `password`, `invisible`, `emoji`). Defaults to `default` |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### password(message, [initial])
+> Password prompt with masked input.
+This prompt is a similar to a prompt of type `'text'` with `style` set to `'password'`.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="password prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'password',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Tell me a secret'
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `string` | Default string value |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### invisible(message, [initial])
+> Prompts user for invisible text input.
+This prompt is working like `sudo` where the input is invisible.
+This prompt is a similar to a prompt of type `'text'` with style set to `'invisible'`.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="invisible prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'invisible',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Enter password'
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `string` | Default string value |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### number(message, initial, [max], [min], [style])
+> Prompts user for number input.
+You can type in numbers and use <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to increase/decrease the value. Only numbers are allowed as input. Hit <kbd>tab</kbd> to autocomplete to `initial` value when provided.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="number prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'number',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'How old are you?',
+ initial: 0,
+ style: 'default',
+ min: 2,
+ max: 10
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `number` | Default number value |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
+| max | `number` | Max value. Defaults to `Infinity` |
+| min | `number` | Min value. Defaults to `-infinity` |
+| float | `boolean` | Allow floating point inputs. Defaults to `false` |
+| round | `number` | Round `float` values to x decimals. Defaults to `2` |
+| increment | `number` | Increment step when using <kbd>arrow</kbd> keys. Defaults to `1` |
+| style | `string` | Render style (`default`, `password`, `invisible`, `emoji`). Defaults to `default` |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### confirm(message, [initial])
+> Classic yes/no prompt.
+Hit <kbd>y</kbd> or <kbd>n</kbd> to confirm/reject.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="confirm prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'confirm',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Can you confirm?',
+ initial: true
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `boolean` | Default value. Default is `false` |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### list(message, [initial])
+> List prompt that return an array.
+Similar to the `text` prompt, but the output is an `Array` containing the
+string separated by `separator`.
+ type: 'list',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Enter keywords',
+ initial: '',
+ separator: ','
+<img src="" alt="list prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `boolean` | Default value |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| separator | `string` | String separator. Will trim all white-spaces from start and end of string. Defaults to `','` |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### toggle(message, [initial], [active], [inactive])
+> Interactive toggle/switch prompt.
+Use tab or <kbd>arrow keys</kbd>/<kbd>tab</kbd>/<kbd>space</kbd> to switch between options.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="toggle prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'toggle',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Can you confirm?',
+ initial: true,
+ active: 'yes',
+ inactive: 'no'
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `boolean` | Default value. Defaults to `false` |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| active | `string` | Text for `active` state. Defaults to `'on'` |
+| inactive | `string` | Text for `inactive` state. Defaults to `'off'` |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### select(message, choices, [initial], [hint], [warn])
+> Interactive select prompt.
+Use <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle the list.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="select prompt" width="499" height="130" />
+ type: 'select',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Pick a color',
+ choices: [
+ { title: 'Red', description: 'This option has a description', value: '#ff0000' },
+ { title: 'Green', value: '#00ff00', disabled: true },
+ { title: 'Blue', value: '#0000ff' }
+ ],
+ initial: 1
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `number` | Index of default value |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| hint | `string` | Hint to display to the user |
+| warn | `string` | Message to display when selecting a disabled option |
+| choices | `Array` | Array of strings or choices objects `[{ title, description, value, disabled }, ...]`. The choice's index in the array will be used as its value if it is not specified. |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### multiselect(message, choices, [initial], [max], [hint], [warn])
+### autocompleteMultiselect(same)
+> Interactive multi-select prompt.
+> Autocomplete is a searchable multiselect prompt with the same options. Useful for long lists.
+Use <kbd>space</kbd> to toggle select/unselect and <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle the list. You can also use <kbd>right</kbd> to select and <kbd>left</kbd> to deselect.
+By default this prompt returns an `array` containing the **values** of the selected items - not their display title.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="multiselect prompt" width="499" height="130" />
+ type: 'multiselect',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Pick colors',
+ choices: [
+ { title: 'Red', value: '#ff0000' },
+ { title: 'Green', value: '#00ff00', disabled: true },
+ { title: 'Blue', value: '#0000ff', selected: true }
+ ],
+ max: 2,
+ hint: '- Space to select. Return to submit'
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| instructions | `string` or `boolean` | Prompt instructions to display |
+| choices | `Array` | Array of strings or choices objects `[{ title, value, disabled }, ...]`. The choice's index in the array will be used as its value if it is not specified. |
+| optionsPerPage | `number` | Number of options displayed per page (default: 10) |
+| min | `number` | Min select - will display error |
+| max | `number` | Max select |
+| hint | `string` | Hint to display to the user |
+| warn | `string` | Message to display when selecting a disabled option |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+This is one of the few prompts that don't take a initial value.
+If you want to predefine selected values, give the choice object an `selected` property of `true`.
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### autocomplete(message, choices, [initial], [suggest], [limit], [style])
+> Interactive auto complete prompt.
+The prompt will list options based on user input. Type to filter the list.
+Use <kbd>⇧</kbd>/<kbd>⇩</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle the result. Use <kbd>Page Up</kbd>/<kbd>Page Down</kbd> (on Mac: <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>⇧</kbd> / <kbd>⇩</kbd>) to change page. Hit <kbd>enter</kbd> to select the highlighted item below the prompt.
+The default suggests function is sorting based on the `title` property of the choices.
+You can overwrite how choices are being filtered by passing your own suggest function.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="auto complete prompt" width="499" height="163" />
+ type: 'autocomplete',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Pick your favorite actor',
+ choices: [
+ { title: 'Cage' },
+ { title: 'Clooney', value: 'silver-fox' },
+ { title: 'Gyllenhaal' },
+ { title: 'Gibson' },
+ { title: 'Grant' }
+ ]
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
+| choices | `Array` | Array of auto-complete choices objects `[{ title, value }, ...]` |
+| suggest | `function` | Filter function. Defaults to sort by `title` property. `suggest` should always return a promise. Filters using `title` by default |
+| limit | `number` | Max number of results to show. Defaults to `10` |
+| style | `string` | Render style (`default`, `password`, `invisible`, `emoji`). Defaults to `'default'` |
+| initial | `string \| number` | Default initial value |
+| clearFirst | `boolean` | The first ESCAPE keypress will clear the input |
+| fallback | `string` | Fallback message when no match is found. Defaults to `initial` value if provided |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with three properties: `value`, `aborted` and `exited` |
+Example on what a `suggest` function might look like:
+const suggestByTitle = (input, choices) =>
+ Promise.resolve(choices.filter(i => i.title.slice(0, input.length) === input))
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+### date(message, [initial], [warn])
+> Interactive date prompt.
+Use <kbd>left</kbd>/<kbd>right</kbd>/<kbd>tab</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to change date.
+#### Example
+<img src="" alt="date prompt" width="499" height="103" />
+ type: 'date',
+ name: 'value',
+ message: 'Pick a date',
+ initial: new Date(1997, 09, 12),
+ validate: date => date > ? 'Not in the future' : true
+#### Options
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
+| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
+| initial | `date` | Default date |
+| locales | `object` | Use to define custom locales. See below for an example. |
+| mask | `string` | The format mask of the date. See below for more information.<br />Default: `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` |
+| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
+| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
+| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
+Default locales:
+ months: [
+ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
+ 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
+ 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
+ ],
+ monthsShort: [
+ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+ 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
+ ],
+ weekdays: [
+ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
+ 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
+ ],
+ weekdaysShort: [
+ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'
+ ]
+>**Formatting**: See full list of formatting options in the [wiki](
+**↑ back to:** [Prompt types](#-types)
+## ❯ Credit
+Many of the prompts are based on the work of [derhuerst](
+## ❯ License
+MIT © [Terkel Gjervig](