path: root/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js
diff options
authorMinteck <nekostarfan@gmail.com>2021-08-24 14:41:48 +0200
committerMinteck <nekostarfan@gmail.com>2021-08-24 14:41:48 +0200
commitd25e11bee6ca5ca523884da132d18e1400e077b9 (patch)
tree8af39fde19f7ed640a60fb397c7edd647dff1c4c /node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js b/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f5340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+ MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
+"use strict";
+class HookCodeFactory {
+ constructor(config) {
+ this.config = config;
+ this.options = undefined;
+ this._args = undefined;
+ }
+ create(options) {
+ this.init(options);
+ let fn;
+ switch (this.options.type) {
+ case "sync":
+ fn = new Function(
+ this.args(),
+ '"use strict";\n' +
+ this.header() +
+ this.contentWithInterceptors({
+ onError: err => `throw ${err};\n`,
+ onResult: result => `return ${result};\n`,
+ resultReturns: true,
+ onDone: () => "",
+ rethrowIfPossible: true
+ })
+ );
+ break;
+ case "async":
+ fn = new Function(
+ this.args({
+ after: "_callback"
+ }),
+ '"use strict";\n' +
+ this.header() +
+ this.contentWithInterceptors({
+ onError: err => `_callback(${err});\n`,
+ onResult: result => `_callback(null, ${result});\n`,
+ onDone: () => "_callback();\n"
+ })
+ );
+ break;
+ case "promise":
+ let errorHelperUsed = false;
+ const content = this.contentWithInterceptors({
+ onError: err => {
+ errorHelperUsed = true;
+ return `_error(${err});\n`;
+ },
+ onResult: result => `_resolve(${result});\n`,
+ onDone: () => "_resolve();\n"
+ });
+ let code = "";
+ code += '"use strict";\n';
+ code += this.header();
+ code += "return new Promise((function(_resolve, _reject) {\n";
+ if (errorHelperUsed) {
+ code += "var _sync = true;\n";
+ code += "function _error(_err) {\n";
+ code += "if(_sync)\n";
+ code +=
+ "_resolve(Promise.resolve().then((function() { throw _err; })));\n";
+ code += "else\n";
+ code += "_reject(_err);\n";
+ code += "};\n";
+ }
+ code += content;
+ if (errorHelperUsed) {
+ code += "_sync = false;\n";
+ }
+ code += "}));\n";
+ fn = new Function(this.args(), code);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.deinit();
+ return fn;
+ }
+ setup(instance, options) {
+ instance._x = options.taps.map(t => t.fn);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {{ type: "sync" | "promise" | "async", taps: Array<Tap>, interceptors: Array<Interceptor> }} options
+ */
+ init(options) {
+ this.options = options;
+ this._args = options.args.slice();
+ }
+ deinit() {
+ this.options = undefined;
+ this._args = undefined;
+ }
+ contentWithInterceptors(options) {
+ if (this.options.interceptors.length > 0) {
+ const onError = options.onError;
+ const onResult = options.onResult;
+ const onDone = options.onDone;
+ let code = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.call) {
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.call(${this.args({
+ before: interceptor.context ? "_context" : undefined
+ })});\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += this.content(
+ Object.assign(options, {
+ onError:
+ onError &&
+ (err => {
+ let code = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.error) {
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.error(${err});\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += onError(err);
+ return code;
+ }),
+ onResult:
+ onResult &&
+ (result => {
+ let code = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.result) {
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.result(${result});\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += onResult(result);
+ return code;
+ }),
+ onDone:
+ onDone &&
+ (() => {
+ let code = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.done) {
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.done();\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += onDone();
+ return code;
+ })
+ })
+ );
+ return code;
+ } else {
+ return this.content(options);
+ }
+ }
+ header() {
+ let code = "";
+ if (this.needContext()) {
+ code += "var _context = {};\n";
+ } else {
+ code += "var _context;\n";
+ }
+ code += "var _x = this._x;\n";
+ if (this.options.interceptors.length > 0) {
+ code += "var _taps = this.taps;\n";
+ code += "var _interceptors = this.interceptors;\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ }
+ needContext() {
+ for (const tap of this.options.taps) if (tap.context) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ callTap(tapIndex, { onError, onResult, onDone, rethrowIfPossible }) {
+ let code = "";
+ let hasTapCached = false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.tap) {
+ if (!hasTapCached) {
+ code += `var _tap${tapIndex} = ${this.getTap(tapIndex)};\n`;
+ hasTapCached = true;
+ }
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.tap(${
+ interceptor.context ? "_context, " : ""
+ }_tap${tapIndex});\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += `var _fn${tapIndex} = ${this.getTapFn(tapIndex)};\n`;
+ const tap = this.options.taps[tapIndex];
+ switch (tap.type) {
+ case "sync":
+ if (!rethrowIfPossible) {
+ code += `var _hasError${tapIndex} = false;\n`;
+ code += "try {\n";
+ }
+ if (onResult) {
+ code += `var _result${tapIndex} = _fn${tapIndex}(${this.args({
+ before: tap.context ? "_context" : undefined
+ })});\n`;
+ } else {
+ code += `_fn${tapIndex}(${this.args({
+ before: tap.context ? "_context" : undefined
+ })});\n`;
+ }
+ if (!rethrowIfPossible) {
+ code += "} catch(_err) {\n";
+ code += `_hasError${tapIndex} = true;\n`;
+ code += onError("_err");
+ code += "}\n";
+ code += `if(!_hasError${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ }
+ if (onResult) {
+ code += onResult(`_result${tapIndex}`);
+ }
+ if (onDone) {
+ code += onDone();
+ }
+ if (!rethrowIfPossible) {
+ code += "}\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "async":
+ let cbCode = "";
+ if (onResult)
+ cbCode += `(function(_err${tapIndex}, _result${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ else cbCode += `(function(_err${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ cbCode += `if(_err${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ cbCode += onError(`_err${tapIndex}`);
+ cbCode += "} else {\n";
+ if (onResult) {
+ cbCode += onResult(`_result${tapIndex}`);
+ }
+ if (onDone) {
+ cbCode += onDone();
+ }
+ cbCode += "}\n";
+ cbCode += "})";
+ code += `_fn${tapIndex}(${this.args({
+ before: tap.context ? "_context" : undefined,
+ after: cbCode
+ })});\n`;
+ break;
+ case "promise":
+ code += `var _hasResult${tapIndex} = false;\n`;
+ code += `var _promise${tapIndex} = _fn${tapIndex}(${this.args({
+ before: tap.context ? "_context" : undefined
+ })});\n`;
+ code += `if (!_promise${tapIndex} || !_promise${tapIndex}.then)\n`;
+ code += ` throw new Error('Tap function (tapPromise) did not return promise (returned ' + _promise${tapIndex} + ')');\n`;
+ code += `_promise${tapIndex}.then((function(_result${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ code += `_hasResult${tapIndex} = true;\n`;
+ if (onResult) {
+ code += onResult(`_result${tapIndex}`);
+ }
+ if (onDone) {
+ code += onDone();
+ }
+ code += `}), function(_err${tapIndex}) {\n`;
+ code += `if(_hasResult${tapIndex}) throw _err${tapIndex};\n`;
+ code += onError(`_err${tapIndex}`);
+ code += "});\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ return code;
+ }
+ callTapsSeries({
+ onError,
+ onResult,
+ resultReturns,
+ onDone,
+ doneReturns,
+ rethrowIfPossible
+ }) {
+ if (this.options.taps.length === 0) return onDone();
+ const firstAsync = this.options.taps.findIndex(t => t.type !== "sync");
+ const somethingReturns = resultReturns || doneReturns;
+ let code = "";
+ let current = onDone;
+ let unrollCounter = 0;
+ for (let j = this.options.taps.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ const i = j;
+ const unroll =
+ current !== onDone &&
+ (this.options.taps[i].type !== "sync" || unrollCounter++ > 20);
+ if (unroll) {
+ unrollCounter = 0;
+ code += `function _next${i}() {\n`;
+ code += current();
+ code += `}\n`;
+ current = () => `${somethingReturns ? "return " : ""}_next${i}();\n`;
+ }
+ const done = current;
+ const doneBreak = skipDone => {
+ if (skipDone) return "";
+ return onDone();
+ };
+ const content = this.callTap(i, {
+ onError: error => onError(i, error, done, doneBreak),
+ onResult:
+ onResult &&
+ (result => {
+ return onResult(i, result, done, doneBreak);
+ }),
+ onDone: !onResult && done,
+ rethrowIfPossible:
+ rethrowIfPossible && (firstAsync < 0 || i < firstAsync)
+ });
+ current = () => content;
+ }
+ code += current();
+ return code;
+ }
+ callTapsLooping({ onError, onDone, rethrowIfPossible }) {
+ if (this.options.taps.length === 0) return onDone();
+ const syncOnly = this.options.taps.every(t => t.type === "sync");
+ let code = "";
+ if (!syncOnly) {
+ code += "var _looper = (function() {\n";
+ code += "var _loopAsync = false;\n";
+ }
+ code += "var _loop;\n";
+ code += "do {\n";
+ code += "_loop = false;\n";
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.interceptors.length; i++) {
+ const interceptor = this.options.interceptors[i];
+ if (interceptor.loop) {
+ code += `${this.getInterceptor(i)}.loop(${this.args({
+ before: interceptor.context ? "_context" : undefined
+ })});\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ code += this.callTapsSeries({
+ onError,
+ onResult: (i, result, next, doneBreak) => {
+ let code = "";
+ code += `if(${result} !== undefined) {\n`;
+ code += "_loop = true;\n";
+ if (!syncOnly) code += "if(_loopAsync) _looper();\n";
+ code += doneBreak(true);
+ code += `} else {\n`;
+ code += next();
+ code += `}\n`;
+ return code;
+ },
+ onDone:
+ onDone &&
+ (() => {
+ let code = "";
+ code += "if(!_loop) {\n";
+ code += onDone();
+ code += "}\n";
+ return code;
+ }),
+ rethrowIfPossible: rethrowIfPossible && syncOnly
+ });
+ code += "} while(_loop);\n";
+ if (!syncOnly) {
+ code += "_loopAsync = true;\n";
+ code += "});\n";
+ code += "_looper();\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ }
+ callTapsParallel({
+ onError,
+ onResult,
+ onDone,
+ rethrowIfPossible,
+ onTap = (i, run) => run()
+ }) {
+ if (this.options.taps.length <= 1) {
+ return this.callTapsSeries({
+ onError,
+ onResult,
+ onDone,
+ rethrowIfPossible
+ });
+ }
+ let code = "";
+ code += "do {\n";
+ code += `var _counter = ${this.options.taps.length};\n`;
+ if (onDone) {
+ code += "var _done = (function() {\n";
+ code += onDone();
+ code += "});\n";
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.options.taps.length; i++) {
+ const done = () => {
+ if (onDone) return "if(--_counter === 0) _done();\n";
+ else return "--_counter;";
+ };
+ const doneBreak = skipDone => {
+ if (skipDone || !onDone) return "_counter = 0;\n";
+ else return "_counter = 0;\n_done();\n";
+ };
+ code += "if(_counter <= 0) break;\n";
+ code += onTap(
+ i,
+ () =>
+ this.callTap(i, {
+ onError: error => {
+ let code = "";
+ code += "if(_counter > 0) {\n";
+ code += onError(i, error, done, doneBreak);
+ code += "}\n";
+ return code;
+ },
+ onResult:
+ onResult &&
+ (result => {
+ let code = "";
+ code += "if(_counter > 0) {\n";
+ code += onResult(i, result, done, doneBreak);
+ code += "}\n";
+ return code;
+ }),
+ onDone:
+ !onResult &&
+ (() => {
+ return done();
+ }),
+ rethrowIfPossible
+ }),
+ done,
+ doneBreak
+ );
+ }
+ code += "} while(false);\n";
+ return code;
+ }
+ args({ before, after } = {}) {
+ let allArgs = this._args;
+ if (before) allArgs = [before].concat(allArgs);
+ if (after) allArgs = allArgs.concat(after);
+ if (allArgs.length === 0) {
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return allArgs.join(", ");
+ }
+ }
+ getTapFn(idx) {
+ return `_x[${idx}]`;
+ }
+ getTap(idx) {
+ return `_taps[${idx}]`;
+ }
+ getInterceptor(idx) {
+ return `_interceptors[${idx}]`;
+ }
+module.exports = HookCodeFactory;