path: root/crash
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crash')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/crash/client.js b/crash/client.js
index e70467f..95cc342 100644
--- a/crash/client.js
+++ b/crash/client.js
@@ -1,8 +1,40 @@
+taglines = [
+ "Who set us up the engine?",
+ "Everything's going as planned. No, really, that was supposed to happen.",
+ "Uh... Did I do that? (oops)",
+ "Oops.",
+ "Why did you do that?",
+ "I feel sad now :(",
+ "My bad.",
+ "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.",
+ "I let you down. Sorry :(",
+ "On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear!",
+ "Oh - I know what I did wrong!",
+ "Hey, that tickles! Hehehe!",
+ "I blame Microsoft.",
+ "Don't be sad. I'll do better next time, pinky swear!",
+ "Don't be sad, have a hug! <3",
+ "I just don't know what went wrong :(",
+ "Shall we play a game?",
+ "Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.",
+ "Sorry :(",
+ "Surprise! Haha. Well, this is awkward.",
+ "Would you like a cupcake?",
+ "Hi. I'm Kartik, and I'm a crashaholic.",
+ "Ooh. Shiny.",
+ "This doesn't make any sense!",
+ "Why is it breaking :(",
+ "Don't do that.",
+ "Ouch. That hurt :(",
+ "You're mean.",
+ "But it works on my machine.",
+ "Welp, I guess it's broken now.",
+ "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
+ "*boop*"
if (native) {
function crash(error) {
- try {
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().hide();
- } catch (e) {}
id = new Date().toISOString().replaceAll(":", "-");
try {
@@ -13,72 +45,79 @@ if (native) {
- report = "\n";
- report += "Kartik Crash Report\n\nPlease send this to the developers so they can fix the problem and deploy a patch to all players.\n\nStack Trace:\n"
- error.stack.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
- report += " " + line + "\n";
- })
- report += "\n\nSystem Information:\n"
- report += " " + "Kartik"+require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().channel + "(" + pkg.name + ") " +pkg.version + " [" + pkg.serial + "]\n";
+ try {
+ pubver = require('../package.json').version;
+ } catch (e) {
+ pubver = require('./package.json').version;
+ }
+ pvpart = pubver.split(".");
+ if (pvpart.length === 3) {
+ intver = pvpart[0] + "." + pvpart[1];
+ } else {
+ intver = "unknown";
+ }
- report += " " + require('os').type() + " (" + require('os').version() + ", " + require('os').arch() +") version " + require('os').release() + "\n";
- cores = require('os').cpus()
- if (cores.length > 1) {
- report += " " + cores.length + " processors";
+ if (require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().mods.length > 0) {
+ release = "mods+" + require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().mods.length;
} else {
- report += " " + cores.length + " processor";
+ release = "official";
- report += "\n\nKartik Components:\n";
- Object.keys(process.versions).forEach((e) => {
- v = process.versions[e];
- report += " " + e + "@" + v + "\n";
+ report = "---- Kartik Crash Report ----\n";
+ report += "// " + taglines[Math.floor(Math.random() * taglines.length)] + "\n\n"
+ report += "Time: " + new Date().toUTCString() + "\n\n";
+ error.stack.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
+ report += line + "\n";
- require('fs').writeFileSync(require('os').userInfo().homedir + "/.kartik/crashes/" + id + ".txt", report);
- if (error.message !== "Invalid display" && error.message !== "Out of memory") {
+ report += "\n\n\nA detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:\n" +
+ "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
- fetch("https://kartik.hopto.org/telemetry/report/?report=" + btoa(report.replaceAll(require('os').userInfo().username, "<information removed>")))
+ report += "-- Head --\nThread: Renderer #" + process.pid + "\n\n"
- .then(() => {
- if (require('os').platform() === "win32") {
- require('child_process').execSync("runtime\\kartik-crash.bat");
- } else if (require('os').platform() === "darwin") {
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash-mac.sh");
- } else {
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash.sh");
- }
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().destroy();
+ report += "-- Initialization --\nDetails: " + require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().cmdlineargs.join(" ") + "\n\n"
- window.close();
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().close();
- })
- .catch(() => {
- if (require('os').platform() === "win32") {
- require('child_process').execSync("runtime\\kartik-crash.bat");
- } else if (require('os').platform() === "darwin") {
+ report += "-- System Details --\nDetails: \n";
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash-mac.sh");
- } else {
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash.sh");
- }
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().destroy();
- window.close();
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().close();
- })
- } else {
- if (require('os').platform() === "win32") {
- require('child_process').execSync("runtime\\kartik-crash.bat");
- } else if (require('os').platform() === "darwin") {
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash-mac.sh");
+ report += " Kartik Version: " + pkg.version + "\n";
+ try {
+ channel = require('../package.json').channel;
+ } catch (e) {
+ channel = require('./package.json').channel;
+ }
+ report += " Kartik Version ID: " + intver + "/" + channel + "+" + release + "\n";
+ report += " Kartik Version SKU: " + pkg.serial + "\n";
+ report += " Operating System: " + require('os').type() + " (" + require('os').arch() + ") version " + require('os').release() + "\n";
+ report += " Electron Version: " + process.versions.electron + "\n";
+ report += " Electron VM Version: " + process.versions.v8 + "\n";
+ report += " Node Version: " + process.versions.node + "\n";
+ report += " Memory: " + process.memoryUsage().heapUsed + " bytes (" + Math.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1000000) + " MB) / " + process.memoryUsage().heapTotal + " bytes (" + Math.round(process.memoryUsage().heapTotal / 1000000) + " MB) up to " + process.memoryUsage().rss + " bytes (" + Math.round(process.memoryUsage().rss / 1000000) + " MB)\n";
+ report += " CPUs: " + require('os').cpus().length + "\n";
+ if (require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().mods.length > 0) {
+ report += " KMP Mods:\n";
+ for (mod of require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().mods) {
+ report += " " + mod + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ report += " Is Modded: ";
+ if (require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().mods.length > 0) {
+ report += "Definitely; Client brand changed to 'kmp-client'"
+ } else if (require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().invalidfiles.length > 0) {
+ if (require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().invalidfiles.length > 1) {
+ report += "Very likely; " + require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().invalidfiles.length + " signatures invalidated";
} else {
- require('child_process').execSync("./runtime/kartik-crash.sh");
+ report += "Very likely; " + require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().invalidfiles.length + " signature invalidated";
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().destroy();
- window.close();
- require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().close();
+ } else {
+ report += "Probably not. All signatures remains and client brand is untouched.";
+ report += "\n";
+ report += " CPU: " + require('os').cpus().length + "x " + require('os').cpus()[0].model.trim() + "\n";
+ require('fs').copyFileSync(homedir + "/.kartik/current.kfn", homedir + "/.kartik/crashed.kfn");
+ require('fs').writeFileSync(require('os').userInfo().homedir + "/.kartik/crashes/" + id + ".txt", report);
+ require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().webContents.send("crashreport", report);
window.onerror = (_a, _b, _c, _d, error) => {
@@ -98,17 +137,4 @@ if (native) {
crash(new Error("Unknown error"));
- /*setInterval(() => {
- try {
- if (document.body.clientWidth >= (screen.width - 50) || document.body.clientHeight >= (screen.height - 50) || require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().pwidth >= (screen.width - 50) || require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().pheight >= (screen.height - 50) || require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow().scale < 0.9) {
- if (!location.href.includes("credits.html")) {
- error("CrashManager", "Invalid display, crashing");
- crash(new Error("Invalid display"));
- // TODO: Instead reset the size and restart
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }, 2000)*/