path: root/src/PrisbeamSettings.ts
diff options
authorRaindropsSys <raindrops@equestria.dev>2024-06-29 20:59:16 +0200
committerRaindropsSys <raindrops@equestria.dev>2024-06-29 20:59:16 +0200
commit914bcbb474f6f186c212b2da0d9d864b5e75d8e4 (patch)
treeb77a3e341f87e7a9c4ad9e1f9d4928f5b2495329 /src/PrisbeamSettings.ts
parent1c94bd658c2469f9ca9f465db82e71b6f7d2bfe8 (diff)
Rename to Faunerie
Diffstat (limited to 'src/PrisbeamSettings.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/src/PrisbeamSettings.ts b/src/PrisbeamSettings.ts
deleted file mode 100755
index 7ec0b2b..0000000
--- a/src/PrisbeamSettings.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-import {PrisbeamApp} from "./PrisbeamApp";
-import * as fs from "node:fs";
-import * as path from "node:path";
-import {PrisbeamImageType, PrisbeamListType} from "libprisbeam";
-export class PrisbeamSettings {
- instance: PrisbeamApp;
- constructor(instance: PrisbeamApp) {
- this.instance = instance;
- }
- async getThumbnailFiles() {
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- let files = [];
- let filesPre = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails");
- for (let i of filesPre) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i)).isDirectory()) {
- let list = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i);
- for (let j of list) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i + "/" + j)).isDirectory()) {
- let list2 = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i + "/" + j);
- for (let k of list2) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k)).isDirectory()) {
- let list3 = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k);
- for (let l of list3) {
- files.push(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k + "/" + l);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return files;
- }
- async getImageFiles() {
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- let files = [];
- let filesPre = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/images");
- for (let i of filesPre) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i)).isDirectory()) {
- let list = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i);
- for (let j of list) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i + "/" + j)).isDirectory()) {
- let list2 = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i + "/" + j);
- for (let k of list2) {
- if ((await fs.promises.lstat(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k)).isDirectory()) {
- let list3 = await fs.promises.readdir(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k);
- for (let l of list3) {
- files.push(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + i + "/" + j + "/" + k + "/" + l);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return files;
- }
- async processList(files: string[]) {
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- let total = files.length;
- let index = 0;
- let orphans = [];
- for (let file of files) {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Looking for orphan files... " + file;
- if (!(await _dataStore.database.frontend.getImage(path.basename(file, path.extname(file))))) {
- orphans.push(file);
- }
- index++;
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = ((index / total) * 100) + "%";
- }
- return orphans;
- }
- async processOrphans(orphans: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
- let hadErrors = false;
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Removing orphan files...";
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "0%";
- let index = 0;
- for (let orphan of orphans) {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Removing orphan files... " + orphan;
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = ((index / orphans.length) * 100) + "%";
- try {
- await fs.promises.unlink(orphan);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- this.instance.loadingError("Failed to remove " + orphan);
- hadErrors = true;
- }
- index++;
- }
- return hadErrors;
- }
- async removeOrphans() {
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- if (_dataStore.loadedFromCache) return;
- _dataStore.loader.show();
- _dataStore.hadErrorsLoading = false;
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("loader-errors-list").innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById("loader-errors").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Looking for orphan files...";
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "0%";
- let files = [
- ...(await this.getThumbnailFiles()),
- ...(await this.getImageFiles())
- ];
- let hadErrors = false;
- let orphans = await this.processList(files);
- if (orphans.length > 0) {
- hadErrors = await this.processOrphans(orphans);
- }
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = hadErrors ? "This operation completed with some errors." : "This operation completed successfully.";
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "100%";
- document.getElementById("loading-btn").classList.remove("disabled");
- document.getElementById("loader-errors").style.display = "";
- }
- private protectedEncode(b: string | ArrayBuffer) {
- return require('zlib').deflateRawSync(b, {level: 9});
- }
- checkImageForCorruptions(image: any): Promise<boolean> {
- let i = image;
- let instance = this.instance;
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- return new Promise<boolean>(async (res) => {
- function next() {
- let imageIsCorrupted: Function;
- let img = i['mime_type'].startsWith("image/") ? new Image() : document.createElement("video");
- img.onload = img.oncanplaythrough = () => {
- img.remove();
- if ("srcObject" in img) img.srcObject = null;
- // noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
- if (img.src.startsWith("https://") || img.src.startsWith("http://")) imageIsCorrupted();
- res(false);
- }
- img.onerror = imageIsCorrupted = () => {
- instance.loadingError("Image " + i.id + " is corrupted");
- res(true);
- }
- img.src = _dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(i, PrisbeamImageType.ViewURL);
- }
- let imageIsCorrupted: Function;
- let img = new Image();
- img.onload = img.oncanplaythrough = () => {
- img.remove();
- if ("srcObject" in img) img.srcObject = null;
- // noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
- if (img.src.startsWith("https://") || img.src.startsWith("http://")) imageIsCorrupted();
- next();
- }
- img.onerror = imageIsCorrupted = () => {
- instance.loadingError("Image " + i.id + " is corrupted");
- res(true);
- }
- img.src = _dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(i, PrisbeamImageType.ThumbnailURL);
- });
- }
- async repairCorruptedImage(i: any) {
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- try {
- await fs.promises.writeFile(_dataStore.source + "/images/" + (i['sha512_hash'] ?? i['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 1) + "/" + (i['sha512_hash'] ?? i['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 2) + "/" + i.id + ".bin", this.protectedEncode(Buffer.from(await (await fetch(i['view_url'])).arrayBuffer())));
- await fs.promises.writeFile(_dataStore.source + "/thumbnails/" + (i['sha512_hash'] ?? i['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 1) + "/" + (i['sha512_hash'] ?? i['orig_sha512_hash'] ?? "0000000").substring(0, 2) + "/" + i.id + ".bin", this.protectedEncode(Buffer.from(await (await fetch(i['representations']['thumb'])).arrayBuffer())));
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- this.instance.loadingError("Failed to repair image " + i.id);
- return false;
- }
- }
- finishRepairing(hadErrorsFixing: boolean) {
- if (this.instance.dataStore.hadErrorsLoading) {
- if (hadErrorsFixing) {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Corrupted files found and could not be repaired.";
- } else {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Corrupted files found and repaired successfully.";
- }
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "100%";
- document.getElementById("loading-btn").classList.remove("disabled");
- } else {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "No corrupted files found.";
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "100%";
- document.getElementById("loading-btn").classList.remove("disabled");
- document.getElementById("loader-errors").style.display = "";
- }
- }
- async repairScanForCorruptions() {
- let corrupted = [];
- let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;
- _dataStore.loader.show();
- _dataStore.hadErrorsLoading = false;
- document.getElementById("progress").classList.remove("progress-bar-striped");
- document.getElementById("loader-errors-list").innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById("loader-errors").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Checking for corrupted images...";
- let total = await _dataStore.database.frontend.countImages();
- let index = 0;
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "0%";
- for (let image of await _dataStore.database.frontend.getAllImages(PrisbeamListType.Array) as any[]) {
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Checking for corrupted images... " + Math.round(((index / total) * 100)) + "% (" + image.id + ")";
- if (await this.checkImageForCorruptions(image)) {
- corrupted.push(image);
- }
- index++;
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = ((index / total) * 100) + "%";
- }
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = "0%";
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Repairing corrupted images...";
- index = 0;
- return corrupted;
- }
- async repairProcessCorruptions(corrupted: any[]) {
- let hadErrorsFixing = false;
- let index = 0;
- for (let file of corrupted) {
- hadErrorsFixing = hadErrorsFixing && await this.repairCorruptedImage(file);
- document.getElementById("progress").style.width = ((index / corrupted.length) * 100) + "%";
- document.getElementById("load").innerText = "Repairing corrupted images... " + Math.round(((index / corrupted.length) * 100)) + "% (" + file.id + ")";
- index++;
- }
- return hadErrorsFixing;
- }
- async repairCorruptions() {
- if (this.instance.dataStore.loadedFromCache) return;
- this.finishRepairing(
- await this.repairProcessCorruptions(
- await this.repairScanForCorruptions()
- )
- )
- }