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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Paul Miller (https://paulmillr.com), Elan Shanker
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-# Chokidar [![Weekly downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dw/chokidar.svg)](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar) [![Yearly downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dy/chokidar.svg)](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar)
-> Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
-## Why?
-Node.js `fs.watch`:
-* Doesn't report filenames on MacOS.
-* Doesn't report events at all when using editors like Sublime on MacOS.
-* Often reports events twice.
-* Emits most changes as `rename`.
-* Does not provide an easy way to recursively watch file trees.
-* Does not support recursive watching on Linux.
-Node.js `fs.watchFile`:
-* Almost as bad at event handling.
-* Also does not provide any recursive watching.
-* Results in high CPU utilization.
-Chokidar resolves these problems.
-Initially made for **[Brunch](https://brunch.io/)** (an ultra-swift web app build tool), it is now used in
-[Microsoft's Visual Studio Code](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode),
-and [many others](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/depended/chokidar).
-It has proven itself in production environments.
-Version 3 is out! Check out our blog post about it: [Chokidar 3: How to save 32TB of traffic every week](https://paulmillr.com/posts/chokidar-3-save-32tb-of-traffic/)
-## How?
-Chokidar does still rely on the Node.js core `fs` module, but when using
-`fs.watch` and `fs.watchFile` for watching, it normalizes the events it
-receives, often checking for truth by getting file stats and/or dir contents.
-On MacOS, chokidar by default uses a native extension exposing the Darwin
-`FSEvents` API. This provides very efficient recursive watching compared with
-implementations like `kqueue` available on most \*nix platforms. Chokidar still
-does have to do some work to normalize the events received that way as well.
-On most other platforms, the `fs.watch`-based implementation is the default, which
-avoids polling and keeps CPU usage down. Be advised that chokidar will initiate
-watchers recursively for everything within scope of the paths that have been
-specified, so be judicious about not wasting system resources by watching much
-more than needed.
-## Getting started
-Install with npm:
-npm install chokidar
-Then `require` and use it in your code:
-const chokidar = require('chokidar');
-// One-liner for current directory
-chokidar.watch('.').on('all', (event, path) => {
- console.log(event, path);
-## API
-// Example of a more typical implementation structure
-// Initialize watcher.
-const watcher = chokidar.watch('file, dir, glob, or array', {
- ignored: /(^|[\/\\])\../, // ignore dotfiles
- persistent: true
-// Something to use when events are received.
-const log = console.log.bind(console);
-// Add event listeners.
- .on('add', path => log(`File ${path} has been added`))
- .on('change', path => log(`File ${path} has been changed`))
- .on('unlink', path => log(`File ${path} has been removed`));
-// More possible events.
- .on('addDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been added`))
- .on('unlinkDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been removed`))
- .on('error', error => log(`Watcher error: ${error}`))
- .on('ready', () => log('Initial scan complete. Ready for changes'))
- .on('raw', (event, path, details) => { // internal
- log('Raw event info:', event, path, details);
- });
-// 'add', 'addDir' and 'change' events also receive stat() results as second
-// argument when available: https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats
-watcher.on('change', (path, stats) => {
- if (stats) console.log(`File ${path} changed size to ${stats.size}`);
-// Watch new files.
-watcher.add(['new-file-2', 'new-file-3', '**/other-file*']);
-// Get list of actual paths being watched on the filesystem
-var watchedPaths = watcher.getWatched();
-// Un-watch some files.
-await watcher.unwatch('new-file*');
-// Stop watching.
-// The method is async!
-watcher.close().then(() => console.log('closed'));
-// Full list of options. See below for descriptions.
-// Do not use this example!
-chokidar.watch('file', {
- persistent: true,
- ignored: '*.txt',
- ignoreInitial: false,
- followSymlinks: true,
- cwd: '.',
- disableGlobbing: false,
- usePolling: false,
- interval: 100,
- binaryInterval: 300,
- alwaysStat: false,
- depth: 99,
- awaitWriteFinish: {
- stabilityThreshold: 2000,
- pollInterval: 100
- },
- ignorePermissionErrors: false,
- atomic: true // or a custom 'atomicity delay', in milliseconds (default 100)
-`chokidar.watch(paths, [options])`
-* `paths` (string or array of strings). Paths to files, dirs to be watched
-recursively, or glob patterns.
- - Note: globs must not contain windows separators (`\`),
- because that's how they work by the standard —
- you'll need to replace them with forward slashes (`/`).
- - Note 2: for additional glob documentation, check out low-level
- library: [picomatch](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch).
-* `options` (object) Options object as defined below:
-#### Persistence
-* `persistent` (default: `true`). Indicates whether the process
-should continue to run as long as files are being watched. If set to
-`false` when using `fsevents` to watch, no more events will be emitted
-after `ready`, even if the process continues to run.
-#### Path filtering
-* `ignored` ([anymatch](https://github.com/es128/anymatch)-compatible definition)
-Defines files/paths to be ignored. The whole relative or absolute path is
-tested, not just filename. If a function with two arguments is provided, it
-gets called twice per path - once with a single argument (the path), second
-time with two arguments (the path and the
-object of that path).
-* `ignoreInitial` (default: `false`). If set to `false` then `add`/`addDir` events are also emitted for matching paths while
-instantiating the watching as chokidar discovers these file paths (before the `ready` event).
-* `followSymlinks` (default: `true`). When `false`, only the
-symlinks themselves will be watched for changes instead of following
-the link references and bubbling events through the link's path.
-* `cwd` (no default). The base directory from which watch `paths` are to be
-derived. Paths emitted with events will be relative to this.
-* `disableGlobbing` (default: `false`). If set to `true` then the strings passed to `.watch()` and `.add()` are treated as
-literal path names, even if they look like globs.
-#### Performance
-* `usePolling` (default: `false`).
-Whether to use fs.watchFile (backed by polling), or fs.watch. If polling
-leads to high CPU utilization, consider setting this to `false`. It is
-typically necessary to **set this to `true` to successfully watch files over
-a network**, and it may be necessary to successfully watch files in other
-non-standard situations. Setting to `true` explicitly on MacOS overrides the
-`useFsEvents` default. You may also set the CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING env variable
-to true (1) or false (0) in order to override this option.
-* _Polling-specific settings_ (effective when `usePolling: true`)
- * `interval` (default: `100`). Interval of file system polling, in milliseconds. You may also
- set the CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL env variable to override this option.
- * `binaryInterval` (default: `300`). Interval of file system
- polling for binary files.
- ([see list of binary extensions](https://github.com/sindresorhus/binary-extensions/blob/master/binary-extensions.json))
-* `useFsEvents` (default: `true` on MacOS). Whether to use the
-`fsevents` watching interface if available. When set to `true` explicitly
-and `fsevents` is available this supercedes the `usePolling` setting. When
-set to `false` on MacOS, `usePolling: true` becomes the default.
-* `alwaysStat` (default: `false`). If relying upon the
-object that may get passed with `add`, `addDir`, and `change` events, set
-this to `true` to ensure it is provided even in cases where it wasn't
-already available from the underlying watch events.
-* `depth` (default: `undefined`). If set, limits how many levels of
-subdirectories will be traversed.
-* `awaitWriteFinish` (default: `false`).
-By default, the `add` event will fire when a file first appears on disk, before
-the entire file has been written. Furthermore, in some cases some `change`
-events will be emitted while the file is being written. In some cases,
-especially when watching for large files there will be a need to wait for the
-write operation to finish before responding to a file creation or modification.
-Setting `awaitWriteFinish` to `true` (or a truthy value) will poll file size,
-holding its `add` and `change` events until the size does not change for a
-configurable amount of time. The appropriate duration setting is heavily
-dependent on the OS and hardware. For accurate detection this parameter should
-be relatively high, making file watching much less responsive.
-Use with caution.
- * *`options.awaitWriteFinish` can be set to an object in order to adjust
- timing params:*
- * `awaitWriteFinish.stabilityThreshold` (default: 2000). Amount of time in
- milliseconds for a file size to remain constant before emitting its event.
- * `awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval` (default: 100). File size polling interval, in milliseconds.
-#### Errors
-* `ignorePermissionErrors` (default: `false`). Indicates whether to watch files
-that don't have read permissions if possible. If watching fails due to `EPERM`
-or `EACCES` with this set to `true`, the errors will be suppressed silently.
-* `atomic` (default: `true` if `useFsEvents` and `usePolling` are `false`).
-Automatically filters out artifacts that occur when using editors that use
-"atomic writes" instead of writing directly to the source file. If a file is
-re-added within 100 ms of being deleted, Chokidar emits a `change` event
-rather than `unlink` then `add`. If the default of 100 ms does not work well
-for you, you can override it by setting `atomic` to a custom value, in
-### Methods & Events
-`chokidar.watch()` produces an instance of `FSWatcher`. Methods of `FSWatcher`:
-* `.add(path / paths)`: Add files, directories, or glob patterns for tracking.
-Takes an array of strings or just one string.
-* `.on(event, callback)`: Listen for an FS event.
-Available events: `add`, `addDir`, `change`, `unlink`, `unlinkDir`, `ready`,
-`raw`, `error`.
-Additionally `all` is available which gets emitted with the underlying event
-name and path for every event other than `ready`, `raw`, and `error`. `raw` is internal, use it carefully.
-* `.unwatch(path / paths)`: Stop watching files, directories, or glob patterns.
-Takes an array of strings or just one string.
-* `.close()`: **async** Removes all listeners from watched files. Asynchronous, returns Promise. Use with `await` to ensure bugs don't happen.
-* `.getWatched()`: Returns an object representing all the paths on the file
-system being watched by this `FSWatcher` instance. The object's keys are all the
-directories (using absolute paths unless the `cwd` option was used), and the
-values are arrays of the names of the items contained in each directory.
-## CLI
-If you need a CLI interface for your file watching, check out
-[chokidar-cli](https://github.com/open-cli-tools/chokidar-cli), allowing you to
-execute a command on each change, or get a stdio stream of change events.
-## Install Troubleshooting
-* `npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@n.n.n`
- * This message is normal part of how `npm` handles optional dependencies and is
- not indicative of a problem. Even if accompanied by other related error messages,
- Chokidar should function properly.
-* `TypeError: fsevents is not a constructor`
- * Update chokidar by doing `rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json yarn.lock && npm install`, or update your dependency that uses chokidar.
-* Chokidar is producing `ENOSP` error on Linux, like this:
- * `bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell`
- `Error: watch /home/ ENOSPC`
- * This means Chokidar ran out of file handles and you'll need to increase their count by executing the following command in Terminal:
- `echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p`
-## Changelog
-For more detailed changelog, see [`full_changelog.md`](.github/full_changelog.md).
-- **v3.5 (Jan 6, 2021):** Support for ARM Macs with Apple Silicon. Fixes for deleted symlinks.
-- **v3.4 (Apr 26, 2020):** Support for directory-based symlinks. Fixes for macos file replacement.
-- **v3.3 (Nov 2, 2019):** `FSWatcher#close()` method became async. That fixes IO race conditions related to close method.
-- **v3.2 (Oct 1, 2019):** Improve Linux RAM usage by 50%. Race condition fixes. Windows glob fixes. Improve stability by using tight range of dependency versions.
-- **v3.1 (Sep 16, 2019):** dotfiles are no longer filtered out by default. Use `ignored` option if needed. Improve initial Linux scan time by 50%.
-- **v3 (Apr 30, 2019):** massive CPU & RAM consumption improvements; reduces deps / package size by a factor of 17x and bumps Node.js requirement to v8.16 and higher.
-- **v2 (Dec 29, 2017):** Globs are now posix-style-only; without windows support. Tons of bugfixes.
-- **v1 (Apr 7, 2015):** Glob support, symlink support, tons of bugfixes. Node 0.8+ is supported
-- **v0.1 (Apr 20, 2012):** Initial release, extracted from [Brunch](https://github.com/brunch/brunch/blob/9847a065aea300da99bd0753f90354cde9de1261/src/helpers.coffee#L66)
-## Also
-Why was chokidar named this way? What's the meaning behind it?
->Chowkidar is a transliteration of a Hindi word meaning 'watchman, gatekeeper', चौकीदार. This ultimately comes from Sanskrit _ चतुष्क_ (crossway, quadrangle, consisting-of-four).
-## License
-MIT (c) Paul Miller (<https://paulmillr.com>), see [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.
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-'use strict';
-const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
-const fs = require('fs');
-const sysPath = require('path');
-const { promisify } = require('util');
-const readdirp = require('readdirp');
-const anymatch = require('anymatch').default;
-const globParent = require('glob-parent');
-const isGlob = require('is-glob');
-const braces = require('braces');
-const normalizePath = require('normalize-path');
-const NodeFsHandler = require('./lib/nodefs-handler');
-const FsEventsHandler = require('./lib/fsevents-handler');
-const {
- isWindows,
- isMacos,
- isIBMi
-} = require('./lib/constants');
-const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
-const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir);
- * @typedef {String} Path
- * @typedef {'all'|'add'|'addDir'|'change'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'|'raw'|'error'|'ready'} EventName
- * @typedef {'readdir'|'watch'|'add'|'remove'|'change'} ThrottleType
- */
- *
- * @typedef {Object} WatchHelpers
- * @property {Boolean} followSymlinks
- * @property {'stat'|'lstat'} statMethod
- * @property {Path} path
- * @property {Path} watchPath
- * @property {Function} entryPath
- * @property {Boolean} hasGlob
- * @property {Object} globFilter
- * @property {Function} filterPath
- * @property {Function} filterDir
- */
-const arrify = (value = []) => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
-const flatten = (list, result = []) => {
- list.forEach(item => {
- if (Array.isArray(item)) {
- flatten(item, result);
- } else {
- result.push(item);
- }
- });
- return result;
-const unifyPaths = (paths_) => {
- /**
- * @type {Array<String>}
- */
- const paths = flatten(arrify(paths_));
- if (!paths.every(p => typeof p === STRING_TYPE)) {
- throw new TypeError(`Non-string provided as watch path: ${paths}`);
- }
- return paths.map(normalizePathToUnix);
-// If SLASH_SLASH occurs at the beginning of path, it is not replaced
-// because "//StoragePC/DrivePool/Movies" is a valid network path
-const toUnix = (string) => {
- let str = string.replace(BACK_SLASH_RE, SLASH);
- let prepend = false;
- if (str.startsWith(SLASH_SLASH)) {
- prepend = true;
- }
- while (str.match(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE)) {
- str = str.replace(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE, SLASH);
- }
- if (prepend) {
- str = SLASH + str;
- }
- return str;
-// Our version of upath.normalize
-// TODO: this is not equal to path-normalize module - investigate why
-const normalizePathToUnix = (path) => toUnix(sysPath.normalize(toUnix(path)));
-const normalizeIgnored = (cwd = EMPTY_STR) => (path) => {
- if (typeof path !== STRING_TYPE) return path;
- return normalizePathToUnix(sysPath.isAbsolute(path) ? path : sysPath.join(cwd, path));
-const getAbsolutePath = (path, cwd) => {
- if (sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
- return path;
- }
- if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
- return BANG + sysPath.join(cwd, path.slice(1));
- }
- return sysPath.join(cwd, path);
-const undef = (opts, key) => opts[key] === undefined;
- * Directory entry.
- * @property {Path} path
- * @property {Set<Path>} items
- */
-class DirEntry {
- /**
- * @param {Path} dir
- * @param {Function} removeWatcher
- */
- constructor(dir, removeWatcher) {
- this.path = dir;
- this._removeWatcher = removeWatcher;
- /** @type {Set<Path>} */
- this.items = new Set();
- }
- add(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- if (item !== ONE_DOT && item !== TWO_DOTS) items.add(item);
- }
- async remove(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- items.delete(item);
- if (items.size > 0) return;
- const dir = this.path;
- try {
- await readdir(dir);
- } catch (err) {
- if (this._removeWatcher) {
- this._removeWatcher(sysPath.dirname(dir), sysPath.basename(dir));
- }
- }
- }
- has(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- return items.has(item);
- }
- /**
- * @returns {Array<String>}
- */
- getChildren() {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- return [...items.values()];
- }
- dispose() {
- this.items.clear();
- delete this.path;
- delete this._removeWatcher;
- delete this.items;
- Object.freeze(this);
- }
-const STAT_METHOD_F = 'stat';
-const STAT_METHOD_L = 'lstat';
-class WatchHelper {
- constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
- this.fsw = fsw;
- this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
- this.watchPath = watchPath;
- this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
- this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
- /** @type {object|boolean} */
- if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
- this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
- this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
- this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
- this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
- if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
- });
- this.followSymlinks = follow;
- this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
- }
- checkGlobSymlink(entry) {
- // only need to resolve once
- // first entry should always have entry.parentDir === EMPTY_STR
- if (this.globSymlink === undefined) {
- this.globSymlink = entry.fullParentDir === this.fullWatchPath ?
- false : {realPath: entry.fullParentDir, linkPath: this.fullWatchPath};
- }
- if (this.globSymlink) {
- return entry.fullPath.replace(this.globSymlink.realPath, this.globSymlink.linkPath);
- }
- return entry.fullPath;
- }
- entryPath(entry) {
- return sysPath.join(this.watchPath,
- sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, this.checkGlobSymlink(entry))
- );
- }
- filterPath(entry) {
- const {stats} = entry;
- if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) return this.filterDir(entry);
- const resolvedPath = this.entryPath(entry);
- const matchesGlob = this.hasGlob && typeof this.globFilter === FUNCTION_TYPE ?
- this.globFilter(resolvedPath) : true;
- return matchesGlob &&
- this.fsw._isntIgnored(resolvedPath, stats) &&
- this.fsw._hasReadPermissions(stats);
- }
- getDirParts(path) {
- if (!this.hasGlob) return [];
- const parts = [];
- const expandedPath = path.includes(BRACE_START) ? braces.expand(path) : [path];
- expandedPath.forEach((path) => {
- parts.push(sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, path).split(SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE));
- });
- return parts;
- }
- filterDir(entry) {
- if (this.hasGlob) {
- const entryParts = this.getDirParts(this.checkGlobSymlink(entry));
- let globstar = false;
- this.unmatchedGlob = !this.dirParts.some((parts) => {
- return parts.every((part, i) => {
- if (part === GLOBSTAR) globstar = true;
- return globstar || !entryParts[0][i] || anymatch(part, entryParts[0][i], ANYMATCH_OPTS);
- });
- });
- }
- return !this.unmatchedGlob && this.fsw._isntIgnored(this.entryPath(entry), entry.stats);
- }
- * Watches files & directories for changes. Emitted events:
- * `add`, `addDir`, `change`, `unlink`, `unlinkDir`, `all`, `error`
- *
- * new FSWatcher()
- * .add(directories)
- * .on('add', path => log('File', path, 'was added'))
- */
-class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter {
-// Not indenting methods for history sake; for now.
-constructor(_opts) {
- super();
- const opts = {};
- if (_opts) Object.assign(opts, _opts); // for frozen objects
- /** @type {Map<String, DirEntry>} */
- this._watched = new Map();
- /** @type {Map<String, Array>} */
- this._closers = new Map();
- /** @type {Set<String>} */
- this._ignoredPaths = new Set();
- /** @type {Map<ThrottleType, Map>} */
- this._throttled = new Map();
- /** @type {Map<Path, String|Boolean>} */
- this._symlinkPaths = new Map();
- this._streams = new Set();
- this.closed = false;
- // Set up default options.
- if (undef(opts, 'persistent')) opts.persistent = true;
- if (undef(opts, 'ignoreInitial')) opts.ignoreInitial = false;
- if (undef(opts, 'ignorePermissionErrors')) opts.ignorePermissionErrors = false;
- if (undef(opts, 'interval')) opts.interval = 100;
- if (undef(opts, 'binaryInterval')) opts.binaryInterval = 300;
- if (undef(opts, 'disableGlobbing')) opts.disableGlobbing = false;
- opts.enableBinaryInterval = opts.binaryInterval !== opts.interval;
- // Enable fsevents on OS X when polling isn't explicitly enabled.
- if (undef(opts, 'useFsEvents')) opts.useFsEvents = !opts.usePolling;
- // If we can't use fsevents, ensure the options reflect it's disabled.
- const canUseFsEvents = FsEventsHandler.canUse();
- if (!canUseFsEvents) opts.useFsEvents = false;
- // Use polling on Mac if not using fsevents.
- // Other platforms use non-polling fs_watch.
- if (undef(opts, 'usePolling') && !opts.useFsEvents) {
- opts.usePolling = isMacos;
- }
- // Always default to polling on IBM i because fs.watch() is not available on IBM i.
- if(isIBMi) {
- opts.usePolling = true;
- }
- // Global override (useful for end-developers that need to force polling for all
- // instances of chokidar, regardless of usage/dependency depth)
- const envPoll = process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING;
- if (envPoll !== undefined) {
- const envLower = envPoll.toLowerCase();
- if (envLower === 'false' || envLower === '0') {
- opts.usePolling = false;
- } else if (envLower === 'true' || envLower === '1') {
- opts.usePolling = true;
- } else {
- opts.usePolling = !!envLower;
- }
- }
- const envInterval = process.env.CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL;
- if (envInterval) {
- opts.interval = Number.parseInt(envInterval, 10);
- }
- // Editor atomic write normalization enabled by default with fs.watch
- if (undef(opts, 'atomic')) opts.atomic = !opts.usePolling && !opts.useFsEvents;
- if (opts.atomic) this._pendingUnlinks = new Map();
- if (undef(opts, 'followSymlinks')) opts.followSymlinks = true;
- if (undef(opts, 'awaitWriteFinish')) opts.awaitWriteFinish = false;
- if (opts.awaitWriteFinish === true) opts.awaitWriteFinish = {};
- const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
- if (awf) {
- if (!awf.stabilityThreshold) awf.stabilityThreshold = 2000;
- if (!awf.pollInterval) awf.pollInterval = 100;
- this._pendingWrites = new Map();
- }
- if (opts.ignored) opts.ignored = arrify(opts.ignored);
- let readyCalls = 0;
- this._emitReady = () => {
- readyCalls++;
- if (readyCalls >= this._readyCount) {
- this._emitReady = EMPTY_FN;
- this._readyEmitted = true;
- // use process.nextTick to allow time for listener to be bound
- process.nextTick(() => this.emit(EV_READY));
- }
- };
- this._emitRaw = (...args) => this.emit(EV_RAW, ...args);
- this._readyEmitted = false;
- this.options = opts;
- // Initialize with proper watcher.
- if (opts.useFsEvents) {
- this._fsEventsHandler = new FsEventsHandler(this);
- } else {
- this._nodeFsHandler = new NodeFsHandler(this);
- }
- // You’re frozen when your heart’s not open.
- Object.freeze(opts);
-// Public methods
- * Adds paths to be watched on an existing FSWatcher instance
- * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_
- * @param {String=} _origAdd private; for handling non-existent paths to be watched
- * @param {Boolean=} _internal private; indicates a non-user add
- * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
- */
-add(paths_, _origAdd, _internal) {
- const {cwd, disableGlobbing} = this.options;
- this.closed = false;
- let paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
- if (cwd) {
- paths = paths.map((path) => {
- const absPath = getAbsolutePath(path, cwd);
- // Check `path` instead of `absPath` because the cwd portion can't be a glob
- if (disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path)) {
- return absPath;
- }
- return normalizePath(absPath);
- });
- }
- // set aside negated glob strings
- paths = paths.filter((path) => {
- if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path.slice(1));
- return false;
- }
- // if a path is being added that was previously ignored, stop ignoring it
- this._ignoredPaths.delete(path);
- this._ignoredPaths.delete(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
- // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- return true;
- });
- if (this.options.useFsEvents && this._fsEventsHandler) {
- if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = paths.length;
- if (this.options.persistent) this._readyCount *= 2;
- paths.forEach((path) => this._fsEventsHandler._addToFsEvents(path));
- } else {
- if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = 0;
- this._readyCount += paths.length;
- Promise.all(
- paths.map(async path => {
- const res = await this._nodeFsHandler._addToNodeFs(path, !_internal, 0, 0, _origAdd);
- if (res) this._emitReady();
- return res;
- })
- ).then(results => {
- if (this.closed) return;
- results.filter(item => item).forEach(item => {
- this.add(sysPath.dirname(item), sysPath.basename(_origAdd || item));
- });
- });
- }
- return this;
- * Close watchers or start ignoring events from specified paths.
- * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_ - string or array of strings, file/directory paths and/or globs
- * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
-unwatch(paths_) {
- if (this.closed) return this;
- const paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
- const {cwd} = this.options;
- paths.forEach((path) => {
- // convert to absolute path unless relative path already matches
- if (!sysPath.isAbsolute(path) && !this._closers.has(path)) {
- if (cwd) path = sysPath.join(cwd, path);
- path = sysPath.resolve(path);
- }
- this._closePath(path);
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path);
- if (this._watched.has(path)) {
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- }
- // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
- // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- });
- return this;
- * Close watchers and remove all listeners from watched paths.
- * @returns {Promise<void>}.
-close() {
- if (this.closed) return this._closePromise;
- this.closed = true;
- // Memory management.
- this.removeAllListeners();
- const closers = [];
- this._closers.forEach(closerList => closerList.forEach(closer => {
- const promise = closer();
- if (promise instanceof Promise) closers.push(promise);
- }));
- this._streams.forEach(stream => stream.destroy());
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- this._readyCount = 0;
- this._readyEmitted = false;
- this._watched.forEach(dirent => dirent.dispose());
- ['closers', 'watched', 'streams', 'symlinkPaths', 'throttled'].forEach(key => {
- this[`_${key}`].clear();
- });
- this._closePromise = closers.length ? Promise.all(closers).then(() => undefined) : Promise.resolve();
- return this._closePromise;
- * Expose list of watched paths
- * @returns {Object} for chaining
-getWatched() {
- const watchList = {};
- this._watched.forEach((entry, dir) => {
- const key = this.options.cwd ? sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, dir) : dir;
- watchList[key || ONE_DOT] = entry.getChildren().sort();
- });
- return watchList;
-emitWithAll(event, args) {
- this.emit(...args);
- if (event !== EV_ERROR) this.emit(EV_ALL, ...args);
-// Common helpers
-// --------------
- * Normalize and emit events.
- * Calling _emit DOES NOT MEAN emit() would be called!
- * @param {EventName} event Type of event
- * @param {Path} path File or directory path
- * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed with event
- * @param {*=} val2
- * @param {*=} val3
- * @returns the error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
- */
-async _emit(event, path, val1, val2, val3) {
- if (this.closed) return;
- const opts = this.options;
- if (isWindows) path = sysPath.normalize(path);
- if (opts.cwd) path = sysPath.relative(opts.cwd, path);
- /** @type Array<any> */
- const args = [event, path];
- if (val3 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2, val3);
- else if (val2 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2);
- else if (val1 !== undefined) args.push(val1);
- const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
- let pw;
- if (awf && (pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path))) {
- pw.lastChange = new Date();
- return this;
- }
- if (opts.atomic) {
- if (event === EV_UNLINK) {
- this._pendingUnlinks.set(path, args);
- setTimeout(() => {
- this._pendingUnlinks.forEach((entry, path) => {
- this.emit(...entry);
- this.emit(EV_ALL, ...entry);
- this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
- });
- }, typeof opts.atomic === 'number' ? opts.atomic : 100);
- return this;
- }
- if (event === EV_ADD && this._pendingUnlinks.has(path)) {
- event = args[0] = EV_CHANGE;
- this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
- }
- }
- if (awf && (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_CHANGE) && this._readyEmitted) {
- const awfEmit = (err, stats) => {
- if (err) {
- event = args[0] = EV_ERROR;
- args[1] = err;
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- } else if (stats) {
- // if stats doesn't exist the file must have been deleted
- if (args.length > 2) {
- args[2] = stats;
- } else {
- args.push(stats);
- }
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- }
- };
- this._awaitWriteFinish(path, awf.stabilityThreshold, event, awfEmit);
- return this;
- }
- if (event === EV_CHANGE) {
- const isThrottled = !this._throttle(EV_CHANGE, path, 50);
- if (isThrottled) return this;
- }
- if (opts.alwaysStat && val1 === undefined &&
- (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_ADD_DIR || event === EV_CHANGE)
- ) {
- const fullPath = opts.cwd ? sysPath.join(opts.cwd, path) : path;
- let stats;
- try {
- stats = await stat(fullPath);
- } catch (err) {}
- // Suppress event when fs_stat fails, to avoid sending undefined 'stat'
- if (!stats || this.closed) return;
- args.push(stats);
- }
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- return this;
- * Common handler for errors
- * @param {Error} error
- * @returns {Error|Boolean} The error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
- */
-_handleError(error) {
- const code = error && error.code;
- if (error && code !== 'ENOENT' && code !== 'ENOTDIR' &&
- (!this.options.ignorePermissionErrors || (code !== 'EPERM' && code !== 'EACCES'))
- ) {
- this.emit(EV_ERROR, error);
- }
- return error || this.closed;
- * Helper utility for throttling
- * @param {ThrottleType} actionType type being throttled
- * @param {Path} path being acted upon
- * @param {Number} timeout duration of time to suppress duplicate actions
- * @returns {Object|false} tracking object or false if action should be suppressed
- */
-_throttle(actionType, path, timeout) {
- if (!this._throttled.has(actionType)) {
- this._throttled.set(actionType, new Map());
- }
- /** @type {Map<Path, Object>} */
- const action = this._throttled.get(actionType);
- /** @type {Object} */
- const actionPath = action.get(path);
- if (actionPath) {
- actionPath.count++;
- return false;
- }
- let timeoutObject;
- const clear = () => {
- const item = action.get(path);
- const count = item ? item.count : 0;
- action.delete(path);
- clearTimeout(timeoutObject);
- if (item) clearTimeout(item.timeoutObject);
- return count;
- };
- timeoutObject = setTimeout(clear, timeout);
- const thr = {timeoutObject, clear, count: 0};
- action.set(path, thr);
- return thr;
-_incrReadyCount() {
- return this._readyCount++;
- * Awaits write operation to finish.
- * Polls a newly created file for size variations. When files size does not change for 'threshold' milliseconds calls callback.
- * @param {Path} path being acted upon
- * @param {Number} threshold Time in milliseconds a file size must be fixed before acknowledging write OP is finished
- * @param {EventName} event
- * @param {Function} awfEmit Callback to be called when ready for event to be emitted.
- */
-_awaitWriteFinish(path, threshold, event, awfEmit) {
- let timeoutHandler;
- let fullPath = path;
- if (this.options.cwd && !sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
- fullPath = sysPath.join(this.options.cwd, path);
- }
- const now = new Date();
- const awaitWriteFinish = (prevStat) => {
- fs.stat(fullPath, (err, curStat) => {
- if (err || !this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
- if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') awfEmit(err);
- return;
- }
- const now = Number(new Date());
- if (prevStat && curStat.size !== prevStat.size) {
- this._pendingWrites.get(path).lastChange = now;
- }
- const pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path);
- const df = now - pw.lastChange;
- if (df >= threshold) {
- this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
- awfEmit(undefined, curStat);
- } else {
- timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
- awaitWriteFinish,
- this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval,
- curStat
- );
- }
- });
- };
- if (!this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
- this._pendingWrites.set(path, {
- lastChange: now,
- cancelWait: () => {
- this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
- clearTimeout(timeoutHandler);
- return event;
- }
- });
- timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
- awaitWriteFinish,
- this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval
- );
- }
-_getGlobIgnored() {
- return [...this._ignoredPaths.values()];
- * Determines whether user has asked to ignore this path.
- * @param {Path} path filepath or dir
- * @param {fs.Stats=} stats result of fs.stat
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
-_isIgnored(path, stats) {
- if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
- if (!this._userIgnored) {
- const {cwd} = this.options;
- const ign = this.options.ignored;
- const ignored = ign && ign.map(normalizeIgnored(cwd));
- const paths = arrify(ignored)
- .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
- .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
- this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);
- }
- return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
-_isntIgnored(path, stat) {
- return !this._isIgnored(path, stat);
- * Provides a set of common helpers and properties relating to symlink and glob handling.
- * @param {Path} path file, directory, or glob pattern being watched
- * @param {Number=} depth at any depth > 0, this isn't a glob
- * @returns {WatchHelper} object containing helpers for this path
- */
-_getWatchHelpers(path, depth) {
- const watchPath = depth || this.options.disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path) ? path : globParent(path);
- const follow = this.options.followSymlinks;
- return new WatchHelper(path, watchPath, follow, this);
-// Directory helpers
-// -----------------
- * Provides directory tracking objects
- * @param {String} directory path of the directory
- * @returns {DirEntry} the directory's tracking object
- */
-_getWatchedDir(directory) {
- if (!this._boundRemove) this._boundRemove = this._remove.bind(this);
- const dir = sysPath.resolve(directory);
- if (!this._watched.has(dir)) this._watched.set(dir, new DirEntry(dir, this._boundRemove));
- return this._watched.get(dir);
-// File helpers
-// ------------
- * Check for read permissions.
- * Based on this answer on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11781404/1358405
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats - object, result of fs_stat
- * @returns {Boolean} indicates whether the file can be read
-_hasReadPermissions(stats) {
- if (this.options.ignorePermissionErrors) return true;
- // stats.mode may be bigint
- const md = stats && Number.parseInt(stats.mode, 10);
- const st = md & 0o777;
- const it = Number.parseInt(st.toString(8)[0], 10);
- return Boolean(4 & it);
- * Handles emitting unlink events for
- * files and directories, and via recursion, for
- * files and directories within directories that are unlinked
- * @param {String} directory within which the following item is located
- * @param {String} item base path of item/directory
- * @returns {void}
-_remove(directory, item, isDirectory) {
- // if what is being deleted is a directory, get that directory's paths
- // for recursive deleting and cleaning of watched object
- // if it is not a directory, nestedDirectoryChildren will be empty array
- const path = sysPath.join(directory, item);
- const fullPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
- isDirectory = isDirectory != null
- ? isDirectory
- : this._watched.has(path) || this._watched.has(fullPath);
- // prevent duplicate handling in case of arriving here nearly simultaneously
- // via multiple paths (such as _handleFile and _handleDir)
- if (!this._throttle('remove', path, 100)) return;
- // if the only watched file is removed, watch for its return
- if (!isDirectory && !this.options.useFsEvents && this._watched.size === 1) {
- this.add(directory, item, true);
- }
- // This will create a new entry in the watched object in either case
- // so we got to do the directory check beforehand
- const wp = this._getWatchedDir(path);
- const nestedDirectoryChildren = wp.getChildren();
- // Recursively remove children directories / files.
- nestedDirectoryChildren.forEach(nested => this._remove(path, nested));
- // Check if item was on the watched list and remove it
- const parent = this._getWatchedDir(directory);
- const wasTracked = parent.has(item);
- parent.remove(item);
- // Fixes issue #1042 -> Relative paths were detected and added as symlinks
- // (https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar/blob/e1753ddbc9571bdc33b4a4af172d52cb6e611c10/lib/nodefs-handler.js#L612),
- // but never removed from the map in case the path was deleted.
- // This leads to an incorrect state if the path was recreated:
- // https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar/blob/e1753ddbc9571bdc33b4a4af172d52cb6e611c10/lib/nodefs-handler.js#L553
- if (this._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) {
- this._symlinkPaths.delete(fullPath);
- }
- // If we wait for this file to be fully written, cancel the wait.
- let relPath = path;
- if (this.options.cwd) relPath = sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, path);
- if (this.options.awaitWriteFinish && this._pendingWrites.has(relPath)) {
- const event = this._pendingWrites.get(relPath).cancelWait();
- if (event === EV_ADD) return;
- }
- // The Entry will either be a directory that just got removed
- // or a bogus entry to a file, in either case we have to remove it
- this._watched.delete(path);
- this._watched.delete(fullPath);
- const eventName = isDirectory ? EV_UNLINK_DIR : EV_UNLINK;
- if (wasTracked && !this._isIgnored(path)) this._emit(eventName, path);
- // Avoid conflicts if we later create another file with the same name
- if (!this.options.useFsEvents) {
- this._closePath(path);
- }
- * Closes all watchers for a path
- * @param {Path} path
- */
-_closePath(path) {
- this._closeFile(path)
- const dir = sysPath.dirname(path);
- this._getWatchedDir(dir).remove(sysPath.basename(path));
- * Closes only file-specific watchers
- * @param {Path} path
- */
-_closeFile(path) {
- const closers = this._closers.get(path);
- if (!closers) return;
- closers.forEach(closer => closer());
- this._closers.delete(path);
- *
- * @param {Path} path
- * @param {Function} closer
- */
-_addPathCloser(path, closer) {
- if (!closer) return;
- let list = this._closers.get(path);
- if (!list) {
- list = [];
- this._closers.set(path, list);
- }
- list.push(closer);
-_readdirp(root, opts) {
- if (this.closed) return;
- const options = {type: EV_ALL, alwaysStat: true, lstat: true, ...opts};
- let stream = readdirp(root, options);
- this._streams.add(stream);
- stream.once(STR_CLOSE, () => {
- stream = undefined;
- });
- stream.once(STR_END, () => {
- if (stream) {
- this._streams.delete(stream);
- stream = undefined;
- }
- });
- return stream;
-// Export FSWatcher class
-exports.FSWatcher = FSWatcher;
- * Instantiates watcher with paths to be tracked.
- * @param {String|Array<String>} paths file/directory paths and/or globs
- * @param {Object=} options chokidar opts
- * @returns an instance of FSWatcher for chaining.
- */
-const watch = (paths, options) => {
- const watcher = new FSWatcher(options);
- watcher.add(paths);
- return watcher;
-exports.watch = watch;
diff --git a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/constants.js b/node_modules/chokidar/lib/constants.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1454f85..0000000
--- a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/constants.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const {sep} = require('path');
-const {platform} = process;
-const os = require('os');
-exports.EV_ALL = 'all';
-exports.EV_READY = 'ready';
-exports.EV_ADD = 'add';
-exports.EV_CHANGE = 'change';
-exports.EV_ADD_DIR = 'addDir';
-exports.EV_UNLINK = 'unlink';
-exports.EV_UNLINK_DIR = 'unlinkDir';
-exports.EV_RAW = 'raw';
-exports.EV_ERROR = 'error';
-exports.STR_DATA = 'data';
-exports.STR_END = 'end';
-exports.STR_CLOSE = 'close';
-exports.FSEVENT_CREATED = 'created';
-exports.FSEVENT_MODIFIED = 'modified';
-exports.FSEVENT_DELETED = 'deleted';
-exports.FSEVENT_MOVED = 'moved';
-exports.FSEVENT_CLONED = 'cloned';
-exports.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE = 'file';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'directory';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK = 'symlink';
-exports.KEY_LISTENERS = 'listeners';
-exports.KEY_ERR = 'errHandlers';
-exports.KEY_RAW = 'rawEmitters';
-exports.HANDLER_KEYS = [exports.KEY_LISTENERS, exports.KEY_ERR, exports.KEY_RAW];
-exports.DOT_SLASH = `.${sep}`;
-exports.BACK_SLASH_RE = /\\/g;
-exports.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE = /\/\//;
-exports.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE = /[/\\]/;
-exports.DOT_RE = /\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/;
-exports.REPLACER_RE = /^\.[/\\]/;
-exports.SLASH = '/';
-exports.SLASH_SLASH = '//';
-exports.BRACE_START = '{';
-exports.BANG = '!';
-exports.ONE_DOT = '.';
-exports.TWO_DOTS = '..';
-exports.STAR = '*';
-exports.GLOBSTAR = '**';
-exports.ROOT_GLOBSTAR = '/**/*';
-exports.SLASH_GLOBSTAR = '/**';
-exports.DIR_SUFFIX = 'Dir';
-exports.ANYMATCH_OPTS = {dot: true};
-exports.STRING_TYPE = 'string';
-exports.FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function';
-exports.EMPTY_STR = '';
-exports.EMPTY_FN = () => {};
-exports.IDENTITY_FN = val => val;
-exports.isWindows = platform === 'win32';
-exports.isMacos = platform === 'darwin';
-exports.isLinux = platform === 'linux';
-exports.isIBMi = os.type() === 'OS400';
diff --git a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/fsevents-handler.js b/node_modules/chokidar/lib/fsevents-handler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7f2cb..0000000
--- a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/fsevents-handler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const fs = require('fs');
-const sysPath = require('path');
-const { promisify } = require('util');
-let fsevents;
-try {
- fsevents = require('fsevents');
-} catch (error) {
- if (process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR) console.error(error);
-if (fsevents) {
- // TODO: real check
- const mtch = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- if (mtch && mtch[1] && mtch[2]) {
- const maj = Number.parseInt(mtch[1], 10);
- const min = Number.parseInt(mtch[2], 10);
- if (maj === 8 && min < 16) {
- fsevents = undefined;
- }
- }
-const {
-} = require('./constants');
-const Depth = (value) => isNaN(value) ? {} : {depth: value};
-const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
-const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat);
-const realpath = promisify(fs.realpath);
-const statMethods = { stat, lstat };
- * @typedef {String} Path
- */
- * @typedef {Object} FsEventsWatchContainer
- * @property {Set<Function>} listeners
- * @property {Function} rawEmitter
- * @property {{stop: Function}} watcher
- */
-// fsevents instance helper functions
- * Object to hold per-process fsevents instances (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
- * @type {Map<Path,FsEventsWatchContainer>}
- */
-const FSEventsWatchers = new Map();
-// Threshold of duplicate path prefixes at which to start
-// consolidating going forward
-const consolidateThreshhold = 10;
-const wrongEventFlags = new Set([
- 69888, 70400, 71424, 72704, 73472, 131328, 131840, 262912
- * Instantiates the fsevents interface
- * @param {Path} path path to be watched
- * @param {Function} callback called when fsevents is bound and ready
- * @returns {{stop: Function}} new fsevents instance
- */
-const createFSEventsInstance = (path, callback) => {
- const stop = fsevents.watch(path, callback);
- return {stop};
- * Instantiates the fsevents interface or binds listeners to an existing one covering
- * the same file tree.
- * @param {Path} path - to be watched
- * @param {Path} realPath - real path for symlinks
- * @param {Function} listener - called when fsevents emits events
- * @param {Function} rawEmitter - passes data to listeners of the 'raw' event
- * @returns {Function} closer
- */
-function setFSEventsListener(path, realPath, listener, rawEmitter) {
- let watchPath = sysPath.extname(realPath) ? sysPath.dirname(realPath) : realPath;
- const parentPath = sysPath.dirname(watchPath);
- let cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
- // If we've accumulated a substantial number of paths that
- // could have been consolidated by watching one directory
- // above the current one, create a watcher on the parent
- // path instead, so that we do consolidate going forward.
- if (couldConsolidate(parentPath)) {
- watchPath = parentPath;
- }
- const resolvedPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
- const hasSymlink = resolvedPath !== realPath;
- const filteredListener = (fullPath, flags, info) => {
- if (hasSymlink) fullPath = fullPath.replace(realPath, resolvedPath);
- if (
- fullPath === resolvedPath ||
- !fullPath.indexOf(resolvedPath + sysPath.sep)
- ) listener(fullPath, flags, info);
- };
- // check if there is already a watcher on a parent path
- // modifies `watchPath` to the parent path when it finds a match
- let watchedParent = false;
- for (const watchedPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
- if (realPath.indexOf(sysPath.resolve(watchedPath) + sysPath.sep) === 0) {
- watchPath = watchedPath;
- cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
- watchedParent = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cont || watchedParent) {
- cont.listeners.add(filteredListener);
- } else {
- cont = {
- listeners: new Set([filteredListener]),
- rawEmitter,
- watcher: createFSEventsInstance(watchPath, (fullPath, flags) => {
- if (!cont.listeners.size) return;
- const info = fsevents.getInfo(fullPath, flags);
- cont.listeners.forEach(list => {
- list(fullPath, flags, info);
- });
- cont.rawEmitter(info.event, fullPath, info);
- })
- };
- FSEventsWatchers.set(watchPath, cont);
- }
- // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fsevents
- // instance if there are no more listeners left
- return () => {
- const lst = cont.listeners;
- lst.delete(filteredListener);
- if (!lst.size) {
- FSEventsWatchers.delete(watchPath);
- if (cont.watcher) return cont.watcher.stop().then(() => {
- cont.rawEmitter = cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- });
- }
- };
-// Decide whether or not we should start a new higher-level
-// parent watcher
-const couldConsolidate = (path) => {
- let count = 0;
- for (const watchPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
- if (watchPath.indexOf(path) === 0) {
- count++;
- if (count >= consolidateThreshhold) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-// returns boolean indicating whether fsevents can be used
-const canUse = () => fsevents && FSEventsWatchers.size < 128;
-// determines subdirectory traversal levels from root to path
-const calcDepth = (path, root) => {
- let i = 0;
- while (!path.indexOf(root) && (path = sysPath.dirname(path)) !== root) i++;
- return i;
-// returns boolean indicating whether the fsevents' event info has the same type
-// as the one returned by fs.stat
-const sameTypes = (info, stats) => (
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY && stats.isDirectory() ||
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && stats.isSymbolicLink() ||
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE && stats.isFile()
- * @mixin
- */
-class FsEventsHandler {
- * @param {import('../index').FSWatcher} fsw
- */
-constructor(fsw) {
- this.fsw = fsw;
-checkIgnored(path, stats) {
- const ipaths = this.fsw._ignoredPaths;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path, stats)) {
- ipaths.add(path);
- if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
- ipaths.add(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
- }
- return true;
- }
- ipaths.delete(path);
- ipaths.delete(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
-addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- const event = watchedDir.has(item) ? EV_CHANGE : EV_ADD;
- this.handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
-async checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- try {
- const stats = await stat(path)
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } catch (error) {
- if (error.code === 'EACCES') {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- }
-handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.checkIgnored(path)) return;
- if (event === EV_UNLINK) {
- const isDirectory = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY
- // suppress unlink events on never before seen files
- if (isDirectory || watchedDir.has(item)) {
- this.fsw._remove(parent, item, isDirectory);
- }
- } else {
- if (event === EV_ADD) {
- // track new directories
- if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(path);
- if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && opts.followSymlinks) {
- // push symlinks back to the top of the stack to get handled
- const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
- undefined : calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) + 1;
- return this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true, curDepth);
- }
- // track new paths
- // (other than symlinks being followed, which will be tracked soon)
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(item);
- }
- /**
- * @type {'add'|'addDir'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'}
- */
- const eventName = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? event + DIR_SUFFIX : event;
- this.fsw._emit(eventName, path);
- if (eventName === EV_ADD_DIR) this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true);
- }
- * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
- * @param {String} watchPath - file/dir path to be watched with fsevents
- * @param {String} realPath - real path (in case of symlinks)
- * @param {Function} transform - path transformer
- * @param {Function} globFilter - path filter in case a glob pattern was provided
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
-_watchWithFsEvents(watchPath, realPath, transform, globFilter) {
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._isIgnored(watchPath)) return;
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const watchCallback = async (fullPath, flags, info) => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (
- opts.depth !== undefined &&
- calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) > opts.depth
- ) return;
- const path = transform(sysPath.join(
- watchPath, sysPath.relative(watchPath, fullPath)
- ));
- if (globFilter && !globFilter(path)) return;
- // ensure directories are tracked
- const parent = sysPath.dirname(path);
- const item = sysPath.basename(path);
- const watchedDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? path : parent
- );
- // correct for wrong events emitted
- if (wrongEventFlags.has(flags) || info.event === FSEVENT_UNKNOWN) {
- if (typeof opts.ignored === FUNCTION_TYPE) {
- let stats;
- try {
- stats = await stat(path);
- } catch (error) {}
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.checkIgnored(path, stats)) return;
- if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } else {
- this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } else {
- switch (info.event) {
- return this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- return this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- }
- };
- const closer = setFSEventsListener(
- watchPath,
- realPath,
- watchCallback,
- this.fsw._emitRaw
- );
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- return closer;
- * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
- * @param {String} linkPath path to symlink
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path to the symlink
- * @param {Function} transform pre-existing path transformer
- * @param {Number} curDepth level of subdirectories traversed to where symlink is
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
-async _handleFsEventsSymlink(linkPath, fullPath, transform, curDepth) {
- // don't follow the same symlink more than once
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) return;
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(fullPath, true);
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- try {
- const linkTarget = await realpath(linkPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(linkTarget)) {
- return this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- // add the linkTarget for watching with a wrapper for transform
- // that causes emitted paths to incorporate the link's path
- this._addToFsEvents(linkTarget || linkPath, (path) => {
- let aliasedPath = linkPath;
- if (linkTarget && linkTarget !== DOT_SLASH) {
- aliasedPath = path.replace(linkTarget, linkPath);
- } else if (path !== DOT_SLASH) {
- aliasedPath = sysPath.join(linkPath, path);
- }
- return transform(aliasedPath);
- }, false, curDepth);
- } catch(error) {
- if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- return this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- }
- *
- * @param {Path} newPath
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats
- */
-emitAdd(newPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd) {
- const pp = processPath(newPath);
- const isDir = stats.isDirectory();
- const dirObj = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath.dirname(pp));
- const base = sysPath.basename(pp);
- // ensure empty dirs get tracked
- if (isDir) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(pp);
- if (dirObj.has(base)) return;
- dirObj.add(base);
- if (!opts.ignoreInitial || forceAdd === true) {
- this.fsw._emit(isDir ? EV_ADD_DIR : EV_ADD, pp, stats);
- }
-initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- const closer = this._watchWithFsEvents(
- wh.watchPath,
- sysPath.resolve(realPath || wh.watchPath),
- processPath,
- wh.globFilter
- );
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
- * Handle added path with fsevents
- * @param {String} path file/dir path or glob pattern
- * @param {Function|Boolean=} transform converts working path to what the user expects
- * @param {Boolean=} forceAdd ensure add is emitted
- * @param {Number=} priorDepth Level of subdirectories already traversed.
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
-async _addToFsEvents(path, transform, forceAdd, priorDepth) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const processPath = typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE ? transform : IDENTITY_FN;
- const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path);
- // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
- try {
- const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
- throw null;
- }
- if (stats.isDirectory()) {
- // emit addDir unless this is a glob parent
- if (!wh.globFilter) this.emitAdd(processPath(path), stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- // don't recurse further if it would exceed depth setting
- if (priorDepth && priorDepth > opts.depth) return;
- // scan the contents of the dir
- this.fsw._readdirp(wh.watchPath, {
- fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
- directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
- ...Depth(opts.depth - (priorDepth || 0))
- }).on(STR_DATA, (entry) => {
- // need to check filterPath on dirs b/c filterDir is less restrictive
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- if (entry.stats.isDirectory() && !wh.filterPath(entry)) return;
- const joinedPath = sysPath.join(wh.watchPath, entry.path);
- const {fullPath} = entry;
- if (wh.followSymlinks && entry.stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
- // preserve the current depth here since it can't be derived from
- // real paths past the symlink
- const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
- undefined : calcDepth(joinedPath, sysPath.resolve(wh.watchPath)) + 1;
- this._handleFsEventsSymlink(joinedPath, fullPath, processPath, curDepth);
- } else {
- this.emitAdd(joinedPath, entry.stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- }
- }).on(EV_ERROR, EMPTY_FN).on(STR_END, () => {
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- });
- } else {
- this.emitAdd(wh.watchPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- } catch (error) {
- if (!error || this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- // TODO: Strange thing: "should not choke on an ignored watch path" will be failed without 2 ready calls -__-
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- }
- if (opts.persistent && forceAdd !== true) {
- if (typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE) {
- // realpath has already been resolved
- this.initWatch(undefined, path, wh, processPath);
- } else {
- let realPath;
- try {
- realPath = await realpath(wh.watchPath);
- } catch (e) {}
- this.initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath);
- }
- }
-module.exports = FsEventsHandler;
-module.exports.canUse = canUse;
diff --git a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js b/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 199cfe9..0000000
--- a/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const fs = require('fs');
-const sysPath = require('path');
-const { promisify } = require('util');
-const isBinaryPath = require('is-binary-path');
-const {
- isWindows,
- isLinux,
-} = require('./constants');
-const THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH = 'watch';
-const open = promisify(fs.open);
-const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
-const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat);
-const close = promisify(fs.close);
-const fsrealpath = promisify(fs.realpath);
-const statMethods = { lstat, stat };
-// TODO: emit errors properly. Example: EMFILE on Macos.
-const foreach = (val, fn) => {
- if (val instanceof Set) {
- val.forEach(fn);
- } else {
- fn(val);
- }
-const addAndConvert = (main, prop, item) => {
- let container = main[prop];
- if (!(container instanceof Set)) {
- main[prop] = container = new Set([container]);
- }
- container.add(item);
-const clearItem = cont => key => {
- const set = cont[key];
- if (set instanceof Set) {
- set.clear();
- } else {
- delete cont[key];
- }
-const delFromSet = (main, prop, item) => {
- const container = main[prop];
- if (container instanceof Set) {
- container.delete(item);
- } else if (container === item) {
- delete main[prop];
- }
-const isEmptySet = (val) => val instanceof Set ? val.size === 0 : !val;
- * @typedef {String} Path
- */
-// fs_watch helpers
-// object to hold per-process fs_watch instances
-// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
- * @typedef {Object} FsWatchContainer
- * @property {Set} listeners
- * @property {Set} errHandlers
- * @property {Set} rawEmitters
- * @property {fs.FSWatcher=} watcher
- * @property {Boolean=} watcherUnusable
- */
- * @type {Map<String,FsWatchContainer>}
- */
-const FsWatchInstances = new Map();
- * Instantiates the fs_watch interface
- * @param {String} path to be watched
- * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
- * @param {Function} listener main event handler
- * @param {Function} errHandler emits info about errors
- * @param {Function} emitRaw emits raw event data
- * @returns {fs.FSWatcher} new fsevents instance
- */
-function createFsWatchInstance(path, options, listener, errHandler, emitRaw) {
- const handleEvent = (rawEvent, evPath) => {
- listener(path);
- emitRaw(rawEvent, evPath, {watchedPath: path});
- // emit based on events occurring for files from a directory's watcher in
- // case the file's watcher misses it (and rely on throttling to de-dupe)
- if (evPath && path !== evPath) {
- fsWatchBroadcast(
- sysPath.resolve(path, evPath), KEY_LISTENERS, sysPath.join(path, evPath)
- );
- }
- };
- try {
- return fs.watch(path, options, handleEvent);
- } catch (error) {
- errHandler(error);
- }
- * Helper for passing fs_watch event data to a collection of listeners
- * @param {Path} fullPath absolute path bound to fs_watch instance
- * @param {String} type listener type
- * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed to listeners
- * @param {*=} val2
- * @param {*=} val3
- */
-const fsWatchBroadcast = (fullPath, type, val1, val2, val3) => {
- const cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
- if (!cont) return;
- foreach(cont[type], (listener) => {
- listener(val1, val2, val3);
- });
- * Instantiates the fs_watch interface or binds listeners
- * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
- * @param {String} path
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
- * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
- * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
- */
-const setFsWatchListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
- const {listener, errHandler, rawEmitter} = handlers;
- let cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
- /** @type {fs.FSWatcher=} */
- let watcher;
- if (!options.persistent) {
- watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
- path, options, listener, errHandler, rawEmitter
- );
- return watcher.close.bind(watcher);
- }
- if (cont) {
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- } else {
- watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
- path,
- options,
- fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_LISTENERS),
- errHandler, // no need to use broadcast here
- fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_RAW)
- );
- if (!watcher) return;
- watcher.on(EV_ERROR, async (error) => {
- const broadcastErr = fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_ERR);
- cont.watcherUnusable = true; // documented since Node 10.4.1
- // Workaround for https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/4337
- if (isWindows && error.code === 'EPERM') {
- try {
- const fd = await open(path, 'r');
- await close(fd);
- broadcastErr(error);
- } catch (err) {}
- } else {
- broadcastErr(error);
- }
- });
- cont = {
- listeners: listener,
- errHandlers: errHandler,
- rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
- watcher
- };
- FsWatchInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
- }
- // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
- // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watch
- // instance if there are no more listeners left
- return () => {
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
- // Check to protect against issue gh-730.
- // if (cont.watcherUnusable) {
- cont.watcher.close();
- // }
- FsWatchInstances.delete(fullPath);
- HANDLER_KEYS.forEach(clearItem(cont));
- cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- }
- };
-// fs_watchFile helpers
-// object to hold per-process fs_watchFile instances
-// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
-const FsWatchFileInstances = new Map();
- * Instantiates the fs_watchFile interface or binds listeners
- * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
- * @param {String} path to be watched
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
- * @param {Object} options options to be passed to fs_watchFile
- * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
- * @returns {Function} closer
- */
-const setFsWatchFileListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
- const {listener, rawEmitter} = handlers;
- let cont = FsWatchFileInstances.get(fullPath);
- /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, prefer-destructuring */
- let listeners = new Set();
- let rawEmitters = new Set();
- const copts = cont && cont.options;
- if (copts && (copts.persistent < options.persistent || copts.interval > options.interval)) {
- // "Upgrade" the watcher to persistence or a quicker interval.
- // This creates some unlikely edge case issues if the user mixes
- // settings in a very weird way, but solving for those cases
- // doesn't seem worthwhile for the added complexity.
- listeners = cont.listeners;
- rawEmitters = cont.rawEmitters;
- fs.unwatchFile(fullPath);
- cont = undefined;
- }
- /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars, prefer-destructuring */
- if (cont) {
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- } else {
- // TODO
- // listeners.add(listener);
- // rawEmitters.add(rawEmitter);
- cont = {
- listeners: listener,
- rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
- options,
- watcher: fs.watchFile(fullPath, options, (curr, prev) => {
- foreach(cont.rawEmitters, (rawEmitter) => {
- rawEmitter(EV_CHANGE, fullPath, {curr, prev});
- });
- const currmtime = curr.mtimeMs;
- if (curr.size !== prev.size || currmtime > prev.mtimeMs || currmtime === 0) {
- foreach(cont.listeners, (listener) => listener(path, curr));
- }
- })
- };
- FsWatchFileInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
- }
- // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
- // Removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watchFile
- // instance if there are no more listeners left.
- return () => {
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
- FsWatchFileInstances.delete(fullPath);
- fs.unwatchFile(fullPath);
- cont.options = cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- }
- };
- * @mixin
- */
-class NodeFsHandler {
- * @param {import("../index").FSWatcher} fsW
- */
-constructor(fsW) {
- this.fsw = fsW;
- this._boundHandleError = (error) => fsW._handleError(error);
- * Watch file for changes with fs_watchFile or fs_watch.
- * @param {String} path to file or dir
- * @param {Function} listener on fs change
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
- */
-_watchWithNodeFs(path, listener) {
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const directory = sysPath.dirname(path);
- const basename = sysPath.basename(path);
- const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
- parent.add(basename);
- const absolutePath = sysPath.resolve(path);
- const options = {persistent: opts.persistent};
- if (!listener) listener = EMPTY_FN;
- let closer;
- if (opts.usePolling) {
- options.interval = opts.enableBinaryInterval && isBinaryPath(basename) ?
- opts.binaryInterval : opts.interval;
- closer = setFsWatchFileListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
- listener,
- rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
- });
- } else {
- closer = setFsWatchListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
- listener,
- errHandler: this._boundHandleError,
- rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
- });
- }
- return closer;
- * Watch a file and emit add event if warranted.
- * @param {Path} file Path
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats result of fs_stat
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
- */
-_handleFile(file, stats, initialAdd) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const dirname = sysPath.dirname(file);
- const basename = sysPath.basename(file);
- const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dirname);
- // stats is always present
- let prevStats = stats;
- // if the file is already being watched, do nothing
- if (parent.has(basename)) return;
- const listener = async (path, newStats) => {
- if (!this.fsw._throttle(THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH, file, 5)) return;
- if (!newStats || newStats.mtimeMs === 0) {
- try {
- const newStats = await stat(file);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
- const at = newStats.atimeMs;
- const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
- if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE, file, newStats);
- }
- if (isLinux && prevStats.ino !== newStats.ino) {
- this.fsw._closeFile(path)
- prevStats = newStats;
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener));
- } else {
- prevStats = newStats;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- // Fix issues where mtime is null but file is still present
- this.fsw._remove(dirname, basename);
- }
- // add is about to be emitted if file not already tracked in parent
- } else if (parent.has(basename)) {
- // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
- const at = newStats.atimeMs;
- const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
- if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE, file, newStats);
- }
- prevStats = newStats;
- }
- }
- // kick off the watcher
- const closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener);
- // emit an add event if we're supposed to
- if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && this.fsw._isntIgnored(file)) {
- if (!this.fsw._throttle(EV_ADD, file, 0)) return;
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD, file, stats);
- }
- return closer;
- * Handle symlinks encountered while reading a dir.
- * @param {Object} entry returned by readdirp
- * @param {String} directory path of dir being read
- * @param {String} path of this item
- * @param {String} item basename of this item
- * @returns {Promise<Boolean>} true if no more processing is needed for this entry.
- */
-async _handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const full = entry.fullPath;
- const dir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
- if (!this.fsw.options.followSymlinks) {
- // watch symlink directly (don't follow) and detect changes
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- let linkPath;
- try {
- linkPath = await fsrealpath(path);
- } catch (e) {
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- return true;
- }
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (dir.has(item)) {
- if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.get(full) !== linkPath) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE, path, entry.stats);
- }
- } else {
- dir.add(item);
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD, path, entry.stats);
- }
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- return true;
- }
- // don't follow the same symlink more than once
- if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(full)) {
- return true;
- }
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, true);
-_handleRead(directory, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler) {
- // Normalize the directory name on Windows
- directory = sysPath.join(directory, EMPTY_STR);
- if (!wh.hasGlob) {
- throttler = this.fsw._throttle('readdir', directory, 1000);
- if (!throttler) return;
- }
- const previous = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(wh.path);
- const current = new Set();
- let stream = this.fsw._readdirp(directory, {
- fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
- directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
- depth: 0
- }).on(STR_DATA, async (entry) => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- const item = entry.path;
- let path = sysPath.join(directory, item);
- current.add(item);
- if (entry.stats.isSymbolicLink() && await this._handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item)) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- // Files that present in current directory snapshot
- // but absent in previous are added to watch list and
- // emit `add` event.
- if (item === target || !target && !previous.has(item)) {
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- // ensure relativeness of path is preserved in case of watcher reuse
- path = sysPath.join(dir, sysPath.relative(dir, path));
- this._addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, wh, depth + 1);
- }
- }).on(EV_ERROR, this._boundHandleError);
- return new Promise(resolve =>
- stream.once(STR_END, () => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- const wasThrottled = throttler ? throttler.clear() : false;
- resolve();
- // Files that absent in current directory snapshot
- // but present in previous emit `remove` event
- // and are removed from @watched[directory].
- previous.getChildren().filter((item) => {
- return item !== directory &&
- !current.has(item) &&
- // in case of intersecting globs;
- // a path may have been filtered out of this readdir, but
- // shouldn't be removed because it matches a different glob
- (!wh.hasGlob || wh.filterPath({
- fullPath: sysPath.resolve(directory, item)
- }));
- }).forEach((item) => {
- this.fsw._remove(directory, item);
- });
- stream = undefined;
- // one more time for any missed in case changes came in extremely quickly
- if (wasThrottled) this._handleRead(directory, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- })
- );
- * Read directory to add / remove files from `@watched` list and re-read it on change.
- * @param {String} dir fs path
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd
- * @param {Number} depth relative to user-supplied path
- * @param {String} target child path targeted for watch
- * @param {Object} wh Common watch helpers for this path
- * @param {String} realpath
- * @returns {Promise<Function>} closer for the watcher instance.
- */
-async _handleDir(dir, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, realpath) {
- const parentDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath.dirname(dir));
- const tracked = parentDir.has(sysPath.basename(dir));
- if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && !target && !tracked) {
- if (!wh.hasGlob || wh.globFilter(dir)) this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD_DIR, dir, stats);
- }
- // ensure dir is tracked (harmless if redundant)
- parentDir.add(sysPath.basename(dir));
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dir);
- let throttler;
- let closer;
- const oDepth = this.fsw.options.depth;
- if ((oDepth == null || depth <= oDepth) && !this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(realpath)) {
- if (!target) {
- await this._handleRead(dir, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- }
- closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(dir, (dirPath, stats) => {
- // if current directory is removed, do nothing
- if (stats && stats.mtimeMs === 0) return;
- this._handleRead(dirPath, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- });
- }
- return closer;
- * Handle added file, directory, or glob pattern.
- * Delegates call to _handleFile / _handleDir after checks.
- * @param {String} path to file or ir
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
- * @param {Object} priorWh depth relative to user-supplied path
- * @param {Number} depth Child path actually targeted for watch
- * @param {String=} target Child path actually targeted for watch
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-async _addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, priorWh, depth, target) {
- const ready = this.fsw._emitReady;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path) || this.fsw.closed) {
- ready();
- return false;
- }
- const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path, depth);
- if (!wh.hasGlob && priorWh) {
- wh.hasGlob = priorWh.hasGlob;
- wh.globFilter = priorWh.globFilter;
- wh.filterPath = entry => priorWh.filterPath(entry);
- wh.filterDir = entry => priorWh.filterDir(entry);
- }
- // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
- try {
- const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
- ready();
- return false;
- }
- const follow = this.fsw.options.followSymlinks && !path.includes(STAR) && !path.includes(BRACE_START);
- let closer;
- if (stats.isDirectory()) {
- const absPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
- const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- closer = await this._handleDir(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, targetPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // preserve this symlink's target path
- if (absPath !== targetPath && targetPath !== undefined) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(absPath, targetPath);
- }
- } else if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
- const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- const parent = sysPath.dirname(wh.watchPath);
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(wh.watchPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD, wh.watchPath, stats);
- closer = await this._handleDir(parent, stats, initialAdd, depth, path, wh, targetPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // preserve this symlink's target path
- if (targetPath !== undefined) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(sysPath.resolve(path), targetPath);
- }
- } else {
- closer = this._handleFile(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd);
- }
- ready();
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
- return false;
- } catch (error) {
- if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- ready();
- return path;
- }
- }
-module.exports = NodeFsHandler;
diff --git a/node_modules/chokidar/package.json b/node_modules/chokidar/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3cd27..0000000
--- a/node_modules/chokidar/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- "name": "chokidar",
- "description": "Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library",
- "version": "3.5.3",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar",
- "author": "Paul Miller (https://paulmillr.com)",
- "contributors": [
- "Paul Miller (https://paulmillr.com)",
- "Elan Shanker"
- ],
- "engines": {
- "node": ">= 8.10.0"
- },
- "main": "index.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "anymatch": "~3.1.2",
- "braces": "~3.0.2",
- "glob-parent": "~5.1.2",
- "is-binary-path": "~2.1.0",
- "is-glob": "~4.0.1",
- "normalize-path": "~3.0.0",
- "readdirp": "~3.6.0"
- },
- "optionalDependencies": {
- "fsevents": "~2.3.2"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "@types/node": "^14",
- "chai": "^4.3",
- "dtslint": "^3.3.0",
- "eslint": "^7.0.0",
- "mocha": "^7.0.0",
- "nyc": "^15.0.0",
- "rimraf": "^3.0.0",
- "sinon": "^9.0.1",
- "sinon-chai": "^3.3.0",
- "typescript": "~4.4.3",
- "upath": "^1.2.0"
- },
- "files": [
- "index.js",
- "lib/*.js",
- "types/index.d.ts"
- ],
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar.git"
- },
- "bugs": {
- "url": "https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar/issues"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "scripts": {
- "dtslint": "dtslint types",
- "lint": "eslint --report-unused-disable-directives --ignore-path .gitignore .",
- "mocha": "mocha --exit --timeout 90000",
- "test": "npm run lint && npm run mocha"
- },
- "keywords": [
- "fs",
- "watch",
- "watchFile",
- "watcher",
- "watching",
- "file",
- "fsevents"
- ],
- "types": "./types/index.d.ts",
- "nyc": {
- "include": [
- "index.js",
- "lib/*.js"
- ],
- "reporter": [
- "html",
- "text"
- ]
- },
- "funding": [
- {
- "type": "individual",
- "url": "https://paulmillr.com/funding/"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/node_modules/chokidar/types/index.d.ts b/node_modules/chokidar/types/index.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index aab8e33..0000000
--- a/node_modules/chokidar/types/index.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-// TypeScript Version: 3.0
-/// <reference types="node" />
-import * as fs from "fs";
-import { EventEmitter } from "events";
-import { Matcher } from 'anymatch';
-export class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter implements fs.FSWatcher {
- options: WatchOptions;
- /**
- * Constructs a new FSWatcher instance with optional WatchOptions parameter.
- */
- constructor(options?: WatchOptions);
- /**
- * Add files, directories, or glob patterns for tracking. Takes an array of strings or just one
- * string.
- */
- add(paths: string | ReadonlyArray<string>): this;
- /**
- * Stop watching files, directories, or glob patterns. Takes an array of strings or just one
- * string.
- */
- unwatch(paths: string | ReadonlyArray<string>): this;
- /**
- * Returns an object representing all the paths on the file system being watched by this
- * `FSWatcher` instance. The object's keys are all the directories (using absolute paths unless
- * the `cwd` option was used), and the values are arrays of the names of the items contained in
- * each directory.
- */
- getWatched(): {
- [directory: string]: string[];
- };
- /**
- * Removes all listeners from watched files.
- */
- close(): Promise<void>;
- on(event: 'add'|'addDir'|'change', listener: (path: string, stats?: fs.Stats) => void): this;
- on(event: 'all', listener: (eventName: 'add'|'addDir'|'change'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir', path: string, stats?: fs.Stats) => void): this;
- /**
- * Error occurred
- */
- on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- /**
- * Exposes the native Node `fs.FSWatcher events`
- */
- on(event: 'raw', listener: (eventName: string, path: string, details: any) => void): this;
- /**
- * Fires when the initial scan is complete
- */
- on(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'unlink'|'unlinkDir', listener: (path: string) => void): this;
- on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
-export interface WatchOptions {
- /**
- * Indicates whether the process should continue to run as long as files are being watched. If
- * set to `false` when using `fsevents` to watch, no more events will be emitted after `ready`,
- * even if the process continues to run.
- */
- persistent?: boolean;
- /**
- * ([anymatch](https://github.com/micromatch/anymatch)-compatible definition) Defines files/paths to
- * be ignored. The whole relative or absolute path is tested, not just filename. If a function
- * with two arguments is provided, it gets called twice per path - once with a single argument
- * (the path), second time with two arguments (the path and the
- * [`fs.Stats`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats) object of that path).
- */
- ignored?: Matcher;
- /**
- * If set to `false` then `add`/`addDir` events are also emitted for matching paths while
- * instantiating the watching as chokidar discovers these file paths (before the `ready` event).
- */
- ignoreInitial?: boolean;
- /**
- * When `false`, only the symlinks themselves will be watched for changes instead of following
- * the link references and bubbling events through the link's path.
- */
- followSymlinks?: boolean;
- /**
- * The base directory from which watch `paths` are to be derived. Paths emitted with events will
- * be relative to this.
- */
- cwd?: string;
- /**
- * If set to true then the strings passed to .watch() and .add() are treated as literal path
- * names, even if they look like globs. Default: false.
- */
- disableGlobbing?: boolean;
- /**
- * Whether to use fs.watchFile (backed by polling), or fs.watch. If polling leads to high CPU
- * utilization, consider setting this to `false`. It is typically necessary to **set this to
- * `true` to successfully watch files over a network**, and it may be necessary to successfully
- * watch files in other non-standard situations. Setting to `true` explicitly on OS X overrides
- * the `useFsEvents` default.
- */
- usePolling?: boolean;
- /**
- * Whether to use the `fsevents` watching interface if available. When set to `true` explicitly
- * and `fsevents` is available this supercedes the `usePolling` setting. When set to `false` on
- * OS X, `usePolling: true` becomes the default.
- */
- useFsEvents?: boolean;
- /**
- * If relying upon the [`fs.Stats`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats) object that
- * may get passed with `add`, `addDir`, and `change` events, set this to `true` to ensure it is
- * provided even in cases where it wasn't already available from the underlying watch events.
- */
- alwaysStat?: boolean;
- /**
- * If set, limits how many levels of subdirectories will be traversed.
- */
- depth?: number;
- /**
- * Interval of file system polling.
- */
- interval?: number;
- /**
- * Interval of file system polling for binary files. ([see list of binary extensions](https://gi
- * thub.com/sindresorhus/binary-extensions/blob/master/binary-extensions.json))
- */
- binaryInterval?: number;
- /**
- * Indicates whether to watch files that don't have read permissions if possible. If watching
- * fails due to `EPERM` or `EACCES` with this set to `true`, the errors will be suppressed
- * silently.
- */
- ignorePermissionErrors?: boolean;
- /**
- * `true` if `useFsEvents` and `usePolling` are `false`). Automatically filters out artifacts
- * that occur when using editors that use "atomic writes" instead of writing directly to the
- * source file. If a file is re-added within 100 ms of being deleted, Chokidar emits a `change`
- * event rather than `unlink` then `add`. If the default of 100 ms does not work well for you,
- * you can override it by setting `atomic` to a custom value, in milliseconds.
- */
- atomic?: boolean | number;
- /**
- * can be set to an object in order to adjust timing params:
- */
- awaitWriteFinish?: AwaitWriteFinishOptions | boolean;
-export interface AwaitWriteFinishOptions {
- /**
- * Amount of time in milliseconds for a file size to remain constant before emitting its event.
- */
- stabilityThreshold?: number;
- /**
- * File size polling interval.
- */
- pollInterval?: number;
- * produces an instance of `FSWatcher`.
- */
-export function watch(
- paths: string | ReadonlyArray<string>,
- options?: WatchOptions
-): FSWatcher;