path: root/node_modules/ansi-align/README.md
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-# ansi-align
-> align-text with ANSI support for CLIs
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-Easily center- or right- align a block of text, carefully ignoring ANSI escape codes.
-E.g. turn this:
-<img width="281" alt="ansi text block no alignment :(" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1929625/14937509/7c3076dc-0ed7-11e6-8c16-4f6a4ccc8346.png">
-Into this:
-<img width="278" alt="ansi text block center aligned!" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1929625/14937510/7c3ca0b0-0ed7-11e6-8f0a-541ca39b6e0a.png">
-## Install
-npm install --save ansi-align
-var ansiAlign = require('ansi-align')
-## API
-### `ansiAlign(text, [opts])`
-Align the given text per the line with the greatest [`string-width`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/string-width), returning a new string (or array).
-#### Arguments
-- `text`: required, string or array
- The text to align. If a string is given, it will be split using either the `opts.split` value or `'\n'` by default. If an array is given, a different array of modified strings will be returned.
-- `opts`: optional, object
- Options to change behavior, see below.
-#### Options
-- `opts.align`: string, default `'center'`
- The alignment mode. Use `'center'` for center-alignment, `'right'` for right-alignment, or `'left'` for left-alignment. Note that the given `text` is assumed to be left-aligned already, so specifying `align: 'left'` just returns the `text` as is (no-op).
-- `opts.split`: string or RegExp, default `'\n'`
- The separator to use when splitting the text. Only used if text is given as a string.
-- `opts.pad`: string, default `' '`
- The value used to left-pad (prepend to) lines of lesser width. Will be repeated as necessary to adjust alignment to the line with the greatest width.
-### `ansiAlign.center(text)`
-Alias for `ansiAlign(text, { align: 'center' })`.
-### `ansiAlign.right(text)`
-Alias for `ansiAlign(text, { align: 'right' })`.
-### `ansiAlign.left(text)`
-Alias for `ansiAlign(text, { align: 'left' })`, which is a no-op.
-## Similar Packages
-- [`center-align`](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/center-align): Very close to this package, except it doesn't support ANSI codes.
-- [`left-pad`](https://github.com/camwest/left-pad): Great for left-padding but does not support center alignment or ANSI codes.
-- Pretty much anything by the [chalk](https://github.com/chalk) team
-## License
-ISC © Contributors