path: root/node_modules/@szmarczak/http-timer/README.md
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-# http-timer
-> Timings for HTTP requests
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/szmarczak/http-timer.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/szmarczak/http-timer)
-[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/szmarczak/http-timer/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/szmarczak/http-timer?branch=master)
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-Inspired by the [`request` package](https://github.com/request/request).
-## Usage
-'use strict';
-const https = require('https');
-const timer = require('@szmarczak/http-timer');
-const request = https.get('https://httpbin.org/anything');
-const timings = timer(request);
-request.on('response', response => {
- response.on('data', () => {}); // Consume the data somehow
- response.on('end', () => {
- console.log(timings);
- });
-// { start: 1535708511443,
-// socket: 1535708511444,
-// lookup: 1535708511444,
-// connect: 1535708511582,
-// upload: 1535708511887,
-// response: 1535708512037,
-// end: 1535708512040,
-// phases:
-// { wait: 1,
-// dns: 0,
-// tcp: 138,
-// request: 305,
-// firstByte: 150,
-// download: 3,
-// total: 597 } }
-## API
-### timer(request)
-Returns: `Object`
-- `start` - Time when the request started.
-- `socket` - Time when a socket was assigned to the request.
-- `lookup` - Time when the DNS lookup finished.
-- `connect` - Time when the socket successfully connected.
-- `upload` - Time when the request finished uploading.
-- `response` - Time when the request fired the `response` event.
-- `end` - Time when the response fired the `end` event.
-- `error` - Time when the request fired the `error` event.
-- `phases`
- - `wait` - `timings.socket - timings.start`
- - `dns` - `timings.lookup - timings.socket`
- - `tcp` - `timings.connect - timings.lookup`
- - `request` - `timings.upload - timings.connect`
- - `firstByte` - `timings.response - timings.upload`
- - `download` - `timings.end - timings.response`
- - `total` - `timings.end - timings.start` or `timings.error - timings.start`
-**Note**: The time is a `number` representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
-## License