path: root/node_modules/@sindresorhus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/@sindresorhus')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 901 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.d.ts b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e94d30b..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference types="node" />
-/// <reference lib="es2016" />
-/// <reference lib="es2017.sharedmemory" />
-/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable" />
-/// <reference lib="dom" />
-declare type TypedArray = Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array;
-declare type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | Symbol;
-export interface ArrayLike {
- length: number;
-export interface Class<T = unknown> {
- new (...args: any[]): T;
-declare type DomElement = object & {
- nodeType: 1;
- nodeName: string;
-declare type NodeStream = object & {
- pipe: Function;
-export declare const enum TypeName {
- null = "null",
- boolean = "boolean",
- undefined = "undefined",
- string = "string",
- number = "number",
- symbol = "symbol",
- Function = "Function",
- GeneratorFunction = "GeneratorFunction",
- AsyncFunction = "AsyncFunction",
- Observable = "Observable",
- Array = "Array",
- Buffer = "Buffer",
- Object = "Object",
- RegExp = "RegExp",
- Date = "Date",
- Error = "Error",
- Map = "Map",
- Set = "Set",
- WeakMap = "WeakMap",
- WeakSet = "WeakSet",
- Int8Array = "Int8Array",
- Uint8Array = "Uint8Array",
- Uint8ClampedArray = "Uint8ClampedArray",
- Int16Array = "Int16Array",
- Uint16Array = "Uint16Array",
- Int32Array = "Int32Array",
- Uint32Array = "Uint32Array",
- Float32Array = "Float32Array",
- Float64Array = "Float64Array",
- ArrayBuffer = "ArrayBuffer",
- SharedArrayBuffer = "SharedArrayBuffer",
- DataView = "DataView",
- Promise = "Promise",
- URL = "URL"
-declare function is(value: unknown): TypeName;
-declare namespace is {
- const undefined: (value: unknown) => value is undefined;
- const string: (value: unknown) => value is string;
- const number: (value: unknown) => value is number;
- const function_: (value: unknown) => value is Function;
- const null_: (value: unknown) => value is null;
- const class_: (value: unknown) => value is Class<unknown>;
- const boolean: (value: unknown) => value is boolean;
- const symbol: (value: unknown) => value is Symbol;
- const numericString: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const array: (arg: any) => arg is any[];
- const buffer: (input: unknown) => input is Buffer;
- const nullOrUndefined: (value: unknown) => value is null | undefined;
- const object: (value: unknown) => value is object;
- const iterable: (value: unknown) => value is IterableIterator<unknown>;
- const asyncIterable: (value: unknown) => value is AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>;
- const generator: (value: unknown) => value is Generator;
- const nativePromise: (value: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
- const promise: (value: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
- const generatorFunction: (value: unknown) => value is GeneratorFunction;
- const asyncFunction: (value: unknown) => value is Function;
- const boundFunction: (value: unknown) => value is Function;
- const regExp: (value: unknown) => value is RegExp;
- const date: (value: unknown) => value is Date;
- const error: (value: unknown) => value is Error;
- const map: (value: unknown) => value is Map<unknown, unknown>;
- const set: (value: unknown) => value is Set<unknown>;
- const weakMap: (value: unknown) => value is WeakMap<object, unknown>;
- const weakSet: (value: unknown) => value is WeakSet<object>;
- const int8Array: (value: unknown) => value is Int8Array;
- const uint8Array: (value: unknown) => value is Uint8Array;
- const uint8ClampedArray: (value: unknown) => value is Uint8ClampedArray;
- const int16Array: (value: unknown) => value is Int16Array;
- const uint16Array: (value: unknown) => value is Uint16Array;
- const int32Array: (value: unknown) => value is Int32Array;
- const uint32Array: (value: unknown) => value is Uint32Array;
- const float32Array: (value: unknown) => value is Float32Array;
- const float64Array: (value: unknown) => value is Float64Array;
- const arrayBuffer: (value: unknown) => value is ArrayBuffer;
- const sharedArrayBuffer: (value: unknown) => value is SharedArrayBuffer;
- const dataView: (value: unknown) => value is DataView;
- const directInstanceOf: <T>(instance: unknown, klass: Class<T>) => instance is T;
- const urlInstance: (value: unknown) => value is URL;
- const urlString: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const truthy: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const falsy: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nan: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const primitive: (value: unknown) => value is Primitive;
- const integer: (value: unknown) => value is number;
- const safeInteger: (value: unknown) => value is number;
- const plainObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const typedArray: (value: unknown) => value is TypedArray;
- const arrayLike: (value: unknown) => value is ArrayLike;
- const inRange: (value: number, range: number | number[]) => boolean;
- const domElement: (value: unknown) => value is DomElement;
- const observable: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nodeStream: (value: unknown) => value is NodeStream;
- const infinite: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const even: (value: number) => boolean;
- const odd: (value: number) => boolean;
- const emptyArray: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nonEmptyArray: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const emptyString: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nonEmptyString: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const emptyStringOrWhitespace: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const emptyObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nonEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const emptySet: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nonEmptySet: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const emptyMap: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const nonEmptyMap: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- const any: (predicate: unknown, ...values: unknown[]) => boolean;
- const all: (predicate: unknown, ...values: unknown[]) => boolean;
-export default is;
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js
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index 3cbafae..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-/// <reference lib="es2016"/>
-/// <reference lib="es2017.sharedmemory"/>
-/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable"/>
-/// <reference lib="dom"/>
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-// TODO: Use the `URL` global when targeting Node.js 10
-// tslint:disable-next-line
-const URLGlobal = typeof URL === 'undefined' ? require('url').URL : URL;
-const toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-const isOfType = (type) => (value) => typeof value === type;
-const isBuffer = (input) => !is.nullOrUndefined(input) && !is.nullOrUndefined(input.constructor) && is.function_(input.constructor.isBuffer) && input.constructor.isBuffer(input);
-const getObjectType = (value) => {
- const objectName = toString.call(value).slice(8, -1);
- if (objectName) {
- return objectName;
- }
- return null;
-const isObjectOfType = (type) => (value) => getObjectType(value) === type;
-function is(value) {
- switch (value) {
- case null:
- return "null" /* null */;
- case true:
- case false:
- return "boolean" /* boolean */;
- default:
- }
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'undefined':
- return "undefined" /* undefined */;
- case 'string':
- return "string" /* string */;
- case 'number':
- return "number" /* number */;
- case 'symbol':
- return "symbol" /* symbol */;
- default:
- }
- if (is.function_(value)) {
- return "Function" /* Function */;
- }
- if (is.observable(value)) {
- return "Observable" /* Observable */;
- }
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- return "Array" /* Array */;
- }
- if (isBuffer(value)) {
- return "Buffer" /* Buffer */;
- }
- const tagType = getObjectType(value);
- if (tagType) {
- return tagType;
- }
- if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number) {
- throw new TypeError('Please don\'t use object wrappers for primitive types');
- }
- return "Object" /* Object */;
-(function (is) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates
- const isObject = (value) => typeof value === 'object';
- // tslint:disable:variable-name
- is.undefined = isOfType('undefined');
- is.string = isOfType('string');
- is.number = isOfType('number');
- is.function_ = isOfType('function');
- // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates
- is.null_ = (value) => value === null;
- is.class_ = (value) => is.function_(value) && value.toString().startsWith('class ');
- is.boolean = (value) => value === true || value === false;
- is.symbol = isOfType('symbol');
- // tslint:enable:variable-name
- is.numericString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length > 0 && !Number.isNaN(Number(value));
- is.array = Array.isArray;
- is.buffer = isBuffer;
- is.nullOrUndefined = (value) => is.null_(value) || is.undefined(value);
- is.object = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && (is.function_(value) || isObject(value));
- is.iterable = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && is.function_(value[Symbol.iterator]);
- is.asyncIterable = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && is.function_(value[Symbol.asyncIterator]);
- is.generator = (value) => is.iterable(value) && is.function_(value.next) && is.function_(value.throw);
- is.nativePromise = (value) => isObjectOfType("Promise" /* Promise */)(value);
- const hasPromiseAPI = (value) => !is.null_(value) &&
- isObject(value) &&
- is.function_(value.then) &&
- is.function_(value.catch);
- is.promise = (value) => is.nativePromise(value) || hasPromiseAPI(value);
- is.generatorFunction = isObjectOfType("GeneratorFunction" /* GeneratorFunction */);
- is.asyncFunction = isObjectOfType("AsyncFunction" /* AsyncFunction */);
- is.boundFunction = (value) => is.function_(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty('prototype');
- is.regExp = isObjectOfType("RegExp" /* RegExp */);
- is.date = isObjectOfType("Date" /* Date */);
- is.error = isObjectOfType("Error" /* Error */);
- is.map = (value) => isObjectOfType("Map" /* Map */)(value);
- is.set = (value) => isObjectOfType("Set" /* Set */)(value);
- is.weakMap = (value) => isObjectOfType("WeakMap" /* WeakMap */)(value);
- is.weakSet = (value) => isObjectOfType("WeakSet" /* WeakSet */)(value);
- is.int8Array = isObjectOfType("Int8Array" /* Int8Array */);
- is.uint8Array = isObjectOfType("Uint8Array" /* Uint8Array */);
- is.uint8ClampedArray = isObjectOfType("Uint8ClampedArray" /* Uint8ClampedArray */);
- is.int16Array = isObjectOfType("Int16Array" /* Int16Array */);
- is.uint16Array = isObjectOfType("Uint16Array" /* Uint16Array */);
- is.int32Array = isObjectOfType("Int32Array" /* Int32Array */);
- is.uint32Array = isObjectOfType("Uint32Array" /* Uint32Array */);
- is.float32Array = isObjectOfType("Float32Array" /* Float32Array */);
- is.float64Array = isObjectOfType("Float64Array" /* Float64Array */);
- is.arrayBuffer = isObjectOfType("ArrayBuffer" /* ArrayBuffer */);
- is.sharedArrayBuffer = isObjectOfType("SharedArrayBuffer" /* SharedArrayBuffer */);
- is.dataView = isObjectOfType("DataView" /* DataView */);
- is.directInstanceOf = (instance, klass) => Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) === klass.prototype;
- is.urlInstance = (value) => isObjectOfType("URL" /* URL */)(value);
- is.urlString = (value) => {
- if (!is.string(value)) {
- return false;
- }
- try {
- new URLGlobal(value); // tslint:disable-line no-unused-expression
- return true;
- }
- catch (_a) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- is.truthy = (value) => Boolean(value);
- is.falsy = (value) => !value;
- is.nan = (value) => Number.isNaN(value);
- const primitiveTypes = new Set([
- 'undefined',
- 'string',
- 'number',
- 'boolean',
- 'symbol'
- ]);
- is.primitive = (value) => is.null_(value) || primitiveTypes.has(typeof value);
- is.integer = (value) => Number.isInteger(value);
- is.safeInteger = (value) => Number.isSafeInteger(value);
- is.plainObject = (value) => {
- // From: https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-plain-obj/blob/master/index.js
- let prototype;
- return getObjectType(value) === "Object" /* Object */ &&
- (prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value), prototype === null || // tslint:disable-line:ban-comma-operator
- prototype === Object.getPrototypeOf({}));
- };
- const typedArrayTypes = new Set([
- "Int8Array" /* Int8Array */,
- "Uint8Array" /* Uint8Array */,
- "Uint8ClampedArray" /* Uint8ClampedArray */,
- "Int16Array" /* Int16Array */,
- "Uint16Array" /* Uint16Array */,
- "Int32Array" /* Int32Array */,
- "Uint32Array" /* Uint32Array */,
- "Float32Array" /* Float32Array */,
- "Float64Array" /* Float64Array */
- ]);
- is.typedArray = (value) => {
- const objectType = getObjectType(value);
- if (objectType === null) {
- return false;
- }
- return typedArrayTypes.has(objectType);
- };
- const isValidLength = (value) => is.safeInteger(value) && value > -1;
- is.arrayLike = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && !is.function_(value) && isValidLength(value.length);
- is.inRange = (value, range) => {
- if (is.number(range)) {
- return value >= Math.min(0, range) && value <= Math.max(range, 0);
- }
- if (is.array(range) && range.length === 2) {
- return value >= Math.min(...range) && value <= Math.max(...range);
- }
- throw new TypeError(`Invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`);
- };
- const NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1;
- 'innerHTML',
- 'ownerDocument',
- 'style',
- 'attributes',
- 'nodeValue'
- ];
- is.domElement = (value) => is.object(value) && value.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && is.string(value.nodeName) &&
- !is.plainObject(value) && DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK.every(property => property in value);
- is.observable = (value) => {
- if (!value) {
- return false;
- }
- if (value[Symbol.observable] && value === value[Symbol.observable]()) {
- return true;
- }
- if (value['@@observable'] && value === value['@@observable']()) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- is.nodeStream = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && isObject(value) && is.function_(value.pipe) && !is.observable(value);
- is.infinite = (value) => value === Infinity || value === -Infinity;
- const isAbsoluteMod2 = (rem) => (value) => is.integer(value) && Math.abs(value % 2) === rem;
- is.even = isAbsoluteMod2(0);
- is.odd = isAbsoluteMod2(1);
- const isWhiteSpaceString = (value) => is.string(value) && /\S/.test(value) === false;
- is.emptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length === 0;
- is.nonEmptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length > 0;
- is.emptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length === 0;
- is.nonEmptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length > 0;
- is.emptyStringOrWhitespace = (value) => is.emptyString(value) || isWhiteSpaceString(value);
- is.emptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length === 0;
- is.nonEmptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length > 0;
- is.emptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size === 0;
- is.nonEmptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size > 0;
- is.emptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size === 0;
- is.nonEmptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size > 0;
- const predicateOnArray = (method, predicate, values) => {
- if (is.function_(predicate) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(`Invalid predicate: ${JSON.stringify(predicate)}`);
- }
- if (values.length === 0) {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid number of values');
- }
- return method.call(values, predicate);
- };
- // tslint:disable variable-name
- is.any = (predicate, ...values) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.some, predicate, values);
- is.all = (predicate, ...values) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.every, predicate, values);
- // tslint:enable variable-name
-})(is || (is = {}));
-// Some few keywords are reserved, but we'll populate them for Node.js users
-// See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2536
-Object.defineProperties(is, {
- class: {
- value: is.class_
- },
- function: {
- value: is.function_
- },
- null: {
- value: is.null_
- }
-exports.default = is;
-// For CommonJS default export support
-module.exports = is;
-module.exports.default = is;
-//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js.map b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js.map
deleted file mode 100644
index cd827fc..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/license b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/license
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index e7af2f7..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/license
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MIT License
-Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus <sindresorhus@gmail.com> (sindresorhus.com)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/package.json b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0d9fe..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- "name": "@sindresorhus/is",
- "version": "0.14.0",
- "description": "Type check values: `is.string('🦄') //=> true`",
- "license": "MIT",
- "repository": "sindresorhus/is",
- "author": {
- "name": "Sindre Sorhus",
- "email": "sindresorhus@gmail.com",
- "url": "sindresorhus.com"
- },
- "main": "dist/index.js",
- "engines": {
- "node": ">=6"
- },
- "scripts": {
- "lint": "tslint --format stylish --project .",
- "build": "del dist && tsc",
- "test": "npm run lint && npm run build && ava dist/tests",
- "prepublish": "npm run build && del dist/tests"
- },
- "files": [
- "dist"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "type",
- "types",
- "is",
- "check",
- "checking",
- "validate",
- "validation",
- "utility",
- "util",
- "typeof",
- "instanceof",
- "object",
- "assert",
- "assertion",
- "test",
- "kind",
- "primitive",
- "verify",
- "compare"
- ],
- "devDependencies": {
- "@sindresorhus/tsconfig": "^0.1.0",
- "@types/jsdom": "^11.12.0",
- "@types/node": "^10.12.10",
- "@types/tempy": "^0.2.0",
- "@types/zen-observable": "^0.8.0",
- "ava": "^0.25.0",
- "del-cli": "^1.1.0",
- "jsdom": "^11.6.2",
- "rxjs": "^6.3.3",
- "tempy": "^0.2.1",
- "tslint": "^5.9.1",
- "tslint-xo": "^0.10.0",
- "typescript": "^3.2.1",
- "zen-observable": "^0.8.8"
- },
- "types": "dist/index.d.ts"
diff --git a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/readme.md b/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c023b..0000000
--- a/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/readme.md
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@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-# is [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/is.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/is)
-> Type check values: `is.string('🦄') //=> true`
-<img src="header.gif" width="182" align="right">
-## Install
-$ npm install @sindresorhus/is
-## Usage
-const is = require('@sindresorhus/is');
-//=> 'string'
-is(new Map());
-//=> 'Map'
-//=> true
-When using `is` together with TypeScript, [type guards](http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#type-guards-and-differentiating-types) are being used to infer the correct type inside if-else statements.
-import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
-const padLeft = (value: string, padding: string | number) => {
- if (is.number(padding)) {
- // `padding` is typed as `number`
- return Array(padding + 1).join(' ') + value;
- }
- if (is.string(padding)) {
- // `padding` is typed as `string`
- return padding + value;
- }
- throw new TypeError(`Expected 'padding' to be of type 'string' or 'number', got '${is(padding)}'.`);
-padLeft('🦄', 3);
-//=> ' 🦄'
-padLeft('🦄', '🌈');
-//=> '🌈🦄'
-## API
-### is(value)
-Returns the type of `value`.
-Primitives are lowercase and object types are camelcase.
-- `'undefined'`
-- `'null'`
-- `'string'`
-- `'symbol'`
-- `'Array'`
-- `'Function'`
-- `'Object'`
-Note: It will throw an error if you try to feed it object-wrapped primitives, as that's a bad practice. For example `new String('foo')`.
-### is.{method}
-All the below methods accept a value and returns a boolean for whether the value is of the desired type.
-#### Primitives
-##### .undefined(value)
-##### .null(value)
-##### .string(value)
-##### .number(value)
-##### .boolean(value)
-##### .symbol(value)
-#### Built-in types
-##### .array(value)
-##### .function(value)
-##### .buffer(value)
-##### .object(value)
-Keep in mind that [functions are objects too](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions).
-##### .numericString(value)
-Returns `true` for a string that represents a number. For example, `'42'` and `'-8'`.
-Note: `'NaN'` returns `false`, but `'Infinity'` and `'-Infinity'` return `true`.
-##### .regExp(value)
-##### .date(value)
-##### .error(value)
-##### .nativePromise(value)
-##### .promise(value)
-Returns `true` for any object with a `.then()` and `.catch()` method. Prefer this one over `.nativePromise()` as you usually want to allow userland promise implementations too.
-##### .generator(value)
-Returns `true` for any object that implements its own `.next()` and `.throw()` methods and has a function definition for `Symbol.iterator`.
-##### .generatorFunction(value)
-##### .asyncFunction(value)
-Returns `true` for any `async` function that can be called with the `await` operator.
-is.asyncFunction(async () => {});
-// => true
-is.asyncFunction(() => {});
-// => false
-##### .boundFunction(value)
-Returns `true` for any `bound` function.
-is.boundFunction(() => {});
-// => true
-is.boundFunction(function () {}.bind(null));
-// => true
-is.boundFunction(function () {});
-// => false
-##### .map(value)
-##### .set(value)
-##### .weakMap(value)
-##### .weakSet(value)
-#### Typed arrays
-##### .int8Array(value)
-##### .uint8Array(value)
-##### .uint8ClampedArray(value)
-##### .int16Array(value)
-##### .uint16Array(value)
-##### .int32Array(value)
-##### .uint32Array(value)
-##### .float32Array(value)
-##### .float64Array(value)
-#### Structured data
-##### .arrayBuffer(value)
-##### .sharedArrayBuffer(value)
-##### .dataView(value)
-#### Emptiness
-##### .emptyString(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `string` and the `.length` is 0.
-##### .nonEmptyString(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `string` and the `.length` is more than 0.
-##### .emptyStringOrWhitespace(value)
-Returns `true` if `is.emptyString(value)` or if it's a `string` that is all whitespace.
-##### .emptyArray(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is an `Array` and the `.length` is 0.
-##### .nonEmptyArray(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is an `Array` and the `.length` is more than 0.
-##### .emptyObject(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is an `Object` and `Object.keys(value).length` is 0.
-Please note that `Object.keys` returns only own enumerable properties. Hence something like this can happen:
-const object1 = {};
-Object.defineProperty(object1, 'property1', {
- value: 42,
- writable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true
-// => true
-##### .nonEmptyObject(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is an `Object` and `Object.keys(value).length` is more than 0.
-##### .emptySet(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `Set` and the `.size` is 0.
-##### .nonEmptySet(Value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `Set` and the `.size` is more than 0.
-##### .emptyMap(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `Map` and the `.size` is 0.
-##### .nonEmptyMap(value)
-Returns `true` if the value is a `Map` and the `.size` is more than 0.
-#### Miscellaneous
-##### .directInstanceOf(value, class)
-Returns `true` if `value` is a direct instance of `class`.
-is.directInstanceOf(new Error(), Error);
-//=> true
-class UnicornError extends Error {}
-is.directInstanceOf(new UnicornError(), Error);
-//=> false
-##### .urlInstance(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is an instance of the [`URL` class](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL).
-const url = new URL('https://example.com');
-//=> true
-### .url(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is a URL string.
-Note: this only does basic checking using the [`URL` class](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL) constructor.
-const url = 'https://example.com';
-//=> true
-is.url(new URL(url));
-//=> false
-##### .truthy(value)
-Returns `true` for all values that evaluate to true in a boolean context:
-//=> true
-//=> false
-##### .falsy(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is one of: `false`, `0`, `''`, `null`, `undefined`, `NaN`.
-##### .nan(value)
-##### .nullOrUndefined(value)
-##### .primitive(value)
-JavaScript primitives are as follows: `null`, `undefined`, `string`, `number`, `boolean`, `symbol`.
-##### .integer(value)
-##### .safeInteger(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is a [safe integer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isSafeInteger).
-##### .plainObject(value)
-An object is plain if it's created by either `{}`, `new Object()`, or `Object.create(null)`.
-##### .iterable(value)
-##### .asyncIterable(value)
-##### .class(value)
-Returns `true` for instances created by a class.
-##### .typedArray(value)
-##### .arrayLike(value)
-A `value` is array-like if it is not a function and has a `value.length` that is a safe integer greater than or equal to 0.
-//=> true
-function foo() {
- is.arrayLike(arguments);
- //=> true
-##### .inRange(value, range)
-Check if `value` (number) is in the given `range`. The range is an array of two values, lower bound and upper bound, in no specific order.
-is.inRange(3, [0, 5]);
-is.inRange(3, [5, 0]);
-is.inRange(0, [-2, 2]);
-##### .inRange(value, upperBound)
-Check if `value` (number) is in the range of `0` to `upperBound`.
-is.inRange(3, 10);
-##### .domElement(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is a DOM Element.
-##### .nodeStream(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is a Node.js [stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html).
-const fs = require('fs');
-//=> true
-##### .observable(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is an `Observable`.
-const {Observable} = require('rxjs');
-is.observable(new Observable());
-//=> true
-##### .infinite(value)
-Check if `value` is `Infinity` or `-Infinity`.
-##### .even(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is an even integer.
-##### .odd(value)
-Returns `true` if `value` is an odd integer.
-##### .any(predicate, ...values)
-Returns `true` if **any** of the input `values` returns true in the `predicate`:
-is.any(is.string, {}, true, '🦄');
-//=> true
-is.any(is.boolean, 'unicorns', [], new Map());
-//=> false
-##### .all(predicate, ...values)
-Returns `true` if **all** of the input `values` returns true in the `predicate`:
-is.all(is.object, {}, new Map(), new Set());
-//=> true
-is.all(is.string, '🦄', [], 'unicorns');
-//=> false
-## FAQ
-### Why yet another type checking module?
-There are hundreds of type checking modules on npm, unfortunately, I couldn't find any that fit my needs:
-- Includes both type methods and ability to get the type
-- Types of primitives returned as lowercase and object types as camelcase
-- Covers all built-ins
-- Unsurprising behavior
-- Well-maintained
-- Comprehensive test suite
-For the ones I found, pick 3 of these.
-The most common mistakes I noticed in these modules was using `instanceof` for type checking, forgetting that functions are objects, and omitting `symbol` as a primitive.
-## Related
-- [ow](https://github.com/sindresorhus/ow) - Function argument validation for humans
-- [is-stream](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-stream) - Check if something is a Node.js stream
-- [is-observable](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-observable) - Check if a value is an Observable
-- [file-type](https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type) - Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
-- [is-ip](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-ip) - Check if a string is an IP address
-- [is-array-sorted](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-array-sorted) - Check if an Array is sorted
-- [is-error-constructor](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-error-constructor) - Check if a value is an error constructor
-- [is-empty-iterable](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-empty-iterable) - Check if an Iterable is empty
-- [is-blob](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-blob) - Check if a value is a Blob - File-like object of immutable, raw data
-- [has-emoji](https://github.com/sindresorhus/has-emoji) - Check whether a string has any emoji
-## Created by
-- [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
-- [Giora Guttsait](https://github.com/gioragutt)
-- [Brandon Smith](https://github.com/brandon93s)
-## License