path: root/node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js
diff options
authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-06-04 08:51:19 +0200
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-06-04 08:51:19 +0200
commitb22f6770c8bd084d66950655203c61dd701b3d90 (patch)
tree873d7fb19584ec2709b95cc1ca05a1fc7cfd0fc4 /node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js
parent383285ecd5292bf9a825e05904955b937de84cc9 (diff)
Remove node_modules
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js b/node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fbace..0000000
--- a/node_modules/to-regex-range/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
- * to-regex-range <https://github.com/micromatch/to-regex-range>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
-'use strict';
-const isNumber = require('is-number');
-const toRegexRange = (min, max, options) => {
- if (isNumber(min) === false) {
- throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the first argument to be a number');
- }
- if (max === void 0 || min === max) {
- return String(min);
- }
- if (isNumber(max) === false) {
- throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the second argument to be a number.');
- }
- let opts = { relaxZeros: true, ...options };
- if (typeof opts.strictZeros === 'boolean') {
- opts.relaxZeros = opts.strictZeros === false;
- }
- let relax = String(opts.relaxZeros);
- let shorthand = String(opts.shorthand);
- let capture = String(opts.capture);
- let wrap = String(opts.wrap);
- let cacheKey = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture + wrap;
- if (toRegexRange.cache.hasOwnProperty(cacheKey)) {
- return toRegexRange.cache[cacheKey].result;
- }
- let a = Math.min(min, max);
- let b = Math.max(min, max);
- if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) {
- let result = min + '|' + max;
- if (opts.capture) {
- return `(${result})`;
- }
- if (opts.wrap === false) {
- return result;
- }
- return `(?:${result})`;
- }
- let isPadded = hasPadding(min) || hasPadding(max);
- let state = { min, max, a, b };
- let positives = [];
- let negatives = [];
- if (isPadded) {
- state.isPadded = isPadded;
- state.maxLen = String(state.max).length;
- }
- if (a < 0) {
- let newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1;
- negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, Math.abs(a), state, opts);
- a = state.a = 0;
- }
- if (b >= 0) {
- positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, state, opts);
- }
- state.negatives = negatives;
- state.positives = positives;
- state.result = collatePatterns(negatives, positives, opts);
- if (opts.capture === true) {
- state.result = `(${state.result})`;
- } else if (opts.wrap !== false && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) {
- state.result = `(?:${state.result})`;
- }
- toRegexRange.cache[cacheKey] = state;
- return state.result;
-function collatePatterns(neg, pos, options) {
- let onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false, options) || [];
- let onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false, options) || [];
- let intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true, options) || [];
- let subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive);
- return subpatterns.join('|');
-function splitToRanges(min, max) {
- let nines = 1;
- let zeros = 1;
- let stop = countNines(min, nines);
- let stops = new Set([max]);
- while (min <= stop && stop <= max) {
- stops.add(stop);
- nines += 1;
- stop = countNines(min, nines);
- }
- stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
- while (min < stop && stop <= max) {
- stops.add(stop);
- zeros += 1;
- stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
- }
- stops = [...stops];
- stops.sort(compare);
- return stops;
- * Convert a range to a regex pattern
- * @param {Number} `start`
- * @param {Number} `stop`
- * @return {String}
- */
-function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) {
- if (start === stop) {
- return { pattern: start, count: [], digits: 0 };
- }
- let zipped = zip(start, stop);
- let digits = zipped.length;
- let pattern = '';
- let count = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
- let [startDigit, stopDigit] = zipped[i];
- if (startDigit === stopDigit) {
- pattern += startDigit;
- } else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') {
- pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit, options);
- } else {
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (count) {
- pattern += options.shorthand === true ? '\\d' : '[0-9]';
- }
- return { pattern, count: [count], digits };
-function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) {
- let ranges = splitToRanges(min, max);
- let tokens = [];
- let start = min;
- let prev;
- for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
- let max = ranges[i];
- let obj = rangeToPattern(String(start), String(max), options);
- let zeros = '';
- if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) {
- if (prev.count.length > 1) {
- prev.count.pop();
- }
- prev.count.push(obj.count[0]);
- prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.count);
- start = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (tok.isPadded) {
- zeros = padZeros(max, tok, options);
- }
- obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.count);
- tokens.push(obj);
- start = max + 1;
- prev = obj;
- }
- return tokens;
-function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) {
- let result = [];
- for (let ele of arr) {
- let { string } = ele;
- // only push if _both_ are negative...
- if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
- result.push(prefix + string);
- }
- // or _both_ are positive
- if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
- result.push(prefix + string);
- }
- }
- return result;
- * Zip strings
- */
-function zip(a, b) {
- let arr = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) arr.push([a[i], b[i]]);
- return arr;
-function compare(a, b) {
- return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0;
-function contains(arr, key, val) {
- return arr.some(ele => ele[key] === val);
-function countNines(min, len) {
- return Number(String(min).slice(0, -len) + '9'.repeat(len));
-function countZeros(integer, zeros) {
- return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros));
-function toQuantifier(digits) {
- let [start = 0, stop = ''] = digits;
- if (stop || start > 1) {
- return `{${start + (stop ? ',' + stop : '')}}`;
- }
- return '';
-function toCharacterClass(a, b, options) {
- return `[${a}${(b - a === 1) ? '' : '-'}${b}]`;
-function hasPadding(str) {
- return /^-?(0+)\d/.test(str);
-function padZeros(value, tok, options) {
- if (!tok.isPadded) {
- return value;
- }
- let diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(value).length);
- let relax = options.relaxZeros !== false;
- switch (diff) {
- case 0:
- return '';
- case 1:
- return relax ? '0?' : '0';
- case 2:
- return relax ? '0{0,2}' : '00';
- default: {
- return relax ? `0{0,${diff}}` : `0{${diff}}`;
- }
- }
- * Cache
- */
-toRegexRange.cache = {};
-toRegexRange.clearCache = () => (toRegexRange.cache = {});
- * Expose `toRegexRange`
- */
-module.exports = toRegexRange;