path: root/node_modules/i/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/i/test')
5 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/i/test/inflector/cases.js b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/cases.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a818f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/cases.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+(function() {
+ module.exports = {
+ SingularToPlural: {
+ "search": "searches",
+ "switch": "switches",
+ "fix": "fixes",
+ "box": "boxes",
+ "process": "processes",
+ "address": "addresses",
+ "case": "cases",
+ "stack": "stacks",
+ "wish": "wishes",
+ "fish": "fish",
+ "jeans": "jeans",
+ "funky jeans": "funky jeans",
+ "my money": "my money",
+ "category": "categories",
+ "query": "queries",
+ "ability": "abilities",
+ "agency": "agencies",
+ "movie": "movies",
+ "archive": "archives",
+ "index": "indices",
+ "wife": "wives",
+ "safe": "saves",
+ "half": "halves",
+ "move": "moves",
+ "salesperson": "salespeople",
+ "person": "people",
+ "spokesman": "spokesmen",
+ "man": "men",
+ "woman": "women",
+ "basis": "bases",
+ "diagnosis": "diagnoses",
+ "diagnosis_a": "diagnosis_as",
+ "datum": "data",
+ "medium": "media",
+ "stadium": "stadia",
+ "analysis": "analyses",
+ "node_child": "node_children",
+ "child": "children",
+ "experience": "experiences",
+ "day": "days",
+ "comment": "comments",
+ "foobar": "foobars",
+ "newsletter": "newsletters",
+ "old_news": "old_news",
+ "news": "news",
+ "series": "series",
+ "species": "species",
+ "quiz": "quizzes",
+ "perspective": "perspectives",
+ "ox": "oxen",
+ "photo": "photos",
+ "buffalo": "buffaloes",
+ "tomato": "tomatoes",
+ "dwarf": "dwarves",
+ "elf": "elves",
+ "information": "information",
+ "equipment": "equipment",
+ "bus": "buses",
+ "status": "statuses",
+ "status_code": "status_codes",
+ "mouse": "mice",
+ "louse": "lice",
+ "house": "houses",
+ "octopus": "octopi",
+ "virus": "viri",
+ "alias": "aliases",
+ "portfolio": "portfolios",
+ "vertex": "vertices",
+ "matrix": "matrices",
+ "matrix_fu": "matrix_fus",
+ "axis": "axes",
+ "testis": "testes",
+ "crisis": "crises",
+ "rice": "rice",
+ "shoe": "shoes",
+ "horse": "horses",
+ "prize": "prizes",
+ "edge": "edges",
+ "cow": "kine",
+ "database": "databases",
+ "safe": "safes",
+ "belief": "beliefs",
+ "gaffe": "gaffes",
+ "cafe": "cafes",
+ "caffe": "caffes",
+ "life": "lives",
+ "wife": "wives",
+ "save": "saves",
+ "fife": "fifes",
+ "carafe": "carafes",
+ "giraffe": "giraffes",
+ "elf": "elves",
+ "calf": "calves",
+ "bookshelf": "bookshelves",
+ "wolf": "wolves",
+ "half": "halves",
+ "meatloaf": "meatloaves",
+ "loaf": "loaves",
+ "oaf": "oafs",
+ "jefe": "jefes",
+ "afterlife": "afterlives",
+ },
+ CamelToUnderscore: {
+ "Product": "product",
+ "SpecialGuest": "special_guest",
+ "ApplicationController": "application_controller",
+ "Area51Controller": "area51_controller"
+ },
+ UnderscoreToLowerCamel: {
+ "product": "product",
+ "Widget": "widget",
+ "special_guest": "specialGuest",
+ "application_controller": "applicationController",
+ "area51_controller": "area51Controller"
+ },
+ CamelToUnderscoreWithoutReverse: {
+ "HTMLTidy": "html_tidy",
+ "HTMLTidyGenerator": "html_tidy_generator",
+ "FreeBSD": "free_bsd",
+ "HTML": "html"
+ },
+ CamelWithModuleToUnderscoreWithSlash: {
+ "Admin.Product": "admin/product",
+ "Users.Commission.Department": "users/commission/department",
+ "UsersSection.CommissionDepartment": "users_section/commission_department"
+ },
+ ClassNameToForeignKeyWithUnderscore: {
+ "Person": "person_id",
+ "MyApplication.Billing.Account": "account_id"
+ },
+ ClassNameToForeignKeyWithoutUnderscore: {
+ "Person": "personid",
+ "MyApplication.Billing.Account": "accountid"
+ },
+ ClassNameToTableName: {
+ "PrimarySpokesman": "primary_spokesmen",
+ "NodeChild": "node_children"
+ },
+ UnderscoreToHuman: {
+ "employee_salary": "Employee salary",
+ "employee_id": "Employee",
+ "underground": "Underground"
+ },
+ MixtureToTitleCase: {
+ 'bullet_record': 'Bullet Record',
+ 'BulletRecord': 'Bullet Record',
+ 'bullet web service': 'Bullet Web Service',
+ 'Bullet Web Service': 'Bullet Web Service',
+ 'Bullet web service': 'Bullet Web Service',
+ 'bulletwebservice': 'Bulletwebservice',
+ 'Bulletwebservice': 'Bulletwebservice',
+ "pavan's code": "Pavan's Code",
+ "Pavan's code": "Pavan's Code",
+ "pavan's Code": "Pavan's Code"
+ },
+ OrdinalNumbers: {
+ "-1": "-1st",
+ "-2": "-2nd",
+ "-3": "-3rd",
+ "-4": "-4th",
+ "-5": "-5th",
+ "-6": "-6th",
+ "-7": "-7th",
+ "-8": "-8th",
+ "-9": "-9th",
+ "-10": "-10th",
+ "-11": "-11th",
+ "-12": "-12th",
+ "-13": "-13th",
+ "-14": "-14th",
+ "-20": "-20th",
+ "-21": "-21st",
+ "-22": "-22nd",
+ "-23": "-23rd",
+ "-24": "-24th",
+ "-100": "-100th",
+ "-101": "-101st",
+ "-102": "-102nd",
+ "-103": "-103rd",
+ "-104": "-104th",
+ "-110": "-110th",
+ "-111": "-111th",
+ "-112": "-112th",
+ "-113": "-113th",
+ "-1000": "-1000th",
+ "-1001": "-1001st",
+ "0": "0th",
+ "1": "1st",
+ "2": "2nd",
+ "3": "3rd",
+ "4": "4th",
+ "5": "5th",
+ "6": "6th",
+ "7": "7th",
+ "8": "8th",
+ "9": "9th",
+ "10": "10th",
+ "11": "11th",
+ "12": "12th",
+ "13": "13th",
+ "14": "14th",
+ "20": "20th",
+ "21": "21st",
+ "22": "22nd",
+ "23": "23rd",
+ "24": "24th",
+ "100": "100th",
+ "101": "101st",
+ "102": "102nd",
+ "103": "103rd",
+ "104": "104th",
+ "110": "110th",
+ "111": "111th",
+ "112": "112th",
+ "113": "113th",
+ "1000": "1000th",
+ "1001": "1001st"
+ },
+ UnderscoresToDashes: {
+ "street": "street",
+ "street_address": "street-address",
+ "person_street_address": "person-street-address"
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/node_modules/i/test/inflector/inflections-test.js b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/inflections-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be8d960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/inflections-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(function() {
+ var assert, vows;
+ vows = require('vows');
+ assert = require('assert');
+ vows.describe('Module Inflector inflections').addBatch({
+ 'Test inflector inflections': {
+ topic: require('../../lib/inflections'),
+ 'clear': {
+ 'single': function(topic) {
+ topic.uncountables = [1, 2, 3];
+ topic.humans = [1, 2, 3];
+ topic.clear('uncountables');
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ return assert.deepEqual(topic.humans, [1, 2, 3]);
+ },
+ 'all': function(topic) {
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.humans, [1, 2, 3]);
+ topic.uncountables = [1, 2, 3];
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ return assert.isEmpty(topic.humans);
+ }
+ },
+ 'uncountable': {
+ 'one item': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ topic.uncountable('money');
+ return assert.deepEqual(topic.uncountables, ['money']);
+ },
+ 'many items': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ topic.uncountable(['money', 'rice']);
+ return assert.deepEqual(topic.uncountables, ['money', 'rice']);
+ }
+ },
+ 'human': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.humans);
+ topic.human("legacy_col_person_name", "Name");
+ return assert.deepEqual(topic.humans, [["legacy_col_person_name", "Name"]]);
+ },
+ 'plural': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.plurals);
+ topic.plural('ox', 'oxen');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.plurals, [['ox', 'oxen']]);
+ topic.uncountable('money');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.uncountables, ['money']);
+ topic.uncountable('monies');
+ topic.plural('money', 'monies');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.plurals, [['money', 'monies'], ['ox', 'oxen']]);
+ return assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ },
+ 'singular': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.singulars);
+ topic.singular('ox', 'oxen');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.singulars, [['ox', 'oxen']]);
+ topic.uncountable('money');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.uncountables, ['money']);
+ topic.uncountable('monies');
+ topic.singular('money', 'monies');
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.singulars, [['money', 'monies'], ['ox', 'oxen']]);
+ return assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ },
+ 'irregular': function(topic) {
+ topic.clear();
+ topic.uncountable(['octopi', 'octopus']);
+ assert.deepEqual(topic.uncountables, ['octopi', 'octopus']);
+ topic.irregular('octopus', 'octopi');
+ assert.isEmpty(topic.uncountables);
+ assert.equal(topic.singulars[0][0].toString(), /(o)ctopi$/i.toString());
+ assert.equal(topic.singulars[0][1], '$1ctopus');
+ assert.equal(topic.plurals[0][0].toString(), /(o)ctopi$/i.toString());
+ assert.equal(topic.plurals[0][1], '$1ctopi');
+ assert.equal(topic.plurals[1][0].toString(), /(o)ctopus$/i.toString());
+ return assert.equal(topic.plurals[1][1].toString(), '$1ctopi');
+ }
+ }
+ })["export"](module);
diff --git a/node_modules/i/test/inflector/methods-test.js b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/methods-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd419b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/i/test/inflector/methods-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+(function() {
+ var assert, cases, vows, util;
+ vows = require('vows');
+ assert = require('assert');
+ util = require('../../lib/util');
+ cases = require('./cases');
+ vows.describe('Module Inflector methods').addBatch({
+ 'Test inflector method': {
+ topic: require('../../lib/methods'),
+ 'camelize': {
+ 'word': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.CamelToUnderscore;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.camelize(words[i]), i));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'word with first letter lower': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.UnderscoreToLowerCamel;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.camelize(i, false), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'path': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.CamelWithModuleToUnderscoreWithSlash;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.camelize(words[i]), i));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'path with first letter lower': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.camelize('bullet_record/errors', false), 'bulletRecord.Errors');
+ }
+ },
+ 'underscore': {
+ 'word': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _results;
+ words = cases.CamelToUnderscore;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.underscore(i), words[i]);
+ }
+ words = cases.CamelToUnderscoreWithoutReverse;
+ _ref2 = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = _ref2[_j];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.underscore(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'path': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.CamelWithModuleToUnderscoreWithSlash;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.underscore(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'from dasherize': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.UnderscoresToDashes;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.underscore(topic.dasherize(i)), i));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ },
+ 'dasherize': {
+ 'underscored_word': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.UnderscoresToDashes;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.dasherize(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ },
+ 'demodulize': {
+ 'module name': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.demodulize('BulletRecord.CoreExtensions.Inflections'), 'Inflections');
+ },
+ 'isolated module name': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.demodulize('Inflections'), 'Inflections');
+ }
+ },
+ 'foreign_key': {
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.ClassNameToForeignKeyWithoutUnderscore;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.foreign_key(i, false), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'with_underscore': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.ClassNameToForeignKeyWithUnderscore;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.foreign_key(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ },
+ 'ordinalize': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.OrdinalNumbers;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.ordinalize(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ }
+ }).addBatch({
+ 'Test inflector inflection methods': {
+ topic: function() {
+ var Inflector;
+ Inflector = require('../../lib/methods');
+ Inflector.inflections["default"]();
+ return Inflector;
+ },
+ 'pluralize': {
+ 'empty': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.pluralize(''), '');
+ },
+ 'uncountable': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.pluralize('money'), 'money');
+ },
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ topic.inflections.irregular('octopus', 'octopi');
+ return assert.equal(topic.pluralize('octopus'), 'octopi');
+ },
+ 'cases': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _results;
+ words = cases.SingularToPlural;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(i), words[i]);
+ }
+ _ref2 = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = _ref2[_j];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.pluralize(util.string.capitalize(i)), util.string.capitalize(words[i])));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'cases plural': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _results;
+ words = cases.SingularToPlural;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(words[i]), words[i]);
+ }
+ _ref2 = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = _ref2[_j];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.pluralize(util.string.capitalize(words[i])), util.string.capitalize(words[i])));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ },
+ 'singuralize': {
+ 'empty': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.singularize(''), '');
+ },
+ 'uncountable': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.singularize('money'), 'money');
+ },
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ topic.inflections.irregular('octopus', 'octopi');
+ return assert.equal(topic.singularize('octopi'), 'octopus');
+ },
+ 'cases': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _results;
+ words = cases.SingularToPlural;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.singularize(words[i]), i);
+ }
+ _ref2 = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = _ref2[_j];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.singularize(util.string.capitalize(words[i])), util.string.capitalize(i)));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ },
+ 'uncountablility': {
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len2, _len3, _results;
+ words = topic.inflections.uncountables;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = words.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = words[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.singularize(i), i);
+ }
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = words.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = words[_j];
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(i), i);
+ }
+ _results = [];
+ for (_k = 0, _len3 = words.length; _k < _len3; _k++) {
+ i = words[_k];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.singularize(i), topic.pluralize(i)));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'greedy': function(topic) {
+ var countable_word, uncountable_word;
+ uncountable_word = "ors";
+ countable_word = "sponsor";
+ topic.inflections.uncountable(uncountable_word);
+ assert.equal(topic.singularize(uncountable_word), uncountable_word);
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(uncountable_word), uncountable_word);
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(uncountable_word), topic.singularize(uncountable_word));
+ assert.equal(topic.singularize(countable_word), 'sponsor');
+ assert.equal(topic.pluralize(countable_word), 'sponsors');
+ return assert.equal(topic.singularize(topic.pluralize(countable_word)), 'sponsor');
+ }
+ },
+ 'humanize': {
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.UnderscoreToHuman;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.humanize(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'with rule': function(topic) {
+ topic.inflections.human(/^(.*)_cnt$/i, '$1_count');
+ topic.inflections.human(/^prefix_(.*)$/i, '$1');
+ assert.equal(topic.humanize('jargon_cnt'), 'Jargon count');
+ return assert.equal(topic.humanize('prefix_request'), 'Request');
+ },
+ 'with string': function(topic) {
+ topic.inflections.human('col_rpted_bugs', 'Reported bugs');
+ assert.equal(topic.humanize('col_rpted_bugs'), 'Reported bugs');
+ return assert.equal(topic.humanize('COL_rpted_bugs'), 'Col rpted bugs');
+ },
+ 'with _id': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.humanize('author_id'), 'Author');
+ },
+ 'with just _id': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.humanize('_id'), '');
+ }
+ },
+ 'titleize': {
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.MixtureToTitleCase;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.titleize(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'with hyphens': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.titleize('x-men: the last stand'), 'X Men: The Last Stand');
+ },
+ 'with ampersands': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(topic.titleize('garfunkel & oates'), 'Garfunkel & Oates');
+ }
+ },
+ 'tableize': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ words = cases.ClassNameToTableName;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.tableize(i), words[i]));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'classify': {
+ 'underscore': function(topic) {
+ var i, words, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _results;
+ words = cases.ClassNameToTableName;
+ _ref = Object.keys(words);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ i = _ref[_i];
+ assert.equal(topic.classify(words[i]), i);
+ }
+ _ref2 = Object.keys(words);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ i = _ref2[_j];
+ _results.push(assert.equal(topic.classify('table_prefix.' + words[i]), i));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ },
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ topic.inflections.irregular('octopus', 'octopi');
+ return assert.equal(topic.classify('octopi'), 'Octopus');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })["export"](module);
diff --git a/node_modules/i/test/utils/array-test.js b/node_modules/i/test/utils/array-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ba2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/i/test/utils/array-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(function() {
+ var assert, vows, util;
+ vows = require('vows');
+ assert = require('assert');
+ util = require('../../lib/util');
+ vows.describe('Module core extension Array').addBatch({
+ 'Testing del': {
+ topic: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
+ 'element exists': {
+ 'first element': function(topic) {
+ return assert.deepEqual(util.array.del(topic, 'a'), ['b', 'c']);
+ },
+ 'middle element': function(topic) {
+ return assert.deepEqual(util.array.del(topic, 'b'), ['a', 'c']);
+ },
+ 'last element': function(topic) {
+ return assert.deepEqual(util.array.del(topic, 'c'), ['a', 'b']);
+ }
+ },
+ 'element does not exist': function(topic) {
+ return assert.deepEqual(util.array.del(topic, 'd'), ['a', 'b', 'c']);
+ }
+ },
+ 'Testing utils': {
+ topic: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
+ 'first': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.array.first(topic), 'a');
+ },
+ 'last': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.array.last(topic), 'c');
+ }
+ }
+ })["export"](module);
diff --git a/node_modules/i/test/utils/string-test.js b/node_modules/i/test/utils/string-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e932233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/i/test/utils/string-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(function() {
+ var assert, vows, util;
+ vows = require('vows');
+ assert = require('assert');
+ util = require('../../lib/util');
+ vows.describe('Module core extension String').addBatch({
+ 'Testing value': {
+ topic: 'bullet',
+ 'join the keys': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.value(topic), 'bullet');
+ }
+ },
+ 'Testing gsub': {
+ topic: 'bullet',
+ 'when no args': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.gsub(topic), 'bullet');
+ },
+ 'when only 1 arg': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.gsub(topic, /./), 'bullet');
+ },
+ 'when given proper args': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.gsub(topic, /[aeiou]/, '*'), 'b*ll*t');
+ },
+ 'when replacement is a function': {
+ 'with many groups': function(topic) {
+ var str;
+ str = util.string.gsub(topic, /([aeiou])(.)/, function($) {
+ return "<" + $[1] + ">" + $[2];
+ });
+ return assert.equal(str, 'b<u>ll<e>t');
+ },
+ 'with no groups': function(topic) {
+ var str;
+ str = util.string.gsub(topic, /[aeiou]/, function($) {
+ return "<" + $[1] + ">";
+ });
+ return assert.equal(str, 'b<u>ll<e>t');
+ }
+ },
+ 'when replacement is special': {
+ 'with many groups': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.gsub(topic, /([aeiou])(.)/, '<$1>$2'), 'b<u>ll<e>t');
+ },
+ 'with no groups': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.gsub(topic, /[aeiou]/, '<$1>'), 'b<u>ll<e>t');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'Testing capitalize': {
+ topic: 'employee salary',
+ 'normal': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.capitalize(topic), 'Employee Salary');
+ }
+ },
+ 'Testing upcase': {
+ topic: 'bullet',
+ 'only first letter should be upcase': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.upcase(topic), 'Bullet');
+ },
+ 'letter after underscore': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.upcase('bullet_record'), 'Bullet_Record');
+ },
+ 'letter after slash': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.upcase('bullet_record/errors'), 'Bullet_Record/Errors');
+ },
+ 'no letter after space': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.upcase('employee salary'), 'Employee salary');
+ }
+ },
+ 'Testing downcase': {
+ topic: 'BULLET',
+ 'only first letter should be downcase': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.downcase(topic), 'bULLET');
+ },
+ 'letter after underscore': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.downcase('BULLET_RECORD'), 'bULLET_rECORD');
+ },
+ 'letter after slash': function(topic) {
+ return assert.equal(util.string.downcase('BULLET_RECORD/ERRORS'), 'bULLET_rECORD/eRRORS');
+ }
+ }
+ })["export"](module);