path: root/index.php
diff options
authorMinteck <>2022-03-27 21:29:24 +0200
committerMinteck <>2022-03-27 21:29:24 +0200
commit226516aca48e97d3dc4e4df213bc2023e64b1afd (patch)
tree60fb4f24b75b120e7e5b0e149069b16367c48aa0 /index.php
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'index.php')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f961cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+<?php if (str_ends_with($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "")) { $_FAMILINE = true; } else { $_FAMILINE = false; } function l($en, $fr) { global $_FAMILINE; if ($_FAMILINE) { return $fr; } else { return $en; } } $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if ($_FAMILINE) { require_once "/mnt/familine/app/session.php"; } ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en" style="overflow:hidden;">
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <title><?= $_FAMILINE ? "Familine Musique" : "Argon" ?></title>
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?= l("/favicon.ico", "") ?>" type="image/x-icon">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/loader.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/fonts.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/general.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/dark.css">
+ <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" />
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
+ <script>
+ const AppName = "<?= $_FAMILINE ? "Familine Musique" : "Argon" ?>";
+ function l(en, fr) {
+ if (<?= $_FAMILINE ? "true" : "false" ?>) {
+ return fr;
+ } else {
+ return en;
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ <style>
+ #argon-loader {
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 9999;
+ inset: 0;
+ background-color: white;
+ }
+ #argon-loader-logo {
+ display: flex;
+ position: fixed;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ inset: 0;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script>
+ const loadScript = src => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const script = document.createElement('script')
+ script.type = 'text/javascript'
+ script.onload = resolve
+ script.onerror = reject
+ script.src = src
+ document.head.append(script)
+ })
+ }
+ const loadStyle = src => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const link = document.createElement('link')
+ link.rel = 'stylesheet'
+ link.onload = resolve
+ link.onerror = reject
+ link.href = src
+ document.head.append(link)
+ })
+ }
+ const sleep = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
+ _argonLoadedHooks = [];
+ window.onload = () => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Importing JavaScript files...", "Importation des fichiers JavaScript...");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ window.fetch("/api/get_app_js.php").then(async (a) => {
+ a.text().then(async (b) => {
+ files = JSON.parse(b);
+ for (file of files) {
+ await sleep(100);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Importing JavaScript files... ", "Importation des fichiers JavaScript... ") + file;
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ await loadScript(file + "?" + Math.random());
+ }
+ await sleep(100);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Running JavaScript startup hooks...", "Exécution des modules JavaScript de démarrage...");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ for (hook of _argonLoadedHooks) {
+ await sleep(100);
+ if ( !== "") {
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Running JavaScript startup hooks... ", "Exécution des modules JavaScript de démarrage... ") +;
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Running JavaScript startup hooks... <!>", "Exécution des modules JavaScript de démarrage... <!>");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ }
+ hook();
+ }
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Importing style definitions...", "Importation des définitions de style...");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ window.fetch("/api/get_app_css.php").then(async (a) => {
+ a.text().then(async (b) => {
+ files = JSON.parse(b);
+ for (file of files) {
+ await sleep(100);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Importing style definitions... ", "Importation des définitions de style... ") + file;
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ await loadStyle(file + "?" + Math.random());
+ }
+ await sleep(100);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Resolving songs...", "Résolution des morceaux...");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ window.fetch("/api/get_list.php").then(async (a) => {
+ a.text().then(async (b) => {
+ _argonSongsData = JSON.parse(b);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText = l("Loading interface...", "Chargement de l'interface...");
+ if (window.electronAPI && window.electronAPI.affectMessage) window.electronAPI.affectMessage(document.getElementById("argon-loader-message").innerText);
+ document.getElementById("argon-loader").style.display = "none";
+ if (window.electronAPI.finishStartup) window.electronAPI.finishStartup();
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }, 1000)
+ }
+ </script>
+ <?php if ($_FAMILINE): ?>
+ <iframe style="position:fixed;left:0;right:0;top:0;border: none;width: 100%;height:32px;" src=""></iframe>
+ <style>
+ #argon-loader, #argon-app, #navigation-outer, #frame {
+ top: 32px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <audio id="argon-player"></audio>
+ <div id="argon-loader">
+ <div id="argon-loader-logo">
+ <div style="text-align: center;">
+ <img src="<?= str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "+AutomateCloud/") && !$_FAMILINE ? ("/native.svg") : ($_FAMILINE ? "" : "/logo/256.png") ?>" style="width:128px;">
+ <br><br>
+ <div style="width:48px;height:48px;text-align: center;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;">
+ <svg class="circular-loader" viewBox="25 25 50 50">
+ <circle class="loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none"></circle>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="position: fixed;bottom: 10px;left: 10px;font-size:12px;">
+ <span id="argon-loader-message" style="font-family:-apple-system, 'Segoe UI', 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;"><?= l("Waiting for network...", "En attente de connexion réseau...") ?></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="argon-app">
+ <aside id="navigation-outer">
+ <div id="navigation">
+ <a onclick="ArgonNavigation.about();" id="navigation-about" title="<?= $_FAMILINE ? "Familine Musique" : "Argon" ?> v<?= file_get_contents($root . "/version"); ?>">
+ <img id="navigation-about-icon" src="<?= str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "+AutomateCloud/") && !$_FAMILINE ? ("/native.svg") : ($_FAMILINE ? "" : "/logo/256.png") ?>" alt="<?= $_FAMILINE ? "Familine Musique" : "Argon" ?>" id="navigation-logo">
+ </a>
+ <a onclick="ArgonNavigation.home();" title="<?= l("Home", "Accueil") ?>" class="navigation-item" id="navigation-home">
+ <img src="/icons/home-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Home", "Accueil") ?>" class="navigation-item-icon"
+ id="navigation-home-icon">
+ </a>
+ <a onclick="ArgonNavigation.library();" title="<?= l("Library", "Bibliothèque") ?>" class="navigation-item" id="navigation-library">
+ <img src="/icons/library-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Library", "Bibliothèque") ?>" class="navigation-item-icon"
+ id="navigation-library-icon">
+ </a>
+ <a onclick="ArgonNavigation.lyrics();" title="<?= l("Lyrics", "Paroles") ?>" class="navigation-item" id="navigation-lyrics">
+ <img src="/icons/lyrics-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Lyrics", "Paroles") ?>" class="navigation-item-icon"
+ id="navigation-lyrics-icon">
+ </a>
+ <a onclick="ArgonNavigation.settings();" title="<?= l("Settings", "Préférences") ?>" class="navigation-item" id="navigation-settings">
+ <img src="/icons/settings-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Settings", "Préférences") ?>" class="navigation-item-icon"
+ id="navigation-settings-icon">
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </aside>
+ <footer id="player">
+ <div id="player-inner">
+ <div id="player-buttons">
+ <div id="player-buttons-inner">
+ <a onclick="ArgonPlayer.previous();" class="player-button player-button-disabled" title="<?= l("Previous", "Précédent") ?>" id="player-button-previous">
+ <img src="/icons/previous.svg" alt="<?= l("Previous", "Précédent") ?>" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-previous-icon">
+ </a><a onclick=";" class="player-button" title="<?= l("Play", "Lecture") ?>" id="player-button-play">
+ <img src="/icons/play.svg" alt="<?= l("Play", "Lecture") ?>" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-play-icon">
+ </a><a onclick="ArgonPlayer._player.pause();" class="player-button" title="Pause" id="player-button-pause">
+ <img src="/icons/pause.svg" alt="Pause" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-pause-icon">
+ </a><a class="player-button" title="<?= l("Loading", "Chargement") ?>..." id="player-button-load">
+ <div class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-load-icon">
+ <svg class="circular-loader" viewBox="25 25 50 50">
+ <circle class="loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none"></circle>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </a><a onclick=";" class="player-button player-button-disabled" title="<?= l("Next", "Suivant") ?>" id="player-button-next">
+ <img src="/icons/next.svg" alt="<?= l("Next", "Suivant") ?>" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-next-icon">
+ </a><a onclick="ArgonPlayer.shuffle();" class="player-button" title="<?= l("Shuffle", "Lecture aléatoire") ?>" id="player-button-shuffle">
+ <img src="/icons/shuffle-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Shuffle", "Lecture aléatoire") ?>" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-shuffle-icon">
+ </a><a onclick="ArgonPlayer.repeat();" class="player-button" title="<?= l("Repeat", "Lecture en boucle") ?>" id="player-button-repeat">
+ <img src="/icons/repeat-off.svg" alt="<?= l("Repeat", "Lecture en boucle") ?>" class="player-button-icon" id="player-button-repeat-icon">
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="player-seekbar-area">
+ <span id="player-seekbar-elapsed">00:00</span>
+ <input type="range" min="0" max="0" value="0" id="player-seekbar">
+ <span id="player-seekbar-total">00:00</span>
+ </div>
+ <div id="player-info">
+ <img id="player-artwork" alt="" src="">
+ <div id="player-info-text">
+ <div id="player-info-text-title">Promises</div>
+ <div id="player-info-text-set">Scootaloo EP</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </footer>
+ <main id="frame">
+ <iframe id="frame-inner"></iframe>
+ </main>
+ </div>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file