(async () => { try { instant = JSON.parse( (await ( await ( await window.fetch("/ratelimited/instant.php?q=" + query) ).blob() ).text() )); if (instant.Abstract.trim() !== "") { document.getElementById("details").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("results").classList.add("with-details"); try {document.getElementsByClassName("dym-section")[0].outerHTML = ""; } catch (e) {} document.getElementById("details-inner").innerHTML = "from DuckDuckGo:
" + instant.Abstract + "
— " + instant.AbstractSource + "
"; } else { answer = (await ( await ( await window.fetch("/ratelimited/answer.php?q=" + query) ).blob() ).text() ) if (answer.trim() !== "Wolfram|Alpha did not understand your input" && answer.trim() !== "No short answer available" && answer.trim() !== "") { document.getElementById("details-inner").innerHTML = "from Wolfram|Alpha:" + answer + "
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