{ "global": { "website": "WolfEye" }, "home": { "tagline": "It's about search.", "bar": "Search the Web...", "submit": "WolfEye Search", "submit2": "Search", "yours": "WolfEye is the search engine [you] need", "arguments": { "bias": { "title": "Unbiased", "description": "Modern search engines get biased by search engine optimization, WolfEye doesn't listen and try to provide neutral results." }, "privacy": { "title": "Private", "description": "Your data is yours to keep. WolfEye collects as few data as possible, and yet provides you with accurate search results." }, "dependency": { "title": "Independent", "description": "WolfEye is completely made from scratch by volunteers on their free time. We have a common goal: an open Internet." } }, "info": { "title": "Get the info [you] deserve", "description": "WolfEye delivers accurate and simple results in just a matter of clicks. Whatever you want is already on WolfEye." }, "pawtips": { "title": "The entire Web at [your] pawtips", "description": "WolfEye's database is an ever-growing list of single websites and page networks. New pages get added to WolfEye every day." }, "team": { "title": "They make WolfEye work for [you]!", "jobs": [ "Manager", "Frontend Developer", "Backend Developer", "Logo Designer" ] }, "legal": { "title": "And here is [your] usual legal stuff", "privacy": "Privacy Policy", "tos": "Terms of Use", "code": "Source Code", "fe": "WolfEye Frontend", "notices": "Legal Notices", "api": "API Documentation" } }, "results": { "didyoumean": "Showing results for \"$1\", did you mean \"$2\"?", "debug": "About $1 results ($2 seconds)", "load": "Loading...", "none": { "title": "Nothing is there", "description": "We tried finding results corresponding to \"$1\" but couldn't find anything relevant to you. To search more accurately, try the following:", "tips": [ "check for spelling;", "use less words;", "use more generic words;", "search in English" ] }, "disclaimer": { "title": "Disclaimer", "description": "This information is provided by Wolfram|Alpha. Results and information from this site are not a certified or definitive source of information that can be relied on for legal, financial, medical, life-safety or any other critical purposes." }, "source": "from", "verify": "Verified Website", "local": { "title": "Hold tight! Let's go home...", "description": "You are already using WolfEye; but you seem lost. Use the search bar at the top of this page to search for something on the Web." } } }