* This is a client-side implementation of Jae's Ftech webring.
* It depends on DOM elements, attempt to use it in headless
* environments such as NodeJS will result in a failure.
// Custom write function since document.write will get removed in Chrome
document.write = (content) => {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + content;
// CSS to make the magic happen
// Code that will be run after we get the data
function _ftww_processData(raw) {
try {
sites = JSON.parse(raw)["members"];
// We find the index corresponding to this website
thisSite = null;
hparts = location.href.split("/");
href = a[0] + "/" + a[1] + "/" + a[2];
if (typeof href === "string") { // Checking if the required variable is defined
index = 0;
for (site of sites) {
if (site["name"] === href) {
thisSite = index;
if (thisSite !== null) { // We check if it has found the site in the list
next = null;
previous = null;
random = sites[Math.floor(Math.random() * sites.length)]["url"]; // This simply selects a random item from the $sites array
if (sites[thisSite - 1]) { // We check if there's a previous site in the list
previous = sites[thisSite - 1]["url"];
} else {
previous = sites[sites.length - 1]["url"]; // If this is the first site, roll out to the last one
if (sites[$thisSite + 1]) { // We check if there's a next site in the list
next = sites[thisSite + 1]["url"];
} else {
next = sites[0]["url"]; // If this is the last site, roll out to the first one
document.write("Ftech webringThis is"+sites[thisSite]["name"]+", owned by "+sites[thisSite]["owner"]+". This website is part of the Ftech webring.");
if (previous !== null) document.write("[Prev]\n");
if (previous === null) document.write("[You're on the first site]\n");
if (next !== null) document.write("[Next]\n");
if (next === null) document.write("[You're on the last site]\n");
if (random !== null) document.write("[Random]\n");
document.write(""+sites[thisSite]["owner"]+" is warning you that other websites on the webring have their own policies that may or may not be the same as the policies from "+sites[thisSite]["name"]+".");
} else {
// We display an error message
document.write("The content that was supposed to appear here cannot be loaded due to an internal error. Please contact the website administrator.");
console.error(new Error("Unable to detect site"));
} else {
// We display an error message
document.write("The content that was supposed to appear here cannot be loaded due to an internal error. Please contact the website administrator.");
console.error(new Error("No hostname"));
} catch (e) {
// We display an error message
document.write("The content that was supposed to appear here cannot be loaded due to an internal error. Please contact the website administrator.");
// We fetch the API
window.fetch("https://jae.fi/webring/members").then((a) => {
a.text().then((b) => {