Something went wrong (like, for real!)

An error occured and UnchainedTech cannot load right now. Even us can make mistakes sometimes, and because you are really nice you will report this bug.

For you, really tech-savvy people, here is that alien language thing you're probably looking for:

#99{$d["type"]}: ";

        $pparts = explode(": ", $d["message"]);

        $parts = explode(" in ", implode(": ", $pparts));

        $stp = explode("\nStack trace:", $parts[1]);
        echo("\n    at " . $stp[0]);

        $stlines = explode("\n", $stp[1]);

        foreach ($stlines as $stline) {
            $stpparts = explode(" ", $stline);
            $stline = implode(" ", $stpparts);

            if ($stline !== " thrown" && $stline !== "{main}") {
                $pp2 = explode("(", $stline);
                $pp2n = explode(")", $pp2[1]);

                echo("\n    at " . $pp2[0] . ":" . $pp2n[0]);
            } else if ($stline === "{main}") {
                echo("\n    at UnchainedTech.\$Core (UCT Core " . file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../version.txt") . ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . ")");

        echo "
"; die(); } } function customError($errno, $errstr, $errfile = "<unknown file>", $errline = "<unknown line>") { global $debug; ob_clean(); echo " Something went wrong on UnchainedTech 🌙

Something went wrong (like, for real!)

An error occured and UnchainedTech cannot load right now. Even us can make mistakes sometimes, and because you are really nice you will report this bug.

For you, really tech-savvy people, here is that alien language thing you're probably looking for:

#{$errno}: {$errstr}
    at {$errfile}:{$errline}
    at UnchainedTech.\$Core (UCT Core " . file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../version.txt") . ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . ")
"; die(); } set_error_handler("customError", E_ALL); register_shutdown_function("customShutdown");