/// import { Maybe } from '../types'; export declare const NULL = "\0"; export declare const NOOP: (...args: any[]) => void; /** * Returns either the source argument when it is a `Function`, or the default * `NOOP` function constant */ export declare function asFunction any>(source: T | any): T; /** * Determines whether the supplied argument is both a function, and is not * the `NOOP` function. */ export declare function isUserFunction(source: T | any): source is T; export declare function splitOn(input: string, char: string): [string, string]; export declare function first(input: T, offset?: number): Maybe; export declare function first(input: T, offset?: number): Maybe; export declare function last(input: T, offset?: number): Maybe; export declare function last(input: T, offset?: number): Maybe; export declare function last(input: T, offset?: number): Maybe; export declare function toLinesWithContent(input?: string, trimmed?: boolean, separator?: string): string[]; declare type LineWithContentCallback = (line: string) => T; export declare function forEachLineWithContent(input: string, callback: LineWithContentCallback): T[]; export declare function folderExists(path: string): boolean; /** * Adds `item` into the `target` `Array` or `Set` when it is not already present and returns the `item`. */ export declare function append(target: T[] | Set, item: T): typeof item; /** * Adds `item` into the `target` `Array` when it is not already present and returns the `target`. */ export declare function including(target: T[], item: T): typeof target; export declare function remove(target: Set | T[], item: T): T; export declare const objectToString: (input: any) => string; export declare function asArray(source: T | T[]): T[]; export declare function asStringArray(source: T | T[]): string[]; export declare function asNumber(source: string | null | undefined, onNaN?: number): number; export declare function prefixedArray(input: T[], prefix: T): T[]; export declare function bufferToString(input: Buffer | Buffer[]): string; /** * Get a new object from a source object with only the listed properties. */ export declare function pick(source: Record, properties: string[]): any; export declare function delay(duration?: number): Promise; export {};