process.on('uncaughtException', async (e) => { global.c = (await import('chalk')).default; if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/crashes")) { fs.mkdirSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/crashes") } let date = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/gm, "-"); fs.writeFileSync(require('os').homedir() + "/.twilight/crashes/" + date + ".txt", e.stack); console.log("error:") + " an internal error occurred, did you forget to run 'twi update'?"); console.log(" additionally, a crash report has been saved to:\n " + require('os').homedir() + (require('os').platform() === "win32" ? "\\" : "/") + ".twilight" + (require('os').platform() === "win32" ? "\\" : "/") + "crashes" + (require('os').platform() === "win32" ? "\\" : "/") + date + ".txt") process.exit(2); }) try { (async () => { global.yargs = require('yargs/yargs'); const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers'); global.git = require('simple-git'); global.ora = (await import('ora')).default; global.c = (await import('chalk')).default; global.fs = require('fs'); global.os = require('os'); global.axios = require('axios'); global.moment = require('moment'); global.prompts = require('prompts').prompts; if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight")) { fs.mkdirSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight") } if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/packages")) { fs.mkdirSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/packages") } if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/crashes")) { fs.mkdirSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/crashes") } if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries")) { fs.mkdirSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries") } if (!fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/installed.json")) { fs.writeFileSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/installed.json", "[]"); } else { fs.writeFileSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/installed.json", JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/installed.json").toString()).filter(i => i !== null))); } global.home = os.homedir() + "/.twilight"; global.die = (text, code) => { fs.rmSync(home + "/"); if (text) { console.log(text); if (code) { process.exit(code); } else { process.exit(); } } else { if (code) { process.exit(code); } else { process.exit(); } } } let pargv = process.argv; pargv[1] = "twi"; global.argv = yargs(pargv.slice(2)) .command("install ", "Install a package") .command("reinstall ", "Online reinstall an installed package") .command("remove ", "Delete a package") .command("update", "Fetches the repository") .command("upgrade [package]", "Update one or all package(s)") .command("purge [package]", "Offline reinstall an installed package") .command("info ", "Get info about a package") .command("list", "List all packages in the repository") .command("installed", "List all installed packages") .command("installable", "List all compatible packages") .help() .alias("help", "h") .alias("version", "V") .example("twi install neutron", "Install Neutron") .example("twi update", "Update all packages") .example("twi info ponyfind", "Show info about Ponyfind") .strictCommands() .demandCommand(1) .epilog("Twilight Package Manager v" + require('./package.json').version) .usage('Usage: twi [arguments...]') .argv; if (fs.existsSync(home + "/")) { let pid = fs.readFileSync(home + "/") - 1 + 1; try { process.kill(pid, 0); die("error:") + " another instance is running (" + pid + ")"); } catch (e) { console.log(c.yellow("warn:") + " process was stopped unexpectedly"); } } fs.writeFileSync(home + "/",; let command = argv._[0]; await require('./commands/' + command)(argv); fs.rmSync(home + "/"); })() } catch (e) { console.log("error: an internal error occurred, did you forget to run 'twi update'?"); process.exit(2); }