module.exports = async (argv, reinstalling) => { if (reinstalling === undefined) { reinstalling = false; } const installed = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/installed.json").toString()); if (! => { die("error: ") + "package '" + argv.package + "' is not installed"); } let spinner = ora("Reading package lists...").start(); let packages = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/repository/list.json").toString()); spinner.succeed("Reading packages lists... done"); let updated = false; let dir = argv.package.substring(0, 1).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/gm, "#"); if (!packages.includes(argv.package)) { console.log(c.yellow("warn: ") + "package '" + argv.package + "' not in repository anymore, unable to fetch for name"); name = argv.package; } else { name = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/repository/" + dir + "/" + argv.package + ".json").toString()).name; } if (argv.package === "twilight") { die("error: ") + "package 'twilight' is system package and cannot be uninstalled, use 'twilight-setup' instead"); } instInfo = installed.filter(i => === argv.package)[0]; console.log(" Uninstalling '" + name + "'...") console.log(" version: " + instInfo.version); console.log(" installed: " + moment(; console.log(" size: " + require('../hooks/size.js')(argv.package)); if (reinstalling) { try { if (!(await prompts.confirm({ message: "Reinstalling this package will delete all associated data. Are you sure you want to continue?", initial: false }))) { die(); } } catch (e) { die(); } } else { try { if (!(await prompts.confirm({ message: "Uninstalling this package will also delete all associated data. Are you sure you want to continue?", initial: false }))) { die(); } } catch (e) { die(); } } spinner = ora("Removing package...").start(); fs.rmSync(home + "/packages/" + argv.package, { recursive: true }); delete installed[ =>]; fs.writeFileSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/installed.json", JSON.stringify(installed)); let exec = argv.package; if (!packages.includes(argv.package)) { exec = argv.package; } else if (typeof JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/repository/" + dir + "/" + argv.package + ".json").toString()).execname === "string") { exec = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/repository/" + dir + "/" + argv.package + ".json").toString()).execname; } if (fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries/" + exec + ".bat")) fs.unlinkSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries/" + exec + ".bat"); if (fs.existsSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries/" + exec + ".sh")) fs.unlinkSync(os.homedir() + "/.twilight/binaries/" + exec + ".sh"); spinner.succeed("Removing package... done"); if (!packages.includes(argv.package)) { console.log(c.yellow("warn: ") + "package '" + argv.package + "' not in repository anymore, unable to fetch for post-remove hooks"); } else { ppr = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(home + "/repository/" + dir + "/" + argv.package + ".json").toString()).postremove; let postremove = []; if (os.platform() === "win32") postremove =; if (os.platform() === "linux") postremove = ppr.linux; if (os.platform() === "darwin") postremove = ppr.mac; if (postremove.length > 0) { spinner = ora("Running post-remove hooks...").start(); for (let hook of postremove) { require('child_process').execSync(hook, { stdio: "inherit" }) } spinner.succeed("Running post-remove hooks... done"); } } }