path: root/node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js
diff options
authorScoots Dash <contact@minteck.org>2022-04-23 14:12:30 +0000
committerScoots Dash <contact@minteck.org>2022-04-23 14:12:30 +0000
commita927497b43cbe1438f3d7478932f3f7d03ea347c (patch)
tree0a3c88978b4294fb30afad58daa86c46fbedc2f6 /node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js
parentba5fa694351774f2684c1aefdc215da5c6f39ba6 (diff)
parentf0db5bbbcd623812a391862d217519afafe197c6 (diff)
Merge branch 'deprecation' into 'trunk'HEADtrunk
Disable the Twilight Package Manager See merge request minteck/twilight!1
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 568 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js b/node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a2aeb0..0000000
--- a/node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-import { objFilter } from './utils/obj-filter.js';
-import { YError } from './yerror.js';
-import setBlocking from './utils/set-blocking.js';
-function isBoolean(fail) {
- return typeof fail === 'boolean';
-export function usage(yargs, shim) {
- const __ = shim.y18n.__;
- const self = {};
- const fails = [];
- self.failFn = function failFn(f) {
- fails.push(f);
- };
- let failMessage = null;
- let showHelpOnFail = true;
- self.showHelpOnFail = function showHelpOnFailFn(arg1 = true, arg2) {
- function parseFunctionArgs() {
- return typeof arg1 === 'string' ? [true, arg1] : [arg1, arg2];
- }
- const [enabled, message] = parseFunctionArgs();
- failMessage = message;
- showHelpOnFail = enabled;
- return self;
- };
- let failureOutput = false;
- self.fail = function fail(msg, err) {
- const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
- if (fails.length) {
- for (let i = fails.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- const fail = fails[i];
- if (isBoolean(fail)) {
- if (err)
- throw err;
- else if (msg)
- throw Error(msg);
- }
- else {
- fail(msg, err, self);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (yargs.getExitProcess())
- setBlocking(true);
- if (!failureOutput) {
- failureOutput = true;
- if (showHelpOnFail) {
- yargs.showHelp('error');
- logger.error();
- }
- if (msg || err)
- logger.error(msg || err);
- if (failMessage) {
- if (msg || err)
- logger.error('');
- logger.error(failMessage);
- }
- }
- err = err || new YError(msg);
- if (yargs.getExitProcess()) {
- return yargs.exit(1);
- }
- else if (yargs.getInternalMethods().hasParseCallback()) {
- return yargs.exit(1, err);
- }
- else {
- throw err;
- }
- }
- };
- let usages = [];
- let usageDisabled = false;
- self.usage = (msg, description) => {
- if (msg === null) {
- usageDisabled = true;
- usages = [];
- return self;
- }
- usageDisabled = false;
- usages.push([msg, description || '']);
- return self;
- };
- self.getUsage = () => {
- return usages;
- };
- self.getUsageDisabled = () => {
- return usageDisabled;
- };
- self.getPositionalGroupName = () => {
- return __('Positionals:');
- };
- let examples = [];
- self.example = (cmd, description) => {
- examples.push([cmd, description || '']);
- };
- let commands = [];
- self.command = function command(cmd, description, isDefault, aliases, deprecated = false) {
- if (isDefault) {
- commands = commands.map(cmdArray => {
- cmdArray[2] = false;
- return cmdArray;
- });
- }
- commands.push([cmd, description || '', isDefault, aliases, deprecated]);
- };
- self.getCommands = () => commands;
- let descriptions = {};
- self.describe = function describe(keyOrKeys, desc) {
- if (Array.isArray(keyOrKeys)) {
- keyOrKeys.forEach(k => {
- self.describe(k, desc);
- });
- }
- else if (typeof keyOrKeys === 'object') {
- Object.keys(keyOrKeys).forEach(k => {
- self.describe(k, keyOrKeys[k]);
- });
- }
- else {
- descriptions[keyOrKeys] = desc;
- }
- };
- self.getDescriptions = () => descriptions;
- let epilogs = [];
- self.epilog = msg => {
- epilogs.push(msg);
- };
- let wrapSet = false;
- let wrap;
- self.wrap = cols => {
- wrapSet = true;
- wrap = cols;
- };
- function getWrap() {
- if (!wrapSet) {
- wrap = windowWidth();
- wrapSet = true;
- }
- return wrap;
- }
- const deferY18nLookupPrefix = '__yargsString__:';
- self.deferY18nLookup = str => deferY18nLookupPrefix + str;
- self.help = function help() {
- if (cachedHelpMessage)
- return cachedHelpMessage;
- normalizeAliases();
- const base$0 = yargs.customScriptName
- ? yargs.$0
- : shim.path.basename(yargs.$0);
- const demandedOptions = yargs.getDemandedOptions();
- const demandedCommands = yargs.getDemandedCommands();
- const deprecatedOptions = yargs.getDeprecatedOptions();
- const groups = yargs.getGroups();
- const options = yargs.getOptions();
- let keys = [];
- keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(descriptions));
- keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(demandedOptions));
- keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(demandedCommands));
- keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(options.default));
- keys = keys.filter(filterHiddenOptions);
- keys = Object.keys(keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
- if (key !== '_')
- acc[key] = true;
- return acc;
- }, {}));
- const theWrap = getWrap();
- const ui = shim.cliui({
- width: theWrap,
- wrap: !!theWrap,
- });
- if (!usageDisabled) {
- if (usages.length) {
- usages.forEach(usage => {
- ui.div({ text: `${usage[0].replace(/\$0/g, base$0)}` });
- if (usage[1]) {
- ui.div({ text: `${usage[1]}`, padding: [1, 0, 0, 0] });
- }
- });
- ui.div();
- }
- else if (commands.length) {
- let u = null;
- if (demandedCommands._) {
- u = `${base$0} <${__('command')}>\n`;
- }
- else {
- u = `${base$0} [${__('command')}]\n`;
- }
- ui.div(`${u}`);
- }
- }
- if (commands.length > 1 || (commands.length === 1 && !commands[0][2])) {
- ui.div(__('Commands:'));
- const context = yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext();
- const parentCommands = context.commands.length
- ? `${context.commands.join(' ')} `
- : '';
- if (yargs.getInternalMethods().getParserConfiguration()['sort-commands'] ===
- true) {
- commands = commands.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]));
- }
- const prefix = base$0 ? `${base$0} ` : '';
- commands.forEach(command => {
- const commandString = `${prefix}${parentCommands}${command[0].replace(/^\$0 ?/, '')}`;
- ui.span({
- text: commandString,
- padding: [0, 2, 0, 2],
- width: maxWidth(commands, theWrap, `${base$0}${parentCommands}`) + 4,
- }, { text: command[1] });
- const hints = [];
- if (command[2])
- hints.push(`[${__('default')}]`);
- if (command[3] && command[3].length) {
- hints.push(`[${__('aliases:')} ${command[3].join(', ')}]`);
- }
- if (command[4]) {
- if (typeof command[4] === 'string') {
- hints.push(`[${__('deprecated: %s', command[4])}]`);
- }
- else {
- hints.push(`[${__('deprecated')}]`);
- }
- }
- if (hints.length) {
- ui.div({
- text: hints.join(' '),
- padding: [0, 0, 0, 2],
- align: 'right',
- });
- }
- else {
- ui.div();
- }
- });
- ui.div();
- }
- const aliasKeys = (Object.keys(options.alias) || []).concat(Object.keys(yargs.parsed.newAliases) || []);
- keys = keys.filter(key => !yargs.parsed.newAliases[key] &&
- aliasKeys.every(alias => (options.alias[alias] || []).indexOf(key) === -1));
- const defaultGroup = __('Options:');
- if (!groups[defaultGroup])
- groups[defaultGroup] = [];
- addUngroupedKeys(keys, options.alias, groups, defaultGroup);
- const isLongSwitch = (sw) => /^--/.test(getText(sw));
- const displayedGroups = Object.keys(groups)
- .filter(groupName => groups[groupName].length > 0)
- .map(groupName => {
- const normalizedKeys = groups[groupName]
- .filter(filterHiddenOptions)
- .map(key => {
- if (aliasKeys.includes(key))
- return key;
- for (let i = 0, aliasKey; (aliasKey = aliasKeys[i]) !== undefined; i++) {
- if ((options.alias[aliasKey] || []).includes(key))
- return aliasKey;
- }
- return key;
- });
- return { groupName, normalizedKeys };
- })
- .filter(({ normalizedKeys }) => normalizedKeys.length > 0)
- .map(({ groupName, normalizedKeys }) => {
- const switches = normalizedKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
- acc[key] = [key]
- .concat(options.alias[key] || [])
- .map(sw => {
- if (groupName === self.getPositionalGroupName())
- return sw;
- else {
- return ((/^[0-9]$/.test(sw)
- ? options.boolean.includes(key)
- ? '-'
- : '--'
- : sw.length > 1
- ? '--'
- : '-') + sw);
- }
- })
- .sort((sw1, sw2) => isLongSwitch(sw1) === isLongSwitch(sw2)
- ? 0
- : isLongSwitch(sw1)
- ? 1
- : -1)
- .join(', ');
- return acc;
- }, {});
- return { groupName, normalizedKeys, switches };
- });
- const shortSwitchesUsed = displayedGroups
- .filter(({ groupName }) => groupName !== self.getPositionalGroupName())
- .some(({ normalizedKeys, switches }) => !normalizedKeys.every(key => isLongSwitch(switches[key])));
- if (shortSwitchesUsed) {
- displayedGroups
- .filter(({ groupName }) => groupName !== self.getPositionalGroupName())
- .forEach(({ normalizedKeys, switches }) => {
- normalizedKeys.forEach(key => {
- if (isLongSwitch(switches[key])) {
- switches[key] = addIndentation(switches[key], '-x, '.length);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- displayedGroups.forEach(({ groupName, normalizedKeys, switches }) => {
- ui.div(groupName);
- normalizedKeys.forEach(key => {
- const kswitch = switches[key];
- let desc = descriptions[key] || '';
- let type = null;
- if (desc.includes(deferY18nLookupPrefix))
- desc = __(desc.substring(deferY18nLookupPrefix.length));
- if (options.boolean.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('boolean')}]`;
- if (options.count.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('count')}]`;
- if (options.string.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('string')}]`;
- if (options.normalize.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('string')}]`;
- if (options.array.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('array')}]`;
- if (options.number.includes(key))
- type = `[${__('number')}]`;
- const deprecatedExtra = (deprecated) => typeof deprecated === 'string'
- ? `[${__('deprecated: %s', deprecated)}]`
- : `[${__('deprecated')}]`;
- const extra = [
- key in deprecatedOptions
- ? deprecatedExtra(deprecatedOptions[key])
- : null,
- type,
- key in demandedOptions ? `[${__('required')}]` : null,
- options.choices && options.choices[key]
- ? `[${__('choices:')} ${self.stringifiedValues(options.choices[key])}]`
- : null,
- defaultString(options.default[key], options.defaultDescription[key]),
- ]
- .filter(Boolean)
- .join(' ');
- ui.span({
- text: getText(kswitch),
- padding: [0, 2, 0, 2 + getIndentation(kswitch)],
- width: maxWidth(switches, theWrap) + 4,
- }, desc);
- if (extra)
- ui.div({ text: extra, padding: [0, 0, 0, 2], align: 'right' });
- else
- ui.div();
- });
- ui.div();
- });
- if (examples.length) {
- ui.div(__('Examples:'));
- examples.forEach(example => {
- example[0] = example[0].replace(/\$0/g, base$0);
- });
- examples.forEach(example => {
- if (example[1] === '') {
- ui.div({
- text: example[0],
- padding: [0, 2, 0, 2],
- });
- }
- else {
- ui.div({
- text: example[0],
- padding: [0, 2, 0, 2],
- width: maxWidth(examples, theWrap) + 4,
- }, {
- text: example[1],
- });
- }
- });
- ui.div();
- }
- if (epilogs.length > 0) {
- const e = epilogs
- .map(epilog => epilog.replace(/\$0/g, base$0))
- .join('\n');
- ui.div(`${e}\n`);
- }
- return ui.toString().replace(/\s*$/, '');
- };
- function maxWidth(table, theWrap, modifier) {
- let width = 0;
- if (!Array.isArray(table)) {
- table = Object.values(table).map(v => [v]);
- }
- table.forEach(v => {
- width = Math.max(shim.stringWidth(modifier ? `${modifier} ${getText(v[0])}` : getText(v[0])) + getIndentation(v[0]), width);
- });
- if (theWrap)
- width = Math.min(width, parseInt((theWrap * 0.5).toString(), 10));
- return width;
- }
- function normalizeAliases() {
- const demandedOptions = yargs.getDemandedOptions();
- const options = yargs.getOptions();
- (Object.keys(options.alias) || []).forEach(key => {
- options.alias[key].forEach(alias => {
- if (descriptions[alias])
- self.describe(key, descriptions[alias]);
- if (alias in demandedOptions)
- yargs.demandOption(key, demandedOptions[alias]);
- if (options.boolean.includes(alias))
- yargs.boolean(key);
- if (options.count.includes(alias))
- yargs.count(key);
- if (options.string.includes(alias))
- yargs.string(key);
- if (options.normalize.includes(alias))
- yargs.normalize(key);
- if (options.array.includes(alias))
- yargs.array(key);
- if (options.number.includes(alias))
- yargs.number(key);
- });
- });
- }
- let cachedHelpMessage;
- self.cacheHelpMessage = function () {
- cachedHelpMessage = this.help();
- };
- self.clearCachedHelpMessage = function () {
- cachedHelpMessage = undefined;
- };
- self.hasCachedHelpMessage = function () {
- return !!cachedHelpMessage;
- };
- function addUngroupedKeys(keys, aliases, groups, defaultGroup) {
- let groupedKeys = [];
- let toCheck = null;
- Object.keys(groups).forEach(group => {
- groupedKeys = groupedKeys.concat(groups[group]);
- });
- keys.forEach(key => {
- toCheck = [key].concat(aliases[key]);
- if (!toCheck.some(k => groupedKeys.indexOf(k) !== -1)) {
- groups[defaultGroup].push(key);
- }
- });
- return groupedKeys;
- }
- function filterHiddenOptions(key) {
- return (yargs.getOptions().hiddenOptions.indexOf(key) < 0 ||
- yargs.parsed.argv[yargs.getOptions().showHiddenOpt]);
- }
- self.showHelp = (level) => {
- const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
- if (!level)
- level = 'error';
- const emit = typeof level === 'function' ? level : logger[level];
- emit(self.help());
- };
- self.functionDescription = fn => {
- const description = fn.name
- ? shim.Parser.decamelize(fn.name, '-')
- : __('generated-value');
- return ['(', description, ')'].join('');
- };
- self.stringifiedValues = function stringifiedValues(values, separator) {
- let string = '';
- const sep = separator || ', ';
- const array = [].concat(values);
- if (!values || !array.length)
- return string;
- array.forEach(value => {
- if (string.length)
- string += sep;
- string += JSON.stringify(value);
- });
- return string;
- };
- function defaultString(value, defaultDescription) {
- let string = `[${__('default:')} `;
- if (value === undefined && !defaultDescription)
- return null;
- if (defaultDescription) {
- string += defaultDescription;
- }
- else {
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'string':
- string += `"${value}"`;
- break;
- case 'object':
- string += JSON.stringify(value);
- break;
- default:
- string += value;
- }
- }
- return `${string}]`;
- }
- function windowWidth() {
- const maxWidth = 80;
- if (shim.process.stdColumns) {
- return Math.min(maxWidth, shim.process.stdColumns);
- }
- else {
- return maxWidth;
- }
- }
- let version = null;
- self.version = ver => {
- version = ver;
- };
- self.showVersion = level => {
- const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
- if (!level)
- level = 'error';
- const emit = typeof level === 'function' ? level : logger[level];
- emit(version);
- };
- self.reset = function reset(localLookup) {
- failMessage = null;
- failureOutput = false;
- usages = [];
- usageDisabled = false;
- epilogs = [];
- examples = [];
- commands = [];
- descriptions = objFilter(descriptions, k => !localLookup[k]);
- return self;
- };
- const frozens = [];
- self.freeze = function freeze() {
- frozens.push({
- failMessage,
- failureOutput,
- usages,
- usageDisabled,
- epilogs,
- examples,
- commands,
- descriptions,
- });
- };
- self.unfreeze = function unfreeze() {
- const frozen = frozens.pop();
- if (!frozen)
- return;
- ({
- failMessage,
- failureOutput,
- usages,
- usageDisabled,
- epilogs,
- examples,
- commands,
- descriptions,
- } = frozen);
- };
- return self;
-function isIndentedText(text) {
- return typeof text === 'object';
-function addIndentation(text, indent) {
- return isIndentedText(text)
- ? { text: text.text, indentation: text.indentation + indent }
- : { text, indentation: indent };
-function getIndentation(text) {
- return isIndentedText(text) ? text.indentation : 0;
-function getText(text) {
- return isIndentedText(text) ? text.text : text;