path: root/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
diff options
authorMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-07-05 13:40:01 +0200
committerMinteck <contact@minteck.org>2022-07-05 13:40:01 +0200
commitb74e9708f0adcc5c80095e432e8051b01b6255d9 (patch)
treee4d2fec7ac3718f97966b10f7dc12a2b4d36d115 /node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
Initial commitHEADmane
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js')
1 files changed, 1283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js b/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd4730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/systeminformation/lib/filesystem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+'use strict';
+// @ts-check
+// ==================================================================================
+// filesystem.js
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Description: System Information - library
+// for Node.js
+// Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022
+// Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// License: MIT
+// ==================================================================================
+// 8. File System
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const util = require('./util');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const exec = require('child_process').exec;
+const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
+const execPromiseSave = util.promisifySave(require('child_process').exec);
+let _platform = process.platform;
+const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android');
+const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin');
+const _windows = (_platform === 'win32');
+const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd');
+const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd');
+const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd');
+const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos');
+let _fs_speed = {};
+let _disk_io = {};
+// --------------------------
+// FS - mounted file systems
+function fsSize(callback) {
+ let macOsDisks = [];
+ function getmacOsFsType(fs) {
+ if (!fs.startsWith('/')) { return 'NFS'; }
+ const parts = fs.split('/');
+ const fsShort = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ const macOsDisksSingle = macOsDisks.filter(item => item.indexOf(fsShort) >= 0);
+ if (macOsDisksSingle.length === 1 && macOsDisksSingle[0].indexOf('APFS') >= 0) { return 'APFS'; }
+ return 'HFS';
+ }
+ function isLinuxTmpFs(fs) {
+ const linuxTmpFileSystems = ['rootfs', 'unionfs', 'squashfs', 'cramfs', 'initrd', 'initramfs', 'devtmpfs', 'tmpfs', 'udev', 'devfs', 'specfs', 'type'];
+ return (linuxTmpFileSystems.includes(fs.toLowerCase()));
+ }
+ function parseDf(lines) {
+ let data = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (line && ((line[0].startsWith('/')) || (line[6] && line[6] === '/') || (line[0].indexOf('/') > 0) || (line[0].indexOf(':') === 1) || !_darwin && !isLinuxTmpFs(line[1]))) {
+ const fs = line[0];
+ const fsType = ((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[1] : getmacOsFsType(line[0]));
+ const size = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[2] : line[1])) * 1024;
+ const used = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[3] : line[2])) * 1024;
+ const available = parseInt(((_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? line[4] : line[3])) * 1024;
+ const use = parseFloat((100.0 * (used / (used + available))).toFixed(2));
+ line.splice(0, (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) ? 6 : 5);
+ const mount = line.join(' ');
+ // const mount = line[line.length - 1];
+ if (!data.find(el => (el.fs === fs && el.type === fsType))) {
+ data.push({
+ fs,
+ type: fsType,
+ size,
+ used,
+ available,
+ use,
+ mount
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = [];
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_darwin) {
+ cmd = 'df -kP';
+ try {
+ macOsDisks = execSync('diskutil list').toString().split('\n').filter(line => {
+ return !line.startsWith('/') && line.indexOf(':') > 0;
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ macOsDisks = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if (_linux) { cmd = 'df -lkPTx squashfs'; } // cmd = 'df -lkPTx squashfs | grep -E "^/|^.\\:"';
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { cmd = 'df -lkPT'; }
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines && lines[0] && lines[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('filesystem')) { lines.shift(); }
+ data = parseDf(lines);
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ } else {
+ exec('df -kPT', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines && lines[0] && lines[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('filesystem')) { lines.shift(); }
+ data = parseDf(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ // util.wmic('logicaldisk get Caption,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Size').then((stdout) => {
+ util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk | select Caption,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Size | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const size = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'size', ':'));
+ const free = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'freespace', ':'));
+ const caption = util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':');
+ if (size) {
+ data.push({
+ fs: caption,
+ type: util.getValue(lines, 'filesystem', ':'),
+ size,
+ used: size - free,
+ available: free,
+ use: parseFloat(((100.0 * (size - free)) / size).toFixed(2)),
+ mount: caption
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsSize = fsSize;
+// --------------------------
+// FS - open files count
+function fsOpenFiles(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const result = {
+ max: null,
+ allocated: null,
+ available: null
+ };
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _darwin) {
+ let cmd = 'sysctl -i kern.maxfiles kern.num_files kern.open_files';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ result.max = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.maxfiles', ':'), 10);
+ result.allocated = parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.num_files', ':'), 10) || parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'kern.open_files', ':'), 10);
+ result.available = result.max - result.allocated;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_linux) {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/sys/fs/file-nr', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines[0]) {
+ const parts = lines[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ if (parts.length === 3) {
+ result.allocated = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
+ result.available = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
+ result.max = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
+ if (!result.available) { result.available = result.max - result.allocated; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ fs.readFile('/proc/sys/fs/file-max', function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ if (lines[0]) {
+ result.max = parseInt(lines[0], 10);
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsOpenFiles = fsOpenFiles;
+// --------------------------
+// disks
+function parseBytes(s) {
+ return parseInt(s.substr(s.indexOf(' (') + 2, s.indexOf(' Bytes)') - 10));
+function parseDevices(lines) {
+ let devices = [];
+ let i = 0;
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line.length > 0) {
+ if (line[0] === '*') {
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ let parts = line.split(':');
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ if (!devices[i]) {
+ devices[i] = {
+ name: '',
+ identifier: '',
+ type: 'disk',
+ fsType: '',
+ mount: '',
+ size: 0,
+ physical: 'HDD',
+ uuid: '',
+ label: '',
+ model: '',
+ serial: '',
+ removable: false,
+ protocol: ''
+ };
+ }
+ parts[0] = parts[0].trim().toUpperCase().replace(/ +/g, '');
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ if ('DEVICEIDENTIFIER' === parts[0]) { devices[i].identifier = parts[1]; }
+ if ('DEVICENODE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].name = parts[1]; }
+ if ('VOLUMENAME' === parts[0]) {
+ if (parts[1].indexOf('Not applicable') === -1) { devices[i].label = parts[1]; }
+ }
+ if ('PROTOCOL' === parts[0]) { devices[i].protocol = parts[1]; }
+ if ('DISKSIZE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].size = parseBytes(parts[1]); }
+ if ('FILESYSTEMPERSONALITY' === parts[0]) { devices[i].fsType = parts[1]; }
+ if ('MOUNTPOINT' === parts[0]) { devices[i].mount = parts[1]; }
+ if ('VOLUMEUUID' === parts[0]) { devices[i].uuid = parts[1]; }
+ if ('READ-ONLYMEDIA' === parts[0] && parts[1] === 'Yes') { devices[i].physical = 'CD/DVD'; }
+ if ('SOLIDSTATE' === parts[0] && parts[1] === 'Yes') { devices[i].physical = 'SSD'; }
+ if ('VIRTUAL' === parts[0]) { devices[i].type = 'virtual'; }
+ if ('REMOVABLEMEDIA' === parts[0]) { devices[i].removable = (parts[1] === 'Removable'); }
+ if ('PARTITIONTYPE' === parts[0]) { devices[i].type = 'part'; }
+ if ('DEVICE/MEDIANAME' === parts[0]) { devices[i].model = parts[1]; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return devices;
+function parseBlk(lines) {
+ let data = [];
+ lines.filter(line => line !== '').forEach((line) => {
+ try {
+ line = decodeURIComponent(line.replace(/\\x/g, '%'));
+ line = line.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
+ let disk = JSON.parse(line);
+ data.push({
+ 'name': disk.name,
+ 'type': disk.type,
+ 'fsType': disk.fsType,
+ 'mount': disk.mountpoint,
+ 'size': parseInt(disk.size),
+ 'physical': (disk.type === 'disk' ? (disk.rota === '0' ? 'SSD' : 'HDD') : (disk.type === 'rom' ? 'CD/DVD' : '')),
+ 'uuid': disk.uuid,
+ 'label': disk.label,
+ 'model': disk.model,
+ 'serial': disk.serial,
+ 'removable': disk.rm === '1',
+ 'protocol': disk.tran,
+ 'group': disk.group,
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ });
+ data = util.unique(data);
+ data = util.sortByKey(data, ['type', 'name']);
+ return data;
+function blkStdoutToObject(stdout) {
+ return stdout.toString()
+ .replace(/NAME=/g, '{"name":')
+ .replace(/FSTYPE=/g, ',"fsType":')
+ .replace(/TYPE=/g, ',"type":')
+ .replace(/SIZE=/g, ',"size":')
+ .replace(/MOUNTPOINT=/g, ',"mountpoint":')
+ .replace(/UUID=/g, ',"uuid":')
+ .replace(/ROTA=/g, ',"rota":')
+ .replace(/RO=/g, ',"ro":')
+ .replace(/RM=/g, ',"rm":')
+ .replace(/TRAN=/g, ',"tran":')
+ .replace(/SERIAL=/g, ',"serial":')
+ .replace(/LABEL=/g, ',"label":')
+ .replace(/MODEL=/g, ',"model":')
+ .replace(/OWNER=/g, ',"owner":')
+ .replace(/GROUP=/g, ',"group":')
+ .replace(/\n/g, '}\n');
+function blockDevices(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ let data = [];
+ if (_linux) {
+ // see https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/lsblk/
+ exec('lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,TRAN,SERIAL,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER 2>/dev/null', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(stdout).split('\n');
+ data = parseBlk(lines);
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ } else {
+ exec('lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER 2>/dev/null', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(stdout).split('\n');
+ data = parseBlk(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('diskutil info -all', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ // parse lines into temp array of devices
+ data = parseDevices(lines);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ let drivetypes = ['Unknown', 'NoRoot', 'Removable', 'Local', 'Network', 'CD/DVD', 'RAM'];
+ try {
+ // util.wmic('logicaldisk get Caption,Description,DeviceID,DriveType,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Name,Size,VolumeName,VolumeSerialNumber /value').then((stdout, error) => {
+ // util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk | select Caption,DriveType,Name,FileSystem,Size,VolumeSerialNumber,VolumeName | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | select Caption,DriveType,Name,FileSystem,Size,VolumeSerialNumber,VolumeName | fl').then((stdout, error) => {
+ if (!error) {
+ let devices = stdout.toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ let drivetype = util.getValue(lines, 'drivetype', ':');
+ if (drivetype) {
+ data.push({
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'name', ':'),
+ identifier: util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':'),
+ type: 'disk',
+ fsType: util.getValue(lines, 'filesystem', ':').toLowerCase(),
+ mount: util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':'),
+ size: util.getValue(lines, 'size', ':'),
+ physical: (drivetype >= 0 && drivetype <= 6) ? drivetypes[drivetype] : drivetypes[0],
+ uuid: util.getValue(lines, 'volumeserialnumber', ':'),
+ label: util.getValue(lines, 'volumename', ':'),
+ model: '',
+ serial: util.getValue(lines, 'volumeserialnumber', ':'),
+ removable: drivetype === '2',
+ protocol: ''
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ }
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(data); }
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ // will follow
+ if (callback) { callback(null); }
+ resolve(null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.blockDevices = blockDevices;
+// --------------------------
+// FS - speed
+function calcFsSpeed(rx, wx) {
+ let result = {
+ rx: 0,
+ wx: 0,
+ tx: 0,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ wx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ if (_fs_speed && _fs_speed.ms) {
+ result.rx = rx;
+ result.wx = wx;
+ result.tx = result.rx + result.wx;
+ result.ms = Date.now() - _fs_speed.ms;
+ result.rx_sec = (result.rx - _fs_speed.bytes_read) / (result.ms / 1000);
+ result.wx_sec = (result.wx - _fs_speed.bytes_write) / (result.ms / 1000);
+ result.tx_sec = result.rx_sec + result.wx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.rx_sec = result.rx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.wx_sec = result.wx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.tx_sec = result.tx_sec;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_read = result.rx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_write = result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_overall = result.rx + result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.ms = Date.now();
+ _fs_speed.last_ms = result.ms;
+ } else {
+ result.rx = rx;
+ result.wx = wx;
+ result.tx = result.rx + result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.rx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.wx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.tx_sec = null;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_read = result.rx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_write = result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.bytes_overall = result.rx + result.wx;
+ _fs_speed.ms = Date.now();
+ _fs_speed.last_ms = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+function fsStats(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (_windows || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd || _sunos) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let result = {
+ rx: 0,
+ wx: 0,
+ tx: 0,
+ rx_sec: null,
+ wx_sec: null,
+ tx_sec: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ let rx = 0;
+ let wx = 0;
+ if ((_fs_speed && !_fs_speed.ms) || (_fs_speed && _fs_speed.ms && Date.now() - _fs_speed.ms >= 500)) {
+ if (_linux) {
+ // exec("df -k | grep /dev/", function(error, stdout) {
+ exec('lsblk -r 2>/dev/null | grep /', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let fs_filter = [];
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.trim().split(' ');
+ if (fs_filter.indexOf(line[0]) === -1) { fs_filter.push(line[0]); }
+ }
+ });
+ let output = fs_filter.join('|');
+ exec('cat /proc/diskstats | egrep "' + output + '"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').split(' ');
+ rx += parseInt(line[5]) * 512;
+ wx += parseInt(line[9]) * 512;
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcFsSpeed(rx, wx);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOBlockStorageDriver -k Statistics -r -w0 | sed -n "/IOBlockStorageDriver/,/Statistics/p" | grep "Statistics" | tr -cd "01234567890,\n"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.split(',');
+ rx += parseInt(line[2]);
+ wx += parseInt(line[9]);
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcFsSpeed(rx, wx);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.ms = _fs_speed.last_ms;
+ result.rx = _fs_speed.bytes_read;
+ result.wx = _fs_speed.bytes_write;
+ result.tx = _fs_speed.bytes_read + _fs_speed.bytes_write;
+ result.rx_sec = _fs_speed.rx_sec;
+ result.wx_sec = _fs_speed.wx_sec;
+ result.tx_sec = _fs_speed.tx_sec;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.fsStats = fsStats;
+function calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime) {
+ let result = {
+ rIO: 0,
+ wIO: 0,
+ tIO: 0,
+ rIO_sec: null,
+ wIO_sec: null,
+ tIO_sec: null,
+ rWaitTime: 0,
+ wWaitTime: 0,
+ tWaitTime: 0,
+ rWaitPercent: null,
+ wWaitPercent: null,
+ tWaitPercent: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ if (_disk_io && _disk_io.ms) {
+ result.rIO = rIO;
+ result.wIO = wIO;
+ result.tIO = rIO + wIO;
+ result.ms = Date.now() - _disk_io.ms;
+ result.rIO_sec = (result.rIO - _disk_io.rIO) / (result.ms / 1000);
+ result.wIO_sec = (result.wIO - _disk_io.wIO) / (result.ms / 1000);
+ result.tIO_sec = result.rIO_sec + result.wIO_sec;
+ result.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ result.rWaitPercent = (result.rWaitTime - _disk_io.rWaitTime) * 100 / (result.ms);
+ result.wWaitPercent = (result.wWaitTime - _disk_io.wWaitTime) * 100 / (result.ms);
+ result.tWaitPercent = (result.tWaitTime - _disk_io.tWaitTime) * 100 / (result.ms);
+ _disk_io.rIO = rIO;
+ _disk_io.wIO = wIO;
+ _disk_io.rIO_sec = result.rIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.wIO_sec = result.wIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.tIO_sec = result.tIO_sec;
+ _disk_io.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rWaitPercent = result.rWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.wWaitPercent = result.wWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.tWaitPercent = result.tWaitPercent;
+ _disk_io.last_ms = result.ms;
+ _disk_io.ms = Date.now();
+ } else {
+ result.rIO = rIO;
+ result.wIO = wIO;
+ result.tIO = rIO + wIO;
+ result.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rIO = rIO;
+ _disk_io.wIO = wIO;
+ _disk_io.rIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.wIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.tIO_sec = null;
+ _disk_io.rWaitTime = rWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.wWaitTime = wWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.tWaitTime = tWaitTime;
+ _disk_io.rWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.wWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.tWaitPercent = null;
+ _disk_io.last_ms = 0;
+ _disk_io.ms = Date.now();
+ }
+ return result;
+function disksIO(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ if (_windows) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ return resolve(null);
+ }
+ let result = {
+ rIO: 0,
+ wIO: 0,
+ tIO: 0,
+ rIO_sec: null,
+ wIO_sec: null,
+ tIO_sec: null,
+ rWaitTime: 0,
+ wWaitTime: 0,
+ tWaitTime: 0,
+ rWaitPercent: null,
+ wWaitPercent: null,
+ tWaitPercent: null,
+ ms: 0
+ };
+ let rIO = 0;
+ let wIO = 0;
+ let rWaitTime = 0;
+ let wWaitTime = 0;
+ let tWaitTime = 0;
+ if ((_disk_io && !_disk_io.ms) || (_disk_io && _disk_io.ms && Date.now() - _disk_io.ms >= 500)) {
+ if (_linux || _freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ // prints Block layer statistics for all mounted volumes
+ // var cmd = "for mount in `lsblk | grep / | sed -r 's/│ └─//' | cut -d ' ' -f 1`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r 's/ +/;/g' | sed -r 's/^;//'; done";
+ // var cmd = "for mount in `lsblk | grep / | sed 's/[│└─├]//g' | awk '{$1=$1};1' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r 's/ +/;/g' | sed -r 's/^;//'; done";
+ let cmd = 'for mount in `lsblk 2>/dev/null | grep " disk " | sed "s/[│└─├]//g" | awk \'{$1=$1};1\' | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort -u`; do cat /sys/block/$mount/stat | sed -r "s/ +/;/g" | sed -r "s/^;//"; done';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ // ignore empty lines
+ if (!line) { return; }
+ // sum r/wIO of all disks to compute all disks IO
+ let stats = line.split(';');
+ rIO += parseInt(stats[0]);
+ wIO += parseInt(stats[4]);
+ rWaitTime += parseInt(stats[3]);
+ wWaitTime += parseInt(stats[7]);
+ tWaitTime += parseInt(stats[10]);
+ });
+ result = calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime);
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('ioreg -c IOBlockStorageDriver -k Statistics -r -w0 | sed -n "/IOBlockStorageDriver/,/Statistics/p" | grep "Statistics" | tr -cd "01234567890,\n"', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(function (line) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (line !== '') {
+ line = line.split(',');
+ rIO += parseInt(line[10]);
+ wIO += parseInt(line[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ result = calcDiskIO(rIO, wIO, rWaitTime, wWaitTime, tWaitTime);
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.rIO = _disk_io.rIO;
+ result.wIO = _disk_io.wIO;
+ result.tIO = _disk_io.rIO + _disk_io.wIO;
+ result.ms = _disk_io.last_ms;
+ result.rIO_sec = _disk_io.rIO_sec;
+ result.wIO_sec = _disk_io.wIO_sec;
+ result.tIO_sec = _disk_io.tIO_sec;
+ result.rWaitTime = _disk_io.rWaitTime;
+ result.wWaitTime = _disk_io.wWaitTime;
+ result.tWaitTime = _disk_io.tWaitTime;
+ result.rWaitPercent = _disk_io.rWaitPercent;
+ result.wWaitPercent = _disk_io.wWaitPercent;
+ result.tWaitPercent = _disk_io.tWaitPercent;
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.disksIO = disksIO;
+function diskLayout(callback) {
+ function getVendorFromModel(model) {
+ const diskManufacturers = [
+ { pattern: 'WESTERN.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: '^WDC.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: 'WD.*', manufacturer: 'Western Digital' },
+ { pattern: 'TOSHIBA.*', manufacturer: 'Toshiba' },
+ { pattern: 'HITACHI.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: '^IC.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: '^HTS.*', manufacturer: 'Hitachi' },
+ { pattern: 'SANDISK.*', manufacturer: 'SanDisk' },
+ { pattern: 'KINGSTON.*', manufacturer: 'Kingston Technology' },
+ { pattern: '^SONY.*', manufacturer: 'Sony' },
+ { pattern: 'TRANSCEND.*', manufacturer: 'Transcend' },
+ { pattern: 'SAMSUNG.*', manufacturer: 'Samsung' },
+ { pattern: '^ST(?!I\\ ).*', manufacturer: 'Seagate' },
+ { pattern: '^STI\\ .*', manufacturer: 'SimpleTech' },
+ { pattern: '^D...-.*', manufacturer: 'IBM' },
+ { pattern: '^IBM.*', manufacturer: 'IBM' },
+ { pattern: '^FUJITSU.*', manufacturer: 'Fujitsu' },
+ { pattern: '^MP.*', manufacturer: 'Fujitsu' },
+ { pattern: '^MK.*', manufacturer: 'Toshiba' },
+ { pattern: 'MAXTO.*', manufacturer: 'Maxtor' },
+ { pattern: 'PIONEER.*', manufacturer: 'Pioneer' },
+ { pattern: 'PHILIPS.*', manufacturer: 'Philips' },
+ { pattern: 'QUANTUM.*', manufacturer: 'Quantum Technology' },
+ { pattern: 'FIREBALL.*', manufacturer: 'Quantum Technology' },
+ { pattern: '^VBOX.*', manufacturer: 'VirtualBox' },
+ { pattern: 'CORSAIR.*', manufacturer: 'Corsair Components' },
+ { pattern: 'CRUCIAL.*', manufacturer: 'Crucial' },
+ { pattern: 'ECM.*', manufacturer: 'ECM' },
+ { pattern: 'INTEL.*', manufacturer: 'INTEL' },
+ { pattern: 'EVO.*', manufacturer: 'Samsung' },
+ { pattern: 'APPLE.*', manufacturer: 'Apple' },
+ ];
+ let result = '';
+ if (model) {
+ model = model.toUpperCase();
+ diskManufacturers.forEach((manufacturer) => {
+ const re = RegExp(manufacturer.pattern);
+ if (re.test(model)) { result = manufacturer.manufacturer; }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ process.nextTick(() => {
+ const commitResult = res => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
+ delete res[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(res);
+ }
+ resolve(res);
+ };
+ let result = [];
+ let cmd = '';
+ if (_linux) {
+ let cmdFullSmart = '';
+ exec('export LC_ALL=C; lsblk -ablJO 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ try {
+ const out = stdout.toString().trim();
+ let devices = [];
+ try {
+ const outJSON = JSON.parse(out);
+ if (outJSON && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(outJSON, 'blockdevices')) {
+ devices = outJSON.blockdevices.filter(item => { return (item.type === 'disk') && item.size > 0 && (item.model !== null || (item.mountpoint === null && item.label === null && item.fstype === null && item.parttype === null && item.path && item.path.indexOf('/ram') !== 0 && item.path.indexOf('/loop') !== 0 && item['disc-max'] && item['disc-max'] !== 0)); });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // fallback to older version of lsblk
+ const out2 = execSync('export LC_ALL=C; lsblk -bPo NAME,TYPE,SIZE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,ROTA,RO,RM,LABEL,MODEL,OWNER,GROUP 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL').toString();
+ let lines = blkStdoutToObject(out2).split('\n');
+ const data = parseBlk(lines);
+ devices = data.filter(item => { return (item.type === 'disk') && item.size > 0 && ((item.model !== null && item.model !== '') || (item.mount === '' && item.label === '' && item.fsType === '')); });
+ }
+ devices.forEach((device) => {
+ let mediumType = '';
+ const BSDName = '/dev/' + device.name;
+ const logical = device.name;
+ try {
+ mediumType = execSync('cat /sys/block/' + logical + '/queue/rotational 2>/dev/null').toString().split('\n')[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ let interfaceType = device.tran ? device.tran.toUpperCase().trim() : '';
+ if (interfaceType === 'NVME') {
+ mediumType = '2';
+ interfaceType = 'PCIe';
+ }
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: (mediumType === '0' ? 'SSD' : (mediumType === '1' ? 'HD' : (mediumType === '2' ? 'NVMe' : (device.model && device.model.indexOf('SSD') > -1 ? 'SSD' : (device.model && device.model.indexOf('NVM') > -1 ? 'NVMe' : 'HD'))))),
+ name: device.model || '',
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(device.model) || (device.vendor ? device.vendor.trim() : ''),
+ size: device.size || 0,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: device.rev ? device.rev.trim() : '',
+ serialNum: device.serial ? device.serial.trim() : '',
+ interfaceType: interfaceType,
+ smartStatus: 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd += `printf "\n${BSDName}|"; smartctl -H ${BSDName} | grep overall;`;
+ cmdFullSmart += `${cmdFullSmart ? 'printf ",";' : ''}smartctl -a -j ${BSDName};`;
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ // check S.M.A.R.T. status
+ if (cmdFullSmart) {
+ exec(cmdFullSmart, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ try {
+ const data = JSON.parse(`[${stdout}]`);
+ data.forEach(disk => {
+ const diskBSDName = disk.smartctl.argv[disk.smartctl.argv.length - 1];
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === diskBSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (disk.smart_status.passed ? 'Ok' : (disk.smart_status.passed === false ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ if (disk.temperature && disk.temperature.current) {
+ result[i].temperature = disk.temperature.current;
+ }
+ result[i].smartData = disk;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ commitResult(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (cmd) {
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n"';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line) {
+ let parts = line.split('|');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ let BSDName = parts[0];
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ let parts2 = parts[1].split(':');
+ if (parts2.length === 2) {
+ parts2[1] = parts2[1].trim();
+ let status = parts2[1].toLowerCase();
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === BSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (status === 'passed' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'failed!' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ commitResult(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ commitResult(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ commitResult(result);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_sunos) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ if (_darwin) {
+ exec('system_profiler SPSerialATADataType SPNVMeDataType SPUSBDataType', { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // split by type:
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ let linesSATA = [];
+ let linesNVMe = [];
+ let linesUSB = [];
+ let dataType = 'SATA';
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line === 'NVMExpress:') { dataType = 'NVMe'; }
+ else if (line === 'USB:') { dataType = 'USB'; }
+ else if (line === 'SATA/SATA Express:') { dataType = 'SATA'; }
+ else if (dataType === 'SATA') { linesSATA.push(line); }
+ else if (dataType === 'NVMe') { linesNVMe.push(line); }
+ else if (dataType === 'USB') { linesUSB.push(line); }
+ });
+ try {
+ // Serial ATA Drives
+ let devices = linesSATA.join('\n').split(' Physical Interconnect: ');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ device = 'InterfaceType: ' + device;
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const mediumType = util.getValue(lines, 'Medium Type', ':', true).trim();
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, 'capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: mediumType.startsWith('Solid') ? 'SSD' : 'HD',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim(),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()) || util.getValue(lines, 'Manufacturer', ':', true),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: util.getValue(lines, 'InterfaceType', ':', true).trim(),
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ // NVME Drives
+ try {
+ let devices = linesNVMe.join('\n').split('\n\n Capacity:');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ device = '!Capacity: ' + device;
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const linkWidth = util.getValue(lines, 'link width', ':', true).trim();
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, '!capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: 'NVMe',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim(),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: ('PCIe ' + linkWidth).trim(),
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ // USB Drives
+ try {
+ let devices = linesUSB.join('\n').replaceAll('Media:\n ', 'Model:').split('\n\n Product ID:');
+ devices.shift();
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\n');
+ const sizeStr = util.getValue(lines, 'Capacity', ':', true).trim();
+ const BSDName = util.getValue(lines, 'BSD Name', ':', true).trim();
+ if (sizeStr) {
+ let sizeValue = 0;
+ if (sizeStr.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\s/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (!sizeValue) {
+ sizeValue = parseInt(sizeStr);
+ }
+ if (sizeValue) {
+ const smartStatusString = util.getValue(lines, 'S.M.A.R.T. status', ':', true).trim().toLowerCase();
+ result.push({
+ device: BSDName,
+ type: 'USB',
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim().replaceAll(':', ''),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: sizeValue,
+ bytesPerSector: null,
+ totalCylinders: null,
+ totalHeads: null,
+ totalSectors: null,
+ totalTracks: null,
+ tracksPerCylinder: null,
+ sectorsPerTrack: null,
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'Revision', ':', true).trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'Serial Number', ':', true).trim(),
+ interfaceType: 'USB',
+ smartStatus: smartStatusString === 'verified' ? 'OK' : smartStatusString || 'unknown',
+ temperature: null,
+ BSDName: BSDName
+ });
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n' + BSDName + '|"; diskutil info /dev/' + BSDName + ' | grep SMART;';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ if (cmd) {
+ cmd = cmd + 'printf "\n"';
+ exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 }, function (error, stdout) {
+ let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ if (line) {
+ let parts = line.split('|');
+ if (parts.length === 2) {
+ let BSDName = parts[0];
+ parts[1] = parts[1].trim();
+ let parts2 = parts[1].split(':');
+ if (parts2.length === 2) {
+ parts2[1] = parts2[1].trim();
+ let status = parts2[1].toLowerCase();
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ if (result[i].BSDName === BSDName) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (status === 'not supported' ? 'not supported' : (status === 'verified' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'failing' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown')));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ delete result[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ delete result[i].BSDName;
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (_windows) {
+ try {
+ const workload = [];
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive | select Caption,Size,Status,PNPDeviceId,BytesPerSector,TotalCylinders,TotalHeads,TotalSectors,TotalTracks,TracksPerCylinder,SectorsPerTrack,FirmwareRevision,SerialNumber,InterfaceType | fl'));
+ workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-PhysicalDisk | select BusType,MediaType,FriendlyName,Model,SerialNumber,Size | fl'));
+ if (util.smartMonToolsInstalled()) {
+ try {
+ const smartDev = JSON.parse(execSync('smartctl --scan -j'));
+ if (smartDev && smartDev.devices && smartDev.devices.length > 0) {
+ smartDev.devices.forEach((dev) => {
+ workload.push(execPromiseSave(`smartctl -j -a ${dev.name}`, util.execOptsWin));
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ }
+ util.promiseAll(
+ workload
+ ).then(data => {
+ let devices = data.results[0].toString().split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const size = util.getValue(lines, 'Size', ':').trim();
+ const status = util.getValue(lines, 'Status', ':').trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (size) {
+ result.push({
+ device: util.getValue(lines, 'PNPDeviceId', ':'),
+ type: device.indexOf('SSD') > -1 ? 'SSD' : 'HD', // just a starting point ... better: MSFT_PhysicalDisk - Media Type ... see below
+ name: util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':'),
+ vendor: getVendorFromModel(util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':', true).trim()),
+ size: parseInt(size),
+ bytesPerSector: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'BytesPerSector', ':')),
+ totalCylinders: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalCylinders', ':')),
+ totalHeads: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalHeads', ':')),
+ totalSectors: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalSectors', ':')),
+ totalTracks: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TotalTracks', ':')),
+ tracksPerCylinder: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'TracksPerCylinder', ':')),
+ sectorsPerTrack: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'SectorsPerTrack', ':')),
+ firmwareRevision: util.getValue(lines, 'FirmwareRevision', ':').trim(),
+ serialNum: util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim(),
+ interfaceType: util.getValue(lines, 'InterfaceType', ':').trim(),
+ smartStatus: (status === 'ok' ? 'Ok' : (status === 'degraded' ? 'Degraded' : (status === 'pred fail' ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'Unknown'))),
+ temperature: null,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ devices = data.results[1].split(/\n\s*\n/);
+ devices.forEach(function (device) {
+ let lines = device.split('\r\n');
+ const serialNum = util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim();
+ const name = util.getValue(lines, 'FriendlyName', ':').trim().replace('Msft ', 'Microsoft');
+ const size = util.getValue(lines, 'Size', ':').trim();
+ const model = util.getValue(lines, 'Model', ':').trim();
+ const interfaceType = util.getValue(lines, 'BusType', ':').trim();
+ let mediaType = util.getValue(lines, 'MediaType', ':').trim();
+ if (mediaType === '3' || mediaType === 'HDD') { mediaType = 'HD'; }
+ if (mediaType === '4') { mediaType = 'SSD'; }
+ if (mediaType === '5') { mediaType = 'SCM'; }
+ if (mediaType === 'Unspecified' && (model.toLowerCase().indexOf('virtual') > -1 || model.toLowerCase().indexOf('vbox') > -1)) { mediaType = 'Virtual'; }
+ if (size) {
+ let i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'serialNum', serialNum);
+ if (i === -1 || serialNum === '') {
+ i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'name', name);
+ }
+ if (i != -1) {
+ result[i].type = mediaType;
+ result[i].interfaceType = interfaceType;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // S.M.A.R.T
+ data.results.shift();
+ data.results.shift();
+ if (data.results.length) {
+ data.results.forEach((smartStr) => {
+ try {
+ const smartData = JSON.parse(smartStr);
+ if (smartData.serial_number) {
+ const serialNum = smartData.serial_number;
+ let i = util.findObjectByKey(result, 'serialNum', serialNum);
+ if (i != -1) {
+ result[i].smartStatus = (smartData.smart_status && smartData.smart_status.passed ? 'Ok' : (smartData.smart_status && smartData.smart_status.passed === false ? 'Predicted Failure' : 'unknown'));
+ if (smartData.temperature && smartData.temperature.current) {
+ result[i].temperature = smartData.temperature.current;
+ }
+ result[i].smartData = smartData;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ util.noop();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) {
+ callback(result);
+ }
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (callback) { callback(result); }
+ resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+exports.diskLayout = diskLayout;