/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2022- Minteck * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ const fs = require('fs'); const axios = require('axios'); const colorlib = require('../../modules/colorlib'); console.log("Parsing infobox data..."); global.ponies = {}; (async () => { for (let title in JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./data/boxes.json").toString())) { console.log("Parsing " + title + "..."); let box = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./data/boxes.json").toString())[title]; let data = { names: [title], extract: "", extract_fr: "", generation: -1, color: "000000", search: { mane: [], coat: [], eyes: [] }, image: "https://example.com", kind: "Pony", sex: "Unknown", occupation: ["Unknown"], residence: ["Unknown"], mark: "https://example.com" } if (typeof box._gen !== "undefined") data.generation = box._gen; if (typeof box.name2 !== "undefined") data.names.push(box.name2.replace(//g, "")); if (typeof box.name3 !== "undefined") data.names.push(box.name3.replace(//g, "")); if (typeof box.name4 !== "undefined") data.names.push(box.name4.replace(//g, "")); if (typeof box.name5 !== "undefined") data.names.push(box.name5.replace(//g, "")); if (typeof box.nicknames !== "undefined") { box.nicknames.replace(//g, "").split(",").filter(e => !e.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/gm)).forEach((e, i) => { data.names.push(e.trim()); }); } if (typeof box.kind !== "undefined") { box.kind = box.kind.replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "\n"); if (box.kind.includes("\n")) { data.kind = box.kind.replace(/[\[\]]/gm, "").replace(/<(.*)>/gm, "").replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)/gm, "$2").replace(/^(.*)\|(.*)$/gm, "$2"); } else { kp = box.kind.replace(//g, "").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/gm, "").split(" ")[0]; data.kind = kp.substring(kp.replace(/([A-Z])([a-z0-9]*)$/g, "").length); } } if (typeof box.sex !== "undefined") { box.sex = box.sex.replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "\n"); if (box.sex.includes("\n") || box.sex.includes("&")) { data.sex = box.sex.replace(//g, "").trim(); } else { data.sex = box.sex.replace(//g, "").trim().startsWith("F") ? "F" : "M"; } } if (typeof box._extract !== "undefined") { data.extract = box._extract; } if (typeof box.coat !== "undefined") data.color = box.coat.trim().replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").split("|").map((i) => { return i.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\[([a-z.\/ \nA-Z0-9:]*)\/(.{6})\/ (.*)\]/gm, "$2").replace(/{{perbang\|([0-9A-Fa-f].{5})(.*)/g, "$1").replace(/\[(.*)\/(.*)\/ (.*)\]/g, "$2"); })[0]; try { index = 0; cdata = box.coat.trim().replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").split("|").map((i) => { try { console.log("eyes", index); return colorlib("#" + i.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\[([a-z.\/ \nA-Z0-9:]*)\/(.{6})\/ (.*)\]/gm, "$2").replace(/{{perbang\|([0-9A-Fa-f].{5})(.*)/g, "$1").replace(/\[(.*)\/(.*)\/ (.*)\]/g, "$2")); } catch (e) {} index++; }).filter(i => typeof i === "number"); if (typeof box.coat !== "undefined") data.search.coat = [...new Set(cdata)]; } catch (e) {} try { index = 0; cdata = box.eyes.trim().replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").split("|").map((i) => { try { console.log("eyes", index); return colorlib("#" + i.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\[([a-z.\/ \nA-Z0-9:]*)\/(.{6})\/ (.*)\]/gm, "$2").replace(/{{perbang\|([0-9A-Fa-f].{5})(.*)/g, "$1").replace(/\[(.*)\/(.*)\/ (.*)\]/g, "$2")); } catch (e) {} index++; }).filter(i => typeof i === "number") if (typeof box.eyes !== "undefined") data.search.eyes = [...new Set(cdata)]; } catch (e) {} try { index = 0; cdata = box.mane.trim().replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").split("|").map((i) => { try { console.log("eyes", index); return colorlib("#" + i.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\[([a-z.\/ \nA-Z0-9:]*)\/(.{6})\/ (.*)\]/gm, "$2").replace(/{{perbang\|([0-9A-Fa-f].{5})(.*)/g, "$1").replace(/\[(.*)\/(.*)\/ (.*)\]/g, "$2")); } catch (e) {} index++; }).filter(i => typeof i === "number"); if (typeof box.mane !== "undefined") data.search.mane = [...new Set(cdata)]; } catch (e) {} try { if (typeof box.main !== "undefined") data.image = (await axios.head("https://mlp.fandom.com/Special:FilePath/" + encodeURI(box.main.replace(//g, "").trim()).replaceAll("?", "%3F").replaceAll("&", "%26"))).request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e) { try { if (typeof box.main !== "undefined") data.image = e.request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); throw e; } } try { if (typeof box.main1 !== "undefined") data.image = (await axios.head("https://mlp.fandom.com/Special:FilePath/" + encodeURI(box.main1.replace(//g, "").trim()).replaceAll("?", "%3F").replaceAll("&", "%26"))).request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e) { try { if (typeof box.main1 !== "undefined") data.image = e.request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); throw e; } } try { if (typeof box.image !== "undefined") data.image = (await axios.head("https://mlp.fandom.com/Special:FilePath/" + encodeURI(box.image.replace(//g, "").trim()).replaceAll("?", "%3F").replaceAll("&", "%26"))).request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e) { try { if (typeof box.image !== "undefined") data.image = e.request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); throw e; } } if (typeof box["cutie mark"] !== "undefined") { try { data.markimg = box["cutie mark"].replace(//g, "").trim().split("[[File:")[1].split("|")[0]; } catch (e) { data.markimg = box["cutie mark"].replace(//g, "").trim().split("[[File:")[0].split("|")[0]; } try { data.mark = (await axios.head("https://mlp.fandom.com/Special:FilePath/" + encodeURI(data.markimg).replaceAll("?", "%3F").replaceAll("&", "%26"))).request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e) { try { data.mark = e.request.res.responseUrl; } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); throw e; } } } if (typeof box.occupation !== "undefined") { occupations = []; box.occupation/*.replace(/\[\[(.*)_(.*)\]\]|\[\[(.*)\|(.*)\]\]|\[\[(.*)\]\]/gm, "$2$4$5")*/.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\|/gm, "_").replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").replace(/( \|| \| | \| )/gm, "|").split("|").forEach((e) => { occupations.push(e.trim().replace(/[\[\]]/gm, "").replace(/<(.*)>/gm, "").replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)/gm, "$2")); }) data.occupation = occupations; } if (typeof box.residence !== "undefined") { residences = []; box.residence/*.replace(/\[\[(.*)_(.*)\]\]|\[\[(.*)\|(.*)\]\]|\[\[(.*)\]\]/gm, "$2$4$5")*/.replace(//g, "").trim().replace(/\|/gm, "_").replace(/<( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)(b|B)(r|R)( ||(|| )\/)( ||(|| )\/)>/gm, "|").replace(/( \|| \| | \| )/gm, "|").split("|").forEach((e) => { residences.push(e.trim().replace(/[\[\]]/gm, "").replace(/<(.*)>/gm, "").replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \-_,.'"]*)/gm, "$2")); }) data.residence = residences.map((i) => { return i.replaceAll("Locations#", "") }); } if ((typeof box.name2 !== "undefined" || typeof box.name3 !== "undefined" || typeof box.name4 !== "undefined" || typeof box.name5 !== "undefined" || typeof box.coat !== "undefined" || typeof box.occupation !== "undefined" || typeof box.residence !== "undefined") && typeof box.sex !== "undefined") ponies[title] = data; fs.writeFileSync("./data/data.json", JSON.stringify(ponies, null, 4)); } })()