/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2022- Minteck * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ const {MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageEmbed} = require("discord.js"); const getEpisodePublic = require("./episodepublic"); const fs = require("fs"); module.exports = async (interaction, series, episode, sdata, isPublic) => { let sid = episode.split("-")[0]; let spt = sid.substring(1); let eid = episode.split("-")[1]; let edata = sdata.seasons.filter(i => i.id === sid)[0].episodes.filter(i => i.local - 1 + 1 === eid - 1 + 1)[0]; let fields = [ { name: l("Airing Date", "Date de diffusion", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: edata.date_pre, inline: true }, { name: l("Written by", "Écrit par", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: edata.writer, inline: true }, { name: l("Overall no.", "N° global", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: edata.global + "/" + sdata.seasons.map(i => { return i.count }).reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }), inline: true }, { name: l("Season no.", "N° dans la saison", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: edata.local + "/" + sdata.seasons.filter(i => i.id === sid)[0].count, inline: true }, ] if (edata.characters.length > 0) { fields.push({ name: l("Characters", "Personnages", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0), value: edata.characters.join("\n"), inline: true }); } let row; if (interaction.guild && !isPublic) { row = new MessageActionRow() .addComponents( getEpisodePublic(interaction, series, episode), new MessageButton() .setLabel(l("Read More", "Lire plus", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0)) .setStyle("LINK") .setURL("https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/" + encodeURI(edata.name)), new MessageButton() .setCustomId("result.report|" + edata.name) .setLabel(l("Report an issue", "Signaler un problème", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0)) .setStyle("DANGER") ) } else { row = new MessageActionRow() .addComponents( new MessageButton() .setLabel(l("Read More", "Lire plus", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0)) .setStyle("LINK") .setURL("https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/" + encodeURI(edata.name)), new MessageButton() .setCustomId("result.report|" + edata.name) .setLabel(l("Report an issue", "Signaler un problème", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0)) .setStyle("DANGER") ) } let reply = { embeds: [ new MessageEmbed() .setColor("DEFAULT") .setAuthor({ name: l("Season", "Saison", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0) + " " + spt + " " + l("Episode", "Épisode", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0) + " " + eid }) .setTitle(edata.name) .setDescription(edata.plot) .setImage(edata.cover) .addFields(fields) .setFooter({ text: l("Content provided without warranty, use at your own risk.", "Contenu fourni sans aucune garantie, utilisez à vos risques et périls", interaction.user.id, interaction.guild ? interaction.guild.id : 0) }) ], components: [ row ] }; if (!isPublic) { reply.ephemeral = interaction.guild !== null; } if (isPublic) { await interaction.channel.send(reply); } else { await interaction.reply(reply); } }