So, FiM is intended for children (especially girls), right? Then why do I like it? "It's weird!" you'd say, and while I understand your statement, I don't consider it to be weird in any way.
Furries, why are they interested in anthropomorphic characters? Can they even tell you why? Do they even know why?
Try to ask people to explain to you what's up with bronies/furries, and while it is possible to answer, it is not really possible to explain sufficiently.
Bronies would say things like "The characters are cool" and such (I do it myself), but while I agree with these statements, they can be applied to any show people like.
Apparently, furry art and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic can be cute but not to the point it's actually childish.
Please respect bronies/furries, they are normal people, like you and me. Bronies/furriesFurries did nothing wrong to deserve such hate. Enjoying a children's cartoon show is the most innocent thing one can do. They are devoted passionate who sometimes spend hours working on something they like.
Why do you want them to explain? They have nothing to explain. It is kind of insulting to ask someone "Why do you like FiM/anthropomorphic characters?", isn't it? It's fine to be curious, but don't imply there's something wrong with them.
I really really like FiM and the characters, but I don't consider myself to be a brony because I simply don't like the word (yet). If you want to consider me a brony, I won't argue. Ponies.
So what's up with that? It can't be really described. It's an indescribable factor, it's a feeling you can't describe. So please be nice to bronies and furries, because who knows, maybe you'll be one someday.