Hacking on forge ================ Want to hack on forge? Great! Here are a few notes: Code ---- * In general, follow a common [Node.js Style Guide][]. * Use version X.Y.Z-dev in dev mode. * Use version X.Y.Z for releases. Versioning ---------- * Follow the [Semantic Versioning][] guidelines. Release Process --------------- * commit changes * `$EDITOR package.json`: update to release version and remove `-dev` suffix. * `git commit package.json -m "Release {version}."` * `git tag {version}` * `$EDITOR package.json`: update to next version and add `-dev` suffix. * `git commit package.json -m "Start {next-version}."` * `git push` * `git push --tags` To ensure a clean upload, use a clean updated checkout, and run the following: * `git checkout {version}` * `npm publish` [Node.js Style Guide]: http://nodeguide.com/style.html [jshint]: http://www.jshint.com/install/ [Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org/