import { getLocation } from "./location.mjs";
 * Render a helpful description of the location in the GraphQL Source document.

export function printLocation(location) {
  return printSourceLocation(location.source, getLocation(location.source, location.start));
 * Render a helpful description of the location in the GraphQL Source document.

export function printSourceLocation(source, sourceLocation) {
  var firstLineColumnOffset = source.locationOffset.column - 1;
  var body = whitespace(firstLineColumnOffset) + source.body;
  var lineIndex = sourceLocation.line - 1;
  var lineOffset = source.locationOffset.line - 1;
  var lineNum = sourceLocation.line + lineOffset;
  var columnOffset = sourceLocation.line === 1 ? firstLineColumnOffset : 0;
  var columnNum = sourceLocation.column + columnOffset;
  var locationStr = "".concat(, ":").concat(lineNum, ":").concat(columnNum, "\n");
  var lines = body.split(/\r\n|[\n\r]/g);
  var locationLine = lines[lineIndex]; // Special case for minified documents

  if (locationLine.length > 120) {
    var subLineIndex = Math.floor(columnNum / 80);
    var subLineColumnNum = columnNum % 80;
    var subLines = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < locationLine.length; i += 80) {
      subLines.push(locationLine.slice(i, i + 80));

    return locationStr + printPrefixedLines([["".concat(lineNum), subLines[0]]].concat(subLines.slice(1, subLineIndex + 1).map(function (subLine) {
      return ['', subLine];
    }), [[' ', whitespace(subLineColumnNum - 1) + '^'], ['', subLines[subLineIndex + 1]]]));

  return locationStr + printPrefixedLines([// Lines specified like this: ["prefix", "string"],
  ["".concat(lineNum - 1), lines[lineIndex - 1]], ["".concat(lineNum), locationLine], ['', whitespace(columnNum - 1) + '^'], ["".concat(lineNum + 1), lines[lineIndex + 1]]]);

function printPrefixedLines(lines) {
  var existingLines = lines.filter(function (_ref) {
    var _ = _ref[0],
        line = _ref[1];
    return line !== undefined;
  var padLen = Math.max.apply(Math, (_ref2) {
    var prefix = _ref2[0];
    return prefix.length;
  return (_ref3) {
    var prefix = _ref3[0],
        line = _ref3[1];
    return leftPad(padLen, prefix) + (line ? ' | ' + line : ' |');

function whitespace(len) {
  return Array(len + 1).join(' ');

function leftPad(len, str) {
  return whitespace(len - str.length) + str;