

format("H|i")); $now = ((int)$parts[0] * 3600) + ((int)$parts[1] * 60); if ($start < $now && $now < $end) { echo('

🗄️  Currently at work

Started ' . timeAgo($now - $start, false, true, true) . '
Finishing ' . timeIn($end - $now, true) . '
'); } elseif ($now > $end) { echo('
🎉  Finally off work!
'); } elseif ($now < $start) { echo('

🗄️  There\'s work today

Starting ' . timeIn($start - $now, true) . '
Working for ' . timeAgo($end - $start, false, true, true, false) . '
'); } } else { echo('
🎉  No work today!
'); } ?>
  • Anchorage: --:--
  • Vancouver: --:--
Cloudburst System


parseFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/data/calendar.ics"); $college = array_values(array_filter((array)$calendar->getEvents()->sorted(), function ($i) { return strtotime(((array)$i["DTEND"])["date"]) > time() && date('Y-m-d', strtotime(((array)$i["DTEND"])["date"])) === date('Y-m-d') && trim(strtolower($i["SUMMARY"])) === "(cloudburst) college"; })); if (count($college) > 0) { $start = strtotime(((array)$college[0]["DTSTART"])["date"]); $end = strtotime(((array)$college[0]["DTEND"])["date"]); $now = time(); if ($start < $now && $now < $end) { echo('

🏫️  Currently in college

Started ' . timeAgo($now - $start, false, true, true) . '
Finishing ' . timeIn($end - $now, true) . '
'); } elseif ($now > $end) { echo('
🎉  Finally out of college!
'); } elseif ($now < $start) { echo('

🏫️  Getting ready for college

Starting ' . timeIn($start - $now, true) . '
In college for ' . timeAgo($end - $start, false, true, true, false) . '
'); } } else { echo('
🎉  No college today!
'); } ?>
Raindrops System


0) { $start = $today["firstClass"]["timestamp"] / 1000; $end = strtotime($today["end"]); $now = time(); if ($start < $now && $now < $end) { echo('

🎓️  Currently in school

Started ' . timeAgo($now - $start, false, true, true) . '
Finishing ' . timeIn($end - $now, true) . '
'); } elseif ($now > $end) { echo('
🎉  Finally out of school!
'); } elseif ($now < $start) { echo('

🎓️  Getting ready for school

Starting ' . timeIn($start - $now, true) . '
In school for ' . timeAgo($end - $start, false, true, true, false) . '
'); } } else { echo('
🎉  No school today!
'); } } ?>