Pony Town uploader for

Successfully uploaded a new Pony Town character for this member, it may take a few minutes to update across the website.

Current version

" style="width: 100%; border: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); border-radius: 10px;">
" style="width: 100%; border: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); border-radius: 10px;">
60): ?>

This Pony Town character needs to be updated.
Cold Haze now relies on pixel-perfect versions of one's Pony Town character to work properly, and the current character for this member is not compliant or non-existant.

Upload a new version

  1. Open Pony Town [main, event, eventblue, eventgreen, breezy], login if needed, and select the right pony
  2. Click on edit
  3. Focus on Export and click on Image export zoom
  4. In the menu, select 1x
  5. Click on Image export settings and uncheck everything, like this:
    [all settings unchecked]
  6. Click on PNG and download the file to your device
  7. Upload this file here (yes this is a button):
  8. Go back to Pony Town, click on Image export settings again
  9. Check "Head only", and nothing else, like this:
    [Head only checked]
  10. Click on PNG once again and download the file to your device
  11. Upload this file (the second one) here (yes this is also a button):
  12. We will check if you used the correct settings and save it if everything is good.