Notice: This website is temporarily under maintenance and the administrators have locked the database. Although you are logged in as , you cannot access any of the logged-in features while the website is under maintenance. Alerts dispatching remains possible in case of an emergency.

" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" style="overflow: hidden;" href="/">" style="height:32px;position:absolute;z-index:99;">

;z-index: 9;margin-left: 8px;opacity: .75;">

Cold Haze

ponies in 2 plural systems

Cold Haze
Just a small safe place for two plural systems
= 20 || (int)date('H') < 6)): ?>
Are you in need of help? If you need immediate help from a loved one, you may want to enable the emergency alert by clicking here, even if that will wake up the . Use it as you need.